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Highlights |
Fabio Furia "holder of the Bandoneon chair/conservatory Cagliari - Italyby Diatonic News |
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As of May 2024, Fabio Furia is officially employed on a permanent basis as the holder of the Bandoneon chair at the Cagliari Conservatory. The appointment comes after being the winner of the national competition ex Dm 180 of 2023. Fabio says: From now on, it will be easier to plan the future at the Conservatory and beyond the Conservatory. I have built a road, travelled it and arrived at my destination, and that destination turns into a new departure. A result like this with the Bandoneon cannot be achieved without a bit of luck, without people believing in your work and people believing in it. A huge thank you to everyone who supported me and made this achievement possible, but...so not worry, I/we will not stop here, this will only be the beginning. Diatonic-News congratulates Fabio on this new journey. |
Paolo's Jazz Club - Møn/DKby Diatonic News |
Paolo's Jazz Club - a new jazz club in Paolo Rossi's studio Created in June 2022, Paolo's Jazz Club is an intimate concert venue - created around and by the pianist, bandoneonist and composer, Paolo Russo together with his wife, the singer, artist and voice awareness teacher, Katrine Krog Russo on the West part of island Møn in the Southern part of Denmark. Just like Paolo's work as a musician, arranger and composer, the concerts in the jazz club range widely - from jazz to Danish folk, from Cuban/Latin to classical music, and will be presented as a dive into Paolo's artistic universe with guests from all musical genres and from all over the world. Paolo’s Jazz Club is a privately owned and self-financed live venue, a vision of a place where music takes first priority, creating intimate worldclass musical experiences. Video: Short clip from the ending of the opening concert. Paolo Russo Trio • live @ Paolo’s Jazz Club, Møn - Denmark. Thommy Andersson • contrabass @thommyanderssonmusic Marcello Di Leonardo • drums @marcellodileonardo Paolo Russo • piano, bandoneon @paolorussocom |
HARMONIKA-WM - ein prachtvolles Harmonika-Festival! - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
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Alle Bilder und Ergebnisse finden Sie auf www.harmonikaverband.at Online translation |
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Musik-Kreuzfahrt mit vielen Stars - Gran Canaria/Spanienby Diatonic News |
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im Moment gibt es nur noch Plätze auf Anfrage f. die Schiffsreise vom 15.-22. Juni 2024/Gran Canaria - also beeilen, beeilen wenn Sie noch mitkruisen wollen, vielleicht haben Sie Glück! Alle Details auf Poster - oder: info.waldensteiner@gmail.com oder info@marcpircher.at |
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
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Online translation |
SCUOLA DI MUSICA POPOLARE - Palermo/Italiaby Diatonic News |
![]() Secondo quanto affermato dall’UNESCO a Parigi nel 1989, rivolgendosi ai Governi dei Paesi membri, «la cultura tradizionale e popolare fa parte del patrimonio universale dell’umanità, [essa] è un potente mezzo di riavvicinamento dei diversi popoli e gruppi sociali e di affermazione della loro identità culturale» e ancora precisa dichiarando che «la cultura tradizionale e popolare è l’insieme delle creazioni che provengono da una comunità culturale, fondate sulla tradizione, espresse da un gruppo o da individui e riconosciute come rispondenti alle aspettative della comunità in quanto espressione dell’identità culturale e sociale di questa, le norme ed i valori trasmettendosi oralmente, per imitazione o in altri modi. Le sue forme comprendono, fra l’altro, la lingua, la letteratura, la musica, la danza, i giuochi, la mitologia, i riti, i costumi, l’artigianato, l’architettura ed altre arti» La musica è una tra le forme privilegiate all’interno del processo comunicativo umano. Essa racchiude in sé simboli, concetti e oggetti prodotti e può essere assunta come paradigma attraverso cui poter leggere una cultura. Cosa intendiamo per ‘popolare’? Da un lato, la possibilità di accedere ai servizi proposti a quanti non possono permettersi gli onerosi costi delle normali scuole di musica; dall’altro, il porre l’attenzione sugli strumenti e i ritmi della tradizione popolare siciliana e del Mediterraneo. Durante l'anno scolastico verranno approfondite sia le tecniche dello strumento scelto che il repertorio popolare che lo utilizza, il tutto accompagnato da lezioni di etnomusicologia e antropologia. I CORSI SETTIMANALI Organetto con Marcello Alajmo Arci Tavola Tonda si trova a Palermo presso il Padiglione 18A dei Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa - un'area di 55mila mq di capannoni di archeologia industriale cui si accede da Via P. Gili n. 4. https://www.tavolatonda.org/ |
Harmonika Online Lernen mit Marco Wahrstaetter - Austriaby Diatonic News |
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Marco Wahrstaetter lernt dir mit seinem einfachen System schnell und effizient Harmonika spielen! DAS ERWARTET DICH kein Abo-Vertrag - keine Bindung - ohne Noten - gratis Anfängerkurs alle Titel in G-C-F-Bb und F-Bb-Eb-Ab * Lernvideos mit geteiltem Bildschirm und einstellbarer Geschwindigkeit. faire Preise und *auf Wunsch auch gerne in anderen Stimmungen Also - schnell schnell anmelden. Wo: https://harmonika-lernen.online/ |
Donausinselfest Wien 2024 - Österreichby Diatonic News |
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Von 21. bis 22. Juni 2023 - Wien/Donauinselfest 41 Jahre Donauinselfest – mit unähligen Künstler*innen.Seit Anbeginn verzeichnet das größte Open-Air-Festival Europas ca 60 Millionen Besuche – damit könnte das Donauinselfest die weltweit 167 Großstadien sechs Mal befüllen! Das Donauinselfest bietet ein wahres Kulturfeuerwerk für alle Besucher*innen – mit hochkarätigem künstlerischem Programm, internationalen sowie nationalen Top-Acts und umfangreichen Angeboten untertags für Jung und Alt sowie unterschiedlichste Interessen, Bedürfnisse und Geschmäcker Für steirische Harmonikaliebhaber spielen z.B.: Flughafen Wien / Radio Niederösterreich Schlager & Austrohits-Bühne DIE LAUSER Sunday, 23.June, 17:00 - 18:50 Uhr MARC PIRCHER & BAND Sunday, 23.June, 19:00 - 20:30 Uhr JUZI (DIE JUNGEN ZILLERTALER) Sunday, 23.June, 20:45 - 22:15 Uhr Alles und mehr auf: https://donauinselfest.at/Programm/ |
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l Corso di Musiche Tradizionali/Conservatorio “Alfredo Casella” - Aquila/Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Attivazione del Corso di Musiche Tradizionali Il Conservatorio “Alfredo Casella” dell’Aquila si apre ad una grande novità su territorio nazionalecon l'attivazione del nuovo corso di Musiche Tradizionali. Questa novità arricchisce l’offerta formativa dell’istituto di alta formazione musicale aquilano che ha richiesto ed ottenuto dal Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca il decreto di attivazione della cattedra di Musiche Tradizionali ad indirizzo vocale/strumentale. Il corso istituzionale offre agli studenti iscritti la possibilità di studiare e perfezionarsi nei repertori delle culture folk tradizionali delle culture europee ed extraeuropee, un repertorio multiforme che abbraccia la musica regionale di tante aree delle musiche del mondo. I Conservatori con la riforma del 99 si sono aperti verso il mondo musicale moderno includendo nei suoi percorsi formativi le nuove forme “leggere” della musica contemporanea, dal Jazz, al Pop ed in ultimo alla musica Folk (DCPL65). “È un riconoscimento importante questo nuovo corso per il nostro Istituto – spiega il nostro Direttore Claudio Di Massimantonio – Esso rappresenta un importante veicolo per conoscere ed approfondire tante diverse culture delle musiche e del folklore di tante zone del mondo e anche e soprattutto le origini del nostro territorio. Un corso per tutti coloro i quali desiderano intraprendere un percorso formativo diverso che presuppone la passione per la cultura popolare e della propria terra. Per questo abbiamo lavorato molto affinché anche nel nostro Conservatorio fosse attivato questo importante percorso di studi che si avvale della collaborazione di importanti professionisti docenti nelle varie materie in cui è articolato il corso”. I docenti individuati attraverso bando pubblico sono (tutti esponenti di spicco del settore): FISARMONICA DIATONICA prof. Danilo Di Paolonicola BANDONEON prof. Giovanni Iorio https://www.consaq.it/ |
Die Meissnitzer Band, Marc Pircher - Bad Kleinkirchheim/Austriaby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() Diese sind vorab schon einmal bestätigt: Melissa Naschenweng, voXXclub, Hansi Hinterseer, Die NOCKIS, Semino Rossi, Sašo Avsenik & seine Oberkrainer, Fantasy, Petra Frey, Claudia Jung, Die Jungen Zillertaler, Die Mayrhofner, Bernhard Brink. Saskia Leppin. Die Paldauer, Esteriore Brothers, Anna-Carina Woitschack Weitere Musiker sind auf der Seite: https://www.musi-openair.at/archive/event/sommer-open-air-2024 |
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Claudio Constantini nominated for:Mejor Álbum de Música Clásica - Spainby Diatonic News |
![]() Claudio Constantini has performed in more than 30 countries around the world and, throughout his career, he has collected several accolades, including the Global Music Award in 2021 and a Latin Grammy nomination in 2019. The uncompromised dedication that Constantini pours into his music turns each of his performances into a unique event, in which he stands out as a born communicator with overwhelming sensitivity and fierce virtuosity. He will perform: 8.06 - Madrid, Spain 21.06 - Valladolid, Spain 24.06 - Mallorca, Spain https://www.claudioconstantini.com/ https://academusica.es/Premios-Academia-2024 |
Herbert Pixner Projekt tour 2024 - Europeby Diatonic News |
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the famous "Sùd tirol Project" will be on tour again..... A new formation, a new Album in project and a new program As well as many many concerts throughout Europe. So do NOT miss to book in time, as almost always - all their concerts a fully booked! tickets: www.herbert-pixner.com |
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Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
35th Annual Accordion Kings & Queens - USAby Diatonic News |
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Join for an unforgettable evening celebrating the rich musical heritage of Texas at the 35th Annual Accordion Kings & Queens, presented by Texas Folklife. This cherished event will take place at the iconic Miller Outdoor Theatre on Saturday, June 1, 2024, from 7 to 10 pm. Featuring Performances by Las Fenix Sunny Sauceda Marcus Ardoin & the Zydeco Legendz And stand-out performers from this year’s Big Squeeze Showcase! MC: Veronique Medrano Admission to this spectacular event is free and open to all at the Miller Outdoor Theatre. Valued members of Texas Folklife have the exclusive opportunity to reserve advance tickets, secure premium seating, and indulge in a VIP Experience at the concert. More on: https://texasfolklife.org/accordian-kings-and-queens/ |
“6° Festival Toscano dell'Organetto Diatonico” - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Con il patrocinio del Comune di Campi Bisenzio (FI) e la collaborazione delle Associazioni A.M.I.SA.D. APS (Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici) di Maiolati Spontini (AN), C.D.M.I. di Recoaro Terme (VI) e “Amici della Musica APS” di San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), viene organizzato il “6° Festival Toscano dell'Organetto Diatonico” - concorso di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica. All’evento, che si svolger‡ nei giorni 18-19 maggio 2024 nei locali dell’Osteria “La Tartaruga” sita in via dei Confini n.162 a Campi Bisenzio (FI), vi potranno prendere parte candidati di nazionalit‡ italiana con organetti di qualsiasi tipo e marca ad esclusione dei Campioni Italiani, Europei e del Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica, sia Junior che Senior, che intendono concorrere nella stessa sezione dei titoli ricevuti. Il concorso, valido come selezione per la partecipazione al Campionato Italiano di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica - Ed.2024, si articoler‡ nelle seguenti Sezioni e relative categorie, suddivise in base alle tipologie di strumenti ed anno di nascita dei partecipanti: SEZIONE ORGANETTO (strumenti con una 1 o 2 file di voci al canto 2 o 4 bassi) SEZIONE FISARMONICA DIATONICA (strumenti con 2 file di voci al canto con 8 bassi e oltre) SEZIONE FISARMONICA DIATONICA PLUS (strumenti con 3 file di voci al canto e oltre con 8 bassi e oltre) SEZIONE OVER50 (strumenti diatonici: Organetto, Fisarmonica Diatonica, Fisarmonica Diatonica Plus) Cat. da 50 anni in poi (nati nel 1974 o precedenti) Le domande di partecipazione, compilate in ogni sua parte sull’allegato modello, dovranno pervenire entro il 19.05.2024 e, a discrezione dell’organizzazione, accettate fino alle ore 12.00 del giorno 19.05.2024 Per informazioni, iscrizioni e logistica: Angelo Martino 3394433258 - 3398970486 email: giancaronco@gmail.com (giancarlo ronconi) |
Außervillgraten 2024 auf sehr hohem Niveauby Werner Weibert |
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Fabrice Schmidmeier - Staatsmeister der höchsten Stufe E Alle Bilder und Ergebnisse auf www.harmonikaverband.at Online translation |
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Gennetines/Le Grand Bal de l’Europe - Franceby Diatonic News |
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Gennetines – Le Grand Bal de l’Europe Du vendredi 26 juillet 21h30 au vendredi 9 août 2024 Créée le 6 décembre 1989, l’Association Européenne des Amoureux de Danses Traditionnelles compte plus de 5000 adhérents originaires de nombreuses régions d’Europe.et au-delà. Organisateurs, animateurs, musiciens et danseurs font le « Grand Bal de l’Europe », où la diversité, la critique et l’échange sont sources indispensables de richesse. Grand spectacle pour tous les ams du CAMPER - les terrains pour camper sont assez grands pour accueillir tous les inscrits au Grand Bal de l’Europe ; pas des réservons ni avant les rencontres, ni pendant les rencontres. Les participants choisissent une place disponible en arrivant. Ouverture le 25 juillet. Une longue liste d'artistes exceptionnels vous attend - consultez le site web pour voir tous les noms de A à Z des artistes.: www.gennetines.org |
Si balla, si canta, si fa musica - Salus Space/Bologna/Italiaby Diatonic News |
![]() Venerdì 14 giugno ore 20.30-22.30 Workshop di costruzione del tamburo a cornice (introduzione teorica) Sabato 15 giugno ore 11-13 Workshop di costruzione del tamburo a cornice (parte pratica 1) ore 14-17 Workshop di ballo (tarantella cilentana) ore 17-20 Workshop di organetto ore 21.30 Live Domenica 16 giugno ore 10-11 Workshop di costruzione del tamburo a cornice (finitura) ore 11.30-15.30 Workshop di ballo ore 11.30-15.30 Workshop di organetto info: mauriziomessore@hotmail.it; tel. 3202121864 https://saluspace.eu/si-balla-si-canta-si-fa-musica/ |
SqueezEast Sunday/June 2024 - UKby Diatonic News |
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Sunday 9th June 2024 The Stilton Pavilion - Village Playing Field High Street/Stilton/ PE7 3RA The squeeze Sunday on June 9th will be led by Paul Barrett, who will provide all the musical arrangements. welcome are players of English, Anglo and Duet concertina systems. The music will be arranged in parts to accomodate players of Treble, Baritone and Bass concertinas. Players are welcome to bring more than one concertina to the event. Whilst players of all skill levels are welcome, some music reading will be essential. Most music will be arranged in the keys of C, G and D, but F and Bb may also be used for some pieces. Music is normally presented in Treble Clef, but Bass Clef versions can be provided if required. Music is not sent out in advance. This not only saves money on postage, but also means that all players learn the music together. We request that the scores provided are returned at the end of the day. The cost of the day has remained at £15 for a number of years, but this year, due to additional overheads, there had to me made a small increase. However, hopefully everybody will agree that the day is still excellent value. I will be necessary that all bookings are made and paid for in advance to allow the organizers to prepare and duplicate the music and inform the venue of the number of attendees. Details of the event, along with a link to their new online booking system, are given below, but if you have any other queries please do not hesitate to contact the organizers More information on: www.squeezeast.org.uk |
French Music & Dance Week @ Halsway - UKby Diatonic News |
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Monday 3 Jun 4pm — Friday 7 Jun 10am, 2024 Halsway is thrilled to be hosting Emmanuel Pariselle, Didier Oliver and Nathalie Oliver Selsis for another week exploring French music, music for dance, and the dancing itself. This week is for players of melodeon (DG), fiddle, and for dancers; you’ll need to let us know when booking which study group you would like to join. Emmanuel will concentrate on working with melodeon players, exploring the use of chords and rhythms in accompanying traditional French dance tunes and songs (you do not need to be a singer!). The Tutors Emmanuel and Didier have played – and sung – together since 1975, and both are experienced and entertaining teachers. Emmanuel is one of France’s finest players of both the melodeon and concertina, while Didier (La Base Duo) is also a superb fiddler and also plays equally well mandolin, boha (Gascon) pipes and guitar. Nathalie Oliver Selsis - traditional dancing https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/french-music-dance-week/ |
1° Concorse nazionale “Il Salice” a Castilenti (TE) - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Con l’Alto Patrocinio della Regione Abruzzo, della Provincia di Teramo, del Comune di Castilenti, l’A.M.I.SA.D. APS (Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici) di Maiolati Spontini (AN) in collaborazione con l’Associazione Sportiva/Culturale “Il Salice” di Castilenti (TE),l’Associazione C.D.M.I. “G. Rossini” di Recoaro Terme e l'Ass.ne Musicale “Amici della Musica” APS di San benedetto del Tronto (AP), organizzano il 1° Concorso Nazionale “Castilenti in Festival” - Concorso di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica. All’evento, che si svolgerà il giorno 09 giugno 2024 nei locali dell’’Associazione Sportiva/Culturale “Il Salice” a Castilenti (TE) c/da Colle dei Galli n.16, vi potranno prendere parte candidati di nazionalità italiana con organetti di qualsiasi tipo e marca ad esclusione dei Campioni Italiani, Europei e del Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica, sia Junior che Senior, che intendono concorrere nella stessa sezione dei titoli ricevuti. Il concorso, valido come selezione per la partecipazione al Campionato Italiano di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica - Ed.2024, si articolerà nelle seguenti Sezioni e relative categorie, suddivise in base alle tipologie di strumenti ed anno di nascita dei partecipanti: SEZIONE ORGANETTO (strumenti con una 1 o 2 file di voci al canto 2 o 4 bassi) SEZIONE FISARMONICA DIATONICA (strumenti con 2 file di voci al canto con 8 bassi e oltre) SEZIONE FISARMONICA DIATONICA PLUS (strumenti con 3 file di voci al canto e oltre con 8 bassi e oltre) SEZIONE OVER50 (strumenti diatonici: Organetto, Fisarmonica Diatonica, Fisarmonica Diatonica Plus) Cat. da 50 anni in poi (nati nel 1974 o precedenti) Domenica 9 giugno 2024 - ore 9.00: - conferma iscrizioni - audizioni concorrenti - ore 13.00: - pausa pranzo - ore 15.00: - prosecuzione audizioni concorrenti sino al termine - in serata : - esibizione dei Campioni Italiani e Mondiali, Musica d’intrattenimento - estrazione biglietti lotteria, comunicazione delle graduatorie, consegna attestati e oggetti ricordo Per informazioni concorso: A.M.I.SA.D. 3280193689 Per informazioni e logistica: graziano@ilsalice.it 0861996243 3318820052 |
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DIDIER LALOY & BRUNO LE TRON Masterclass - FRby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() 2 et 3 rangs niveaux moyen/confirmé L’apprentissage se fera à partir de leurs compositions qui sont inspirées des musiques traditionnelles européennes. Travail du soufflet, des ornements, de l’accompagnement, des différentes techniques de jeux qui caractérisent leurs styles. Mise en place de morceaux collectifs avec 2e voix et accompagnement. 2 groupes de niveaux seront constitués et alterneront avec les 2 animateurs. Apprentissage oral DIDIER LALOY & BRUNO LE TRON Accordéon Diatonique 2 et 3 rangs niveaux moyen/confirmé L’apprentissage se fera à partir de leurs compositions qui sont inspirées des musiques traditionnelles européennes. Travail du soufflet, des ornements, de l’accompagnement, des différentes techniques de jeux qui caractérisent leurs styles. Mise en place de morceaux collectifs avec 2e voix et accompagnement. 2 groupes de niveaux seront constitués et alterneront avec les 2 animateurs. Apprentissage oral Réseravation: https://www.compagniebalagan.com/programme |
BALKANICO TANGO FEST, Ethno -Bosnia and Herzegovinaby Diatonic News |
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After a fantastic BELTANGO & FRIENDS FESTIVAL in 2023 in Ethno Village Stanišići, Beltange havs decided to join their artistic and organizational forces to further support development of Tango communities in the region and beyond. From 27 - 30 JUNE 2024 to Ethno Village Stanišići for the first BALKANICO TANGO FEST, at this magical and unique place - powered by BELTANGO QUINTETO and SARAJEVO TANGO FESTIVAL LOCATION Located near to the river Drina, and to the meeting point of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia offers a perfect place to make huge tango embrace for all of us: local people, tango people from Balkan region and a lot of international guests. At the third kilometer from Bijeljina towards the Pavlović bridge, Ethno Village Stanisici is located in the heart of Balkan, out of the present time and space, it takes us back to our ancestors and nature and awakens an admiration towards simplicity of ancient lifestyle. By listening to the burbling of the streams and churning of the water mill this is a perfect spot where one relaxes the eyes and soul and awakens its own wisdom and nobility. Besides the tango you can expect summer vacation and pure relaxation in beautiful LEONIDA WELLNESS & SPA. |
Stage ACCORDÉON DIATONIQUE avec MARION EVAIN - Franceby Diatonic News |
![]() niveau débutant avancé/moyen : accessible 2 ou 3 rangs A partir de mélodies issues de répertoires variés, nous aborderons l’indépendance des mains, le travail des nuances, le jeu collectif dans l’écoute des uns et des autres. L'idée n'est pas d’engranger du répertoire mais d'explorer notre instrument, de découvrir comment donner une âme à ce que l'on interprète et de partager le plaisir de jouer ensemble. Prévoir de quoi enregistrer. Apprentissage oral . Le + : nous mettrons en place un morceau commun avec les groupes de Didier et Bruno avec un arrangement adapté au niveau de chacun. L'accordéon diatonique s'est invité dans sa vie il y a bientôt 20 ans, et ne l'a plus quittée depuis. Nourrie des musiques traditionnelles de tous horizons, elle joue et anime des stages en duo avec Bruno Le Tron depuis de nombreuses années. Elle enseigne au sein de l'association "Le Dépliant" à Saint Nazaire (44). Artiste hors les murs, il n'est pas rare de la croiser sur les chemins accompagnée de son diato, proposant des balades musicales ("Musique au sentier", "Sur le chemin, un arbre"). D'un enthousiasme communicatif, elle s'applique à transmettre la musique dans la bonne humeur et la bienveillance." https://www.compagniebalagan.com/programme |
Castilenti in Festival/conroso di organetto - Castilenti/Italiaby Diatonic News |
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tutti i dettagli per il Festival Castilenti ed il 1° Concorso Nazionale di Organetti a Castilenti sul depliant |
Der Steirische Harmonikawettbewerb 2024by Diatonic News |
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Der Steirische Harmonikawettbewerb geht in die zweite Runde mit folgenden Spielern: Matthias MORITZ geb. 08/2010, aus Voitsberg Lehrer: Andreas Amreich Auftritt: FR, 07. Juni 2024 / Voitsberg Thomas BRACHER geb. 11/2010, aus Premstätten Lehrer: Robert Hafner Auftritt: SA, 08. Juni 2024 / Heiligenkreuz am Waasen Simon KAMPER geb. 01/2010, aus Kobenz Lehrer: Peter Steinberger Auftritt: FR, 14. Juni 2024 / Trofaiach David REITER geb. 05/2010, aus St. Michael Lehrer: Gottfried Hubmann Auftritt: SA, 15. Juni 2024 / Aigen im Ennstal Genaue Details zu den Austragungsorten: Heiligenkreuz am Waasen, Trofaiach und Aigen im Ennstal sind auf der Webseite: https://www.sumt.st/veranstaltungen/veranstaltungen-2024/ |
Festival des Nuits de Nacre - Franceby Diatonic News |
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36ème édition, du 28 au 30 juin 2024. Le festival des Nuits de Nacre est un événement culturel majeur en Corrèze qui cultive l’art de l’accordéon depuis toujours. Trois jours pour célébrer 35 ans de découvertes, de partages, d’histoires de vie, de rencontres avec de nombreux concerts, des expositions et animations dans toute Le festival met à l’honneur l’accordéon sous toutes ses formes (concerts, spectacles, expositions) et dans tous ses genres. Une riche programmation où bars, chapiteaux, salles, théâtre, places et rues vivent au rythme de l’accordéon. Un festival de la diversité, de l’échange entre musiciens venus d’horizons différents... https://www.tourismecorreze.com/fr/festival_des_nuits_de_nacre_a_tulle.html |
35th Haapavesi Folk Music Festival - Finlandby Diatonic News |
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The 35th Haapavesi Folk Music Festival will take place June 27-29, 2024! The programme of the 35th Haapavesi Folk Music Festival has now been published in its entirety! The Haapavesi Folk Music Festival will be organised this summer at the usual time of the year, just after Midsummer! This time it takes place already for the 35th time from the 27th to the 29th of June 2024. This year there will be international artists from the USA, Hungary, Sweden and Denmark. The Finnish artists represent the absolute top of the folk music and the organisation aims to please especially younger audience with popular music choices. The ticket sales is on and early bird prices are available until 15th of June, get yours now at Tiketti webshop https://www.tiketti.fi/35-haapavesi-folk-music-festival-folk-puisto-haapavesi-tickets/94341 Check out the full programme and daily timetables: www.haapavesifolk.com |
Blowzabella Festival with guests Garenne - UKby Diatonic News |
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Blowzabella Festival with guests Garenne Friday 28 Jun 4pm — Sunday 30 Jun 4pm, 2024 at the moment no course/place are available - try your luck! The international folk legends Blowzabella are back for a third festival weekend of workshops, sessions, concerts and dances at Halsway Manor. The band are very pleased to invite Garenne (previously known as Les Poufs à Cordes) as their guests for the 2024 event. This much-anticipated visit by the duo would have happened sooner, but the small matters of a global pandemic and incredibly busy diaries delayed them somewhat. So, everybody is delighted to welcome both bands back to Halsway in 2024. The Artists Blowzabella is Andy Cutting – diatonic button accordion; Jo Freya – vocals, saxophones, clarinets, whistle; Paul James – vocals, border bagpipes, saxophones, whistle; David Shepherd – violin; Barn Stradling – bass guitar; and Jon Swayne – border bagpipes, saxophones. https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/blowzabella-festival-2024/ |
6th Bals et Roses Folk Festival - Belgiumby Diatonic News |
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6ème édition du festival folk de Gaume à la ferme des Roses à Florenville. Au programme : bals folk, ateliers de danse avec Hot Griselda, Duo Pacher Roblin, Eris, Andrea Capezzuoli e compagnia, Bargainatt, Tribal Jaze, Trio Jean Lo, Bouton, Nokkenoc, Accords perdus, Micheustef, Caminarem, Aïe mon pied, Ëa Et encore un bal pour enfants avec Lisa et Olivier Cap, un clown, du maquillage... Et enfin un marché d'artisans et de lutherie Consultez le site pour l'horaire des bals etc. https://www.festivalbalsetroses.be/programme/ |
Stage ANNE NIEPOLD & ANDY CUTTING Accordéon diatonique - Franceby Diatonic News |
![]() 2 et 3 rangs niveau moyen/confirmé Anne et Andy vous propose un stage « édition spéciale » en tant que duo. Vous serez encadré par l’un et l’autre, en petits et grands groupes pour travailler sur la création d’arrangements ainsi que sur des aspects techniques spécifiques à chacun de leur répertoire. nne Niepold a toujours préféré l’originalité aux conventions planant autour de l’accordéon diatonique , en n’hésitant jamais à le faire jouer hors de ses zones de confort. Elle a largement contribué à ce qu’il dispose aujourd’hui d’une place de choix sur la liste des instruments « à part entière ». Elle apprivoise la musique avec curiosité et énergie, avec liberté, toujours… Andy Cutting est une légende vivante. Il a remporté trois fois déjà le prestigieux « Folk musician of the year award » de la BBC radio. Son style sans pareil est reconnaissable entre tous, entre héritageanglais et tradition moderne, son jeu se caractérise par des mélodies fortes et une utilisation particulière du soufflet : la force tranquille… https://www.compagniebalagan.com/programme |
WOW FOLK FESTIVAL 2024 - Castelfidardo/Italiaby Diatonic News |
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il WOW Folk Festival 2024 si svolge ancora fino a Domenica 02 Giugno a Castelfidardo/Italia. Sabato 1 giugno ore 10.00 – piazza della Repubblica – Esibizione scuole elementari – Orchestrine Mazzini a cura della Scuola Civica Paolo Soprani ore 11.00 – piazza della Repubblica o sala lirici in caso di pioggia – laboratorio artigianale a cura di Tr800 ore 16.00 – libreria Aleph – esibizione giovani organettisti cura della Scuola Civica Paolo Soprani ore 17.30 – Auditorium San Francesco – Bal Folk a cura della Scuola Civica Paolo Soprani ore 21.30 – piazza della Repubblica – concerto I Trillanti Domenica 2 giugno ore 08.30 – piazza della Repubblica – raduno Cantamaggio ore 09.15 – partenza gruppi per Cantamaggio nei quartieri ore 10.00 – piazza della Repubblica o sala lirici in caso di pioggia – laboratorio di pasta all’uovo a cura di TR800 ore 13.00 – ritorno del Cantamaggio ore 13.30 – pranzo sociale (per info e prenotazioni Pro Loco Castelfidardo 0717822987) ore 15.30 – esibizione dei gruppi itineranti Cantamaggio ore 17.30 – piazza della Repubblica concerto David Munnelly (Eire) ore 19.00 – piazza della Repubblica – concerto aperitivo con Michele Alessandrini https://www.comune.castelfidardo.an.it/?post_type=evento&p=94218 |
46a edizione FOLKEST 2024 - Italiaby Diatonic News |
![]() Folkest, un festival a 360 gradi che nel corso dell’anno sviluppa diverse progettualità. Due progetti europei: UPBEAT – the european showcase platform dedicato agli artisti emergenti e l’European Folk Network e due premi, il Premio Alberto Cesa e il Premio Folkest – una vita per la musica. Il legame con il territorio da anni contraddistingue il progetto artistico di Folkest che ha ideato un nuovo modo per connettere e portare musica e tradizioni in luoghi meno conosciuti creando connessioni e crescita culturale per il Friuli Venezia Giulia e territori oltre confine. https://www.folkest.com/ |
![]() Accordéon diatonique Tous niveaux sauf débutant (accordéon diatonique 2 et 3 rangs) Interprétation, musicalité et arrangement autour d’un répertoire éclectique « technique instrumentale , musicalité , arrangement à partir d’un répertoire éclectique ( compositions et trad ) Apprentissage du clavier et travail des accords main droite sur différentes rythmiques et diversification de la main gauche (chant de basses). Travail sur l’indépendance des mains, sur l’utilisation de la soupape d’air, sur les effets de soufflet et les différents touchés. Apprendre à faire évoluer une mélodie en fonction du niveau de chacun-e et aide à l’interprétation. Travail avec les harpistes l’après midi et construction d’arrangements collectifs autour d’un répertoire commun. François : Créateur de la Compagnie BALAGAN ! Il est accordéoniste diatonique et compositeur. Son répertoire est empreint de musiques des pays de l’Est et des Balkans. Il a publié des méthodes et recueils pour accordéon diatonique. https://www.compagniebalagan.com/programme |
„Wenn die Musi spielt“ Open Air - Kärnten/Österreichby Diatonic News |
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„Wenn die Musi spielt“ Sommer Open Air 2024 14. & 15. Juni 2024 Das Wenn die Musi spielt – Sommer Open ist. Auch im Sommer 2024 findet in den Kärntner Nockbergen das größte und erfolgreichste Volksmusik- und Schlager-Open Air des Landes statt. Als Gastgeber führen Stefanie Hertel und Marco Ventre die Fans vor Ort und die Millionen Zuseher vor den Fernsehschirmen durch den stimmungsvollen Musi Abend. In Bad Kleinkirchheim treffen sich am 15.06.2024 die Stars der Volksmusikszene beim legendären Open Air Konzert auf der Bühne in St. Oswald, umrahmt von den malerischen Kärntner Nockbergen. Seien Sie beim Konzert live dabei und werden Sie Teil der großen Musi-Familie! Programm am Open Air-Gelände: Freitag: Einlass: 15.00 Uhr/Proben: 15:30 Uhr/VIP Einlass: 17:00 Uhr/Warm Up: 18:30 Uhr/Generalprobe: 20:15 Uhr Samstag: Einlass: 16:00 Uhr/Warm Up: 17:00 Uhr/VIP Einlass: 17:00 Uhr/Livesendung: 20:15 Uhr Melissa Naschenweng, Marc Pircher, voXXclub, Hansi Hinterseer, Die NOCKIS, Semino Rossi, Sašo Avsenik & seine Oberkrainer, Fantasy, Petra Frey, Claudia Jung, Meissnitzer Band, Die Jungen Zillertaler, Die Mayrhofner, Bernhard Brink. Saskia Leppin. Die Paldauer, Esteriore Brothers, Anna-Carina Woitschack u.v.m. https://musi-open-air.at/ |
Stage accordéon diatonique avec Cédric Pierini - FRby Diatonic News |
![]() Tous niveau saufs débutants, 2 et 3 rangs Autour du répertoire de Laüsa : thèmes, riffs, rythme et improvisation AUTOUR DE LAÜSA... Cette semaine, je propose de travailler à partir du répertoire de Laüsa. Musique ancrée dans les danses traditionnelles gasconnes et qui se permet quelques libertés formelles comme l'introduction de nombreux riffs aux couleurs pentatoniques. D'un côté donc, un travail autour de mélodies main droite, avec du phrasé, des accents, des ornementations caractéristiques au style; et d'un autre, la pratique du riff - petit motif mélodique répétitif et souvent entêtant - avec les deux mains: l'abord de la polyrythmie et du "groove". Rythmes en lien avec le corps, improvisations ludiques et musique d'ensemble viendront ponctuer le fil de notre semaine. Ayant découvert la musique traditionnelle de tous horizons, le jazz et l’improvisation, il est un virtuose de l’accordéon ! Membre des groupes Coco Soufflette, Dékolaz,... c’est un pédagogue qui aime partager sa passion https://www.compagniebalagan.com/programme |
Archie Churchill-Moss 2 courses - getting started/better - UK/Halswayby Diatonic News |
![]() Archie’s Box Academy (Getting Started) 24 Jun 2024, 2pm Archie’s Box Academy (Getting Better) Archie’s ‘Getting Better’ workshops aim to support and develop the skills of Improver and Intermediate level melodeon players in enjoyable workshop sessions. Each 2.5 hour session will present a new challenge, with time for individual help to support less confident / less advanced players and to stretch more ambitious / more accomplished musicians. You’ll be learning new tunes and techniques each month, while also developing a working knowledge of music theory, and your own creativity as the course progresses. New students are welcome to join the course, and you may book for individual classes or in advance for the full term. Archie Churchill-Moss: Widely regarded as one of the best players of English traditional folk, Archie has worked as a session musician for some of the UK’s top folk acts (Cara Dillon, Eliza Carthy, Blair Dunlop), as well as performing with the trio, ‘Moore, Moss, Rutter’ , the outfit which saw him receive the coveted BBC Radio 2 Young Folk Award in 2011. Book: https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/archies-box-academy-getting-started-12-2-2-2/2024-06-24/ https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/archies-box-academy-getting-better-15/2024-06-24/ |
Cours d'accordéon diatonique avec MARCO LUCIEN - Franceby Diatonic News |
![]() Niveau débutant ou ceux, et celles plus expérimenté-e-s, qui souhaitent revisiter les bases ACCORDÉON DIATONIQUE Méthodologie Pour quoi ? Pour construire ensemble la boîte à outils de l’apprenti.e musicien·ne que nous sommes. Pour cela nous explorerons différents domaines avec et/ou sans instrument. Les objectifs : que chacun·e puisse glaner au fil de cette semaine de quoi répondre à ses besoins, que ce soit : - pour apprendre un nouveau morceau ou consolider son répertoire, - pour développer son aisance sur l’instrument, - pour enrichir son oreille et sa culture musicale. Après un diplôme de musicien-intervenant, l’animation d’ateliers de sensibilisation et de pratique musicale, la vie l’emmène sur d’autres chemins professionnels (éco-construction, artisanat, élevage et fromagerie...). De retour en musique avec l’accordéon diatonique, et un parcours d’autodidacte jalonné de rencontres et de stages, Marco est passionné de méthodologie et de transmission. https://www.compagniebalagan.com/programme |
Future events / Concerts |
Claudio Prima & Seme in tour per la prima volta in Cina - Italy/China/Austria/Czech Republicby Diatonic News |
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The Claudio Prima & Seme project is touring China for the first time with five concerts in Beijing, Tianjin, Pingtan, Zhongshan and Guangzhou from 24 May to 2 June. The Salento-based band that brings to the stage the encounter between the accordion of Claudio Prima, a musician, singer and composer from Salento, and the string quartet formed by Vera Longo (violin and vocals), Paola Barone (violin), Benedetta Bisanti (viola) and Marco Schiavone (cello) will perform in important theatres and concert halls, travelling through various Chinese regions. The rigour of classical music meets the instinct and spontaneity of popular music, which revives a modern rituality, translating its eternal search for an ancestral call into a contemporary writing. The Mediterranean merges with the classical world, playing with origins and fostering the contamination of two musical worlds that have always secretly dialogued, as in the compositions of Béla Bartók and Igor Stravinsky, among others, deeply imbued with traditional echoes. The repertoire plumbs the depths of the Mediterranean with original writing that condenses more than twenty years of research into so-called ‘border’ music and the unexpected connections between the traditions of the middle sea and the contemporary world. The tour is realised in collaboration with Domenico Coduto's Ipe Music. A new summer on Europe's stages for Bandadriatica: the summer tour begins for ‘the band that unites peoples’, as Corriere della Sera defined it, with two international dates: It starts on 14 June in Linz in Austria at the Johannes Kepler University for the Sommer Ball 2024. On 15 June it will be the turn of the Volxfest in Grundlsee, also in Austria. On 21 June instead, the Salento band led by Claudio Prima will take part in the prestigious CrossRoad Festival in Ostrava, Czech Republic. Italian: Il progetto Claudio Prima & Seme per la prima volta in tour in Cina con 5 concerti a Pechino, Tianjin, Pingtan, Zhongshan e Guangzhou a partire dal 24 Maggio e fino al 2 Giugno. La band salentina che porta sul palco l'incontro fra l'organetto di Claudio Prima, musicista, cantante e compositore salentino e il quartetto d'archi formato da Vera Longo (violino e voce), Paola Barone (violino), Benedetta Bisanti (viola) e Marco Schiavone (violoncello) si esibirà in importanti teatri e sale da concerto viaggiando in diverse regioni cinesi. Il rigore della musica classica incontra l'istinto e la spontaneità della musica popolare, che rivive di una ritualità moderna, traslando la sua eterna ricerca di un richiamo ancestrale in una scrittura attuale. Il Mediterraneo si fonde con il mondo classico, giocando con le provenienze e favorendo la contaminazione di due mondi musicali che da sempre hanno segretamente dialogato, come si nelle composizioni di Béla Bartók e Igor Stravinskj, fra gli altri, profondamente intrise di echi tradizionali. Il repertorio scandaglia i fondali del Mediterraneo con una scrittura originale che condensa più di vent’anni di ricerca sulle musiche cosiddette “di confine” e sulle inaspettate connessioni fra le tradizioni del mare di mezzo e la contemporaneità. Il tour è realizzato in collaborazione con Ipe Ipe Music di Domenico Coduto. Una nuova estate sui palchi d'Europa per la Bandadriatica: parte il tour estivo per “la band che unisce i popoli”, come l'ha definita il Corriere della Sera, con due appuntamenti internazionali: Si parte il 14 Giugno a Linz in Austria presso la Johannes Kepler University per il Sommer Ball 2024. Il 15 Giugno sarà la volta del Volxfest a Grundlsee, sempre in Austria. Il 21 Giugno invece la banda salentina guidata da Claudio Prima parteciperà al prestigioso CrossRoad Festival di Ostrava in Repubblica Ceca. INFO E BOOKING info@manigold.it domenico.coduto@gmail.com WEBSITES www.claudioprima.it www.ipeipe.com |
Pablo Corradini Quintet @ Macerata Jazz - Marche/Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Orto dei Pensatori - Macerata (MC) 13 giugno 2024 / 21.45h Jazz e atmosfere argentine con il Pablo Corradini Quintet Pablo Corradini è un compositore polistrumentista nato in Argentina. Ha studiato flauto traverso prima di diplomarsi in piano jazz. Parallelamente si è dedicato allo studio costante del bandoneon incontrandosi con grandi maestri dello strumento del paese natio e con i quali ha potuto formarsi come bandoneonista. Da più di dieci anni è attivo nel panorama musicale italiano ed europeo producendo diversi lavori discografici ed esibendosi in numerosi concerti nei principali festival jazz e di world music. https://www.ciaotickets.com/it/biglietti/pablo-corradini-quintet |
Mollie B touring in June - USA/Europeby Diatonic News |
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Saturday, June 1 - Mollie B Stage Show with her Tribute to the Veterans - Reedsburg, Wisconsin Location: CAL Center, Reedsburg HS, 1100 S Albert Ave, Reedsburg, WI Tickets: MollieB.com/tickets or call Richard at 608-393-7314, and in the evenings: 608-524-2684. Sunday, June 2 - Fairbank, Iowa - Mollie B & Friends Location: Immaculate Conception Parish & Riverside Park 10:30am Mass at the church; 1:00 performance at Riverside Park Tickets: Free Will Donation / Food will be available in the park. Thursday & Friday, June 6 & 7 - Bavarian Festival, Frankenmuth, MI - SqueezeBox BavarianFestival.org Saturday, June 15 - Milwaukee Polish Fest - Mollie B with the Music Connection Location: Summerfest Grounds, Henry W. Maier Festival Park, 200 N Harbor Dr, Milwaukee, WI 53202 Performances: 1:30, 3:30 (approx 1 hour each) Admission is $18 ; Seniors (55+) $15; Children 15 and under free w/adult; Free Admission to our military, Veterans, Active or Retired (present a military ID to our ticket window). Please note the audience is not under a shelter. The seating is metal benches. On a lovely summer day, it's a fantastic setting! Visit Polishfest.org for more information. Monday, June 24 through Sunday, July 7 - EUROPE with Mollie B & Ted - SOLD OUT! Location: Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, & Germany Click https://www.mollieb.com/europe2024 for more information. For more: https://www.mollieb.com/schedule |
Bargainatt in June - German/Belgiumby Diatonic News |
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29/06/2024 FLORENVILLE (BE) Festival Bals & Roses 28/06/2024 DRANOUTER (BE) Muziekcentrum, Bal de fin de saison 21/06/2024 MATTSTEDT (DE) Folk Week-End 19/06/2024 MATTSTEDT (DE) Folk Week-End 04/06/2024 DUNKERQUE (59 A l'origine, le répertoire n'est composé que de musiques instrumentales mais peu à peu le chant fait son apparition dans le bal de Bargainatt. Aujourd'hui, les chants écrits et interprétés par Youmi viennent enrichir l'univers musical du groupe. Camille STIMBRE, Violon Youmi BAZOGE, Violon et Chant Noé BAZOGE, Violoncelle Léon OLLIVIER, Accordéon Diatonique http://www.bargainatt.com/ |
Melissa Naschenweng und Band auf Juni-Tour - AT/DEby Diatonic News |
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Im Juni 2024 ist die bekannt und beliebte Musikerin mit Ihrer Band da und dort anzutreffen. Sind Sie vielleicht auch dort? Dann nicht missen: 01 JUNI / SAMSTAG MELISSA NASCHENWENG & BAND (FESTIVAL AM STEINERTOR) Südtirolerplatz | Südtirolerplatz, Krems an der Donau, Österreich 02 JUNI / SONNTAG MELISSA NASCHENWENG & BAND (BEELITZ SPARGELFEST) LAGA-Gelände | Trebbiner Straße 21, 14547 Beelitz, Deutschland 07 JUNI / FREITAG MELISSA NASCHENWENG & BAND (SCHLOSSWIESEN FESTIVAL) Schloss Sighartstein | Sighartstein 1, 5202 Neumarkt am Wallersee, Österreich 21 JUNI / FREITAG MELISSA NASCHENWENG & BAND (ALPEN FLAIR FESTIVAL) NATO-Kaserne (Natz-Schabs) | Ehemalige NATO-Kaserne Natz-Schabs, Natz-Schabs, Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol, Italien 22 JUNI SAMSTAG MELISSA NASCHENWENG & BAND (OPEN AIR IN TAUFERS) Festplatz Taufers | Via Avigna, 3, 39020 Taufers im Münstertal, Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol, Italien 28 JUNI FREITAG MELISSA NASCHENWENG & BAND (FÜRSTENFELD – OPEN AIR) Hauptplatz Fürstenfeld, Österreich | Hauptplatz Fürstenfeld, Hauptplatz, Fürstenfeld, Österreich 29 JUNI SAMSTAG MELISSA NASCHENWENG & BAND (SCHÖLLNACH) Volksfestplatz Schöllnach | Bachstraße, 94508 Schöllnach, Deutschland F. Info und Tickets: https://melissa-naschenweng.at/ |
Free 4 All Music Extravaganza, Texas – USAby Diatonic News |
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The Central Texas Accordion Association will host a Free 4 All Music Extravaganza at the Senior Activity Center in Austin, Texas, USA on June 3rd, 2024 starting at 7pm. This event will be a non-stop variety show and dance with free entry. |
Ablaye Cissoko et Cyrille Brotto concert - Tulle/FRby Diatonic News |
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Samedi 29 Juin 2024 : 18h, Ablaye Cissoko et Cyrille Brotto (Trad’ et world music) Théâtre Tulle Une valse entre deux savoirs, une conversation entre deux instruments savants, comme si “Amélie Poulain” nous envoyait une carte postale du Sénégal … Ablaye Cissoko & Cyrille Brotto nous entraînent dans un voyage spirituel et intimiste, une aventure humaine qui explore le spleen des déracinés, et explique pourquoi le monde ne tourne pas rond. Une musique délicate et harmonieuse, comme touchée par la grâce … De celles qui apaisent l’esprit et inspirent les sens … https://www.accordeon.org/the-celtic-tramps/ |
10th Aniversary Tour/Topette - UKby Diatonic News |
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10th Anniversary Tour - June 2024 This summer Topette!! will be out on the road in England and Wales. Don't miss this rare opportunity to catch the band live. Dancing is always encouraged but not obligatory! Please book early, and help spread the word. JUNE 2024 14th - Topsham (Exeter) - Matthews Hall 15th - Bristol - The Jam Jar 16th - Baulking (Oxfordshire) - St Nicholas Church 17th - Bayston Hill (Shrewsbury) - Memorial Hall 18th - Llanfairfechan (Bangor) - Community Town Hall 19th - Sheffield - Crookes Social Club 20th - Wingfield (Suffolk) - Wingfield Barns 21st - Hollingbourne (Kent) - Village Hall 22nd - London - Cecil Sharp House Ticket links and further info - www.topette.co.uk/gigs.html |
Louise Jallu/LES CONCERTS JAZZ MAGAZINE - Franceby Diatonic News |
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LES CONCERTS JAZZ MAGAZINE Louise Jallu • 6 juin • 20:00. • Le Bal Blomet Dans « jeu » son nouvel album, Louise Jallu affirme ses qualités d’improvisatrice hors normes mais aussi ses talents de compositrice. Retrouvez la sur la scène du Bal Blomet pour un concert unique. Bal Blomet, 33 rue Blomet 75015 Paris contact@balblomet.fr |
Die NIACHTN im Juni/Juli 2024 - Österreich/Polenby Diatonic News |
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![]() Juni und Juli sind sie: Fr 07. Juni 2024 Krakau/Polen Fr 05. Juli 2024, 19:00 Eggelsberg Sa 06. Juli 2024, 19:00 Mittelton Festival Bad Aussee, 8990 Bad Aussee, Österreich Mi 17. Juli 2024, 20:00 – 18. Juli 2024, 22:00 Wagrain, Markt, 5602 Wagrain, Österreich Do., 18. Juli Music Nights Gröbming Mehr auf: https://www.dieniachtnsan.org/ |
“Tango a la Carte” Tour England & Wales - Uby Diatonic News |
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“Tango a la Carte”, which includes bandoneonists Orlando Dibelo and Ruth Rozelaar will tour England and Wales next month. Their “unique tango experience gives the audience the opportunity to choose the music they want to dance to”. Tour dates as follows: Northern England: June 8th: Liverpool June 9th: Warrington June 14th: Upton-upon-Severn June 15th: Oswestry Wales: June 16th: Swansea June 17th: Cardiff Devon: June 20th: Seated Concert in Totnes (tbc) June 23rd: Ashburton (workshop) June 25th: Seated Concert in Ashburton For details email: ruth.rozelaar@gmail.com |
John Kirkpatrick on tour in June - UKby Diatonic News |
![]() Private event for village inhabitants. Tune From The Trenches. Sat 8 Jun 2024 Nettleham Live, The Village Hall, Brookfield Avenue, Nettleham, Lincolnshire, LN2 2SS. John is doing one 75 minute set at 7.15 as part of a day of folk music. www.nettlehamlive.org Wed 12 Jun 2024 Launceston Folk Club, Eagle House Hotel, 3 Castle Street, Launceston, Cornwall, PL15 8BA www.launcestonfolkclub.co.uk Thu 13 Jun 2024 Bideford Folk Club, The Joiners Arms, Market Place, Bideford, EX39 2DR. bidefordfolkclub.com Fri 14 Jun 2024 Chaffcombe Village Hall, Chaffcombe, Chard, Somerset, TA20 4BH chaffcombe.com Sun 16 Jun 2024 Bettws-y-Crwyn Parish Hall, Deepest Shropshire, SY7 8PP REUNION CONCERT - JOHN KIRKPATRICK AND SUE HARRIS - FIRST GIG TOGETHER FOR 35 YEARS! SUPPORT SPOT FROM BENJI KIRKPATRICK thebettwstriangle.co.uk | bobby@bobbybritnell.co.u |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
CD "Je veux m’évader" par Mikaël Vigneau - Franceby Diatonic News |
![]() Pour savore plus: https://mikael-vigneau.sumupstore.com/produits |
Accordion TV/Film/Radio |
ORF2 & MDR LIVE/Übertragungen - Österreichby Diatonic News |
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Sa, 15.06.2024 ORF2 & MDR "Wenn die Musi spielt - Sommer Open Air", 20.15 Uhr - Live LIVE aus Bad Kleinkirchheim; Sa, 15.06.2024 ORF 2 & MDR "7 Stars - 7 Songs - 7 Sünden"; ab ca. 22.30 Uhr ... gleich im Anschluss an das "Sommer - Musi Open Air": Das Lied "7 Sünden" wird 20 Jahre alt. Marc Pircher präsentiert zu diesem Anlass sieben Stars, die an schönen Plätzen die Geschichte ihres jeweiligen größten Hits erzählen ... und das sind sehr oft unglaubliche Geschichten ... Mit dabei: NIK P, Norbert Rier (Kastelruther Spatzen), Paldauer, Saso Avsenik und seine Oberkrainer, Francine Jordi, Stefanie Hertel, die Band "Wir sind Spitze!" aus Holland und als Nachwuchs-Hoffnung die "Jungen Waldensteiner" ... |
ORF Harmonika-Sendetermine/Steiermark - Austriaby Diatonic News |
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ORF – Sendetermine Die Reihe “Steirische Sänger- und Musikantentreffen” hören Sie immer mittwochs in der Sendung “Klingende Steiermark” von 20.04 bis 22.00 Uhr auf Live-Radio von ORF Radio Steiermark. Nachlesen können Sie, WAS auf dem Programm steht: https://www.sumt.st/sendungen/orf-sendetermine/ |
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