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Editor's Noteby Diatonic News |
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December is here, which means choosing Christmas presents for oneself or others. For accordion enthusiasts the task is made much simpler by looking through what Accordions Worldwide advertisers have to offer: a large range of instruments, accessories, books, CDs, DVDs, sheet music, etc. On Accordions Worldwide and MusicForAccordion there really is something for everybody, and ordering is simple and can save a lot of time otherwise spent visiting shops. The old Yellow Pages telephone advertisement slogan “let your fingers do the walking” springs to mind! |
Scientists Find Musicians 'have sharper minds' - UKby Harley Jones |
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The following article we have published already some time ago. As X-Mas is coming up - why not reflect and get a nice musical instrument as a present? Here the article to remember and maybe inspire? Yahoo News, UK reports, that playing a musical instrument could help protect against mental decline through age or illness, according to a new study. Musicians have sharper minds and are able to pick up and correct mistakes quicker than non-musicians, researchers at St Andrews University found. They measured the behavioural and brain responses of amateur musicians compared with non-musicians when performing simple mental tasks. The results showed that playing a musical instrument, even at moderate levels, improves a person's ability to detect errors and adjust responses more effectively. Musicians also responded faster than those with little or no musical training, with no loss in accuracy, the study found. The research was led by psychologist Ines Jentzsch, a reader in the university's School of Psychology and Neuroscience. "Our study shows that even moderate levels of musical activity can benefit brain functioning," she said. "Our findings could have important implications as the processes involved are amongst the first to be affected by ageing, as well as a number of mental illnesses such as depression. "The research suggests that musical activity could be used as an effective intervention to slow, stop or even reverse age or illness-related decline in mental functioning." The study, published in the journal Neuropsychologia, builds on previous work showing the benefits of musical activity on mental and physical well-being. Pianist Dr Jentzsch said: "Musical activity cannot only immensely enrich our lives but the associated benefits for our physical and mental functioning could be even more far-reaching than proposed in our previous research." Harley Jones, CIA Public Relations, commented: "This is an important scientific study that accordion assocations around the world should promote to their members and the public. I believe, that the accordion is probably the best instrument of all with the greatest benefits because: - the physical and mental activity of using the bellows, - the different treble and bass keyboards - accordionists are playing a melody plus accompaniment - accordions are an excellent group training instrument too which means an enormous mental stimuli while enjoying yourself playing the accordion. This is an important study for parents of young children to know about, as music education today has many competitors and we need to make our voice heard to ensure an accordion education is fully appreciated and considered by all parents." |
Accordion Babes 2017 Calendar is Available Now!by Diatonic News |
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The 2017 Accordion Babes calendar has arrived! Brighten your new year with the sights and sounds of the phenomenally talented, fun, sensual, often underground, and always entertaining Accordion Babes! Accordion Babes are pro-level women musicians who are out there proving that the accordion is sexy. The calendar is a wonderful holiday gift idea. The 2017 calendar includes a compilation music CD with original songs performed by all the women of the Babes Calendar including: Ms. January : Skyler Fell Ms February : Madame T Ms. March : Shiri Goldsmith Ms. April : Luz Gaxiola Ms. May : Sarah Savoy Ms. June : Renee de la Prade Ms. July : Adriana Ms. August : Shawna Olivia Ms. September : Judy Mitchell Ms. October : Cicada Ms. November : Tara Linda Ms. December: Natasha Enquist Cover : Susan Hwang The calendar is $20 and domestic shipping is $5. On Saturday December 10, 2016 at 8:PM the Accordion Babes Cabaret Revue takes place at the Rhythmix Cutural Works, 2513 Blanding Ave, Alameda, California 94501. Accordionists performing include Renee de la Prade, Skyler Fell, The Hobo Gobbelins, Jet Black Pearl, and Tara Linda. The 2017 Accordion Babes Calendar & Album will be available at this event. To order 2017 calendars: squeezeboxgoddess@gmail.com Accordion BabesThe Accordion Babes Revue takes place on Saturday, December 10, 2016 from 8-11:PM at Rhythmix Cultural Works, 2513 Blanding Avenue, Alameda, CA. The cost is $25/advance, $30/day of show. All seating is General Admission. Tickets are non-refundable. For information: info@rhythmix.org, (510) 865-5060. Excerpts from their website: The Accordion Babes are BACK for a night of squeezebox whimsy featuring Women of the famous Accordion Babes Pinup Calendar. After a short hiatus traveling states and Provinces, evading authorities, accepting marriage proposals and touring the world—all with accordions in tow. This special show features several “babes” in celebration of the 2017 Accordion Babes Pin-up Calendar/CD—now in its 8th year with new musical releases! Join them for an evening of seriously fun musical diversity, where the accordion rules the night while crossing musical landscapes as varied as French border towns, Tex-Mex cafes, Absinthe parlors, and Cajun and Rock dance halls. Featuring 4 acts, and 5 Accordionistas, come see how the accordion has evolved in the arms of these seriously talented female-fronted bands. The accordionists include Tara Linda, Jet Black Pearl, Skylar Fell and Renee De La Prada. Accordionists performing include Renee de la Prade, Skyler Fell, The Hobo Gobbelins, Jet Black Pearl, and Tara Linda. Next year’s Accordion Babes Calendar and Album will be available then. |
To Andrea Capazzuoli e Compagnia il 2016 Akadmia Music Award - USA/ITALYby Diatonic News |
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The Akademia Music Awards is based in Los Angeles, California and supports musicians interested in receiving a higher degree of market exposure and recognition in the new music business era. The Akademia concentrates their efforts guiding artists from the earliest stages to commercial success. See and hear them in December 2016: 18 dicembre // BALQUEBEC, La Scighera, Milano 17 dicembre // BALQUEBEC, Balà in riva a u mà, Borghetto, SV 15 dicembre // BALQUEBEC , BiellaTrad, Biella, NO 14 dicembre // BALQUEBEC, Fardanza, Legnano, MI http://www.theakademia.com/ http://www.andreacapezzuoliecompagnia.it/ |
Accordion Christmas Gift ideas for friends and family at: 2016Christmas Ideasby Diatonic News |
![]() Free Postage Special: The Ins and Outs of the Accordion by Thierry Benetoux (catalog benetouxen00). A quality book about accordion repairs, tuning etc. that is very popular indeed. In English and French. Comprendre et Reparer Votre Accordeon (catalog benetouxfr00). Free Postage Special: Sounding Out The Accordion by Thierry Benetoux (catalog bthierryen). A very quality book that cares of the sounding and tuning up your accordion. In English and French. L’Accordeon & SA Diversite Sonore (catalog bthierryfr). New eBooks (sent to you by email) that are interesting. NEW - Catalog: rrenzo401 - 10 Approaches to Jazz Improvisation eBook by Renzo Ruggieri NEW - Catalog: ek203 - The Shortcut to Playing and the Bellows - Technique for The Accordion by Lars Ek Play the Accordion Without Pain by John Bonica These Christmas gift ideas have been compiled to hopefully attract your Xmas gift money to be spent with accordion artists, composers, arrangers and publishers. Please support accordion artistry and choose from over 2,347 eSheet pieces, 300 plus CD/DVD’s, 1,903 eTracks recordings, 833 plus printed works and numerous books (text) to choose from. 2016Christmas Ideas |
Harmonika-WM 2017 in Außervillgraten ! Svetovno prvenstvo 2017 ! World Championship 2017 ! Campionato Mondiale 2017 ! - Austriaby Werner Weibert |
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1999 fand die 1. Harmonika-WM in Außervillgraten/Osttirol statt und war gleich ein sehr großer Erfolg. Im Jahre 2003 wurde dieser Erfolg wiederholt. Danach ging der in der Zwischenzeit sehr etablierte Wettbewerb „auf Reisen“ und kehrt nun zum 10. Jubiläum wieder in das malerische Tal in Osttirol zurück! Die Osttiroler Gemeinde Außervillgraten hat sich um die Austragung beworben und sehr gerne den Zuschlag erhalten. Alle Formalitäten sind erledigt – und so steht diesem internationalen Harmonika-Ereignis nichts mehr im Wege. Gleichzeitig wird der nächste Österreichische Wettbewerb (Staatsmeisterschaft) für Steirische Harmonika und Volksmusikgruppen durchgeführt! Die Ausschreibung in 4 Sprachen ist bereits auf www.harmonikaverband.at online ! Online translation! |
Platz 1 beim “Schlagerdiamant 2016” für Mario K. - Austriaby Diatonic News |
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Im Kurt Schedler Zentrum in Eggendorf bei Wr. Neustadt ging 19.11.2016 zum 5.mal der Schlagerdiamant über die Bühne, der Grand Prix der Schlager- u. Volkstümlichen Musik. In der Sparte Volkstümliche Musik gewann der Zillertaler Mario K., der mit seiner Harmonika und der professionell-symphatischen Art, mit dem Publikum umzugehen, die Herzen der Zuschauer und der Jury eroberte. Mehr auf: http://mario-k.com/news/platz-1-beim-schlagerdiamant-2016-fuer-mario-k/ |
Flying Fun with Flashmob, On the Plane to Brazilby Harley Jones |
published by voXXclub on Oct 6, 2016 (youtube) Watch for the Diatonic accordion about half way. They wrote: "Look what happened in the plane to Brazil to Oktoberfest - cool crew. Something we always wanted to do." |
Aleksandar Nikolic Composes, Final Show, Tango Festival Palermo - Italyby Diatonic News |
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![]() The new theatrical drama "7 Peccati... mas uno!" will be the second collaboration of bandoneonist and composer Aleksandar Nikolic and the famous Quintet Beltango with Teatro Golden and dancing company Alterazioni Tango from Palermo led by well known Argentinean choreographer Angel Coria. After the great success of "Saint George and the Dragon" performed last festival, a strong theme for 2017 of "7 Peccati... mas uno!" (7 Capital Sins) will give the audience a unique mixture of powerful and strong music by Quintet Beltango, inspired by a tradition of tango which will be this time in strong interaction with classical, modern, jazz and Balkanic roots. There will be some 60 minutes of new music composed by Aleksandar and Ivana Nikolic (picture left - concert in Finland), performed by Beltango and Argentinean double bass player Gerardo Scaglione. The audience will have the possibility to see and listen to a unique vision of pride, sloth, wrath, gluttony, envy, greed and lust. The world premiere of this musical-dancing spectacle will be 26th February, the final grand show and the prime concert of the VI Palermo Tango Festival. This new music will be available later next year on a new CD of Quinteto Beltango Beltango will continue the 2017 season with new concerts and tours around Europe (Italy, Germany, Switzerland, France, Holland, Austria, Slovenia, Sweden, Croatia, Spain...) |
Marc Pircher 25 Jahre/Fanreise - Mittelmeerby Diatonic News |
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Marc Pircher schreibt: „25 Jahre Marc Pircher“ – das muß gefeiert werden, und das haben wir im Jubiläumsjahr 2017 auch öfters vor. Natürlich gehört zu einem Jubiläumsjahr auch eine Jubiläumsreise und ich freue mich sehr, dass es uns gelungen ist, hier wieder eine neue und sehr interessante Kreuzfahrtroute für meine Fans zu entdecken. Für diese Jubiläumsreise , zu wirklich sehrschönen Plätzen im westlichen Mittelmeer, sind unter anderem auch wunderschöne Ziele wie Palma de Mallorca, Ibiza und Livorno mit Toskana auf der Route fixiert. Speziell für meinen Auftritt im Rahmen dieser Reise haben wir uns ganz was Besonderes einfallen lassen – dies bleibt aber noch geheim. Also laßt uns eine Woche gemeinsam feiern, singen, tanzen und das Leben genießen. Info: http://www.marcpircher.at/fanreise/ |
Looking for a x-mas present - WORLDWIDEby Diatonic News |
![]() Verkauf und Versand durch Amazon. Geschenkverpackung verfügbar. YOUR moneybox - now - you can have it on Amazon... • detailgetreue Nachahmung einer Harmonika/identical to an orginal Harmonika • im antiken Stil/antique style • viel Platz zum Sparen von Kleingeld und Scheinen/much space for money • ideal als musikalisches Geschenk/ideal as gift • Höhe: 12 cm/hight 12 cm gesehen bei/seen on: http://www.amazon.de/Pajoma-44408-Spardose-Harmonika-Polyesin/dp/B00EKJTPGW |
‘Another Vintage Year for Irish trad’, London – UKby Rob Howard |
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The following report on this year’s ‘Return to Camden’ performances, from ‘Irish World’, was written by Anne Geaghan. This year’s ‘Return to Camden Town’s Friday concert at King’s Place was presented by ‘Pride of London’ banjo player Mick O’Connor, accompanied by former Thatch ceilidh band accordion player John Bowe. Both players have a gentle, soothing approach and were well supported on stage by the steady keyboard skills of Pete Quinn. Mick, John and Pete glided through popular tunes. After a short interval Mórga entered the stage with a rousing programme presented by Danny Diamond, the fiddle player in the Mórga quartet. Danny’s fellow band members David Munnelly on accordion, Dominic Keogh on bodhrán (he is also a fine flautist), and Jonas Fromseier, from Denmark, on bouzouki presented a programme of Irish American music, Irish music composed in the ‘70s and session-style arrangements of well-known tunes. The following night, Saturday, the performances moved to the London Irish Centre in Camden and we heard the London Irish Pensioners’ Choir perform lovely ballads with audience participation. Crossharbour followed with new compositions from Orlaith McAuliffe and Tad Sergeant. Rosie sang her heart out ending with a fine interpretation of ‘Banks of the Claudy’. Sam Proctor on fiddle and Philippe Barnes on tin whistle played new tunes with Orlaith. Waterford based Caladh Nua concluded the Saturday concert with a showcase of music from Ireland’s south-east. Singer Lisa Butler sang authoritatively, played the fiddle and introduced her four colleagues, Derek Morissey (accordion), Paddy Tutty (fiddle), Brian Mooney (banjo) and Caoimhin O Fearghaill (guitar). Up the road at Cecil Sharp House, the set dancers were out in force to welcome back the Tulla Ceili Band. The band made many new friends in 2012 and delivered the best tunes – polkas, slides for the Connemara, Caledonian, and Clare Sets. This time, as then, they were greeted by a sea of happy faces and deft footwork. The Ceilidhs were poignant as tributes were paid to the wonderful Marian Savage who passed away in 2015. Mairead Casey from Longford was back again for workshops and a fine display of Sean-nós steps. On Sunday afternoon an orderly queue waited eagerly before heading upstairs to the presidential suite to hear Bobby Gardiner on accordion and his daughter Lynda on concertina. Mary McNamara, who earlier had led a concertina workshop and did a guest slot with the Tulla band, was joined by daughter Sorcha Costello on fiddle. Tom O’Connell from West Limerick on accordion and Peter McAlinden, from London, added more great music. Afterwards, preparation began in McNamara Hall for Sunday night’s concert – a tribute to the late Jimmy Philbin from Cornamona, Co Galway who died earlier this year. The Good Mixer band and le Cheile were gems demonstrating precision teamwork and seamless harmonies. |
YOUR X-Mas Accordion CAKE - Worldwideby Diatonic News |
![]() You can order it (or any similar version) check out at the website on the image below...and "buon appetit" from diatonic news! |
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Neue Single von Petra Mayer - Kàrnten/Austriaby Harley Jones |
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Endlich ist es soweit und eine neue Single erscheint am 16. Dezember 2016 von der sympathischen Kärntnerin Petra Mayer aus Bad St. Leonard. Als Download kann man diese im Internet auf Portalen bestellen. Mit ihrer herzerfrischen ehrlichen Art hat Petra Mayer (26) aus Bad St. Leonhard in der ORF-Show "Die große Chance" die Herzen der Jury und von ganz Österreich im Sturm erobert. Bei ihrem ersten TV-Auftritt sang sie "Wilds Wasser" von den "Seern" - bei dem sie sich selbst mit der Müller Steirischen begleitete. Nach der großen Chance bekam sie ihr drittes Kind und nützte die letzten 2 Jahre, sich vorwiegend ihrer Familie zu widmen, sowie ihrem Musikstudium nachzugehen. Jetzt ist die junge Künstlerin jedoch bereit, mit ihrer neuen Single die Bühnen zu stürmen. Für eine Kontaktaufnahme: 0043 664 2286798 oder petra.mayer.2@gmx.at |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
Woodford Folk Festival - Australiaby Diatonic News |
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The Woodford Folk Festival, an event of international standing, is held annually over six days and six nights from Dec 27th through to January 1st. More than 2000 performers and 438 events are programmed featuring local, national and international guests.This year will be the 31st Woodford Folk Festival and the 23rd held at Woodfordia. The festival programme features concerts, dances, street theatre, writers’ panels, film festival, comedy sessions, acoustic jams, social dialogue and debate, folk medicine, an entire children’s festival, an environmental programme featuring talks, debates and films, art and craft workshops, circus performances and workshops, late night cabarets, parades and special events including a spectacular fire event. Within the festival village you can find 35 performance venues, of which 18 are all weather. The festival streets are lined with restaurants, cafes, stalls, bars, street theatre and parades. Tree-filled campgrounds, butterfly walks, ponds and wildlife complete the picturesque site. http://woodfordfolkfestival.com/ |
Akkordeonale-Ensembleworkshop für alle Akkordeon- und Harmonikainstrumente - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() 02. Dezember 2016 18.30 Uhr bis 04. Dezember 2016 13:00 Uhr Servais Haanen bietet allen Akkordeon-Spieler/innen einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der „Akkordeonale“. Die von ihm komponierten Stücke, sowie auch Kompositionen von anderen Musikern des Festivals werden in kleiner und großer Besetzung bearbeitet, geprobt und aufgeführt. Er zeigt, wie man mit wenig Aufwand zu einem tollen Ergebnis kommen kann, und richtet sich damit an alle Niveaus – von Anfänger/in bis zum Profi, ob man nun als Einzelkämpfer/in oder im Akkordeon-Orchester unterwegs ist. Im Mittelpunkt steht die besondere Erfahrung, während eines Wochenend-Workshops mit knapp zwei Probentagen und einem abschließenden Workshop-Konzert etwas ganz Neues gemeinsam auf die Bühne zu bringen! Willkommen ist: Die ganze Akkordeon-Familie – von der Konzertina über Ziehharmonika, Bandoneon bis chromatisches Knopf- oder Pianoakkordeon. http://www.burg-fuersteneck.de/kursprogramm/folk_bordunmusik/akkordeonale_workshops/16-35201/ |
“5° Festival dell'Organetto” Montesano - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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1) L’Associazione "Il Mondo dell'Organetto" di Viggiano (PZ), con il patrocinio del Comune di Montesano S/M (SA), in collaborazione con l'Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici (A.M.I.SA.D.) di Maiolati Spontini (AN), organizzano il giorno 11 dicembre 2016, a Montesano S/M Capoluogo, nei locali della Sala Polifunzionale, il “5° Festival dell'Organetto” Alla manifestazione vi potranno prendere parte candidati con organetti di qualsiasi tipo e marca.. La gara si articolerà nelle seguenti categorie: - Cat. A fino a 9 anni (nati dal 2007 in poi) - Cat. B fino a 11 anni (nati dal 2005 in poi) - Cat. C fino a 13 anni (nati dal 2003 in poi) - Cat. D fino a 15 anni (nati dal 2001 in poi) - Cat. E fino a 18 anni (nati dal 1998 in poi) - Cat. F senza limiti di età - Cat. OVER50 da 50 anni in poi (nati dal 1966 in poi) Tutti i concorrenti sono tenuti a presentare due brani a libera scelta della durata complessiva non superiore agli 6 (sei) minuti. PROGRAMMA ore 09:00 Iscrizioni e conferma iscrizioni ore 09:30 Inizio audizioni ore 13:00 Pausa pranzo ore 15:00 Prosecuzione audizioni delle altre categorie sino al termine a seguire Premiazioni. Proclamazione dei Vincitori del “5° Festival dell'Organetto” Prezzi convenzionati per il pranzo per tutti i partecipanti: (€.20,00) Antipasto, n.2 primi, secondo(grigliata), frutta, dolce, vino, acqua, digestivo Per informazioni e iscrizioni: 0975863233-3342341131 Spinelli Vincenzo - Ass. Musicale "Mondo dell'Organetto" 0975863752 3342341131 e-mail: roncogia@alice.it |
Juan José Mosalini Workshop, Essen – Germanyby Harley Jones |
![]() 14 - 16 Uhr | Workshop mit Juan José Mosalini | Eintritt € 10.- | ermäßigt € 5.- 19.30 Uhr | Konzert mit Juan José Mosalini & Nathalie Grouet | Eintritt € 10.- | ermäßigt € 5.- Bandoneon player and composer Juan José Mosalini leads a workshop at the Folkwang Akkordeonklasse, Kammermusiksaal, Campus Essen-Werden, Essen, Germany. Juan José Mosalini (born 1943), from Argentina, specializes in tango nuevo and since 1977 has lived in France, where he has performed and taught. In 1999 he founded the first bandoneon course in Europe at the Conservatory in Gennevilliers. As a composer, he has also written film scores including ‘Double Face’ and ‘Le 4ème Pouvoir’ and ‘Das Autogramm’. Info:http://www.folkwang-uni.de/ |
Nordic Folk Music on Accordion - Germanyby Diatonic News |
![]() 02. Dezember 2016 18.30 Uhr bis 04. Dezember 2016 13:00 Uhr A workshop on Finnish and Swedish folk music and Teija's own compositions in folk music style. How to improve your technique, expression and musicality? How to make your playing breathe and groove? How to vary melodies and improvise? How to play the bass side in a polska? These are some of the questions Teija loves to dig into in her workshops. Instruments: Both chromatic and diatonic accordions are welcome. Skills: Participants should have moderate to good skills with their instrument. Ability to play both by ear and from sheet music is a plus. Kurssprache: Englisch. Referentin: Teija Niku Helsinki, Finnland - Folk-Akkordeonistin (chromatisch & diatonisch) mit Master-Abschluss an der berühmten Sibelius-Akademie. Spezialistin für nordische Folkmusik und für die Musik der Balkan-Länder. Ihr Debüt-Soloalbum “Finsko Pajdusko” (2011) wurde von der Kritik gefeiert und bei den finnischen Emma-Awards als bestes Weltmusik-Album des Jahres ausgezeichnet. http://www.burg-fuersteneck.de/kursprogramm/folk_bordunmusik/akkordeonale_workshops/16-35201/ |
http://www.alberard.com/ USAby Diatonic News |
Auf Tour im December - Marc Pircher/Austria/Deutschland/Schweizby Harley Jones |
![]() Do, 01.12.16 A-6370 Kitzbühel (Tirol), Kath. Pfarrkirche 20.00 Uhr (Einlass: 19.00 Uhr) - EINTRITT FREI! Infos beim TVB Kitzbühel unter Tel.: +43(0)5356/66 66 0 Fr, 02.12.16 D-94133 Röhrnbach (Bayern), Kath. Pfarrkirche 20.00 Uhr (Einlass: 19.00 Uhr) Infos u. Karten: +49(0)171/52 50 884 (Leo Meier) Sa, 03.12.16 A-7431 Bad Tatzmannsdorf (Bgld.), Pfarrkirche 15.30 Uhr (Einlass: 14.30 Uhr) Infos u. Karten: +43(0)664/34 52 898 (Dietmar Lindau) So, 04.12.16 A-4020 Linz OÖ, KREKSIS SCHWAGERWIRTSCHAFT 16.00 Uhr (Einlass: 15.00 Uhr) Infos u. Karten: +43(0)676/636 83 59 (Eddie Kroll) Di, 06.12.16 A-5202 Neumarkt am Wallersee (Sbg.), Stadthalle 15.00 Uhr (Einlass: 14.00 Uhr) Infos u. Karten: +43(0)664/55 50 255 (Erich Gois) Do, 08.12.16 A-9570 Ossiach (Kärnten), Stift Ossiach 17.00 Uhr (Einlass: 16.00 Uhr) Infos u. Karten: +43(0)664/34 37 940 (Herr Pfarrer Erich Aichholzer) Fr, 09.12.16 A-4284 Tragwein (OÖ), Kath. Pfarrkirche 19.30 Uhr (Einlass: 19.00 Uhr) Infos u. Karten: +43(0)664/33 66 203 (Josef Naderer) Sa, 10.12.16 A-3281 Oberndorf a. d. Melk (NÖ), Pfarrkirche 14.30 Uhr (Einlass: 13.30 Uhr) Infos u. Karten: +43(0)676/411 410 1 (Mario Rupf) Mi, 14.12.16 A-8143 Dobl-Zwaring (Stmk.), "Mehrzweckhalle Dobl" 19.30 Uhr (Einlass: 18.30 Uhr) Infos u. Karten: +43(0)699/187 94 988 (Anja Kainz) Do, 15.12.16 A-2525 Schönau an der Triesting (NÖ), Festsaal "Ortszentrum", 20.00 Uhr (Einlass: 19.00 Uhr) Infos u. Karten: +43(0)664/39 32 694 (Frau Bgm. Brigitte Lasinger) Fr, 16.12.16 A-3943 Schrems (NÖ), Stadtpfarrkirche 20.00 Uhr (Einlass: 19.00 Uhr) Infos u. Karten: +43(0)664/13 13 683 (Thomas Breit) Sa, 17.12.16 I-39037 Meransen (Südtirol), Tennishalle 14.30 Uhr (Einlass: 11.00 Uhr) Infos u. Karten: +39/335/58 66 886 (Peter Steger) So, 18.12.16 D-08289 Schneeberg (Deutschland), "Gold`ne Sonne" 14.00 Uhr (Einlass: 12.00 Uhr) (Auftritt im DUO!) Infos u. Karten: +49(0)172/680 16 66 (Stefan Mittag) Di, 20.12.16 A-7201 Neudörfl (Bgld.), Martinihof 19.30 Uhr (Einlass: 18.00 Uhr) Infos u. Karten: +43(0)664/217 61 52 (Roman Tanzler) Mi, 21.12.16 A-6130 Schwaz (Tirol), Stadtsaal "SZentrum" 20.00 Uhr (Einlass: 19.30 Uhr) Infos u. Karten: +43(0)52 42/69 60 101 (SZentrum) Do, 22.12.16 CH-9200 Gossau (Schweiz), Hofstadl Albertschwil 20.00 Uhr (Einlass: 18.00 Uhr) Infos u. Karten: +41(0)79/425 66 86 (Christoph Koch) "Besinnliche Konzert-Tour mit Marc Pircher & Freunden" http://www.marcpircher.at/live-tour/2016/ |
17. Fürstenecker Bordunale - Deutschland/Italienby Diatonic News |
![]() Italienische Folkmusik im Ensemblefür diatonisches Akkordeon und alle anderen Instrumente, ab mittlerem Spielniveau Italien ist ein Schmelztiegel vielfältiger Kulturen, aus denen sich im Laufe der Jahrhunderte die italienische Bevölkerung gebildet hat, mit ihren unterschiedlichen Liedern und Tänzen. Im Nord-Westen ist die Tanzmusik mit der französischen Tradition verwandt. Im Nord-Osten entdeckt man den Einfluss österreichischer Musik. Im Süden gab es lange Zeit einen intensiven Kontakt mit der arabischen Kultur. Hier finden wir obsessive Tänze wie die "Tarantella" und die "Tammurriata". Im Herzen Italiens, in der Emilia Romagna mit ihrer Hauptstadt Bologna, ist unser Referent, einer der führenden diatonischen Akkordeonisten Italiens, zu Hause. Die Emilia Romagna ist die Brücke zwischen Nord und Süd und der Treffpunkt ein Kulturen mit bemerkenswerter kulturellen Breite. Aus diesem reichhaltigen Repertoire wählen wir die Schwerpunkte des Workshops. Als Ausblick können wir auch Beispiele des italienischen Repertoires aus anderen Regionen kennenlernen und zu einer Ensemblemusik zusammenfügen. Musikalische Begegnungen mit dem schwedischen Ensemble in Anlehnung an das Projekt ChiumaFina (www.ciumafina.com) sind nicht ausgeschlossen. Voraussetzung: Wir spielen vor allem in den Tonarten C-Dur, G-Dur, a-moll und ggf. auch e-moll. Alle Instrumente, die diese Tonarten spielen können und mindestens so beherrscht werden, dass Melodien schnell erlernt werden können, sind willkommen. Diatonische Akkordeons müssen in G/C mit mindestens 21 Tasten ohne Gleichtöner auf der Melodieseite und 8 Tasten im Bass sein. Die Unterrichtssprache ist Englisch (und ggf. Italienisch). Dozent: Stefano Ciuma Delvecchio Italien, spielt seit 1988 diatonisches Akkordeon und ließ sich in Italien und Frankreich in vielen Stilrichtungen ausbilden. Seit 1991 spielt er mit seiner Band Bevano Est auf allen wichtigen Festivals Italien und international. Er gehört zu den führenden Solisten und Lehrern auf dem diatonischen Akkordeon in Italien. Mit Josefina Paulson spielt er in dem Projekt ChiumaFina Mehr unter: www.ciuma.com Ciuma auf YouTube: youtu.be/tSB1iVejTYc youtu.be/BPX57nJPTPk youtu.be/6vPtGnAPqIo youtu.be/qS_bAVyoSao youtu.be/jNoQmsGx9WE www.youtube.com/watch?v=oC3rnnvwXTg Burg Fürsteneck Akademie für berufliche und musisch-kulturelle Weiterbildung Träger: Hessische Heimvolkshochschule BURG FÜRSTENECK e.V. Am Schlossgarten 3 | 36132 Eiterfeld Telefon: (0 66 72) 92 02 0 | Telefax: (0 66 72) 92 02 30 E-Mail:bildung(at)burg-fuersteneck(dot)de |
The Sound of Paris Musette Music on the Accordion with Raquel Gigot - DE/FR/BEby Diatonic News |
![]() 02. Dezember 2016 18.30 Uhr bis 04. Dezember 2016 13:00 Uhr Musette music is immensely appealing, evoking as it does the romantic cafes, sidewalks and dance halls of Paris. It is instantly recognizable, with its minor keys that speak of an underlying sadness, coupled with jaunty melodies and playing styles that reveal the resilience of the human spirit. Watch any old movie that‘s set in Paris and the soundtrack is sure to be musette, the charming, accordion-fueled music so identified with the city‘s romantic aura. When the Auvergnats moved from the center of France to Paris in search of work in the early 1800s, they brought their folk music to town, many of them opening cafés that catered to factory workers and their families. Another wave of immigrants came into Paris from Italy. The uprooted Italians settled into the same working-class neighborhoods as the Auvergnats, and brought their own musical instrument with them: the accordion. Gypsy people who lived on the outskirts of society, but worked in the heart of the city came with banjo (Django Reinhardt...) to play in those dance halls of Paris. From the meeting of those three communities (Auvergne, Italy and Gypsy), a new style of music was born! In this workshop we will go into a Ball from the years 30 in Paris! Bourrées, Mazurkas, polkas, waltzes, javas, swing... We will work on everything that makes the style: accents, phrases, swing, variations, rhythmic, accompaniment, spirit of the musette... and, pleasure to play together! Welcome: Chromatic accordion players. Diatonic players are welcome, if they already can play a bit. Kurssprache: Englisch Raquel Gigot stammt aus Belgien, einem Land mit einer großen Akkordeon-Tradition. So konnte es nicht anders kommen, als dass sie mit den verschiedensten Stilen der Akkordeonmusik in Berührung kam. Sie spielt chromatisches sowie diatonisches Akkordeon. Die Musette begleitet Raquel seit ihrer Kindheit, sie interpretiert ihn wie zu Zeiten der Swing-Jazz-Epoche in Paris und Brüssel. Das Akkordeon liebt sie, weil es quer durch die sozialen Schichten in Kneipen und auf Dorffesten genau so zu Hause ist, wie in Konzertsälen. http://www.burg-fuersteneck.de/kursprogramm/folk_bordunmusik/akkordeonale_workshops/16-35201/ |
Future events / Concerts |
Kevin Naquin & the Ossun Playboys - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() Where: Performance Center Vermilionville's Performance Center with Kevin Naquin & the Ossun Playboys. Admission is $10 and refreshments will be available for this smoke-free family-friendly event. For more information call (337) 233-4077. KEVIN NAQUIN & THE OSSUN PLAYBOYS Kevin Naquin & the Ossun Playboys have arrived! This time, the swamps of southwest Louisiana have given birth to a young, Cajun band that’s definitely ‘the real deal’. These guys play Cajun music the way it’s supposed to be played, keeping true to their traditional heritage, yet pushing the limits of groove with a mature experimentation that’s guaranteed to keep you dancing. Kevin Naquin & the Ossun Playboys pack the dance floor every time with his pumping accordion rising like steam from the hot gumbo he calls ‘the Ossun Playboys’. The Ossun Playboys have released multiple award-winning albums and their live shows have also earned them numerous prostigeious wards from the Cajun French Music Association. Kevin Naquin & the Ossun Playboys and their pulsing two-steps and historical waltzes are bound to keep your dancing shoes workin’ and sweat on your brow! True to their Cajun background, the Ossun Playboys perform traditional tunes, but they also like to experiment a little with pushing the limits of Cajun music with their unique mixture of old and new. http://www.vermilionville.org/events/kevin-naquin-the-ossun-playboys |
Sásta Band performance in - Australiaby Diatonic News |
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Sásta (roughly translating to ‘Happy’ in Gaelic) are the most dynamic Irish band in Australia today, making a huge impact on the Irish music scene in Australia in recent times. The band is made up of multi-instrumentalists who have performed at the highest national level. Pumping reels with phenomenal energy, and of course all of your favourite Irish songs, as well as some superbly penned original tunes & songs that will have you up and dancing in no time! Sásta have released two albums, toured interstate all over Australia as well as playing gigs in France, New Zealand & touring in New Caledonia . They also have supported international acts such as Aslan, Mundy, Damien Dempsey, Sharon Shannon and even Shane McGowan’s band ‘The Popes’ (formerly of 'The Pogues') . Sásta perform at the top festivals around Australia including the National Folk Festival (Canberra) ,Caloundra Music Festival (Queensland), Cygnet festival (Tasmania) & Woodford Folk Festival (Queensland) , and alongside the likes of The Corrs, Claymore, Solas, Saoirse at Loreint Festival Interceltique in Brittany, France in 2016 . They will perform at the Woodford Folk Festival: 27 12 2016 Tue/Garland/9.30pm 29/31 12 2016 Thu-Sat/Larrikin/9.10pm 30 12 2016 Fri/Larrikin/11.40pm http://www.sastaband.com |
December Tour / Riccardo Tesi - Italy/Belgioby Diatonic News |
![]() 1, 3 dicembre 16 BELLA CIAO- Napoli 10 dicembre 16 BELLA CIAO-Brugge (Belgio) 13 dicembre 16 BELLA CIAO-Vilvoorde (Belgio) 14 dicembre 16 BELLA CIAO-Aalst (Belgio) 15 dicembre 16 BELLA CIAO-Houthalen-Helchteren (Belgio) 16 dicembre 16 BELLA CIAO- Leuven (Belgio) 17 dicembre 16 BELLA CIAO-Heist-op-den-Berg (Belgio) 18 dicembre 16 TESI/GERI duo-Scarperia (FI) 23 dicembre 16 Info: www.riccardotesi.com |
Mario K. im Dezember - Österreich/Tirolby Diatonic News |
![]() Sehen und hören können Sie Mario im Dezember: Sa 03 Dez 2016 Stimmungsabend 20:00A-6020 Innsbruck - Radio U1 Fanclub So 11 Dez 2016 Radio U1 Musikantenweihnacht 13:00A-6330 Ebbs - Hödnerhof Mo 26 Dez 2016 Weihnachtskonzert 20:00A-6273 Ried - Zillertaler Grillhof Sa 31 Dez 2016 Silvesterabend 21:00A-6273 Ried - Zillertaler Grillhof feiern Sie Silvester mit Mario K. - die Volks & Schlagerparty zum Abschluss des Jahres http://mario-k.com/ |
Geno Delafose en tour in December 2016 - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() December 02 Friday ------------ La Poussiere - Authentic Cajun Dancehall - Breaux Bridge LA. 8:pm December 03 Saturday -------- American Legion - Rayne LA. 9:pm December 04 Sunday ---------- Toys For Tots Drive Route 92 Bar (No Smoking) Youngsville LA 4:pm December 05 Monday ---------- Private - New Orleans LA. December 09 Friday ------------ Pat's Atchafalaya Club - Henderson LA. 9:pm December 10 Saturday -------- Private - Day Time December 10 Saturday -------- Sue's Saddle Up - Kaplan LA. 9:30:pm December 11 Sunday ---------- Whiskey River Landing Henderson LA. 4:pm December 16 Friday ------------ Sawdust Saloon Beaumont Texas 9:30:pm December 17 Saturday ------- La Poussiere - Authentic Cajun Dancehall - Breaux Bridge LA. 8:pm December 18 Sunday ---------- TBA December 23 Friday ------------ TBA December 24 Saturday -------- Pat's Atchafalaya Club - ( Christmas EVE ) Henderson LA 9:pm December 25 Sunday ---------- (XMAS) Rock 'N' Bowl - New Orleans LA. 8:30pm December 30 Friday ------------ Route 92 Bar - Youngsville LA. 9:30:pm December 31 Saturday -------- New Years Eve Dance Vermilionville - Lafayette LA. 9:30pm January 01 Sunday ---------- Whiskey River Landing Henderson LA. 4:pm Booking Contact (337) - 457-0982 Email Zydeco@genodelafosemusic.com www.facebook.com/geno.delafose |
Didier Laloy in December - Belgiumby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() Over the years he’s had a chance to collaborate with many talented artists from both belgian and international scenes. He has also devellopped a passion for his own « creative world » through four major personnel projects : S’tres, Didier Laloy Invite’S, Pôz,… His rich carreer has allowed him to try out quantity of different types of music such as world music, jazz, pop-rock or even theatre… without him ever prefering one to an other. He has defined his own style through his « freedom of creation », wich consists in following his personal needs and most of all, in bringing his audience to yet unknown places. For over 20 years, he has taken part in not less than a hundred recordings and he’s still going strong throughout the world. 08/12/16 "Ialma" Liège Philarmonie de Liège Belgium Heure: 20:00 09/12/16 "Ialma" Bruxelles - Belgium Heure: 20:00 12/12/16 "BELEM" Roeselare Roeselare Belgium Heure: 15:00 Info: http://didierlaloy.be/ |
Sharon Shannon Band @ Woodford Folk Festival - Australiaby Diatonic News |
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https://woodfordfolkfestival.com/programme/the-programme-book.html |
Dance / concert with Topette - Bristol/GBby Diatonic News |
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Thursday 8th December 2016 Trinity Centre, (Fyfe Hall) Dance / concert with Topette!! Joyously jugular-grabbing acoustic dance music from this Anglo-French five-piece, featuring BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards musician of the year 2016 Andy Cutting. Info/Tickets http://www.wegottickets.com/event/369575 |
RUSTY METOYER & THE ZYDECO KRUSH at Vermilionville's - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() Where: Performance Center ome dance the afternoon away at Vermilionville's Performance Center with Rusty Metoyer & the Zydeco Krush. Admission is $10 and refreshments will be available for this smoke-free family-friendly event. For more information call (337) 233-4077. Rusty Metoyer and The Zydeco Krush is a young, energetic Zydeco band from Lake Charles, LA. They play everything from traditional Creole French songs to nouveau Zydeco music. They offer a great show that is suitable for all ages and have been known to make a crowd move. The band is led by Rusty Metoyer, a young self-taught musician native to Lake Charles. He is a 2010 graduate of St. Louis Catholic High School and is currently pursuing a Business Degree at McNeese State University. Rusty grew up with musical influences from some of his uncles as well as both of his grandfathers. All were self-taught musicians in Creole French, Zydeco, Jazz, & Blues. Staying true to his roots, Rusty learned to play the accordion through the traditional style of French music, and he is passionate about keeping his Creole heritage alive. Rusty is self-taught on other instruments as well, including drums, guitar, scrub board, and bass. He has performed with various musicians, such as Lil Wayne & Same Ol' 2 Step, Coret Ledet, Brian Jack, Brandon Ledet, Doghill Stompers, Cedryl Bellou, Jeremy Fruge, Gerard Delafose, and many more. Rusty Metoyer and The Zydeco Krush have performed for local church functions, trail rides, festivals, private parties, family reunions, weddings, Mardi Gras celebrations, restaurants, clubs, and Universities in Lake Charles, New Orleans, Natchitoches, Alexandria, Thibodeaux, & Baton Rouge, LA- Long Beach & San Diego, California, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland, Texas, Washington DC, and New York. (Rusty also accompanied Gerard Delafose on guitar in Saulieu, France.) They perform original songs as well as songs from popular musicians like Beau Jocque, Chris Ardoin, Keith Frank, Geno Delafose, John Delafose, and Boozoo Chavis. They create a nice blend between old and new Zydeco music. Rusty Metoyer and The Zydeco Krush are sure to have their audience dancing and passin' a good time! http://www.vermilionville.org/events/rusty-metoyer-the-zydeco-krush |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
Will Pound and Eddy Jay new CD "Ignite" - UKby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() Will Pound is one of the finest harmonica players of his generation whose innovative style pushes the boundaries of his instrument and the folk genre. Three-time nominee for BBC Radio 2 Folk Musician Of The Year, he has held the accolades of FATEA Instrumentalist of the Year (2013, 2014) and Spiral Earth Magazine Musician Of The Year (2015) Will has performed with musicians as diverse as Martin Simpson, Concerto Caledonia, Michelle Burke and Guy Chambers and is famous for his inventive arrangements and outstanding solos in duos Haddo, Walsh and Pound and four-piece The Will Pound Band. Eddy Jay is a real master of the accordion with the ability to turn it into an orchestra at his fingertips. He was a key player in the arrangement of the hit stage musical version of Noel Coward's Brief Encounter' (Kneehigh theatre) which toured US theatres including Studio 56 on Broadway (NY) He has performed with Cathal Coughlan and Tina May, devised his own version of Prokofiev's classic 'Peter and the Wolf' and Edith Piaf show which have toured the UK and beyond. http://www.poundandjay.co.uk/index.aspx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIok0hqiNpw |
“Una vita a bottoni” di Riccardo Tesi - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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“Una vita a bottoni” racconta la carriera artistica di Riccardo Tesi, uno dei musicisti più autorevoli della scena world music europea e tra i pionieri della riscoperta dell’organetto diatonico in Italia. Leader e fondatore di Banditaliana, Tesi ha usato il suo strumento per dialogare con molti artisti ed ha intrecciato legami con la canzone d’autore, le improvvisazioni jazz, ma anche rock e classica, iniziando a lavorare con Caterina Bueno, fino al suo primo album del 1983 “Il ballo della lepre”. Poi tante collaborazioni da Patrick Vaillant a Gabriele Mirabassi, da Gianlugi Trovesi a Piero Pelù, da Fabrizio De André a Ivano Fossati e Gianmaria Testa. Uscito in settembre, il libro edito da Squilibri, sarà presentato il 3 dicembre alle 17.30 presso il Palazzo dei Vescovi a Pistoia, alla presenza dell'autore Neri Pollastri, critico musicale e di Riccardo Tesi. Simone Gai farà da moderatore all'incontro, al quale parteciperanno anche Claudio Carboni e Maurizio Geri, che suoneranno qualcosa del loro repertorio assieme allo stesso Tesi. www.riccardotesi.com |
New CD by "Four Winds" - Irelandby Diatonic News |
![]() The band has just been awarded the prestigious Danny Kyle Award, presented by the Celtic Connections festival board in recognition of outstanding emerging talent in Celtic music. FourWinds has also been chosen as one of three finalists in the Rising Stars Competition, held by The Gathering in Killarney, Ireland. Info: http://fourwindsirishmusic.com/the-band/ |
cd "OBSTINADO" by Claudio Constantini Quintet - Peruby Diatonic News |
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OBSTINADO Claudio Constantini Quintet Label: La Cúpula Music TRACKS: (1) Romanza tanguera (2) Piazzojazz (3) El paso del tiempo (4) Milonga Retiro (5) Reflejo de Suvi (6) Oblivion (7) Subconsciouslee (8) Zamba del ocaso (9) Obstinado (10) Plazeando All music composed by Claudio Constantini except track 6 (A.Piazzolla) and 7 (L.Konitz) Recorded at Arco del Valle studios, Cercedilla-Spain (June 2015) Info/purchase: info@claudioconstantini.com |
Accordion TV/Film/Radio |
Volksmusik im ORF/Tirol - Österreichby Diatonic News |
![]() MDR "Die große Show der Weihnachtslieder mit Stefanie Hertel", 20.15 Uhr TV-Show aus Suhl; Lied: Wo san denn heit die Schafersbuam Fr, 23.12.2016 ORF 2 Tirol "TIROL HEUTE", 19.00 Uhr Scheckübergabe an Licht ins Dunkel (für PRO JUVENTUTE TIROL). Auch bei unserer diesjährigen Weihnachtstour gehen wieder 5 Euro pro verkaufter CD an die Aktion LICHT INS DUNKEL! http://www.marcpircher.at/tv-auftritte/ |
Franz Posch mit der „Liabsten Weis“ am 24. Dezember im TV - Oesterreichby Diatonic News |
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Sendungshinweis: „Mei liabste Weihnachtsweis" 24.12.2016, 14.00 - 15.00 Uhr, ORF 2 Alle Jahre wieder - auch heuer lädt Franz Posch am Heiligen Abend ins ORF Landesstudio in Innsbruck zur Weihnachtsweis. Nützen Sie Ihre Chance und gewinnen Sie bei tirol.ORF.at vier Eintrittskarten für die Live-Sendung. Volksmusikanten versetzen am Heiligen Abend die Fernsehzuschauer in Weihnachtsstimmung. Live lassen sie vor Publikum - selbstverständlich kostenlos - ihre Instrumente und Stimmen erklingen und steuern damit auch ein Scherflein bei für „Licht ins Dunkel“. Präsentator Franz Posch greift meist auch selbst zu dem einen oder anderen Instrument, aber das bestimmen - wie bei jeder „Liabsten Weis“ - ausschließlich die Saalgäste bzw. die Anrufer. Via Satellit und per Live-Stream Ab 14.00 Uhr spielen Ensembles aus Tirol die schönsten Weisen und Stückln zur Weihnachtszeit, um Jung und Alt die Wartezeit auf das „Christkindl“ zu verkürzen. Die Sendung im Rahmen von „Licht ins Dunkel“ ist wie immer auch online via Live-Stream in der ORF TVthek weltweit zu verfolgen und wird nicht nur von vielen Österreichern gerne genutzt, um ihren Lieben einen weihnachtlichen Gruß zu senden. Gewinnen Sie Ihre Eintrittskarte! Bei der Liabsten Weihnachtsweis treten alle Künstler unentgeltlich auf. Der Erlös durch die freiwilligen Spenden für die Eintrittskarten der Aktion "Licht ins Dunkel“ zugute. Mit etwas Glück können Sie bei tirol.ORF.at Ihre Eintrittskarte für die Liabste Weihnachtsweis jedoch gewinnen Hier geht's zum Gewinnspiel: http://our.orf.at/mailform/tirol_Weihnachtsweis/?showpreview=true |
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