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Diatonic News - Sep-2021
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Voci Armoniche


Heinrich Band: Namesake, but Not Inventor of the Bandoneon - Germany
46th PIF in 2021 Castelfidardo - Italy
Amadeus Austrian Music Awards - Austria
Antonio Grosso School - Italia
Online Music lessons with David Munnelly - IRELAND
Accordion Museum Castelfidardo - Italy
Harmonica Lessons online - Worldwide
Accordion After Summer idea - tattoo? - Worldwide
2022 Fairbridge Festival Artist Applications Now Open - Australia
Alain Papineau's Windfall Donation to A World of Accordions Museum - USA

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Harmonika-WM 2021 in Terme Olimia/Slowenien! Svetovno prvenstvo 2022 ! - Austria
2021 Carrefour Mondial de L’Accordeon – Canada
Melodika und Mundharmonika in der pädagogischen Praxis - DE
Donau Insel Fest - Wien/Österreich
Gator by the Bay - next in March 2022 - USA
Cremona Musica International Exhibition and Festival - Italy
The Crawfish and Catfish Festival - US
Tango Festival Trieste - Italy
Mundharmonika-Live-Festival - Klingenthal/DE
2021 Cotati Accordion Festival, California - USA

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Marc Pircher Entertains at 2021 Donauinselfest, Vienna - Austria
Grupo Intocable with performances in Sep/Oct - USA
TAG DER HARMONIKA 2022 hat jetzt ein fixes Datum - Österreich
Johnkirk Patrick live in September 2021 - UK
Cedric Watson in September - USA/IRELAND
Herbstmesse Dornbirn - Austria
"Granny’s Attic" Entertained in London – England

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

NOTENHEFTE von Alexander Maurer - Österreich
Video: Mattias Nyström, home-made torader - Norway

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Video: 8 Year Old Performer - Russia
You Matteo of Italy

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Voci Armoniche


Sounding Out the Accordion

Heinrich Band: Namesake, but Not Inventor of the Bandoneon - Germany

by Diatonic News
Ulrich SchmüllingWilloughby Ann WalsheThis article was published already last year, but we think its very interesting - so we would like to suggest to our readers that you reread:

The beginnings of the bandoneon or those German Concertinas that were later called bandoneons is situated in the town of Carlsfeld (Saxony) in the Ore Mountains (Erzgebirge).

After Carl Friedrich Uhlig (1790–1874) developed the first German Concertina in Chemnitz in 1834, it was Carl Friedrich Zimmermann (1817–1898) who started producing German Concertinas in the attic of his parents’ house in Carlsfeld around 1840, further developed them and some few years later invented an instrument that later became known and sold worldwide under the name “Bandoneon.”

This is a fact about which there is no doubt in the general public as well as among experts and which has been historically proven. Until recently!

A specialist book, which has been available on the German market since May 15, 2020, states with remarkable explicitness that Krefeld merchant Heinrich Band (1821–1860) invented the bandoneon and subsequently makes the city of Krefeld the instrument’s birthplace.

Under the title “Heinrich Band. Bandoneon” (subtitle: “Die Reise eines Instruments aus dem niederrheinischen Krefeld in die Welt” [The journey of an instrument from Krefeld, Lower Rhine, into the world]), it is both the “Förderverein für das Kulturbüro der Stadt Krefeld e.V.” [Sponsoring Society for the Cultural Office of the Krefeld] as editor and Janine Krüger as author who propagate this in a colorful and lavishly produced book.

The book was published by Klartext Verlag, Essen, and financially opulently supported by “Sparkassen Kulturstiftung Krefeld,” [the savings bank cultural foundation] “Stadt Krefeld,” [City of Krefeld] the “Kunst Stiftung NRW” [Art Foundation North Rhine-Westphalia] and the “Kulturbüro Krefeld” [Cultural Office of Krefeld] as well as the “Förderverein für das Kulturbüro der Stadt Krefeld e.V.” (the association is at the same time the editor and financial supporter itself); further backed by Klaus Kokol (Krefeld city council member, deputy Social Democratic Party of Germany parliamentary group leader, director of the legal department) and Jürgen Sauerland-Freer (former head of Krefeld’s culture department and predecessor of Dr. Gabriele König).

According to the book information, besides the editor and author is an editorial staff, which includes Prof. Gerhard Hahn (an engineer, sculptor and designer based in Krefeld), Dr. Gabriele König (head of Krefeld’s Culture Department as well as head of the city’s Culture Office) and Burkhard Ostrowski (Krefeld culture office employee).

Thus, there is a concentrated municipal energy in the background.

The fact that local patriotism and cultural enthusiasm for the city go so far that music history is “bent” in order to attract even more public attention and publicity, is not only outlandish but also reprehensible. But above all, it is completely unnecessary.

To be sure, the name “bandoneon” actually derives from the Krefeld family name of Heinrich Band. But apart from the fact that this instrument name did not originate from Band himself, but from a third party, Band has demonstrably never been an instrument manufacturer, but no more and no less was one of several music dealers who bought various instruments from different manufacturers and sold them to their customers.
The relevant professional music circles stood on their heads by this snubbing presumption, especially inasmuch as the editors and local politicians not only leave it misrepresented in their book, but use all available types of media exploitation (advertising videos, launched newspaper releases, internet articles, radio reports, etc.) to pursue their historical fact suppression bluntly and widely.

It is to be hoped that this does not result in what is widespread in today’s society, namely that untruth becomes truth if it is repeated only loudly and often enough.

Heinrich Band. Bandoneon (“Förderverein für das Kulturbüro der Stadt Krefeld e.V.” as editor and Janine Krüger as author), in German language only. ISBN 978-3-8375-1970-9 - format 23 x 23 cm - 368 pages - four-color throughout with numerous photos and illustrations - hardcover, thread stitching - price 29.95 euros - circulation: 700 copies.4

Ulrich Schmülling, July 15th 2020 (picture above)
Translation: Willoughby Ann Walshe (picture above)

Excerpt from Research by Norbert Seidel about Invention of Bandoneon in German

Article about: Willoughby Ann Walshe 80th Birthday, Kamen - Germany

Heinrich Band: Namensgeber, aber nicht Erfinder des Bandoneons
Die Wiege des Bandoneons bzw. der Concertinas, die man später Bandoneon nannte, befindet sich in dem Ort Carlsfeld im Erzgebirge in Sachsen.

Nachdem Carl Friedrich Uhlig (1790–1874) im Jahre 1834 in Chemnitz die erste „Deutsche Konzertina“ entwickelt hatte, war es Carl Friedrich Zimmermann (1817–1898) in Carlsfeld, der um das Jahr 1840 erste Handzuginstrumente in der Dachkammer seines elterlichen Hauses herstellte, weiterentwickelte und wenige Jahre später eine Harmonika erfand, die später unter dem Namen „Bandoneon“ (bzw. „Bandonion“) weltweit bekannt und verkauft wurde.

Das ist eine Tatsache, über die in der Allgemeinheit wie in Fachkreisen keine Zweifel bestanden haben und die historisch belegt ist. Bis vor kurzem!

Seit dem 15. Mai diesen Jahres (2020) ist auf dem deutschen Markt ein Fachbuch erhältlich, das den Krefelder Kaufmann Heinrich Band (1821–1860) mit bemerkenswerter Ausdrücklichkeit als Erfinder des Bandoneons erklärt und die Stadt Krefeld im Nachgang zur Geburtsstätte des Bandoneons macht.

Unter dem Titel „Heinrich Band. Bandoneon“ (Untertitel: Die Reise eines Instruments aus dem niederrheinischen Krefeld in die Welt) sind es sowohl der „Förderverein für das Kulturbüro der Stadt Krefeld e.V.“ als Herausgeber als auch Janine Krüger als Autorin, die dies in einem farbenprächtigen und aufwendig produzierten Buch propagieren. Erschienen ist der Titel im Klartext Verlag, Essen, finanziell opulent gefördert wurde er durch die „Sparkassen Kulturstiftung Krefeld“, die „Stadt Krefeld“, die „Kunst Stiftung NRW“ und das „Kulturbüro Krefeld“ sowie ausweislich durch den „Förderverein für das Kulturbüro der Stadt Krefeld e.V.“ (der Förderverein ist gleichzeitig Herausgeber und fördert sich selbst); im weiteren unterstützt von Klaus Kokol (Mitglied des Rates der Stadt Krefeld, stellv. Fraktionsvorsitzender der SPD, Leitender Rechtsamtsdirektor) und Jürgen Sauerland-Freer (ehemaliger Leiter des Fachbereichs Kultur der Stadt Krefeld und Amtsvorgänger von Dr. Gabriele König).

Dem Herausgeber und der Autorin hinzugeschaltet ist laut Impressum noch eine Redaktion, und die besteht aus Prof. Gerhard Hahn (einem in Krefeld ansässigen Ingenieur, Bildhauer und Designer), Dr. Gabriele König (Leiterin des Fachbereichs Kultur der Stadt Krefeld und Leiterin des Kulturbüros der Stadt Krefeld) und Burkhard Ostrowski (Mitarbeiter im Kulturbüro der Stadt Krefeld).

Da steht also eine geballte kommunale Energie im Hintergrund.

Daß hier der Lokal-Patriotismus und die kulturelle Begeisterung für sich selbst soweit gehen, daß die Musikgeschichte „gebeugt“ wird, um noch mehr öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit, sprich: Publicity, auf sich zu ziehen, ist nicht nur befremdlich, sondern auch verwerflich. Vor allem aber ganz und gar unnötig.

Zwar leitet sich der Name „Bandoneon“ tatsächlich vom Familiennamen des Krefelders ab. Aber abgesehen davon, daß diese Instrumentenbezeichnung nicht von Band selbst stammte, sondern von Dritter Seite, ist Band nachweislich nie Instrumentenhersteller gewesen, sondern nicht mehr und nicht weniger als einer von mehreren Musikalienhändlern, die unterschiedliche Instrumente von verschiedenen Herstellern kauften und an ihre Kunden verkauften.

Die einschlägige Musikfachwelt steht Kopf angesichts dieser brüskierenden Vermessenheit, zumal die Herausgeber und Kommunalpolitiker es nicht nur mit der falschen Darstellung in ihrem Buch belassen, sondern alle verfügbaren Register der Medienverwertung (Werbe-Videos, lancierte Zeitungsberichte, Internet-Artikel, Rundfunkbeiträge usw.) ziehen, um unverblümt und weithin ihre historische Tatsachenverdrängung zu betreiben.

Es bleibt zu hoffen, daß dadurch nicht das eintritt, was gerade in der heutigen Gesellschaft weit verbreitet ist, nämlich daß Unwahrheit dann zur Wahrheit wird, wenn man sie nur laut und oft genug wiederholt.

Nobert Seidel aus München ist als ausgewiesener Fachmann in Sachen Bandoneon-Forschung weithin bekannt und renommiert. In seinem folgenden Beitrag geht er auf den neuen Buchtitel ein, zeigt die fatale Fehleinschätzung der Autoren detailliert auf und versucht damit, der mit Vehemenz von ihnen betriebenen Geschichtsklitterung zu begegnen.

Heinrich Band. Bandoneon („Förderverein für das Kulturbüro der Stadt Krefeld e.V.“ als Herausgeber und Janine Krüger als Autorin). ISBN 978-3-8375-1970-9 – Format 23 x 23 cm – 368 Seiten – durchgehend vierfarbig mit zahlreichen Fotos und Abbildungen – Hardcover, Fadenheftung – Preis 29,95 Euro – Auflage: 700 Exemplare.

Ulrich Schmülling, 15. Juli 2020 (Bild oben)

Auszug aus der Forschung von Norbert Seidel über die Erfindung von Bandoneon in deutscher PDF-Datei


46th PIF in 2021 Castelfidardo - Italy

by Diatonic News
46th International Accordion Prize “Città di Castelfidardo” for Soloists and Groups
Artistic Direction: Antonio Spaccarotella

The Municipal Administration of Castelfidardo (Italy) announces the International Accordion Award “City of Castelfidardo” from 28 September to 02 October reserved for soloists and groups.

There will also be categories including diatonic accordions, bandoneons in the following categories:

The closing date for registrations was 31 August and will be finalized by connecting to the pifcastelfidardo.it site.
Candidates will receive confirmation of registration by e-mail.

For more detailed information view: https://www.pifcastelfidardo.it/

Voci Armoniche

Amadeus Austrian Music Awards - Austria

by Diatonic News
Amadeus Austrian Music Awards - Austria
Die Amadeus Austrian Music Awards werden vom Verband der österreichischen Musikwirtschaft – IFPI Austria veranstaltet. 2021 finden sie zum 21. Mal statt.

Die Amadeus Austrian Music Awards
werden an österreichische Künstler*innen in 7 Allgemeinen und 7 Genre Kategorien verliehen.
Am 09. September werden die Gewinner*innen in ORF 1 präsentiert!

In unserer Oktober-Ausgabe berichten wir über die Gewinner.

Mit der steirischen Harmonika sind vertreten:
NomineeSchlager/Volksmusik sowie Album des Jahres
Melissa Naschenweng
Andreas Gabalier

Mehr auf: https://www.amadeusawards.at/

Friedrich Lips Book


by Werner Weibert
Alle Steirische-Harmonika-Spieler sind herzlich zu diesem internationalen Wettbewerb eingeladen!
Na to mednarodno tekmovanje vljudno vabljeni vsi štajerski harmonikarji!
Tutti i suonatori di armonica della Stiria sono cordialmente invitati a questo concorso internazionale!
All Styrian harmonica players are cordially invited to this international competition!


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Antonio Grosso School - Italia

by Diatonic News
Armonia di gruppo pre covid 19... con tanta allegria e tanta speranza di poter ricominciare a far musica negli eventi estivi a loro tanto cari.
Nell'estate 2021 alcuni concerti ci sono svolti.

Vorresti imparare a suonare la fisarmonica diatonica oppure un'altro strumento ?


Antonio Grosso School
📲320.3125600 331.4617863
Antonio Grosso School - Italia

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Online Music lessons with David Munnelly - IRELAND

by Diatonic News
David MunnellySet you to teach tunes mainly on button accordion but can teach tunes to any instrument wanting to learn Irish traditional music.

Button accordion lessons via Skype are also available to all levels of students worldwide.Also available are classes on other melody instruments for those interested in learning repitorie. Ages 14 and up preferred.

Classes on button accordion are available in: C#/D, and single row systems for beginner to advanced and areas looked at are:

1) Instrument Control, i.e. fingering, bellows control.
2) Musicality, i.e. understanding of tune, phrasing, ornamentation and a special emphasis on rhythm, basses
3) Students standard will be assessed and shall be given tunes in accordance.
4) Different Box playing styles shall be discussed and advice given.
5) Classes shall be taught by ear and a recording device is advised.

On other instruments is will be merely reportoire and understanding of tune, phrasing, ornamentation and a special emphasis on rhythm and dynamic.

Here are a selection of short videos you can purchase to get you started playing tune.

The melody can be learned on any instrument.

For information/contact: http://davidmunnelly.com/contact/

Accordion Museum Castelfidardo - Italy

by Diatonic News
If you are going to participate in the 47th PIF Competition in Castelfidardo, or a passionate accordion lover, or just happen to visit the Accordion dedicated City of Castelfidardo, do NOT miss a visit.

The newly renovated Accordion Museum Castelfidardo (Museo della Fisarmonica) reopend on August 29th, 2020.
The Accordion Museum Castelfidardo features some interesting new exhibits including the reproduction of a typical artisan workshop (1900-1970) with the wooden bench, detached parts of a vintage accordion and unique working tools that our craftsmen often invented and created themselves. (See top photo).

Visitors will see other new exhibits including the two creators and founders of the Accordion Museum Vincenzo Canali and Beniamino Bugiolacchi, composer Astor Piazzolla, Mariano Dallapè (founder of an accordion factory in 1876 in Stradella), Paolo Soprani, Gervasio Marcosignori, Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy (see picture) and so much more.

Titano Accordions

Harmonica Lessons online - Worldwide

by Diatonic News
Luke Clebsch
Step-By-Step Harmonica Lessons
Beginner to Boss is a foolproof beginner’s harmonica system — on ’roids. It’s the easiest way to learn harmonica. Period. With this system, you can’t fail, even if you think you won't succeed.

These video lessons will take you step by step, from sketchy-sounding rookie to full-on harmonica badass. Learning can be slow and frustrating if you learn the wrong way. When you hit a wall with your learning, it’s easy to just give up or noodle along without progress.

That’s why Harmonica.com has created Beginner to Boss; to make learning as easy as possible, with rapid results.

Beginner to Boss is not voodoo magic — it’s an intelligently designed, meticulously crafted, beginner’s harmonica system that even the most musically hopeless will succeed with. Here’s why:
No confusion, no head-scratching. Be coached every step of the way, with each lesson seamlessly building on the last.......
Our secret weapon: Luke Clebsch. If you’re a beginner and want to learn harmonica properly, Luke is your man. (Watch the video at the top of this page and you’ll see what we mean.)

The secret weapon: Luke Clebsch. If you’re a beginner and want to learn harmonica properly, Luke is your man.

For more view: Harmonica.com

Accordion Jazz Chord

Accordion After Summer idea - tattoo? - Worldwide

by Diatonic News
Accordion tattoos
If you are passionate accordion lover - here some ideas to "wear" your favorite instrument always with you - where ever you go ,-)

Gary Dahl Arrangements

2022 Fairbridge Festival Artist Applications Now Open - Australia

by Diatonic News
Fairbridge Festival
Artist applications are now open for the annual Fairbridge Festival, held in Marmion, Perth from April 22nd to 24th, 2022, presented by Folkworld Inc.

The festival includes a diverse selection of musical performances, art, dance, workshops and a youth program. Organisers also encourage talks, street performers, circus performers, wellness activities, dance displays etc.

Applications close on September 27th, 2021.

For details email: hello@fairbridgefestival.com.au

Alain Papineau's Windfall Donation to A World of Accordions Museum - USA

by Diatonic News
A World of Accordions Museum
A World of Accordions Museum proudly announces receipt of Alain Papineau’s antique accordion collection consisting of 350 of the rarest and most beautiful instruments from the century after Cyril Demian’s first patent (1829).

This donation, added to the 1,400 free-reed aerophones currently exhibited on the museum’s main floor and the 750 in reserve at Harrington ARTS Center, affirms the Superior, Wisconsin institution as the largest and most comprehensive in the world. About 70 of the new acquisitions are temporarily displayed in the “Special Exhibits” area of the concert hall, viewable by appointment.

This spectacular windfall acquisition has a decades-long history. In a 1997 meeting, museum curator Helmi Strahl Harrington, Ph.D., met accordion enthusiast Alain Papineau (World Bank architect) and viewed his Washington D.C. collection.

A quarter-century later, Papineau offered Harrington the gifts of his lifelong searches, most instruments of which are not described in organological references.

Along with the accordions and concertinas were 90 boxes of music and supportive reference materials that will greatly supplement the museum’s books and recordings libraries.

This is but the latest major contribution to the museum’s resources that also include numerous musicians’ estates.

Charnwood Music Publishing

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Voci Armoniche

Harmonika-WM 2021 in Terme Olimia/Slowenien! Svetovno prvenstvo 2022 ! - Austria

by Werner Weibert
Liebe Freunde der Steirischen Harmonika!

Im Jahr 2022 kann der Harmonikaverband Österreichs wieder die Harmonika-WM veranstalten, wie geplant in der “Terme Olimia” im slowenischen Podcetrtek.
Es freut uns sehr, diese Veranstaltung in Kooperation mit dem slowenischen Verband ZDHS an einem so schönen Ort ankündigen zu können. Die Ausschreibung erfolgt Anfang Oktober wieder in 4 Sprachen.

Wir freuen uns schon auf viele internationale Kandidaten!


Online translation


2021 Carrefour Mondial de L’Accordeon – Canada

by Diatonic News
2021 Carrefour Mondial de L’Accordeon – Canada2021 Carrefour Mondial de L’Accordeon – CanadaDas Carrefour Mondial de L'Accordeon 2021, 32. Ausgabe, wird vom 3. bis 5. September 2021 in Montmagny, Quebec, Kanada stattfinden.

Aufgrund der Covid-19-Beschränkungen, die viele Reisen nach Übersee verhindern, wird die Veranstaltung 2021 zu 100 % von kanadischen Akkordeonisten bestritten, die auf Innen- und Außenbühnen auftreten werden. Die Musikstile reichen von Jazz über Traditionelles bis hin zu Klassik.

Farbiges Programm: 2021Carrefour.pdf
Druckbarer Zeitplan: 2021CarrefourTimetable.pdf

Melodika und Mundharmonika in der pädagogischen Praxis - DE

by Diatonic News
Nadine Bösing und Naoko Nebl
Fortbildung mit Naoko Nebl und Nadine Bösing
Kursnummer: 21_22_FB_1

Diese Fortbildung vermittelt in Theorie und Praxis, anhand von Übungen und eigenem Spielen, Ensemblespiel, theoretischem Input und gegenseitigem Austausch den Einsatz von Mundharmonika und Melodika in der pädagogischen Praxis an Schulen, im Orchester/Verein oder in freien Lerngruppen.

Anmeldeschluss: 30.09.2021


Überblick über die Instrumentenfamilien und Ausbau der Spielfähigkeiten auf diesen Instrumenten
Überblick zum Einsatz der Instrumente in den verschiedenen pädagogischen Bereichen
Vorstellung von Konzepten aus der Kinder-und Jugendarbeit in unterschiedlichen Unterrichtsmodellen
Informationen und Herangehensweisen zur Umsetzung eigener Konzepte
Spielliteratur und pädagogische Literatur
An vier Samstagen werden diese Aspekte zusammen mit den Dozentinnen und Teilnehmenden vorgestellt, geübt und reflektiert.
Gerade im gemeinsamen Spielen und Austauschen über das Erlebte und Erlernte entstehen die entscheidenden Fragen zu den pädagogischen Arbeitsfeldern.
Auch Aspekte von weiterführendem oder hinführendem Unterricht zu den Instrumenten Klavier und insbesondere Akkordeon werden bearbeitet.

Diese Fortbildung wendet sich an Spieler*innen von Harmonika- und Tasteninstrumenten, die die Melodika und/oder Mundharmonika in ihre eigene pädagogische Praxis integrieren wollen.
Der Lehrgang vermittelt Konzepte für den Einsatz dieser Instrumente in Kinder- und Jugendgruppen, als Vorbereitung und Hinführung zum Akkordeon oder auch als eigenständiges Ensembleinstrument mit Menschen aller Altersgruppen.

Die Fortbildung findet am 30.10.2021, 27.11.2021, 05.02.2022, 02.04.2022 jeweils von 10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr im Hohner-Konservatorium Trossingen statt.

Über den Besuch der Fortbildung wird bei einer Mindestteilnahme von 75% sowie regelmäßiger Vor- und Nachbereitung eine detaillierte Teilnahmebescheinigung ausgestellt.


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Donau Insel Fest - Wien/Österreich

by Diatonic News
#dif21: Es gilt die heimischen Künstler*innen zu unterstützen!

Österreich hat eine vielseitige Musikszene vorzuweisen, die sich auch am Donauinselfest 2021 wieder von all ihren individuellen Facetten zeigen wird. Zu den wichtigsten Eckpfeilern des Donauinselfests zählt seit jeher die Förderung der heimischen Kunst-, Kultur- und Veranstaltungsbranche. Angesichts der herausfordernden Zeiten gehörten schon im letzten Jahr die DIF-Bühnen alleine und zu 100 Prozent heimischen Kunst- und Kulturschaffenden – „und so ist es auch heuer“, betont Kurt Wimmer und fügt hinzu: „Die COVID-19 Pandemie hat die Kunstszene wirklich hart getroffen. Veranstaltungen sind jetzt die wichtigste Basis, um der Szene wieder Aufschwung zu verleihen und besonders jungen Nachwuchstalenten eine Möglichkeit zu geben, sich musikalisch vor Publikum zu entfalten. Das Donauinselfest erfüllt diese Aufgabe auch heuer wieder bravourös und fördert die heimischen Kunstschaffenden

Bezugnehmend auf das geplante Setting des Festivalwochenendes betont Matthias Friedrich:

„Dass man sehr gerne schon alle Rahmenbedingungen des Festivalwochenendes bekannt geben würde und bittet um Verständnis, dass es aus heutiger Sicht unseriös wäre mit einem fixen Setting rauszugehen und mit Besucher*innenzahlen zu jonglieren.
Die aktuelle COVID-Situation ist für den Veranstalter bis zur tatsächlichen Veranstaltung im September noch zu schwierig zu beurteilen.
In Absprache mit den Behörden, dem Sicherheitsteam und dem COVID-19-Beirat wird weiterhin an mehrere Varianten gearbeitet.

Der spätestmögliche Zeitpunkt für uns zum Festlegen des Settings ist Anfang September. Sobald der Sack zugemacht ist, wird es publiziert!

Bitte konsultieren Sie: https://donauinselfest.at/?nofade

Gator by the Bay - next in March 2022 - USA

by Diatonic News
Gator by the Bay - next in March 2022 - US
The Gator By The Bay officials report, that the 2021 edition of the festival must unfortunately be postponed until 2022.

They have been enthusiastically working since last year on the 20th anniversary edition of the Gator By The Bay Festival which was to take place in May, 2021. Multiple unknowns related to the COVID pandemic unfortunately have made planning exceedingly difficult. Although disappointing, it is clear and logic, that canceling the 2021 festival is the right decision.

It is aksed those who have tickets carried over from 2020 to share in the 2022 edition, vision by carrying them over again to 2022. If your situation has changed and this presents a financial difficulty, contact the officials at process@gatorbythebay.com. You can request a refund through this link. You can If you have made hotel reservations, please remember to cancel them, but look for 2022 hotel information announcements very soon.

For more: https://gatorbythebay.com/

Titano Accordions

Cremona Musica International Exhibition and Festival - Italy

by Diatonic News
The 2021 Cremona Musica International Exhibition and Festival will be held from September 24th to 26th in Fiera di Cremona, Lombardy, Italy.

The event will include an historic exhibition in which a series of very interesting items from the Stradella Accordion Museum will be displayed.

The “Cremona Music Award” will be presented to its recipient who will be announced on the day.

On September 25th, a special dedicated conference will be held as a remembrance to Hamlet Dallapè and Carlo Aguzzi with the presentation of two plates in their honour.

The event will also include a variety of speakers, musicians and many accordion company displays.

All Government regulations regarding Covid-19 restrictions will be in place.

For details email: info@cremonamusica.com

La Mostra e Festival Internazionale Cremona Musica 2021 si terrà dal 24 al 26 settembre presso la Fiera di Cremona, Lombardia, Italia.

L'evento prevede una mostra storica nella quale saranno esposti una serie di oggetti molto interessanti provenienti dal Museo Stradella della Fisarmonica.

Il “Cremona Music Award” sarà consegnato al suo destinatario che sarà annunciato in giornata.

Il 25 settembre si terrà uno speciale convegno dedicato al ricordo di Amleto Dallapè e Carlo Aguzzi con la presentazione di due placche in loro onore.

L'evento includerà anche una varietà di oratori, musicisti e molte mostre di fabbriche di fisarmoniche.

Saranno in vigore tutte le normative governative in materia di restrizioni Covid-19.

Per dettagli email: info@cremonamusica.com


The Crawfish and Catfish Festival - US

by Diatonic News
The Crawfish and Catfish Festival - US
September 18 and 19th 2021
The Festival Safe Park & Shuttle $10.
8am-8pm 500 R St Garage Enter at R & S.
1801 3rd St Lot Enter 4th St at R & S

The Crawfish and Catfish Festival features the authentic tastes of Louisiana, Cajun, Creole, Southern BBQ, Soul Foods, Latin Foods and Asian/Cajun Fusion cuisine. Specialties offered include crawfish, catfish, alligator, frog legs, shrimp, oysters, gumbo, jambalaya, sausages, hot dogs, wings, garlic noodles, beignets and pralines.
New flavors for 2021: Crawfish Tamales, Crawfish Lumpia, Crawfish Enchiladas and Paella.

You can enjoy live Cajun, Zydeco, Blues, Jazz, R & B, and Funk on three stages.

Saturday night 6:00-10:00 pm Funktastic Mardi Gras Live featuring Beaufunk featuring Michael Jeffries formerly of Tower of Power on Bourbon Street from 6PM to 10PM. Dance the night away!

You can be picked up from the Bayou to Bourbon Street!
For more: http://crawfishandcatfishfestival.com/

Voci Armoniche

Tango Festival Trieste - Italy

by Diatonic News
Tango Festival Trieste - Italy
Alreday the 2020 Edition of the Tango Festival Trieste was postponed to 2021. Unfortunately due to the actual Covid-Situation, also this year cannot happend. The next edition witll be in September 2022.

They write:
Due to the hard period connected with the health emergency COVID-19. We think it is better to be careful and wait for better times to organize this international event that brings people from all over the world every year in the city of Trieste. That way the true essence of tango, social and multicultural dance, can be expressed in the most natural and spontaneous way.
We have been waiting as long as possible hoping that the health situation would allow us to confirm the event, but now we can’t wait any longer. We don’t want to postpone it and overlap with other tango events so we decided to cancel it. The decision was really painful, but we believe it is the most appropriate solution, and we will give our best to make the next edition even more engaging and exciting.
❤️ We thank you for the affection and patience shown, we will embrace you again next year for the VIII edition of the International Trieste Tango Festival 2022, of which we will communicate the dates as soon as possible.
A big tango hug to everyone,

Guillermo Berzins (Festival Director)

Mundharmonika-Live-Festival - Klingenthal/DE

by Diatonic News
September 14th to 19th, 2021 in Klingenthal

The association MUNDHARMONIKA-LIVE eV is currently planning to hold the HARMONIKA-LIVE-FESTIVAL 2021. Understandably, the traditional festival will look a little different than in previous years, but everybody hopes, to be able to welcome many guests, friends and harmonica enthusiasts in KLINGENTHAL this September.

Even if the character of the festivals this year will be different and
officially this edition will not be count in the history, the atmosphere will certainly be legendary again this year. Only the next festival in traditional form, hopefully in 2022, will then officially be the anniversary festival for the 20th edition. The events that are already firmly planned for our 2021 festival can be found in the program: https://wp.mundharmonika-live.de/events/

2021 Cotati Accordion Festival, California - USA

by Diatonic News
2021 Cotati Accordion Festival, California - USA
The 2021, 30th annual Cotati Accordion Festival will take place on September 25th and 26th this year in La Plaza Park, Cotati, California, USA.

This year's theme was to celebrate the 30th Annual milestone by riding the wave of the new "Roaring 20's". However, because of the stress and suffering so many have had to endure the last two years, organisers have decided to focus on "bringing joy back to our lives".

The festival will include 2 days of music, dancing, food, beer, wine and fun from 9.30am to 8pm on 7 stages, both days.
Tickets are now on sale. For details email: info@cotatifest.com

Accordion Jazz Chords

Future events / Concerts

Marc Pircher Entertains at 2021 Donauinselfest, Vienna - Austria

by Diatonic News
Marc PircherAccordionist Marc Pircher (picture left) and his band will perform on September 19th, 5pm at the 2021 Donauinselfest held at the Donauinsel, open air area in Vienna. The festival, claimed to be the biggest open-air festival in Europe, will run from August 2nd to September 19th, 2021.

The 2021 event takes place under the motto “Wienievorvor”, out of respect for all the Viennese who have shown once again over the past year (of Covid-19) what it means to stand together in a crisis!

The summer tour part of the festival will take place from August 2nd to September 16th in all 23 districts of Vienna.

This will be followed by the Dif21 festival weekend from September 17th to 19th, with four stages of music on the Danube Island!

Performers are 100% from Austria and from all music genres and for the first time, classical acts are also included! In addition, families and children can look forward to a comprehensive program with their own Dif21 kids tour, the Dif21 tour bike and a special festival on Sunday 19th!

The whole event will include 40 days of events, 80 acts and around 120 pop-up concerts, as well as the Dif21 tour bus, which will again be driving through the whole city with a varied program of performers.

For details email: kontakt@spw.at

Titano Accordions

Grupo Intocable with performances in Sep/Oct - USA

by Diatonic News
INTOCABLE is one of the most influential groups in the Tejano/Norteño music scene today. Their road to success began twenty years ago in Zapata,Texas, when friends Ricky Muñoz and René Martínez dreamed of bringing their songs to the world as they crafted a unique and extraordinary style of music which expertly fuses Tejano conjunto music, Norteño folk rhythms, pop ballads and rock.

After years of dedication and passion, the dream became an indisputable reality. With #1 hits such as “Robarte un Beso,” “Prometí,” “Te Amo (Para Siempre),” “Culpable Fui (Culpable Soy),” their latest “Tu Ausencia,” as well as fan favorites like “Dame Un Besito,” “Eres Mi Droga,” Enséñame a Olvidarte,” “Sueña,” “Contra Viento y Marea,” “Llueve,” “Arrepiéntete,” among others, INTOCABLE continues to entertain and delight audiences in both the United States and Mexico.

Performances in Sep/Oct/ 2021
Sep 10th - Fort Myers, FL
Sep 17th - Greensboro, NC
Sep 18th - Atlanta, GA
Oct 1st - Albuquerque, NM
Oct 2nd - Phoenix, AZ
Oct 9th - Los Angelas, CA

for more: https://grupointocable.com/

TAG DER HARMONIKA 2022 hat jetzt ein fixes Datum - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Johnkirk Patrick live in September 2021 - UK

by Diatonic News
Fri 3 Sep 2021
to Sun 5 Sep 2021 The Church Barn, Bishop's Castle, Shropshire
Button Accordion Workshop Weekend.
John continues his series of weekends studying the push-pull three row B/C/C sharp button accordion. Extremely instrument specific - not suitable for continental button accordion players, nor for players of the piano accordion or melodeon. Click on "SQUEEZER WEEKENDS" in the menu on the left hand side of the page for full details.
Sat 11 Sep 2021 Rosslyn Court House Concert, Rosslyn Court, Sweyne Road, Cliftonville, Margate, Kent
Fri 24 Sep 2021
to Sun 26 Sep 2021 The Church Barn, Bishop's Castle, Shropshire
Chords and Keys on the Anglo.
Click on "Squeezer Weekends" in the menu at the top of this page for full details.
This has been postponed from April.


eSheet Music Titles

Cedric Watson in September - USA/IRELAND

by Diatonic News
Cedric WatsonFriday, Sep. 04 – Sunday, Sep. 06 Harvest Time Blues Festival(Cedric Watson solo) Monagham Ireland

Thursday, Sep. 17 Feed n Seed(duo w/Charles Vincent) Lafayette LA

Thursday, Sep. 24 – Saturday, Sep. 26 Watermelon Park Bluegrass Festival Berryville VA

More on: http://www.cedricwatson.com/

Titano Accordions

Herbstmesse Dornbirn - Austria

by Diatonic News
Herbstmesse Dornbirn
73. Herbstmesse vom 08. bis 12. September 2021, Messequartier Dornbirn, täglich von 10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr,
Märkte und Menschen live erleben – das steht bei der Herbstmesse in Dornbirn dieses Jahr mehr denn je im Vordergrund. Platz für Begegnung, Raum für gute Gespräche, ein Ort um Neues zu entdecken und Altbewährtes wieder zu treffen. In „hoamelig“-herbstlicher Atmosphäre heißt es fünf Tage lang sehen, hören, staunen und natürlich nach Herzenslust shoppen.

Der bekannte Kärntner Harmonikahersteller Müller wird selbstverständlich seine neuesten Modelle in Halle 3, Stand 4, vorstellen.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

"Granny’s Attic" Entertained in London – England

by Harley Jones
New video above by Granny’s Attic which features two tunes, “Highfield’s Lament” and “200 Miles South West”, both written by Lewis Wood. These tunes are from their upcoming album “The Brickfields” (out 8th October 2021) and include Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne on Anglo Concertina.

“Granny’s Attic”, which includes Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne (melodeon), entertained at the Nest Collective Campfire Club in London, England on August 27th, 2021 with a variety of folk music! In addition Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne with some solo sets on melodeon.

For details email: band@grannysattic.org.uk

Voci Armoniche

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Sounding Out the Accordion

NOTENHEFTE von Alexander Maurer - Österreich

by Harley Jones
1 Griffschrift + 1 Klangschrift = 30€
1 Griffschrift = 20€, 1 Klangschrift = 20€

Danke! - 7 Stücke für Steirische Harmonika
Inhalt: Deiner! - Auf Sendung - Süddeutscher - Ziachklartett Landler - Alma Polka - Im Eilschritt nach Sankt Peter - Danke!
hamau-edition heft 002 und heft 001

Für weitere Hefte: https://www.alexandermaurer.com/shop


Video: Mattias Nyström, home-made torader - Norway

by Harley Jones
Mattias Nyström with his home-made torader.

Voci Armoniche


Friedrich Lips Book

Video: 8 Year Old Performer - Russia

by Christine Johnstone

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

You Matteo of Italy

by Harley Jones
You Matteo of Italy

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