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Diatonic News - Oct-2021
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Voci Armoniche


Gabalier - Konzert am Grossglockner/Kärnten - Österreich
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich
Trofeo I.D.A. 2021 as part of PIF Castelfidardo Accordion Festival - Italy
Antique Accordion Restoration Course at A World of Accordions Museum – USA
Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi Concert, Dnipro – Italy/Ukraine
Musikmesse Ried 2022 - Austria
Postponed: 14th Harmonica Masters Workshops, 08 -12 June 2022
Amadeus Austrian Music Awards/Melissa Naschenweng - Austria

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Global Music Festival - akkordeon akut!
HARMONIKA-WM 2022 in Terme Olimia/Slowenien! Svetovno prvenstvo 2022 ! - Austria
Le Grand Soufflet Festival - France
New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival - USA
TAG DER HARMONIKA 2022 - Internationale Ausschreibung ONLINE! - Austria
Maclagan Squeezebox Festival, Queensland - Australia
Festival Acadiens et Creoles - USA/LA
'American Cajun, Blues & Zydeco Festival' - Germany
Perth Accordion Festival - Scotland

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Sharon Shannon Performs in Series of Shows - Ireland
Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi performing in - Ucrania
JonFen °acoustic quartet° performing in Castelfidardo - Italia
Guardia Nueva 20th Jubilee Celebrations, Kokkola - Finland
Fofa Nobre Appears on TV - Brazil
V International Competition "AccoPremium" 2021 - Belarus
SoundBox presents: Andy Cutting - UK
2 concerts by the Matangi Quartet & Carel Kraayenhof - Netherlands
LES PIEDS DANS L’BAL en concert à Rennes - France
Friends Classical Music Almere – Music Day and Anniversary Concert – Netherlands

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Video: Italian Tarantella on the Tram - Italy/Switzerland
CD "Rock it" Greg Zlap/Pop - FR

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

Gabalier - Konzert am Grossglockner/Kärnten - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Es wurde zünftig unter dem Gipfel des Großglockners: Vor den Kameras von korne.tv und SchauTV spielte Andreas Gabalier auf - und begeisterte im Rahmen der „Großglockner Live“-Sendung mit seiner Ziehharmonika unplugged vor spektakulärer Alpinkulisse

Nach dem Konzert der erste Aufstieg
Kurz danach ging es für den Schlagerstar schon los: Unter den Klängen des Kärntner Liedermarsches der Militärmusik Kärnten erfolgte am Freitagnachmittag der Startschuss für seinen Gipfelsturm. Wetterbedingt ging es bereits einen Tag früher als geplant in Richtung 3798 Meter.

Er sagte: „Ich habe in den letzten Tagen sehr viele Kniebeugen gemacht, aber ein Ruhetag mehr wäre mir noch lieber gewesen. Aber wir werden das meistern“, sagte Gabalier, der sich nervös zeigte: „Ich bin wetterbedingt ein bisserl nervös. Aber ich bin mit den besten Bergführern der Nation unterwegs.“

Über die Adlersruhe (3354), die höchste Schutzhütte Österreichs, hinauf in Serpentinen, über die steile Eisflanke des Glocknerleitls, weiter zum Kleinglockner (3771 m), dann ein kurzer Abstieg in die Glocknerscharte, bis zu den letzten Schritten hinauf zum Kaiserkreuz des Großglockners. Erleben Sie jeden Schritt, jeden Blick dieser Expedition am Weg zum Gipfel.

Es ist die erste Live-Besteigung eines 3000ers in Österreicher. Und noch eine andere Premiere gab es beim TV-Event der Superlative: Zum ersten Mal seit zwei Jahren spielte Musiker Andreas Gabalier mit seiner Band.

Beitrag von www.krone.at

Sounding Out the Accordion


by Werner Weibert
Alle Steirische-Harmonika-Spieler sind herzlich zu diesem internationalen Wettbewerb eingeladen!
Na to mednarodno tekmovanje vljudno vabljeni vsi štajerski harmonikarji!
Tutti i suonatori di armonica della Stiria sono cordialmente invitati a questo concorso internazionale!
All Styrian harmonica players are cordially invited to this international competition!



Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation

Voci Armoniche

Trofeo I.D.A. 2021 as part of PIF Castelfidardo Accordion Festival - Italy

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Trofeo I.D.A. 2021
The Trofeo I.D.A. 2021 for diatonic accordions was held on the 27th September at the San Francesco Auditorium in Castelfidardo as part of the PIF Castelfidardo event that ran from 17 to 02 October.

Pictures of the Trofeo I.D.A. 2021, the contestants, jury and all the results are online at: http://www.accordions.com/pifcastelfidardo/2021/27.htm
Trofeo I.D.A. 2021

Friedrich Lips Book

Antique Accordion Restoration Course at A World of Accordions Museum – USA

by Diatonic News
Picture above left to right are: Kevin Friedrich, Robin Floyd, Helmi Harrington and Tracy Gibbens.

A World of Accordions Museum (AWAM) curator Helmi Harrington, Ph. D., presented a seminar and course teaching Antique Accordion Restoration at the renowned A World of Accordions Museum in Superior, Wisconsin.

The week long course, one of several in the series, focused on reeds with topics and practical work assignments including identifying dislodged reeds (a common occurrence in antique instruments), removing, cleaning and treating all the reeds, dealing with rust and age related issues, sequencing according to keyboard configuration, cleaning and prepping the reed blocks, reed leather work and finally waxing the reeds back into place. In this seminar, each topic’s complexities paid particular focus to how it applied to antique instruments.

See pictures of the work at: 2021Course

Participants included accordionist and CIA Ambassador and curator of the Accordion Gems Exhibition at the Dargaville Museum in New Zealand Kevin Friedrich and local Symphony Conductor, musician and accordionist Tracey Gibbens. Additional assistance was provided by Museum volunteer Robin Floyd.

During the timeframe of the weeklong course, several of the AWAM Board of Directors met with the Mayor of Superior, Jim Paine. The Mayor is an enthusiastic supporter of his community and has been proactive in recognizing the importance and uniqueness of A World of Accordions Museum in Superior. The Mayor has invited A World of Accordions Museum to display several instruments at the City Hall offices to create awareness of the 2,000 instruments housed in the adjacent World of Accordions Museum. The Mayor was excited to hear that the Museum was the recent recipient of a substantial donation of instruments (350) from a private Washington DC and Paris based collector Alain Papineau. A preliminary display of instruments from these holdings is on display in the Special Exhibits area at the Museum.

Future classes in the series pertaining to antique accordions will include Tuning, Bellows Work, Bass Mechanics and general aesthetics and restoration. For more information please visit www.worldofaccordions.org

Picture below left to right are: Rod Dingman, Roger Schmitz, Kevin Friedrich, Helmi Harrington, Mayor Paine and Tracey Gibbens.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi Concert, Dnipro – Italy/Ukraine

by Harley Jones
Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi concert poster
Video: Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi performing movie soundtracks by Nino Rota with the Georgian Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Nikoloz Rachveli.

Italian bandoneonist, Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi will perform a concert with the “Leaders String Quintet” in the Great Hall of Dnepropetrovsk Philharmonic in Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine on October 3rd, 2021 at 7pm.

The concert entitled “La Nuova Dolce Vita” is a dedication to the great Italian cinema melodies of Nino Rota, Ennio Morricone, Luis Bakalov and Nicola Piova.

The event is organised with the support of the Biosphere Corporation and Charisma Fashion Group.

See poster for details.

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Musikmesse Ried 2022 - Austria

by Diatonic News
Musikmesse Ried 2022
Die Musikmesse Ried schreibt:

Langsam aber sicher wird wieder überall musiziert, geprobt und gesungen. Und wir freuen uns mit euch und sehen was uns allen gefehlt hat.

Auch wir werden nächstes Jahr wieder unseren wirtschaftlichen und stimmungsvollen Beitrag für die Musikbranche, Kapellen, Musikvereine, Chöre, Musikpädagogen u.v.m. leisten.

Die 17. MUSIC AUSTRIA - die Leitmesse für die Musikbranche - ist von 13.-15. Mai 2022 in Ried im Innkreis geplant.

Auf der MUSIC AUSTRIA werden die neuesten Trends von Herstellern, Importeuren, Musikhändlern, Instrumentenbauern und Verlagen geboten.

Die Anmeldeunterlagen zur MUSIC AUSTIRA werden im Herbst online gestellt.

Wir sind voll Vorfreude, dass wir gemeinsam mit unseren Ausstellern wieder eine besondere Verkaufsplattform und ein einzigartiges Musikerlebnis bieten werden.

Packen wir es gemeinsam wieder an,
das Team der Messe Ried


Postponed: 14th Harmonica Masters Workshops, 08 -12 June 2022

by Diatonic News
The 14th Harmonica Masters Workshops were originally planned for November 2020, but had to be cancelled due to the COVID pandemic. A free 3 hour Zoom event with all instructors on October 31st, intended as a gesture of thanks to our regular students, was virtually attended by over 150 people from around the world. Now we are looking ahead and have rescheduled the 14th HMW for June 2022.

Organisational changes and the non-availability of the Trossingen Music School in November made it necessary to find a new date, and the Whitsun school holidays are the only viable time when all facilities are not otherwise in use and there are no competing events. We ask for your understanding for this change and hope that the HMW 2022 will be able to take place under something approaching normal conditions.

Following the withdrawal of the Conservatory, Hohner has kindly taken on the local organisation in addition to providing logistical support and sponsoring. Your contact person for registrations and all other administrative questions is Product Manager Ines Weber. The website is now being updated and we will be accepting registrations as soon as this is complete.

The Harmonica Masters workshops 2022 will introduce several new instructors alongside many of our long time staff. Joe Filisko, Marko Jovanovic and I will again be presenting classes and we are happy to announce three new instructors who promise to provide fresh impulses: the irrepressible Jason Ricci will be joining us for the first time to share his vivid insights into contemporary harmonica, Marcos Coll will be teaching an introduction to diatonic and chromatic harmonica in Latin music, and renowned Hohner Affiliated Customizer and Celtic music virtuoso Joel Andersson will present an introduction to the harmonica in Irish music. As in previous years, Eric Noden will teach acoustic blues guitar and Riedel Diegel is again presenting our beginners class. Due to family obligations, David Barrett will be unable to attend in 2022 as originally planned, but promises to be back in 2023.


Titano Accordions

Amadeus Austrian Music Awards/Melissa Naschenweng - Austria

by Diatonic News
Melissa Naschenweng
Die Villacherin Melissa Naschenweng wurde f. Ihr Album "Traktorführerschein" mit dem begehrten Amadeus Austrian Music Awards in 2 Kategorien ausgezeichnet:

Schlager/Volksmusik https://www.amadeusawards.at/?cookies=ok#schlager_volksmusik

und Songwriter des Jahres https://www.amadeusawards.at/?cookies=ok#songwriter_des_jahres.


Accordion Jazz Chord

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Gary Dahl Arrangements


by Diatonic News
CYCLE ZYDECO postponed to: 2022 - April 20th-24th

Cycle Zydeco is a four-day casual touring ride in South Louisiana. The ride takes place every year during the week after Easter. The festivities include great food, live music, and the finest flat roads Louisiana has to offer.

Cycle Zydeco is a festival on wheels. Experience mouthwatering Cajun cuisine and live performances by the best bands in Louisiana. The ride includes tours of many attractions and options for camping or staying in hotels. Immerse yourself in Acadiana: the birthplace of Zydeco, home to both Cajuns and Créoles alike, and one of the most unique cultures in the United States.

Unfortunately due to Covid-19 it will not be possible to host 2021 edition - so pls be patient for 2022.


Global Music Festival - akkordeon akut!

by Diatonic News
global music festival - akkordeon akut!
10. bis 21. Oktober 2021

Liebe Festivalbesucherinnen und -besucher,
nach zwei Jahren Pause kehrt das global music festival – akkordeon akut! vom 10. bis 21. Oktober 2021 zurück auf Halles Bühnen.

Dieses soll sich unter dem Motto „Internationalität im Regionalen“ auf Hallesche Musiker fokussieren und die Vielfalt lokaler Akkordeonkünstler sichtbar machen. Das alles im kleineren, intimeren Rahmen. An fünf Abenden zeigt sich auf fünf unterschiedlichen Bühnen das Können und das Spektrum hallescher Künstler.

Das Besondere am diesjährigen global music festival – akkordeon akut!, sind die Videomitschnitte aller fünf Konzerte, die einige Wochen nach dem Festival zu sehen sein werden. Unabhängig jeder möglichen Pandemieentwicklung, senden wir so das Können der Musiker vor Ort hinaus in die Welt. „Internationalität im Regionalen“

Vom 10. bis zum 21. Oktober 2021 finden die Konzerte statt. https://www.global-music-festival.net/

Charnwood Music Publishing

HARMONIKA-WM 2022 in Terme Olimia/Slowenien! Svetovno prvenstvo 2022 ! - Austria

by Werner Weibert
Hallo Fans der Steirischen Harmonika!

Die Harmonika-WM 2022 findet wie geplant in der “Terme Olimia” im slowenischen Podcetrtek statt!
Es freut uns sehr, diese Veranstaltung in Kooperation mit dem slowenischen Verband ZDHS an einem so schönen Ort ankündigen zu können. Die Ausschreibung ist ab SOFORT wieder in 4 Sprachen ONLINE.

Wir freuen uns schon auf viele internationale Kandidaten!


Online translation

Voci Armoniche

Le Grand Soufflet Festival - France

by Diatonic News
Le Grand Soufflet Festival - France
Le Grand Soufflet est un festival spécialisé dans les musiques populaires et traditionnelles du monde, événement culturel incontournable de la rentrée à Rennes.
Projet départemental coopératif coordonné par une association qui fédère un réseau de 40 communes, communautés de communes et associations, Le Grand Soufflet propose un festival reconnu pour sa qualité artistique, sa convivialité, sa capacité de mobilisation collective et partenariale et en tant qu’acteur de développement économique du département.
Avec les soutiens financiers, logistiques et communicationnels du Conseil départemental, de Rennes Métropole, de la Région Bretagne et de la ville de Rennes, avec la puissance de ses partenaires médias tels Ouest France, France Bleu Armorique ou encore TV Rennes, Le Grand Soufflet réunit chaque année 14 000 spectateurs autour de 70 concerts en 10 jours.
Du 06 au 16 octobre 2021, Le Grand Soufflet investit les jardins du Thabor et vous invite à sillonner les routes de l’Ille et Vilaine !

En 2021, Le Grand Soufflet met à l’honneur la Sono mondiale made in France !



New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival - USA

by Diatonic News
New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival

As a result of the current exponential growth of new COVID cases in New Orleans and the region and the ongoing public health emergency, we must sadly announce that the 2021 edition of the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival presented by Shell, scheduled to take place October 8 –17, 2021, will not occur as planned. We now look forward to next spring, when we will present the Festival during its traditional timeframe. Next year’s dates are April 29 – May 8, 2022.

Ticketholders for both Festival weekends (including those that rolled over their tickets from 2020) will receive an email this week with details about the ticket refund and rollover process. All Wednesday, October 13 tickets will be automatically refunded.

In the meantime, we urge everyone to follow the guidelines and protocols put forth by public health officials, so that we can all soon experience together the joy that is Jazz Fest.


TAG DER HARMONIKA 2022 - Internationale Ausschreibung ONLINE! - Austria

by Werner Weibert

Online translation

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Maclagan Squeezebox Festival, Queensland - Australia

by Diatonic News
Maclagan Squeezebox Festival,
Maclagan Squeezebox Festival,Maclagan Squeezebox Festival, Queensland - AustraliaEach year in October, the small Queensland country town of Maclagan puts on the only accordion festival in Australia.

Do you love to perform with your button accordion, piano accordion, concertina or harmonica?

We are looking to hearing from musicians who would like to step up and showcase their talents at this year's festival.

Are you prepared to showcase your talents without seeking renumeration?
We would love to hear from you to discuss possible inclusion in our program.



by Diatonic News
22. – 24. October 2021

The Festival writes:
We hope to be able to carry out the festival as planned. We will of course create a security concept so that we can make the festival safe. Of course we will comply with all the conditions imposed on us by the authorities. Currently there is no specific limit to the number of participants. Participation in such events is governed by the 3-G rule, i. e. vaccinated, recovered or tested. We do not know whether this will be the case in October. Due to the current development of infection numbers, it is possible that the 1-G rule will then apply, i. e. only vaccinated persons may attend such a large event. We ask you to consider this possible development, which is outside our influence. Those who have not been vaccinated and do not get vaccinated – even with good reason – must expect to be unable to attend this year’s festival. We are very sorry about that, but it is beyond our decision-making power. If the risk of this development is too great, the ticket will be refunded. Please let us know as soon as possible, giving your bank details, info@lalocuratango.at.

We also ask those who are currently on the waiting list to let us know if we should remove them because of this perspective. You can help us find out how many tickets are still available.

We’re almost booked up. There are only very few remaining tickets left. If you are interested, please send us an email. info@lalocuratango.at.

We will only be able to offer day tickets at short notice in October, if we know how many places are still available on one day or another.


Titano Accordions


by Diatonic News
PIANO À BRETELLES - sam. 16 octobre 2021

Venez voir ce qui se cache dans le ventre de la boîte à frissons. François et Quentin, du Piano à Bretelles vous invitent à découvrir les rouages de cet instrument voyageur au sein de leur atelier !

Info et réservation: https://www.legrandsoufflet.fr/Decouverte-d-atelier


Festival Acadiens et Creoles - USA/LA

by Diatonic News
Festival Acadiens et Creoles - USA/LA
The Festival due on October 8-10th 2021 is postponed to 2022 March 18-20.

More on:

Voci Armoniche

'American Cajun, Blues & Zydeco Festival' - Germany

by Diatonic News
'American Cajun, Blues & Zydeco Festival' - Germany
Festiva - NEWS ! VERSCHOBEN AUF 2022 !
Es wird berichtet: Leider müssen wir das 'American Cajun, Blues & Zydeco Festival' auch 2021 absagen und auf 2022 verschieben.

Trotz der beginnenden Erleichterungen und vielen geimpften Menschen ist reisen für US Musiker von und nach Europa schwierig und unklar. Die reduzierten Sitzpläne in den Clubs und Theatern, Reisen im engen Tourbus und vieles mehr sind immer noch unverantwortlich für alle.

Wir sind alle enttäuscht und traurig.Wir freuen uns aber auf 2022 auf ein 'laissez les bon temps roulez'. Termine 2022 werden laufend aktualisiert

Bleibt alle gesund und sicher. The Daiquiri Queens (USA)

Mehr auf: http://www.americancajunfestival.de/cms/index.php/de/

Perth Accordion Festival - Scotland

by Diatonic News
Perth Accordion Festival - Scotland
The 72nd Festival will take place ‘virtually’ online this year.

The performances and results will be shared online on Saturday 30th October 2021.

The Perth Accordion & Fiddle Festival is a major occasion in the Scottish music calendar incorporating the official Scottish Accordion Championships.


Future events / Concerts

Accordion Jazz Chords

Sharon Shannon Performs in Series of Shows - Ireland

by Diatonic News
The Sharon Shannon band will perform at O Riadas Bar & Restaurant in Maglass Ballymacelligott Co. Kerry, Ireland (picture right) on October 30th, 2021. This concert is one of a series of shows at the restaurant this year and will include guest vocalist Frances Black.

At their September concert, the group was joined by vocalists Michelle Lally Music and Seamus Begley for an impromptu performance of a few songs and lots of fun.

For details email: mjones.oriadas@gmail.com

Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi performing in - Ucrania

by Diatonic News
Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi

Titano Accordions

JonFen °acoustic quartet° performing in Castelfidardo - Italia

by Diatonic News
JonFen °acoustic quartet° - Mary Lou (Mannarino)
ther JonFen °acoustic quartet° - Mary Lou (Mannarino) will be performing in Castelfidardo during the well-known PIF Accordion Competition and Festifal at the O'Brians Irish Pub
on October 1st 2021.

Don't miss

Guardia Nueva 20th Jubilee Celebrations, Kokkola - Finland

by Diatonic News
20th Anniversary PosterGuardia Nueva turns 20 years old. This very successful orchestra directed by Raimo Vertainen, celebrates its 20th Diamond Jubilee anniversary by making five different concerts that showcase the multidimensionality of the orchestra, the main concert being on 19 February, 2022.

08 October 2021 Guardia Nueva Concert for elderly and those in service homes. Sold out.
11 December 2021 Guardia Nueva featuring Vivaldi - The Four Seasons with guests, dance and animations
19 February 2022 Guardia Nueva Festive concert at the Kokkola Ice Rink. Full gala concert with soloists Jarkko Ahola, Arja Koriseva, Jennie Storbacka and Teemu Roivainen
09 July 2022 Summer Evening Concert, West Park, Soloists are Anu Komsi, Simodeus and MC Kajo, Free entry.

Fuller details of the Guardia Nueva 20th Anniversary Concerts at: 2021DiamondJubilee

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Fofa Nobre Appears on TV - Brazil

by Diatonic News

eSheet Music Titles


by Diatonic News
10/10/2021 - 16:30 à 19:00
Boulevard du Commandant Cousteau - 35890 Laillé


Né de la rencontre entre Marta Del’Anno et Victoria Delarozière, Tascabilissimo est un petit tour du monde à deux voix et trois instruments : le violon, l’alto et l’accordéon diatonique. Une invitation au voyage. Une pépite d’énergie. Un bal plus ou moins traditionnel où petit·e·s et grand·e·s se laissent volontiers envoûter. L’une a traversé l’Europe des Pouilles jusqu’à l’Irlande, l’autre l’Amérique du Sud jusqu’à la Louisiane. Les voilà toutes deux, revisitant des tubes issus de répertoires populaires méconnus du grand public, y glissant de-ci de-là des compositions et des textes originaux. Laissez-vous tenter, bercer, emporter…


Titano Accordions

V International Competition "AccoPremium" 2021 - Belarus

by Diatonic News
The V International Competition "AccoPremium” will take place in Rechitsa, Belarus from November 1st to 4th, 2021.

This live event will include competition categories for bayan and accordion (academic and pop nominations), bandoneon, harmonica (or any kind of harmonica), digital bayan-accordion, as well as ensembles (from duets to octets).

The event will include concerts by well known performers such as Vladimir Murza (Ukraine), "AKKO Quartet" (Ukraine - see picture left), Vladislav Pligovka (Belarus), Stanislav Malyshev (Russia), Andrey Fedyai (Belarus), Aidar Salakhov (Russia), Semyon Shmelkov (Russia), Alexey Khromov (Russia), Antipov Trofim (Belarus) and Anatoly Taran (Belarus).

In addition, Master classes by Vladimir Murza (Ukraine), Professor of the Odessa National Academy of Music named after A. V. Nezhdanova, and members of the jury will be held.

Competition entries close this month. For details phone: +375 29 639 55 70

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

SoundBox presents: Andy Cutting - UK

by Diatonic News
Andy Cutting
Sat 30th Oct 2021 from 20-23h
SoundBox presents: Andy Cutting
St Mary's Handbridge Centre, Handbridge, CH4 7HL

Andy Cutting is a rarity. A musician's musician (BBC Radio 2 Folk Award Winner Best Musician 2008, 2011 & 2016): a soulful and technically outstanding melodeon practitioner with an ear for a fine tune. Many of his tunes have been purloined along the way: some considered contemporary classics on the folk scene. But then, Andy is also a warm and emotive performer, modestly engaging his audiences with his self-deprecating wit and then flooring them with downright staggering musicianship.
There are few melodeon players who put so much feeling into their playing, whether it is a set of dance tunes, or accompaniment to a slow English ballad.
Andy has been consistent musical force since he came swiftly to prominence with the innovative Blowzabella. As well as a thorough grounding in the English tradition, Andy's influences extend way beyond these isles, particularly to the music of Central France and to the storming Quebecois tradition. These influences will be well known to all those familiar with Andy's duo with English fiddle player, guitarist and singer, Chris Wood. Wood & Cutting became one of the most influential, and enduring, duos on the scene; paving the way for the explosion of many of today's thrusting young newcomers.
First-half music from: MItchell & VIncent; Rose Price & Ian Jones

Tickets: www.wegottickets.com/event/491366

Voci Armoniche

2 concerts by the Matangi Quartet & Carel Kraayenhof - Netherlands

by Diatonic News
A half hour mini concert on Oktober 9th, 2021 at 15.30-16.00 h For everyone aged 8 and up.

Explanation of the program
Especially for an audience of 8+ the Matangi Quartet and Carel Kraayenhof will play music by Astor Piazzolla. A composer who was born in 1921, so exactly 100 years ago!

Il Postino
Fuga y misterio

AND FROM 20.00-21.40h
'Beethoven vs Piazzolla'.
Jubilee concert Vrienden KlassiekeMuziek Almere 15 years. Matangi Quartet & Carel Kraayenhof with the program 'Beethoven vs Piazzolla'.
Info: https://www.goederedeconcerten.nl/concertagenda/

Sounding Out the Accordion

LES PIEDS DANS L’BAL en concert à Rennes - France

by Diatonic News


Floriane le Pottier et Morgane Labbe du collectif Les Pieds dans l’bal ont l’habitude de faire danser la marmaille... L’idée est simple : réunir les enfants sous le signe de la danse, de la musique, de l’expression corporelle, de l’échange, de la rencontre à travers rondes cortèges ou danses. Des quatre coins de la Bretagne ou d’ailleurs, les répertoires ne manquent pas, que ce soit au Canada, en Russie ou même en Louisiane… Au-delà de la pratique, il y a l’esprit. Celui qui anime ce collectif est des plus nobles, transmettre dans un esprit d’ouverture et d’universalité. D’ailleurs, il n’y a pas que les enfants qui s’y retrouvent !



Friends Classical Music Almere – Music Day and Anniversary Concert – Netherlands

by Diatonic News
Saturday October 9th, 2021 is a special festive Music Day and Anniversary celebration of the Friends of Classical Music Almere Foundation. The event features classical music for young and old with masterclasses and concerts in Almere Haven, Netherlands beginning at 10am.

As the Friends of Classical Music Foundation celebrated their 15th anniversary last year, this year’s music program comprises of “request musicians and pieces”.

Their program will include the Matangi Quartet & accordionist Carel Kraayenhof giving a mini concert and masterclass at 3.30pm (especially for young people), with music by Piazzolla.

The day’s events will end with a Jubilee concert at 8pm entitled “Beethoven vs Piazzolla” by the Matangi Quartet & Carel Kraayenhof, presented by Hans van den Boom.

Admission is free of charge for students under 18 years of age.

For details email: info@goederedeconcerten.nl

Voci Armoniche

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Friedrich Lips Book

Video: Italian Tarantella on the Tram - Italy/Switzerland

by Harley Jones
Video: Fortunato & Valentina performing a tarantella on the tram in Basel, Switzerland. The duo are Calabrian musicians and founders of the traditional music group "Tarantella Project".

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

CD "Rock it" Greg Zlap/Pop - FR

by Diatonic News
GREG ZLAP | Pop - France
Greg Zlap, c’est l’homme qui soulève les foules avec un simple harmonica, révélé lors des shows gigantesques de Johnny Hallyday. Son nouvel album "Rock It" réunit sa famille de cœur, les artistes et musiciens avec qui il a partagé la scène ces dernières années : les duos avec –M–, Tété, Amy Keys, ou encore la comédienne Alice Pol parlent de filiation, d’amitié, de transmission. Porté par des mélodies pop, et toujours ces solos endiablés à l’harmonica, l’album est réalisé par Pierre Jaconelli.


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