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Harmonika Müller feiert 40jähriges Firmenjubliäum - Bad St.Leonhard/Austriaby Diatonic News |
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10. und 11. September 2016 Peter und Edith Müller gründeten 1976 den erfolgreichen Familienbetrieb in Bad St. Leonard im Lavanttal. 2016 wird nun das 40jährige Bestehen und die 30.000ste, produzierte Harmonika gefeiert. Die Harmonika Müller Jubiläumstage im September haben so einiges zu bieten. Das attraktive Zweitagesprogramm richtet sich an Kunden, Mitarbeiter, Interessierte und Musikfreunde. Samstag und Sonntag öffnet die Harmonikamanufaktur ihre Türen und gewährt allen Interessierten interessante Einblicke in die Harmonikaproduktion. Auf der Hausmesse wird nicht nur die Jubiläumsserie, sondern auch das anlässlich der "40 Jahre Harmonika Müller" herausgegebene Jubiläumsmagazin präsentiert. Kaufinteressierte erwarten am besagten Wochenende außerdem attraktive Angebote. Die Übersbacher, Die Niachtn, usw. treten am 10. und 11. September in Bad St. Leonhard auf und bringen die Müller Harmonika zum Glühen. Während das Programm am Samstag um 11 Uhr startet, findet der Frühschoppen sonntags ab 10:30 Uhr statt. |
PIF-Castelfidardo - Italyby Diatonic News |
![]() Castelfidardo oggi è la capitale della musica colta e popolare grazie alla “sua” fisarmonica. Il PIF è nato come trampolino di lancio per i giovani ed è in quella dimensione che intende crescere ulteriormente confermandosi come veicolo di promozione della fisarmonica strumento per tutte le generazioni e per tutti i generi musicali. A questa filosofia si devono l’introduzione di nuove categorie come la World Music e la presenza di una giuria di indiscussa qualità che possa avere un ruolo anche di talent scout. Info: PIF-Castelfidardo |
Carrefour Mondial de l'accordéon, Montmagny - Canadaby Diatonic News |
![]() Download the program: 2016Carrefour.pdf Lla 28e édition du Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon se déroulera du 1 au 5 septembre 2016 Depuis 1989, Montmagny (Québec) est le rendez-vous des inconditionnels de l’accordéon.Le Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon s’illustre en début de septembre par la tenue de cinq journées intensives de festivités. Plongez dans un univers musical où l’accordéon est roi et maître. Une programmation artistique révèle le charme, la versatilité et le caractère de cet instrument. Chaque année, des artistes et des interprètes du monde entier se rencontrent à Montmagny et partagent leur passion pour cette « boîte à frissons » qui prend mille formes. Le Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon, c’est un bouillon de culture où les styles, les genres et les répertoires se côtoient et s’unissent à la mesure d’un public de tous âges. Pour d'autre information visitez: http://www.accordeonmontmagny.com/ La liste d'accordéoniste diatnique: |
Christian Riganelli - new Artistic Director of the PIF-Castelfdiardo - Italyby Diatonic News |
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![]() Christian Riganelli is the Artistic Director of the 2016 PIF Castelfidardo being held from 22 to 25 September. Christian Riganelli was born in Recanati in 1976 and he began studying accordion at the age of nine. He graduated in classical accordion at the Conservatory "N. Piccinni" in Bari, under the guidance of teacher and concert artist Massimiliano Pitocco. Christian Riganelli also studied at the Conservatory "G. B. Pergolesi" in Fermo, where he earned a graduate degree in Music Education and Accordion Teaching. He attended many courses of musical interpretation in Italy and abroad, with famous musicians as Claudio Jacomucci, Peter Soave, M. Hellegard and Carrado Rojac. He performed in several international music festivals in France, Germany, Denmark, England, Czech Republic, Brazil and Argentina. He is a member of the "Milonga Quintet" and in 2005 they recorded the album "Romance", produced by Wide Sound Record. Here, he performed new arrangements and experiments inspired by the music of Astor Piazzolla. He has worked with Vinicio Capossela, Riccardo Tesi and David Riondino. He has performed "The Function of the Centenary" written by Roberto De Simone, a Cantata for Tenor and Solo Accordion, double male choir and orchestra, during the 37th Edition of the Festival "Settembre al Borgo" in the Duomo di Casertavecchia. He recorded the album "Livin God", collection of poetic readings and songs inspired by sacred music, in collaboration with Marche Region. He has been a featured performer and composer in many theatre shows inspired by F.G. Lorca, D. Buzzati, L. Pirandello, G. Leopardi. Christian Riganelli has worked with Piccolo Teatro in Milan in the show "The story of the abandoned doll" written by Brecht-Sastre and featured with the poet and writer Davide Swifts in the Recital dantesco "Love that moves the Sun and other stars." He performed as a soloist with the Orchestra Filarmonica Marchigiana at the Teatro delle Muse, interpreting the music by B. Moretti for the ballet "Earth", which premiered in Italy. He performed in duo with Gabriele Mirabassi playing the music by the famous Brazilian composer A. Mehmari for solo accordion, clarinet soloist and orchestra, which premiered at the Sala Jardel Filho in Sao Paulo. He has an intense concert activity as a soloist and in chamber ensembles, exhibiting various repertoires ranging from classical to folk and French, from Klezmer to Chanson. He teaches accordion at Civica Scuola di Musica "Paolo Soprani" in Castelfidardo and Liceo Musicale Statale “C. Rinaldini” in Ancona. Since 2014 he has been the Director of the International Museum of Accordion in Castelfidardo. |
Accordion Playing Cheery Asda Delivery Driver - UKby Diatonic News |
![]() Asda delivery driver Jimmy ‘Zoomer’ Ronin has been giving customers more than they bargained for by singing confirmation of his orders and serenading them with his favourite instrument. Video of Jimmy Ronin has since gone viral with Ronin now gaining a reputation for putting a smile on his customer’s faces. Ronin often finishes his musical performance with a cheeky: “You wouldn’t get this with Tesco!” |
16. Festival Mundharmonika-Live - Klingenthal/Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
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DAS Festival für alle Freunde der Mundharmonika und handgemachten Musik in Klingenthal! Was passiert beim Festival mundharmonikalive 2016? Wie im jedem Jahr in der dritten Septemberwoche, sinde alle Spielerin und Spieler, sowie alle Musikbegeisterten zum 16. Internationalen Mundharmonika-Live Festival eingeladen, um ein spannendes Wochenende mit Workshops, vielen Konzerten in der Live-Nacht und Jam-Sessions zu feiern! Zum traditionellen Festival verwandelt sich die Musikstadt Klingenthal in einen Hexenkessel für Mundharmonika-Spieler aus ganz Deutschland und dem internationalen Ausland - verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit mit Künstlern, Mundharmonika-Liebhabern und Musikenthusiasten zu sprechen oder auch selbst mit zu musizieren - das Festival wird, dank seines einzigartigen Charmes in sehr netter Umgebung, zu einem unvergessenen Erlebnis. Erleben Sie die vielen Möglichkeiten auf der Mundharmonika Musik zu machen - für jeden Musikgeschmack ist etwas dabei - Blues, Irish Folk und Volksmusik. Gute Unterkünfte gibt es in vielen der Festival-Locations! Mehr Info auf: http://www.mundharmonika-live.de/newpage/index.htm |
NESI 2016 23-25 September - USAby Diatonic News |
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The Squeeze-In is a non-profit laid-back weekend gathering of players and their partners. meeting for the legendary fun: play...and dance...and jam...and have a blowout Saturday night. Welcome are beginners and the talented advanced alike. Meet friends old and new in a comfortable, low-key setting with many places for workshops and spontaneous squeezings. Hobnob with (other!) free-reed aficionados and behold an assortment of squeezeboxes and their paraphernalia for sale, swap & hagglement. The Squeeze-In is held at Chimney Corners, a fabulously well appointed year round camp and conference center in the Berkshire Hills of western Massachusetts, 30 minutes from the Lee exit off the Mass Pike and close to Tanglewood, the summer home of the BSO. The Squeeze-In is held on a weekend, Friday afternoon through Sunday noon, generally in mid-September. Reed more on: http://squeeze-in.org/ or write: register@squeeze-in.org |
Accordion Noir Festival – Canada / Vancouverby Diatonic News |
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The 9th annual festival Noirfest 2016 takes place from September 8th to 11th at venues in Vancouver. The guest artists include: Nefertiti in the Kitchen (Rennes, France) Pinata Protest (San Antonio, Texas) The Conqueror Worm Suite (New York) Gunther Kablutsiak, Niryutit Taraa (Arviat, Nunavut) with V’ni Dansi (Vancouver) Duo Finelli (Seattle/San Francisco) Jet Black Pearl (Amsterdam) Jack Garton and the Demon Squadron (Vancouver) Nathan Shubert with Tim Chan (Vancouver) Dirty Grace (Mayne Island) Magic in the Woods (Pemberton) Breaking Boundaries (Colombia) Kael Vincent (Vancouver) Melodona Repair (Montreal) http://accordionnoirfest.com/en/2016-performers-2/ |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
Corsi di Organetto con Riccardo Tesi - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Riprendono i corsi di organetto alla Scuola Mabellini con Riccardo Tesi Per informazioni : la segreteria della scuola è aperta lunedì, martedì e giovedì pomeriggio dalle 15.30 alle 18.00 e il mercoledì mattina dalle 10 alle 13 tel. 0573 371480 segreteria@mabellini.com http://www.teatridipistoia.it/scuola-di-musica-t-mabellini/la-scuola/ |
Chromatische Mundharmonika oder Melody Star für Einsteiger - Trossingen/Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
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Sa | 08.10.2016 | Anmeldeschluss: (Fr) 30.09.2016 (max. Teilnehmerzahl 10 Personen) 09.00 - 12.00 Uhr (Melody Star/chromatische Mundharmonika) 12.00 - 13.00 Uhr (nur chromatische Mundharmonika) Dozententeam: Mundharmonikaquartett „Harmonicamento“: Brigitte Burgbacher/Kathrin Gass/Birgit Käfer/Gerhard Müller (Anzahl der Dozenten richtet sich nach der Teilnehmerzahl). Voraussetzungen: Theoretische und praktische Vorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich. Mitzubringen ist eine eigene chromatische Mundharmonika in C-Dur oder eine Melody Star mit. Literatur: Gass, K.: Schule für chromatische Mundharmonika, Teil 1 (€ 16,90), die nicht im Seminarpreis beinhaltet ist, kann am Seminartag erworben werden. Thema: Hier erlernen Sie die ersten Grundkenntnisse auf der chromatischen Mundharmonika/Melody Star. Ziel des Kurses: Erlernen der richtigen Haltung und Atemtechnik, Einzeltonspiel, leichte Musiktheorie mit Notenschrift und Notenwerten Seminargebühr: € 45.– (mit chromatischer Mundharmonika) Seminargebühr: € 35.– (mit der Melody Star) Info und Anmeldung: www.hohner-konservatorium.de |
PIF-Castelfidardo/Worldmusic Category - Italyby Diatonic News |
![]() Original compositions generically inspired by ethnic music are also accepted Ensemble music no age limit. Orchestras and groups comprised of at least one accordion or diatonic accordion (of any model) or a bandoneon or a digital accordion, that should have the main role in the ensemble. Groups may contain more than one free reed instrument or with only free reed instruments (like the ones mentioned above). Info: PIF-Castelfidardo |
Open Trekzakfestival Zwolle - Hollandby Diatonic News |
![]() Vijf mooie workshops tijdens het zevende Opentrekzakfestival in Doepark Nooterhof in Zwolle op 4 september. Helaas kun je ze niet allemaal tegelijk volgen. Want het aanbod dat organisator Jan Kamphuis heeft samengesteld maakt het kiezen moeilijk. zondag 4 september 2016 Door het volgen van een workshop leer je meer dan tijdens een enkele les, het maakt je los van papier en je leert je instrument beter kennen. Daar gaat het om, om zo op weg te gaan om een stuk mooier, met gevoel en emotie te kunnen spelen. Dit in is belangrijk om het muziekstuk plezierig over te brengen. Dit kost oefenen maar belangrijk is dat je wel moet weten wat je oefent en dat leer je goed tijdens een workshop. We raden dan ook aan zo veel mogelijk details tijdens de workshop op te nemen en te noteren, zodat je eenmaal thuis gekomen, weet hoe het was en je er verder mee kunt komen. Goed, deze zaken leer je tijdens het Opentrekzakfestival.nl, waar je tegen de kostprijs met één van de workshops mee kunt doen om je spelen te verrijken. De volgende workshops worden gegeven: •Heleen Rook: Shanty’s – Zemansliederen in C-F, halve dag vanaf begonners. •Remco Sietsema: Wereldmuziek – Hedendaags in C-F, midden niveau. •Wim van der Kolk: Klassiek op de trekzak in C-F, midden groep •Mark Söhngen: Trekhamericana in C-F, vanaf midden groep •Wil Boonstra: De Zuidamerikaanse wals in C-F, gevorderden Kortom er zijn workshops voor elk wat wils, maar wees er snel bij want vol is vol. Daarnaast is er volop gelegenheid om samen te spelen, te luisteren, een nieuwe trekzak te bespelen of kopen én trekzakspelers te ontmoeten. Zet maar in je agenda: 4 september http://www.harmonicahoek.nl/archief/2016/2016_09_04/#sthash.pJuHolqd.dpuf |
Otley Folk Festival - UKby Diatonic News |
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Otley Folk Festival gears up for 25th anniversary Organisers of the Black Sheep Otley Folk Festival have promised a ‘fantastic’ selection of artists and performers at the festival’s 25 th anniversary this September. The line-up for the landmark ‘silver jubilee’ event, which will be held from 16th to 18th September at venues around the town includes Du Temps Antan, The Churchfitters, Lucy Ward and Vin Garbutt. It will also see the reunion of many of the original acts who performed at the inaugural Otley Folk Festival in 1991, including Stanley Accrington, Robin Garside, Dave Vermond, Last Orders and Tanglefoot. Black Sheep Brewery will continue as the festival sponsor, which it has supported ever since its formation in 1992 – a year after the festival was launched and this year they are again joined by Otley Town Council who are co-sponsoring the event. Tickets for the 25 th Anniversary and more details are available here on the website ............. www.otleyfolkfestival.com |
11. Harmonica Masters Workshops - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
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![]() Künstlerische Leitung & Konzept: Steve Baker Veranstalter: Hohner Konservatorium / Michaela Kitzke Die Harmonica Masters Workshops wurden 2003 von Steve Baker initiiert, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Stadt Trossingen und der Hohner Musikinstrumente GmbH. Nun unter der Leitung vom Hohner Konservatorium, die No.1 Bildungsveranstaltung für Blues-Mundharmonika in Europa startet Anfang November zum 10. Mal auf dem neuen Campus im historischen Herz von Trossingen, dem komplett renovierten ehemaligen Hohner Fabriksgelände. Link zu den Blues-Konzerten der Extra-Klasse http://www.harmonica-masters.de/de/konzerte.html Link zu den Workshops: http://www.harmonica-masters.de/de/workshops.html |
Corso di Organetti / M° Claudio Rossi - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Gehobene Literatur für chromatische Mundharmonika - Trossingen/DEby Diatonic News |
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Sa | 08.10.2016 | 14.30 - 18.00 Uhr (Unterricht) So | 09.10.2016 | 09.30 - 12.00 Uhr Anmeldeschluss: (Fr) 23.09.2016 (max. Teilnehmerzahl 5 Personen) Dozententeam: Mundharmonikaquartett „Harmonicamento“: B. Burgbacher/K. Gass/B. Käfer/G. Müller (Anzahl der Dozenten richtet sich nach der Teilnehmerzahl) Voraussetzungen: Gehobene spielerische Vorkenntnisse und ein eigenes vorbereitetes Stück, welches bei der Anmeldung angegeben werden muss. Mitzubringen ist einen eigenen Notenständer. Thema: Dieser Kurs ist für Spieler mit hohem Spielniveau. Er untergliedert sich, je nach Teilnehmerzahl, in Kleingruppen oder Einzelunterricht. Die Spieler haben während des Seminars immer wieder Zeit für sich an den Stücken zu arbeiten. Erarbeitet werden gehobene Techniken und Stücke, wobei auf Atem- und Schiebertechnik, Tongestaltung, Ausbau der musikalischen Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten (Dynamik, Artikulation) geachtet wird. Zusätzlich werden Bühnenpräsenz und Aufführungspraxis angesprochen. Seminargebühr: € 80.– www.hohner-konservatorium.de |
Sebastopol Cajun-Zydeco Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() The Day 1 lineup in Ives Park are all nationally known and critically acclaimed bands that spread the joy and irresistible dance rhythms of Cajun Zydeco music. Schedule: •11:30 am – Andrew Carriere and the Cajun/Zydeco Allstars • 1:20 pm – The Zydeco Flames • 3:10 pm – Curley Taylor and Zydeco Trouble • 5:00 pm – Jeffery Broussard & the Creole Cowboys Day 2 – Sunday, September 4th The line-up on Day 2, Sunday September 4, 2016 includes multiple international stars from a broader range of musical genres. Schedule: •11:30 am – Frobeck • 1:20 pm – Maria Muldaur and her Red Hot Bluesianna Band • 3:10 pm – Henry Butler • 5:00 pm – Zigaboo Modeliste and the New Aahkeststra Info: http://winecountrycajun.com/bands/ |
Corsi di Organetto / M° Loffredi Francesco - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Video: Clip of Francesco Loffredi and some students, the first part of a school promotional video. |
Volksmusik auf der Tremolo/Oktav-Mundharmonika - Trossingen/DEby Diatonic News |
![]() Anmeldeschluss: (Fr) 30.09.2016 (max. Teilnehmerzahl 15 Personen) Dozent: Gerhard Müller Voraussetzung: Eigene Mundharmonika in C-Dur (40-stimmig Tremolo oder 48-stimmig Oktav-Mundharmonika) und Notenständer mitbringen. Ein Erwerb von geeigneten Mundharmonikas am Seminartag ist leider nicht möglich! Thema: Beim gemeinsamen Spielen einfacher, bekannter Volkslieder, lernen Sie unter anderem eine rhythmisch-harmonische Zungenbegleitung, die Ihnen bei der unterschiedlichen Tongestaltung helfen wird. Gerhard Müller führt Sie mit zahlreichen Übungen zum gewünschten Erfolg. Sämtliche Spielliteratur wird kostenlos während dem Seminar zur Verfügung gestellt. Vorhandene Notenkenntnisse sind von Vorteil! Seminargebühr: € 45.– Info: www.hohner-konservatorium.de |
Dingle Tradfest - IRELANDby Diatonic News |
![]() 9th-11th September, 2016 Fáilte. Dingle Tradfest is Ireland's newest innovative Trad-Fusion Music Festival. The festival provides a platform for both National and Internationally acclaimed performing artists to showcase modern and original talents within the usually more traditional environment that is the Dingle Peninsula. diatonic accordion Artist performing: http://www.dingletradfest.ie/ E-mail - dingletradfest@gmail.com |
Bromyard Folk Festival - UKby Diatonic News |
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9 - 10 - 11 September 2016 The event is organised by Bromyard Folk Festival Limited, a registered charity whose aim is to promote traditional folk activities through the annual festival. The folk festival/cultural event in the Welsh Border area, features many hours of entertainment in just one weekend of traditional music, song and dance. Some of the 2016 diatonic accordion performers: http://www.bromyardfolkfestival.co.uk/ |
Diatonische Handharmonika für alle (Einsteiger-Workshop) - Trossingen/DEby Diatonic News |
![]() Sa | 22.10.2016 | 09.00 - 12.30 und 14.00 - 17.30 Uhr So | 23.10.2016 | 09.00 - 12.00 Uhr Anmeldeschluss: (Fr) 30.09.2016 (mind. 8 Personen; max. Teilnehmerzahl 10 Personen) Dozent: Servais Haanen Thema: Entgegen der landläufigen Meinung, es handele sich hier um ein hustendes Ding für langweilige volkstümelnde Schrummelmusik, wollen wir in diesem Workshop zeigen, dass es um ein vollwertiges Instrument mit ungeahnten Möglichkeiten geht. Wir werden uns mit den verschiedenen Lernmöglichkeiten beschäftigen, die zu diesem Instrument passen: nach Gehör, nach Tabulatur, nach Noten. So findet jeder eine Möglichkeit, auch selbständig weiter zu lernen. Außerdem werden wir uns auch mit den verschiedenen Musikstilen beschäftigen, die auf diesem Instrument möglich sind. Voraussetzungen: Ziehharmonika in G/C (es besteht die Möglichkeit ein Instrument zu leihen). Seminargebühr: € 110.– incl. Leihinstrument |
PIF-Talk: Workshop di Organetto Diatonico/Castelfidardo - Italyby Diatonic News |
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![]() 22.09.2016 Sala D | Auditorium San Francesco, via Mazzini 12 with: ore 16:00 Danilo Di Paolonicola ore 16:30 Raynald Ouellet ore 17.00 Fratelli Boniface ore 17:30 Gianni Donnini e Federico Cippitelli ore 18:00 Alessandro Gaudio Information: PIF-Castelfidardo |
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Taiwan event, Diatonic Accordion by Arnaud Lechat - Taiwanby Harley Jones |
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[Brittany] Music Workshop by Arnaud Lechat Atelier de musique Bretagne Crepe (Crêpe) hometown - Brittany (Bretagne) has a rich musical culture. It comes from Celtic, Gauls and Britons descended sailor culture to create a unique fusion of folk and dance in Brittany. From France's Brittany region Xianuo (Arnaud Lechat) will introduce Breton music and dance, classical music, playing the way and characteristics. And provide music, traditional music scene in Brittany common diatonic accordion (Diatonic Accordion) teaches students to play this style of music. Welcome carry all kinds of musical instruments (traditional Breton music is often used accordion, violin, clarinet, guitar and saxophone, etc., other instruments also) will be on site demonstrations and teaching French Brittany genre. 8/14 (date) 10:00 - 12:00 Address: Daan District, Dunhua South Road, Sec 63, Lane 56, Taipei Brittany Introduction (geography and history, culture, music and dance) Music presentation (Breton music, accordion style) Instrument Introduction (diatonic accordion), track practice |
Risultati - 20° Edizione del Campionato Italiano di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Il Campionato è stato organizzato dall’Associazione Musicale “Mondo dell’Organetto” di Grumento Nova (PZ) - Sede operativa di Viggiano (PZ), con il patrocinio del Comune di Viggiano (PZ), in collaborazione con l'Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici (A.M.I.SA.D.) di Maiolati Spontini (AN) e l’Ass. “Amici della Musica” di San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) Al campionato, a cui potevano prendere parte i candidati con strumenti diatonici di qualsiasi tipo, era articolerà nelle seguenti Sezioni e relative categorie: Numero partecipanti: 200 provenienti maggiormente dalle regioni Abruzzo, Campania, Lazio, Marche, Molise, Basilicata, Calabria (dove lo strumento è più radicato) Giuria: Presidente: Elio Bertolini di Recoaro Terme (VI), Gianni Finoia e Vittorio Bernardini di San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), Margherita Longo di San Giovanni Ilarione (VR) e Giuliano Cameli (con funzioni di notaio) di San Benedetto del Tronto (AP). Campioni Italiani 2016 Sezione Organetto Categoria “Junior” ex-aequo CACCAVARI ANTHONY (Catanzaro) COVIELLO LUCA (Montesano S/M – SA) Categoria “Senior” VERDINI ODINO (Cetraro – CS) Sezione Fisarmonica Diatonica Categoria “Junior” ex-aequo LAPENTA RAFFAELE (Montescaglioso – MT) PAOLA LORIS (Conflenti- CZ) Categoria “Senior” SANGINETO CARMINE (Belvedere M.mo – CS) Sezione OVER50 (Fisarmonica Diatonica/Organetto) Categoria Unica MARTINO ANGELO (Pistoia) Info: roncogia@alice.it |
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Scuola di Musica/M° Gianni Ventola Danese - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Future events / Concerts |
Breaking Boundaries/John Gonzalez - Canada/Colombiaby Harley Jones |
![]() Performing in: Breaking Boundaries is the heart-child of John Gonzalez who began playing accordion at the age of eight and came to Vancouver in 2014 to study music at VCC. He formed the band in 2015 with Colombian and Canadian musicians with the purpose of sharing and exploring new ideas within the traditional forms of Vallenato and Cumbia. John is passionate about the possibility of music to act as a bridge between cultures. He and his bandmates, all accomplished young musicians, are excited to perform and explore traditional Colombian music in way that breaks down boundaries and brings people together in a celebratory atmosphere. |
Live im Club de Tango: Beltango Quinteto - Deutschland/Serbienby Diatonic News |
![]() Club de Tango in der Tangowerkstatt Hannover Weidendamm 28 30167 Hannover Einlass 22 Uhr, erster Set gegen 22.30 Uhr. Eintrittspreis mit 15 €, mit Tangowerkstatt-Card 12 € Info: Tel.: +49(0)171 - 75 36 944 Mail: info(at)clubdetango.de http://www.clubdetango.de/kontakt.html |
National Folk Festival: Jeffery Broussard & the Creole Cowboys will perform in Greensboro - USAby Harley Jones |
Video: Eunice Two-Step, Jeffery Broussard & the Creole Cowboys, Published on Apr 12, 2015. As part of the National Folk Festival, Jeffery Broussard & the Creole Cowboys will perform at: 6 p.m. September 9th, Wrangler Stage, 2:45 p.m. September 10th Dance Pavilion, 9:30 p.m. September 10th Wrangler Stage, 12:00 noon September 11th Dance Pavilion 3:15 p.m. September 11th Lawn Stage Admission: Free, donations accepted. |
2016 Accordion Noir Festival: Pinata Protest (San Antonio) - Canada/Texasby Diatonic News |
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Video: Piñata Protest - Vato Perron Official Music Video Concert performance of Pinata Protest "Move the Mess Around" on Saturday 10th sep 2016 - from 19:30 until 1:00 in PDT The Wise Hall & Lounge 1882 Adanac Street, Vancouver V5L 2E2 Piñata Protest is an accordion fronted punk rock band from Texas. The San Antonio band’s fusion of Tex-Mex and punk is a fresh sound the LA Weekly hails as “festively energetic,” and NPR alt Latino deems “brilliant” and “mind blowing.” It’s Selena meets Slayer. An intoxicating border mash up of The Ramones and Ramon Ayala. “This band is manic, Hispanic, accordion driven, and loaded with punk rock attitude. Alvaro Del Norte squeezes and plies the keys of his accordion with frenzied energy, [and] he’s an amazing performer. He leaps about, spins around the stage and even does windmills on his accordion a la Pete Townshend. He exudes charisma from every pore.” (East Portland Blog). https://www.facebook.com/AccordionNoirFestival/photos/gm.568351763355612/1134610256596045/?type=3&theater |
Festival performances by Oysterband - UKby Diatonic News |
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Fri 02 September UK MOSELEY FOLK FESTIVALwww.moseleyfolk.co.uk Fri 09 September UK SWANAGE FOLK FESTIVAL www.swanagefolkfestival.com Sat 10 September UK BROMYARD FOLK FESTIVAL www.bromyardfolkfestival.co.uk Sat 24 September UK SOUTH DOWNS FOLK FESTIVAL www.southdownsfolkfest.co.uk For all other information: http://www.oysterband.co.uk |
PIF-Castelfidardo Bandoneon with Daniele Di Bonaventura - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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24/09/2016 at 21.15 h in Sala T | Teatro Astra, via Matteotti 34/Castelfidardo |
Thermenfestival mit den Edlseer'n - Steiermark/Austriaby Diatonic News |
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http://www.edlseer.at/ http://www.badwaltersdorf.com |
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Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne performing at various festivals in September 2016 - UKby Diatonic News |
![]() Cohen's main passion is for songs and tunes from the English tradition but he also performs music from the Irish, Scottish, Welsh, American, and Continental European traditions along with some contemporary material. Cohen has been performing for nearly a decade and in that time has played in countless groups, below is a list of the line-ups Cohen currently performs with. If you're interested in booking Cohen in any of the following guises or would like any further details, please get in touch using the contact page. Performing in September: 9-11/09/2016 - Bromyard Folk Festiva lhttp://www.bromyardfolkfestival.co.uk/ 16-17/09/2016 - Otley Folk Festival http://www.otleyfolkfestival.com/ 30/9-2/10/2016 - Derby Folk Festival http://www.derbyfolkfestival.co.uk/ |
Washington State Fair Concert on September 18 - USAby Harley Jones |
Official video by Voz De Mando performing "Levantando Polvadera". (C) 2014 AfinArte Music LLC. The Washington State Fair has announced a Fiestas Patrias concert on Sept.18, 2016. featuring bands Voz de Mando, Proyecto X and Mariachi Divas. Part of the fair’s 2016 Columbia Bank Concert Series, the concert celebrates Mexico’s Independence Day (Fiestas Patrias) which is Sept. 16, 2016. Two of the bands have accordionists: The Latin Grammy-nominated Voz de Mando is based in Los Angeles, and since 2010 have had hit singles such as “Comandos del M.P. (500 Balazos)”, which reached the top 10 of Billboard’s Regional Mexican Songs chart. The band includes brothers Jorge Gaxiola (accordion, vocals) and Miguel Gaxiola (bajosexto, vocals), plus Domingo Bolaños (tuba) and Carlos Sígala (drums). Proyecto X has been based in Salinas, California, since 2012, and is known for songs “Ignore,” “Mi Angelita mi Diablita,” and “The Beast.” Members include Carlos Zamora (bajo sexton and first voice), Eduardo Batres (tuba), Eliodoro “Lolo” Vallecillo (accordion and vocals), Fabian Rodriguez (second voice and animation), Johnny Espino (battery), and Raul Avalos (representative). Advance tickets go on sale 10 a.m. April 9, and cost $20 for adults, $10 for children aged 12 and under, and include fair gate admission. Day-of-show prices will be $30 for adults and $15 for children. Call 888-559-FAIR or buy at the Washington State Fair box office at Ninth Avenue Southwest and Meridian Street from 10:AM- 2:PM Saturdays. |
Du Temps Antan performing at the Otley Folk Festival - UKby Diatonic News |
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Performing: Saturday 17 September 2016 2.00pm & 7.00 pm Parish Church concert Since 2003, Éric Beaudry, André Brunet and Pierre-Luc Dupuis have been exploring and performing time-honoured melodies from the stomping grounds of Quebec’s musical past. Using fiddle, accordion, harmonica, guitar, bouzouki and a number of other instruments, our three virtuosos blend boundless energy with the unmistakable joie de vivre found only in traditional Quebec music. http://detempsantan.qc.ca/en/biographie/ |
Love Potion Cabaret with Nefertiti in the Kitchen - Canada/Vancouverby Diatonic News |
![]() The York Theatre 639 Commercial Drive, Vancouver V5L 3W3 Nefertiti in the Kitchen (Rennes, France) An eccentric, multi-lingual cabaret, reverberating with intriguing sounds and punctuated by dream-like sketches. It’s a trip back in time to the roaring twenties and Tom Waits, Marc Perrone and Radiohead are along for the ride. The cabaret is brought to life by singer/actress Jen Rival and one-man-band Nicolas Méheust, the mad inventors of this musical universe in which guitar and accordion share the spotlight and where Kurt Weill himself would feel at home. It’s an outlandish mix of genres, a musical gem, a whimsical journey. It’s classy like a dame, charming like a poet and crazy like a cartoon character with its fingers stuck in a power socket. http://accordionnoirfest.com/en/2016-performers-2/ |
Concert Armonica a Boca con Gianluca Littera/PIF-Castelfidardo - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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21.15 Sala T Teatro Astra, via Matteotti 34 Info: PIF-Castelfidardo |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
Interview with Zydeco Accordion Virtuoso Jeffery Broussardby Harley Jones |
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Video: Enzo Scaccia Performs Polka Del Trio - Italyby Harley Jones |
A recent video by Enzo Scaccia who performs Polka Del Trio composed by G. Di Pietro, arranged by Scaccia. |
CD "Off The Land" by Granny's Attic - UKby Diatonic News |
![]() Since their beginnings they have issued two recordings from their own stable, the Mind The Gap EP, recorded live in 2011 at a performance from Worcester Baptist Church Hall and their debut album Better Weather, released during 2014. Both works impeccably demonstrate the talents of these three youngsters. Also on 19th February 2014 they were one of four nominees for the coveted Young Folk Award held at The Royal Albert Hall at a glittering BBC Folk Awards Ceremony. The members are: George Sansome, Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne, Lewis Wood Etichetta: Wild Goose Records – WGS416CD Formato: CD, Album Country: UK Released: 2016 Genere: Folk, World, & Country Stile: Folk Info: https://www.discogs.com/it/Grannys-Attic-Off-The-Land/release/8850026 |
The Lady's Cup of Tea by Mary MacNamara's - Irelandby Diatonic News |
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Mary's new album (2016). On this album Mary is joined by her daughter Sorcha on fiddle. Mary and Sorcha have been playing music together since Sorcha was a young child. Over the years they have enjoyed an innate understanding of each other’s music. This recording endeavours to capture the magical empathy that results from such a musical bond. Both Mary and Sorcha also play solo selections on this album. Sorcha’s brother Pádraig adds to the “family fusion” in his accompaniment on tracks 9 and 14. Geraldine Cotter provides wonderfully sensitive and tasteful accompaniment on all other tracks. Info: http://www.marymacnamara.net/shop.html |
Remembering accordion great Esteban 'Steve' Jordan through videoby Harley Jones |
Excerpts from the "TheMonitor.com" article by Eduardo Martinez, published 19th August 2016. This week’s column, I am recommending several rare treats that feature the late, great Esteban ‘Steve’ Jordan. For those that don’t know, Aug. 13 was the sixth year anniversary of his death. One of the best musicians the Rio Grande Valley ever produced, and my personal favorite. To those not familiar with the eye-patch wearing accordion player, here are some video and audio I would recommend: Two features that NPR did on Jordan — The first video is titled “No Rules: The Life & Music of Esteban ‘Steve’ Jordan” (found on Vimeo under that title), and it was done by Latino USA’s senior producer Alex Avila. It’s an hour-long radio documentary that was aired by NPR on Sept. 15, 2008. The second video is from NPR’s ‘All Things Considered,’ titled ‘The Corrido of the World’s Best Accordionist (found on YouTube under that title), and it’s an 8 minute feature by John Burnett. |
Video: Orchestra Rita Braida Performs Organetto Orientale - Italyby Harley Jones |
Orchestra Rita Braida Performs Organetto Orientale by Manuel Malanotte, Published on Nov 4, 2013. Ecco a voi il nuovo brano scritto da Manuel Malanotte in collaborazione con Mirco Moscatelli - My father studio, un brano per organetto in stile cumbia orientale che è presente nella compilation "CUMBIA ITALY" Edizioni Musicali Galletti Boston. Orchestra RITA BRAIDA |
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