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Highlights |
Accordion Stolen in Chicago - USAby Diatonic News |
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![]() The accordion is has a low serial number, and with very few in existence, is virtually one of a kind. The owner is Sean Colledge. The accordion’s make is L'anse Grise, 1-row, D tuning, black, 4 stops, 2 bass couplers, 4 sets of treble reeds, 2 sets pf bass reeds, serial number #26. It was in a Peavey black nylon gig bag (picture left). For further information or to contact the owner, email: sean@colledgeviolins.com |
![]() The PIF 2015 international competition for accordionists takes place in Castelfidardo, Ancona, Italy from September 17th to 20st. This year’s event includes the category for World Music and diatonic music, solo and group. Download the regulations in: Chinese: 2015cn English: 2015PIF French: 2015fr Italian: 2015it Portuguese: 2015pt Russian: 2015ru Entries for the 40th PIF International "Città di Castelfidardo" close on the 25th August. The ‘Revelation Award Sete Sois Sete Luas’ is a special World Music competition category for soloists over 18 years of PIF established in collaboration with the Festival Sete Sois Sete Luas. The winner will not only have a scholarship and medal but also will make an artistic residence in Portugal, Ponte de Sor, becoming part of one of the orchestras participating in the Festival Sete Sois Sete Luas, performing with this orchestra in 2015. Competitors may participate from countries where the Festival Sete Sois Sete Luas is established, including Brazil, Cape Verde, Croatia, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, and Tunisia. Entrants will be soloists on the diatonic accordion, for instruments with a minimum of 21 buttons on the keyboard right (2 rows of buttons) and 8 basses in the lower left keyboard. The Sete Sois Sete Luas Festival was founded in 1993 by a group of young Italians active in the theater between Italy and Portugal and the great Portuguese writer José Saramago, who received, in 1998, the Nobel Prize for literature. Picture left: Mayor of Castelfidardo Mirco Soprani and PIF Festival Artistic Director Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi. Questa categoria speciale del concorso è istituita in collaborazione con il Festival Sete Sóis Sete Luas. Possono partecipare solisti di fisarmonica, solisti di Garmoshka e solisti di fisarmonica diatonica. Lo stesso concorrente può eseguire, se polistrumentista, alcuni brani con la fisarmonica ed altri con quella diatonica. I concorrenti dovranno presentare un programma a libera scelta della durata massima di 15 minuti comprendente arrangiamenti ed elaborazioni creative di brani tratti dal repertorio tradizionale del proprio paese di origine o di altri paesi. La giuria gradirà l’esecuzione di almeno un brano tratto dal repertorio tradizionale del paese di provenienza del candidato, pur non essendo questa una regola vincolante. Sono ammesse anche composizioni originali ispirate genericamente alla musica etnica. 1. Premio Speciale Sete Sóis Sete Luas o Al miglior classificato tra i concorrenti provenienti da: Brasile, Capo Verde, Croazia, Francia, Grecia, Israele, Italia, Marocco, Portogallo, Romania, Slovenia, Spagna o Tunisia verrà assegnato il Premio Rivelazione Sete Sòis Sete Luas consistente in una residenza artistica nella città di Ponte de Sor (Portogallo) e in alcuni concerti retribuiti da effettuare con una delle orchestre del Festival. Il Premio Rivelazione prenderà in carico per 5 giorni il vincitore (offrendo transfer da e per l’aeroporto di Lisbona, vitto e alloggio durante tutto il periodo di soggiorno) in occasione della residenza artistica in periodo da definire. Il viaggio di andata e ritorno per raggiungere la base del Festival sarà a carico del vincitore del Premio Rivelazione che effettuerà un minimo di 3 concerti con una delle orchestre del Festival Sete Sòis Sete Luas. Ogni concerto verrà retribuito con un minimo di euro 150,00 lordi. For information contact Castelfidardo |
WORLD MUSIC | cat. O / Pif/Castelfidardo - Italyby Diatonic News |
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WORLD MUSIC | 17 settembre CATEGORIA O – MUSICA D’INSIEME, SENZA LIMITI DI ETÀ – PROVA UNICA Possono partecipare orchestre e gruppi, senza limiti di età. Tra i componenti, almeno uno dovrà utilizzare una fisarmonica o una fisarmonica diatonica (di qualsiasi modello) o un bandoneon o una Garmoshka o una fisarmonica digitale, avendo un ruolo principale all’interno della formazione. Sono ammessi gruppi con più di uno strumento a mantice o con soli strumenti a mantice (del tipo di quelli sopra citati). I concorrenti dovranno presentare un programma a libera scelta della durata massima di 20 minuti, comprendente arrangiamenti ed elaborazioni creative di brani tratti dal repertorio world music, etno jazz, etnico, folk, tradizionale. Sono ammesse anche composizioni originali ispirate genericamente alla musica etnica. Oltre alla qualità delle esecuzioni verrà valutato anche il progetto artistico del gruppo. Premio speciale Al primo classificato tra i gruppi italiani concerto premio al Folkest 2016 (rimborso viaggio e ospitalità a carico del Folkest). Category World Music O Ensemble music – no age limit Category O is open to orchestras and groups with no age limit, comprised of at least one accordion or one diatonic accordion (of any model) or a Garmoshka or a bandoneon or a digital accordion, that should have the main role in the ensemble. Groups with more than one bellows instrument or with only bellows instruments (like the ones above) are accepted. Competitors must present a programme of their choice with a maximum duration of 20 minutes, including arrangements and creative elaborations of pieces from the world music, ethno jazz, ethnic, folk and traditional repertoires. Original compositions generically inspired by ethnic music are accepted. Apart from the quality of the performance, the jury will also consider the artistic quality of the group. For further Informaiton visit Castelfidardo |
Mundharmonika Festival in Klingenthal - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
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Wie im jedem Jahr in der dritten Septemberwoche,sind jegliche Spieler, sowie alle Musikbegeisterten zum 15. Internationalen Mundharmonika-Live Festival eingeladen, um wieder ein spannendes Wochenende mit Workshops, vielen Konzerten in der Live-Nacht und Jam-Sessions zu feiern! Zum traditionellen Festival verwandelt sich die Musikstadt Klingenthal in einen Hexenkessel für Mundharmonika-Spieler aus ganz Deutschland und dem internationalen Ausland - verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit mit Künstlern, Mundharmonika-Liebhabern und Musikenthusiasten zu sprechen oder auch selbst mit zu musizieren - das Festival wird, dank seines einzigartigen Charmes in sehr netter Umgebung, zu einem unvergessenen Erlebnis. Erleben Sie die vielen Möglichkeiten auf der Mundharmonika Musik zu machen - für jeden Musikgeschmack ist etwas dabei - Blues, Irish Folk und Volksmusik. Gute Unterkünfte gibt es in vielen der Festival-Locations! Weitere Information und Anmeldung: http://www.mundharmonika-live.de/newpage/indexb.htm |
Carrefour Mondial de l'accordéon, Montmagny - Canadaby Diatonic News |
![]() Download the program: 2015Carrefour.pdf Lla 27e édition du Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon se déroulera du 3 au 7 septembre 2015 Depuis 1989, Montmagny (Québec) est le rendez-vous des inconditionnels de l’accordéon.Le Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon s’illustre en début de septembre par la tenue de cinq journées intensives de festivités. Plongez dans un univers musical où l’accordéon est roi et maître. Une programmation artistique révèle le charme, la versatilité et le caractère de cet instrument. Chaque année, des artistes et des interprètes du monde entier se rencontrent à Montmagny et partagent leur passion pour cette « boîte à frissons » qui prend mille formes. Le Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon, c’est un bouillon de culture où les styles, les genres et les répertoires se côtoient et s’unissent à la mesure d’un public de tous âges. Pour d'autre information visitez: http://www.accordeonmontmagny.com/ La liste d'accordéoniste diatnique: |
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Bromyard Folk Festival - UKby Diatonic News |
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11th to 13th September 2015 The best folk festival/cultural event in the Welsh Border area, featuring over 170 hours of entertainment in just one weekend of traditional music, song and dance. We are proud to announce the 2015 line up so far* (more to come…!): Sharon Shannon, Breabach, Gerry Colvin Band, John Doyle, New Rope String Band, The Young’uns, Emma Sweeney, Allan Yn Y Fan, The Hut People, Speldosa Granny’s Attic, Alex Cumming and Nicola Beazley, Mick Ryan and Paul Downes, Dave Webber and Anni Fentiman, Keith Donnelly Info: http://www.bromyard-folk-festival.org.uk/ |
Hitparadensieg v. Marco Wahrstätter - Österreichby Harley Jones |
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Hitparadensieg in Kärnten! – 09.06.2015 Marco Wahrstätter war auch bei der Musiparade vom ORF Radio Kärnten erfolgreich und startete von 0 auf Platz 1 mit seinem Titel "Zwoa Madln, a Bua – des geht nit guat". Des weiteren konnte er sich 3 Mal Platz 2 sichern! Official Video: MARCO WAHRSTÄTTER - Zwoa Madln, a Bua - des geht nit guat (Offizielles Video). Published on Dec 7, 2014 Die neue Single von Marco Wahrstätter! Auch auf ITunes und Amazon! mehr Infos unter: www.marco-wahrstaetter.com Videoproduktion: Ralf Leitner Komponist: Marco Wahrstätter |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
Feakle Festival 2015 - Irelandby Diatonic News |
![]() The 28th International Festival of Traditional Irish Music 28 years ago a small festival started in the village of Feakle, County Clare. Feakle is a centre of traditional music in Ireland. That small start has now brought us to our 28th year, with visitors from all over the world coming to a festival that now has international recognition. Information: http://www.feaklefestival.ie/index.html info@feaklefestival.ie |
Gehobene Literatur für chromatische Mundharmonika - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
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Samstag den 10.10.2015 14.00 - 18.00 Uhr Anmeldeschluss: (Fr) 25.09.2015 Dozententeam: Mundharmonikaquartett „Harmonicamento“: Brigitte Burgbacher/ Kathrin Gass/ Birgit Käfer/ Gerhard Müller (Anzahl der Dozenten richtet sich nach der Teilnehmerzahl) Voraussetzungen: Gehobene spielerische Vorkenntnisse und ein eigenes vorbereitetes Stück, welches bei der Anmeldung angegeben werden muss. Thema: Dieser Kurs ist für Spieler mit höherem Spielniveau. Er untergliedert sich, je nach Teilnehmerzahl, in Kleingruppen oder Einzelunterricht. Die Spieler haben während des Seminars immer wieder Zeit für sich an den Stücken zu arbeiten. Erarbeitet werden gehobene Techniken und Stücke, wobei auf Atem- und Schiebertechnik, Tongestaltung, Ausbau der musikalischen Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten (Dynamik, Artikulation) geachtet wird. Zusätzlich werden Bühnenpräsenz und Aufführungspraxis angesprochen. Seminargebühr: 50.- € Veranstaltungsort: Hohner-Konservatorium Trossingen GmbH, Hohnerstraße 4/1 - 78647 Trossingen Tel: 0 74 25- 32 70 15, Fax: 0 74 25- 32 71 00 Mail: info@hohner-konservatorium.de Anmeldung und Seminargebühr: Die verbindliche Anmeldung erfolgt formlos per Brief, Fax, E-Mail oder telefonisch oder mit Kontaktdaten. |
Michigan Irish music festival - USAby Diatonic News |
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Featuring live Irish entertainment daily under five large covered stages, from traditional Irish and folk music to contemporary Celtic rock to storytelling and Irish dance. Join The Pub for a traditional Irish beverage, live music or or just for fun. The festival has activities for all ages including a Cultural and Dance Stage. You can also join a jam session in the Session Tent or take part in the Catholic Mass - Sunday at 9 am, followed by a traditional Irish breakfast. Returning this year is the Tea Room,The Celtic Games (both located in the County Kerry area) and the very popular Whiskey Snug. Heritage Landing is located at 701 Shoreline Drive in downtown Muskegon MI 49440. The Festival entrance is at the intersection of Seventh and Shoreline Drive. Information upon all artists: http://www.michiganirish.org/entertainers |
Festival de Musique Irlandaise à Tournay/Irish Music Festival - Franceby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() Friday evening and all day Saturday and Sunday 3rd edition of this festival, where you can Listen to great Irish musicians playing traditional music or join in with a trad session, dance with an Irish and French teacher in a ceili, or join a workshop to learn set dancing, or just enjoy the music. Buvette and food served all weekend. diatonic Accordionists: Eoghan O'Sullivan, Charlie Piggott and Ruka Maruta concertina Event Location Place du village , 65 Tournay, 65190 http://midipyreneessouth.angloinfo.com/whatson/event/6513/festival-de-musique-irlandaise-a-tournay-irish-music-festival |
Holland Tango Festival - Netherlandsby Diatonic News |
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Holland Tango Festival is a new festival in Holland where it is all about Buenos Aires. Dancing tango, Live music, workshops by international teachers, great mediterranean food, milongas, Tangoshows and much more. All in amazing historical rooms with wooden floors in Rotterdam and The Hague. From the Mini Tango Market one can buy all sorts of Tango related items including music sheets-CD's. Specially for this edition we invited professional teachers, DJ’s and an orchestra from all over the world: Buenos Aires, Japan, Greece, Italy, Belgium, Brazil and Holland because tango is danced and loved all over the world. Information: http://hollandtangofestival.com/index.php/htf/ |
Chromatische Mundharmonika für Anfänger - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() 10.00 – 13.00 Uhr (MelodyStar und chrom Mundharmonika) Anmeldeschluss: (Fr) 25.09.2015 Dozententeam: Brigitte Burgbacher / Kathrin Gass / Birgit Käfer C-Dur oder eine MelodyStar mitbringen. Vorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich. Thema: Hier erlernen Sie erste Grundkenntnisse. Bei perfekter Haltung und richtiger Atemtechnik werden Sie mit den verschiedenen Einzeltontechniken bald die ersten Erfolge haben. Auch leichte Musiktheorie mit Notenschrift und Notenwerten wird vermittelt. Literatur: Gass, K.: Schule für chromatische Mundharmonika, Teil 1 (16,90 €), die nicht im Seminarpreis beinhaltet ist, kann am Seminartag erworben werden. Seminargebühr: 45.- € (mit chromatischer Mundharmonika) Seminargebühr: 35.- € (mit der MelodyStar) Info: Tel: 0 74 25- 32 70 15, Fax: 0 74 25- 32 71 00 Mail: info@hohner-konservatorium.de |
Scuola di Musica/M° Gianni Ventola Danese - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Video: Anja Habich Performs “Vierteljahrhundert Dreiviertler” - Austriaby Harley Jones |
Anja Habich Performs “Vierteljahrhundert Dreiviertler”. This and other music is on the Müller website. |
Corsi di Organetto / M° Loffredi Francesco - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Video: Clip of Francesco Loffredi and some students, the first part of a school promotional video. |
Video: Norill and Arve Bjørn at Storefjell - Norwayby Harley Jones |
Norill Terese Norheim and Arve Bjørn Røneid playing at Storefjell Diatonic Championship 2015, Norway. Video Published on May 9, 2015. |
Sebastopol Cajun-Zydeco Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
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The 20th Annual Sebastopol Cajun-Zydeco Festival September 12, 2015 - Cajun Food and Zydeco Music 11:30 am to 7:00 pm - gates open at 11:00 am For further information upon the line-up visit: http://winecountrycajun.com/ |
Herbert Pixner Projekt Perform Quattroby Harley Jones |
The latest Herbert Pixner Projekt video performing Quattro - tavern musicians in Hirzinger 2015. Published on Aug 6, 2015 This is from the CD: "QUATTRO" www.herbert-pixner.com Musicians Herbert Pixner (diatonic, harmonica) Manuel Randi (Flamenco guitar) Heidi Pixner (Tyrolean folk harp) Werner Unterlercher (double bass) |
Concertina Masterclasses - Irelandby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() Edel Fox Cormac Begley Mary MacNamara (Adults only) Info: http://www.feaklefestival.ie/workshops.html |
Video: Rozenn Talec and Yannig Noguet - Franceby Harley Jones |
Video: Rozenn Talec and Yannig Noguet perform their own composition 'Nozvezh Digousk' (mazurka). Published on Mar 21, 2015. This video is the Culture & Creation Concert on August 1, 2014 at the Quai de Bretagne - Festival Interceltique de Lorien. |
6. Open Trekzakfestival Zwolle - Hollandby Diatonic News |
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Samen genieten van muziek, veel trekzakmuziek, op een prachtige plek midden in de natuur op Doepark Nooterhof, midden in de natuur. Op zondag 13 september in ZWOLLE Doepark Nooterhof Goertjesweg 1 Postcode: 8013 PA > Kaartje en Route •Je kunt komen luisteren, je kunt zelf spelen, voor de kinderen is er ook genoeg te doen én er is een markt met voor elk wat wils, ongeacht je beurs. •Op het veld worden gratis workshops kennismaken met de trekharmonica gegeven. Informatie over de tijden zijn in de tent op het veld te vinden. •Voor beginners en begonners is er een korte kennismakingsworkshop! •Weer of geen weer: Het gaat door! •Neem je eigen instrument mee en speel of gebruik een instrument op het Opentrekzakfestival.nl zelf en ervaar hoe leuk het is en wat het met je doet! •Tijdens dit eerste lustrum zijn er een aantal mooie workshops, die binnen en/of buiten gehouden worden. •Er is ook weer een markt waar een breed scala muziekinstumenten, bladmuziek en meer wordt aangeboden. Workshops: Op alfabetische vorgorde worden dit jaar workshops gegeven door: •Cocky van de Burgh, C-F, hele dag middengroep •Heleen Rook, C-F, halve dag, beginners en begonners •Mark Söhngen, C-F, hele dag, middengroep •Wouter Kuyper, C-F, hele dag, middengroep+ en gevorderden Voor deelname aan de workshops kun je je al opgeven. Vol is Vol! mailto:info@opentrekzakfestival.nl Stuur een email naar info@opentrekzakfestival.nl als je op de hoogte gehouden wilt worden - See more at: http://www.harmonicahoek.nl/service/agenda/index.php?evenement_nr=6&jaar=2015#sthash.oACv2lYw.dpuf |
Video: Marco Leonetti (Italy) at CMA Competition - USAby Harley Jones |
Published on Apr 20, 2015. Video of Marco Leonetti (Italy) competing (and winning) the Senior Variété Diatonic category at the 2012 CMA Trophy Mondial in Spokane, USA. Music program: - Pomodhoro. Riccardo Tesi - Salterello, Traditional arrangements by Danilo Di Paolonicola. |
Irischer Herbst 2015 Proitzer Mühle / Konzertinakurs - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
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![]() Céilí am Freitagabend, den 2.10. mit der Band Swaree! Der Kurs beginnt am Donnerstag mit dem Abendessen um 19.00 Uhr und endet am Sonntag nach dem Mittagessen um 13.00 Uhr neben anderen Kursen auch ein: Concertina (für Anfänger/innen und Fortgeschrittene) mit Claus Kessler Claus Kessler ist seit über 10 Jahren leidenschaftlicher Irish-Folk Musiker auf der Anglo-Concertina. Zahlreiche Ausflüge nach Irland zu bekannten Lehrern des Irish-Concertina-Style sowie unzählige Sessions haben mit den Jahren seinen Stil geprägt. Darüberhinaus ist Claus schon seit einigen Jahren selbst als Lehrer aktiv. Seine Karriere als Bühnenmusiker umfasst im Laufe der Jahre ein halbes Dutzend Musikgruppen sowie eine Irish-Dance-Show. Derzeit spielt er in der Tanzband Swaree für irische Tanzabende) statt Info http://proitzer-muehle.de/index.php/de/das-programm/irischer-herbst-2015 |
4. Alpengold-Harmonika Festiva - Austriaby Diatonic News |
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4. Alpengold Festival Das Jubliäumsfestival - 20 Jahre Alpengold Termin: 25. – 27. September 2015 Ort: Uttendorf – Badeseeparkplatz Sud 20 Jahre Alpengold Harmonika - und es wird geührend gefeiert, mit dem 4. Festival das Jubliäumsfestival. Ein musikalisch anspruchsvolles Programm erwartet alle Besucher - Ein muss für jeden Musikfan! Eintrittskarten kann man via Mail anfordern : verkauf@alpengold-harmonika.at Sonstige Info auf: http://www.alpengold-harmonika.at/events/ |
Videos: Korrontzi and Oinkari Villabonako - Spainby Harley Jones |
Video 1: Mungiako Korrontzi Folk Group and Oinkari Dance Group spectacular “Tradition 2.1”. Published 1st March 2015. Video 2: Its the Show Fandangoa, Mungiako Korrontzi Folk Group and Oinkari Dance Group. Published on Apr 20, 2012 Korrontzi folk band (Mungia, Basque Country, 2004) were formed by trikitixa player Agus Barandiaran. Jorge Arribas “La Musgaña” (diatonic accordion). Korrontzi’s fourth album is “Tradition 2.1” Within the major success of “Tradition 2.1” tour, Korrrontzi gave countless concerts all over the world and performed in the most important folk festivals. ARC, the English record company released “Tradition 2.1” for the international market. In October 2014, Korrontzi were programed within the official selection of international music fair Womex which took place in Santiago de Compostela. |
Dingle Tradfest - IRELANDby Diatonic News |
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Fáilte. Dingle Tradfest is Ireland's newest innovative Trad-Fusion Music Festival. The festival provides a platform for both National and Internationally acclaimed performing artists to showcase modern and original talents within the usually more traditional environment that is the Dingle Peninsula. diatonic accordion Artist performing: SQUEEZE BOX SOCIAL, BRYAN O' LEARY, PADDY O' CALLAGHAN TRIO Information: http://www.dingletradfest.com/index.html |
Corso di Organetti / M° Claudio Rossi - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Noirfest 2015, Vancouver – Canadaby Diatonic News |
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The 8th annual festival Noirfest 2015 takes place from September 10th to 13th at venues in Vancover, including Western Front, Wise Hall, and Spartacus Books. The guest artists include Wendy McNeill (Spain/Canada), Angélica Negrón & Shayna Dunkelman (New York), Geoff Berner (Canada), Kate and Rich Duo (Nova Scotia), Flying Machines (Vancouver), Compassion Gorilla (Victoria), Ana Bonbon (Vancouver), Rattletrap Ruckus (USA), Svetka and the Raven (Victoria), The Wayward Hearts (Vancouver), and Steve Normandin (Quebec). For further information email: accordionnoirfest@gmail.com www.accordionnoirfest.com |
Future events / Concerts |
TAG DER HARMONIKA 2016 in der Steiermark ! - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
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Online translation! |
Trio Tangata performing at the Tango Festival - Hollandby Diatonic News |
![]() Trio Tangata is a Tango ensemble, composed of three fine musicians, who are, for many years already, specialists in the Argentine Tango. In an innovating and unique style they compose arrangements of the tango music by Troilo, Pugliese, De Caro, Di Sarli, Piazzolla, Salgan, Mores, etc. Furthermore they perform their own special compositions written by the pianist MMarkerink. Her music shows us the Argentine tango is still in full development. The musicians from Trio Tangata were members of the grand tango- ensemble “Tango Dorado” , and with them they toured in Holland and abroad. With sense for drama, precision and master-skills Trio Tangata presents the Argentine tango in a performance full of energy. The group went on tour in Holland and abroad, like Toscana tour , recent to France, Belgique, and went 2 years before aswell to the heart of the tango: Argentina: Buenos Aires. Trio Tangata has made 3 CD’s : “mis cosas favoritas” & “Historias del Sur” & ”Encuentros”. Guest-singers: José Rivero and Lilian Vieira on the last CD. Trio Tangata will play live music on the Holland TangoFestival on Saturday 12 September! On facebook Trio Tangata can be followed: http://www.facebook.com/TrioTangata |
Riccardo Tesi performing at the Castelfidardo PIF - Italyby Diatonic News |
![]() Further information: Castelfidardo |
NESI 11-13 September 2015 - USAby Diatonic News |
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The Squeeze-In is a non-profit laid-back weekend gathering of players and their partners. meeting for the legendary fun: play...and dance...and jam...and have a blowout Saturday night. Welcome are beginners and the talented advanced alike. Meet friends old and new in a comfortable, low-key setting with many places for workshops and spontaneous squeezings. Hobnob with (other!) free-reed aficionados and behold an assortment of squeezeboxes and their paraphernalia for sale, swap & hagglement. The Squeeze-In is held at Chimney Corners, a fabulously well appointed year round camp and conference center in the Berkshire Hills of western Massachusetts, 30 minutes from the Lee exit off the Mass Pike and close to Tanglewood, the summer home of the BSO. The Squeeze-In is held on a weekend, Friday afternoon through Sunday noon, generally in mid-September. Reed more on: http://squeeze-in.org/ or write: register@squeeze-in.org |
Bal Folk avec 'Fest'Embal' - Franceby Diatonic News |
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Fest'Embal vous propose, en collaboration avec Parlaren Group Prouvençau de Bedarrido, des musiques au son du violon, de l'accordéon, de la guitare, des chants... Chaque morceau de musique a sa propre danse traditionnelle qui sera expliquée pour faire participer le public tout au long de la soirée. site internet de Fest'Embal : https://sites.google.com/site/festembal/home |
Zauber der Musik in Leipziz mit Marcelo Nisinman - Germanyby Diatonic News |
![]() Konzertsaison 2015/2016 – Zauber der Musik in Leipziz MDR SINFONIEORCHESTER “Suite Punta del Este” for Bandoneon & Orchestra Kristjan Järvi | Dirigent Leipzig, Germany Born in Buenos Aires in 1970, Marcelo Nisinman, is an internationally renowned bandoneon player, composer and arranger, taking bandoneon playing and the tango to a new level. Nisinman studied the bandoneon with Julio Pane and composition with Guillermo Graetzer in Buenos Aries and Detlev Muller-Siemens in Basel. Info: http://www.nisinman.com/about/ |
Didier Laloy in - Germany/Austria/Switzerlandby Diatonic News |
![]() Museumsnacht Didier Laloy & S-Tres 20.09.15 Zug (CH) Akkordeontage Didier Laloy & Kathy Adam 25.09.15 Feldkirchen (A) Amthof Didier Laloy & Kathy Adam 26.09.15 Innsbruck (A) Treibhaus Didier Laloy & Kathy Adam Info: www.cultureworks.at |
Harmonicadag bij Erve Kampboer - Netherlandsby Diatonic News |
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Kom samen met ons het 10-jarig Jubileum vieren! Op zondag 6 september 11:00 - 17:00 uur in GEESTEREN Erve Kampboer Kampboerlaan 6 Postcode: 7678 VV Wij hopen dat ook deze editie van de Harmonicadag garant staat voor veel muzikaliteit en gezelligheid. Tijdens de Harmonicadag zal er speciale aandacht worden besteed aan het jubileumjaar. Vele mensen weten ieder jaar opnieuw de weg naar de Harmonicadag in Geesteren te vinden, simpelweg omdat de sfeer zo gemoedelijk en gezellig is. Komt u ook? En wilt u op het podium de klanken van uw harmonica laten horen, geef het ons even door. Inlichtingen: Maikel Noordam - See more at: http://www.harmonicahoek.nl/service/agenda/index.php?evenement_nr=4&jaar=2015#sthash.ILpCRcLg.dpuf |
Copperbox in September - USAby Diatonic News |
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Danny Jerabek (accordion, keys, vocals, cornet, sousaphone, etc.) and his wife, Michelle (Thull) Jerabek (bari saxophone, vocals, guitar, washboard, etc.) both started performing with their family on stage at an early age. Once in their teens, they crossed paths again and eventually realized they were meant to be together. They started writing songs and formed a band and the rest is history! The current line up includes the highly regarded talents of Drew Hicks (bass, guitar) and Jason Van Ryzin (drums). Danny Jerabek was given an accordion from his grandfather at age 9 and taught himself how to play it. Inspired by Steve (Esteban) Jordan, "the Jimi Hendrix of Tejano Accordion" he began to "rock out" and improvise –thinking a little more, "outside the box." He has been featured at the International Accordion Festival in San Antonio, TX and the National Accordion Festival in Houston, TX and the Cotati Accordion Festival in Cotati, CA, and has been featured on national TV. For over 13 years the band has been pushing to keep this band on the road with the help of family, friends and fans. Copper Box has performed small, intimate shows to large, main stage festivals nationwide and in September 2015 they will perform: Fri, 4th 7:00 PM/ Plymouth, WI - Sheboygan County Fair Sun, 6th 6:00 PM Wausau, WI - The Great Dane - Wausau Mon, 7th 1:30 PM Redgranite, WI - Redgranite Labor Day Festival Sat, 12th 5:00 PM WI Fri, 18th 6:00 PM Plymouth, WI - Plymouth Art Center's Oktoberfest Sat, 19th 7:30 PM WI Private Event Fri, 25th 8:00 PM WI - Private Event Sat, 26th 11:00 AM Appleton, WI - Appleton Octoberfest Sat, 26th 7:30 PM Dheinsville, WI - Dheinsville Oktoberfest Info:http://copperboxband.com |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
CD "Arco" Danças Ocultas Featuring Dom La Nena | Uguru, 2015 - Portugalby Diatonic News |
![]() 1. Ela ver no youtube Dom La Nena 2. O Diabo Tocador Danças Ocultas 3. Anjo Gabriel Dom La Nena 4. luzAzul Danças Ocultas Arranjos Danças Ocultas e Dom La Nena Miguel Calhaz, Contrabaixo em Ela, O Diabo Tocador e luzAzul Henrique Portovedo, Saxofone Tenor em O Diabo Tocador Edição Uguru, 2015 Gravação Nuno Rebocho no Salão de Chá do Parque da Alta Vila – Águeda e Benoît Laur no Studio Murillo – Paris de Novembro 2013 a Janeiro 2014 Mistura e masterização Danças Ocultas e Nuno Rebocho Artwork Alexandra G. http://dancasocultas.com/discografia/ |
Oysterband CD "Diamonds On The Water" - UKby Diatonic News |
![]() Alan Prosser: guitars, vocal Ian Telfer: violin, keyboard, concertina, vocal Dil Davies: drums Al Scott: bass, mandolin, vocal Adrian Oxaal: cello, vocal Genre: Rock, Folk, World, & Country Style: Folk, Folk Rock Year: 2014 Tracklist A Clown's Heart 3:52 A River Runs 4:33 Spirit Of Dust 4:38 Lay Your Dreams Down Gently 3:33 Diamonds On The Water 3:00 The Wilderness 3:33 Palace Of Memory 3:38 Once I Had A Sweetheart 4:28 No Ordinary Girl 3:20 Call You Friend 2:52 Steal Away 4:33 Like A Swimmer In The Ocean Info: http://www.oysterband.co.uk |
Sophie Cavez & Baltazar Montanaro - Le 3ème Temps (Belgium 2015) - Belgiumby Diatonic News |
![]() SOPHIE CAVEZ: accordéon diatonique It is in the tender and playful world of Baltazar Montanaro-Nagy (violin) and Sophie Cavez (accordion) Le 3ème Temps that was born. Steeped in many cultures, music is deeply organic and moving, all at once rooted and air. Recorded at Shipyard (creative center of new traditional music and world music located in Correns - 83), this third installment will be released March 30, 2015. Le 3ème Temps offers rearrangements pieces collected from musicians in France and in the world, according to the many tours of the duo since 2008. We find such music from Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Brittany, Provence and Galicia, revisited by Sophie Cavez and Baltazar Montanaro-Nagy with the complicity and freedom that characterize them. Pursuing in parallel his compositions, the duo also offers us four magnificent titles that complement gracefully the imaginary landscapes crossed listening to this album. This duo, endearing and talented, has a contagious vibratory sense, limitless potential, incredible strength and velvet notes. Their association made a very foolish. Info: http://folkyourself.blogspot.co.at/search/label/Sophie%20Cavez http://www.sophiecavez.sitew.com/ |
RAÚL ORLANDO Walter Ríos Ensamble presentando su disco: ‘A Mores’ - Argentinaby Diatonic News |
![]() El Centro Cultural Torquato Tasso se ha convertido en el mítico club de tango. Querido por el público, amado por los músicos el lugar ofrece los conciertos de los grandes artistas populares argentinos reconocidos nacional e internacionalmente. Cada año músicos, cantores, cancionistas, interpretes, autores, compositores y bailarines desean tener espacio en la programación del Tasso. Se brinda música en vivo de miércoles a sábados y los domingos funciona la Milonga del Tasso. Raul Orlando presenta su disco “A Mores” íntegramente dedicado al gran compositor y director Mariano Mores, con una cuidada selección entre sus obras mas emblemáticas. Lo hace acompañado por el director músical, Walter Rios y el sexteto que participó en la grabación: Cristian Zarate, Ricardo Lew, Pablo Motta, Bruno Cavallaro, José Luis Colzani y el mismo Walter Ríos. Info: http://torquatotasso.com.ar/event/raul-orlando-walter-rios-ensamble-presentando-su-disco-a-mores/ |
CD "Vivo" 2015 di Andrea Cappezzuoli Compagnia - Italiaby Diatonic News |
![]() Pubblicato: 21/03/2015 ℗ 2015 Rox Records Per informazioni: http://www.andreacapezzuoli.com/cd.html |
CD ""Zwoa Madln, a Bua – des geht nit guat" - Austriaby Diatonic News |
![]() In der 1. Woche ist der Titel gleich von Null auf Platz 2 eingestiegen und sicherte sich dann 4 Wochen hintereinander den 1. Platz mit sensationellem Abstand zum Zweitplatziertem! Diese CD von Marco Warstätter kann man bestellen auf: office@marco-wahrstaetter.com |
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