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Diatonic News - Oct-2015
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Voci Armoniche


2015 Paolo Soprani Award to Andrea Bocelli - Italy
Diatonic Cat. at the 40th PIF Castelfidardo - Italy
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich
Solo tango orquesta и звезды аргентинского танго - Russia
WOMEX - Hungary
Cat. Worldmusic @ PIF Castelfidardo - Italy
Any Answer to/regarding this instrument? - WORLDWIDE
Lezioni per fisarmonica diatonica/Scuola di Musica Paolo Soprani/Castelfidardo - Italia

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

South Louisiana Black Pot Festival & Cookoff - USA
20th edition of "Le Grand Soufflet" 2015 - France
Creole United Festival - USA
28th Accordion & Fiddle Festival - UK
10. Harmonica Masters Workshops - Deutschland
Homegrown English Folk Festival - UK
Riccardo Tesi and Banda Italiana @ Castelfidardo/Teatro Astra - Italy
23° Alpen Grand Prix 2015 - Italia
Festival de Tango de Valentín Alsina - Argentina
Tango Argentino Orchester/Ensemblekurs für alle Instrumente - Deutschland
16th Annual Willie Keane Memorial Weekend - Doonbeg/Ireland
Video: Herbert Pixner Projekt "Dirty Kathy" - Austria
15. American Cajun,Blues & Zydeco Festival - Germany/Switzerland
Festival de Musique Acadienne et Créole - USA
New Album ‘Pandemonium - The Essential Bellowhead’ - UK
Workshop f.Fortgeschrittene/Mundharmonika - Deutschland
Mundharmonika-Workshop für Anfänger/Wiedereinsteiger - Deutschland
12th Bristol Cajun & Zydeco Festival - UK

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

TangoDuo MALA JUNTA live in - CH/FR/DE
Duo Bottasso 3/4 Octobre 2015 - France
Oysterband OctoberTour Dates 2015 - Denmark
Christine Meissnitzer Band in Rabenstein/NÖ - Austria
Oysters3 at "The Met" - UK
Wendy McNeill @ Le Grand Soufflet Festival - France/Canada
Orchester Lo que vendrà im Oktober - Deutschland
Etienne Grandjean et Soïg Sibéril à Rennes @ Soufflet - France
Beltango performing in - Croatia/Hungary
La Troba Kung-Fú 2/10/2015 à Rennes - France

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Sharon Shannon CD/DVD ‘In Galway’ – Republic of Ireland
New CD by Rogr Morand Cajun Band - France
CD "Medicine for the Blues" by Whiskey and Woman - Scotland

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

2015 Paolo Soprani Award to Andrea Bocelli - Italy

by Harley Jones
The prestigious Premio Paolo Soprani Award has been created in 2010, by the Comune di Castelfidardo, the International Accordion Museum of Castelfidardo and Scandalli Accordions.

The idea was to create a prestigious award in the name of the founder of the accordion industry of Castelfidardo and to make the award every year to a person who achieved something at very high level for the image and diffusion of Italian accordion.

The award is usually presented during the “Musei in Musica” event. The Mayor of Castelfidardo Mirco Soprani, the President of Scandalli Accordions Mirco Patarini and the President of the International Accordion Museum Vincenzo Canali announced the 2015 Paolo Soprani Award to Andrea Bocelli (picture above) at the Opening Concert of the Castelfidardo International Competitions and Festival, for having raised the image of the accordion all over the world, thanks to his extraordinary musical activity.

Due to previous commitments, Andrea Bocelli could not attend this Opening Concert but a video of the presentation to him was shown to the audience. Video above.

Previous winners of the prestigious Premio Paolo Soprani Award are:
2010 to Gian Mario Spacca, President of Marche Region;
2011 to Vincenzo Canali, President of the Accordion Museum Castelfidardo;
2012 to Harley Jones, Founder of Accordions Worldwide internet news/culture sites;
2013 to Viacheslav Semionov, composer, concert artist and teacher;
2014 to Raymond Bodell, President of the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA);
2015 to Andrea Bocelli for having raised the accordion image all over the world.

The award sponsor is Scandalli Accordions and the Premio "Paolo Soprani" Award statue is the design creation of famous Italian sculptor Franco Campanari and is a real work of art in bronze, coming complete in a specially designed box with a published book about the art of Franco Campanari.

Daily Reports of pictures, video and results each day of the event at: 2015Concorso
Andrea Bocelli and Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi at the Bandoneon in the Colosseum

Sounding Out the Accordion

Diatonic Cat. at the 40th PIF Castelfidardo - Italy

by Diatonic News
For the pleasure of all diatonic accordion enthusiats - a big event was on the evening of the 17th September in the Theatre Astra of Castelfidaro, when Riccardo Tesi with his Band Italia performed to a fully seated theatre.

Results upon all categories of the Castelfidardo Competition and Festival including the diatonic events - look up our daily reports: 2015Concorso


Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation!

Voci Armoniche

Solo tango orquesta и звезды аргентинского танго - Russia

by Diatonic News
Solo tango orquesta and star of Argentine tango

Russian champions
 Dmitry Vasin & Esmer Omerova

European champions in 2015
Kirill & Anna Gudyno Parshakov
 Dmitry Kuznetsov & Olga Nikolaeva and other

Special guest - Simone Marini, bandoneon (Italy)

Argentine tango - it's more than a dance, more than music, it's a sense embodied in the movement. It's a world for two, full of love and sensuality, sadness and joy, meetings and partings. "In Argentina, they say:" Tango - a novel for three minutes. " In life there is no way to live a lot of novels, and someone even one happens. Therefore, they try to live for those three minutes that dance. And so in Argentina, there are people who start dancing at eight o'clock, and finish at seven o'clock. It turns out that half of their lives they spend from the novel to the novel "(Alejandra Mantinyan).
Nostalgic tunes sizzling rhythms and sensual Argentine tango will be performed by the magnificent Russian ensemble Solo Tango Orquesta, rapidly soaring to the top of the world tango Olympus. The staff of the incredibly short time has gained wide international recognition, winning the XXXV International Competition Festival internazionale della fisarmonica in Italy. Today Solo Tango Orquesta is the official orchestra of the biggest international tango festivals (Tangomagia in Amsterdam, Roma Tango meeting in Rome, Istanbul Tango festival in Istanbul, "Tango of the White Nights" in St. Petersburg, and others.). The sound of the ensemble is distinguished by the highest mastery and powerful energy. Traditionally guest of Solo Tango Orquesta become the best Russian dance couples - winners of international competitions and festivals.

Duration: 2 compartments for 45 minutes.

Solo tango orquesta и звезды аргентинского танго

чемпионы России
Дмитрий Васин & Эсмер Омерова

чемпионы Европы 2015
Кирилл Паршаков & Анна Гудыно
Дмитрий Кузнецов & Ольга Николаева и другие

Специальный гость – Симоне МАРИНИ, бандонеон (Италия)

Аргентинское танго – это больше чем танец, больше чем музыка, это чувства, воплощенные в движении. Это мир для двоих, полный любви и чувственности, печали и радости, встреч и расставаний. «В Аргентине говорят: “Танго – роман на три минуты”. В жизни нет возможности прожить много романов, а у кого-то даже одного не случается. Поэтому их стараются прожить за те три минуты, которые танцуют. И поэтому в Аргентине встречаются люди, которые начинают танцевать в восемь вечера, а заканчивают в семь утра. Получается, что половину своей жизни они проводят от романа к роману» (Алехандра Мантиньян).
Ностальгические мелодии и обжигающие ритмы чувственного аргентинского танго прозвучат в исполнении великолепного российского ансамбля Solo Tango Orquesta, стремительно взлетевшего на вершину мирового танго-Олимпа. Коллектив за невероятно короткое время приобрел широкое международное признание, став победителем XXXV международного конкурса Festival internazionale della fisarmonica в Италии. Сегодня Solo Tango Orquesta является официальным оркестром крупнейших международных танго-фестивалей (Tangomagia в Амстердаме, Roma Tango meeting в Риме, Istanbul Tango festival в Стамбуле, «Танго белых ночей» в Санкт-Петербурге и др.). Звучание ансамбля отличают высочайшее исполнительское мастерство и мощная энергетика. По традиции гостями программ Solo Tango Orquesta станут лучшие российские танцевальные пары – призеры международных конкурсов и фестивалей.

Продолжительность: 2 отделения по 45 минут.


Friedrich Lips Book

WOMEX - Hungary

by Diatonic News
WOMEX is an international networking platform for the world music industry. The annual five-day event comprises a bustling Trade Fair, Showcase Festival, Conference, and Film programme, as well as festive Opening and Award ceremonies.

Twenty WOMEX editions have affirmed the value of networking across borders, be they musical, political, cultural or commercial. Since 1994 WOMEX has been travelling all across Europe from Berlin (1994), via Brussels (1995), Marseille (1997), Stockholm (1998), Berlin (1999 + 2000), Rotterdam (2001), Essen (2002 + 2004), Newcastle (2005), Sevilla (2003 + 2006 - 2008), Copenhagen (2009-2011), Thessaloniki (2012) to Cardiff (2013) and Santiago de Compostela (2014).

The 21st edition of WOMEX will take place in Budapest, Hungary, from Wednesday 21 to Sunday 25 October 2015.

Info: http://www.womex.com/about/womex

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


by Diatonic News
Bric e Broc
C’est un cabaret excentrique et polyglotte, traversé de saynètes oniriques et de sons intrigants. On songe aux années folles, mais Tom Waits, Marc Perrone ou Radiohead ne sont jamais loin. Il est habité par la chanteuse et comédienne Jen Rival et par le multi-instrumentiste Nicolas Méheust, architectes de cet univers à la Weill où les trouvailles musicales s’égrènent à la guitare autant qu’à l’accordéon. Et cerise sur le gâteau, ils ont réservé au Grand Soufflet la première de leur spectacle Lunacy Opera. Un cadeau qui ne se refuse pas !

sam. 03 octobre 20h30
Espace Beausoleil / Pont-Péan

Info: http://www.legrandsoufflet.fr/spip.php?article524

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Cat. Worldmusic @ PIF Castelfidardo - Italy

by Diatonic News
Video 1: Kalinka Duo (Russia)
Video 2: Galacian Voyage (Spain)
For more details regarding all diatonic happenings in Castelfidardo view our daily report under: 2015Concorso

Galacian Voyage performed in the nearby Auditorium San Francesco so the group could use the piano. A very much multi tasking group. One accordionist was also the vocalist, another also played diatonic accordion.

Any Answer to/regarding this instrument? - WORLDWIDE

by Diatonic News
To all our Readers - a question from Will Meyer, regarding an instrument, that he has bought.....pls help, if you can!

Dear Accordions Worldwide,

I've played accordions for years now, but I just bought an instrument I've never seen before and I couldn't find any information online about it.

I'd call it a tabletop concertina (see photos).

Can you give me any information about it?

Thank you. Will Meyer

Titano Accordions

Lezioni per fisarmonica diatonica/Scuola di Musica Paolo Soprani/Castelfidardo - Italia

by Diatonic News
Roberto Lucaneroda Ottobre inizieranno anche corsi di Organetti diatonici con Roberto Lucanero presso la Civica Scuola di Musica Paolo Soprani di Castelfidardo.

Sarà ancora possibile fare delle lezioni di prova gratuite. Per informazioni chiamate direttamente al numero di tel: 338 9534947.

Accordion Jazz Chord

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Gary Dahl Arrangements

South Louisiana Black Pot Festival & Cookoff - USA

by Diatonic News
The South Louisiana Black Pot Festival & Cookoff is one of the most unique festivals in Louisiana. Held annually at Lafayette’s Acadian Village, the festival celebrates its 5th year this October with two days of great music, dancing, food, camping & jamming. The festival is a cooperative of south Louisiana musicians, artists and southern culture enthusiasts, creating an unprecedented gathering of south Louisiana’s hottest roots bands, as well as a number of groups from all over the country. Live performances range from Cajun & Zydeco, to Creole, Swing, Hot Jazz, Blues, Bluegrass, Americana, Irish & Old-Time. Plus, an old-fashioned black pot cook-off, accordion contest, called square dancing, and ample camping space for tents & RV’s

Info: http://blackpotfestival.com/

20th edition of "Le Grand Soufflet" 2015 - France

by Diatonic News
1-10 octobre 2015
LE GRAND SOUFFLET - Festival d'accordéon
À Rennes et en Ille-et-Vilaine

Pour fêter dignement cet événement de 20ème editions Le Soufflet Festival à choisi d‘inviter cette année un parrain, un grand monsieur, JEAN CORTI. Il représente par son esprit d’ouverture et son incroyable parcours, la jonction entre les générations.
Le Festival propose également une soirée « spéciale 20 ans » au parc du Thabor a travers laquelle vous retrouverez quelques artistes qui ont marqué le festival.
Les Californiennes WHISKEY & WOMEN, la Canadienne WENDY McNEILL, les Belges THE SUMMER REBELLION ou les Catalans de LA TROBA KUNG FÚ, ont ferons à nouveau vibrer par leur talent.
Mais vous découvrirez d’autres projets enthousiasmants tels la rencontre de KRISMENN & ALEM avec la fine lame LIONEL SUAREZ ou le projet électro-funk des FLASSH.
La venue de MOUSS & HAKIM pour leur tout nouveau projet RADIO MAISON BLANCHE constituera certainement un des moments fort de cette édition.


Charnwood Music Publishing

Creole United Festival - USA

by Diatonic News
Creole Festival
The Creole United Festival celebrates its 3rd year of community, music and the rich Creole culture.

Sausalito, California known for its mild weather and legendary waterfront makes it a popular destination for events.

This year's festival brings high energy, captivating national and international entertainment featuring live musical performances by GRAMMY Nominated Andre Thierry, with special guest bands from Louisiana and Texas.


Voci Armoniche

28th Accordion & Fiddle Festival - UK

by Diatonic News
The 28th Shetland Accordion and Fiddle Festival dates are
Thursday 8th October to Monday 12th October 2015

The annual festival mainly concentrates on music provided by Shetland's two most popular instruments - the accordion and the fiddle.

The festival takes place over a hectic four-day period in early October. As with Shetland Folk Festival, musicians from all over the world perform at the event, although emphasis is on Scottish Dance music. Local musicians feature prominently in the event line-up. Tunes are swapped and musicians make new friends in the sessions that are an important part of the festival; younger musicians find them especially valuable in broadening their experience.
Adopting the tried and trusted format of widespread community involvement, the event incorporates most areas of Shetland. It culminates in one of the biggest traditional dances to take place anywhere in the UK. Around a dozen different dance bands take it in turn to perform to 1,500 enthusiasts in the local sports centre in what amounts to a highly enjoyable "traditional rave".
The festival is a must for anyone who enjoys the sound of traditional music and has the stamina to absorb it for four hectic days.

Further information http://www.shetlandaccordionandfiddle.com/


10. Harmonica Masters Workshops - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Steven BakerTrossingen, 04. - 08. November 2015

Künstlerische Leitung & Konzept: Steve Baker

Veranstalter: Hohner Konservatorium / Michaela Kitzke

Die Harmonica Masters Workshops wurden 2003 von Steve Baker initiiert, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Stadt Trossingen und der Hohner Musikinstrumente GmbH. Nun unter der Leitung vom Hohner Konservatorium, die No.1 Bildungsveranstaltung für Blues-Mundharmonika in Europa startet Anfang November zum 10. Mal auf dem neuen Campus im historischen Herz von Trossingen, dem komplett renovierten ehemaligen Hohner Fabriksgelände.

Link zu den Blues-Konzerten der Extra-Klasse

Link zu den Workshops:

Homegrown English Folk Festival - UK

by Diatonic News
"One of the most important live showcases of contemporary and traditional English folk, roots and acoustic music in UK.

Homegrown, The Met's annual festival of the finest English folk music, returns this October for another weekend of great music at venues across Bury.

This year's festival takes place over the weekend of Thursday 15, Friday 16 and Saturday 17 October, with events taking place at The Met and the Castle Armoury Drill Hall in Bury town centre.

Artists appearing at the festival include The Unthanks, Seth Lakeman , Eliza Carthy and the Wayward Band, Belshazzar's Feast, The Emily Portman Trio and False Lights. We also welcome Habbedekuk, Basco and Rannock, three bands from this year's guest nation Denmark.

All and more on: http://themet.biz/homegrown/

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Riccardo Tesi and Banda Italiana @ Castelfidardo/Teatro Astra - Italy

by Diatonic News
During the 40th PIF - International Accordion Competition and Festival Riccardo Tesi with his Banda Italiana were performing to a full audienced Theatre Astra.

23° Alpen Grand Prix 2015 - Italia

by Diatonic News
Kursal Meran
Freitag 16. Oktober 2015
20 Uhr

Mit Teilnehmern f.den volkstümlichen Musikwettbewerb aus:
Österreich, Schweiz, Deutschland, Holland, Slovenien

Info: tel. +39 335 56 27 223
e-mail: info@alpengrandprix.it

Titano Accordions

Festival de Tango de Valentín Alsina - Argentina

by Diatonic News
Festival de Tango de Valentín Alsina


Tango Argentino Orchester/Ensemblekurs für alle Instrumente - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Robert Schmidt Tango Orchester
Burg Fùrsteneck
30. Oktober 2015 18.30 Uhr bis 01. November 2015 13.00 Uhr

Leitung: Robert Schmidt

Die klassische Tango-Orchester-Besetzung besteht aus Bandoneons, Violinen, Klavier und Bass. Wir wollen sie in unserem Kurs für alle Instrumente öffnen und ein kleines „orquesta tipica“-Repertoire erarbeiten. Anhand von einfach strukturierten Stücken werden wir herausfinden, was den Tango eigentlich zum Tango macht und welche Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten uns die Melodien, Harmonien und Rhythmen bieten.

Nachdem wir uns mit den Basics des Tango beschäftigt haben, können wir uns an vielschichtigere Kompositionen heranwagen. Besondere Beachtung finden die Möglichkeiten zur Bereicherung und Variation der Originalmelodie sowie der Wechsel zwischen dem begleitenden Spiel für alle Instrumente und einzelnen Soli.

Vorerfahrungen: Der Kurs ist geeignet für jedes Niveau außer für Anfänger/innen. Grundfertigkeiten auf dem eigenen Instrument müssen vorhanden sein.

Kursgebühren: 240 - 290 € (inkl. 125,00 € Ü/VP), 140 € Ermäßigter


Voci Armoniche

16th Annual Willie Keane Memorial Weekend - Doonbeg/Ireland

by Diatonic News
Willie Keane was Doonbeg's best known personality and a great exponent of traditional dancing.

He came to prominence with the Mullagh Set which won numerous competitions throughout Ireland.

After frequent appearances on TV, he toured the U.S. with Clare's best-known traditional artists and regularly taught set dancing at the Willie Clancy Summer School.

His passing away in 1998 has left a huge void in Doonbeg. This weekend of music, song and dance is our tribute to him.

Info: http://williekeanememorialweekend.com/


by Diatonic News
5to Festival de Tango de Valentín Alsina – 10, 11, 12 Octubre 2015

Declarado de Interés Cultural por la Secretaría de Cultura de la Presidencia de la Nación Argentina

Valentín Alsina es una ciudad donde no se respira ni arte snob, ni magia, ni excentricidades. Se respira trabajo, esfuerzo y amor por el quehacer cotidiano. Así lo demostraron tantos personajes popularmente ilustres que nacieron y se criaron en sus calles, sus bares, sus clubes. Íconos como Sandro o Edmundo Rivero concentraron en su arte la esencia del barrio que los vio crecer y, si hablamos de esencia popular, hablamos de Tango. A raíz de este contexto único decidimos instituir nuestro festival, el Primer Festival de Tango de Valentín Alsina, “el primero de muchos”, como nos gusta decir.


Video: Herbert Pixner Projekt "Dirty Kathy" - Austria

by Harley Jones
Herbert Pixner Projekt "Dirty Kathy"
Published on Oct 20, 2013
Music by Herbert Pixner.

Accordion Jazz Chords

15. American Cajun,Blues & Zydeco Festival - Germany/Switzerland

by Diatonic News
The festival celebrates it's 15th anniversary in 2015. It will tour throughout Germany and Switzerland to bring authentic music from Louisiana to the fans and friends of Cajun, Blues and Zydeco. The festival honors these particular genres from Louisiana with artists from USA and Europe. 2015 we'll present from Louisiana two times Grammynominee 'Magnolia Sisters', 'Lil Buck' Sinegal, legendary guitarplayer for Clifton Chenier and the guy Eric Clapton says is the best bluesguitarplayer alive and the CFMA winners for Best CD, Cajun Roosters.

Over the last few years a new sound has been gaining momentum here in Europe. More and more bands have been visiting these shores bringing a new sound from over the atlantic ocean. This music is using familiar instruments like guitars, accordions and fiddles played in a way that is fresh and vibrant. Its home is in swamps and prairies of Southwest Louisiana but bands from over the seas are finding a warm welcome in clubs and festivals 3000 miles away from their roots. The music isn’t new of course, its traditions are centuries old but to many people here in Europe it comes like a breath of fresh air. With its driving beat, hearfelt emotions, and trance like melodies it strikes a chord with 21st century ears.

Since 2001 artists from Europe and USA have been performing at the annual Cajun & Zydeco Festival:
Steve Riley & Racines Trio, T'Monde, Jeffery Broussard, Cedric Watson, Leon Chavis, Corey Ledet, Bobby Michot, Randy Vidrine, Mitch Reed, Downtown Cajun Band, River Zydeco Band, Blue Bayou, Pain d’Mais, Mousse Espagnole, Zydecomotion, Zyderythmics, Cajun Pioneers, Des Fais Do-Do, ZigaZag, Zydeco Alligators, Zydeco Fever, Ludwig Seuss Band, Cajun Company, Breaux, Lil Jim and Deepzone Zydeco, Pete Contino Band, Sarah Savoy and The Francadians, ZydeGoNutz, Lafayette Rhythm Devils, Mama Rosin, Lynn August, Brother Dege and Buddy Flett

Check out, who will perform this year: http://www.americancajunfestival.com/cms/index.php/en/bands

Festival de Musique Acadienne et Créole - USA

by Diatonic News
Festivals Acadiens et Créoles
Lafayette, Louisiana 70505

Festival de Musique will showcase the best of Cajun and Zydeco music at the annual Fetivals Acadiens beneath the spreading oaks of Girard Park in Lafayette, LA. Festival de Musique Acadienne, celebrating 36 years of entertainment, originated as the Tribute to Cajun Music Festival, and event that was designed to attract and educate the younger generation to the traditional values of the Cajun culture. Festival de Musique Acadienne now attracts Louisiana's best Cajun and Zydeco bands and draws thousands of people from across the country and around the world.


Titano Accordions

New Album ‘Pandemonium - The Essential Bellowhead’ - UK

by Harley Jones
announce our new album ‘Pandemonium - The Essential Bellowhead’. The album includes 13 carefully selected tracks and has been put together to represent some of the high points of our 11-year career.

Workshop f.Fortgeschrittene/Mundharmonika - Deutschland

by Harley Jones
Video: Harmonicamento: Four experienced harmonica players are behind the harmonica
ensemble, Harmonicamento: Brigitte Burgbacher, Kathrin Gass, Birgit Käfer and
Gerhard Mueller are all soloists at the Hohnerklang Orchestra which is located in
Trossingen, Germany, hometown of the world leading harmonica brand, Hohner.

Workshop für Fortgeschrittene auf der chrom. Mundharmonika, Bass- und Akkordmundharmonika

Samstag | 21.11.2015 | 9 - 12.30 und 14 - 17.30 Uhr
Sonntag | 22.11.2015 | 9 - 12.30 Uhr

Anmeldeschluss: (Fr) 23.10.2015
Kathrin Gass/ Birgit Käfer/Gerhard Mü ller/ Brigitte Burgbacher

Voraussetzungen: Bitte bringen Sie
Ihr eigenes Instrument mit. Gute spielerische Vorkenntnisse.

Thema: In den beiden Tagen werden Ihnen weitere Möglichkeiten auf den Instrumenten vermittelt. Dem
Ausbau der musikalischen Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten werden hierbei keine Grenzen gesetzt. Literatur: Stücke in # und b Tonarten, Etüden;

Seminargebühr: 60.- €

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Mundharmonika-Workshop für Anfänger/Wiedereinsteiger - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Kathrin GassMundharmonika-Workshop für Anfänger (Teil 2) und Wiedereinsteiger

Samstag | 21.11.2015 | 9 - 12.30 und 14 - 17.30 Uhr
Sonntag | 22.11.2015 | 9 - 12.30 Uhr

Anmeldeschluss: (Fr) 23.10.2015

Dozententeam: Kathrin Gass/ Birgit Käfer/Gerhard Mü ller/ Brigitte Burgbacher

Voraussetzungen: Bitte eine eigene chromatische Mundharmonika in C-Dur mitbringen. Außerdem sollten Sie geringe spielerische und theoretische Vorkenntnisse haben.

Thema: Hier werden Sie in verschiedenen Gruppen Atem- und Spieltechnik, sowie Tongestaltung und Artikulation erlernen. Beim Ausbau der musikalischen Gestaltungsmöglichkeit werden Sie neue
Möglichkeiten und neue Stücke für die chromatische Mundharmonika kennenlernen. Literatur: Gass, K.: Schule für chromatische Mundharmonika, Teil 2 (16,90 €), die nicht im Seminarpreis beinhaltet ist, kann am Seminartag erworben werden.

Seminargebühr: 60.- €

eSheet Music Titles

12th Bristol Cajun & Zydeco Festival - UK

by Diatonic News
Bristol Cajun Zydeco FestivalFriday 16th to Sunday 18th October 2015
at the Folk House, Bristol
In addition to the scheduled events, there will be jam sessions and the bar will be open throughout.
The Cajun Roosters
Joe Le Taxi
The Po' Boys
Zydeco Boogaloo
The Flatville Aces

Full information upon all events and artis on:

Titano Accordions

Future events / Concerts

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

TangoDuo MALA JUNTA live in - CH/FR/DE

by Diatonic News
Duo Mala Junto
Am Donnerstag, 15. Oktober, ab 21.30h gibt es wieder Live-Musik im Milonga LA MALEVA mit dem TangoDuo MALA JUNTA !

Lachdach Pling - deuxième étage in der Steinerstr. 5-9, 81369 München

Das TangoDuo MALA JUNTA aus Buenos Aires besteht aus Fernando Scholand (Gitarre) und Carlos Roldanin (Bandoneón) und spielt seit 2008 zusammen.

Auf ihrem musikalischen Werdegang spielten sie in verschiedenen musikalischen Ensembles. Dazu zählen bekannte Orquestas tipicas
sowie TangoSextette und Quintette. Das Duo ist regelmäßig in den großen und kleinen Milongas in Buenos Aires zu hören.

Das Repertoire der zwei Musiker beinhaltet wunderbare, tanzbare Tangos, Valses und Milongas. Ihre Interpretationen weisen einen
zeitgenössischen Einfluss auf - die Essenz des Tangos bleibt dabei stets gewahrt!

Weitere Info: www.tango-connection.de

Termine in:
8/10 Strasbourg, Wine note
9/10 Sarreguemines Terminus
14/10 Frankfurt, Tango y Tapas
15/10 Múnich, Tango Connection
16/10 Sankt Gallen, Caffehaus
18/10 Stuttgart, Tango 8

Voci Armoniche

Duo Bottasso 3/4 Octobre 2015 - France

by Diatonic News

Les frères Simone et Nicolo Bottasso ont ceci de commun d’avoir pratiqué leurs instruments respectifs, l’accordéon diatonique et le violon, auprès de quelques-uns des meilleurs spécialistes de ces instruments, et d’avoir agrémenté leurs parcours musicaux de multiples expériences jazz, rock et musiques traditionnelles. Ils s’associent avec l’intention de dépoussiérer le répertoire de leur région d’origine, les vallées occitanes italiennes, par des créations et des interprétations d’airs traditionnels, où la délicatesse alterne avec une énergie explosive.

sam. 03 octobre 20h30
Le Grand Clos / Saint Domineuc

dim. 04 octobre 16h
Jardins de Brocéliande / Bréal sous Montfort


Sounding Out the Accordion

Oysterband OctoberTour Dates 2015 - Denmark

by Diatonic News
Oysterband John JonesDENMARK:




Info: http://www.oysterband.co.uk/tour-dates/



by Diatonic News
Whiskey and Women
Elles avaient épicé l’édition cajun en 2012 de leur zydeco bricolé et bardé de sourires, né dans l’urgence et dopé à l’énergie punk. Elles sont donc conviées à venir célébrer la double dizaine du festival, et fortement invitées à rééditer leurs concerts où l’on hoche du chef en martyrisant son talon, en dégustant une tranche de vieil air de Louisiane ou des Appalaches requinqué avec le diatonique trafiqué de Renée de La Prade.

ven. 02 octobre 18h CHAPITEAU THABOR / Rennes
sam. 03 octobre 20h30 LE GRAND CLOS / Saint Domineuc
dim. 04 octobre 17h SALLE POLYVALENTE DES DEUX RUISSEAUX / Chantepie
mar. 06 octobre 13h AUDITORIUM LE TAMBOUR / Rennes
mer. 07 octobre - 20h30 SALLE POLYVALENTE / St Aubin du Pavail
ven. 09 octobre 20h30 SALLE CULTURELLE DU FOYER DE VIE / Bazouges la Pérouse
sam. 10 octobre 23h55 1988 LIVE CLUB / Rennes

Info: http://www.legrandsoufflet.fr/spip.php?article508
Further Information upon the Trio: http://whiskeyandwomenmusic.com/

Voci Armoniche

Christine Meissnitzer Band in Rabenstein/NÖ - Austria

by Diatonic News
FR, am 2. Oktober 2015
20.00 Uhr
Kulturzentrum in Rabenstein/NÖ
ist die Meissnitzer Band mit: Christoph Schwaiger, Michi Eibinger, Christiane Meissnitzer, Johannes Eder e Tobias Maislinger

"live on stage "mit ihrem neuen Akustikprogramm "S´Leben im Gebirg"

F. mehr Information: http://www.meissnitzerband.com

Friedrich Lips Book

Oysters3 at "The Met" - UK

by Diatonic News
Thursday 15 October 7.30pm | £16
Main Theatre at The Met
Bury, Greater Manchester, UK

Oysters3 are the three founding members of Oysterband, John Jones, Alan Prosser and Ian Telfer, who will be performing an evening of acoustic music and not-entirely-discreet stories - an insight into their history, sometimes turbulent, often funny, with great songs from every era of a unique career.

For information view: http://themet.biz/

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Wendy McNeill @ Le Grand Soufflet Festival - France/Canada

by Diatonic News
Décrite dans la presse d’Outre-Atlantique comme la compositrice de contes sombres et tortueux, de comptines folk rêveuses, de valses bancales ou de gospels de cabaret, la songwriter canadienne débarque au Grand Soufflet nimbée d’une belle réputation d’interprète captivante, usant d’une voix sans fard capable de fluctuer du soupir au hurlement. Unique !

ven. 02 octobre 18h CHAPITEAU THABOR / Rennes
sam. 03 octobre 20h30 CENTRE CULTUREL DU COGLAIS / Montours
mar. 06 octobre 20h30 LE TRIPTIK / Acigné
ven. 09 octobre 20h30 SALLE DES FETES / Orgères

More information on Wendy: http://wendymcneill.com/bio

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Orchester Lo que vendrà im Oktober - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
2. und 10. Oktober 2015 - 20 Uhr
Theater am Ring, Romäusring 1, 78050 Villingen-Schwenningen

Das Orchester Lo que vendrà aus Italien wurde 2005 von Simone Marini und Daniela Fidanza gegründet. Sie spielen klassisches Tangorepertoire, widmen sich aber auch zeitgenössischen Strömungen des argentinischen Tangos sowie dem Repertoire von Astor Piazzolla.

Das Orchester spielt für Tangoshows, auf Konzerten, Milongas und Tangofestivlas in Italien und ganz Europa ( Baden-Baden, Nizza, Luxemburg) und arbeitet mit den renommiertesten Künstlern der Tangoszene zusammen wie: Horacio Ferrer, Roberto Herrera, Ezequiel Paludi y Geraldin Rojas, Sergio Natario y Alejandra Arrue’, Los Hermanos Macana, Esther y Mingo Pugliese, Georgina Vargas, Gustavo Saenz, Sebastian Jimenez y Maria Ines Bogado, Roxana Fontana.

Simone Marini: Bandoneon
Daniela Fidanza: Klavier
Mario Pace: Violine
Claudio Marzolo: Kontrabass

Info: http://liedertangofolklore.de/index.php/lieder-tango-folklore/

Etienne Grandjean et Soïg Sibéril à Rennes @ Soufflet - France

by Diatonic News
Etienne Grandjean et Soïg Sibéril
Accordéoniste et guitariste de renom, Etienne Grandjean et Soïg Sibéril sont parmi les derniers dinosaures du folk de la deuxième partie du siècle dernier ! Aujourd’hui, une envie de partager à nouveau une aventure musicale commune les rassemble. Un duo accordéon/guitare simple et épuré qui nous ramène aux sources de la musique folk acoustique comme dans les meilleures années du genre. A découvrir pour ceux qui n’ont pas vécu ces années lointaines ou prendre du plaisir à revoir jouer ensemble deux artistes qui tracent leur route depuis plus de 30 ans.

ven. 02 octobre 18h
Chapiteau Thabor / Parc du Thabor
place st Melaine - 35 000 Rennes
Info: http://www.legrandsoufflet.fr/spip.php?article506

Titano Accordions

Beltango performing in - Croatia/Hungary

by Diatonic News
mr and mrs NikolicAleksandar Nikolic2 important performances of the Beltango ensemble with Bandonionist Aleksandar Nikolic in:

01-02 Oct 2015 in BUDAPEST (Hun)
09-10 Oct 2015 in ROVINJ (Cro)

For exact information pls view www.beltango.com
For a variety of CD's - view Aleksandar Nikolic

Accordion Jazz Chord

La Troba Kung-Fú 2/10/2015 à Rennes - France

by Diatonic News
La Troba Kung-Fù

Ils nous avaient quitté sur un triomphe en 2012, les meilleurs rumberos du monde reviennent cette année en habitués du festival, et devraient à nouveau régaler le parterre de leur rumba catalane convulsive, façonnée dans les meilleurs pots, où l’accordéoniste virtuose Joan Garriga et ses comparses ont su associer la tension gitane, la syncope caribéenne à la puissance d’un supergroupe de rock.

ven. 02 octobre18h
Chapiteau Thabor - Rennes

Gary Dahl Arrangements

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Sharon Shannon CD/DVD ‘In Galway’ – Republic of Ireland

by Diatonic News
Sharon ShannonIrish diatonic accordionist Sharon Shannon’s latest CD/DVD release, ‘In Galway’, was recorded live at O’Connor Famous Pub in Salthill, Galway. She is joined on this recording by Dublin pianist and guitarist Alan Connor. The pair have a natural spark, and the show is full of joy and verve. The joint CD/DVD is available from Shannon’s website or via Amazon.

Tracks: The Bungee Jumpers, Coridinio, Rathlin Island, The Midnight Special/Windchime, Little Bird, Reel Beatrice, The Woodchoppers, Neckbelly/Gaffo’s Ball, Duo In G, Cavan Potholes, Backbird, James Brown’s March/Mouth of the Tobiqu, The Galway Girl/Music For A Found Harmonium, The Shining, Sandy River Bell.

Sharon Shannon has done much to promote the accordion in her home country. She is renowned for her collaborations, not just in Irish traditional music, but through other genres, such as Hip-Hop, Cajun, Country, Classical and even Rap.

She has recorded and toured with a who's who of the Irish and Global Music Industry, including Bono, Adam Clayton, Sinead O’Connor, Jackson Browne, Steve Earle, The RTE Concert Orchestra, The Chieftains, The Waterboys, Willie Nelson, Nigel Kennedy, Alison Krauss and Shane MacGowan - a list that demonstrates Sharon's versatility. She has entertained US Presidents Clinton and Obama and Irish Presidents Robinson and MacAleese.

She has worked with Hollywood film directors Jim Sheridan in a production of ‘The Playboy of the Western World’ and played a cameo role in Neil Jordan’s film ‘Ondine’ alongside Colin Farrell. She has had multi-platinum album sales and has had several number one albums, singles and DVDs in her home country. Her album ‘Galway Girl’ went 4 times platinum in Ireland with the title track winning her the Meteor award two years running for most downloaded song.

Currently touring the UK as well as working on a book on her life, Sharon is a passionate animal lover and does a lot of voluntary work and fundraising for various animal rescues and supports many other charities.

Sharon has recently become an ambassador for ‘Building Of Hope’, a charity that brings practical help, education support and care to young people in The Third World.

Charnwood Music Publishing

New CD by Rogr Morand Cajun Band - France

by Diatonic News
Roger Morand Cajun Band _ CD
Morand cajun band est un groupe entièrement acoustique qui joue, certes, le répertoire des standards cajun et zydeco, mais qui met aussi l’accent sur des répertoires peu connus ou oubliés, vieille musique Acadienne pour le cajun, avec réintroduction de danses disparues en Louisiane tel les jigs, reels, ou mazurkas
et qui, pour la musique noire, n’hésite pas a réintroduire du blues Lala, de la musique créole et du zydeco acoustique avec violon. Les memb
Roger Morand : Mélodéon, Chant
Patrick Plouchart : Violon, chant
Jean-Marie Ferrat : Guitare, basse, chant

Et Extraits en écoute @ Humide Studio.fr
ou commander par courrier à Roger Morand
3 Place du Doyen Gachon
30 610 Sauve (France)
Tel : 04 66 77 59 12
06 87 15 50 80

Voci Armoniche

CD "Medicine for the Blues" by Whiskey and Woman - Scotland

by Diatonic News
CD Whiskey for Medicine by Whiskey and Woman
Their Latest CD "Button and Bows" of Whiskey & Women is currently only available at live shows, you can instead order their CD " Medicine for the Blues" -
A collection of songs old and new to lift the spirit and sooth the soul! released 02 August 2014

All songs arranged and performed by Whiskey & Women ©2014 americana folk bluesy cajun folk punk old time Oakland

Their name they got from their first street performance together: they had only an hour to earn enough money to buy a bottle of Jameson. It was a cold, rainy day in Edinburgh, Scotland. They had never rehearsed a lick of music together. Did they succeed? Yes! They busted out Irish, Scottish, and Welsh drinking songs, sea shanties, Cajun two-steps, honky-tonk originals, impromptu harmonies, and a whole lot of stomp and holler. The Scots responded with generous tips. The ladies knew they had something special: a mix of musicality and fun that was powerful even in its raw, unrefined state. Years later, in ornate venues and lowly street corners, the fun still shines through their performances like a beam of sunshine through a 25 year-old single malt.


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