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Diatonic News - Oct-2022
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Voci Armoniche


IDA 2022 Diatonic Accordion, International Competition - Italy
Video: Didier Laloy, Fabrizio Meloni, Calabria Philharmonic Orchestra - Italy
Accademia di Musica Astor Piazzolla - Italia
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich
I fratelli Scacchia campioni del mondo di organetto - Italia
2023 World Concertina Day - UK
Andreas Gabalier "Kollektion" v. Dirndl Kleidern - weltweit
Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi a Lanciano - Italia

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Festival Médard Ferrero - FR
Results: Trofeo I.D.A. 2022 as part of PIF Castelfidardo Accordion Festival - Italy
Festival Tenores e Sonete - Sardegna/Italia
Louisiana's Cajun & Creole Cycling Festival - USA
79. Hummelkurs auf der Ebernburg - Deutschland
36° Festival de Acordeones del Río Grande de la Magdalena - Columbia
Global music festival - akkordeon akut! - Deutschland
Laurent Geoffroy concerto balfolk + stage di organetto - Cesena/Italia
Perth Accordion & Fiddle Festival - UK
Hartlepool Folk Festival - UK
Grupo Musical Alpenband Performs at 2022 Oktoberfest - Colombia
Harmonika Wettbewerb 2022 - Österreich
Cáceres Irish Fleadh - Ireland
Le Grand Soufflet Festival- France
Maclagan Squeezebox Festival, Queensland - Australia
'American Cajun, Blues & Zydeco Festival' - Germany
2022 Festival Acadiens et Créoles - USA

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Die SchwoazStoaner im Oktober - Österreich
Antti Paalanen - FR/Finland
Erwan Hamon and Janick Martin - France
Folkshilfe Konzerte in - DEUTSCHLAND
Ville Hiltula Performs Piazzolla with Ensemble Kobe - Japan
March-Tour of HvG now in October 2022 - D/CH/LI/IT
Die Trenkwalder im Oktober - DE/AT
Melissa Naschenweng im Oktober - Austria
Die Jung' Puschtra - Südtirol/Italien
Blowzabella concert @ Prema - uk
Sharon Shannon Canada/Tour Dates - Canada
Bandoneon Concerts - Holland

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD "I feel good!" von Muha - Österreich
CD "Ein neuer Anfang" v. Andreas Gabalier - Austria
CD “Corazones Solitarios” 2022/El Cachivache Orkesta - Argentina
Neue Musik "Glùck" - Austria
Join a music trip with Carel Kraayenhof to ARGENTINA - NL/Argentina

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Accordion TV/Film/Radio

TV appearances of Hubert von Goisern with LIVE-stream
Mei liabste Weis mit Franz Posch - Österreich

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Voci Armoniche


Sounding Out the Accordion

IDA 2022 Diatonic Accordion, International Competition - Italy

by Diatonic News
IDA Header
PosterDownload poster. 2022IDA-posters.pdf

The "International Diatonic Alliance" (I.D.A.) of Italy, in collaboration with the PIF Castelfidardo (AN), has just organized the final of the "IDA 2022 Award of Diatonic Accordion - International Worldwide Competition" on 28 and 29 September 2022 plus concerts and prize giving on 30th September.

The 9 categories of competition have taken place at the San Francesco Auditorium in Castelfidardo on 28th September.

Full reports and competition results are available online at: 2022Castelfidardo
View reports of 28th, 29th and 30th September for many videos of diatonic. There is a results page too. Many videos are being prepared so please return again in a few days to see more videos of excellent diatonic competitors and concert performers.
IDA Prize giving concert


Video: Didier Laloy, Fabrizio Meloni, Calabria Philharmonic Orchestra - Italy

by Diatonic News
Didier Laloy
Video: Exceptional concert at PIF Castelfidardo of Didier Laloy, Fabrizio Meloni (clarinet) and the Calabria Philharmonic Orchestra.

Didier Laloy discovered the accordion from the age of 13 and from there he became recognized as one of the most active representatives of the renaissance of the diatonic accordion in Europe. Over the years he has defined his style through the “freedom of creation”, which consists in following his personal needs and, above all, in bringing his audience to places still unknown. He has collaborated with many talented artists both on the Belgian and international scene, also carrying out personal projects.

On the clarinet Fabrizio Meloni, first solo clarinet of the Orchestra del Teatro and Filarmonica della Scala since 1984. Fabrizio has toured in the United States and Israel with the Italian Wind Quintet. With the Nuovo Quintetto Italiano he has actively toured in South America and South East Asia. His concert tour in Japan with P. Moll and I Solisti della Scala was met with enthusiastic acclaim from audiences and critics. He has numerous recordings to his credit.

The Calabria Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Volodymyr Runchak have accompanied the two musicians.

Voci Armoniche

Accademia di Musica Astor Piazzolla - Italia

by Diatonic News
Corsi 𝗣𝗥𝗘 𝗔𝗙𝗔𝗠 e 𝗣𝗥𝗢𝗣𝗘𝗗𝗘𝗨𝗧𝗜𝗖𝗜 in regime di convenzione con il Conservatorio di Musica Tchaikovsky
▪️𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘢 𝘭𝘦𝘻𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘎𝘙𝘈𝘛𝘜𝘐𝘛𝘈
▪️𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪 𝘪𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘰 𝘥’𝘶𝘴𝘰 𝘎𝘙𝘈𝘛𝘜𝘐𝘛𝘖

Info & Contatti
Accademia di Musica Astor Piazzolla
+39 340.1730149 - +39 345.2573451


Friedrich Lips Book

Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

I fratelli Scacchia campioni del mondo di organetto - Italia

by Diatonic News
I fratelli Scacchia campioni del mondo di organetto 2022
Il 9, 10 e 11 settembre, a Montesano sulla Marcellana , si è svolto il Campionato Mondiale di organetto e fisarmonica diatonica (A.M.I.SA.D.) dove i fratelli Scacchia Enzo e Nicola hanno conquistato il titolo di Campioni del Mondo.
Alla competizione, hanno partecipato centinaia di concorrenti provenienti dalle più prestigiose scuole di organetto. La giuria è stata composta da professori di musica provenienti dall’Italia, Argentina e Moldavia.

I fratelli Scacchia, conosciuti in tutto il mondo grazie ai loro video pubblicati su YouTube che contano 80 milioni di visualizzazioni, hanno girato un video di successo con la leggenda vivente del cinema e della televisione Terence Hill, hanno aperto un importante concerto del loro amico Mogol e sono stati sulle reti televisive (Mediaset) canale 5, rete 4 e Italia 1 e il Tg5 gli ha dedicato due servizi definendoli Vip e Star dell’organetto. Enzo Scacchia è inventore della tecnica a cinque dita per organetto e il suo stile è basato prevalentemente sul virtuosismo, mentre suo fratello Nicola suona con la tecnica tradizionale. Hanno iniziato a suonare all’età di 4 anni, hanno fatto tournee negli Stati Uniti D’America, Canada, Australia, Venezuela, Brasile, Svizzera, Germania, Francia, Belgio e Italia e sono numerose le loro composizioni musicali di successo.

Organisazione: A.M.I.SA.D.Giancarlo Ronconi (presidente ), e maestri Giuliano Cameli, Giovanni Finoia, Nicola Casale, Layla Boldesku, Mario Toscano e Vincenzo Spinelli.

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

2023 World Concertina Day - UK

by Diatonic News
The second annual World Concertina Day, sponsored by the International Concertina Association, will be held on February 6th, 2023, the anniversary of the birth of Sir Charles Wheatstone. Since that date falls on a Monday, they also welcome activities on the weekend before that (February 4th and 5th, 2023).

The ICA encourages everyone with an interest in the concertina to participate by organizing or taking part in an event in your local area or online.

The event will include a variety of online video recordings of concerts and interviews, March of the Concertinas, Zoom sessions, a Museum drop-in day sponsored by the West Country Concertina Players to introduce the public to the world of concertinas at Crewkerne Museum, Somerset, UK, live gatherings throughout the world, workshops, radio and television interviews, displays and much more.

For further details email: WCD@concertina.org

Andreas Gabalier "Kollektion" v. Dirndl Kleidern - weltweit

by Diatonic News
Der weltweit beliebt Künstler Andreas Gabalier hat eine neue Kollektion von Trachten, sowohl Damen als auch Herren (oder besser Buam wie er immer sagt) herausgebracht und wird vom Ottoversand vertrieben.

Schauen Sie sich einmal um und tragen diese bei einem seiner nächsten grossen Events.


Titano Accordions


by Diatonic News
François et Quentin ouvrent les portes de leur atelier pour faire découvrir les entrailles de l’accordéon !

Samedi 15 octobre 2022
Le Piano à Bretelles - Mordelles - 10h30 & 14h

Pour savoire plus: https://www.legrandsoufflet.fr/article1305

Accordion Jazz Chord

Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi a Lanciano - Italia

by Diatonic News
Appuntamento da non perdere con M° Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi
La dott.ssa Mirella Spinelli, Presidente dell’Associazione culturale “Il caffè letterario… e non solo”, il Sindaco di Lanciano, Avv. Filippo Paolini con la Giunta Comunale, invitano la cittadinanza ad intervenire al concerto che sarà tenuto dal Maestro Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi, artista celeberrimo figlio del nostro territorio, che, con le sue note, diffonde il prestigio della sua terra d’origine a livello internazionale. Saranno ospiti della serata due musicisti di fama internazionale: il violinista Andres Gabetta e il Compositore libanese Khaled Mouzanar.
Il concerto si terrà il giorno 21 ottobre 2022 alle ore 20:30 presso il Teatro “Fedele Fenaroli” di Lanciano.
L’Importante appuntamento musicale, patrocinato dal Comune di Lanciano, aprirà la stagione 2022/23 dell’Associazione “Il caffè letterario… e non solo” e sarà l’occasione per ascoltare musica di qualità.

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Festival Médard Ferrero - FR

by Diatonic News
Le festival bisannuel d’accordéon Médard Ferrero explore les genres musicaux – Jazz, pop, musette – mettant en avant de jeunes talents aux côtés d’artistes chevronnés venus rendre hommage à Astor Piazzolla

see poster for details
or www.drancy.fr/festival

Charnwood Music Publishing

Results: Trofeo I.D.A. 2022 as part of PIF Castelfidardo Accordion Festival - Italy

by Diatonic News

Voci Armoniche

Festival Tenores e Sonete - Sardegna/Italia

by Diatonic News
Sabato 15 sarò a Onanì, in Sardegna un bellissimo festival di organetto con tanti organettisti sardi preferiti!
Presente anche M° Riccardo Tesi


Louisiana's Cajun & Creole Cycling Festival - USA

by Diatonic News
CYCLE ZYDECO 2023 - April 12th-16th


Louisiana's Cajun & Creole Cycling Festival

(Let’s Eat! Let’s Dance! Let’s Cycle Zydeco!)


79. Hummelkurs auf der Ebernburg - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Herbstkurs 2022 vom 11.11. - 13.11.2022

Im Herbst findet der Hummelkurs das erste Mal in einem neuen Domizil auf der Ebernburg in Bad Kreuznach statt.

Die schöne alte Burg bietet ein reizvolles Ambiente und eine sehr komfortable Unterbringung - vergleichbar mit dem früheren Wilhelm-Kempf-Haus in Wiesbaden. Wie dort wird das Konzept der Hummel mit seinen Kursen und Instrumental-Workshops weiter bestehen. Es werden für jedes Instrument mehrere Niveaus angeboten. Der Kursunterricht findet vorwiegend in kleinen Gruppen statt - das Niveau wird auf den Kenntnisstand der Teilnehmer/innen abgestimmt. Die Referent/innen der "Hummel" sind erfahrene Musiker/innen und Kursleiter/innen aus dem ganzen Bundesgebiet. Auch Ensemble-Kurse sind im Angebot. Wie immer gibt es ebenso jede Menge Bal-Folk, Session, die Möglichkeit zum Fachsimpeln und einen Musikalienmarkt (Samstagmittag).


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

36° Festival de Acordeones del Río Grande de la Magdalena - Columbia

by Diatonic News
Many contestants (with 79 contestants) are taking part from Bolívar, Santander, Cesar, Atlántico, Córdoba, Cundinamarca, Guajira, Boyacá, Antioquia, Magdalena, Sucre, Casanare, San Andrés Island and from the country of Venezuela.

The Fundación Festival Vallenato del Magdalena Medio, delivers the official list of those registered for the 36th Festival de Acordeones del Rio Grande de la Magdalena, in homage to Gustavo Barrios Martínez, which will take place in Barrancabermeja, Santander, from 13 to 116 October 2022.


Global music festival - akkordeon akut! - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Akkordeon Akut
Das global music festival - akkordeon akut! gibt bekannt, dass die nächste Edition des beliebten Festival im Herbst nächsten Jahres wieder stattfinden wird.

Halten Sie Ausschau nach news auf deren Webseite:

Titano Accordions

Laurent Geoffroy concerto balfolk + stage di organetto - Cesena/Italia

by Diatonic News
Laurent Geoffroy concerto balfolk + stage di organetto
Teatro Jolly Cesena

Laurent Geoffroy
Musicista, compositore, marinaio, carpentiere navale… 20 anni passati a navigare sulle onde del suo organetto, il cuore nelle dita, buoni compagni di viaggi, di musica e di vita.
Durante questi vent’anni, questo cuore e queste dita hanno parlato attraverso innumerevoli composizioni che hanno contribuito alla storia di gruppi come Solune, all’inizio, più recentemente di Zef, Passaire, duo Bottasso-Geoffroy tra altri.
Scottish, mazurke, rondeaus… melodie che continuano a far giocare e sognare i piedi dei ballerini e che Laurent propone in una versione più intimista e personale nell’occasione del suo concerto solo

Jam session dopo il concerto 🔥 tutti i musicisti sono caldamente invitati a portare gli strumenti


Perth Accordion & Fiddle Festival - UK

by Diatonic News
Perth Accordion & Fiddle Festival

Voci Armoniche

Hartlepool Folk Festival - UK

by Diatonic News
Cohen Braithwaite-KilcoyneThe Hartlepool Folk Festival will be held in Hartlepool, England from September 30th to October 2nd, 2022.

Accordion groups performing include Edward II, Flook (accordionist Sarah Allen), Melrose Quartet (Richard Arrowsmith – melodeon), Davenport Family and Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne (concertina and melodeon).

For details email: info@hartlepoolfolkfest.co.uk
Melrose Quartet

Grupo Musical Alpenband Performs at 2022 Oktoberfest - Colombia

by Diatonic News
The Grupo Musical Alpenband will entertain at the Oktoberfest Festival of German Beer on October 1st and 2nd, 2022.

The event will be held at the Centro de Eventos del Norte (North Events Center) in Chia, Colombia.

See poster for details.

Harmonika Wettbewerb 2022 - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Die fünf Finalistinnen und Finalisten des Steirischen Harmonikawettbewerbs stehen fest!
Termin: Samstag, 22. Oktober 2022 - Steinhalle Lannach

Finalistin Katrin GRUBER geb. 02/2010, aus Wald am Schoberpass
Lehrer: Gottfried Hubmann

Finalistin Anna KÖBERL geb. 03/2008, aus Gasen
Lehrer: Gregor Lang

Finalist Julian POSCH geb. 07/2008, aus Strallegg
Lehrer: Gregor Lang

Finalist Leon PÜHRINGER geb. 05/2008, aus St. Nikolai im Sausal
Lehrerin: Michaela Grasch

Finalist Andreas STRAßEGGER geb. 04/2008, aus Floing
Lehrer: Karl Berger

Accordion Jazz Chords

Cáceres Irish Fleadh - Ireland

by Diatonic News
In autumn, the vines on the buildings of the old part of Cáceres look like "shamrocks" from the meadows of the emerald island.

From the Tower of Bujaco in Cáceres, the beat of the bodhrán, the Irish bagpipe and the evocative whistle of the fiddle can be heard intermingling with the rattle of wooden-soled shoes. On the façade of the Palace of the Hon. Diputación de Cáceres savors the smell of pints, Irish coffee and incense from the Co-Cathedral of Sta. María. The emblematic “Irish” has once again burst into the city with its head held high and brimming with quality.


Le Grand Soufflet Festival- France

by Diatonic News
Le Grand Soufflet was found in 1996 by the daring idea of an accordionist to show all the facets of his instrument in his own territory.
This accordion, an emblematic instrument of traditional music in Brittany, very present in the Gallo culture in Ille-et-Vilaine where Le Grand Soufflet has its roots, is that of Etienne Grandjean.
He took it up at the age of 15, when he first encountered Breton music, notably within La Mirlitantouille, a leading group in Welsh music in the 1970s. He continued his journey on the roads of alternative rock and met the assets of Boucherie Productions, which accompanied him in his project with La Belle Société.
At the end of the 90's, Etienne Grandjean embarked Claude Berceliot at the Juliette Drouet cultural centre in Fougères with his crazy and very cheeky idea of a festival dedicated to the accordion. Claude Berceliot is convinced but the cultural centre will not carry the festival alone, so Le Grand Soufflet is born in the department with Anne Collonnier at the cultural centre of Vitré, Christian Druart at the Triangle in Rennes, Dominique Grelier at the Pôle Sud in Chartres de Bretagne, Annie Desmoulin and Hugues Cherbonnel at La Péniche Spectacle in Rennes, Melaine Jouault at the cultural centre of Liffré and Alberto Delplace at Amocas in Mordelles.
They were soon joined by Albert Guihard at the Canal Théâtre in Redon, Thierry Ménager at the MJC Antipode Cleunay and Bernard Landel at the MJC Bréquigny in Rennes and accompanied by the ADDM 35 (Association Départementale de Développement de la Musique et de la Danse en Ille-et-Vilaine).

1996 in Rennes, the controversy over the French nuclear tests in the Pacific is concluded by the abandonment of the campaign, the boy bands climb to the top of the hits parades, 20 African "sans-papiers" go on a two-month hunger strike to ask for their regularisation and the Transmusicales have been taking Rennes for 17 years off the beaten track of the big musical waves.


Titano Accordions

Maclagan Squeezebox Festival, Queensland - Australia

by Diatonic News
Maclagan and its surrounding district has a population of around 200. The MACLAGAN SQUEEZEBOX FESTIVAL is one of the major community events in this district. The small rural community comes together on the second Saturday in October each year to play the musical instruments of yesteryear and then 'jam and dance' the night away to good old-fashioned accordion music.

The district has a strong German heritage and the song and dance and musical culture of the early immigrants are now firmly transplanted into this part of regional Queensland. Come and visit the district in October and stay for a few days. Join in jam sessions with like-minded musicians at various venues then come together for the impromptu jam session, which goes well into the evening, at the nearby Quinalow Hotel on second Friday evening in October.


'American Cajun, Blues & Zydeco Festival' - Germany

by Diatonic News
NEWS ! 2022 Festival ist leider abgesagt !

Das 'American Cajun, Blues & Zydeco Festival'
geht auch 2022 NICHT auf Tour.

Nach 2 Jahren Coronapause ist es aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen leider nicht mehr durchführbar.

Die genauen Beweggründe der Veranstalter können Sie auf deren Webseite nachlesen:

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

2022 Festival Acadiens et Créoles - USA

by Diatonic News
14/15/16 October 2022
500 Girard Park Drive Lafayette, Louisiana, Stati Uniti d'America 70503

Festivals Acadiens et Créoles started in 1974 as an effort to keep Cajun culture alive. Since then, it has grown into a three-day event with an art exhibit, five stages of music, and lots more.

For the huge numbers of events and artits, as well as more information, visit www.festivalsacadiens.com

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Titano Accordions

Die SchwoazStoaner im Oktober - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Die Schwoazstoana
Die SchwoazStoaner spielen seit vielen Jahren auf den verschiedensten Bühnen in ganz Österreich und auch in Slowenien, Kroatien, Deutschland oder auf Mallorca.

Im Oktober sind sie:

01. OKT. 2022 FEUERWEHRFEST A-8753 Fohnsdorf, Feuerwehrhalle 21:00 UHR
07. OKT. 2022 KAISER WIESN A-1020 Wien, Wojnars Kaiser Zelt 19:00 UHR
08. OKT. 2022 KAISER WIESN A-1020 Wien, Wojnars Kaiser Zelt 19:00 UHR
15. OKT. 2022 OKTOBERFEST A-8421 Wolfsberg im Schwarzautal 21:00 UHR
29. OKT. 2022 BOCKBIERANSTICH A-8850 Murau, WM-Halle 20:00 UHR

Für mehr Details besuchen Sie bitte: http://www.schwoazstoaner.at/content/termine.php

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Antti Paalanen - FR/Finland

by Diatonic News
"Opening night - Antti Paalanen + ElectriK GEM
05/10/2022 - 20:30 à 23:30

Antti Paalanen has a gift for bringing out new sounds from the traditional repertoire of his native Finland. A powerful accordionist and a true one-man band, his music combines the codes of techno, punctuated by his guttural voice for a set with electro accents and strong evocative power. A master of the bellows that he pushes to its limits without ever losing sight of the beat or the melody. Surprising, captivating and not to be missed under any circumstances!


Voci Armoniche


by Diatonic News

Sounding Out the Accordion

Erwan Hamon and Janick Martin - France

by Diatonic News
Erwan Hamon and Janick Martin are regulars at the Grand Soufflet. With thirty years of musical complicity, the accordion-bombard/flute duo has become an essential reference for new traditional music in Europe. Humble virtuosos, they perform in quintet, trio or accompanied by a symphonic orchestra, but in their simplest format, they remain formidable transmitters of dance music that they reinvent at each concert.

Thursday 6 October - Rennes Chapiteau Thabor - 8pm
"Bal trad evening with Digabestr + Lolita Delmonteil + Ciac Boum




by Diatonic News
These Mexican-Lyon offspring of the late, great Celso Piña, who were invited to the Grand Soufflet 2021, are coming to plant the cumbia flag for the 2022 edition of the festival. A new album, El Remedio, in "sonidero" mode (the Mexican sound system): guitar with the scent of psychedelic chicha, voices honed to the power of Caribbean soundsystems, a rhythm section and brass instruments ready to fight and make the audience understand the meaning of the word "boruka": a lively, noisy and collective demonstration of joy. Quite a programme!

Friday 7 October - Montauban de Bretagne - 9pm
Combined ticket with YEKO in Landujan - €13 / €11
Possibility to buy a ticket only for the Kumbia Boruka concert from Montauban Animation : 06 19 87 55 51 OR from YEKO at the Landujan village hall : 09 67 04 68 78

Saturday 8 October - Rennes Chapiteau Thabor - 8.30pm
"Hispanofolies evening - Rodrigo Cuevas + Kumbia Boruka


Voci Armoniche


by Diatonic News
Olmaro Duo is the story of a beautiful musical complicity between two traditional accordionists from the Fougères region. One of them played the bellows in the group Ihnze for a long time, while the other one played in competitions up to the big stage of the Yaouank festival. Then both of them put down the instrument, caught up in the whirlwind of life. It was on the occasion of a birthday in 2017 that the duo was formed, accompanied by Ronan Robert, and that the magic happened. Since then, from festoù noz to trad balls, they have never left each other and Upper Brittany has one of its most beautiful diatonic duos.

DOMLOUP - Saturday, October 15th - 8.30pm


Friedrich Lips Book

Folkshilfe Konzerte in - DEUTSCHLAND

by Diatonic News
Das Zusammenspiel zwischen Quetschnsynth, Gitarre und Schlagzeug schafft den unverkennbaren Sound von folkshilfe. Ihr fetter Bass ist der revolutionären Verbindung zwischen Quetschn und Synthesizer geschuldet. Ihre Musik kommt bestens ohne Szenezuschreibung zurecht und zieht, egal auf welcher Bühne, ein buntes Publikum in ihren Bann.

09.10.22 München, Muffathalle (Sing Tour)
15.10.22 Schwäbisch Gmünd, Herbstfest

Mehr: https://www.folkshilfe.at/

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


by Diatonic News
On the borderline between concert and performance, "Piazzolla Piazzolla" is a metaphor for the eventful journey of the Argentinean composer who revolutionised tango. Exploring Astor Piazzolla's desire for emancipation, the show questions what shaped his identity: his ambivalent link with tradition, his creative freedom, but above all his vision of tango as a melting pot of emotions. A contemporary creation for four musicians and a couple of dancers, "Piazzolla Piazzolla" lets bodies and instruments express themselves and shows tango as an art of the 21st century.

08/10/2022 - 20:30 à 23:00
L'escapade MJC
6 avenue le goffic - 35740 Pacé

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Ville Hiltula Performs Piazzolla with Ensemble Kobe - Japan

by Diatonic News
Ville Hiltula (bandoneon) will perform a concert with the Ensemble Kobe (conducted by Zheng Yano) at Kobe Shimbun Matsukata Hall (picture left) in Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, on October 21st, 2022

Their program will feature Piazzolla’s Aconcagua Bandoneón Concerto and Four Seasons.

See poster for details.


by Diatonic News
Les chanceux·euses parmi nous ont peut-être eu le bonheur d’apprécier les caresses mordantes ou passionnées du bandonéon de César Stroscio au sein du fameux Cuarteto Cedron. Le maître se produit aujourd’hui au sein du Trio Esquina, dont le nom rappelle les fameux coins de rue portègnes où, d’un terreau fertile de mazurkas, valses, habaneras et autres danses de salon, a doucement germé le fier et sensuel tango. C’est de ce dernier dont il est question ici, où contrebasse et guitare apportent soutien et contrepoint aux mélodies racées et charnelles du bandonéon.

08/10/2022 - 20:30 à 23:00
Peniche Spectacle
Quai Saint Cyr - 35000 Rennes

Titano Accordions

March-Tour of HvG now in October 2022 - D/CH/LI/IT

by Diatonic News
In light of the Covid- situation and because everyone's health all March dates of Tour 2022 once more had to be postponed and where he will perform music of his lates CD CD "Zeiten & Zeichen". For every show that was scheduled in March they are now happening in October (see below).

All previously purchased tickets remain valid.
04.10.22 D - Bayreuth - Oberfrankenhalle
05.10.22 CH - Bern Casino
06.10.22 CH - Zurich Volkshaus
07.10.22 LI - Schaan SAAL AM LINDAPLATZ
21.10.22 D - Landshut Sparkassen Arena
22.10.22 D - Fulda Esperantohalle
23.10.22 D - Frankfurt Jahrhunderthalle
27.10.22 D - Regensburg Donauarena
28.10.22 D - Lörrach Burghof
29.10.22 D - Ulm CCU
30.10.22 I - Merano Kursaal Meran

For more exact information pls view: https://www.hubertvongoisern.com/en/tourplan.html

Accordion Jazz Chord


by Diatonic News
Les écoles de musique du département présentent !

Samedi 8 octobre
L’Avant-scène - Montfort s/Meu - 20h30 + Bubbey Mayse

Dimanche 9 octobre Village Thabor - Rennes - 12h

Mardi 11 octobre Médiathèque - Montfort s/Meu - 17h30 + Court métrage & Laura Aubry

LE SIM Samedi 8 octobre Espace Le Grand Clos - Saint Domineuc - 20h30 + YEKO


Samedi 8 octobre
Village Thabor - Rennes - 12h

Samedi 8 et samedi 15 octobre - Saint Gilles

Samedi 8 octobre
Village Thabor - Rennes - 12h

Mercredi 12 octobre
Espace culturel André Blot - La Bouëxière - 20h30 + Alberi Sonori


Gary Dahl Arrangements

Die Trenkwalder im Oktober - DE/AT

by Diatonic News
Die Trenkwalder
Hubsi TrenkwalderTRENKIS feiern 30 Jahre „Junge Volksmusik“

Es ist eine Tiroler Erfolgsgeschichte, geschrieben von einer Band namens Trenkwalder, die mit ihrem unnachahmlichen Stil und ganz viel positiver Energie unbeirrt ihren Weg geht.

Im Jahr 2019 feiert Bandleader Hubsi Trenkwalder sein 30jähriges Bühnenjubiläum. „Die Zeit ist wie im Flug vergangenen, und das Feuer hat nie aufgehört zu brennen“, beschreibt Hubsi seine Motivation. „Sobald wir auf die Bühne stürmen, fühle ich mich wie am ersten Tag meiner Karriere. Und es gibt nichts schöneres, als den Fans mit seinen eigenen Songs Freude zu bereiten.“

Was haben die Trenkwalder - Hubsi und seine beiden Mitstreiter Peter Wille (Bass) und Philipp Haniger (Gitarre) - nicht schon alles erlebt. Nahezu bei allen großen TV-Shows der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, von „Musik liegt in der Luft“, den „Festen der Volksmusik“ bis zum „Musikantenstadl“ waren sie überall dabei.
Sa. 01.10.2022 um 17:00 Uhr Europahaus Almabtrieb A-6290 Mayrhofen
Fr. 07.10.2022 um 20:00 Uhr bis Sa. 08.10.2022 Wiener Wiesn A-1010 Wien
Fr. 14.10.2022 um 20:00 Uhr Oktoberfest D-65468 Trebur
Sa. 15.10.2022 um 19:00 Uhr Oktoberfest D-70597 Degerloch / Turn & Versammlungshalle
Sa. 29.10.2022 um 18:00 Uhr SC Jubiläumsfest D-33378 Rheda

Mehr auf: https://www.trenkwalder.net/

Melissa Naschenweng im Oktober - Austria

by Diatonic News
Die nächsten Termine der Kärntnerin sind:

01 OKT 19:00 bei HELENE FISCHER OPEN AIR (SOUND AND SNOW) Schlossalmbah/Gastein, 5630 Bad Hofgastein
07 OKT 21:15 KASTELRUTHER SPATZEN FEST/Dolomitenstraße 1
14 OKT 21:00 PARTY in Markthalle Wattwill
15 OKT 21:00 EDELWYSS 2022 in Burgdorf/Markthalle
29 OKT SCHLAGERPARTY 20:00 Hallenstadion Zürich/Wallisellenstrasse 45

Möchten Sie noch mehr erfahren, dann auf: https://www.melissa-naschenweng.at/

Charnwood Music Publishing

Die Jung' Puschtra - Südtirol/Italien

by Diatonic News
Eine junge motivierte Band, mit einem breiten Repertoire. Volksmusik, Schlager, Partymusik. let's rocK

Demnächst sind sie:

SA, 22.10. Bauernball Obertilliach (AT)
SA, 05.11. Martini in St. Martin in Gsies

Mehr von dieser Gruppe auf: http://diejungpuschtra.com/

Voci Armoniche

Blowzabella concert @ Prema - uk

by Diatonic News
Fri, Oct 21 @ 7:30PM Prema, South Street, Uley, , Nr Dursley.GL11 5SS
Blowzabella return to Prema Arts to play a concert featuring lots of music from their latest album.

Blowzabella is Andy Cutting – diatonic button accordion; Jo Freya – vocals, saxophone, clarinet; Paul James – vocals, bagpipes, saxophones; David Shepherd – violin; Barn Stradling – bass guitar; Jon Swayne – bagpipes, saxophone.

Blowzabella is a genuinely unique band that makes an inimitable, driving, drone-based wall-of-sound - played with a fabulous sense of melody, rhythmic expertise and sheer feeling. They compose their own music which is influenced by English and European traditional folk music and song. Many of their tunes are “standards” in the modern British/European folk repertoire and are played by people all over the world. Bands across Europe and beyond who experiment with folk music often cite Blowzabella as a major influence. Much loved and respected, there is no one else quite like them



Sharon Shannon Canada/Tour Dates - Canada

by Diatonic News
SUN - Oct 02, 2022 Vancouver The Rogue Folk Club
TUE - Oct 04, 2022 Victoria, Canada Mary Winspear Theatre
WED - Oct 05, 2022 Vancouver Donnellans
THU - Oct 06, 2022 8.00 pm Calgary Irish Cultural Society of Calgar
SAT - Oct 08, 2022 Calgary The Ironwood
SUN - Oct 09, 2022 Canmore AB Arts Place
SAT - Oct 15, 2022 Drogheda, Louth Tommy Leddy Theatre

For exact information upon all dates - view: http://sharonshannon.com/tour/

Bandoneon Concerts - Holland

by Diatonic News
Carel KraayenhofCarel Kraayenhof100 JAAR PIAZZOLLA - tour
Carel Kraayenhof, Juan Pablo Dobal and Jaap Branderhorst

With Piazzolla 100 bandoneonist Carel Kraayenhof, pianist Juan Pablo Dobal, violinist Bert Vos and bassplayer Jaap Branderhorst honour their musical hero, idol and founder of the tango nuevo: Astor Piazzolla. On occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birthday in 2021.

In 1987 Kraayenhof worked for three months with the maestro in his Tango Apasionado. After playing Adiós Nonino at the royal wedding Piazzolla’s son wrote Carel: ‘My father in heaven is proud of you’.

Dobal is from Buenos Aires, city of Piazzolla. He accompanied singer Amelita Baltar in Europe, the first to take up the ballads and songs of Piazzolla and Ferrer.

Branderhorst travelled with Kraayenhof and Dobal across the globe to play with Sexteto Canyengue and the Carel Kraayenhof Ensemble.

Piazzolla 100 mixes instrumental treasures with the poetic lyrics of Jorge Luis Borges and Horacio Ferrer.


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD "I feel good!" von Muha - Österreich

by Diatonic News
MuchaDie 25 Jahre-Jubiläums-CD "I feel good!"
01 Everybody Needs Somebody
02 Sweet Home Chicago
03 Root Beer Rag
04 Those Were The Days
05 Schneiderhäusl Boarischer
06 Kuahmelcher / Schleiniger
07 When The Saints
08 Amazing Grace
09 Champagner Galopp
10 Feuerfest
11 Round The Bend
12 I Got You (I Feel Good)
13 Don´t Worry, Be Happy
14 Girls, Girls, Girls
15 Smoke On The Water
16 Western-Medley „Twenty Five“
17 Einsteiger

am 9.10.2022 spielen sie in A-2000 Stockerau, Z2000
Mundharmonika Quartett Austria
bei "Der Lustige Hermann und seine Freunde"

Beginn: 16 Uhr /Einlass: 15 Uhr
Karten: Hermann Maringer, kaufhaus.maringer@aon.at, Tel. 0664 5040778


Titano Accordions

CD "Ein neuer Anfang" v. Andreas Gabalier - Austria

by Diatonic News
Im Juni 2022 wurde die neue CD "Ein neuer Anfang" von Andreas Gabalier, der überaus bekannte und beliebte Volksmusiker aus der Steiermark/Österreich, präsentiert.

Verkauft wird diese auf vielen online-Kanälen - um einige Soundfiles zu hören besuchen Sie am besten:


CD “Corazones Solitarios” 2022/El Cachivache Orkesta - Argentina

by Diatonic News
They are presenting now their new album “Corazones Solitarios” 2022

El Cachivache Orkesta is currently one of the most popular tango groups and is widely recognized on the world music circuit. Sometimes called ‘Tango Punk’, the group is characterized by its undeniably creative, original, and very “danceable ” style. Some call them “modern buffoons”, others describe the music as “communal flat groove”, and both are true. El Cachivache serves up its music in a vigorous manner with a good dose of humor, mixing up overdriven traditional tango music with a post punk look, which simultaneously frightens and attracts the tourists.
Witty song introductions emerged with the music, livening up already energetic performances. The band is very popular in its home city of Buenos Aires, playing around 90 concerts a year. The band was selected to perform at WOMEX19 official showcase In Tampere, Finland in October 2019.

El Cachivache Orkesta

Voci Armoniche

Neue Musik "Glùck" - Austria

by Diatonic News
von Melissa Naschenweng, die beliebte Kärntner Künstlerin aus dem Lesachtal. Von dort kommt Melissa her, wo sie lebt, wo sie musikalisch vom Vater und Großvater sozialisiert wurde. Ohne Harmonika geht da seit ihrer Kindheit nix – und hat ihre Harmonika mittlerweile fest im Rock’n’Roll eingebettet.

Ihr neues Lied "Glück" gibt's zu hören auf:

Join a music trip with Carel Kraayenhof to ARGENTINA - NL/Argentina

by Diatonic News
Carel KraayenhofCarel Kraayenhof announces:
We are delighted to inform you that our trip to Argentina can finally be organised.

After having to postpone the trip for two years due to corona, we have now planned to travel through Argentina with 40 participants and a musical accompanying team in early February 2023.

The aim, besides enjoying the beautiful Argentine landscape, delicious food and good wine, is to embark together on an exciting exploration of Argentine folk music, 'folklore'.

As a traveller, you can experience this music journey in different ways: as a listener, but also as a participant in the musical process. Besides myself with my bandoneon, other musicians will join us: singers Alvaro Pinto Lyon and Orlando Miño with their guitar, charango and bombo, and they will immerse you in the chamamé of Corrientes, the chacarera of Santiago del Estero, the zamba of Tucumán and Salta, and the carnavalito of Jujuy.

We will visit concerts and festivals and seek exchanges with local musicians, as well as singing the Misa Criolla together and making music on the bus. Anyone who loves singing or playing guitar or bandoneon, or who would like to experience a percussion workshop on the bombo, is most welcome!


Accordion TV/Film/Radio

Accordion Jazz Chords

TV appearances of Hubert von Goisern with LIVE-stream

by Diatonic News
Hubert von Goisern was born as Hubert Achleitner on 17th November 1952 in Bad Goisern in the Austrian Salzkammergut region.
In Vienna Hubert studied electroacoustic experimental music at the University of Music and made a living as a freelance musician and composer. In 1986 he took up the diatonic accordion for the first time. His grandfather had given him the instrument many years before.

His next TV-appearances in Oct 22 are:
01.10.22 12:00 Freies Radio Salzkammergut Steilklänge
Radio für Schwindelfreie - produced and presented by Hubert Achleitner (Rpt. episode 26) (2022)
01.10.22 22:00 ORF 2 Peter Rapp - Als wäre es gestern gewesen
Peter Rapp and Johannes Hoppe feature entertainment from celebrities celebrating special birthdays in 2022. With Heast as nit from Hubert von Goisern (2022)
11.10.22 20:00 Freies Radio Salzkammergut Steilklänge
Radio für Schwindelfreie - produced and presented by Hubert Achleitner (Episode 27) (2022)
15.10.22 12:00 Freies Radio Salzkammergut Steilklänge
Radio für Schwindelfreie - produced and presented by Hubert Achleitner (Rpt. episode 27) (2022)
23.10.22 18:55 ORF III Land der Berge
Dachstein - Mountain of mountains in the Salzkammergut: interview with and documentary music from Hubert von Goisern. (2020)
25.10.22 20:00 Freies Radio Salzkammergut Steilklänge
Radio für Schwindelfreie - produced and presented by Hubert Achleitner (Episode 28) (2022)

For more detailed information pls view: https://www.hubertvongoisern.com/

Mei liabste Weis mit Franz Posch - Österreich

Franz Posch live aus Bruck an der Mur, wo er am 15. Oktober auf ORF2 bereits die 175. Ausgabe von "Mei liabste Weis" präsentiert. Der sympathische Moderator ist dann in der Steiermark zu Gast, wo Franz Posch live aus dem Stadtsaal in Bruck an der Mur die Musik-Wünsche des Publikums erfüllt.

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