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Diatonic News - Oct-2020
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Voci Armoniche


Corso di laurea triennale in Musica Tradizionale : organetto e non solo !!!
14. Harmonica Masters Workshops 2020 Zoom Event - DE
Music Marche Meeting, Castelfidardo - Italy
Le Grand Soufflet Festival - France
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich
Video: PIF Castelfidardo Daily Report - Italy
Video: Alessandro Mugnoz - Italy
New Date for 2021 Musikmesse Frankfurt - Germany
Festival Acadiens et Creoles - USA/LA

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

'American Cajun, Blues & Zydeco Festival' - Germany
Perth Accordion-Festival - Scotland
11. Josef Peyer Preis 2020 - Oktober/AT/Steiermark
IX International Competition of Young Performers on Folk Instruments named after V.V. Andreev in St. Petersburg - Russia
Harmonika Müller Nov. Sommerseminare / abgesagt! - Steiermark/Austria
Global Music Festival - akkordeon akut! - Deutschland
Harmonica Masters Workshops 2020 wegen Covid-19 abgesagt - DE
Maclagan Squeezebox Festival - Australia
18. Irish Folk auf Fürsteneck - Germany
Nathan Neuman Wins 2020 Song Writing Contest - USA

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

TAG DER HARMONIKA 2021 - Internationale Ausschreibung! - Österreich
Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham - Sage Gateshead/UK
Harmonika-WM 2021 in Terme Olimia/Slowenien! Svetovno prvenstvo 2021 ! - Austria
Carmelo Torres CD Me Recordarán - Columbia
International Folk/Blues meets British Beat - DE
Twin Lakes Trio at Milwaukee Accordion Club – USA
John Kirkpatrick October/concerts/schedule - UK
Xabi Aburruzaga - Spain

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

6 Year Old Boy Plays Reginella Campagnola - Italy
Video: Lessons on melodeon and diatonic acc. from David Munelly
CD "payground" by Paolo Russo - DK/Italy
BandAdriatica - Odissea Official videoclip - Italia

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

Corso di laurea triennale in Musica Tradizionale : organetto e non solo !!!

by Diatonic News
Una piccola rivoluzione nei Conservatori italiani: entra la musica tradizionale.
Sulla scia del jazz e della popular music anche la musica tradizionale entra ufficialmente in conservatorio!
Esiste finalmente in Calabria, presso l’Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali “Tchaikovsky” di Nocera Terinese (Cz), (l’unico per il momento in Italia) la possibilità di diplomarsi in strumenti tradizionali conseguendo un titolo accademico identico a quello di pianoforte o violino, sotto la guida di insegnanti di primissimo livello.
Una scommessa culturale, d’altronde già vinta nei Conservatori del resto d’Europa, ma anche una prospettiva nuova per migliaia di giovani che già praticano con entusiasmo questa musica. Ad essi in primo luogo si offre la possibilità di trasformare una passione in una professione, attraverso una formazione completa, che apre a diversi sbocchi possibili.
Un riconoscimento prestigioso per le musiche tradizionali e per la world music che hanno ormai uno spazio sempre più importante nella scena musicale attuale.
L’Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali “Tchaikovsky”, che dal 2021 diventerà Conservatorio Statale di Musica, ha istituito ormai da un anno il corso di Musiche Tradizionali (DCPL65), all’interno dei quali è possibile conseguire il DIPLOMA ACCADEMICO DI I° LIVELLO (Triennio) e quindi di II° LIVELLO (Biennio) in: CHITARRA BATTENTE (Francesco Loccisano); FISARMONICA DIATONICA (Riccardo Tesi); LIRA CALABRESE; ZAMPOGNA; CIARAMELLA; BANDONEON / FISARMONICA TRADIZIONALE (Antonio Spaccarotella).
L’anno prossimo saranno attivati anche gli indirizzi di TAMBURI A CORNICE e CANTO TRADIZIONALE - per questo anno accademico attivati nell’ambito dei Corsi Propedeutici (DM 382/18).
Il Piano di Studi è articolato su Materie di base (Teoria Ritmica e Percezione musicale; Storia della Musica; Secondo strumento o canto; Musica d’insieme), Materie caratterizzanti (strumento a scelta tra Bandoneon, Fisarmonica, Fisarmonica Diatonica, Zampogna, Chitarra battente, Lira calabrese; Etnomusicologia) e materie ulteriori come Biblioteconomia musicale, Lingua straniera, Composizione jazz, Informatica musicale.
Per quanto riguarda la prassi esecutiva il percorso parte dalla conoscenza del repertorio tradizionale, delle sue forme , gli stili, le tecniche esecutive ma include anche le nuove pratiche nate dal folk revival (attualmente denominato World Music) che hanno portato ad un allargamento del vocabolario ed un ‘evoluzione del linguaggio musicale, includendo anche la composizione di musiche originali e contemporanee.

Quindi studio del passato ma con grande attenzione al presente ed al futuro.
“La tradizione è custodire il fuoco, non adorare le ceneri” diceva Gustav Mahler.
Anche la didattica integrerà la trasmissione orale in uso nella tradizione, ottima per lo sviluppo della memoria e dell’orecchio musicale, con l’uso della lettura e delle partiture fondamentali .

Per l’a.a. 2020-21 le lezioni si svolgeranno on-line sulla piattaforma E-learning del Conservatorio integrate da alcune masterclass in presenza sotto forma di campus, in modo da favorire gli studenti stranieri o fuori sede.

Le iscrizioni chiudono il 30 ottobre.

Per informazioni sui costi e modalità d’iscrizione i riferimenti sono i seguenti: www.conscz.it, segreteria@tchaikovsky.it, oppure per info direttamente 0968 – 923854.

opp. rictesi@gmail.com

Sounding Out the Accordion

14. Harmonica Masters Workshops 2020 Zoom Event - DE

by Diatonic News
mit Joel Andersson, Steve Baker, David Barrett, Marcos Coll, Joe Filisko, Marko Jovanovic und Eric Noden

Samstag, 31. Oktober 2020, 18:00 - 21:00 MEZ

Als Dankeschön an all die treuen Unterstützer der Harmonica Masters Workshops, sowie um die Absage der diesjährigen Workshops wegen Covid-19 ein wenig zu kompensieren, präsentieren wir am 31. Oktober ein kostenloses online Zoom Event mit allen Dozenten, live aus ihren Wohnorten in Europa und Nordamerika.

Wir werden das Event als Q&A Session gestalten, ähnlich wie bei unseren bisherigen gemeinsamen Abschlussrunden am Samstagnachmittag, im Wechsel mit musikalischen Beiträgen von den einzelnen Dozenten. Die bisherige Begrenzung der Teilnehmerzahl entfällt, wir werden euch voraussichtlich alle unterbringen können.

Wer teilnehmen möchte, sendet bitte eine Email mit dem Stichwort HMW Zoom 2020 an info@harmonica-masters.de, um den Login-Code zu erhalten. Du wirst die neueste Version der Zoom App brauchen, die kostenlos heruntergeladen werden kann.

Wir freuen uns, Freunde und Fans der Harmonica Masters Workshops am 31. Oktober 2020 online begrüßen zu können.

mit besten musikalischen Grüßen

Steve Baker - Festivalleiter

Hier ein paar Video-Links zu früheren Harmonica Masters Concerts:





by Diatonic News
WOMEXWOMEX 20 Edition: 21–25 October 2020 in Budapest, Hungary

Over 2,500 professionals (including 260 performing artists) come together every October from 90 countries, making WOMEX not only the number one networking platform for the world music industry, but also the most diverse music meeting worldwide. Its musical spectrum is unparalleled in the international showcase festival scene, ranging from the most traditional to the new global local underground, embracing folk, roots, local and diaspora cultures and urban and electronic sounds from all over the globe as well as all musical juxtapositions of these. Jazz and classical are explicitly welcome!

7 stages, around 700 exhibiting companies, 100+ speakers, films, an opening concert and an award ceremony across five packed networking days and rather short nights.

After a successful WOMEX event in 2015 in Budapest, Hungary; Piranha Arts, the organisers of WOMEX, today confirmed that the Hungarian capital will once again host the World Music Expo in 2020, making this the second edition to be held in Central Eastern Europe.

Budapest has a rich musical culture, whether it is classical music, modern experimental, electronica, alternative music, or traditional Hungarian and Roma folk music. While this capital city is known for its Turkish thermal baths, Gothic and Neo-Gothic and Roman-inspired architecture, today Budapest is a vibrant musical hub with a unique blend of east meets west, old meets modern culture and lifestyle, making it a valuable city for another exciting edition of WOMEX in 2020.


Voci Armoniche

Music Marche Meeting, Castelfidardo - Italy

by Diatonic News
A special Music Marche meeting was organised by newly elected President Massimo Pigini on September 17th, 2020, to discuss the PIF, Castelfidardo and the newly opened and renovated Accordion Museum Castelfidardo which was featured on AWW News:

Many companies and partners of Music Marche participated in the meeting, which has a goal to maintain specialist handicraft traditions, develop new ideas and let the entire world listen, see and enjoy the music featured by excellent instruments made in Castelfidardo, performed by outstanding Italian and international accordion artists.

Music Marche has worked closely with officials in the renovation of the Museum Castelfidardo, as well as sponsoring Euro 10.940 to the "Art-Bonus" which is a project by MIBACT/Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali – Government department for maintaining cultural assets and activities.

Friedrich Lips Book

Le Grand Soufflet Festival - France

by Diatonic News
Le Grand Soufflet
30th September to 10th of October 2020 highlighting the HARMONICA.

“Le Grand Soufflet” is an international accordion festival. It has been taking place every year in October in the city of Rennes and other different cities of the Ille-et-Vilaine department (French Brittany) since 1996. It is now one of the most important festivals dedicated to the instrument. About 15 000 people attend to the festival each year, in 30 to 40 venues, mainly about 120 people venues and about 5 venues around 500 people.
The purpose of the festival is to show the modernity and the diversity of accordion (and harmonica in modern style of music such as electronic, punk, rock, experimental... So we already invited some of the most important artists from all over the world representing different styles of music (Brasil, Canada, Argentina, Madagascar, Finland, etc…) but also young promising artists from France and other countries.


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Video: PIF Castelfidardo Daily Report - Italy

by Harley Jones
PIF Castelfidardo Daily Report
Renzo RuggieriThis online festival has some interesting diatonic segments.

The City Council of Castelfidardo (Marche region, Italy), in collaboration with Castelfidardo Pro Loco Tourist Association, calls and organizes the PIF International Competition “Città di Castelfidardo” reserved for accordion soloists and groups, of classical music and other genres.

The Castelfidardo Municipal Administration is led by Mayor Roberto Ascani, the Castelfidardo Pro Loco headed by Ruben Cittadini, and event Artistic Director Renzo Ruggieri.

The event ran online from 16-20 September and there are extensive Daily Reports of video, results and photos online. 2020Castelfidardo

View video: World Seminar "Un'ancia a Santiago De Compostela" at: http://www.accordions.com/pifcastelfidardo/2020/19.htm

Video Auditions/Competition Astor Piazzolla Competition also contains some bandoneon and diatonic at:

Video Auditions/Competition World Category has a number of diatonic players competiting. This is also at:


by Diatonic News
Greg Zlapen concert - jeudi 01 octobre 2020

En Europe, si l’on parle harmonica, alors on cause de Greg Zlap. Le franco-polonais a écumé les scènes avec Johnny, Mathieu Chedid ou les Vieilles Canailles, enregistré avec Vladimir Cosma ou même inspiré un roman graphique chez Glénat. Avec sept albums d’expérimentations autour du Blues et vingt ans de tournées, celui que J.J.Milteau appelle son fils spirituel passe par la case Grand Soufflet l’année où le festival honore l’harmonica. Passer à côté, ce serait un peu comme ne pas inviter Mozart à un festival de violon.


Titano Accordions

Video: Alessandro Mugnoz - Italy

by Harley Jones
Alessandro Mugnoz now has a youtube channel.

"Canzoncina" per fisarmonica diatonica

Ecco un piccolo brano tratto dall'Antologia Didattica del "Metodo di base per fisarmonica diatonica" composto ed eseguito da Alessandro Mugnoz.

Il pezzo, quasi una "romanza senza parole" in miniatura, di stile alquanto romantico, dovrebbe stimolare i giovani (e meno giovani) studenti - oltre all'indipendenza di articolazione delle due mani - ad un approccio interpretativo espressivo e cantabile.

Il brano, pur pensato per arricchire ed allargare il repertorio della fisarmonica diatonica (o meglio "bitonica") è naturalmente adatto - e adattabile - per qualsiasi altro tipo di fisarmonica classica/tradizionale ("unitonica").

Fisarmonica diatonica a 8 bassi (Castagnari): Alessandro Mugnoz, 2010.

Dal CD allegato al Metodo di base per Fisarmonica diatonica (esercizi e studietti - tecnica - Antologia didattica) di Edgardo e Alessandro Mugnoz, Edizioni Musicali ARS Spoletium, 2010.

Here is a small excerpt from the Educational Anthology of the "Basic Method for Diatonic Accordion" composed and performed by Alessandro Mugnoz.

The piece, almost a miniature "wordless romance" of rather romantic style, should stimulate young students - in addition to the independence of articulation of the two hands - to an expressive and "cantabile" interpretive approach.

The piece, while designed to enrich and enlarge the repertoire of the diatonic accordion (or rather "bitonic") is naturally suitable - and adaptable - for any other type of classical/traditional accordion ("unitonic").

8 bass diatonic accordion (Castagnari): Alessandro Mugnoz, 2010.

From the CD attached to the "Basic Method for Diatonic Accordion" (exercises and studies - technique - Educational Anthology) by Edgardo and Alessandro Mugnoz, Music Editions ARS Spoletium, 2010.

Accordion Jazz Chord

New Date for 2021 Musikmesse Frankfurt - Germany

by Diatonic News
The 2021 Musikmesse, Europe’s largest trade fair for the music industry, musical instruments and musical education, will be held from October 22nd to 24th, 2021 in Frankfurt, Germany. This is a change from the normal March or early April annual dates for many years.

The music fair will be held in conjunction with the Frankfurt Book Fair and collaborate with the creative hub THE ARTS +. Both shows will remain independent events.

The Musikmesse gathers about 56,000 visitors and close to 1,000 exhibitors annually.

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Festival Acadiens et Creoles - USA/LA

by Diatonic News
Festival Acadiens et Creoles - USA/LAA Rich Cultural Heritage
Acadians, or Cajuns as they are now called, were exiled from Nova Scotia in 1755. They took with them few possessions but did carry away a rich cultural heritage, which included a blend of French, Celtic, Scots-Irish and Native American influences.

2020 Music Line-Up
Music Schedule / online / live stream
October 9, 2020
Official Live Stream Kick Off Boudin Cutting
6:00pmLive from Scène Ma Louisiane at the AcA
Lost Bayou Ramblers
6:10pmSalle de Danse @ the Blue Moon Saloon
Roddie Romero and the Hub City All-Stars
6:30pmLive from Scène Ma Louisiane at the AcA
Horace Trahan & the Ossun Express
7:00pmSalle de Danse @ the Blue Moon Saloon
Terry & the Zydeco Bad Boys
7:30pmSalle de Danse @ the Blue Moon Saloon
Pine Leaf Boys
7:55pmLive from Scène Ma Louisiane at the AcA
October 10, 2020
Official Live Stream Kick Off
4:00pmLive from Scène Mon Héritage at Rock ’n’ Bowl
Jourdan Thibodeaux et les Rôdailleurs
4:05pmLive from Scène Mon Héritage at Rock ’n’ Bowl
Zachary Richard
4:35pmLive from Scène Ma Louisiane at the AcA
5:00pmat KRVSArtist Info
Jeffery Broussard & the Creole Cowboys
5:20pmLive from Scène Mon Héritage at Rock ’n’ Bowl
Nathan Williams & The Zydeco Cha Chas
5:50pmLive from Scène Ma Louisiane at the AcA
Feufollet Trio
6:15pmSalle de Danse @ the Blue Moon Saloon
Corey Ledet
6:35pmLive from Scène Mon Héritage at Rock ’n’ Bowl
Chris Ardoin & NuStep
7:00pmLive from Scène Ma Louisiane at the AcA
Bonsoir, Catin
7:40pmLive from Scène Mon Héritage at Rock ’n’ Bowl
October 11, 2020
Official Live Stream Kick Off
3:00pmLive from Scène Ma Louisiane at the AcA
Chubby Carrier and the Bayou Swamp Band
3:05pmLive from Scène Ma Louisiane at the AcA
Cameron Dupuy & the Cajun Troubadours
3:30pmLive from Scène Mon Héritage at Rock ’n’ Bowl
The Revelers
4:00pmSalle de Danse @ the Blue Moon Saloon
Cedric Watson et Bijou Créole
4:25pmLive from Scène Ma Louisiane at the AcA
Steve, Burke and Dolsy Riley
4:55pmat HomeArtist Info
Geno Delafose & French Rockin’ Boogie
5:20pmLive from Scène Mon Héritage at Rock ’n’ Bowl
Wayne Toups & ZydeCajun
5:45pmLive from Scène Ma Louisiane at the AcA

View details on: https://www.festivalsacadiens.com/music-and-events/lineup/

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Charnwood Music Publishing

'American Cajun, Blues & Zydeco Festival' - Germany

by Diatonic News
'American Cajun, Blues & Zydeco Festival' - Germany
The organizers write:
We are extremely sad and dissappointed to announce that due to the Covid19 crisis the 'American Cajun, Blues & Zydeco Festival' won't happen in 2020.

NEW DATES will be announced shortly between
October 21st - November 8th 2021.
Same artists as 2020.

The Daiquiri Queens (USA)
Rusty Metoyer & The Zydeco Krush (USA)
Roddie Romero & Michael Juan Nunez (USA)
First time in Europe: 'The Daiquiri Queens' as a six-piece band.
Zydeco from Lake Charles with 'Rusty Metoyer & The Zydeco Krush',
And Swampblues Masters Roddie Romero & Michael Juan Nunez will bring the Blues from Louisiana.

Stay tuned - be patient!

Voci Armoniche

Perth Accordion-Festival - Scotland

by Diatonic News


11. Josef Peyer Preis 2020 - Oktober/AT/Steiermark

by Diatonic News
Harmonika - Solo:
Für jede Solo-Kategorie stehen drei Pflichtstücke, aus denen eines gewählt werden muss, zur Auswahl. Das Pflichtstück, das Vortragsstück (Jodler) und die 2 Wahlstücke sollen die maximale Spieldauer von 8 Minuten nicht überschreiten. Die Stückauswahl muss so zusammengestellt sein, dass drei verschiedene Tanzgattungen (Walzer, Polka, Boarischer, Ländler, Marsch, Menuett oder Polka Franzé) interpretiert werden. Jede/r Kandidat/in soll im Wettbewerbsvortrag ein kurzes getragenes Stück (Jodler, Weise, ca. 1 Minute Spielzeit) zum Pflichtstück und den 2 Wahlstücke einbauen. Anstatt des kurzen Stückes kann bei einem der zwei Wahlstücke, die langsame Weise als Vorspiel dargeboten werden (Jodler als Vorspiel zu einem Walzer, etc…) Hier gilt: der musikalischen Kreativität sind keine Grenzen gesetzt!

Über eine Spende für die zur Verfügungsstellung der Noten würden wir uns sehr freuen.

Bankverbindung: Raiffeisenbank Region Graz – Thalerhof „Josef Peyer-Wettbewerb“ IBAN: AT02 3847 7001 0505 3582

Harmonika – Duo:

Bei Harmonika – Duos sind keine Pflichtstücke vorgesehen. Drei Stücke unterschiedlichen Charakters (Polka, Walzer, Marsch, Landler, etc…) sind vorzutragen.
Besetzung: 2 Steirische Harmonikas mit maximal einem Begleitinstrument. Für die Berechnung des Durchschnittsalters ist der Geburtsjahrgang der Kinder/Jugendlichen maßgeblich. Das Begleitinstrument kann von einem Erwachsenen gespielt werden.


Bei Ensembles sind keine Pflichtstücke vorgesehen. Drei Stücke unterschiedlichen Charakters (Polka, Walzer, Marsch, Landler, etc…) sind vorzutragen.
Besetzung: 1 – 2 Steirisches Harmonikas mit mehreren Spielern anderer Instrumente. Für die Berechnung des Durchschnittsalters ist der Geburtsjahrgang der Kinder/Jugendlichen maßgeblich. Bass- und Begleitinstrumente können von Erwachsenen gespielt werden (Familienmusik, Stub’nmusi, etc…).

Robert Hafner, MA, Tel.: +43 650 57 47 601
Mag. Christian Hartl, MA, Tel.: +43 650 82 08 258
Dir. Mag. Manfred Uggowitzer, Tel.: +43 664 8410 339

IX International Competition of Young Performers on Folk Instruments named after V.V. Andreev in St. Petersburg - Russia

by Diatonic News
V.V. AndreevSt. Petersburg, Russia will host the IX International Competition of Young Performers on Folk Instruments named after V.V. Andreev (picture left) from October 27th to November 4th, 2020.

The competition aims to contribute to the development of the performing arts of young musicians, popularization of Russian folk instruments, promotion of folk, classical & modern music, creation of a new original repertoire for folk instruments, identification of the most gifted and professionally promising performers, and the preservation of domestic traditions of musical education and musical performing schools.

Competition categories will be held for bayan and accordion (as well as other instruments) in four age categories and is open to Russian and foreign performers.

For details email: vaspb2020@mail.ru

Picture below: Ossipov Balalaika Orchestra conducted by Vladimir Andropov. This orchestra has taken part in the event as a special guest at the Gala concert in many of previous competitions
by Arseniy Strokovskiy

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


by Diatonic News
OCTOBER 7th-11th 2020 Louisiana's Cajun & Creole Cycling Festival

Depuis (since) 2002
Cycle Zydeco was created by Joan & Doc Williams. With the assistance of Lafayette Visitors & Convention Center, the ride has evolved into what has been called the "Best Touring Ride in the US."

In the past, proceeds from Cycle Zydeco have supported TRAIL, Evangeline Area Boy Scouts, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, and Cajun Cyclist racing teams along with other local civic organizations.


The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 caused Cycle Zydeco to be moved to the fall for the first time. Hectic quick changes but it opened the opportunity for our seasoned riders to visit us during a new time of year and during one of Lafayette’s biggest and best festivals: Festivals Acadiens et Créoles.


Harmonika Müller Nov. Sommerseminare / abgesagt! - Steiermark/Austria

by Diatonic News
Im kommenden Herbst veranstalteT Harmonika Müller zusammen mit Markus Schwarz erstmalig vier Harmonika Seminare. Die jeweils fünftägige Veranstaltung kostet € 490,- und findet im Gasthof Sonnenhof in St. Georgen ob Judenburg – vielen auch als Märchenwald bekannt – statt.

Die Nov. Termine mussten aufgrund von COVID-19 abgesagt werden!!!
11.11. bis 15.11.2020 und 18.11. bis 22.11. 2020 - abgesagt

Titano Accordions

Global Music Festival - akkordeon akut! - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Global Music Festival - akkordeon akut!
LEIDER......auch Global Music Festival, das normalerweise im Oktober stattfindet, berichtet:

Nun ist in diesem Jahr alles etwas anders: Das akkordeon akut! findet 2020 nicht statt.

Wir freuen uns auf Euch und auf ein Neues im Jahr 2021.

Bleibt gesund und munter.
Euer akkordeon akut!-Team



Harmonica Masters Workshops 2020 wegen Covid-19 abgesagt - DE

by Diatonic News
Die Organisatoren des Workshops berichten:

Mit großem Bedauern müssen wir die Harmonica Masters Workshops 2020 wegen der Covid-19 Pandemie absagen. Soweit man das jetzt absehen kann, wird es nicht möglich sein, das Event in einer Weise durchzuführen, die die Sicherheit von Studenten und Dozenten ausreichend gewährleistet. Wir möchten uns bei allen Fans und Unterstützer hierfür entschuldigen

Hohner wird alle bereits gezahlte Kursgebühren erstatten. Wir werden mit der Dozentenmannschaft die Möglichkeit erorten, ein kurzes Online-Event Anfang November zu organisieren und halten euch darüber auf dem Laufenden. Wir planen, die Harmonica Masters Workshops 2022 wieder zu veranstalten, werden aber einen anderen Termin aussuchen müssen.

Bitte merken: Das World Harmonica Festival kehrt im November 2021 nach Trossingen zurück. Das Event wird um einen Tag Verlängert, was uns ermöglichen wird, längere Workshops für diatonische Spieler während den Chromonika- und Ensemble-Wettberwerbe anzubieten.

Voci Armoniche


by Diatonic News
OCT 9-11, 2020
Acadians, or Cajuns as they are now called, were exiled from Nova Scotia in 1755. They took with them few possessions but did carry away a rich cultural heritage, which included a blend of French, Celtic, Scots-Irish and Native American influences. This mixture is evident in a rich oral tradition and repertoire of songs and dances. By the turn of the twentieth century, increasing homogenization of the United States threatened to doom the French language to obscurity. Early versions of the Louisiana constitution made valiant attempts to legitimize the use of French, but America charged on with the nationalism movement.

The Cajun and Creole musicians, cooks and craftsmen and women who participate in this annual event continue to invest themselves in what most rightly consider their own festivals, a self-celebration of Cajun and Creole culture.

Read more on: http://www.festivalsacadiens.com/info/history.html

Maclagan Squeezebox Festival - Australia

by Diatonic News
Maclagan Squeezebox Festival - Australia
The Festival Organizers report:

BREAKING NEWS: It is with a heavy heart that we have to formally announce that the Maclagan Squeezebox Festival will not be going ahead in 2020. Help us ‘keep the traditions alive’ by coming to visit us in 2021.

Each year in October, the small Queensland country town of Maclagan puts on the only accordion festival in Australia.

Do you love to perform with your button accordion, piano accordion, concertina or harmonica?
We are looking to hearing from musicians who would like to step up and showcase their talents at this year's festival.

Are you prepared to showcase your talents without seeking renumeration?
We would love to hear from you to discuss possible inclusion in our program.


18. Irish Folk auf Fürsteneck - Germany

by Diatonic News
Damian McKeeDiatonisches Akkordeon mit Damian McKee 02.10. - 06.10.2020 Kurs-Nr. 20-33304
bitte rechtzeitig anmelden!

An einem von drei Konzertabenden können sich die Teilnehmenden selbst mit einem Beitrag anmelden, sodass auch Amateur-Ensembles oder spontane Kollaborationen die Gelegenheit erhalten, über die eigenen Workshops hinaus zusammenzuarbeiten und sich im geschützten Rahmen auf der Burg-Bühne auszuprobieren. Unter folgendem Link gibt es einen kleinen Eindruck aus 2018: https://youtu.be/K4e2saAuFRM

Bitte geben Sie bei der Anmeldung Ihren Werkstattwunsch an. Die gleichzeitige Belegung von zwei Werkstätten ist nicht möglich. Die Angabe eines alternativen Workshops ermöglicht uns, Ihnen auch dann einen Platz zu reservieren, wenn Ihre erste Wahl belegt ist oder aus irgendeinem Grund ausfallen muss.

Wichtiger Hinweis:

Zur Umsetzung des Hygienekonzepts aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie, ist eine Teilnahme am Kurs nur mit Übernachtung im Einzelzimmer möglich. Eine Doppelzimmerbelegung ist nur noch für Personen, die in einem Haushalt leben, Paare sowie Familienangehörige möglich.


Accordion Jazz Chords

Nathan Neuman Wins 2020 Song Writing Contest - USA

by Christine Johnstone
Nathan Neuman

Video 1: Nathan Neuman's winning composition "Pass It On"
Video 2: Nathan's 3rd place song - "The Next Step"

Nathan Neuman is the winner of the International Polka Association 2020 Young Songwriters contest with his song “Pass it On”.

Nathan’s song "The Next Step" was co-written with Alli Lange and won 3rd place. The duo originally began writing the song 2½ years ago, but never finished or released it, when they were advised they could enter it in this competition!

Congratulations to both musicians from Accordions Worldwide.

Future events / Concerts

Titano Accordions


by Diatonic News
02/10/2020 - 20:30 à 22:00
Le Confluent
20 La cotelais - 35160 Montfort s/Me

Derrière le Raz de Sein, on aperçoit une île. De cette possibilité, dans les années 50 sont nés deux films, conservés à La Cinémathèque de Bretagne. L’Équipe d’Emprunte Vagabonde (dont Heikki Bourgault et l’accordéoniste Morgane Labbe, déjà croisés sur le festival) renouvelle le ciné-concert à partir de ces images. S’y entremêlent deux histoires, deux destins, un film inédit, plusieurs traversées, deux musiciens sur scène, une projection sur tulle, des voix, une création son et lumière et un émouvant récit.


TAG DER HARMONIKA 2021 - Internationale Ausschreibung! - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham - Sage Gateshead/UK

by Diatonic News
Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham Sage Gateshead/UKSaturday 17 October 2020 | 8:00pm

RESCHEDULED date from Tuesday 17 March
All tickets remain valid for the new date. Please bear with us during this unprecedented period. The organizer will be in touch in due course about your tickets.

Having toured together since 1986 to packed concert halls all over the world, the pair have won the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards – BEST DUO Award and been nominated in the Scottish Traditional Music Awards for ‘Live Act of the Year’

Aly was a founder member of the ‘Boys of the Lough’ and his passionate fiddle playing has also found its way onto recordings by the likes of Eddi Reader and Richard Thompson. He was responsible for launching ‘The Transatlantic Sessions’ TV series in which both he and Phil continue to feature. Accordion player Phil has been named as one of Scotland’s 25 most influential people and his mastery of the instrument has led to him working with the likes of Mark Knopfler, James Taylor, Rosanne Cash and Midge Ure. Together they are simply the best traditional musicians you are ever likely to hear.


eSheet Music Titles

Harmonika-WM 2021 in Terme Olimia/Slowenien! Svetovno prvenstvo 2021 ! - Austria

by Werner Weibert
Mednarodni razpis - v 4 jezikih - je že na spletu www.harmonikaverband.at na voljo!

Il bando del concorso - in 4 lingue - è già online www.harmonikaverband.at disponibile!

The international advertising - in 4 languages ​​- is already online www.harmonikaverband.at available!

Online translation

Titano Accordions

Carmelo Torres CD Me Recordarán - Columbia

by Diatonic News
Carmelo TorresAccordion player Carmelo Torres is the leading torch-bearer of the legacy of Cumbia Sabanera, the rural roots style from the Montes de Maria region of Columbia's Caribbean north. It's a defiantly celebratory sound, springing from a turbulent history and continuing struggle. Torres learnt the accordion and the secrets of Cumbia Sabanera from the legendary King of the Cumbia, Andrés Landero. When Landero died in 2000, Torres vowed to continue keeping the sound of the savannah rhythms alive, although no longer fashionable. In 2006, at the age of 65, he was sought out by tropicalista mastermind, Mario Galeano of Frente Cumbiero, who invited him to record with his Los Toscos project, bringing the sound of Sabanera to a younger generation. Fashionable once more, Torres is on the road taking his raw roots cumbia to the world.

1. Santa Lucía (cumbia, Adolfo Mercado)
2. Yadira Helena (paseo , Santander Torres)
3. Me recordarán (son, Agustín Quiroz)
4. Bailemos cumbia (cumbia, Orlando Landero)
5. La creen muñeca (merengue, Hernán Torres)
6. El canelo (paseo , Carmelo Torres)
7. Verónica.(chandé, Carmelo Torres)
8. Virgen de la Candelaria (cumbia, Betty Ochoa)
9. Escultura de mujer (paseo-chandé, Carmelo Torres)
10. Agoniza el son (son, Carmelo Torres)
11. Muriendo por ella (chandé, Carmelo Torres)
12. Canto negro (cumbia, Andres Landero)


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


by Diatonic News

Nom de Zeus, Marty, nous voilà en 1935 ! Le DJ mixe avec deux phonographes d’époque ! Ça chuinte, ça crépite et ça balance sur le parquet. Alors c’est ça, une vraie guinguette ? Bon sang mais ça swingue à tout va ! Il faut dire que l’habitué du festival Robert Santiago, spécialiste du jâse et collectionneur de 78t devant l’éternel, n’a pas son pareil pour dénicher les perles swing valse-musette, java et foxtrot. On croirait voir Jo Privat et Tony Murena s’échiner sur scène ! Coupe la DeLorean Marty ! On reste ici et on guinche !


Voci Armoniche

International Folk/Blues meets British Beat - DE

by Diatonic News
Steve Baker & the LiveWires
Donnerstag 29. November 2020

20:30 Uhr Harmonica Masters Konzert Kulturfabrik Kesselhaus
Hans-Lenz-Straße 14
78647 Trossingen
Marko Jovanovic & Stefano Ronchi
Steve Baker & the LiveWires

23:00 Uhr Onstage Session presented by Steve Baker
Begleitung: The LiveWires


Sounding Out the Accordion

Twin Lakes Trio at Milwaukee Accordion Club – USA

by Diatonic News
Twin Lakes Trio
The Twin Lakes Trio will be the guest performers at the Milwaukee Accordion Club in Franklin, Wisconsin on October 26th, 2020. The trio includes concertina player John Dietz.

The Twin Lakes Trio is “guaranteed to keep your event hopping!!”

For details phone: 414 861-3240


John Kirkpatrick October/concerts/schedule - UK

by Diatonic News
John Kirkpatrick
Well known UK artist will be performing during october 2020

Fri 16 Oct 2020 to Sun 18 Oct 2020
The Church Barn, Bishop's Castle, Shropshire
Chords and Keys on the Anglo.

Thu 22 Oct 2020
Stafford Folk Club, The Bird In Hand, Victoria Road, Stafford, ST16 2AQ.

Fri 23 Oct 2020
Norwich Folk Club, Christ Church Centre, Magdalen Road, Norwich, NR3 4LA.

Sat 24 Oct 2020
Daytime Workshop of Morris Dance Music. John Peel Centre for the Creative Arts, Church Walk, Stowmarket, Suffolk.

check out for any changes due to COVID-19

Voci Armoniche

Xabi Aburruzaga - Spain

by Diatonic News
Xabi AburruzagaBasque trikitixa (button accordion) player and composer, Xabi Aburruzaga, percussionist Aitor Uribarri and acoustic guitarist Eriz Perez take us on a reflective trio journey of experience, travel and love with compositions inspired by people whom Xabi has met, by his past and by Basque culture.

Participating at OFF WOMEX https://www.womex.com/programme/showcase_list#xabi_aburruzaga

Friedrich Lips Book


by Diatonic News
09/10/2020 - 20:30 à 22:00
La Péniche Spectacle
Quai Saint Cyr - 35000 Rennes

Un petit besoin de lumière méridionale en début d’Automne ? Voici Assurd à la Péniche spectacle. Destination Naples et la Campanie, les Pouilles et la Calabre. Du haut de leurs trente ans de scène et de leurs cinq disques, les trois fées italiennes font usage de percussions et d’accordéon diatonique pour convoquer le patrimoine musical et chorégraphique du sud de la botte avec joie, énergie et exaltation de l’univers féminin méridional : celui de la tammuniata, de la tarentelle, des chants d’ouvrières et des travailleuses agricoles.


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

6 Year Old Boy Plays Reginella Campagnola - Italy

by Harley Jones
Six year old Manuel Graziosi from Ancarano di Norcia, Perugia, Italy enjoys playing the accordion. Check out this video of him playing the popular folk tune "Reginella Campagnola".

Video: Lessons on melodeon and diatonic acc. from David Munelly

by Harley Jones
Lessons on melodeon and diatonic acc. from David Munelly

Titano Accordions

CD "payground" by Paolo Russo - DK/Italy

by Diatonic News
just out NOW - released on 18th Sept 2020.
Don't miss


Accordion Jazz Chord

BandAdriatica - Odissea Official videoclip - Italia

by Diatonic News
BandAdriatica - Odissea Official videoclip is released


In attesa del nuovo lavoro discografico previsto per il 2021, prosegue il viaggio musicale della Bandadriatica. Su youtube e sui social è disponibile il videoclip di Odissea, title track dell'ultimo album dell'ensemble salentino guidato dall'organettista, compositore, autore e cantante Claudio Prima.

Prodotto nel 2018 da Finisterre con il sostegno di Puglia Sounds Record, Odissea ha avuto un ottimo riscontro dalla critica internazionale ed è entrato nelle maggiori classifiche internazionali di world music (Transglobal World Music chart, World Music chart Europe e tante altre). Il brano ospita il cantante Antonio Castrignanò e il violoncellista Redi Hasa che insieme alla banda raccontano dell'odissea di un migrante. Nel testo, infatti, la figura di Ulisse si trasforma poeticamente in un Nessuno del nostro tempo, esaltando l'indifferenza che spesso il mondo riserva alle vicende dei popoli immigrati.

Nel video - nato da un'idea dello stesso Claudio Prima e del brasiliano Marcelo Bulgarelli (regista ed esperto di biomeccanica teatrale, autore delle coreografie del nuovo live della banda) - il protagonista Hassane Niang si muove in un mondo deserto (le immagini sono state girate a gennaio), negli spazi vuoti che durante il lockdown hanno ridisegnato le nostre città. La BandAdriatica per la prima volta affronta in modo diretto il tema dell'immigrazione, tema che ha da sempre fatto da sfondo alle musiche migranti e di confine, alle musiche migranti che caratterizzano la band. composta da Claudio Prima (organetto e voce), Emanuele Coluccia e Giovanni Chirico (sax), Andrea Perrone (tromba), Vincenzo Grasso (clarinetto e sax tenore), Gaetano Carrozzo (trombone), Morris Pellizzari (chitarre, saz e kamalè ngonì), Giuseppe Spedicato (basso), Ovidio Venturoso (batteria).

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