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Diatonic News - May-2024
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Voci Armoniche


World Accordion Day - some events/concerts in program? - International
13. HARMONIKA-WM - am 9. Mai gehts los !!! - Österreich/Austria
The Big Squeeze Showcase – Austin/USA
Amadeus Austrian Music Awards Gewinner 2024 - Austria
Quetschn-Parade & Ausstellung - Österreich
Accordionist Aaron Collis Receives Canadian Folk Music Award - Canada
Hubert von Goisern receives Amadeus Award for Lifetime Achievement - Austria
2024 Golden Accordion Bled Competition: World Accordion Day - Slovenia
Claudio Constantini nominated for:Mejor Álbum de Música Clásica - Spain

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

“6° Festival Toscano dell'Organetto Diatonico” - Italia
La Locura Tango Musik Festival - Innsbruck/Österreich
2024 Internationale VolksMusikMesse - Deutschland
Der HARMONIKAVERBAND ÖSTERREICHS feiert 70 Jahre! - Österreich
Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival - France
Ingvar Karlsson, CIA "Honored Friend of the Accordion Award"
Orkney Folk Festival - UK
DAS DRUMHERUM Festival 2024 - Deutschland
1^ Edizione del Premio "Il Faro-Pietro Fusaro" -Concorso di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica - Italia
Balilas Festival - France
The Half-Door Club for it’s 28th year of Castletown Trad Fest - Ireland
GATOR BY THE BAY Festival - San Diego, CA/USA
26ème Festival Trad’Envie - France
WOW FOLK FESTIVAL 2024 - Castelfidardo/Italia
FEST NOZ à Lanester - FRANCE
Accordion Music Workshop Day – England
Stage d’accordéon diatonique avec Norbert Pignol - à Pavie Gers/FR

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Claudio Prima & Seme in tour per la prima volta in Cina - Italy/China
Next concert dates/May for Y U L E - Belgium
Alpen & Glühen im Ma 2014 - Austria
Lost Bayou Ramblers on Summer Tour
Granny’s Attic 15th Anniversary Tour 2024 - UK
Sväng harmonica quartet concerts/May - Germany/Finland
Howard Levy with his band/Tour in May - USA
Adios Nonino/Fabio Furia - Italia
Ingunn Bjørgo Releases Two New Singles - Norway
Oysterband tour until Sep/2024 - UK
Arte Duo Tango Concerts - USA
Skerryvore Concert Tour – Ireland
Melissa Naschenweng & Band auf Tour - AT/It/DE
Mollie B - May performances - USA
Elegante Sport performing in Austra - Innsbruck
Walther/Cutting busy May Schedule - BE/DE
Illa en Mai - Payant/France

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD " ON - Live at The Jam Jar" by Topette - UK

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

World Accordion Day - some events/concerts in program? - International

by Diatonic News
World Accordion Day header
World Accordion Day logoWhat are you doing for World Accordion Day to promote the accordion in your country? World Accordion day is on May 6th, which is the day the accordion was patented in 1829.

World Accordion Day was started in 2009 by the CIA and has been very successful, generating a lot of positive publicity for the accordion. A key part of this event is the World Accordion Day website.

Every association, group, orchestra, performer and teacher, is asked to actively support this event by encouraging national and local accordion activities to happen in their country on this day or the weekend either side of Accordion Day if that should be more convenient.

Everyone can register their World Accordion Day activity on the WAD website and send a report of their event after, for that website.

No event is too big or too small. ALL accordion events celebrating World Accordion Day are welcome. This is a CIA promotion for the accordion in which every accordion enthusiast can participate and help bring our accordion world together as well as strongly promote the accordion.

Sounding Out the Accordion

13. HARMONIKA-WM - am 9. Mai gehts los !!! - Österreich/Austria

by Werner Weibert
Sie wollen doch sicher die momentan besten Harmonikaspieler erleben!

Machen Sie sich ein paar musikreiche Tage im schönen Villgratner Tal und genießen Sie Steirische-Harmonika-Musik vom Feinsten bei der HARMONIKA-WM und den Österreichischen Staatsmeisterschaften!

>>> www.harmonikaverband.at

Wir freuen uns auf Sie im idyllischen Außervillgraten beim EUROPÄISCHEN STEIRISCHE-HARMONIKA-FESTIVAL! Wir sehen uns am 9. MAI :-)
Werner Weibert, HVÖ-Präsident

online translation


The Big Squeeze Showcase – Austin/USA

by Diatonic News
The Big Squeeze Showcase – Austin/USAIn its 18th season, The Big Squeeze stands as Texas Folklife’s premier statewide platform for talented youth accordion players to showcase their performance prowess in a variety of iconic Texas genres, including polka, zydeco, conjunto, Tejano, Cajun, and more.

While taking a brief hiatus from the traditional contest format this year, Texasfolklife is delighted to bring the essence of the Big Squeeze directly to your communities through an exciting lineup of vibrant showcases and interactive community charrettes.

Save the dates, mark your calendars, and stay tuned for more details on additional locations and schedules. The Big Squeeze Contest will make its return in 2025!

Next date: May 11, 2024 / 11 AM – 1 PM

Voci Armoniche

Amadeus Austrian Music Awards Gewinner 2024 - Austria

by Diatonic News
Melissa Naschenweng
wie schon mehrmals zuvor, konnte Melissa Naschenweng auch 2024 bei den AMADEUS Austrian Music Awards in der Kategorie SCHLAGER/VOLKSMUSIK für sich entscheiden.

Mehr auf:

Friedrich Lips Book

Quetschn-Parade & Ausstellung - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Die Quetschn-AkademieDie Quetschn-AkademieDie Quetschn-Parade findet am 4. Mai 2024 von 9 bis 21 Uhr im Saal der Gemeinde Flattnitz in Flattnitz an der Teichalm, Weiz, Steiermark, Österreich statt und wird von der Quetschn-Akademie organisiert.

Die Veranstaltung bietet Live-Musik und eine der größten Akkordeonausstellungen Österreichs mit über 70 verschiedenen Modellen, die von den Besuchern ausprobiert werden können. Die Hersteller werden vor Ort sein, um Fragen zu beantworten und Hilfestellung zu geben.

Die Quetschn-Akademie ist vor Ort und unterstützt alle, die das Instrument Steirische Harmonika erlernen wollen.

Zum Abschluss der Veranstaltung gibt es ein Konzert von "Die Wuzis" mit dem Akkordeonisten Thomas Holzer (Bild oben rechts) und eine Tombola, bei der eine Steirische Harmonika verlost wird.

Der Eintritt ist frei.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Accordionist Aaron Collis Receives Canadian Folk Music Award - Canada

by Rita Davidson Barnea
Aaron Collis
Aaron CollisRum Ragged Tour posterVideo: Aaron Collis and Rum Ragged live at Celtic Colours International Festival
"I Didn't Drink the Rum: I Didn't Drink the Rum / All the Way to Connickmore / Jackson's Fancy / Jim Rumboldt's Too”

This lively set of Newfoundland tunes is from the ever-entertaining and always energetic, award-winning traditional group Rum Ragged. Aaron Collis sets the pace with his enthusiastic accordion playing and is joined by Colin Grant on fiddle, Mark Manning on guitar, and Zack Nash on bouzouki.

Accordionist Aaron Collis was thrilled to receive the “Instrumental Solo Artist of the Year” award at the Canadian Folk Music Awards held in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada from April 3rd to 7th, 2024.

A multi-instrumentalist and singer from Appleton, Newfoundland, Aaron Collis is well known as one of the finest exponents of the island's rich tradition of button accordion playing. His virtuosity, as well as his repertoire of music unique to central and northeastern Newfoundland, have quickly garnered him a reputation as one of the province's outstanding interpreters of traditional music.

Aaron has brought the music of his home province to stages throughout North America, the U.K, Ireland, Australia, and the Caribbean as a member of award-winning bands Rum Ragged and The Dardanelles.

Aaron is a member of the four piece band “Rum Ragged”, who are currently touring Canada. See picture below for concert details.

For further information: aaronrumragged@gmail.com

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Hubert von Goisern receives Amadeus Award for Lifetime Achievement - Austria

by Diatonic News
Hubert von Goisern
Hubert von Goisern with austrian president Alexander van der BellenHubert von Goisern has been honoured with the Amadeus Award for Lifetime Achievement at the Amadeus Austrian Music Awards 2024. This year's award honours the artist's multifaceted work as well as his engagement with and effect on the music world - and far beyond. "The variety in his work, the diverse influences from other cultures and the messages he conveys through his music make Hubert von Goisern a unique artist, who has had a lasting impact on the Austrian music industry," explained Dietmar Lienbacher, President of the Association of the Austrian Music Industry, on the awarding of the Lifetime Achievement Amadeus.

The laudation at the presenting of the award at the Volkstheater in Vienna was given by President Alexander van der Bellen.

Hubert von Goisern

2024 Golden Accordion Bled Competition: World Accordion Day - Slovenia

by Christine Johnstone
2024 Golden Accordion Bled Competition
The 2024 Golden Diatonic Accordion Bled Competition will be held in conjunction with World Accordion Day (WAD) at the Bled Festival Hall in Bled, Slovenia on May 4th, 2024 from 10am.

This year’s event will be held live and online. Spectators will be able to follow the competition via video links, and vote for the audience award via SMS messages.

The competition is also a pre-selection for the 10th National Diatonic Competition which will be held in November 2024 organized by the ZDHS.

Download competition information and application form: 2024Bled.pdf
See World Accordion Day reports at: 2024WADreport

Titano Accordions

Claudio Constantini nominated for:Mejor Álbum de Música Clásica - Spain

by Diatonic News
Claudio ConstantiniClaudio Constantini nominated for:Mejor Álbum de Música Clásica - SpainClaudio Constantini (pianist and bandonenist) is nominated for the best classical Album with "Bach"

Claudio Constantini has performed in more than 30 countries around the world and, throughout his career, he has collected several accolades, including the Global Music Award in 2021 and a Latin Grammy nomination in 2019.

The uncompromised dedication that Constantini pours into his music turns each of his performances into a unique event, in which he stands out as a born communicator with overwhelming sensitivity and fierce virtuosity.

He will perform:
10.05 - Requena, Spain
21.05 - Lima, Perú
8.06 - Madrid, Spain
21.06 - Valladolid, Spain
24.06 - Mallorca, Spain


Accordion Jazz Chord

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Gary Dahl Arrangements

“6° Festival Toscano dell'Organetto Diatonico” - Italia

by Diatonic News
“6° Festival Toscano dell'Organetto Diatonico”
Con il patrocinio del Comune di Campi Bisenzio (FI) e la collaborazione delle Associazioni
A.M.I.SA.D. APS (Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici) di Maiolati
Spontini (AN), C.D.M.I. di Recoaro Terme (VI) e “Amici della Musica APS” di San Benedetto del
Tronto (AP), viene organizzato il “6° Festival Toscano dell'Organetto Diatonico” - concorso di
Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica.

All’evento, che si svolger‡ nei giorni 18-19 maggio 2024 nei locali dell’Osteria “La Tartaruga”
sita in via dei Confini n.162 a Campi Bisenzio (FI), vi potranno prendere parte candidati di
nazionalit‡ italiana con organetti di qualsiasi tipo e marca ad esclusione dei Campioni Italiani,
Europei e del Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica, sia Junior che Senior, che
intendono concorrere nella stessa sezione dei titoli ricevuti.

Il concorso, valido come selezione per la partecipazione al Campionato Italiano di Organetto e
di Fisarmonica Diatonica - Ed.2024, si articoler‡ nelle seguenti Sezioni e relative categorie,
suddivise in base alle tipologie di strumenti ed anno di nascita dei partecipanti:
(strumenti con una 1 o 2 file di voci al canto 2 o 4 bassi)

(strumenti con 2 file di voci al canto con 8 bassi e oltre)

(strumenti con 3 file di voci al canto e oltre con 8 bassi e oltre)

(strumenti diatonici: Organetto, Fisarmonica Diatonica, Fisarmonica Diatonica Plus)
Cat. da 50 anni in poi (nati nel 1974 o precedenti)

Le domande di partecipazione, compilate in ogni sua parte sull’allegato modello, dovranno
pervenire entro il 19.05.2024 e, a discrezione dell’organizzazione, accettate fino alle ore 12.00
del giorno 19.05.2024

Per informazioni, iscrizioni e logistica: Angelo Martino 3394433258 - 3398970486
email: giancaronco@gmail.com (giancarlo ronconi)

La Locura Tango Musik Festival - Innsbruck/Österreich

by Diatonic News
La Locura Tango Musik Festival - Innsbruck/Österreich
3. – 5. Mai 2024
Für das 5. La Locura Festival wurde ein tolles Programm zusammengestellt. Von den 15 Ensembles, die auftreten werden, sind 14 zum ersten Mal dabei. Damit wird aufgezeigt, wie innovativ und spannend die Tango Musikszene ist.

Es werden wieder zwei Bühnen bespielt. Es gibt also viel Musik zum Tanzen und Konzerte zum Zuhören. Nach dem Motto „La Locura geht in die Stadt“ werden neben den Veranstaltungen im Haus der Musik kleine Konzerte auf verschiedenen Plätzen der Innenstadt – auch zum Tanzen – angeboten. Für ein Wochenende wird Innsbruck zum Zentrum der internationalen Tangomusik.


Charnwood Music Publishing

2024 Internationale VolksMusikMesse - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Die Internationale VolksMusikMesse 2024 findet vom 18. bis 20. Mai 2024 in der Turnhalle der Realschule in Regen, Bayern, Deutschland, statt, organisiert von Music Leipold.

Die Messe für „Instrumentenbauer, Musik- und Notenverlage und Musikalienhändler ist seit 1998 fester Bestandteil des Volksmusikspektakels.“

Aussteller aus Deutschland, Österreich, Italien und Slowenien bieten jährlich rund 3.000 Besuchern eine breite Produktpalette an.

Weitere Informationen unter: info@volksmusikmesse.de

Voci Armoniche

Der HARMONIKAVERBAND ÖSTERREICHS feiert 70 Jahre! - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Das HVÖ-Jubiläum wird mit 3 großen Festkonzerten gefeiert.
Das erste in Perchtoldsdorf bei Wien fand am 14. April vor vollem Saal und mit großem Erfolg statt.

>>> Das 2. Konzert wird am 15. Juni in Saalfelden (Salzburg) verabstaltet und das 3. Konzert am 12. oktober in St.Peter-Freienstein (Steiermark) !


Alle Infos und Details auf www.harmonikaverband.at


Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival - France

by Diatonic News
Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival - France
Une aventure musicale, conviviale et gratuite !
Familial, convivial et joyeux, le festival qui rend heureux...

Organisé par le Club Léo Lagrange d'Hergnies, association sans but lucratif, le Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival c'est trois jours gratuits de musique et d'animation pour tous les âges, de fête et de convivialité au son de tous les styles d'accordéon, à l'ombre des grands arbres de la place du village... Avant-goût du festival, les Escales emmènent les Belles Bretelles à la rencontre des habitants du territoire.

29 groupes et artistes au programme des 18, 19 et 20 mai 2024. Quelle ambiance !
Du musette au rock'n'roll en passant par le klezmer, le cajun, le classique, le folk... l'accordéon est un instrument convivial, sympathique, festif, plein de malice et au potentiel infini...
N'hésitez pas à rejoindre la belle, musicale et conviviale aventure du Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival.
En plus c'est gratuit !


Ingvar Karlsson, CIA "Honored Friend of the Accordion Award"

by Harley Jones
Ingvar KarlssonCIA Coupe MondialeAt the recent CIA Winter Congress, Ingvar Karlsson, the founder of Karlssons Musik, Sweden, was awarded the CIA "Honored Friend of the Accordion Award" for his outstanding contributions to the international accordion movement.

Ingvar Karlsson was nominated for this honor by the Sveriges Dragspelares Riksförbund.

Ingvar Karlsson (b 1940) started in 1970 the company Karlssons Musik and since both he and his wife Siv played accordion, the specific choice of instrument was natural. Ingvar also had his own “gammaldans-orchestra” for many years and has performed in Swedish Television with his family too.

Ingvar was also a pioneer and he wanted to have smaller and lighter accordions long before any other company worked seriously with this matter. He put a lot of pressure on mainly the Italian manufacturer Pigini to make more compact and lighter instruments for the Swedish brand Dise from 1980.

Over the years, the family connection to the business has continued with his two sons Lars and Sven Karlsson working in the business for many years. This well known accordion business recently celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2020. News article https://www.accordions.com/news.aspx?d=09-Oct-2020&lang=en&s=16916

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Orkney Folk Festival - UK

by Diatonic News
Orkney Folk Festival has announced its full programme for the 2024 event, with acts from around the world set to perform across the islands between 23 and 26 May.
Leading artists from Canada, the USA, Australia, Ireland, Norway, England and throughout Scotland will join home-grown Orcadian musicians at the festival in its 41st year.

The programme features 52 events, including concerts, ceilidhs, lounge performances, workshops, talks and family events, at venues across Orkney. It’s been designed to offer something for everyone, to celebrate both local and visiting artists, as well as contemporary and traditional folk music.

While more than half of all events will take place in the festival’s hometown of Stromness, performances are also planned in Birsay, Finstown, Harray, Holm, Kirkwall, Orphir, Sanday, Sandwick, St Margaret’s Hope, Stenness and Tankerness.

This year’s festival offers a diverse line up. Audiences can look forward to performances from visiting artists including The East Pointers, who make their first UK festival appearance in recent years. Long-time musical collaborators Michael McGoldrick and John McCusker will be joined for one weekend only by Orcadian Kris Drever, combining the talents of three heavyweights in the UK folk scene.

Orkney Folk Festival, Ferry Terminal, Stromness, Orkney, KW16 3BH

DAS DRUMHERUM Festival 2024 - Deutschland

by Diatonic News

drumherum – Das Volksmusikspektakel ist ein Festival, das sich der überlieferten regionalen Musikkultur in all ihren Ausprägungen verschrieben hat. Seit 1998 findet es alle zwei Jahre rund um Pfingsten in der Kreisstadt Regen im Bayerischen Wald statt. Sänger und Musikanten aus Bayern und drumherum präsentieren in unterschiedlichsten Veranstaltungsformen ihre regionalspezifische Musik. Jeder ist aufgerufen sich einzubringen und aktiv mitzuwirken. Der Beifall von über 50.000 Besuchern ist der Lohn dafür.


Titano Accordions

1^ Edizione del Premio "Il Faro-Pietro Fusaro" -Concorso di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica - Italia

by Diatonic News
1^ Edizione del Premio
Le Associazioni A.M.I.SA.D. APS (Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici) di
Maiolati Spontini (AN) e l’Associazione Culturale "Il Faro-Pietro Fusaro" di Acri (CS), in
collaborazione con l’Associazione “Amici della Musica APS” di San Benedetto del Tronto (AP),
viene organizzata la 1^ Edizione del Premio "Il Faro-Pietro Fusaro" -Concorso di Organetto e di
Fisarmonica Diatonica-.

All’evento, che si svolger‡ il giorno 1 giugno 2024 nei locali ristorante “Da Mirko” sito in
Contrada Guglielmo n.84 a Acri (CS), vi potranno prendere parte candidati di nazionalit‡
italiana con organetti di qualsiasi tipo e marca ad esclusione dei Campioni Italiani, Europei e
del Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica, sia Junior che Senior, che intendono
concorrere nella stessa sezione dei titoli ricevuti.

Il concorso, valido come selezione per la partecipazione al Campionato Italiano di Organetto e
di Fisarmonica Diatonica - Ed.2024, si articoler‡ nelle seguenti Sezioni e relative categorie,
suddivise in base alle tipologie di strumenti ed anno di nascita dei partecipanti:
(strumenti con una 1 o 2 file di voci al canto 2 o 4 bassi)
(strumenti con 2 file di voci al canto con 8 bassi e oltre)
(strumenti con 3 file di voci al canto e oltre con 8 bassi e oltre)
(strumenti diatonici: Organetto, Fisarmonica Diatonica, Fisarmonica Diatonica Plus)
Cat. da 50 anni in poi (nati nel 1974 o precedenti)

Le domande di partecipazione, compilate in ogni sua parte sull’allegato modello, dovranno
pervenire entro il 31.05.2024 e a discrezione dell’organizzazione, accettate il giorno stesso del
concorso. Le audizioni si svolgeranno secondo il seguente programma:
Sabato 01 giugno (mattino) Sezione Organetto
- dalle ore 8:30 alle ore 13.00 conferma iscrizioni e audizioni concorrenti
Sabato 01 giugno (pomeriggio) Sezione Fisarmonica Diatonica e Diatonica Plus
- dalle ore 15:30 in poi conferma iscrizioni e audizioni concorrenti

Per informazioni, iscrizioni e logistica:  Giorgio 3356059768  ass.culturaleilfaro@libero.it


Balilas Festival - France

by Diatonic News
Balilas Festival
4 soirs de bals, 3 après-midi de bals gratuits en extérieur, des ateliers, des boeufs…



Voci Armoniche

The Half-Door Club for it’s 28th year of Castletown Trad Fest - Ireland

by Diatonic News
The Half-Door Club for it’s 28th year of Castletown Trad Fest - Ireland
Date: Friday May 3rd to Monday May 6th 2024

Address: -Céilí Venue- Community Centre, River Bank, Castletown, Co. Laois, R32 F624
-Accommodation base: De La Salle Retreat Centre, R32 FK02

Programme as follows:
Friday 3rd: 9 p.m. : Opening Céilí with Shandrum Céili Band
Saturday 4th: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. And 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. : Set Dancing Workshop with Pat Murphy
9 p.m. : Set Dance Céilí with Brian Boru Céili Band
Sunday 5th: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. : Set Dancing Workshop with Pat Murphy
2:30 p.m. : Set Dance Céilí with Swallow’s Tail Céilí Band
9 p.m. : Set Dance Céilí with the Abbey Céilí Band
Monday 6th: 11:00 a.m. : Poetry walk with Andrew O’Connell
12.00 p.m. : Farewell music Session in the Pastoral Centre
2:30 p.m. : The Last Fling Céilí with Johnny Reidy Céilí Band
Festival Club Sessions every night after Céilithe
Accomadation in local B&Bs, hotels and Pastoral Centre R32 FK02 (book via halfdoorclubfestival@gmail.com)
Camping possible www.laoistourism.ie
MORE IFORMATION: John Sinnott 086 344 0388 h
Micheál Lalor 086 260 7658 Peter Redmond 087 785 7970
www.halfdoorclub.org alfdoorclub@yahoo.ie

GATOR BY THE BAY Festival - San Diego, CA/USA

by Diatonic News
4 Big Festival Days of Live Music, Good Food and Good Times! 100+ performances on 7 stages!
A Four Day Weekend… Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday! With Special Performances Thursday and Friday nights.

Festival Site / Spanish Landing Park
3900 North Harbor Drivej (Across from San Diego Airport)

For full list of artist view later on:

26ème Festival Trad’Envie - France

by Diatonic News
26ème Festival Trad’Envie - France

Accordion Jazz Chords

WOW FOLK FESTIVAL 2024 - Castelfidardo/Italia

by Diatonic News
il WOW Folk Festival 2024 si svolge da Venerdi 31 Maggio - a Domenica 02 Giugno a Castelfidardo/Italia.

Tutti gli eventi si svolgono nel centro storico e sono ad ingresso libero.

Venerdì 31 maggio
ore 16.00 – Salone degli stemmi – apertura seminario con David Munnelly (Eire)
ore 18.00 – apertura food truck
ore 21.00 – piazza della Repubblica saggio del corso di ballo con le musiche del Duo Acefalo
ore 21.30 – piazza della Repubblica – concerto dei Tona Libre

Sabato 1 giugno
ore 10.00 – piazza della Repubblica – Esibizione scuole elementari – Orchestrine Mazzini a cura della Scuola Civica Paolo Soprani
ore 11.00 – piazza della Repubblica o sala lirici in caso di pioggia – laboratorio artigianale a cura di Tr800
ore 16.00 – libreria Aleph – esibizione giovani organettisti cura della Scuola Civica Paolo Soprani
ore 17.30 – Auditorium San Francesco – Bal Folk a cura della Scuola Civica Paolo Soprani
ore 21.30 – piazza della Repubblica – concerto I Trillanti

Domenica 2 giugno
ore 08.30 – piazza della Repubblica – raduno Cantamaggio
ore 09.15 – partenza gruppi per Cantamaggio nei quartieri
ore 10.00 – piazza della Repubblica o sala lirici in caso di pioggia – laboratorio di pasta all’uovo a cura di TR800
ore 13.00 – ritorno del Cantamaggio
ore 13.30 – pranzo sociale (per info e prenotazioni Pro Loco Castelfidardo 0717822987)
ore 15.30 – esibizione dei gruppi itineranti Cantamaggio
ore 17.30 – piazza della Repubblica concerto David Munnelly (Eire)
ore 19.00 – piazza della Repubblica – concerto aperitivo con Michele Alessandrini


FEST NOZ à Lanester - FRANCE

by Diatonic News
FEST NOZ à Lanester - FRANCEDimanche 19 mai 2024 - 20h30
Lieu: Parc des expositions
286 Rue Rouget de l'Isle / 02 97 76 88 99 / 56600 Lanester

les groupes:
Tanguy JEGOU

Info: Rugby Lanester Locunel

Titano Accordions


by Diatonic News
This year the Expedia Cultural Exchange Pavilion will host the largest country celebration in the history of the Festival’s annual cultural exchange to spotlight the rich musical and cultural heritage of Colombia.

Seventeen Colombian bands have been invited to perform between April 25 and May 5, 2024, across the Festival’s many stages and inside the Expedia Cultural Exchange Pavilion.

Full details of all performers: https://www.nojazzfest.com/music/
Los Cumbia Stars

Accordion Music Workshop Day – England

by Diatonic News
The East Anglian Traditional Music Trust (EATMT) will hold a music workshop day “More than Just Melodeons” at Wingfield Barns in Suffolk, England on May 25th, 2024.

The event will also include a concert by the tutors. See poster above for details.

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Stage d’accordéon diatonique avec Norbert Pignol - à Pavie Gers/FR

by Diatonic News
Stage d’accordéon diatonique avec Norbert Pignol - à Pavie Gers/FR
à Pavie Gers Vendredi 10 Mai 2024 de 9h à 12h et de 14h à 16h

Il s’agit d’un atelier de techniques instrumentales. A partir d’un thème simple nous aborderons sur le temps imparti différentes techniques d’accompagnement rythmique et harmonique ainsi que des outils de variation mélodique et d’improvisation, ces modes de jeu étant généralistes et extrapolables sur tout type de répertoire. Les techniques concernées sont issues de nombreuses années d’expérience et vont droit au but. Elles ciblent les besoins de l’accordéoniste d’aujourd’hui, sans détour, en présentant des outils simplificateurs et résumants adaptables à de nombreuses situations de jeu.
Transmission orale.

Tous niveaux et tous systèmes Sol Do
Pour tous renseignements : http://www.tradenvie.fr/inscription-aux-stages/
Inscription en ligne jusqu’au 9 mai 2024 au soir : https://www.helloasso.com/associations/trad-envie/evenements/stage-accordeon-2

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Titano Accordions

Claudio Prima & Seme in tour per la prima volta in Cina - Italy/China

by Diatonic News
Claudio Prima & Seme in tour per la prima volta  in Cina - Italy/China
The Claudio Prima & Seme project is touring China for the first time with five concerts in Beijing, Tianjin, Pingtan, Zhongshan and Guangzhou from 24 May to 2 June. The Salento-based band that brings to the stage the encounter between the accordion of Claudio Prima, a musician, singer and composer from Salento, and the string quartet formed by Vera Longo (violin and vocals), Paola Barone (violin), Benedetta Bisanti (viola) and Marco Schiavone (cello) will perform in important theatres and concert halls, travelling through various Chinese regions.

The rigour of classical music meets the instinct and spontaneity of popular music, which revives a modern rituality, translating its eternal search for an ancestral call into a contemporary writing.

The Mediterranean merges with the classical world, playing with origins and fostering the contamination of two musical worlds that have always secretly dialogued, as in the compositions of Béla Bartók and Igor Stravinsky, among others, deeply imbued with traditional echoes. The repertoire plumbs the depths of the Mediterranean with original writing that condenses more than twenty years of research into so-called ‘border’ music and the unexpected connections between the traditions of the middle sea and the contemporary world.

The tour is realised in collaboration with Domenico Coduto's Ipe Music.

Il progetto Claudio Prima & Seme per la prima volta in tour in Cina con 5 concerti a Pechino, Tianjin, Pingtan, Zhongshan e Guangzhou a partire dal 24 Maggio e fino al 2 Giugno. La band salentina che porta sul palco l'incontro fra l'organetto di Claudio Prima, musicista, cantante e compositore salentino e il quartetto d'archi formato da Vera Longo (violino e voce), Paola Barone (violino), Benedetta Bisanti (viola) e Marco Schiavone (violoncello) si esibirà in importanti teatri e sale da concerto viaggiando in diverse regioni cinesi.

Il rigore della musica classica incontra l'istinto e la spontaneità della musica popolare, che rivive di una ritualità moderna, traslando la sua eterna ricerca di un richiamo ancestrale in una scrittura attuale.

Il Mediterraneo si fonde con il mondo classico, giocando con le provenienze e favorendo la contaminazione di due mondi musicali che da sempre hanno segretamente dialogato, come si nelle composizioni di Béla Bartók e Igor Stravinskj, fra gli altri, profondamente intrise di echi tradizionali. Il repertorio scandaglia i fondali del Mediterraneo con una scrittura originale che condensa più di vent’anni di ricerca sulle musiche cosiddette “di confine” e sulle inaspettate connessioni fra le tradizioni del mare di mezzo e la contemporaneità.

Il tour è realizzato in collaborazione con Ipe Ipe Music di Domenico Coduto.



The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


by Diatonic News
05.05.2024 Riverside - 🇺🇸 CA

Voci Armoniche

Next concert dates/May for Y U L E - Belgium

by Diatonic News
see poster for places/dates

Sounding Out the Accordion


by Diatonic News
In the trad scene in Europe, most professional musicians know each other by playing at the same festivals during the summer season. Playing casual jam sessions is part of the tradition and is a great way to get to know each other. That's how Andy Cutting (UK) and Gudrun Walther (DE) got to know the Flemish folk pride of Maragonia. These four top folk musicians will hit the road together to perform their music live.

Gudrun Walther and Andy Cutting met in the early 1990s and played a memorable session in 1995, after which they began toying with the idea of working together

Naragonia is a recipe that has been resulting in strong folk music for 20 years.

BOOK your place:



by Diatonic News
Nina è una ragazza albanese trapiantata in Italia, concepita in un contesto del tutto inaspettato. Questo suo stesso concepimento traccia, in nuce, tutta la sua vita, che in questa storia dispiega le sue più inaspettate direzioni. Geografiche innanzitutto, perché dall’Isola di Saseno, luogo di partenza del racconto, si approda in seguito, insieme a Nina e a sua madre, in Puglia, a San Giovanni Rotondo, tracciando così la rotta che è stata di tantissimi albanesi dagli anni Novanta ad ogg
Nuove repliche per NINA BALLA, il racconto per voce e quartetto scritto e interpretato da Claudio Prima, con la regia di Marcelo Bulgarelli. Lo spettacolo, scritto e ideato nel 2020, durante il primo lockdown, racconta la vita di Nina, ragazza albanese trasferita in Puglia con la madre, ritracciando la storia che è stata di tantissimi albanesi negli anni novanta. Una storia personale che connette destino e genealogia, viaggio e scoperta di sè.

Prossimi appuntamenti
12 Maggio, LEVERANO (LE), Teatro Comunale
21 Maggio TORINO, Salone del Libro
10 Giugno AMELIA (PG), LUme Festival


Voci Armoniche

Alpen & Glühen im Ma 2014 - Austria

by Diatonic News
Alpen & Glühen
Im Mai gibt es die ersten fünf Konzerte, zwei weitere folgen im Herbst und danach wird machen fix an einem neuen Album gebastelt!
Alle sind hocherfreut, dass die Probleme der unerwarteten Umbesetzung sich sehr schnell als große Chancen entpuppt habt und dass wir das Projekt für die Zukunft bestens aufgestellt hat.

Mit Manu Delago, Lukas Kranzelbinder, radio.string.quartet, Bernie Mallinger, Cynthia Liao, Sophie Abraham, Igmar Jenner & Christian Bakanic (Foto v.Lukas Beck)

Alle Termine von Konzerten der verschiedensten Projekte gibt es auf: www.ganschathome.com/konzerte

Friedrich Lips Book

Lost Bayou Ramblers on Summer Tour

by Rita Davidson Barnea
Lost Bayou Ramblers
Video: Lost Bayou Ramblers - Full Performance (Live on KEXP) recorded live in the KEXP studio.

Lost Bayou Ramblers, presented in collaboration with City Winery, will perform at the Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts in Katonah, NY on July 12, 2024 at 7:30 PM.

Excerpts from their website: The Grammy Award-winning Lost Bayou Ramblers’ evolution as a perversely progressive band, rooted in Cajun traditions, continues to excite, challenge, and redefine both genre expectations as well as cultural preconceptions. The group was founded in 1999 by brothers Andre and Louis Michot, and the last five years have brought LBR a feature on Jack White’s American Epic, score contributions to the Oscar-nominated film "Beasts of the Southern Wild", a Grammy Award for their latest album, "Kalenda", and tours with both Arcade Fire and the Violent Femmes.

Lost Bayou Ramblers stands at the crosscurrents of Louisiana culture by inhabiting the gray area between Cajun and Creole, convention and innovation, mystery and a revelation, experimenting and growing the show to what it’s become today: an eclectic mix of modern sounds and rhythms with ancient Cajun melodies and lyrics.  According to World Café, “The Grammy-winning group plays a revved-up version of Cajun music, shot through with punk energy and psychedelic fuzz.” To learn more about Lost Bayou Ramblers, please visit their website.

Treat yourself to a taste from the Cajun music melting pot with the Lost Bayou Ramblers. This Grammy-winning band stirs the unique energy of Louisiana’s music and culture in with the modern sounds and rhythms of punk and psychedelia, serving up a musical gumbo sure to please all palettes.

Future 2024 Performances include:
May 8 @ 5:PM: YLC NOLA Wednesday at the Square 2024, New Orleans, LA
Jun 8, Lost Bayou Ramblers @ Louisiana Summer Fest, Natchitoches LA
Jul 4, Lost Bayou Ramblers @ Waterfront Blues Festival 2024Fri,
Jul 12 @ 7:30PM: Lost Bayou Ramblers @ Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Granny’s Attic 15th Anniversary Tour 2024 - UK

by Diatonic News
Granny’s Attic 15th Anniversary Tour 2024 - UK
Granny’s Attic started their 15th Anniversary Tour 2024 with a performances at The Forum Music Studios in Darlington, County Durham, England in April 2024.

The group includes Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne (melodeon, anglo concertina, vocals), George Sansome (guitar, vocals) and Lewis Wood (violin, vocals.

Fifteen concerts will be held in May with a final concert at the Acorn Theatre in Penzance, Cornwall, England on June 22nd, 2024.

For tour details email: band@grannysattic.org.uk

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Sväng harmonica quartet concerts/May - Germany/Finland

by Diatonic News
Sväng  harmonica quartet
2.5.2024 | Schleswig (DE) - Folkbaltica festival
3.5.2024 | Eckernförde (DE) – Folkbaltica Festival
21.5.2024 | Pori (FI) – Validi Karkia Klubi ​
22.5.2024 | Espoo (FI) – Kulttuurikeskus

Sväng  harmonica quartet

Howard Levy with his band/Tour in May - USA

by Diatonic News
Howard Levy
Howard Levy, two- time Grammy Award Winner (Pop Music Performance and Instrumental Composition) is an acknowledged master of the diatonic harmonica, a superb pianist, innovative composer, educator and producer. At the age of 19, he discovered how to play the diatonic harmonica as a fully chromatic instrument by developing techniques on it that had never existed before. This enabled Howard to take the harmonica out of its usual role as a Folk and Blues instrument, and into the worlds of Jazz, Classical, Middle Eastern music, and more. His discovery unlocked infinite possibilities for the harmonica world.

for exact info/booking: https://levyland.com/shows

Titano Accordions

Adios Nonino/Fabio Furia - Italia

by Diatonic News
Info sul poster

Accordion Jazz Chord

Ingunn Bjørgo Releases Two New Singles - Norway

by Diatonic News
Ingunn BjørgoIngunn Bjørgo will release her newest single “Cadansa Mazurka – Live in Oslo”, on May 10th, 2024. Her single “AskerLadd Goes Astray – Live in Oslo” was released on April 12th, 2024.

The singles also serve as teasers from Ingunn's new album set to be released in 2025.

Ingunn Bjørgo is a well-known composer and an award-winning musician on diatonic and chromatic accordions. The new singles are based on live recordings where Ingunn and the diatonic accordion are featured, accompanied by Sindre Tronrud (Hardanger fiddle), Jostein Hillestad (bass), and Åsmund Reistad (guitar/mandolin).

For details email: ingunnbjorgo@gmail.com
Ingunn Bjørgo

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Oysterband tour until Sep/2024 - UK

by Diatonic News

NEW FOREST FOLK FESTIVAL www.newforestfolkfestival.co.uk





60TH ANNIVERSARY / towerseyfestival.com

John Jones: vocal, melodeon
Alan Prosser: guitars, vocal
Ian Telfer: violin, keyboard, concertina, vocal
Al Scott: bass, mandolin, vocal
Adrian Oxaal: cello, vocal
Sean Randle: drums

for more: www.oysterband.co.uk

Arte Duo Tango Concerts - USA

by Diatonic News
Arte Duo Tango Concerts - USA
The Arte Duo will perform tango, jazz and chamber music concerts with Claudio Ortego in the San Fransisco Bay area this weekend.

See poster for details.

Charnwood Music Publishing

Skerryvore Concert Tour – Ireland

by Christine Johnstone
Skerryvore Tour poster
Tickets are on sale now for the Skerryvore concert tour to Ireland in May this year.

Skerryvore includes brothers Daniel on accordion and Martin Gillespie on pipes, whistles and accordion.

Concert dates:

May 19th: Whelans in Dublin
May 20th: The Black Box in Belfast
May 21st: Dolans in Limerick City

For details email: info@skerryvore.com

Voci Armoniche

Melissa Naschenweng & Band auf Tour - AT/It/DE

by Diatonic News
Melissa Naschenweng & Band
Freitag, 03/05
Shopping City Seiersberg, Seiersberg, Österreich

SAMSTAGm 18/05
Badesee Uttendorf | Sportplatzweg 2, 5723 Uttendorf, Österreich

SAMSTAG, 01/06
Südtirolerplatz, Krems an der Donau, Österreich

SONNTAG, 02/06
LAGA-Gelände | Trebbiner Straße 21, 14547 Beelitz, Deutschland

FREITAG, 07/06
Schloss Sighartstein | Sighartstein 1, 5202 Neumarkt am Wallersee, Österreich

FREITAG, 21/06
Ehemalige NATO-Kaserne Natz-Schabs, Natz-Schabs,
Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol, Italien

SAMSTAG, 22/06
Festplatz Taufers | Via Avigna, 3, 39020 Taufers im Münstertal, Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol, Italien

FREITAG, 28/06
Hauptplatz, Fürstenfeld, Österreich

SAMSTAG, 29/06
Volksfestplatz Schöllnach | Bachstraße, 94508 Schöllnach - Deutschland

Info f. Kartenreservierung: https://melissa-naschenweng.at/


Mollie B - May performances - USA

by Diatonic News
Mollie BMollie B, the multi-instrumentalist, award-winning vocalist, and host of the Mollie B Polka Party TV show, has been performing music all her life. Mollie started her career performing with the Jim Busta Band when she was only a child. Through hard work and dedication, Mollie now performs nation-wide to live audiences, as well as TV productions and the movie screen. She has performed several years with the award winning, Ted Lange, and also serves as a guest artist with other bands. Mollie not only has performed on over 40 recordings, she has shared her many God-given talents with fans in over 30 states and eleven countries and continues to inspire young musicians with her love for music.

Saturday, May 4 - Heritage Conservation Days of 2024, Coon Valley, Wisconsin - Mollie B & Friends
Location: Veterans Memorial Park, Roosevelt Street, Coon Valley, WI
Children's Show: 4:30 PM (kids are FREE)
Mollie B & Friends Performance: 5:00 PM
CoonCreekWaterShed.org​ for more information.

​Sunday, May 5 - Berlin, Wisconsin - Mollie B & Friends
Location: Berlin High School, 222 Memorial Dr, Berlin, WI
Performance: 1:00 - 4:00 PM
Food and beverages will be available at the event. No carry-in food or drink allowed. Doors open at 11:30AM. This event is sponsored by the Knights Of Columbus Council 1547, Berlin, WI. Join us for this fun annual event. There will also be a charity raffle drawing as well as pull tabs & 50/50 raffle. Purchase tickets HERE. Contact Greg for more information: 920-290-2394

​Sunday, May 12 - Wisconsin Dells Polka Fest, Wisconsin Dells, WI - Mollie B with the Music Connection
Location: Chula Vista Resort, Wisconsin Dells, WI
Performance: noon - 5:00pm
Alternating with Blue Magic. Visit DellsPolkaFest.com for more information.

​Friday, May 31 - Whalan, MN - Mollie B & Friends
Location: Whalan, MN
Performance: 6:00-7:30

More details on: https://www.mollieb.com/schedule

Elegante Sport performing in Austra - Innsbruck

by Diatonic News
elegant sport
Sonntag, 5. Mai 2024 / 16.30h
Das Festival findet im Haus der Musik in Innsbruck statt.

Universitätsstraße 1 A-6020 Innsbruck T. +43 512 52074 0

Founded in 2014, the ensemble Elegante Sport represents a new generation of Argentinian music today. Tango as a means of expression allows them to combine modern and traditional sounds, between academic and popular, with other musical styles from the Río de la Plata.
Its members – grandchildren of tango, children of rock – mix their musical experiences and allow these two genres to enter into dialogue with each other.
Their repertoire includes classics such as Canaro, Gardel and Manzi together with artists from the younger music scene such as Piazzolla, Charly García, Spinetta and the group’s own works. Yesterday and today, in a single sound: Buenos Aires and its eclectic essence.

Elegante Sport has performed on various important stages in Buenos Aires and on their tours of the USA and Europe
After their albums “Milonga” and “ES”, they recently released “Para Milonguear”, a repertoire of traditional tangos by the best orchestras of the “Golden Age” such as Gobbi, Pugliese, Aníbal Troilo as well as milongas and candombes with “Afroporteña” percussion.

At La Locura they play as a septet under their musical director Julián Caeiro with the singer Emiliano Castignola, who was with us last year with the Orquesta Típica Sans Souci.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Walther/Cutting busy May Schedule - BE/DE

by Diatonic News
Walther/Cutting busy May Schedule
all details on poster

Illa en Mai - Payant/France

by Diatonic News
Jeudi 9 Mai 2024
Journée (En extérieur, gratuit) 15h30 -17h : Bal pour enfants Soirée (Payant, Salle Le Gentieg) Ateliers

Illa évoque la brume de l’aube en Inde, elle en latin, île en provençal, une chose mauvaise en suédois, cette pierre sculptée attire aussi les bonnes grâces des entités spirituelles chez les Quechuas. Polysémie à l’image de la musique de ce nouveau combo puissant et enlevé, et qui ne s’excuse pas d’être fin et délicat. Quatre créateurs sonores qui passent en un clin d’œil d’un univers très orchestral à une interprétation brute et minimaliste. Des appuis sûrs pour élancer les corps enveloppés par le cocon confortable d’un accordéon rond au doigté inimitable, une rythmique acérée cistre-chien qui met en exergue les envolées poétiques des cordes chaudes et délicates. Le violon se faufile en jeune caméléon agile et malicieux. Les vocaux invitent au voyage, portés par une vielle abyssale nébuleusement précise. Bref, Illa c’est du bal folk énergique, pop et sensuel.

Diane Delzant : Violon
Stéphane Milleret : Accordéon diatonique
Sylvain QUéré : Cistre
Sébastien Tron : Vielle à roue polyphonique et midi, voix


Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)


CD " ON - Live at The Jam Jar" by Topette - UK

by Diatonic News
CD New Album Out Now! In 2024 Topette!! celebrate 10 years together, with the release of their fourth album, ON - Live at The Jam Jar.
A brilliantly recorded document of a warm June night in Bristol, UK. The album is brimming with the joyous atmosphere of a roomful of happy dancers and listeners, and a band at the top of their game, all having the best time.
​With their UK base in Bristol, and their French home in Burgundy, it’s a rare treat when Topette!! get together to play. This live album features a couple of great guest players from France, Romain Chéré and Antoine Turpault, who join the band for the last few tunes, adding to the party vibe, and creating a huge sound.

The new album ON - Live at The Jam Jar is available now, from The Shopette!!

Voci Armoniche


by Diatonic News
A Revolutionary Way to Transform Your Harmonica Playing
2 Volumes by Howard Levy.

Unlock more secrets to harmonica mastery with Howard Levy's groundbreaking methods, compiled in this must-have book. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro in Blues, Rock, or Jazz, this treasure trove of transformative exercises will take your playing to new heights!

· 140+ exercises and tunes meticulously crafted to enhance your skills.

· Enhanced harmonica tabs and musical notation.

· Exercises are written for diatonic harmonica in C (may be played on other key harmonicas as well).

for detailed information: https://levyland.com/book-rhythms-of-the-breath

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