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Happy Easter to all our readers around the world - Worldwideby Diatonic News |
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Diatonic News is wishing all their readers a peaceful easter and pleasant time, always surround by music. Also this year our easter wishes come accompanied by the Ukrainian handpainted and tradtional Easter egg image, known as a pysanka egg. Characterized by their unique and intricate designs, these have become popular worldwide. While today they are widely admired for aesthetic reasons, historically they were thought to be very powerful. According to the Ukrainian Museum, in ancient times, women and young girls would design pysanka eggs each spring. Using natural dyes wotj Geometric motifs as well as animal and plant elements were all common designs seen on pysanka eggs. Each color used in the design had a different symbolic meaning: red symbolized the sun, life, and joy; yellow represented wealth and fertility; green was a symbol of spring and plant life. |
World Accordion Day - some events/concerts in program? - Internationalby Diatonic News |
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![]() World Accordion Day was started in 2009 by the CIA and has been very successful, generating a lot of positive publicity for the accordion. A key part of this event is the World Accordion Day website. Every association, group, orchestra, performer and teacher, is asked to actively support this event by encouraging national and local accordion activities to happen in their country on this day or the weekend either side of Accordion Day if that should be more convenient. Everyone can register their World Accordion Day activity on the WAD website and send a report of their event after, for that website. No event is too big or too small. ALL accordion events celebrating World Accordion Day are welcome. This is a CIA promotion for the accordion in which every accordion enthusiast can participate and help bring our accordion world together as well as strongly promote the accordion. |
Claudio Constantini nominated for:Mejor Álbum de Música Clásica - Spainby Diatonic News |
![]() Claudio Constantini has performed in more than 30 countries around the world and, throughout his career, he has collected several accolades, including the Global Music Award in 2021 and a Latin Grammy nomination in 2019. The uncompromised dedication that Constantini pours into his music turns each of his performances into a unique event, in which he stands out as a born communicator with overwhelming sensitivity and fierce virtuosity. On the 30.04.2024 he will perform in Tenerife, Spain https://www.claudioconstantini.com/ https://academusica.es/Premios-Academia-2024 |
Amadeus Austrian Music Awards 2024 - Austriaby Diatonic News |
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Die 24. Ausgabe der Amadeus Austrian Music Awards findet am 26. April im Wiener Volkstheater statt. Ab dem 05. März gibt es zwei Wochen lang die Möglichkeit, täglich für die Nominated Artists eurer Wahl abzustimmen. Stay tuned! Nominiert sind mit der Steirischen Harmonika: Album des Jahres/Melissa Naschenweng Live Act des Jahres/Folkshilfe Jazz / World / Blues/Pxner,Gansch, Kranzelbinder, Delago & Radio String Quartet/Herbert Pixner Projekt Schlager / Volksmusik/Melissa Naschenweng/Andreas Gabalier/Die Seer Mehr auf https://voting.aama.at/ |
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13. HARMONIKA-WM - ein Muss für StH-Fans !- Österreich/Austriaby Werner Weibert |
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Machen Sie sich ein paar musikreiche Tage im schönen Villgratner Tal und genießen Sie Steirische-Harmonika-Musik vom Feinsten bei der HARMONIKA-WM und den Österreichischen Staatsmeisterschaften! >>> www.harmonikaverband.at Wir freuen uns auf Sie im wunderschönen Außervillgraten bei diesem außergewöhnlichen Fest der Steirischen Harmonika! Werner Weibert, HVÖ-Präsident online translation |
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
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Online translation |
Make A Fashion Statement With These Accordion Bag Trends - worldwideby Diatonic News |
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Accordion bags trends are always "in" and going viral with new variations. The Accordion bags have hit the shelves recently were also presented in Vogue. If you are looking for a decent yet chic style accordion bag, Chiko Frayne mini handbag with snakeskin print is the right choice. It’s a leather bag made of snakeskin print leather promising of quality. Top closures with magnetic fastening give this bag a unique look. This bag is a perfect blend of decency, elegance, and deliverance. |
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16. Harmonica Masters Workshops - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
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Mittwoch, 30. Oktober - Sonntag, 3. November 2024 Die 16. Harmonica Masters Workshops finden von Mittwoch, den 30. Oktober, bis Sonntag, den 3. November 2024 wieder zum ursprünglichen Termin in den Herbstferien statt. n Workshop zur traditionellen Blues-Mundharmonika mit dem legendären Joe Filisko, der seine einzigartige Analyse klassischer Blues-Stile und Stilisten weitergeben wird, der großartige Bluesman, Sänger, Harpspieler und Lehrer Bonny B. (Kambodscha/Schweiz) sind wieder dabei, um den Kurs über Blues- und Gospel-Mundharmonika & Gesang zu präsentieren. Bonnys erster Workshop im Jahr 2023 war eine geniales Erlebnis, das im Laufe der Veranstaltung eine wachsende Zahl von Teilnehmern aus anderen Kursen anzog. Sein Kurs 2024 ist für Spieler aller Spielstufen sehr zu empfehlen! Hocherfreut ist man über die Rückkehr von Marko Jovanovic, Deutschlands führender Harmonikalehrer und Organisator des FEN Harmonica Festivals in Berlin, der seinen beliebten Workshop Pure Harmonica Training unterrichten wird. Nach dem Erfolg seines ersten Kurses im Jahr 2023 ist aucvh Chris Kramer wieder eingeladen, das Wochenend-Workshop für Anfänger am Freitag und Samstag im Jahr 2024 zu leiten. Zum ersten Mal unterrichtet Long Ti Tian aus China,der am Hohner-Konservatorium chromatische Mundharmonika studierte, bevor er an der Jazz- und Rockschule in Freiburg seinen BA in Performance Studies absolvierte. Er tritt derzeit mit der Gruppe vom renommierten brasilianischen Jazz-Gitarristen Fabio Gouvea auf, und wird bei der HMW 2024 einen leicht zugänglichen und gut konzipierten Kurs für Jazz-Chromonika unterrichten. Und last but not least hat man auf Wunsch vieler Studenten, für einen Workshop zum Thema Rack Harp für Gitarristen den renommierten britischen Blueskünstler Eddie Martin gewinnen können. Eddie ist ein wahrer Meister auf beiden Instrumenten und ein großartiger Pädagoge, der sowohl seine Leidenschaft für die Musik wie auch die zum Spielen erforderlichen Fähigkeiten vermitteln kann. Weiters gibt es Sonderworkshops während den Mittagspausen am Donnerstag, Freitag und Samstag: Mattias Bogefors wird eine praktische Einleitung in seine Methode geben, die Mundharmonika therapeutisch einzusetzen; George Reijnders und Arie-Jan Folkerts (Marble Amps) werden wieder ihren Workshop zum Thema elektrisch verstärkte Harp präsentieren; und Chris Kramer stellt eine tolle neue Stimmung vor, um ganz einfach und intuitiv in Molltonarten spielen zu können. Die Website wurde nun aktualisiert und ab sofort sind Anmeldungen für die 16. Harmonica Masters Workshops möglich. Steve Baker - Festivaldirektor https://www.harmonica-masters.de/de/ |
La BandAdriatica si prepara ad una nuova estate - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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La BandAdriatica si prepara ad una nuova estate in giro per l'Europa e ad un nuovo album Sarà una nuova estate sui palchi d'Europa per la Bandadriatica: da Giugno si parte per il nuovo tour estivo della “band che unisce i popoli”, come l'ha definita il Corriere della Sera. Intanto è già in cantiere il nuovo album della band pugliese, il sesto dal 2007. Sarà un nuovo lavoro discografico ricco di novità e nuove influenze, nel perfetto stile della band che da sempre si rinnova e si arricchisce, ampliando ad ogni album il bacino della sua ricerca musicale, pur conservando un linguaggio personale e definito, che la rende inconfondibile nel panorama della world music. Trasportata dai venti vorticosi del Mediterraneo, la BandAdriatica arriva dalla Puglia con una proposta originale che mescola i suoni dei vari paesi che si affacciano sul Mar Mediterraneo: la tradizione della 'banda' italiana - che anima le parti, le processioni e i funerali con il suo profondo suono ancestrale - il virtuosismo e l'energia della musica dei Balcani e le influenze e le suggestioni del Nord Africa. Sopra tutto questo la libertà e la potenza del jazz. Una fantastica 'Odissea' - proprio come il titolo dell'ultimo album, realizzata da otto musicisti con una straordinaria sezione fiati e una raffinata proposta musicale completata da una forte presenza scenica arricchita da coinvolgenti movimenti coreografici. Un risultato potente, frutto di quasi vent'anni di ricerca sulle matrici musicali comuni delle sponde del Mare Adriatico, confrontandosi con le musiche di Albania, Macedonia, Croazia, con le fanfare Serbe e il Nord Africa e spingendosi fino al Mediterraneo più orientale. Una miscela sensazionale che sprigiona un’energia contagiosa, in cui le diverse lingue si fondono in un'esplosione, in grado di coinvolgere ogni volta il pubblico in una grande festa. DISPONIBILITA' - Giugno - Ottobre 2024 CONTATTI www.bandadriatica.com bandadriatica@gmail.com |
Costa Festival Ibiza - Spainby Diatonic News |
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What is a Costa Music Festival? Imagine a music festival in the sunshine and located at a 4- or 5-star hotel in the Mediterranean. Harmony Voyages specialises in offering music themed festival holidays with all the fun of a regular festival but none of the drawbacks. No queueing, no muddy fields, no portaloos, flip-flops instead of wellingtons and a warm comfortable bedroom with en-suite bathroom to retire to at the end of the day! At a Costa Festival you can enjoy listening to some amazing live music whilst sunbathing by the pool, meet and play with some of the artists at the late night sessions, take part in a ukulele, music, or watercolour art workshop, join in at the ceilidhs, perform at the open mic or on the busking stage, join the Costa choir, enjoy one of the daily Pilates or Tai Chi classes or even spend time discovering the local area on one of our sightseeing excursions or bird watching trips. There is something for everyone at a Costa Festival. Not all our festivals are located overseas. Costa Winter Festival is a UK based event and whilst the weather may not compare to the Mediteranean or the Algarve, every other bit of the festival it touched by the same Costa magic as our overseas festivals. A huge line-up to make your holiday stay an extra-ordinary happening together with stars from the international music world. View the website for more information upon the music-groups (header) and other relative information about the trip and place! https://www.costafestival.co.uk/costa-festival-ibiza-2024/ |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
Jazz a Villa Mondragone: Alessandro D’Alessandro “Solo” - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Giornata internazionale del Jazz a Villa Mondragone: Alessandro D’Alessandro “Solo” Si festeggia il 30 aprile la giornata del jazz a Villa Mondragone con un concerto da solista di Alessandro D’Alessandro L’evento promosso dal Centro Congressi Rappresentanza Villa Mondragone dell’università di Roma Tor Vergata e patrocinato da Irvit, l’istituto regionale delle Ville Tuscolane, si terrà alle ore 18:30 nelle splendide sale della villa rinascimentale, in via Frascati 51 Monte Porzio Catone. L’artista, che propone il suo repertorio di Canzoni (questo il titolo del suo ultimo album) per organetto preparato, loops, efx, live electronics, porta uno strumento tipico della tradizione popolare come l'organetto a dialogare con altri stili, ritmi e armonie, ampliandone notevolmente le capacità espressive e il suono. Il progetto musicale proposto il 30 aprile dall’artista si è trasformato nel giugno 2021 nel disco ‘Canzoni – per organetto preparato & elettronica’ (Squilibri). L’album vede la partecipazione di molti ospiti tra cui Elio, Sergio Cammariere, Musica Nuda, David Riondino, Neri Marcorè, Sonia Bergamasco, Joan Manuel Serrat, Peppe Voltarelli, Daniele Sepe, Roberto Angelini, e altri ancora. Il disco è stato eletto miglior album della World Music italiana per 2021 dalla giura del Premio Loano, il più importante premio di settore in Italia. Nella sua esibizione a Villa Mondragone, Alessandro D’Alessandro guida il pubblico quindi nella sua esplorazione della canzone d'autore e folk, con la trasposizione di alcuni classici nel linguaggio di un organetto che, nelle sue mani, sembra assumere, secondo i critici, ‘il respiro di un'orchestra’. Il suono intimo del suo strumento a mantice è sostenuto da un utilizzo molto personale dell’elettronica, dell’effettistica e dei loops in tempo reale; sovrapposizioni armoniche e ritmiche, suonate direttamente sull’organetto, attraverso un originale sistema di percussione dello strumento. Per partecipare all’evento, necessaria la prenotazione alla mail info@villamondragone.it o contattare il numero 06 94019400 dal lunedì al venerdì dalle ore 8.00 alle ore 16.00 Il biglietto d’ingresso costa € 10 e comprende anche una degustazione di vini grazie alla partecipazione della Tenuta Iacoangeli e di prodotti locali |
18° “Festival dell’Adriatico” - Tortoreto Lido (TE)/Italiaby Diatonic News |
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18° “Festival dell’Adriatico” Concorso di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica – Tortoreto Lido (TE) 21 aprile 2024 Selezione per il Campionato Italiano di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica - Ed.2024 REGOLAMENTO 1) L’A.M.I.SA.D. APS (Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici) di Maiolati Spontini (AN) in collaborazione con la “Sound Eventi” di Mosciano Sant’Angelo (TE), il C.D.M.I. di Recoaro Terme e l'Ass.ne Musicale “Amici della Musica” APS di San benedetto del Tronto (AP), organizzano il 18° Festival dell’Adriatico” - Concorso di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica. 2) All’evento, che si svolgerà il giorno 21 aprile 2024 nei locali dell’Hotel “Villa dei Romanzi” a Tortoreto Lido (TE) in Via Panoramica n. 48, vi potranno prendere parte candidati di nazionalità italiana con organetti di qualsiasi tipo e marca ad esclusione dei Campioni Italiani, Europei e del Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica, sia Junior che Senior, che intendono concorrere nella stessa sezione dei titoli ricevuti. 3) Il concorso, valido come selezione per la partecipazione al Campionato Italiano di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica - Ed.2024, si articolerà nelle seguenti Sezioni e relative categorie, suddivise in base alle tipologie di strumenti ed anno di nascita dei partecipanti: SEZIONE ORGANETTO (strumenti con una 1 o 2 file di voci al canto 2 o 4 bassi) SEZIONE FISARMONICA DIATONICA (strumenti con 2 file di voci al canto con 8 bassi e oltre) SEZIONE FISARMONICA DIATONICA PLUS (strumenti con 3 file di voci al canto e oltre con 8 bassi e oltre) SEZIONE OVER50 (strumenti diatonici: Organetto, Fisarmonica Diatonica, Fisarmonica Diatonica Plus) Cat. da 50 anni in poi (nati nel 1974 o precedenti) Per poter partecipare al concorso è obbligatoria la preiscrizione da inoltrare attraverso il sito http://www.amisad.org/festival-adriatico entro e non oltre le ore 22.00 del 19 aprile 2024. Al raggiungimento dei 90 partecipanti le iscrizioni saranno chiuse. La conferma dell’iscrizione avverrà il giorno dell’evento. PROGRAMMA Domenica 21 aprile 2024 - ore 9.00: - conferma iscrizioni - audizioni concorrenti - ore 13.00: - pausa pranzo (su prenotazione) - ore 15.00: - prosecuzione audizioni concorrenti sino al termine - in serata : - esibizione dei Campioni Italiani e Mondiali, Musica live - estrazione biglietti lotteria, comunicazione delle graduatorie con premiazione dei partecipanti, proclamazione dei “Miglior concorrente” di Sezione del 18o "Festival dell’Adriatico” Per informazioni e logistica: amministrazione@soundeventi.it Simone 3278389697 Davide 328643647 |
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Purtroppo per cause amministrative l’evento del 21 aprile è stato annullatoA 21 Aprile 2024 Iscrizioni su www.internationaldiatonicalliance.com |
FOLKARRIA ECO FESTI-BAL - Madrid (Spain)by Diatonic News |
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FOLKARRIA ECO FESTI-BAL 2024 from 26th to 28th April 2024, Torres de la Alameda - Madrid (Spain) Folkarria eco Festi-bal is a folk music festival. Folkarria eco Festi-bal wants to recover and extend the traditional dances as well as the European folk music, making them a tool for the integration of different cultures, combining them with actions of ecological and responsible awareness, in addition to a series of participative activities for adults and children. The 12th edition of "Folkarria eco Festi-bal" will be hold throughout a weekend, presenting a musical offer of national and international bands. In addition there will be music and dance workshops of different parts of the world and shows of traditional Spanish folk for all public. The festival also organizes an eco-social market, a craft market, a space for debates, exhibitions and other activities, as well as art and movement games for children and performances of traditional folk. http://folkarria.es/2024/index_en.html |
Der HARMONIKAVERBAND ÖSTERREICHS wird 70 Jahre! - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
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Das HVÖ-Jubiläum wird mit 3 großen Festkonzerten in Perchtoldsdorf bei Wien, in Saalfelden (Salzburg) und in St.Peter-Freienstein (Steiermark) gefeiert! Weitere Infos und Details auf www.harmonikaverband.at Das erste Konzert findet am 14. April statt. |
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Melbourne Comhaltas Queenscliff Irish music - Melbourne/Australiaby Diatonic News |
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Thurs April 11th- Monday April 15th 2024 Music and Dance program events from Friday April 12th- Sunday 14th (last weekend of the school holidays) Whitehall guesthouse accommodation is available for attendees to book from Thurs 11th to Mon 15th, with informal sessions and sing-songs also taking place from Thursday right through to Monday morning! Comhaltas Melbourne presents their annual Queenscliff Weekend. Building on the great success of recent years, they are excited to bring some new tutors on board and offer more opportunities for musicians of all ages (see tutor list below). This event has become a firm favourite on the Irish music calendar, welcoming new students, allowing improvers and advanced musicians to hone their skills, and providing an all round wonderful social experience for all attendees. Lessons and workshops will be available throughout the weekend in set-dancing, tin whistle, flute, bodhran, fiddle, guitar, traditional singing, button accordion, uilleann pipes, harp, concertina, banjo, mandolin, tin whistle making and more. Beginners to advanced students will be catered for. The opening concert is at 730PM on Friday 12th at the Uniting Church, and the Ceilí Mór is on at the Town Hall at 730PM on Saturday 13th Booking form- please click the following link to see further details about lessons and accommodation options, and to secure your spot! https://forms.gle/Z3g7mMQjeTXprB3n8 |
42nd Annual Tejano Conjunto Festival en San Antonio - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() ABOUT THE TEJANO CONJUNTO FESTIVAL The Tejano Conjunto Festival en San Antonio is the first and longest-running Conjunto festival in the country and is internationally recognized as the most influential event for this beloved and significant South Texas musical tradition. The TCF showcases all of the very best in Conjunto music at Rosedale Park and the historic Guadalupe Theater, from the major living legends to rising bands and heritage award winners. The Festival is directed by Cristina Ballí with Dan Margolies producing and TCF founder Juan Tejeda serving as advisor. Tejano Conjunto Festival Concert (Rosedale Park) Friday, May 17, 5 p.m. -12 p.m. (midnight) On Friday, May 17, the 41st Festival kicks off with Conjuntazzo with Joel & Sarah, Los D Boys, Gilberto Pérez Jr. y su Conjunto, Los Conjunto Kings de Flavio Longoria, David Flores y Los Tremendos Alacranes, and Los Desperadoz. Saturday, May 18, 12 p.m. – 12 p.m. (midnight) On Saturday May 18, the festival features student conjuntos from Rio Grande Valley, Retoño, J.R. Gómez y Los Conjunto Bandits, Mando y La Venganza, Conjunto Prestigio, Bernardo y sus Compadres, Impozzible, Los Tellez, Los Monarcas de Pete y Mario Díaz, Ruben de la Cruz, Los Cucuys de Rodney Rodriguez, and Lázaro Pérez y su Conjunto. Sunday, May 19, 12 p.m. – 10 p.m. On Sunday, May 19, the Tejano Conjunto Festival starts with student conjuntos from San Antonio and then closes out with the Texas Sweethearts, Linda Escobar, Susan Torres y Conjunto Los Pinkys, Cindy Ramos y su Conjunto, Los Delta Boyz, Santiago Garza y la Naturaleza, Eva Ybarra y su Conjunto Siempre, Los Texmaniacs with Flaco Jimenez, and Los Fantasmas del Valle. https://guadalupeculturalarts.org/tejano-conjunto-festival/ |
Diatonic Accordion Masterclass with Riccardo Tesi - Sardegna/Italiaby Diatonic News |
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ATTENZIONI organettisti , dal 25 al 30 giugno 2024 Riccardo Tesi terrà un seminario intensivo di organetto in Sardegna a Portoscuso all’interno del festival MARE e MINIERE. Un ‘occasione unica per passare 6 giorni in un posto incantevole in riva al mare, immersi nella musica tra corsi di strumento, musica d’insieme e concerti serali con i migliori artisti della world music italiana e internazionale. Da non perdere, divertimento assicurato ! Il corso è aperto a tutti, dai principianti agli avanzati, sia 8 bassi che 18 bassi. Per info mareminiere@gmail.com ACCORDION WORKSHOP with Riccardo Tesi Attention all diatonic accordionists, from 25 to 30 June 2024 Riccardo Tesi will holda an intensive diatonic accordion workshop in Portoscuso, Sardinia, as part of the MARE e MINIERE festival. A unique opportunity to spend six days in an enchanting place by the sea, immersed in music among instrument courses, ensemble music, and evening concerts with the best artists of Italian and international world music. Not to be missed, fun guaranteed! The course is open to everyone, from beginners to advanced, both 8 basses and 18 basses. For info mareminiere@gmail.com STAGE D’ACCORDÉON DIATONIQUE avec Riccardo Tesi Attention tous les accordéonistes datonique, du 25 au 30 juin 2024, Riccardo Tesi tiendra un stage intensif d'accordéon diatonique à Portoscuso, en Sardaigne, dans le cadre du festival MARE e MINIERE. Une occasion unique de passer six jours dans un lieu enchanteur au bord de la mer, plongé dans la musique entre cours d'instruments, musique d'ensemble et concerts en soirée avec les meilleurs artistes de la musique du monde italienne et internationale. À ne pas manquer, plaisir garanti ! Son cours est ouvert à tous, des débutants aux avancés, aussi bien pour les 8 basses que pour les 18 basses. Pour plus d'informations : mareminiere@gmail.com |
Konzertina – lernen und spielen Frühjahrskurs 2 Bad Berneck - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
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am 18.04.2024 16:00–17:30 95460 Bad Berneck, Lkr. Bayreuth, Beratungsstelle für Volksmusik in Franken, Bahnhofstr. 81 Eingeladen sind alle, die das musikantische Spiel auf der Konzertina erlernen oder weiter vertiefen möchten. Ob Gruppenunterricht oder Einzelstunden – Andreas Riedel vermittelt bei vollem Engagement sein Können auf dem Instrument. Mietinstrumente können zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Infos und Anmeldung bei der Beratungsstelle Bad Berneck. Leitung: Andreas Riedel Mitveranstalter: Bezirk Oberfranken https://www.heimat-bayern.de |
2024 MUSIC PROGRAMS of the Stowe Tango Music Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() Bandoneon Intensive Workshop with Hector Del Curto (5-day workshop) April 30 August 7 – 11 Arrival: August 6 Depart: August 12 Tango Piano Intensive Workshop with Pablo Estigarribia (5-day workshop) April 30 August 7 – 11 Arrival: August 6 Depart: August 12 Tango Academy April 30 August 13 – 18 Arrival: August 12 Depart: August 19 Stowe Tango Music Festival Main: 802-779-9669 stowetangomusicfestival@gmail.com http://www.stowetangomusicfestival.com/Programs.php |
31e fête de l'accordéon diatonique - Franceby Diatonic News |
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VENDREDI 26 avril 2024 à partir de 20h pass « Fest-Noz + Grand Bal Trad » 25 € Espace Chevreul, 97 avenue de la Liberté, Nanterre Duo Tobie/Bourgault, Oriaz, Gwenfol le Grand Bal Trad / samedi 27 avril 2024 à partir de 20h pass « Fest-Noz + Grand Bal Trad » 25 € Espace Chevreul, 97 avenue de la Liberté, Nanterre Duo Bottasso, Tribal Jâze, Ma petite https://www.diatotrad.fr/fete-de-laccordeon |
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2024 Fairbridge Festival – Australiaby Diatonic News |
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The 2024 Fairbridge Festival will be held at a new location this year: the Edenvale Heritage Precinct in Pinjarra, Western Australia, Australia from April 5th to 7th, 2024. The event is a three-day celebration of folk, world and roots music, arts and community. The Chipolatas - with their unique mash-up of original dub basslines and live beats blended with juggling tricks and street theatre combine to create a world class act. https://fairbridgefestival.com.au/ |
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Fabio Furia Masterclass at the Ljubljana Festival - Sloveniaby Diatonic News |
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Fabio Furia will be present at the 72nd Ljubjana Festival as a soloist and Bandoneon teacher. The course is also open to accordionists or ensembles wishing to learn more about the specific performance practice of tango. https://ljubljanafestival.si/.../events-ljubljana-festival/ The main activity of Festival Ljubljana is the organisation and running of the international summer festival, which serves to place the Slovenian capital city on the map of globally important cultural and arts venues during the summer months. Every summer the Ljubljana Festival makes an important contribution to the cultural life of Ljubljana with a carefully selected programme covering a wide variety of genres, including ballet, opera and theatrical productions, musicals, chamber and symphony concerts, the International Art Colony, master classes, children’s and youth workshops, Ljubljana Festival on the River Ljubljanica and much more. During this time the Križanke complex redesigned by Plečnik, Kongresni trg square and the stages of other Ljubljana cultural institutions host more than 4,000 artistes from more than 40 countries, and each year events draw an audience of more than 60,000 people. https://ljubljanafestival.si/ |
The Half-Door Club for it’s 28th year of Castletown Trad Fest - Irelandby Diatonic News |
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Date: Friday May 3rd to Monday May 6th 2024 Address: -Céilí Venue- Community Centre, River Bank, Castletown, Co. Laois, R32 F624 -Accommodation base: De La Salle Retreat Centre, R32 FK02 Programme as follows: Friday 3rd: 9 p.m. : Opening Céilí with Shandrum Céili Band Saturday 4th: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. And 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. : Set Dancing Workshop with Pat Murphy 9 p.m. : Set Dance Céilí with Brian Boru Céili Band Sunday 5th: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. : Set Dancing Workshop with Pat Murphy 2:30 p.m. : Set Dance Céilí with Swallow’s Tail Céilí Band 9 p.m. : Set Dance Céilí with the Abbey Céilí Band Monday 6th: 11:00 a.m. : Poetry walk with Andrew O’Connell 12.00 p.m. : Farewell music Session in the Pastoral Centre 2:30 p.m. : The Last Fling Céilí with Johnny Reidy Céilí Band Festival Club Sessions every night after Céilithe Accomadation in local B&Bs, hotels and Pastoral Centre R32 FK02 (book via halfdoorclubfestival@gmail.com) Camping possible www.laoistourism.ie MORE IFORMATION: John Sinnott 086 344 0388 h Micheál Lalor 086 260 7658 Peter Redmond 087 785 7970 www.halfdoorclub.org alfdoorclub@yahoo.ie |
Stages d'accordéon diatonique - FR/Nanterreby Diatonic News |
![]() École Honoré-de-Balzac, 4 boulevard Honoré-de-Balzac, Nanterre niveau DÉBUTANT/Erwann Tobie/Perrine Vrignault niveau MOYEN(François Badeau/Maxime Barbeau/Marion Evain niveau CONFIRMÉ/Bruno Le Tron/Yannig Noguet niveau MAÎTRISE/Simone Bottasso Réservation: https://www.diatotrad.fr/fete-de-laccordeon |
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This year the Expedia Cultural Exchange Pavilion will host the largest country celebration in the history of the Festival’s annual cultural exchange to spotlight the rich musical and cultural heritage of Colombia. Seventeen Colombian bands have been invited to perform between April 25 and May 5, 2024, across the Festival’s many stages and inside the Expedia Cultural Exchange Pavilion. Full details of all performers: https://www.nojazzfest.com/music/ |
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21st Annual Gator by the Bay – USAby Diatonic News |
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![]() ![]() The event will feature a variety of concert performances during the four day festival including the Friday Bayou Boogie which will celebrate the 100th birthday of Clifton Chenier “The King of Zydeco”. C.J. Chenier, Sonny Landreth & Marcia Ball will entertain at this concert. Other festival performers include Geno Delafose & French Rockin' BoogieZydeco, C.J. Chenier & The Red Hot Louisiana Band, Jeffery Broussard & The Creole Cowboys (picture above left), The Daquiri Queens (picture above right), Billy Lee & The Gulf Coasters, Bayou Brothers and David Sousa & The Zydeco Mudbugs (picture above). |
Future events / Concerts |
31. int. HARMONIKATREFFEN • GASTHOF HARTL -by Diatonic News |
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Gasthof Hartl, vlg. Zum Wirt | Hartl Stadl | Hadnwirt 01.04.2024 ab 11:00 |
ALPEN & GLÜHEN im Mai 2024 - Österreich/Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
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08.05. - Rottweil (DE) - Jazzfest Rottweil 09.05. - Imst (AT) - TschirgArt Jazz Festival 10.05. - Hof b. Salzburg (AT) - Kult - Hof bei Salzburg 11.05. - Graz (AT) - Congress Graz 12.05. - Wien (AT) - Wiener Konzerthaus Das vom international renommierten Trompeten-Virtuosen und Stil-Tausendsassa Thomas Gansch initiierte Bandprojekt Alpen & Glühen versteht sich als Supergroup herausragender Musiker:innen, die sich bei diesem Projekt zusammengefunden haben, um ihre verschiedenen musikalischen Wurzeln Sozialisierungen zu einem ästhetisch vielgestaltigen Klangkörper zu bündeln. Dabei treffen volksmusikalische Traditionen auf Jazz, filigranes Musizieren auf mitreißende Improvisationen, ein Boarischer mit viel humoristischem Groove auf einen ins österreichische übersetzten indischen Raga. Was zunächst nach wildem Stilpluralismus klingen mag, verwebt sich auf der Bühne zu besonderen Klangwelten, die melancholisch, ekstatisch und humorvoll in einem sind. Mit dem grammynominierten Musiker Manu Delago, dem Frontmann der Jazz-Senkrechtstarter Shake Stew Lukas Kranzelbinder und dem kreativen Einfallsreichtum des radio.string.quartet hat das Projekt in den letzten beiden Jahren restlos ausverkaufte und frenetisch bejubelte Tourneen durch Österreich, Deutschland und Italien gespielt, sein Debütkonzert im Großen Saal der ehrwürdigen Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg bestritten und eine Topplatzierung in den österreichischen Albumcharts für das Debütalbum erreicht. Nun ist mit dem Steirischem Harmonika -Virtuosen Christian Bakanic ein weiteres Bandmitglied dazugestoßen, das die Klangwelten des Projekts um neue und klanggewaltige Facetten bereichert. Tickets: https://viennaartsmanagement.com/ |
LUCAS THEBAUT performing in concert - FR/Spainby Diatonic News |
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FRIDAY, APRIL 26 / 24:00 Concert/Dance/Jamsession with LUCAS THEBAUT Lucas Thébaut is a diatonic accordionist from Poitou (France). He started in music and dance at the age of twenty and has not stopped experimenting to improve phrasing and groove on various repertoires in search of what in dance and musical movement will make the specificity, the essence of each dance. All these elements brought together in a unique musical universe. After 20 years of thinking and tinkering, of sharing experiences and joys around the world, the path is still new, full of possibilities, and the journey continues. Rest assured, he will never miss the opportunity to share a tune, a dance... or a drink with you... Tickets: http://folkarria.es/2024/index.html |
Duo Carlos Libedinsky & Carlos Corona in April/May 2024 - FR/DE/UK/Argentinaby Diatonic News |
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Carlos Libedinsky is an Argentine musician , composer, producer and bandoneón player, based in Buenos Aires and Berlín. He was nominated to the “Latin Grammy Awards” in 2009 and 2010, and distinguished as “Outstandig Cultural Personality” in 2013 , by the Legislature of Buenos Aires, Argentina. In 2018, he moved to BERLIN where developes new global Projects which includes musicians from all around the globe, like the GeomeTRIO with the Iranian fretless guitar player Mahan Mirarab and the German frame drum player Nora Thiele. The other project he is developing is the MAGIC SIGNS ORCHESTRA which will Open the next “ContemporaryTango Festival” at the Berlin Central Station, in August 22, 2019. April 18th / Duo Carlos Libedinsky & Carlos Corona Ball-Haus/Ulm , Germany April 25th Duo Carlos Libedinsky & Carlos Corona Source Roncq/Lille, France May 24th / Duo “Carlos Libedinsky & Mariano Castro” Skypton, United Kingdom / The Rendezvous Hotel Skipton https://www.carloslibedinsky.com.ar/ |
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Banter Band on promotion tour in April - ES/UKby Diatonic News |
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Banter Banter are: Simon Care on melodeon, Nina Zella on keyboards & vocals, Tim Walker on drums, percussion, brass, vocals & dance calling and Mark Jolley on bass, fiddle, guitar & vocals. Four fine musicians whose roots are firmly in the traditional English genre, but who enjoy stretching the limits. Formed in 2015, they realised that a common love for the living traditions of English song and dance music was at their core and began to pursue it’s evolution, bringing in flavours from a wider palette of musical influences. They have gained a reputation for being powerfully unique in the English traditional music genre. Their popularity grew rapidly, placing them in great demand to perform at many of the UK’s largest festivals including: Glastonbury, Cambridge Folk Festival, Broadstairs Folk Week, Sidmouth Folk Festival, Whitby Folk Week, Folk East, Oxford Folk Week, Wickham Festival, Gate To Southwell Festival and Towersey Festival as well as internationally at European festivals. Although just four people, they create a huge sound and have been described as the world’s smallest big band. TUE 02 APR 2024 8pm HEROES TOUR - The Roses, Tewkesbury Concert The Roses Theatre, Sun Street, Tewkesbury, GL20 5NX In Eric’s Bar. See theatre website for ticket details THU 04 APR 2024 7:15pm HEROES TOUR - Unicorn Theatre, Abingdon Concert Unicorn Theatre, Abingdon Abbey, Checker Walk, OX14 3JB Music At The Unicorn promoted concert. See MATU website for ticket details FRI 19 APR 2024 HEROES TOUR - TBC Stanley Halls, Croydon Stanley Halls, Stanley Arts, 12 South Norwood Hill, London, SE25 6AB Check for details on the venue website SAT 20 APR 2024 Private Booking Derby WE 24 APR-WED 01 MAY 2024 HEROES TOUR - Costa Festival, Ibiza various Sirenis 4* Seaview Country Club, Port Des Torrent, Ibiza See Festival Organisers website for details and tickets https://www.banter.band/gigs/ |
Argentina Group “Tango Bardo” Tour – New Zealandby Diatonic News |
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“Tango Bardo” (Argentina) will perform their concert tour of New Zealand in April 2024, which will include an appearance at the Oceania Tango Congress & Championship in Auckland. Band members are Santiago Polimeni (bandoneon), Lucas Furno (violin), Juan Miguens (double bass), Lorena Donvito (piano) and Roberto Minondi (vocals). Their concerts “will take you through the ‘Evolution of Argentine Tango’ from the Golden Era to modern times, featuring different styles of orchestras and composers such as D’Arienzo, Canaro, Fresedo, Biagi, Di Sarli, Tanturi, D’Agustino, Pugliese and Piazzolla.” Tour details are: • April 10th, 2024 at 7pm: Performance at the Concert Chamber of the Auckland Town Hall in Auckland. • April 11th, 2024: Oceania Tango Congress & Championship 2024 at the Bruce Mason Centre in Takapuna, Auckland. • April 12th, 2024 at 7pm: Tango Rojo Show and Championship Finals at the Great Hall, Auckland Town Hall, Auckland. This event will be held in two parts. Part 1 – Championship Finals, judging the finalists of the tango championship for categories of Salon/ Tango de Pista and Stage/ Escenario Tango. Part 2 - Tango Rojo Show Argentinian performance. For details email: online@aucklandlive.co.nz |
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The Leveret Band in April 2024 - UKby Diatonic News |
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Leveret is a unique collaboration between three of England's finest folk musicians. Andy Cutting, Sam Sweeney and Rob Harbron are each regarded as exceptional performers and masters of their instruments. Together their performances combine consummate musicianship, compelling delivery and captivating spontaneity. Leveret’s music is not arranged in the conventional sense and instead they rely on mutual trust, listening and responding. Their playing is relaxed and natural, drawing audiences in and inviting them to share in music making that is truly spontaneous and yet deeply timeless. They will be in April: Thursday, April 18 Pavillion Arts Centre/Buxton Friday, April 19 Reeth Memorial Hall/Reeth Saturday, April 20 Trinity Arts Centre/Gainsborough Tuesday, April 23 South Street Arts Centre/Reading Wednesday, April 24 Norwegian Church Arts Centre/Cardiff Thursday, April 25 Pontardawe Arts Centre/Pontardawe Friday, April 26 Holy Trinity Church&Nailsea Saturday, April 27 Lansdown Hall/Stroud Don't miss: https://www.leveretband.com/gigs |
Jakob Steinkellner Concert in Bratislava - Slovakiaby Harley Jones |
![]() Accordionist and composer, Jakob Steinkellner will give a concert in Bratislava, Southwestern Slovakia on April 20th, 2024. Jakob performs many of his own compositions, where he “combines traditional sound patterns of alpine folk instrumental music with modern influences.” For concert details email: Jakob.Steinkellner95@icloud.com |
RICCARDO TESI In solo - HOLLANDby Diatonic News |
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9/04/2024 MFC De Wier Ureterp 10/04/2024 Nigmegen (house concert) 11/04/2024 Rotterdam (Batavierhuis) R.Tesi + Duo Bottasso 13-14 /04/2024 accordeon workshop Den Bosh Stichting Draailier en Doedelzak www.draailier-doedelzak.nl |
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LA BILLEBAUDE (MONTANARO/GEOFFROY) Workshop/Concert - ES/FRby Diatonic News |
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SATURDAY, APRIL 27/2024 4:00 p.m.Ensemble Music Workshop with Geoffroy/Montanaro 24:00 Concert/Dance LA BILLEBAUDE (MONTANARO/GEOFFROY) Laurent and Baltazar have been playing since 2002 with the group Zef, with which they have toured Europe performing contemporary compositions based on traditional French dance forms. At the same time, they wanted to create a repertoire of traditional melodies from the places that have marked their lives and where they have lived. The music of Hungary succeeds the songs of Brittany, the music of Morvan mixes with that of Provence or Gascony, Portugal or Estonia. Conceived for dance, this repertoire nevertheless has a lot of character, because the finesse of the ornamentation, in the manner of ancient music, is what makes these arias so interesting, and gives those who know how to listen to it a richness that is both free and firmly rooted. Tickets and reservation: http://folkarria.es/2024/index.html |
“Concierto Doble” - Cagliari/Sardegna/Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Domenica 14 aprile alle ore 19.00 all'Auditorium del Conservatorio di Cagliari, ti aspettiamo per il grande spettacolo “Concierto Doble”, realizzato in anteprima assoluta con la partecipazione di un ensemble di artisti di caratura internazionale. Sul palco, oltre al nostro direttore artistico Fabio Furia, bandoneón solista, avremo l’onore di ospitare la star mondiale della chitarra Xuefei Yang insieme con il pianista e compositore Martín Palmeri, acclamato tra più importanti compositori viventi. Ad accompagnare i prestigiosi solisti sarà l’Orchestra Anton Stadler diretta dal Maestro Maurizio Dones. Il concerto si aprirà con due grandi composizioni di Astor Piazzolla: le Quattro Stagioni, ricche di sfumature ed emozioni che delineano il susseguirsi delle stagioni; seguirà poi il doppio concerto per chitarra, bandoneon e orchestra Hommage à Liège, il suo tributo alla città belga, dalla forma complessa e sfaccettata, ricca di variazioni ritmiche e armoniche. A chiudere lo spettacolo l’esecuzione in anteprima nazionale del doppio concerto per bandoneon, chitarra, pianoforte e orchestra scritto dal compositore argentino Martín Palmeri che per l’occasione si esibirà al pianoforte unendosi ai solisti ed all’orchestra. Una serata straordinaria all'insegna della grande musica, in cui il pathos ed il lirismo delle melodie proposte inseguiranno i più vibranti ritmi della musica tanghera. Fabio Furia, bandoneón solista Xuefei Yang, chitarra solista Martin Palmeri, pianista e compositore Orchestra Anton Stadler Maurizio Dones, direttore More: +39 342 5805156 infoantonstadler@gmail.com / www.associazioneantonstadler.it |
Bargainatt in April 2024 - ES/FRby Diatonic News |
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From the friendship between four young musicians, Bargainatt was born, a dance music group that was formed in early 2016 in Montpellier. The quartet begins by borrowing compositions from their illustrious predecessors (Shillelagh, Naragonia, Ballsy Swing...) and covers traditional melodies, taking time to compose their own pieces, giving free rein to their creativity, always with the desire to create rhythmic music for dance. At first, the repertoire consisted solely of instrumental music, but gradually singing made its appearance in the Bargainatt dance. Today, the songs written and performed by Youmi enrich the group's musical universe. From Auvergne to Brittany, passing through Poitou and Gascogne, Bargainatt takes you on a journey of many colors and influences, full of energy and freshness. All dates for April 09/05/2024 JANZE (35) Balilas Festival 30/04/2024 MOULINS (03) Bal du mai de la Jimbr'tée 28/04/2024 GIF SUR YVETTES (91) 27/04/2024 MADRID (ESP) Folkarria from left to right: Camille STIMBRE, Violon Youmi BAZOGE, Violon et Chant Noé BAZOGE, Violoncelle Léon OLLIVIER, Accordéon Diatonique for more: http://www.bargainatt.com/ |
Francois Badeau en Avril 2024 - Franceby Diatonic News |
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12/04/2024 - CCV - 50ans CCV - Haute Goulaine (44) 13/04/2024 - TRIO GOUDEDRANCHE BADEAU - Fest Noz - Haute Goulaine (44) 14/04/2024 - ORIAZ - Fest Deiz - Petit Mars (44) 26/04/2024 - ORIAZ - Fest Noz - Nanterre (92) 27/04/2024 - Stage d'accordéon - Nanterre (92) 27/04/2024 - TRIBAL JÂZE - Nanterre (92) 28/04/2024 - Stage d'accordéon - Nanterre (92) https://francoisbadeau.com/ |
Granny’s Attic 15th Anniversary Tour 2024 - UKby Diatonic News |
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Granny’s Attic will begin their 15th Anniversary Tour 2024 with a performances at The Forum Music Studios in Darlington, County Durham, England on April 25th, 2024. The group includes Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne (melodeon, anglo concertina, vocals), George Sansome (guitar, vocals) and Lewis Wood (violin, vocals. Fifteen concerts will be held in May with a final concert at the Acorn Theatre in Penzance, Cornwall, England on June 22nd, 2024. For tour details email: band@grannysattic.org.uk |
“LA SFIONCA DE LU MAGGIU” / Matellica - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Seconda edizione de “LA SFIONCA DE LU MAGGIU” organizzata dal Cantamaggio Matelicese in collaborazione con la ProMatelica e con l’Associazione Produttori del Verdicchio di Matelica. La tradizione popolare.......la tradizione popolare è portare avanti un'antica usanza, mantenere vivo il ricordo, guardare verso il futuro con la consapevolezza di non dimenticare...ma soprattutto è...fare una cosa semplice ma che fanno sorridere...come con questa foto bellissima di Sara e Sofia .. Ti aspettano il 28 aprile per "LA SFIONCA DE LU MAGGIU" https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=%22LA%20SFIONCA%20DE%20LU%20MAGGIU%22. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063653019106 |
LA PORTEÑA TANGO on tour - AR/ATby Diatonic News |
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La Porteña Tango arrives for the first time in Toledo presenting a special concert for its 15th anniversary on the stages of the world. TICKETS ON SALE https://www.teatroderojas.es/.../808-15-tangos-de... LA PORTEÑA TANGO "The most popular Argentine Tango group in Europe". ABRIL / 2024 - 20 Toledo MAYO / 2024 - 11 Badajoz MAYO / 2024 - 25 Kufstein (Austria) JUNIO / 2024 - 02 Zaragoza JUNIO / 2024 - 07 Yepes ANNIVERSARY SHOW PREMIERE - 800 CONCERTS IN 22 COUNTRIES IN 4 CONTINENTS www.laportenatango.net |
Illa - starting their tour - Franceby Diatonic News |
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EQUIPE ARTISTIQUE Diane DELZANT/violon Stéphane MILLERET accordéon diatonique Sylvain QUÉRÉ/cistre Sébastien TRON /vielle à roue polyphonique et midi, voix PRODUCTION : Mustradem "LES BRUMES DE L'AUBE" Création avril 2024 En résidence à Lyon en mars, Illa débutera sa première tournée en avril 2024. Un album, également en cours de préparation, paraîtra à cette occasion. Illa évoque la brume de l’aube en Inde, elle en latin, île en provençal, une chose mauvaise en suédois, cette pierre sculptée attire aussi les bonnes grâces des entités spirituelles chez les Quechuas. Polysémie à l’image de la musique de ce nouveau combo puissant et enlevé, et qui ne s’excuse pas d’être fin et délicat. Quatre créateurs sonores au service de la musique à danser : destination le bal folk sur les chemins de traverse de l’Europe occidentale, du nord au sud (centre France, Suède, Poitou, sud ouest, Bretagne…). Quatre compositeurs qui passent en un clin d'œil d’un univers très orchestral à une interprétation brute et minimaliste. Des appuis sûrs pour élancer les corps enveloppés par le cocon confortable d’un accordéon rond au doigté inimitable, une rythmique acérée cistre-chien qui met en exergue les envolées poétiques des cordes chaudes et délicates. Le violon se faufile en jeune caméléon agile et malicieux. Les vocaux invitent au voyage, portés par une vielle abyssale nébuleusement précise. Bref, Illa c’est du bal folk énergique, pop et sensuel. CONTACTS BOOKING booking@mustradem.com +33 (0)4 38 12 09 93 |
Dahu/Bal-Folk - Spain/Portugalby Diatonic News |
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Dahu will be performung @ Folkariria Festival/Spain 26-28th April 2024 Dahú brings us a folkloric tradition that combines broad influences from electronics, rock or choral music. With a concertina and an acoustic guitar, "Shoes off" discovers different atmospheres - ranging from the introspective to the energetic - through its instrumental compositions. for exact details and tickets pls view: http://folkarria.es/2024/index.html |
Sam Kelly And The Lost Boys @ Costa Festival - ES/UKby Diatonic News |
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One of the most exciting bands to have entered the UK folk scene in the past twenty years, Sam's band The Lost Boys has gained a reputation as one of the best live acts in the UK and they have packed out festival tents and venues the world over since they started in 2016. With the virtuosic talents of Jamie Francis (banjo), Graham Coe (cello), Toby Shaer (whistles/fiddle), Archie Moss (melodeon) and Evan Carson (drums), The Lost Boys have become known for their eclectic and innovative reworking of traditional songs and tunes from England, Scotland, Ireland and the USA, as well as stunning original music and the occasional surprise classic rock cover. They will perform in Ibiza during the 1 week Costa Festival from the 25 April – 1 May 2024. https://www.costafestival.co.uk/costa-festival-ibiza-2024/ |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
nuovo CD - Samurai - Belgio/worldwideby Diatonic News |
https://www.facebook.com/riccardo.tesi.96 |
CD "Heroes" by Banter - UKby Diatonic News |
![]() Catalogue No. MCRCD4202 (printed card digi-sleeve packaging with CD and 8 page lyric / track notes booklet – EAN barcode number 0781005740022) Label – Mrs Casey Records Track listing: The Oak and The Ash (Nina Zella / Trad) Picking A Ship (Nina Zella) Rolling Down The Ryburn (Pete Coe) Seneca Square / Soldiers Joy (Trad) The Last Rose Of Summer (Nina Zella / Trad) The Lass Of Richmond Hill (Nina Zella / Trad) Below Below (Nina Zella / Trad) Eve Of New Year Merry (Nina Zella / Trad) Torn Screen Door (David Francey) Morgan Rattler (Trad) Lay Me Low (John Tams) Jake’s Jig (Gareth Turner) https://www.banter.band/product/cd-album-pre-order-heroes-release-due-march-2024/ |
CD "LA GIUSTA DISTANZA (Visage Music) / l'Orpheus Award - Italiaby Diatonic News |
![]() Di pù: www.riccardotesi.com |
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La Porteña Tango Trío Categoría: Tango Formato: CD / Año: 2024 Temas: 1. Ropa Blanca (Malerba-Manzi) 2. Noches Provincianas (Piana-Manzi) 3. Fruta Amarga (Gutiérrez-Manzi) 4. Romance De Barrio (Troilo-Manzi) 5. Por Qué (Malerba-Manzi) 6. Te Lloran Mis Ojos (Malerba-Manzi) 7. La Mariblanca (M. Picciano) 8. Malena (Demare-Manzi) 9. Pena Mulata (Piana-Manzi) 10. Fueye (Charlo-Manzi) 11. Recién (Pugliese-Manzi) 12. Milonga Triste (Piana-Manzi) 13. El Pescante (Piana-Manzi) 14. Gota De Lluvia (Lipesker-Manzi) 15. Definiciones Para Esperar Mi Muerte (Manzi – Música: M. Picciano) LA PORTEÑA TANGO: ALEJANDRO PICCIANO: guitarra, coros, arreglos y dirección FEDERICO PEUVREL: piano, coros MATÍAS PICCIANO: bandoneón, coros EUGENIA GIORDANO: voz https://melopeadiscos.com.ar/producto/portena-tango-desde-jardin-del-alma-tributo-homero-manzi/ |
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