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Diatonic News - Jun-2019
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Voci Armoniche


Philharmonika Festival 2019 - Germany
13th World Music Festival, Innsbruck – Austria
Folkfest Spilimbergo - Italia
Festival Meridionale dell’organetto - Italia
1. Kärntner Harmonikawettbewerb - Österreich
Masterclass Internazionale di Bandoneon - IT/Cagliari

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Glastonbury Festival - UK
Belles Bretelles Festival - FRANCE
Stage/Organetto – livello base - IT/Bologna
Summer Workshop with Harry Dijkstra - NL
Festival Trad - Sponde Sonore 2019 - Italia/Palermo
Long Beach Bayou Festival - USA
Etichetta FOLKEST DISCHI - Italia
Lieneke van der Veen: Playing together with pleasure - NL
Masterclass/restauro Bandoneon con carsten Heveling - IT

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Andreas gabalier/Stadion Tour Juni - Deutschland
Stage / Organetto – livello medio/avanzato - Bologna/Italia
Concert Drijfhout Nikalaaskerk - Holland
Big Squeeze 2019 Finals - Austin/USA
Zydeco Annie & the Swamp Cats im Juni - Deutschland
Les Bottines Artistiques in Concert - Bologna/IT
Leveret Concert - Bonn/Deutschland
"Bandoneon. Il respiro del tango" - iTALIA/Cagliari
30th AKQ Kick-Off - Houston/USA
30th Kings and Queens Celebration - Houston/USA

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

"OVERLAND" by Jazz Trio - Italia/Denmark
Marc Pircher live/TV - ORF/ARD
CD - Muddy banks - UK
CD "Stories - La Sedon Salvadie" - Italia

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

Philharmonika Festival 2019 - Germany

by Harley Jones
Omar Massa
Video: Video: Omar Massa (bandoneon) with others as listed in video.

The 2019 Philharmonika Festival gala concert was held on May 19th at the Kammermusiksaal of the Berlin Philharmonic organised by Pantonale eV. This year’s event marked the 25th anniversary of the link between Berlin and Buenos Aires, Argentina. The event was supported by the Embassy of the Argentine Republic and the Berlin Senator for Culture and Europe, Dr. Klaus Lederer.

The festival celebrated with an early concert entitled "Argentina in Zehlendorf" on April 5th in St. Paul's Church in Berlin. The artistic direction of the evening was in the hands of internationally known Argentine bandoneonist Omar Massa, who along with Vitaliy Schall (guitar), Pavlin Nechev (piano) and Julius Schwahn (violin) and his string quartet presented music by Argentine composers.

The following day, the Accordion Festival “Master of Tomorrow” (organized by Pantonale eV) took place in the Paulus Church in Berlin-Zehlendorf. The aim was to give young accordionists and bandoneonists from Berlin and Brandenburg as well as other parts of Germany up to the age of 19, the opportunity to show their skills during this festival and to attend the evening concert in the church.

Two young accordionists - Sophie Fischer and Daniel Grunski received a special award performance at the Philharmonika Concert on May 19th at the Berlin Philharmonic. This concert was the highlight of the festival. There, the Buenos Aires-born bandoneonist Omar Massa presented an extensive program - both as a soloist and in collaboration with musicians such as Vitaliy Schall, Julius Schwahn and Pavlin Nechev, and the string orchestra under the direction of Symeon Ioannidis.

Their program ranged from the classical repertoire, such as Marcello's "Concerto for Oboe and Orchestra in D Minor" to early Tango to Astor Piazzolla. A highlight was the premiere of the "Concerto for Bandoneon, Piano and String Orchestra" composed especially for the occasion by Omar Massa, and dedicated to the connection between Buenos Aires and Berlin.

The Berlin audience also enjoyed performances by the internationally acclaimed Canadian accordionist Jelena Milojevic, Duo Aspera (Ghenadie Rotari - accordion and Valentina Vargiu - piano) and Croatian accordionist Martin Kutnar. Jelena impressed with the Franck Angelis work "Etude sur le thème Chiquilin de Bachin" as well as a premiere of Dmitriy Varelas's "Palette of Sounds".

After Galliano's "Tango pour Claude", the Duo Aspera premiered the "Moldavian Rhapsody" by composer Petri Makkonen, who was present in the audience. The internationally successful young Croat Martin Kutnar was well received with two arrangements by Roberto Molinelli’s "Trittico, Quadro Primo" and the Viatcheslav Semionov "Bulgarian Suite".

Special thanks go to the organizer of the festival, Waldemar Fleischhauer and his wife. Without their self-sacrificing dedication, such an event would not be possible in the Berlin Philharmonic.

Sounding Out the Accordion

13th World Music Festival, Innsbruck – Austria

by Diatonic News
The 13th World Music Festival will be held in Innsbruck, Austria from May 30th to June 2nd, organised by the Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV). Several thousand participants and visitors are thrilled every three years when the Deutscher Harmonika-Verband holds this festival.

The event will include a competition for accordion orchestras, ensembles and bands plus solo categories for harmonica and diatonic accordions. In addition a number of concerts will be held as well as the “Evening of the Nations” event in the Congresshaus Innsbruck to mark this unique festival worldwide.

Concert performers include last festival competition winners Akkordeonorchester Baltmannsweiler e. V. (pictured - conducted by Thomas Bauer), The Guardia Nueva Tango Orchestra (Finland) directed by Raimo Vertainen, duo Joe Kenney (marimba) and Felix Fritschi (accordion), 1. Kölner Akkordeonorchester 1935 e. V. (conducted by Hans-Günther Kölz and Matthias Henneck), Southern Cross Accordion Ensemble (formed especially for this event from Australia and New Zealand), and Fireworks of the Styrian Harmonica - young prize winners Michael Rettig, Alexander Pamer and Mattia Demetz.

Jury groups are:
- Prof. Bogdan Dowlasz (POL), Johannes Baumann, Hans Barten (NLD), Ladislav Horák (CZE), Heidrun Neugebauer.
- Hedy Stark-Fussnegger, Volker Gerlich, Dr. Jörg Mehren, Lutz Stark.
- Wolfgang Russ, Fabian Dobler, Christine Fischer-Fahs, Werner Osten.
- Kimmo Mattila (FIN), Gerhard Koschel, Alfred Melichar (AUT).
- Mirco Patarini (ITA), Alma Flammersberger, Werner Glutsch, Jörgen Sundeqvist (SWE).
- Andreas Nebl, Kathrin Gass, Konstantin Ischenko (RUS).



by Diatonic News
Texas Folklife has crowned four 2019 Big Squeeze youth accordion champions in the traditional Texas accordion music genres: polka; Cajun and zydeco; and conjunto. The gifted young musicians were chosen at a lively concert and showcase at the Bullock State History Museum on May 11, where hundreds of fans gathered to support the accordionists and celebrate one of Texas’ most cherished and culturally diverse musical traditions.

The 2019 Big Squeeze Youth Accordion Champions:

Conjunto 17 and under: Perla Hernandez - Roma, TX
Conjunto 18-21 Anthony Ortiz Jr. Prize: Eduardo Garza - Mission, TX
Polka: Elijah Clements - Little Elm, TX
Cajun & Zydeco: Chloe Johnson - Moscow, TX

Each of the four winners received a prize package valued at more than $4,000, including a Hohner accordion, cash prize, performance opportunities with Texas Folklife, publicity, professional development and other professional opportunities.

Additionally, the Big Squeeze champions will perform onstage with legendary Texas musicians at Texas Folklife’s 30th Annual Accordion Kings & Queens Concert, held at Houston’s Miller Outdoor Theatre on June 1. Thousands of fans are expected to attend this revered community event.

The search for the 2019 Big Squeeze champions began in February and stretched thousands of miles across Texas. Competitions were held in nine communities across the state and, in total, 49 young musicians showed off their accordion skills for a chance to play on the Austin stage. This year as part of the Big Squeeze programming, Texas Folklife also hosted its first-ever Cajun youth accordion workshop and the first Conjunto category semi-finals.


Voci Armoniche

Folkfest Spilimbergo - Italia

by Diatonic News
Andrea Del FaveroPer la 41^ edizione è in programma dal 20 giugno al 22 luglio 2019 sono coinvolti oltre 20 comuni friulani tra cui Udine, Spilimbergo, Gorizia, Duino, fino a toccare la vicina slovenia, Capodistria.

Di palco in palco, di sala in sala, di osteria in osteria, ci siamo trovati a fare i conti con i capelli che imbiancano e a renderci conto che abbiamo visto modificarsi anche l’atteggiamento del pubblico ai concerti, con ricambi generazionali. Folkest non è un festival capace di star fermo: è curioso del mondo e delle esperienze artistiche di ogni dove, che cerca di proporre con convinzione e costanza, è un laboratorio aperto tutto l’anno che spesso si apre a collaborazioni di ampio respiro.
Vi aspettiamo!! (Andrea Del Favero - pictured left)

Provengono da ogni parte del globo gli artisti che, come ogni estate ininterrottamente dal 1979, animeranno i numerosi palchi di Folkest, sempre firmato dalla direzione artistica di Andrea Del Favero, quest’anno in programma dal 20 giugno al 22 luglio prossimi, con una serie di concerti, incontri, presentazioni editoriali che toccheranno oltre una ventina di Comuni, tra gli altri Udine, Spilimbergo, Gorizia, Duino, Udine, ma anche Capodistria nella vicina Slovenia, Capodistria.

Viale Barbacane 17
Spilimbergo, Italy https://www.folkest.com/

Friedrich Lips Book

Festival Meridionale dell’organetto - Italia

by Diatonic News
8 giu alle ore 16:00 - 9 giu alle ore 23:55
Policastro Bussentino, Campania, Italy

L’organizzazione del “Festival Meridionale dell’organetto” Comunica a tutti gli amanti ed appassionati della musica tradizionale e della fisarmonica diatonica (organetto) in tutte le sue sfumature, la data della 19^ edizione del festival di Rocco Fortunato.

Con il Patrocinio del Comune di Santa Marina (SA), le associazioni AMISAD e Amici dell’Organetto, nel Cine-teatro “Tempio del popolo” 8/9 giugno 2019, valido come selezioni per i campionati AMISAD, con ben 2 borse di studio (per ambedue le sezioni) con il limite di 120 partecipanti. Si consiglia iscrizione anticipata.

Per info: Dir.Artistico Rocco Fortunato +39 342 0406412
Alessandro Gaudio +39 3284688999

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

1. Kärntner Harmonikawettbewerb - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Daniel StrohmaierDie Alpe Adria Manufaktur Strohmaier veranstaltet gemeinsam mit den Musikschulen des Landes Kärnten, ORF Kärnten und KÄRNTNER REGIONALMEDIEN den 1. Kärntner Harmonikawettbewerb.

Mit diesem Wettbewerb möchten die Veranstalter die Kärntner Volksmusik fördern: „Durch diesen Wettbewerb wollen wir insbesondere junge Kärntner Harmonikatalente vor den Vorhang holen und ihnen eine attraktive Auftrittsplattform bieten. Außerdem soll dabei die qualitätsvolle Unterrichtsarbeit in den Kärntner Ausbildungsinstitutionen präsentiert werden“, so Organisator Max Strohmaier.

Vorausscheidung und Finale
Teilnehmen können junge Mädchen und Burschen mit Hauptwohnsitz in Kärnten bis zum vollendeten 15. Lebensjahr (Stichtag 8. Juni 2019), es gibt keine Altersgrenze nach unten. Bewerben kann man sich mittels Audio-Datei mit zwei auf einer Steirischen (Diatonischen) Harmonika eingespielten Stücken. Aus allen Einsendungen wählt eine Fachjury jene 15 Teilnehmer aus, die zu einem öffentlichen Auswahlspiel im März/April eingeladen werden. Sieben von ihnen kommen ins Finale, das beim Strohmaier Kirchtag am 8. Juni in Weitensfeld über die Bühne geht. Bei diesem können die sieben Finalisten vor einer Fachjury unter Prof. Franz Posch ihr Talent zeigen. Das Finale wird live in Radio Kärnten übertragen. Es winken tolle Preise!

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Masterclass Internazionale di Bandoneon - IT/Cagliari

by Diatonic News
Juan Josè Mosalini,V edizione 30-31 maggio e 1 giugno 2019

La Masterclass Internazionale di Bandoneόn è l’unico corso intensivo dedicato al bandoneόn che si svolge continuativamente sul territorio nazionale. Sede dell’iniziativa è la Sardegna dove ogni anno, in occasione dell'evento ARTango & Jazz Festival, durante l’ultima settimana del mese di agosto giungono bandoneonisti da tutta Europa per seguire le lezioni e i seminari dei grandi maestri di volta in volta ospitati. Al termine del corso i musicisti si esibiscono in un concerto finale frutto del lavoro svolto durante le giornate della masterclass.

Dal 2015 ad oggi sono decine e decine i corsisti che da tutta Europa hanno raggiunto la Sardegna per partecipare alla masterclass che, di anno in anno offre la possibilità di frequentare lezioni individuali e di gruppo con i migliori maestri di bandoneόn del mondo.
Quest'anno la V edizione della Masterclass Internazionale di bandoneon 2019 avrà l'onore di ospitare il bandoneonista e direttore d'orchestra argentino, Juan Josè Mosalini, definito "uno degli apostoli più importanti del tango".

Luogo/venue: Iglesias, Teatro Electra, Piazza Pichi
Contatti/contacts: infoantonstadler@gmail.com / accademiaitalianadelbandoneon@gmail.com
+39 349.5831504 / +39 342.5805156


Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Titano Accordions

Glastonbury Festival - UK

by Diatonic News
Glastonbury Festival - UK
The next Glastonbury Festival will take place from 26th-30th June, 2019 (we’re having a fallow year in 2018).

many ways, Glastonbury is like loads of different festivals converging on the same gorgeous countryside for the weekend. Each area of the Festival has its own character, its own loyal fans and its own special attractions: so Silver Hayes (formerly the Dance Village) is as distinct from the Green Fields as the Circus & Theatre fields are from The Park.

While everyone will no doubt have their favourite Festival spot, we heartily recommend the tapas Glastonbury experience – trying a little bit of lots of different things. Because while the Pyramid Stage will always provide the Festival’s most high profile attractions, a lot of the best experiences are to be found out on the outskirts, off the beaten track and where you least expect them. To aid you in your voyage of discovery, check out all the areas’ pages via the links on the right. But, if in doubt, just wander…

Late Night Access

Please bear in mind that between 10.30pm and 3.00am, access to the South East Corner and the effervescent late night spots of Shangri-La, Glasto Latino, The Common, Unfairground and Block9, will be from the South East corner of Bella’s Field.


Accordion Jazz Chord

Belles Bretelles Festival - FRANCE

by Diatonic News
Belles Bretelles Festival
Du musette au rock’n’roll en passant par le klezmer, le cajun, le classique, le folk... l’accordéon est un instrument convivial, sympathique, festif, plein de malice et au potentiel infini !

Organisé par le Club Léo Lagrange d'Hergnies, association sans but lucratif, le Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival c'est trois jours de musique, de fête et de convivialité au son de tous les styles d'accordéon, à l'ombre des grands arbres de la place enherbée du village d'Hergnies...

image: http://www.bellesbretelles.com/medias/images/logoleo-3-6x5-72dpi.jpg
Léo Lagrange Hergnies

Un festival gratuit et accessible à tous

Chaque année durant le week-end de la Pentecôte, le Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival c’est près d'une trentaine de groupes pour trois jours de concerts, de fête et d'animation pour tous les âges, avec une grande marche & course nature et santé ouverte à tous, à la découverte de nos chemins de campagne...
N'hésitez pas à rejoindre cette belle, musicale et conviviale aventure qu'est le Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival.
En attendant le festival, les Escales vont à la rencontre des habitants des villes et villages du territoire, pour des évènements à partager et à déguster sans modération

Read more at http://www.bellesbretelles.com/#C7EOfGiGtdmJGEjI.99

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Stage/Organetto – livello base - IT/Bologna

by Diatonic News
Simone PistisReno Folk Festival - Bologna
Sabato 8 giugno dalle 11:00 alle 13:00 – Simone Pistis

MAX. 10 PARTECIPANTI – PER ASSICURARSI UN POSTO COMPILARE IL FORM https://www.renofolkfestival.it/stages-di-musica/

Uno stage per chiunque voglia approcciarsi allo strumento senza alcuna conoscenza preliminare!

Summer Workshop with Harry Dijkstra - NL

by Diatonic News
Harry Dijkstrathursday 27 june 2019 from 19:30 until 22:30

Museumwerf Vreeswijk
Wierselaan 113, 3433 ZS Nieuwegein

Workshop teacher Harry Dijkstra (Groningen, 1967) studied accordion at the Groningen conservatory. Since 1990 he has been a teacher at various music schools and active as a musician as well as soloist and in various groups, including tango trio Corrientes.

During his studies, he became interested in the other bellows instruments, the harmonica and bandoneón. The bandoneón has really become a passion. And the harmonica has inspired him to write a new original repertoire. In addition, he goes looking for unusual rhythms in accompaniment styles and coming up with beautiful melodies. Sometimes an idea of 5 tones develops into a whole tango, sometimes a melody almost automatically arises on a repeating harmonic scheme. Two bundles have now appeared: "Another Day" & "Lemon Tree Garden".

In the workshop on Thursday evening, June 27, you have the opportunity to get lessons from someone with a conservatory education. An approach that you don't see much in harmonica-the Netherlands, with many things worked out on paper, among other things. Harry does not teach often in the middle of the country, so take your chance!
There will be attention for, among other things:
* the technique behind "playing with feeling",
* how do you master a difficult rhythm (once and for all)?
* mixed basses, what are they?
* play chords right, what do you pay attention to?
* variation options on existing pieces

Info: Wouter Kuyper / email (info@wouterkuyper.nl)

Charnwood Music Publishing

Festival Trad - Sponde Sonore 2019 - Italia/Palermo

by Diatonic News
Festival Trad - Sponde Sonore 2019 - Italia/Palermo
13 giu alle ore 19:00 - 16 giu alle ore 23:59
Arci Tavola Tonda
Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa - Capannone 18A - Via P. Gili n. 4, 90138 Palermo, Italy

Giunti alla terza edizione del festival di danza e musica tradizionale Sponde Sonore, organizzato da Arci Tavola Tonda in collaborazione con Institut français Palermo, che a giugno anima i Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa a Palermo.
Anche quest'anno protagonisti assoluti saranno i suoni, i ritmi e i passi della tradizione: spazieremo dalla Francia alla Moldavia, dalla Campania alla Sicilia, passando per Puglia e Calabria, con un intenso programma di laboratori e balfolk.
Ospiti d'eccezione di quest'edizione Bruno Le Tron, i Bifólc e il gruppo ungherese TRIOWAS.

at the third edition of the traditional dance and music festival Sponde Sonore, organized by Arci Tavola Tonda, which in June animates the Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa in Palermo.
Also this year the absolute protagonists will be the sounds, the rhythms and the steps of tradition: we will range from France to Moldavia, from Campania to Sicily, passing through Puglia and Calabria, with an intense program of laboratories and evening balfolk.
Special guests of this edition Bruno Le Tron, the Bifólc and the Hungarian group TRIOWAS.

Voci Armoniche


by Diatonic News
Bruno Le Tron & Marion Evain➤ ORGANETTO / Diatonic button accordion
con Bruno Le Tron (Francia)
Costo laboratorio / Workshop price: 40 euro
Durata laboratorio: 8 h

➤ MUSICA D'INSIEME / Ensemble Music
con Bifólc e Oreste Forestieri
Costo laboratorio / Workshop price: 20 euro
Durata laboratorio: 8 h


➤ Venerdì 14 giugno dalle 22.00
🎼 LassatilAbballari & Friends
a seguire Dj Trad

➤ Sabato 15 giugno dalle 22 (Spazio Tre Navate)
🎼 Bruno Le Tron & Marion Evain (Francia)
Biglietto di ingresso / Ticket: 10 euro
a seguire Dj Trad

➤ Domenica 16 giugno dalle 22 (Spazio Tre Navate)
🎼 TRIOWAS (Ungheria)
🎼 Bifólc (Italia)

+39 329 0698188 | +39 389 0561137
info@tavolatonda.org | www.tavolatonda.org


Long Beach Bayou Festival - USA

by Diatonic News
In its 32nd year, the Long Beach Bayou Festival is proud to continue its time-honored legacy in the city by the sea. The Long Beach Bayou Festival offers patrons a weekend filled with cultural music, cuisine, and dance from a place called ‘home’-- New Orleans and the Louisiana Bayou Country.

It shares the best parts of Louisiana Bayou and New Orleans Culture with Long Beach. Everybody is invited to delight in the specialties of Cajun and Creole cuisine and savor the many delicacies and flavors of the Big Easy. Rich in cultural music traditions, the Long Beach Bayou and Blues Festival presents a wide range of groups, featuring Cajun, Zydeco and Blues artists.

The dance floor is always open. Experience the New Orleans Traditional Jazz Band and come Second Line with the best of them at the Long Beach Bayou Festival.



by Diatonic News
ITALIA AWARD (Concorso Internazionale)

14, 15, 16 giugno 2019, (Roseto degli Abruzzi, TE)

FISARMONICA DIATONICA Junior (fino 18 anni), Senior (oltre 18 anni)

Per informazioni: https://www.accordionartfestival.com/#iditalia

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


by Diatonic News


Etichetta FOLKEST DISCHI - Italia

by Diatonic News
Etichetta FOLKEST DISCHIFOLKEST DISCHI: c’è musica nell’aria!

FolkestDischi è un’etichetta nata dall’esigenza di documentare l’intenso lavoro promozionale, di documentazione e di promozione che da oltre trentacinque anni sta portando avanti con pazienza e determinazione Folkest, considerato oggi il più grande folk festival del sud dell’Europa.

Diverse collane rappresentano da un lato la memoria storica di questa importante manifestazione, mentre dall’altro aprono una finestra sulle nuove produzioni internazionali nell’ambito di questa musica, con una forte ricaduta anche sullo stesso territorio di competenza della manifestazione, ossia il Nord-Est d’Italia, la Carinzia e l’Istria.

Numerosi sono gli artisti internazionali hanno lavorato con l’etichetta, così come giovanissimi musicisti per la prima volta si sono affacciati negli anni alle scene, facendosi conoscere a un pubblico più vasto, grazie a Folkest e all’etichetta FolkestDischi.

Per info di libri e cd legati alla produzione FolkestDischi puoi visitare:


Titano Accordions

Lieneke van der Veen: Playing together with pleasure - NL

by Diatonic News
Lieneke van der Veen13th June 2019 - Museumwerf Vreeswijk
Wierselaan 113, 3433 ZS Nieuwegein

Learn ho to play together properly, so that not only the entire group, but also each individual player comes into its own. How do you ensure that it stays 'the same'? How do you control the pace? In short, how do you really make music with each other? You will be given tips to play your own game well, while at the same time someone next to you is playing another game. When studying music, we pay a lot of attention to the basics. Such as: a smart fingering, what do you do with bellows and air button and how do you play a good bass part.

The voices and variations of the music played have different levels. Something for everyone. Each chooses his own party based on his wishes and playing level, then we build that together into a complete polyphonic piece. This workshop is suitable for players who have not played that long, for players who have not played for a long time and want to pick up the thread again, but also for players who have been playing for a longer time and want to learn to play better together. And ... for example, if you are a starting to tech, this workshop will provide you with tools to support you when playing / guiding a group of players.

The piece or pieces chosen are from the play book of Lieneke van der Veen. A dreamy Finnish waltz, a cheerful French dance or a special Eastern European song. Notation: notation in combination with button numbers. Pieces in 2, 3 and 4 quartz sizes. Pull harmonica CF

info: +31 30 601 8770 museumwerf@museumwerf.nl


Masterclass/restauro Bandoneon con carsten Heveling - IT

by Diatonic News
Carsten Heveling
Altro grande ospite della Masterclass il grande restauratore tedesco Carsten Heveling che terrà un seminario su:

- Il mantenimento dello strumento e piccole riparazioni;
- L'accordatura di singole note;
- Le caratteristiche tecniche e acustiche dei bandoneon storici.

Inoltre, per chi ne avesse bisogno, Carsten Heveling, offrirà la possibilità di avere un preventivo per una eventuale messa a punto e valutazione dello strumento nonché, qualora il tempo lo consentisse, la possibilità di effettuare le eventuali riparazioni in un laboratorio che verrà appositamente allestito in teatro.

Info https://www.accademiaitalianadelbandoneon.it/masterclass-di-bandoneon

Voci Armoniche

Future events / Concerts

Andreas gabalier/Stadion Tour Juni - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Andreas GabalierAndreas Gabalier - Stadion Tour 2019

01 Jun 19-20:00 Commerzbank-Arena, Frankfurt
08 Jun 19-20:00 Waldbühne, Berlin
09 Jun 19-19:30 Waldbühne, Berlin
15 Jun 19-20:00 Olympiastation München
22 Jun 19-20:00 Voksparkstadion, Hamburg
29 Jun 19-19:30 Meredes-Beny Arena, Stuttgart

Mehr auf: https://www.universal-music.de/andreas-gabalier/termine

Stage / Organetto – livello medio/avanzato - Bologna/Italia

by Diatonic News
Aurélien ClaranbauxSabato 8 giugno dalle 16:00 alle 18:00 – Aurélien Claranbaux
@ Reno Folk Festival/Bologna

MAX. 8 PARTECIPANTI – PER ASSICURARSI UN POSTO COMPILARE IL FORM https://www.renofolkfestival.it/stages-di-musica/#organetto2

Lo stage sarà centrato sul tocco, sul fraseggio e sulle sfumature. Sulla base di alcuni brani forniti (scottish e mazurka), vedremo come aggiungere feeling all’esecuzione, oltre ad armonia e ritmo.
I partecipanti devono saper suonare già l’organetto a un livello medio o avanzato. La capacità di suonare ad orecchio è un plus. Portate anche registratore, carta e penna!
Per suonare la mazurka ad orecchio, ecco gli accordi :
Parte A
C Em F G x4
Parte B
F G C Am Dm G C Em
F G C Am Dm G F G

Accordion Jazz Chords

Concert Drijfhout Nikalaaskerk - Holland

by Diatonic News
Nicolaaskerk (Vlieland) Kerkplein 7, Oost-Vlieland

Wednesday 5th June 2019 - 20:30 to 22:30 h

Drijfhout geeft deze avond eenmalig een uniek concert in de prachtige historische kerk van Vlieland. De Nicolaaskerk op Vlieland zit vol met vele oude maritieme elementen. De pilaren gemaakt van scheepsmasten, kroonluchters geschonken door Michiel de Ruyter en daarnaast heeft deze kerk ook nog eens een prachtige akoestiek. Ger Lamerus, Nils Koster en Jan Wim Cupido zijn ras muzikanten, multi-instrumentalisten en vertel kunstenaars. Ze spelen en zingen eigen liedjes en traditionele muziek van Vlieland, de wadden en (ver)daarbuiten. Een avond vol humor, nostalgie en melancholie als altijd aan elkaar gesmeed met sterke verhalen op een van de mooiste locaties van Vlieland.

Wanneer u online uw kaarten koopt krijgt u deze per mail toegestuurd.

Info: http://drijfhout.luondo.nl/concert?fbclid=IwAR0TQUutQiuMzxjPgqw9GQpdx9Xqb-ohzaLxNg3iazvyqdcO_h3aNk928t4


by Diatonic News


Titano Accordions

Big Squeeze 2019 Finals - Austin/USA

by Diatonic News

Zydeco Annie & the Swamp Cats im Juni - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Zydeco Annie & the Swamp Cats
07.06.2019 Jazz Initiative 38300 Wolfenbüttel, Schweigerstr. 8
20:00 Uhr KOMM Asse-Sport-Center http://www.jazz-in-wolfenbuettel.de/

22.06.2019 Stadtfest 42579 Heiligenhaus, Innenstadt
19:00 Uhr https://www.heiligenhaus.de/

23.06.2019 Galerie Schageshof 47877 Willich, Schageshofstr. 1
20:00 Uhr https://www.galerieschageshof.com/

27.06.2019 Kultursommer 89312 Günzburg, Marktplatz
19:30 Uhr http://www.guenzburger-kultursommer.de/

28.06.2019 Privatfest 89584 Ehingen

29.06.2019 Internationales Straßenfest 89522 Heidenheim, Hauptstraße
18:00 Uhr https://www.heidenheim.de/

Mehr auf: http://www.zydecoannie.de/konzerte.html

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Les Bottines Artistiques in Concert - Bologna/IT

by Diatonic News
Les Bottines Artistiques
Giovedì 6 giugno 2019 - 22.30 h
@ Reno Folk Festival Bologna

È nell’autunno 2014 que Guus e Pavel, entrambi musicisti e professori di musica tradizionale, armonizzano i loro talenti e fondano il loro duo : Les Bottines Artistiques. Il primo all’organetto bisonoro unisce la tecnica francese e italian. Il secondo rivela al violino le sue origini bulgare. Così hanno saputo creare un suono sorprendente che condividono durante i loro numerosi concerti in Belgio, Francia, Spagna, Portogallo, Paesi Bassi e Germania.
Dopo due anni di complicità e un EP completamente sold-out, Les Bottines Artistiques entrano in studio nel giugno 2017 per la creazione del loro primo album, Summertime, in riferimento ai numerosi ricordi delle loro avventure musicali attraverso l’Europa.
Ora riprendono il cammino e vi invitano a ballare, per un ballo o per un concerto, garantendovi una serata indimenticabile!

eSheet Music Titles

Leveret Concert - Bonn/Deutschland

by Diatonic News
LeveretMontag 3. Juni 2019 - 20 h
Dietrich-Bonhoeffer -Straße, 53227 Bonn, Germany

Andy Cutting - box
Rob Harbron - concertina
Sam Sweeney - fiddle

Leveret is a unique collaboration between three of England's finest folk musicians. Andy Cutting, Sam Sweeney and Rob Harbron are each regarded as exceptional performers and masters of their instruments. Together their performances combine consummate musicianship, compelling delivery and captivating spontaneity. Leveret’s music is not arranged in the conventional sense and instead they rely on mutual trust, listening and responding. Their playing is relaxed and natural, drawing audiences in and inviting them to share in music making that is truly spontaneous and yet deeply timeless.

Fiddler Sam Sweeney was the 2015 BBC Folk Awards Musician of the Year, directs the National Youth Folk Ensemble and is known for his work in Bellowhead, Eliza Carthy & The Wayward Band, The Full English and his own Made In The Great War project. Melodeon genius Andy Cutting, a three-time BBC Folk Awards Best Musician, is a compelling solo performer and currently works with Blowzabella, Topette, June Tabor, and Roger Daltry. Concertina wizard Rob Harbron leads the English Acoustic Collective summer school and is known for his work with The Full English (Best Group and Best Album BBC Folk Awards 2014), Emma Reid, Fay Hield, Jon Boden and others.

Leveret's music is firmly rooted in the English tradition but sounds fresh and new. With their albums New Anything and In The Round and over a long string of sell-out gigs, the trio have built a strong reputation as consummate musicians and captivating performers. Now they return with Inventions, a new album of original material that brings Leveret’s trademark groove, energy and intuitive playing to bear on a set of new tunes composed by the trio, three of today's finest tunesmiths in the folk field.

Tickets: https://www.evangelisch-beuel.de/wordpress/?page_id=96&fbclid=IwAR2vW1cjc2WvM1ros9CjOcYSbW8BvPM9a_J2_nGWdiR3pQ-lR3mpPdp0RGc

Titano Accordions

"Bandoneon. Il respiro del tango" - iTALIA/Cagliari

by Diatonic News
Domenica 2 giugno 2019, ore 19.00
Auditorium del Conservatorio G.P. da Palestrina , Cagliari
Piazza Ennio Porrino 1

Musica, danza e teatro si fondono per dare vita al grande evento dell'anno firmato Anton Stadler. Uno spettacolo in anteprima assoluta che celebra il tango nelle sue infinite ed affascinanti sfumature.
Ospite d’eccezione il leggendario bandoneonista M° Juan Josè Mosalini, un pezzo di storia della musica legata a questo genere musicale, collega e intimo amico di Astor Piazzolla.
Ad impreziosire l’evento, ci saranno artisti del calibro di Fabio Furia e Yvonne Hahn, bandoenon; Gianmaria Melis, Matteo Amat, violini; Giovanni Chiaramonte, contrabbasso; Walter Agus, pianoforte.
Sul palco l’Orchestra di Tango della Sardegna, composta da 25 elementi di cui 7 bandoneon.
Molto più di un concerto, una vera e propria esperienza capace di catturare lo spettatore e tenerlo con il fiato sospeso per tutta la sua durata.
Sullo sfondo una storia d’amore tanto intensa quanto impossibile, segnata a passo di tango dai due ballerini, Sonia Deidda e Hatem Kakish.

L'evento è realizzato nell'ambito della X edizione di ARTango&Jazz Festival, organizzato dall'associazione Anton Stadler.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

30th AKQ Kick-Off - Houston/USA

by Diatonic News
Venue: Houston Community College .

In celebration of the 30th anniversary of Accordion Kings & Queens, Texas Folklife will hold a 30th AKQ Kick-Off Event with an opening of the AKQ gallery exhibit in May 2019 in Houston, Texas. Accordion Kings & Queens is an annual Texas Folklife showcase of the amazing musical diversity of Texas accordion styles, featuring legends of conjunto, polka, country western, zydeco, Cajun and more. The annual event celebrates the cultural diversity of Texas by bringing communities together for an evening of dancing and roots music played on the accordion, "the national instrument of Texas," drawing a capacity crowd of six thousand to Houston's Miller Outdoor Theatre every year. The Accordion Kings & Queens gallery exhibit commemorates the annual Texas Folklife event with photographs depicting the lively and diverse musicians that gather around the celebration of true Texas folk music. The 30th AKQ Kick-Off event will feature the AKQ exhibit, an award ceremony, and live music by Texas accordion stars


Voci Armoniche


by Diatonic News


Sounding Out the Accordion

30th Kings and Queens Celebration - Houston/USA

by Diatonic News



by Diatonic News
Domenica 2 giugno 2019 ore 19.00, presso l’Auditorium del Conservatorio di Cagliari, avrà luogo il grande concerto-spettacolo “BANDONEON” - IL RESPIRO DEL TANGO, realizzato nell'ambito della X edizione di ARTango & Jazz Festival prodotto dall'Associazione Anton Stadler.

Protagonisti del palcoscenico grandi interpreti e artisti tra cui il leggendario Juan José Mosalini, Fabio Furia, Yvonne Hahn, Gian Maria Melis, Giovanni Chiaramonte, che formeranno "L’ Orchestra di Tango della Sardegna".

Le coreografie, firmate da Mariana Montes, saranno interpretate dai ballerini Sonia Deidda e Hatem Kakish.

Un’ ora di grande musica con i capolavori di Astor Piazzolla, Anibal Troilo, Osvaldo Pugliese, Mariano Mores, Julian Plaza, Horacio Salgan e tanti altri.

Biglietti: https://www.associazioneantonstadler.com/pagamenti

Voci Armoniche

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Friedrich Lips Book

"OVERLAND" by Jazz Trio - Italia/Denmark

by Diatonic News
•June 2019: Official release of the Jazz Trio album "Overland" Worldwide

Wed 19th June at 17:00

Bibliotekshaven LIVE 3 - Gentagelsen
Den Sorte Diamant - Det Kgl. Bibliotek · Copenaghen


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Marc Pircher live/TV - ORF/ARD

by Diatonic News
Marc PircherSo, 02.06.2019
ARD "Immer wieder Sonntags", 10.00 Uhr - Live
...live aus dem Europapark in Rust (D);

Do, 13.06.2019
ORF 1 "Dok Eins", 20.15 Uhr
Hanno Settele probiert sich im Schlager - ausführliche Doku über die Welt des Schlagers;


Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

CD - Muddy banks - UK

by Diatonic News
CD - Muddy banks - UKTraditional folk songs of sailors and fishermen from Lincolnshire and the East Coast by this popular and entertaining performer.
Genre: Folk: British Folk

Liam Robinson: Vocals, Melodeon, Anglo-Concertina and Bouzouki
Nils Koster: Backing Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Piano, Violin and Whistle
Tjikkie van Houten: Backing Vocals

1. Humber Bell
2. Grimsby Fishermans Song
3. Noble Shinkin
4. Bonny Ship the Diamond
5. Betsy Walton
6. Bold William Taylor
7. Hey Ho Little Fishes
8. Lincoln Hornpipe
9. Spurn Point
10. Herring Song
11. Come All You Bold Britons
12. The WillowTree
13. Candlelight Fisherman
14. Three Score and Ten

Info: http://drijfhout.luondo.nl/muddybanks

CD "Stories - La Sedon Salvadie" - Italia

by Diatonic News
CD FolkestDischi presenta Questo CD - Una sorta di the best of, che include versioni alternative di brani già incisi e parecchi brani nuovi. Uno dei best-seller della musica friulana di tutti i tempi.


1 – Juri juri – Maricka je nestimana (Trad.) [03:39]
2 – Al vaive ancje il soreli (Trad.) [03:45]
3 – La fontanuta (Trad.) [04:15]
4 – La biele sompladine (Trad.) [07:50]
5 – Te bila – Lipa ma Maritza (Trad.) [03:15]
6 – Si sintîs a dì ninine (Trad.) [02:38]
7 – Un ràp di ùe (Trad.) [03:00]
8 – Buinesere paronzine (Trad.) [03:28]
9 – Che dal Capitul (Trad.) [03:06]
10 – Mi La (Trad.) [03:20]
11 – Lusive la Lune (Trad.) [04:50]
12 – Marcia (Trad.) [03:15]
13 – Valzer di Liso (Trad.) [03:58]
14 – Nine nane di Zuviel (Trad.)
15 – Tin tidin tidaine (Trad.) [02:00]

Info: https://shop.editeventi.com/epages/16745.sf/it_IT/?ObjectPath=/Shops/16745/Products/DF35

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