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Later News: Peter Anzaldua Wins 2012 Texas Folklife Festival Accordion Competition - USAby Rita Davidson Barnea |
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![]() In addition to taking home the top prize of $1,000 and a Hohner Classic II accordion, after winning the contest Anzaldua got to play a set on the Miller Outdoor Auditorium stage with headliners Flaco Jimenez, Mingo Saldivar and the Texmaniacs. “That was amazing,” his mother Christi Anzaldua said of seeing her son perform with the Texmaniacs, one of the top Tex-Mex conjunto groups in the country. Anzaldua, who attends Veterans Memorial High School, said the fact that people were dancing during the contest made it easier to perform well. He beat out three other finalists, Luis Gonzalez of Grand Prairie, Michael Salinas of Dallas and Omar Garza of Mission. “I was excited,” he said. “It’s better when there’s dancing. People get into the music and it just comes together more”. As the Big Squeeze champion, Anzaldua will perform at Texas Folklife Festival events throughout the coming year. He said he expects to perform soon in the Rio Grande Valley, but as of Sunday afternoon wasn’t sure exactly where. In the Big Squeeze he performed the polka ‘Viva Seguin’ as one number and a medley of songs including the ‘Folsom Prison Blues’ as the other. The contest was for accordion players of any genre. The other three finalists played Norteño selections. Between 6,000 and 8,000 people attended the Accordion Kings & Queens contest, which like all Miller Outdoor Auditorium events was free to the public but required advance tickets for covered seating and access to the dance floor. |
Later News: Yuri Medianik Releases New DVD titled Constellation Of Temptations - Russiaby Harley Jones |
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Death of Accordion Pioneer Emilio Gioacchini, FAS - Castelfidardo/Italyby Diatonic News |
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![]() This factory started well back in time and was handed over to his son Marco, who had been learning the skills from his youth in the family business at the peak of accordion production. Son Marco has since continued the with the FAS di Gioacchini Emilio & s.n.c. factory with the same passion as his father Emilio, serving the accordion community in Castelfidardo and other places of the world. Emilio Gioacchini is survived by his wife Maria, his son Marco, daughter Patrizia and niece Laura. Online translation ! |
‘Tag der Harmonika’, Perg – Austriaby Werner Weibert |
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![]() This year’s ‘Tag der Harmonika’ was held from May 4th to 6th in Perg, which is located in the lovely region of Upper Austria. The competition attracted more than 300 participants and included categories for accordion soloists, duos, ensembles and orchestras, for harmonica and the ‘Steirische Harmonika’ (Styrian Harmonica, a type of diatonic accordion), which has become very popular recently. Compared to previous competitions it can be said that the interest in the instrument and also the level of performance are constantly growing. The possibility to study the accordion at all major conservatories and universities of music as well as the work of the executive committee of Austrian Confederation of Accordionists HVÖ is showing very positive results. Most impressive performances came from Michael Rettig, who won both the Classic and the Entertainment categories, the ‘Duo akk:zent’ (Paul Schuberth, picture middle right, and Johannes Münzner, picture lower right), and the accordion orchestra ‘Vielharmonie’, from Salzburg. Alexander Pamer (picture top right) obtained first place in the highest category of the Diatonic competition, but there were also excellent performances by diatonic duets and folk music ensembles. Surely they will be going to represent their country at international competitions such as the Coupe Mondiale or the World Diatonic Competition in oncoming years. The next International Diatonic Competition will be hold in Mayrhofen/Tyrol (Austria) from May 30th to June 2nd. Gottfried Hubmann, Hermann Schlacher and Christian Höller were awarded the ‘Silver needle’, one of the highest distinctions of the Austrian Confederation. It was a lucky coincidence that the Austrian Day of the Harmonica was organized exactly 183 years after the patent of the accordion was granted to Cyrill Demien in Vienna in 1829. This aspect was also mentioned in the interview with Dr. Herbert Scheibenreif during the 24 hours livestream for World Accordion Day. Online translation ! |
Ein junges Harmonikatrio aus dem Bezirk Leoben - Austriaby Werner Weibert |
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Bei der Vorendscheidung für den großen Harmonikawettbewerb 2012 des ORF Steiermark haben es drei junge Harmonikaspieler in die Vorendscheidung der besten 15 der Steiermark geschafft (Foto von links.: Meinrad Mikusch, Katja Koller, David Schneeberger). Bereits seit vielen Jahren findet in der Steiermark der Steirische Harmonikawettbewerb statt, der vom ORF Steiermark durchgeführt und österreichweit im Fernsehen übertragen wird. Das Ziel dieses Wettbewerbes ist die Förderung der Volksmusik, insbesondere soll aber auch das reiche Schaffen und die Melodievielfalt unserer Volkskultur durch die jungen Harmonikaspieler noch mehr belebt werden. Die jungen Mädchen und Burschen haben dabei die Möglichkeit, sich einem großem Publikum zu präsentieren und sich natürlich im Rahmen dieses Wettbewerbes zu messen. Sehr gut abgeschnitten haben auch drei Harmonikaschüler aus der Mauterner Musikschule und Harmonikaklasse Gottfried Hubmann. Katja Koller aus Leoben, Meinrad Mikusch aus Mautern und David Schneeberger aus Wald am Schoberpass. Die weiteren Teilnehmer aus der Steiermark sind: Markus Schäffer, Martin Spitzer, Christian Rubrechter, Daniel Stefan Müllner, Harald Spitzer, Daniel Fuchs, Mario Strasser, Katja Wiesenhofer, David Stangl, Philipp Hafner, Lukas Ganster und Michael Mandl. Teilnehmer aus der ganzen Steiermark stellten sich einer fachkundigen ORF Jury die insgesamt die besten 15 der Steiermark ermittelte und diese spielen im Rahmen der „Reihe Steirische Sänger- und Musikantentreffen“ bei öffentlichen Volksmusikabenden, welche vom ORF Radio Steiermark aufgezeichnet werden. Hier können und müssen die Kandidaten bereits live vor Publikum spielen und so Bühnenerfahrung sammeln und haben auch die Gelegenheit im Radio zu spielen. Im Juni wird dann um den Einzug ins große TV-Finale gespielt. Der Sieger wird dann aus fünf Finalisten von der Jury, Karl Lenz (ORF Steiermark), Caroline Koller (ORF Salzburg) Franz Posch (ORF Tirol) und Sepp Strunz ermittelt. Das TV-Finale findet am 20. Oktober 2012 in der Steinhalle Lannach statt. Gottfried Hubmann Online translation ! |
100 organetti al Teatro Valle Occupato - Roma/Italiaby Diatonic News |
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![]() ![]() Chiudete gli occhi e immaginate la bellezza del suono di un organetto! Moltiplicatelo per cento e poi aprite gli occhi! Vedrete la bellezza di 100 organetti diatonici riempire il Teatro intero, con i colori, la profondità e l’allegria di questo meraviglioso strumento. La tradizione si sposerà con l’innovazione e la ricerca. Sfide di bravura e sfide di rima; cantanti e compositori che interagiranno con i 100 organetti, oltre alla composizione e esecuzione di brani originali per questo raro ensemble. Dopo il raduno in mattinata il giorno 17 giugno al Teatro Valle Occupato di Roma, il nuovo e stravagante gruppo musicale invaderà le piazze di Roma e coinvolgerà la cittadinanza per il grande concerto che si terrà in serata (dalle 19 in poi) in Teatro. A capitanare questo ensemble saranno prestigiosi rappresentanti dell’organetto nel mondo, Danilo Di Paolonicola, Riccardo Tesi e tanti altri. Ospite speciale la “Piccola Orchestra La Viola”. E ancora altri ospiti musicisti e cantanti di cui sveleremo il nome nei prossimi giorni, che si esibiranno accompagnati dai 100 organetti. Sei un organettista? Cosa aspetti?? Entra anche tu a far parte dei 100 organetti 17 giugno – TEATRO VALLE OCCUPATO Registrati su: http://www.teatrovalleoccupato.it/100organetti |
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“Bon Appetit” – WORLDWIDEby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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While navigating on the Internet and most probably being inspired by the “stomake” hours (lunch or dinner) focusing on Barbeque, I came past this really nice musical option, that can be a delight for almost every part of the body – except EARS! Welldone – to whoever prepared this musical dish and thanks for placing it on the NET! Copies obviously ALLOWED! Online translation ! |
Sata-Häme Soi Festival - Finlandby Diatonic News |
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The throughout the world well known Festival with many diatonic accordion players and compeititions will take place next month in July from the 3rd-8th of July 2012. If you are somewhere near - don't miss this great event or read more about it in our July edition. For further information you can check back on www.accordions.com/finland or http://www.satahamesoi.fi |
New Book "Squeeze This" by Marion Jacobson - USAby Rita Davidson Barnea |
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![]() No other instrument has witnessed such a dramatic rise to popularity--and precipitous decline--as the accordion in the 1950's. "Squeeze This!" is the first history of the piano accordion and the first book-length study of the accordion as a uniquely American musical and cultural phenomenon. Ethnomusicologist and accordion enthusiast Marion Jacobson traces the changing idea of the accordion in the United States and its cultural significance over the course of the twentieth century. From the introduction of elaborately decorated European models imported onto the American vaudeville stage and the instrument's celebration by ethnic musical communities and mainstream audiences alike, to the accordion-infused pop parodies by "Weird Al" Yankovic, Jacobson considers the accordion's contradictory status as both an "outsider" instrument and as a major force in popular music in the twentieth century." Here's what critics say about Squeeze This! “A fascinating cultural history of the most underestimated of instruments."--Booklist "Wunnerful, wunnerful. . . . A delightful and illuminating surprise."--The Wall Street Journal Marion Jacobson has sparked great interest in and brought much attention to the accordion with her new book. Whether you agree or disagree with her thoughts or are reading it to learn about the accordion, it makes us all think about the accordion, how it has influenced our culture, our lives, and how it is part of a new generation of musicians who realize and greatly appreciate its value in the world of music. The book presents fascinating information and triggers even more questions, commentary, and curiosity in the accordion. I recommend that you read this book, listen to all types of accordion music, and develop a desire to learn more about the accordion. And….. how about learning to play the accordion! You may purchase at the book launch or other promotions or Amazon. For further information about Marion Jacobson and her new book: msjacobson@verizon.net Online translation ! |
Concertina “Wayne Collection”/Horniman Museum – London/UKby Diatonic News |
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![]() The Horniman Museum purchased the collection in 1996, with the assistance of a generous grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund. It consists of more than six hundred concertinas and related free reed instruments. It has a substantial archive, including the surviving 19th century ledgers of the Wheatstone concertina factory. The focus of the collection is on the work of the physicist Charles Wheatstone (1802-1875), who patented what became known as the English concertina in 1844. The collection includes a number of his prototypes and experimental models. There are also a wide range of concertinas and aeolas produced by the family firm, C. Wheatstone & Co., among them duet models and instruments made for concertina bands that were regularly played in competitions from the 1860s until the Second World War. In the 1850s, the English concertina became a fashionable instrument, reaching the peak of production. Many of the Wheatstones’ employees established their own businesses, among them Louis Lachenal, Joseph Scates and George Jones. The Wayne Collection represents their work - and that of many other makers based in Britain and Ireland. The collection also includes French, Italian, German and Dutch accordions. The ledgers of the Wheatstone factory chronicle the fortunes of the firm from May 1834 to December 1891. They provide a wealth of information about the concertinas sold by the firm, including serial numbers, dates of sale, and often the names of their purchasers. They also list some of the specific tasks of the workers. Opening hours - 10.30am -5.30 pm (17.30h) Online translation ! http://www.horniman.ac.uk/collections/the-wayne-collection |
Gabalier, Naddel & Co. geben Gas - Velden/Austriaby Diatonic News |
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Bei der großen Sportwagenparade am Wörthersee werden auch Naddel, Gabalier (Foto) und Co. dabei sein. Popmusiker Leo Aberer und Greg Bannis, Moderatorin Lizzy Engstler, Sport-Ass Benjamin Karl, Beautymodel Michael Konsel, Schlagersänger Chris Roberts und Volksrocker Andreas Gabalier (Foto)genießen es, in polierten Sportboliden um den Wörthersee zu fahren. Dazu haben die Prominenten, die sicher bei der großen Sportwagenparade am 16. Juni zu sehen sind, mittlerweile eine Woche Zeit. Das Sportwagenfestival, erfunden und organisiert von Heribert Kasper, dauert mittlerweile eine Woche lang. Heuer wird von 11. bis 17. Juni Gas gegeben und man zeigt sich von seiner glänzenden Seite. Kasper hofft heuer auf eine außergewöhnlich große Beteiligung, denn schließlich soll die längste Sportwagen-Parade der Welt in Velden aufgereiht werden. (von Kleine Zeitung Villach) Online translation |
"Eidgenössisches Akkordeon-Musikfest" (EAMF) - Schweizby Diatonic News |
![]() Der Zentralvorstand von Akkordeon Schweiz hat entschieden, dass das Fest - aufgrund der Verbands-Neuausrichtung - "Eidgenössisches Akkordeon-Musikfest" (EAMF) heissen soll (bisher Eidg. Harmonika- und Akkordeon-Musikfest, EHAMF). Das vom OK ausgearbeitete Festlogo, eine Symbiose von Stadtwappen und Akkordeon-Balg - wurde vom Zentralvorstand vorbehaltlos genehmigt. Winterthur (lat. "Vitudurum", im Volksmund auch "Winti" genannt) wurde im Jahre 1180 gegründet und erhielt 1264 das Stadtrecht durch Rudolf von Habsburg. Das OK unter dem Präsidium von Markus Jordi (Präsident VWH Vereinigung Winterthurer Harmonikaspieler) freut sich auf Winterthur 2012 und wünscht sich ein so herrliches Fest wie Grenchen 1951, Luzern 1955, Bern 1959, St. Gallen 1963, Zürich 1967, Riehen 1971, Zug 1976, Thun 1980, Herisau 1984, Zürich 1988, Aarau 1992, Nyon 1996, Luzern 2000, Lyss 2004 und Herisau 2009. Online translations ! www.akkordeonfest.ch Infos zum Festort http://www.zkhmv.ch/ |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
Long Beach Bayou Festival - California/USAby Diatonic News |
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6/23/2012 - 6/24/2012 Sat 11:00 am - 9:00 pm; Sun, 11:00 am - 8:00 pm This two day celebration will feature Cajun, Zydeco and Blues music along with a daily Mardi Gras Parade. Its a family affair, complete with a childrens stage so bring the kids. The new and expanded Long Beach Bayou Festival continues to offer a wider range of Cajun, Zydeco (top groups from both Louisiana and Texas) and Blues artists. In addition to the traditional Zydeco a more contemporary flair with the sounds of newer, younger Zydeco music groups was added. New Orleans Traditional Jazz Band. This year’s parade will be expanded more than ever! Bring a mask or costume. The adult with the most ORIGINAL costume will WIN two Bayou Fest Tee-Shirts. FESTIVAL HOTEL: Hilton Hotel & Resort 701 West Ocean Blvd., Long Beach,CA 90831 Ask for the “Bayou” rate at $144 The Long Beach Bayou Festival reservations Tel.: 1-562-983-3400 – http:/ / www1.hilton.com For further information: http://longbeachfestival.com |
Harmonikaspielen wie ein Weltmeister – Deutschland/Austriaby Diatonic News |
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Möchten auch Sie Harmonikaspielen wie ein Weltmeister? Dann perfektionieren Sie Ihr Können direkt mit dem Weltmeister Michael Rettig bei einem Harmonikaseminar mit und bei Hubert Klausner in Tirol/Austria und zwar vom 3. - 5. August 2012 von 09.00 h - 18.00 h Aschau / Zillertal Kennenlernen und Erarbeiten neuer Spielliteratur und neuer Spieltechniken Anmeldung und Info: Hubert Klausner - Zillertal Noten, Tel: +43 5282 3905 www.zillertal-noten.at/ e-mail info@zillertal-noten.at http://www.michael-rettig.de/ |
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Haapavesi Festival - Finlandby Diatonic News |
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![]() 26 June–1 July I Bluegrass, polska, fado, klezmer and music of many other genres have been blaring during summer nights in Haapavesi. Bluegrass, polska, fado, klezmer, and many other genres have in recent years been the highlights of the Haapavesi summer nights. In 2012, the festival will continue uncompromising artistic of a new line of folk music with guest such as Wimme, Suo and Emilia Lajunen, and arranges a variety of folk music educational courses. Also part of the guest artists the internationally well known accordionist: Antti Paalanen For further information: http://www.haapavesifolk.com/esiintyjat/ |
Meisterkurse f.Diatonisches Akkordeon - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
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![]() ![]() Tage für moderne Volks- und Bordunmusik 07. Juni 2012 15.00 Uhr bis 10. Juni 2012 13.00 Uhr Diatonisches Akkordeon für Anfänger/innen mit Vorkenntnissen Leitung: Oliver Stoffregen Gemeinsam bauen wir unsere spielerischen Fähigkeiten aus. Neben der Festigung der Grundlagen werden Techniken zur Bearbeitung einfachster Stücke vermittelt: Melodieverzierungen, Balgarbeit und Begleitmöglichkeiten mit den Bässen. Die Stücke werden in Noten und Tabulatur ausgeteilt, es wird jedoch auch das im Folkbereich traditionelle Erlernen der Melodie nach Gehör geübt. Voraussetzungen: Grundfertigkeiten auf dem diatonischen Akkordeon. Diatonisches Akkordeon für Fortgeschrittene Leitung: Jan Budweis Einfache Tanzmelodien sind oft kurz und leben durch ständige Wiederholungen. Um sie beim Aufspielen zum Tanz abwechslungsreich und spannend zu gestalten, gibt es viele Möglichkeiten, die wir erlernen wollen: z.B. rhythmische Gestaltungsvarianten der rechten und linken Hand, das Akkordspiel auf der Diskantseite und Phrasierungs- und Verzierungstechniken. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist das Erarbeiten von Variationen bis hin zu kleinen Improvisationen. Ziel ist, dass Sie mit den erlernten Fertigkeiten kreativ und spielerisch umgehen können, wobei sich jede/r entsprechend ihren/seinen individuellen Möglichkeiten in das Zusammenspiel integrieren kann. Online translation ! Info: http://www.burg-fuersteneck.de/kultur/kurs_3744.htm |
6° ACCORDION ART FESTIVAL & CONTESTS - Italyby Diatonic News |
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English The www.accordionartfestival.com arrives at the 6th edition this year. After the huge success of last year the event will take place in Pineto (TE, Italy) 16th, 17th june 2012. Inside the festival are the following competitions: • ITALIA AWARD International Competition Award (dedicated to classic-virtuoso-electronic accordion, piano/keyboard, guitar, singing, jazz, electronic accordion, composition, groups) • ORPHEUS AWARD 2012 (the only critics award for accordion cds, MP3 divided into classical, jazz and world music). (only for italians) • CMA NATIONAL SELECTION (for access to the next Trophy World, USA 2012) ITALIANO Il www.accordionartfestival.com giunge quest'anno alla 6° edizione. Dopo il grande successo dello scorso anno la manifestazione si svolgerà quest'anno a Pineto (TE, Italia) il 16, 17 giugno 2012. All'interno i seguenti CONCORSI: • ITALIA AWARD (Concorso Internazionale per fisarmonica, tastiere, canto, chitarra, pianoforte, jazz, composizione, fisarmonica elettronica, organetto, gruppi) • ORPHEUS AWARD 2012 (Oscar della fisarmonica per CD /MP3 del 2011 diviso in classico, jazz, world music) • SELEZIONI NAZIONALI CMA (per il Trofeo Mondiale in USA 2012). Information: • Artistic Director event: Renzo Ruggieri (foto left) Artistic Director for Orpheus Award: Fabio Ciminiera President: Salvatore Cauteruccio Secretary: Claudio Azzaro info@accordionartfestival.com www.accordionartfestival.com Entry Date/Iscrizioni fino a: 05-06-2012 |
11th Annual New Zealand Tango Festival - New Zealandby Diatonic News |
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The 11th Annual New Zealand Tango Festival, Wellington will take place from the 19th - 26th June 2012. Three days and four nights of world-class workshops, shows and milongas, plus tango immersion courses before and after the festival. A wonderful programme filled with international masters, performances, special guests, and a few surprises packed into every moment of the eight day programme. The festival week starts with intensive courses run by our international masters, held in the heart of the city, within walking distance from the festival hotel, with milongas every night, and the cafe district of Wellington right outside your door. Thursday 21st of June is the start of the main festival event, with registration open from 7:30 pm and the Welcome Milonga starting at 8 pm. Friday, Saturday and Sunday are filled with workshops all day and dancing all evening. The main performances are on Friday and Saturday nights. For further informaiton: http://www.nztangofestival.co.nz Kjersti Major, Registration Manager +64 21 406 055 festival@nztangofestival.co.nz Online translation ! |
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Noel Hill Irish Concertina Schools, 2012 – USAby Diatonic News |
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![]() East Coast Campus - Gavin's Golden Resort, East Durham, NY Dates: July 29 - August 3, 2012 West Coast Campus - Tilikum Retreat Center, Newberg, OR Dates: August 5-10, 2012 Midwest Campus - Marydale Retreat Center, Erlanger, KY Dates: August 12 - 17, 2012 E-mail noelhillclass@gmail.com (or call Linda at 860-267-2135) for questions about this campus, including registration and pricing, or to register now to reserve your space. Further information: http://www.noelhill.com/ e-mail noelhillclass@gmail.com |
Airs d'Accordéon en Valenciennois - Franceby Diatonic News |
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Atelier chant/accordéon et bal guinguette avec Sandrine Questier Hélène Becq dans le cadre de la "Fête du Pain" http://www.valaccordeon.com/ |
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Stage Fabrizio de André per organetto - Roma/Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Roma 23 giugno 2012 with Docente Gianni Ventola Danese La musica e le canzoni di Fabrizio de André riflettono sovente gli stilemi e le strutture della musica popolare: le mazurche, i valzer, le tarantelle. Non solo. L’influenza della musica francese e della canzone d’autore transalpina è un altro importante aspetto dell’estetica musicale di De André. Questo ne fa uno degli autori più adatti a un lavoro di trascrizione per organetto, uno strumento la cui sonorità sposa perfettamente le melodie del poeta genovese. Lo stage permetterà di percorrere un viaggio nel repertorio di Faber scoprendo quanto il suo repertorio possa prestarsi a un’interpretazione all’organetto dagli effetti poetici e musicali sorprendenti. Destinatari Lo stage si rivolge a coloro che suonano l’organetto a 8, 12 o 18 bassi, e che desiderano ampliare il repertorio e migliorare il loro stile esecutivo. Allo stage possono partecipare anche coloro che non leggono la musica. Ulteriori informazioni http://www.organetto.info/stage_anno.htm#giu Online translation ! |
Ergebnisse des 7. Josef Peyer Wettbewerbes - Austriaby Diatonic News |
1. Preis: Mitteregger Florian 2. Preis: Bacher Daniel 3. Preis: Kloiber Daniela Solo A2 1. Preis: Panzl Roland 2. Preis: Steiner Samuel 3. Preis: Pinter-Krainer Benjamin Solo B1 1. Preis: Krainer Johanna 2. Preis: Lengauer Mario 3. Preis: Lugitsch Tobias Solo B2 1. Preis: Mölschl Marcel 2. Preis: Koini Andreas 3. Preis: Neubauer Max Solo C1 1. Preis: Veit Gregor 2. Preis: Saminger Sabine 3. Preis: Binder Lukas Solo C2 1. Preis: Bracher Tobias 2. Preis: Ganster Lukas 3. Preis: Müllner Daniel Solo D 1. Preis: Huber Michael 2. Preis: Sattler Michael 3. Preis: Kern Stefan Jury Mitglieder waren: Ernst ZWANZLEITNER, Mag. Christian HARTL, MA, Sigi LEMMERER, Gregor LANG, Josef LAKY, Mag. Günter RINGDORFER, Renate PRASSL, Raphael KÜHBERGER, Ewald KIENZL, Martin GOLLOB, Anton PICHLER, Johanna KNABL, Christian BAKANIC, Gottfried HUBMANN, Mag. Johann MURG For further Information: Greimler Siegfried greimler.musikus@aon.at |
Cajun/Zydeco Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
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![]() ![]() June 7, 8, 9, & 10, 2012 Schedule of Performers THURSDAY JUNE 7, 2012 Scheduled Performers Dance Instruction/Workshops 6:00 PM Jimmy Jo & The Jumbol’ Ayuhs 5:00 PM Basic Zydeco w/ Jim 7:15 PM Li’l Anne & Hot Cayenne 6:15 PM Cajun 2-Step w/ Jim 8:30 PM The Pine Leaf Boys FRIDAY JUNE 8, 2012 Scheduled Performers Dance Instruction/Workshops 12:00 PM Ryan Brunet & Les Malfecteurs 12:15 PM Zydeco w/ Debbie & Ben 1:00 PM Li’l Anne & Hot Cayenne 1:15 PM Cajun 2-Step w/ Jim 2:00 PM Jimmy Jo & The Jumbol’ Ayuhs 2:15 PM Mamou 2-Step & Jitterbug 3:15 PM The Pine Leaf Boys 3:30 PM Adv Zydeco w/ Debbie & Ben 4:30 PM Li’l Anne & Hot Cayenne 5:45 PM Ryan Brunet & Les Malfecteurs 7:00 PM Keith Frank The Soileau Zydeco Band 8:15 PM The Pine Leaf Boys 9:30 PM Geno Delafose & French Rockin’ Boogie SATURDAY JUNE 9, 2012 Scheduled Performers Dance Instruction/Workshops 12:00 PM Geno Delafose & French Rockin’ Boogie 12:15 PM Mamou 2-Step & Jit 1:15 PM Steve Riley & The Mamou Playboys 1:30 PM Zydeco w/ Deb & Ben 2:30 PM Keith Frank & The Soileau Zydeco Band 2:45 PM TBA 3:45 PM Jesse Lege & Bayou Brew 3:45 PM Zydeco w/ Deb & Ben 4:45 PM Lil Wayne & Same Ol’ 2 Step 6:00 PM Ryan Brunet & Les Malfecteurs 7:15 PM Geno Delafose & French Rockin’ Boogie 8:15 PM Steve Riley & The Mamou Playboys 9:45 PM Keith Frank The Soileau Zydeco Band SUNDAY JUNE 10, 2012 Scheduled Performers Dance Instruction/Workshops 10:00 AM Sunday Cajun Brunch w/ C’est Bon 8AM-12PM Sunday Cajun Brunch 11:15 AM Lil Wayne & Same Ol’ 2 Step 10:30 AM Adv Zydeco w/ Deb & Ben 12:45 PM Steve Riley & The Mamou Playboys 2:00 PM Planet Zydeco 3:00 PM Jesse Lege & Bayou Brew For information: http://www.strawberrypark.net |
![]() The 40th Jutajaiset festival summer will present contemporary folklore with the energy of northern folk musicians and a firm grasp of tradition. A series of culturally diverse events will unfold from Sodankylä to Rovaniemi, bringing village life into the city from roots in bygone Lapland to the present day. Jutajaisten 40. festivaalikesä on pohjoisen pontevaa pelimannimeininkiä ja perinteillä voideltua nykyfolklorea. Kotikyliltä kaupunkiin jutaava monikulttuurinen tapahtumien ketju avautuu Sodankylästä Rovaniemelle, festivaalin lappilaisilta juurilta nykypäivään. Urheilukatu 4 A 23, FI-96100 Rovaniemi jutajaiset@jutajaiset.fi |
Harmonica Weekend - Alderbrook/UKby Diatonic News |
![]() at Alderbrook School, Solihull, Birmingham, B91 1SN, UK. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sixth NHL Chromatic Weekend will be held over the weekend of the 9-10 June 2012. Following three successful years, it will again be held in Alderbrook School, Solihull. Course Details There are two themes for CW2012, and the programme will cater for all abilities from beginners to experienced players. Viola Barends, from Holland, who ran very successful workshops at the NHL Festival in 2011 will cover playing ensemble, including use of chord and bass instruments. Information: Steve Dooley: Tel: 01548 531252 email: steve@stevedooley.net http://harmonica.co.uk/chromWeekend.htm Alderbrook School Blossomfield Rd Solihull, B91 1SN, United Kingdom +44 121 704 2146 |
Vanessa Grand Open Air Festival - Schweizby Diatonic News |
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Weitere Information: Vanessa Grand Open Air z.Hd. Vanessa Grand 3953 Leuk-Stadt /Schweiz Tel +41 79 316 30 09 e-mail: info@vanessa-grand.ch |
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Voci in Musica / Festival - Frosinone/Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Young Conquerors Parade, South Belfast - Irelandby Harley Jones |
The Young Conquerors Parade is held annually in South Belfast and features a number of marching diatonic / accordion bands which are very popular in the area. These videos were taken a few days ago at the Young Conquerors Parade 2012. |
23rd Annual Accordion Kings & Queens Festival on June 2nd - USAby Rita Davidson Barnea |
![]() The star-studded affair will take place on Saturday, June 2, beginning at 6:00 PM. The festival is free and open to the music-loving public. Festival goers wanting seats in the pavilion area can pick up their free tickets the day of the festival at the Miller Box Office or become members of Texas Folklife and receive up to four reserved tickets. The night will begin with The 2012 Big Squeeze Accordion Contest Playoffs. The finalists were selected at the Semifinals Concert and Playoffs at the Bob Bullock Texas History Museum in Austin in April. This year’s finalists are: Peter Anzaldua, 15, of Brownsville; Omar Garza, 17, of Mission; Luis Gonzales, 16, of Grand Prairie; and Michael Ramos, 16, of Dallas. Texas Folklife’s Big Squeeze accordion contest 2012 finalists will compete for a grand prize package valued at $4500, including a $1000 cash prize, a brand new Hohner accordion and recording time at the historic Hacienda Records in Corpus Christi, as well as promotional support from SugarHill Recording Studios, Hohner, Inc., Hacienda Records and Texas Folklife, and other professional opportunities. The young accordionists will perform, and by the end of the night, the new Grand-Prize-Winner will be selected by a panel of esteemed judges and the festival crowd. After the crowd has been primed by the young squeezeboxers, the accordion legends and stars will take over the stage. Flaco Jiménez and Mingo Saldivar are Texas music royalty and national treasures. Jiménez has received five Grammy awards over his sixty-year career—two of which were with the supergroups the Texas Tornadoes (Jiménez, Doug Sahm, Freddy Fender, and Augie Meyers) and Los Super Seven. His father was Santiago Jiménez, Sr., one of the pioneers of conjunto music. Jiménez has appeared in the film Picking up the Pieces with Woody Allen and Sharon Stone. He also appears on the soundtrack to that movie, and in many others, such as Y Tu Mamá También, The Border, and Tin Cup. The Hohner company collaborated with Jiménez to create the Flaco Jiménez Signature Series of accordions. Mingo Saldivar’s career spans four decades. He is a two-time Grammy nominee, as well as a recipient of the prestigious National Heritage Award from the National Endowment for the Arts. Dubbed the “dancing cowboy” by fans, Saldivar is a conjunto music legend. Los Texmaniacs won the 2010 Grammy award for Best Tejano Album, Borders y Bailes, on the Smithsonian Folkways label. Their sound has been called “hip music everybody can relate to” and is comprised of conjunto, rock, and rhythm and blues. Putting the Queen in Accordion Kings & Queens, Houston’s own Dora and the Zydeco Entourage will also be performing on this accordion-loving night. This year’s festival all-star lineup includes the newly formed Ennis Czech Boys who will undoubtedly keep the crowd on its feet. Rounding out the night and proving why he is the reigning Big Squeeze Champ will be Ignacio “Nachito” Morales. The Accordion Kings & Queens Festival and The Big Squeeze are funded in part by the Board of Texas Folklife, the City of Houston through the Miller Theatre Advisory Board, Houston Endowment, Hohner Inc., The Raven Grill, and FBA Design. Additional support for the contest is provided by the City of Dallas Office of Cultural Affairs, Hacienda Records, South Central Music Source, Cactus Music & Record Ranch, SugarHill Recording Studios, La Michoacana Stores, Embassy Suites Hotel Downtown Austin, the Still Water Foundation and the City of Austin through the Cultural Arts Division and by a grant from the Texas Commission on the Arts and an award from the National Endowment for the Arts, which believes that a great nation deserves great art. Texas Folklife is a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to presenting and preserving the diverse cultures and living heritage of the Lone Star State. For more than 25 years, Texas Folklife has honored the authentic cultural traditions passed down within communities, explored their importance in contemporary society, and celebrated them by providing accessible and joyful arts experiences. It is located in Austin, Texas, in the SoCo neighborhood—one of the city’s vibrant commercial and arts districts. For further information: Sheree Scarborough / (512) 922-5483 sheree.scarborough@gmail.com Big Squeeze information: Sarah Rucker: (512) 441-9255 / info@texasfolklife.org In Photo: from left: Michael Ramos, Luis Gonzales, Peter Anzaldua, Omar Garza Photo by Michelle Mejia, 2012, Texas Folklife |
Future events / Concerts |
Die Harmonika-WM erwartet Sie ! - Austriaby Werner Weibert |
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![]() Ambrogio Sparagna organetti, voce Valentina Ferraiuolo, tamburelli, voce Erasmo Treglia, ciaramella, ghironda, violino a tromba http://www.ambrogiosparagna.it Per ulteriori informazioni sul Festival: viandanzafestival@itineraria.eu - www.viandanzafestival.it |
Pine Leaf Boys on tour - USA/ASIAby Rita Davidson Barnea |
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The Pine Leaf Boys is a Cajun and Creole band from South Louisiana. Members include: Wilson Savoy, Cajun accordion and vocals; Courtney Granger, fiddle and vocals; Jon Bertrand, guitars; Drew Simon, drums and vocals; Thomas David, bass.The band is known for playing traditional Cajun and Creole music from Southwest Louisiana, inspired by bands dating from the 1920s such as Amédé Ardoin to modern bands such as the Mamou Playboys, Jason Frey, Paul Daigle and Cajun Gold all the way up to Wayne Toups. The Pine Leaf Boys are an "international Cajun band," performing many shows each year in Europe. Four-time Grammy-Nominated, world-renown Pine Leaf Boys have made a name for presenting their own inimitable brand of Cajun music with youthful exuberance. Hailing from the southwest Louisiana, the Pine Leaf Boys, known for their wild shows and thoughtful arrangements, have breathed new life into Cajun music, reviving ancient songs and bringing them to the bandstand. Being described in the New York Times as, "... the link that connects the young and the old generations," and, "the best new, energetic, and fun Cajun band in a very long time," the Pine Leaf Boys play the old fashion dance hall standards while making a priority to bring many of the more obscure songs of past masters into their repertoire and play them with gusto. The Pine Leaf Boys have been invited on two occasions by the U.S. State Department to tour the world and present true music to Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Jerusalem in 2009 and again to Latvia, Denmark, and Slovenia is 2010. The variety and energy they release evolves through their shows, bringing multi-faceted angles to Cajun, Creole, and Zydeco. Their mission is to present the beautiful, powerful music of their ancestors and present the real Cajun music to the world and prove that it is still thriving and full of life. The Pine Leaf Boys have preserved the traditional Cajun sound, while allowing it to breathe and stretch with those who play it. The accordionist in the group is Wilson Savoy who plays Cajun accordion and vocals. He was born and raised near Eunice, Louisiana in 1982. Wilson began playing boogie-woogie piano at ten years old after becoming becoming completely enthused about the wild-piano-playing Louisiana-native, Jerry Lee Lewis. While in his early teens, Wilson's father, Marc, gave him a homemade accordion built from the wood of a Sassafras tree that his grandfather planted. Wilson intensely studied the styles of his musicial heroes Amede Ardoin and Iry Lejeune, as well as his father (known well for being one of the masters of the Cajun accordion) and soon developed a style of his own, full of punch, syncopation, and energy. When not on the bandstand, Wilson is a frequent visitor at jam sessions at his father’s music store or the Blue Moon Saloon, or he is teaching at music camps all over the world including Fiddle Tunes, Augusta, and Tikendalch in France. Wilson has played in many groups over the years like the White Mule Boys, the Red Stick Ramblers, the Savoy-Family Band, the Church Point Aces avec Paul Daigle and Mitch Reed, and his heart has always been with Cajun music. In 2006, Wilson debuted in the film “All the King’s Men” as a piano player alongside actor Sean Penn. In 2010, Wilson had a speaking role in the HBO Series "Tremé" playing himself. Their schedule includes: June 1: Blue Moon Saloon, Lafayette, LA June 2: La Poussiere, Breaux Bridge, LA June 7-8: Strawberry Park, Preston CT June 9: Stone Mountain Arts Center, Brownfield Maine June 13: US State Department Tour of Central Asia Kyrghistan June 14-18: US State Department Tour of Central Asia Kyrghistan June 19-25: US State Department Tour of Central Asia Uzbekistan June 26-July 1st: US State Department Tour of Central Asia Tajikistan Online translation ! For further information on bookings in Louisiana: wilsonsavoy@gmail.com For all bookings outside of Louisiana: mattg@folkloreproductions.com |
Reyes y Juglares Vallenatos, Valledupar - Columbiaby Harley Jones |
The 4th Meeting of Music Accordion is to be held in Valledupar Cesar, Columbia from 20 to 23 June. Pictured below, left to right are: - Eris Puentes; - Facundo Torresan and his group; - Dúo Nuevo Mundo of Francisco Javier Rivera Montoya (clarinet) and Lácides Romero (accordion); - José Ermes Melo; The Governor of Cesar, Luis Alberto Monsalvo Gnecco, will open the event and start the musical gala. For further information, please email: eldiariovallenato@gmail.com |
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Belsy und Florian Fesl im Juni - Italien, Austria, Schweiz, Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
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![]() 02.06. Salzburger Musikfrühling / A-5700 Zell am See (Eishalle) / 20:00 Belsy & Florian 03.06. Radio U1 Tirol - Frühschoppen / A-6460 Imst (Gasthof Neuner) / 11:00 Belsy & Florian 07.06. Weissblauer Stammtisch / D-84149 Velden-Vils (Festzelt) / 11:00 Belsy & Florian 09.06. Zillertaler Haderlumpen - Open Air / A-6280 Zell am Ziller / 18:00 Belsy & Florian 15.06. Volkstümliche Gala / A-6166 Fulpmes (Pavillon) / 15:00 Belsy & Florian 16.06. Volkstümliche Gala / CH-3920 Zermatt (Festzelt) / 20:00 Belsy & Florian 16.06. TV-Ausstrahlung: "Melodien der Berge - vom Vierwaldstättersee" / ARD / 20:15 Belsy & Florian 17.06. Alpenfieber Davos / CH-7270 Davos (Vaillant Arena) / 16:00 Belsy & Florian 21.06. Starnacht der Grand Prix Sieger / A-6425 Haiming (Festzelt) / 20:00 => www.bataillonefest.at Belsy & Florian 23.06. TV-Probe: "Immer wieder Sonntags" / D-77977 Rust Belsy & Florian 24.06. TV-Livesendung: "Immer wieder Sonntags" / ARD / 10:00 Belsy & Florian 29.06. BELSY FESTIVAL 2012 - Fanwanderung / I-39048 Wolkenstein (Treffpunkt Gemeindeplatz) / 10:00 Belsy & Florian 30.06. BELSY FESTIVAL 2012 / I-39048 Wolkenstein (Gemeindeplatz) / 18:00 Belsy & Florian Erleben Sie das musikalische Wochenende des Jahres in den Dolomiten - das BELSY-FESTIVAL 2012! Mòchten Sie zusetzliche Information....www.florian-fesl.de oder http://www.belsy-und-florian.de/ |
Julian Rowlands performing – Irland, Scotland, Englandby Diatonic News |
![]() Julian is a member of the acclaimed tango ensemble Tango Siempre and regularly performs with them at major arts venues and theatres in the UK and Europe. Since 2011 Julian Rowlands has been involved with the show Midnight Tango starring Vincent Simone and Flavia Cacace from BBC TV's Strictly Come Dancing. In June you can see and hear him: Friday, June 1 - Saturday, June 2 Midnight Tango Leicester de Montfort Hall Tuesday, June 5 - Saturday, June 9 Midnight Tango Dublin Tuesday, June 12 - Tuesday, June 19 Midnight Tango Wolverhampton Grand Wednesday, June 20 - Saturday, June 23 Midnight Tango Wolverhampton Grand Monday, June 25 - Tuesday, June 26 Midnight Tango Liverpool Empire Wednesday, June 27 - Saturday, June 30 Midnight Tango Edinburgh Playhouse For information: http://www.bandoneon.co.uk/ or jr@bandoneon.co.uk |
Alex Meixner...not to miss in June - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() US Age restrictions: All Ages.Address: 5831 Maeystown Rd..Venue phone: (618) 939-3700.Alex Meixner Duo 6:30pm to 9:30pm 06/08/12 - 06/09/12 Sugar Creek, MO Sugar Creek Slavic Festival US Alex Meixner Band with special guest Don Lipovac 06/12/12 - 06/16/12 Panama City Beach, FL Hofbräu Beer Garden - US Address: 701 Pier Park Dr., Ste. 155.Venue phone: 850-235-4632.Alex Meixner Duo 06/29/12 Franklin Square, NY PlattDuetsche Park US Address: 1132 Hempstead Tpke.Venue phone: 516-354-3131.Alex Meixner Band 06/30/12 Hoboken, NJ Pilsener Haus US Address: 1422 Grand Street.Venue phone: 201-683-5465.Alex Meixner Band For more pricise information: http://alexmeixner.com/schedule |
BAL FOLK E MUSICA - Torini/Italiaby Diatonic News |
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mercoledì 20 giugno ore 21 BAL FOLK E MUSICA LIVE CON "SPADARA" animazione a cura di Massimo e Alessandra di ARTEFOLK CORTILE DELLA CASCINA ROCCAFRANCA Via Rubino 45 angolo via Gaidano – TORINO Organizza la Fondazione Cascina Roccafranca in collaborazione con il gruppo Folk in Cascina INGRESSO GRATUITO In caso di maltempo la serata si svolgerà nella galleria della cascina per informazioni www.artefolk.it/animazione |
“Quinteto Negro La Boca” in Junio/Julio - Argentinaby Diatonic News |
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![]() ![]() GUITARRA: Maximiliano Larrea CONTRABAJO: Lucas Pereira PIANO: Patricia Mariana Szilagyi CANTORES: Alejandro Guyot - Hernan Fernandez - Rodrigo Perelsztein - Juan Villarreal Junio 2012 “Quinteto Negro La Boca” 08 de Junio "CICLO DE TANGOS CONTAMINADOS" - MALEVAJE ARTE-CLUB (gARIBILADI 1670- LA BOCA) 21:30 hs .entrada 15 pesos. reservas al 4 303 8333 Tocan: Derrotas Cadenas, LuLú, Orquesta Típica Cambio de Frente y Quinteto Negro La Boca. 09 de Junio PRÁCTICA DNI-TANGO (Bulnes 1011- Almagro) 17:00 hs. entrada 25 pesos. Reservas al 48663663 15 de Junio SANATA BAR - (Sarmiento 3501 ) 23 hs. entrada a la gorra. reservas al 4861 5761 Del 27 de Junio al 16 de Julio -GIRA INTERNACIONAL presentando "ÁLBUM NEGRO" en MÉXICO Y CANADÁ con el lanzamientomundial del segundo CD del quinteto. http://www.quintetonegrolaboca.com.ar pablo.bernaba@gmail.com |
Festival della Viandanza – Italiaby Diatonic News |
![]() Da venerdì 15 a domenica 17 giugno, nella splendida cornice di Monteriggioni, in provincia di Siena, apre i battenti la prima edizione del Festival della Viandanza. Una festa aperta a tutti lungo il principale itinerario di viandanza italiano: la Via Francigena. Tre giorni dedicati ai cammini, al viaggiare lento, tre giorni di eventi gratuiti Partecipa anche Ambrogio Sparagna con il suo organetto il Ore 21.30: Spettacolo |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
“Arriva La Banda” CD - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Grande attesa per il nuovo cd della banda uscita a Maggio per Finisterre. Il nuovo cd contiene una serie di musiche e testi inediti che si intrecciano in una nuova forma canzone che rivive di un'energia trascinante. I brani raccontano le storie d'Adriatico rivissute con lo spirito moderno del musicista migrante e trasmettono messaggi di integrazione. La maturità stilistica e compositiva raggiunta dalla banda in questi anni si condensa in 11 tracce energiche e innovative, che mescolano groove sfrenati e folli ad atmosfere rarefatte. Di prossima pubblicazione anche il videoclip del brano Arriva la banda per la regia di Gianni De Blasi. INFO E CONTATTI +347 5468393 info@adriatik.it www.adriatik.it |
Book: Absolute Beginners' Concertina - Irlandby Diatonic News |
![]() A range of easy to follow diagrams, tips on maintenance and buying concertinas plus a potted history of the makers all add up to a well designed and planned tutor with a set of exercises which both challenge and give instant results to the beginner. The method has been road tested on new students of the instrument and they attest to the value of the teaching system. Online translation ! Information: http://mickbramich.co.uk/beginners.html |
Irish Concertina style tutor - Irlandby Diatonic News |
![]() The ultimate tutor for the instrument, which takes a completely new look at expanding the potential of the humble Anglo. You have seen and heard Irish players – now do it yourself. Extracts from a review for The International Concertina Association newsletter by Harry Scurfield: "..a clear, well-written, beautifully printed and laid-out method on playing a single–note melody style. Sound principles!" "The well thought out diagrams are beautifully clear, and I do like the "do it yourself " note chart......Tunes are crisply printed in straightforward settings.....There is good discussion of the many pushing/pulling issues which beset Anglo players..." "A most welcome addition to Mally's catalogue; there is information here to suit English players interested in the repertoire, too! If you are at all interested in this music, get it!" Online transation ! Information: http://mickbramich.co.uk/irish_concertina.html |
Presentazione del CD "Nonna Letizia seniè lu cembera" del gruppo Rua della Musica - Italiaby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() o mercoledì 6 giugno 2012 o 18.00 fino a 20.00 Viene presentato il cd di musica popolare realizzato dal gruppo "Rua della Musica" . E' una raccolta di alcune canzoni popolari della zona del Piceno raccolte dal gruppo in 40 anni di ricerca dalla voce degli ultimi portatori della tradizione musicale popolare del territorio del Piceno. All’organetto: Pier Filippo Melchiorre pfmelchiorre@teletu.it |
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