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Diatonic News in original language! Use online translation systems!by Webmaster |
Our diatonic-news.com is going online every 1st of each month with news from around the world. Constant updates during the month - so stay tuned! All articles will be inserted in original language. For reading in other languages use online translation systems ! |
Stockholm Music and Theatre Museum - Swedenby Diatonic News |
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![]() ![]() Since 1979 the Stockholm Music Museum is located in the former Crown Bakery, in the same block as the Court Stables, beside the Royal Dramatic Theatre. The Crown Bakery dates from the 17th. Century, and is Stockholm’s oldest industrial building. This building has a long and eventful history and has through the centuries performed a number of functions: bakery, weapon depot, spirits store. Yet almost all the time – from the 1640’s to 1958 – it has been a bakery for the armed forces in Stockholm. It even boasted mobile ovens which could be used during field exercises. In 1945 the building was ravaged by a fire which destroyed its upper floors in the northern part – where the Concert Hall is now located. The musical instrument collection consists of approximately 6400 artifacts of varying ages: from brand new to several hundreds of years old. The major part of the collection is of European art music and Scandinavian folk music instruments. Since the 1970's the collection has included Nordiska Museet's instrument collection. Consequently only part of the collection is shown on the website. At the moment circa 1,800 instruments are accessible. Updates are made on a daily basis, so check out and see what is new! Here some of the diatonic accordion instruments: Concertina, Wheatstone Charles, London, England, M1944 Concertina, Wheatstone Charles, London, England, N92063 Diatonic, Dallapé & Figlio, Stradella, Italy, M3222 Diatonic, F. A. Rauner, Klingenthal, Germany, M3215 Diatonic, Friedrich Gessner, Magdeburg, Germany, M3199 Diatonic, Friedrich Gessner, Magdeburg, Germany, M3200 Diatonic, Friedrich Gessner, Magdeburg, Germany, M3202 Diatonic, Friedrich Gessner, Magdeburg, Germany, M3203 Diatonic, Friedrich Gessner, Magdeburg, Germany, M3204 Diatonic, Friedrich Gessner, Magdeburg, Germany, M3205 Diatonic, Friedrich Gessner, Magdeburg, Germany, M3206 Diatonic, Friedrich Gessner, Magdeburg, Germany, M3207 Diatonic, Friedrich Gessner, Magdeburg, Germany, M3208 Diatonic, Friedrich Gessner, Magdeburg, Germany, M3209 Diatonic, Friderich Gessner, Magdeburg, Germany, M3211 Diatonic, Friedrich Gessner, Magdeburg, Germany, M3213 Diatonic, Friedrich Gessner, Magdeburg, Germany, M3214 Diatonic, Friedrich Gessner, Magdeburg, Germany, M3216 Diatonic, Gessner Friedrich, Magdeburg, Germany, M3555 Diatonic, Hermann Buttstädt, Gera, Germany, M3164 Diatonic, Hermann Buttstädt, Gera, Germany, M3165 Diatonic, Hermann Buttstädt, Gera, Germany, M3217 Diatonic, Hohner Matthias, Trossingen, Germany, M3554 Diatonic, Koch Andreas, Trossingen, Germany, M3551 Diatonic, Malmling Carl Johan, Hedemora, Sweden, M3664 Diatonic, Malmling, Dalarna, Sweden, M3186 Diatonic, Matthias Hohner, Trossingen, Germany, M3175 Diatonic, Matthias Hohner, Trossingen, Germany, M3176 Diatonic, Matthias Hohner, Trossingen, Germany, M3177 Diatonic, Matthias Hohner, Trossingen, Germany, M3180 Diatonic, Mayenburg, Sachsen, Germany, M3185 Diatonic, unknown maker, M3161 Diatonic, unknown maker, M3550 Diatonic, unknown maker, M3556 Diatonic, Oscar Rückoldt, Gera, Germany, M3195 Diatonic, Oscar Rückoldt, Gera, Germany, M3196 Diatonic, Oscar Rückoldt, Gera, Germany, M3197 Diatonic, Rückoldt Oscar, Gera, Tyskland, M3552 Diatonic, Wilhelm Lanka, Gera, Germnay, M3191 Diatonic, Wilhelm Lanka, Gera, Germany, M3192 Diatonic, Wilhelm Lanka, Gera, Germany, M3193 Diatonic, Zuleger & Mayenburg, Sachsen, Germany, M3184 http://www.musikmuseet.se/index.php?l=en |
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Finnish Diatonic Championships, Ikaalinen - Finlandby Kevin Friedrich |
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![]() ![]() You can read a report of this at: 2012Finnish about half way down the page. The winner of the top diatonic category was Erkki-Jussi Koivuluoma (Finland), picture left. The event featured Finnish competition categories for accordion and the VIII Primus Ikaalinen International Entertainment category, won by Tan Jia Liang (China), picture right. Photos, text and video of this competition and many other parts of the festival is online in the Daily Reports of the 2012 Sata-Häme Soi Festival by Kevin Friedrich at: 2012Finnish |
Win a STAGE at CNIMA - Franceby Diatonic News |
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www.cnima.fr cnima@wanadoo.fr |
Masterclass Fisarmonica Diatonica - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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World Premiere of 'Balkan Milonga Loca' by Aleksandar Nikolic, Stuttgart - Europeby Harley Jones |
![]() Aleksandar Nikolic wrote "It is really crazy and the audience, especially dancers love it very much. We performed this piece, first time last month on the Beltango Germany, Switzerland and Austria tour." This world premiere was recorded in Stuttgart. Following the excellent success of the Beltango Trilogia Triple CD Pack, the Beltango Quintet is now preparing a new CD for release this summer with the same title 'Balkan Milonga Loca' by Beltango. The Trilogia Triple CD Pack is available online at: Beltango |
Great Performance of An Old Favorite Revisited, El Chocolo by Raphael Murciaby Harley Jones |
Popular singer Raphael Murcia along with a great backing group and a masterful bandoneon player perform a great remake of the ever popular El Chocolo. Enjoy. |
16° Edizione del Campionato Italiano di Organetto e di Fis.Diatonica - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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1) L’Associazione “Amici dell’Organetto e dei Fanciulli” di Torre Orsaia (SA) in collaborazione con l’A.M.I.S.A.D. (Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici) di Maiolati Spontini (AN) e il Comune di Scalea (CS) indice ed organizza nei giorni 26-27-28 luglio 2012 la 16° Edizione del Campionato Italiano di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica, a premi. 2) Alla manifestazione vi potranno prendere parte i candidati di nazionalità italiana (e/o selezionati nei vari concorsi provinciali, regionali e in altre manifestazioni indette dall’A.M.I.S.A.D o in collaborazione con la stessa Associazione), con strumenti diatonici di qualsiasi tipo. 3) Il campionato, che si svolgerà a Scalea (CS) presso l’Hotel “Paradiso” sito in Corso Mediterraneo - S.S. n.18, si articolerà nelle seguenti Sezioni e relative categorie: SEZIONE ORGANETTO strumenti con una 1 o 2 file di voci al canto 2 o 4 bassi) Cat. A fino a 10 anni (nati dal 2002 in poi) Cat. B fino a 12 anni (nati dal 2000 in poi) Cat. C fino a 15 anni (nati dal 1997 in poi) Cat. D fino a 18 anni (nati dal 1994 in poi) Cat. E senza limiti di età SEZIONE FISARMONICA DIATONICA strumenti con un minimo di 2 file di voci al canto con 8 bassi e oltre) Cat. A fino a 12 anni (nati dal 2000 in poi) Cat. B fino a 15 anni (nati dal 1997 in poi) Cat. C fino a 18 anni (nati dal 1994 in poi) Cat. D senza limiti di età SEZIONE FISARMONICA DIATONICA/ORGANETTO - Over50 strumenti diatonici di qualsiasi tipo. Categoria UNICA da 50 anni in poi (nati dal 1962 in poi) 4) I concorrenti saranno tenuti a presentare due brani a libera scelta della durata complessiva non superiore agli 8 (otto) minuti. 5) Ogni concorrente, con due distinte iscrizioni, potrà partecipare sia alla SEZIONE ORGANETTO che alla SEZIONE FISARMONICA DIATONICA, nelle rispettive categorie di appartenenza. Il concorrente Over50, oltre alla propria Sezione, potrà partecipare, con distinte iscrizioni, sia alla SEZIONE ORGANETTO che alla SEZIONE FISARMONICA DIATONICA, nelle rispettive categorie di appartenenza 6) Premi….. 8) Tutte le prove del Campionato sono pubbliche. I concorrenti 1° Premio “con menzione di merito”, di ogni categoria e i proclamati Campioni hanno l’obbligo di partecipare il giorno 28 luglio 2012 al concerto di chiusura durante il quale saranno distribuiti i premi previsti dal regolamento. 9) Le spese di viaggio e di soggiorno al 16° Campionato Italiano di Organetto sono a carico dei concorrenti. L’organizzazione declina ogni responsabilità per eventuali incidenti a cose o persone, che potrebbero accadere prima, durante e dopo lo svolgimento della manifestazione. 10) I vincitori delle categorie Senior delle precedenti edizioni del Campionato Italiano e Mondiale di Organetto non potranno prendere parte al campionato Italiano 2012 salvo che per età non accedano alla categoria Over50. 11) I vincitori delle categorie Junior delle precedenti edizioni del Campionato Italiano e Mondiale di Organetto non potranno prendere parte al campionato italiano 2012 salvo che per età non accedano alla categoria superiore (Senior) 12) Tutti coloro che faranno stampare cartoline e manifesti pubblicitari con scritta “Campione Italiano” senza il riconoscimento AMISAD, saranno deferiti all’Autorità Giudiziaria. 13) Le domande di iscrizione, compilate nell’apposita scheda fornita dall’organizzazione, dovranno pervenire entro il 23 luglio 2012: a) tramite posta elettronica: roncogia@libero.it b) il giorno stesso prima dell’inizio dell’audizione della rispettiva sezione e categoria di appartenenza (iscrizione riservata ai soli tesserati A.M.I.SA.D o allievi di scuole tesserate con la stessa Associazione); la partecipazione è subordinata all’accettazione della richiesta da parte dell’Organizzazione e della Giuria. Al momento della conferma dell’iscrizione a partecipare alla competizione nazionale e prima dell’inizio delle audizioni della rispettiva sezione e categoria di appartenenza (come da allegato programma), il concorrente è tenuto ad esibire un documento di riconoscimento (ad eccezione dei tesserati AMISAD o allievi di scuole tesserate con la stessa Associazione) 14) La quota di iscrizione distinta per ogni SEZIONE è di € 40,00 (quaranta/00). Per i tesserati A.M.I.SA.D o allievi di scuole tesserate con la stessa Associazione, la quota di iscrizione è di € 30,00 (trenta/00) 15) Il programma per diverse esigenze potrà essere soggetto a modifiche e, a discrezione della giuria, le classifiche potranno rimanere aperte. 16) Il concorrente, nel partecipare alla competizione nazionale, dichiara: - di aver letto il Regolamento e di approvarlo senza riserve alcuna - di acconsentire alle associazioni “Amici dell’Organetto e dei Fanciulli” e A.M.I.SA.D. al trattamento dei dati a fini di informazione e promozione (L.675/96 e successive modifiche e /o integrazioni). 17) Informazioni: - A.M.I.S.A.D. tel.328.0193689 roncogia@libero.it Maiolati Spontini, giugno 2012 |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
Stage Accordéon Diatonique chez CNIMA - Franceby Diatonic News |
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16-21 7 2012 avec Alain Penec uN grANd NoM du dIAto, uN des «reNAIsseurs» de LA MusIque BretoNNe, VIeNt eN terre oCCItANe Vous FAIre PArtAger soN sAVoIr et Vous PréseNter Les INCroyABLes ACCordéoNs dIAtoNIques NuMérIques roLANd ! (MAIs stAge ouVert Aux dIAtos ACCoustIques) trAVAIL AVeC ou sANs PArtItIoN et tABLAtures. Pour avoir plus d’information visitez www.cnima.com cnima@wanadoo.fr |
Sata-Häme Soi Festival, Ikaalinen - Finlandby Diatonic News |
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![]() The idyllic centre of Old Town Ikaalinen is filled with musicians and friends of accordion music summer after summer. Both amateurs and world class musicians, such as Maria Kalaniemi and Timo Kotila, will perform at Ikaalinen – providing the festival audience with an astonishing variety of musical styles. The festival carries out also accordion and diatonic accordion competitions, traditional Finnish Folk accordionists in 1 and 2 row and 5 row instruments - see www.accordions.com/finland/11_06_29.htm - with both national and international categories. The idyllic centre of Old Town Ikaalinen is filled with musicians and friends of accordion music summer after summer. Who would have guessed that the accordion would develop into such a fascinating and versatile instrument over time when the first accordion was patented in Vienna in 1829. There are no linguistic or cultural barriers when friends of accordion music from all around the world come together. Music is in the air in the Festival Park and in the concert venues for a week. Both amateurs and world class musicians perform at Ikaalinen – providing the festival audience with an astonishing variety of musical styles. The accordion is the mirror of the Finnish soul - creating happiness, joy, and good ambiance. For extensive online coverage of the event with links to Daily Reports, daily live TV Broadcasts and live coverage of the various competitions and events, please visit: http://en.satahamesoi.fi/ Sata-Häme Soi Festival at: www.accordions.com/finland |
Sata-Häme Soi Festival Live Broadcast, Web TV, Deschamps Channel' - Finlandby Harley Jones |
A live broadcast of the Sata-Häme Soi Festival will be presented by the Deschamps Channel each day between July 3 - 7 in the form of reality TV with the interviews of candidates, members of juries, artists present during the Sata-Häme Soi Festival, as well as highlights about daily activities of candidates. The broadcast will include traditional Finnish Folk accordionists in 1 and 2 row and 5 row instrument categories, and the Golden and Silver Accordion National Finnish Championships. The Primus Ikaalinen International Accordion TV Entertainment Competition will be broadcast in full Live Streaming. The 2012 contestants are: Russia: Utkina Ekaterina, France: Elsa Gourdy, Moldova: Dorin Grama, Kazacstan: Shamgar Tolkynhan, China: Tan jia Liang, Germany: Radu Laxgang, Lithuania: Martinas Levickis, Finland: selected the day before the contest by National selections. For extensive online coverage of the event with links to Daily Reports, daily live TV Broadcasts and live coverage of the various competitions and events, please visit: Sata-Häme Soi Festival at: www.accordions.com/finland |
HEBCELT Festival - Scotlandby Diatonic News |
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Stornoway 11-14th July 2012 Celebrating 17 years, the award winning Hebcelt is renowned for its truly special party atmosphere which radiates out from its epicentre in the Castle Grounds to our outermost communities -The Outer Hebrides, located off the north west coast of Scotland, incorporate the islands of Barra, South Uist, Benbecula, North Uist, Harris and Lewis; a group of islands each uniquely different. The Festival centres on the main venue, a large marquee, capable of accommodating up to 5000, which is set in the scenic grounds of Lews Castle, Stornoway. The 'Castle' a Victorian mock Tudor castle was built in 1849 by Sir James Matheson of Jardine Matheson Company and is surrounded by a beautiful wooded area once believed to rival Kew Gardens for its richness in variety. Lord Leverhulme granted the lands to the folk of Stornoway in 1923 and this saw the establishment of the Stornoway Trust who now oversee the daily management of the Grounds and croft lands within the Trust area. In addition to the many complementary events in Stornoway, the 'capital' of this island group, a variety of events are hosted by community groups around the islands of Lewis and Harris. Online translation ! Photo above: Begoa Photo below: Muran For further information upon artists visit: http://hebceltfest.com or e-mail: office@hebceltfest.com |
The Green River Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
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Greenfield, Massachusetts, USA 7/14/2012 - 7/15/2012 Celebrating its 26th year, the Green River Festival combines music on three stages, food, crafts, a dance tent, a wide array of kids activities and entertainment, and hot air balloons for the Pioneer Valleys biggest outdoor event of the summer. This is the only music festival in Massachusetts that features hot air balloons and rides. Performers Woody Guthrie 100th Birthday Celebration, Arlo Guthrie and the Guthrie Family Reunion, Los Lobos,Ozomatli, Richard Thompson, Rubblebucket, David Wax Museum, CJ Chenier,Rebirth Brass Band, Charles Bradley & His Extraordinaires, Lost Bayou Ramblers with Gordon Gano, Chuck Prophet & The Mission Express, Chris Smither & The Motivators, The Pimps Of Joytime, Winterpills, Brown Bird, Elizabeth Cook, Pokey LaFarge and the South City Three, JD McPherson, Samirah Evans & Her Handsome Devils, The Sweetback Sisters, Martin Simpson, Lee Fields & The Expressions, and more! Venue Greenfield Community College Directions Greenfield Community College, Colrain Road, off Route 2, Greenfield, MA. Follow signs from I-91, exit 26 to Route 2 West, turn right on Colrain Road. Online translation ! Information http://www.greenriverfestival.com Email: fccc@crocker.com |
Workshop Anglo-Concertina mit Claus Kessler - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() 5. bis 11. August 2012 Workshop Anglo-Concertina mit Claus Kessler The NON- profit Irish music school, it's dedicated to George Carruthers who's only interest was in spreading this beautiful tradition. 2 workshops a day, sessions, concerts, guided walks in the palatinate forest, grilling, session around the camp fire 'Irish Woodstock'. Due to big demand, a childminder for the Mamas and Papas for the duration of the Workshops has been organised. The prices are Full board including workshops 300 Eur. Full board without workshops 210 Eur. Veranstaltungsort: Naturfreundehaus Elmstein Esthaler Str. 63-67, 67471 Elmstein Information: www.pat-kelly.de or www.concertinas.de Anmeldung: www.doodle.com Kontakt: pat.kelly@web.de |
Fathers Day Tribute to 'Our Dad the Accordion Man' - Canadaby Harley Jones |
This was published in time for the June Fathers Day. The song is a tribute to 'Our Dad The Accordion Man', written and sung by John Drakes and dedicated to his father, Stephen Drakes, originally from Coomb's Cove, Fortune Bay, NL, Canada. |
Gooikoorts International Folkmusic Festival - Belgiumby Diatonic News |
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Gooikoorts is a yearly international festival that focuses on folk music at the crossroads of tradition and innovation. The festival stands for a high quality musical program, great atmosphere and enjoyment. At Gooikoorts folk music lovers embark on a fascinating voyage full of exciting experiences. An original and highly distinctive program truly stands for genuine musical quality. Our purpose is to show both talented young players and confirmed artists from this area and from far away countries, from Canada to Ukraine). In 2003 Gooikoorts made an early but enthusiastic start with seven talented Belgian bands, spread over two days. The 1600 satisfied visitors of the first edition paved the way for a further development of our festival. In the meantime Gooikoorts has become a three-day international traditional music festival with bands from many different countries including Belgium, Ireland, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Portugal, Poland, England, Schotland, France and Québec performing on several stages. As usual the festival is opened by the Gooik town crier. Thus two folk traditions meet each other. The instrument builders fair has space for 30 exhibitors and is the meeting place par excellence for any folk musician. FRIDAY july 6: Jamie Smith’s Mabon (Wales), Zlabya (Fr-VL) ) SATURDAY july 7: Kardemimmit (FIN), MANdolinMAN (VL), Zmei Trei (RO), Gjovalin Nonaj (AL), Korrontzi & Oinkari (Bask.), 4WheelDrive (VL-NL-D), Ricardo Tesi & Banditaliana (Tosc.), EmBRUN (VL) SUNDAY july 8: Concertmis met Trio Perunika (BG), Trio DHoore (VL), Balacordes (VL), Trio Perunika (BG),Cocktail Diatonique (F), Guidewires (IRL-Bret.), 4WheelDrive (VL-NL-D), Susana Seivane (Gal.), Habadekuk (DK Information: www.gooikoorts.be Email: Patrick Lichtert |
MISSION FOLK MUSIC FESTIVAL - Canadaby Diatonic News |
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July 19 to 22, 2012 SIX CONTINENTS ♦ SEVEN SEAS ♦ ONE MAGICAL WEEKEND! 25th ANNIVERSARY OF THE Staged in one of BC’s loveliest parks, overlooking the Fraser River, the Mission Folk Music Festival presents a festival renowned for its mix of accessibility and easy-going comfort, affordability and small-town friendliness, shaded day stages and some of the finest folk, world, roots, blues and brilliantly “un-categorizable” music from across Canada and around the world. Participating also: Renato Borghetti & Artur Bonilla (Brasil) An accordion virtuoso with the attitude of a flamenco dancer, Renato Borghetti is a superstar among the new folk musicians from the Rio Grande do Sul region in Southern Brazil. The charismatic gaucho has adapted and modernized many of the native sounds of the Argentinian pampa with central European, Italian and French elements. “Borghettinho,” as his fans like to call him, is known for his live shows – unforgettable events that offer a sparkling and elegant mix of traditional forms such as milonga, chacacera and chamamé with elements of jazz, tango and chamber music, adapting each of those forms to his unique style of accordion playing. Performing with Borghetti is acoustic guitar master Artur Bonilla. Do you want further information upon artists or other informaiton – than visit http://www.missionfolkmusicfestival.ca/ Or e-mail: missionfestival@shaw.ca |
Viljandi Folk Music Festival - Estoniaby Diatonic News |
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![]() Viljandi Folk Music Festival is held every year on the last weekend of July in Viljandi and it is one of the largest of its kind in the Baltic and Northern countries. The festival is a place where all the best musicians meet and present their contemporary renditions of traditional music. 4 days of traditional music performances on 5 outdoor and 3 indoor stages 200 performers, 100 concerts, more than 20 000 visitors and free green stage performances, workshops and county concerts The visitors of Viljandi Folk Music Festival are cheerful and happy people who are considerate towards themselves and their surroundings and are able to fall in love and to concentrate. This is what the spirit of the festival is all about! Information: http://www.folk.ee/festival/en/program-2012 |
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"Les Nuits Salines" Festival - Franceby Diatonic News |
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"Les Nuits Salines" de Batz sur-Mer (44-BZH). Les 20, 21, 22 juillet 2012, le Festival des Nuits Salines proposera, pendant ces 3 jours de fête exceptionnels, une programmation particulièrement riche et variée qui mettra en lumière plusieurs aspects de la culture "celtique". Cette année, encore, les "Nuits Salines" font preuve d'originalité et d'ouverture avec : - des musiques TRADITIONNELLES (fest-noz) et des ambiances plus ROCK, - un mélange du monde CELTIQUE (Bretagne, Galice et Irlande) et du monde, au sens WORLD Music. - sans oublier la CHANSON "MARINE" et FRANCAISE. MERZHIN http://www.merzhin.net/ Damien TATARD : accordéon diatonique, www.esquisselegroupe.fr Pour plus d'information http://nuitssalines.free.fr |
Les Tigresses Diatoniques - Voix sur Berges - L'accordéon de Serge Gainsbourg - Franceby Harley Jones |
Dans le cadre de la 17eme édition des Voix sur Berges, le dimanche 24 juin 2012 sur le canal Saint- Martin, la chanson l'accordéon de Serge Gainsbourg, avec "les Tigresses Diatoniques" , aux accordéons. Les tigresses diatoniques sont accompagnées pour les paroles par une centaine de chanteurs- spectateurs sous la pluie. |
4th Cajun Fest and Arts, Crafts & Music Festival - Oklahoma/USAby Diatonic News |
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7/4/2012 One doesn’t have travel deep into the heart of Cajun Country of Louisiana to find good food, good times and good music. In fact, it can be found in Grove at the Grove Civic Center on 4th of July weekend with authentic Cajun music, Cajun food and many other entertainers. Arts, crafts and food vendors will be participating assuring everyone of a choice that will suit them from beautifully hand crafted jewelry to Native American art and chicken & sausage jambalaya--more traditional foods such as hot dogs & hamburgers will also be available. The Annual Arts, Crafts, Music & Cajun Festival has proven to be successful and has become a major event in the Grand Lake area with the entire weekend devoted to good family entertainment. This event is hosted by Jana Jae, Grove’s own queen of country fiddle, and the non-profit organization, Grand Lake Festivals, Inc. with the assistance of the Oklahoma Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts. Free Admission Performers Authentic Cajun band(s) from Louisiana, alternating with Jana Jae and Hotwire gone Cajun (with some country, bluegrass) Venue Grove Civic Center and Snider's Camp Information: http://www.grandlakefestivals.com Email mail@grandlakefestivals.com |
Orange and Blue Parade 2012 - Northern Irelandby Harley Jones |
Annual Band Parade, Newbuildings, Northern Ireland, Saturday 23rd of June 2012. |
Trad en Fête et les cochonnets - La Grange Rouge - Franceby Harley Jones |
Trad en Fête célèbre ses 30 ans. La Grange Rouge près de Louhans accueille son festival de musique trad. C'est un week-end consacré à la danse, la musique trad et bluegrass. |
Festival "Ant rubežiaus" - Lithuaniaby Harley Jones |
Į festivalį suvažiuos originalios kapelijos ir stilizuotos kapelos bei pavieniai kaimo muzikantai iš visų Lietuvos regionų. Nuo ryto iki vakaro rekonstruotame Pėsčiųjų bulvare šurmuliuos tautodailininkų, kulinarinio paveldo, amatininkų ir prekybininkų mugė. Jubiliejiniame festivalyje dalyvaus virš 40 liaudiškos muzikos kolektyvų. Festivalio dalyviai varžysis dėl organizatorių įsteigtų nominacijų: šauniausia kapelija, šauniausia stilizuota kapela ir muzikantų muzikantas. Bačkų meistro iš Suvalkijos Vitaliaus Striuogaičio pagamintomis ąžuolinėmis bačkutėmis bus apdovanotos įdomiausią ir linksmiausią programą paruošusios dvi kapelijos ir stilizuotos kapelos bei du originaliausi kaimo muzikantai, o taip pat originaliausios „Keisto folkloro“ programos autorius. Antrą festivalio dieną (birželio 1 d.) bandysime užfiksuoti naują festivalio rekordą – gros jungtinis Lietuvos bandonininkų orkestras vadovaujamas bandonininko Arūno Lunio iš Lietuvos liaudies kultūros centro. Planuojama, kad į festivalį suvažiuos virš 35 bandonininkų. |
STAGE DI ORGANETTO con Danilo Di Paolonicola - Italiaby Diatonic News |
![]() Termine iscrizioni 5 Luglio. Per tutte le informazioni contattare http://www.ambientazionimusicali.com/2012/ITA/danilo-di-paolonicola--fisarmonica-diatonica--organetto-.html |
Das 11. Weltmusik Openair der Klangfreunde/Nordhessen - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() Drei Tage drei Generationen auf einem Festival. Musik, Workshops und Ethno-Kultur in gewohnt friedlicher und familiärer Atmosphäre. Bands, Workshops, Basar und Internationale Köstlichkeiten im Schlosspark. Freitag, 27.07.12 19.00 Kairos Future City 21.00 Palo Santo 23.00 RasDashaN 01.00 Muskat120 Samstag, 28.07.12 13.00 Dieter Bornschlegel 14.30 Embryo 16.30 Rasga Rasga 18.30 Jobarteh Kunda 20.40 Roy de Roy 22.50 Schelmish 01.00 Blotch Sonntag, 29.07.12 13.00 Harry G Bluesband 15.00 Konatekounda & Hamana Tolon 17.00 Evelyn Kryger 19.00 Zico Festivalort: Schlosspark Loshausen - Kasseler Str. 34628 Willingshausen - Loshausen Information: http://www.world-music-festival.de/music-workshops-ethno-culture/2012.html |
Future events / Concerts |
Palo Santo zu Gast beim World Musik Festival - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() Mestizo Musik - eine explosive Mischung aus Cumbia, Sambareggae, Ska und Folklore - sprengt Barrieren und bringt Menschen zusammen, die um ihre Rechte und Ideale kämpfen. Alle Stücke sind selbst komponiert und bringen jedes Bein zum Tanzen. Paco Blanca - Vocal, Gitarre, Cuatro, Tiple, Akkordeon, Small Percussion Andres Schwarzer - Gitarre, Vocal Hector Toscano - Bass, Vocal Andrea Barabas - Percussion Jorge Varela - Percussion Alejandra Marini - Vocals, Percussion Information:http://www.world-music-festival.de/music-workshops-ethno-culture/concert-2012/431-palo-santo.html http://palo-santo.de/ |
Kaustinen Folk Music Festival - Finlandby Diatonic News |
![]() Themes for the Kaustinen Folk Music Festival this year are Scandinavia, the kantele and the historical province of Tavastia (Häme) in southern Finland. The festival focuses on Finnish folk music and its various related phenomena, such as folk dance, singer-songwriters, and mind-boggling crossovers. This year, a record-breaking number of over 300 folk music groups, from amateurs to professionals, are expected to arrive at the festival, including M.A. Numminen & Pedro Hietanen, Hyperborea, Freija, Alamaailman Vasarat, Suo and Tallari to name but a few. Also JPP will be celebrating their 30th anniversary, and Frigg their new release. The Kaustinen Folk Music Festival Band of the Year 2012 is the Sibelius Academy Folk Big Band. They are a folk music band consisting of 35 musicians, each of whom play an important role as the composer, arranger, multi-instrumentalist, soloist and a band member. Their instrument repertoire includes violins, kanteles, accordions, guitars, wind instruments and harmoniums. A wide array of instruments and indisputably strong folk singing skills give the band a distinct and unequaled sound. |
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FolkIn Festa a Spilimbergo - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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5/30 luglio 2012 Spilimbergo Come ogni anno, Spilimbergo – deliziosa città medioevale e capitale del mosaico – ospita la fase conclusiva di Folkest, una kermesse di cinque giorni che si svolge su tre palchi e per le vie del borgo antico: FolkestIn Festa Nomi / artisti / per folk - vedi http://www.folkest.com/festival/artisti/ |
2012 Carrefour Mondial de l’Accordéon, Montmagny - Canadaby Harley Jones |
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Above is a short promotional video of invitation to the Carrefour Mondial de l’Accordéon which is five intense days of festivities and music from August 30th to September 3rd 2012. A large list of performers includes: Accordéon 4, Martin Beaulieu and André Bouchard, Carles Belda and Joan Garriga, Clément Bérubé, Corinne Bideaux and Rocco de Ieso, Marie-Jeanne Brousseau, Alexandre B. Caron, Fabrizio Causio, Club Carrefour, Daniel Colin and Dominique Cravic, Aaron Collis and Daniel Payne, Trio Contrass, Antoine Couturier, Luke Daniels and John Dipper, Kevin Desrosiers, Joaquin Diaz, Bernard Lafargue, Frédéric and Nathanaëlle Langlais, Susie Lemay and Denis Pépin, Saioa Eta Leire, Maréemusique, Gaston Nolet, Steve Normandin, Duo Nuances, Paire & Grin’, Antoine Pigeon Bourque, Portelli, Petar Ralchev, Art Richard, Trio Safar, Alexander Sevastian, Anita & Bob, Enrique Tellaria, Olivier Thibault, Timi Turmel et Christian Nolet, Paolo Vani, Gerry Virone. Download Full Carrefour Program of events at: http://data.axmag.com/data/201205/U20748_F93464/index.html |
Alex Meixner - on the road - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() North America with some new stops on the summer tour of Alex Meixner. He will be in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Alberta, British Columbia, Washington and Minnesota So check it out! Reading Liederkranz Reading, PA Sun Jul 01 12 08:00 PM The Old German Beer Hall Milwaukee, WI Tue Jul 03 12 08:00 PM Golden Mast Inn Okauchee Lake, WI Wed Jul 04 12 08:00 PM World of Accordions Museum Superior, WI Thu Jul 05 12 08:00 PM Ken Nichol Recreation Centre Beaumont, AB, CA Sat Jul 07 12 08:00 PM Confederation Park Centre Calgary, AB, CA Sun Jul 08 12 08:00 PM KIOTAC- (www.kiotac.ca) Kimberley International Old Time Accordion Championships Kimberley, BC, CA Mon Jul 09 12 12:00 PM KIOTAC- (www.kiotac.ca) Kimberley International Old Time Accordion Championships Kimberley, BC, CA Tue Jul 10 12 12:00 PM For further informaiton – see www.alexmeixner.com |
John Kirkpatrick @ Lymm Folk Festival, Cheshire - UKby Rob Howard |
![]() His involvement includes judging the song contest in the afternoon (2pm/5pm), followed by an evening concert performance at 8.30pm. For further information email: personal@bernardcromarty.co.uk |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
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"Arriva la banda" è il primo videoclip del gruppo salentino diretto da Gianni De Blasi in cui i musicisti sono immersi in un mondo animato Una nonna in cucina col nipote alle prese col morituro pollo, un manager incredulo, sposi ubriachi, sono alcuni dei personaggi che animano “Arriva La Banda” videoclip del primo singolo estratto dall’omonimo cd della salentina Bandadriatica, diretto da Gianni De Blasi e realizzato con il sostegno di Apulia Film Commission. Questo nuovo lavoro discografico della ciurma ribelle guidata dall’organettista e cantante Claudio Prima, che da cinque anni infiamma le piazze di mezza Europa, prodotto da Finisterre, distribuito da Felmay e promosso con il sostegno di Puglia Sounds , contiene una serie di musiche e testi inediti che si intrecciano in una nuova forma canzone che vive di un'energia trascinante. Video Bandadriatica-Arriva La Banda |
Landmark CD ‘Los Acordeones del s. XIX’, Santander – Spainby Rob Howard |
![]() The CD notably includes the first recording of the very first original composition known for accordion, ‘Theme varié très brillant’, written in Paris in 1836 by Louise Reisner. There is also one of the very first classical duos for accordion, ‘Fantasia sobre Fausto’, by Antonio López Almagro in 1876, There are works for harmonium by Liszt, Saint-Säens, Berlioz, Franck, Elgar, Janacek, and compositions for the concertina by Regondi and Harcourt. The playing standards and sound quality are first class throughout this landmark recording. The players/tracks include: Nicolae Ginu - ‘Duo No 2, op 8’, Camille Saint-Säens Juan Matías Cuartas - ‘Théme varié très brillant’ (1836), Louise Reisner Carlos Valbuena Gonzalo - ‘Fantasia sobre Fausto’, Antonio Lopez Almagro Catalin Bursan - ‘Romance sin palabras’, Antonio Lopez Almagro Marta Navas Méndez de Andés - ‘On an overgrown path, no 4’, Leos Janacek Sofia Ros Gonzáles - ‘Pieza corta, nos 1 and 15’, Cesar Franck Pablo Da Silva Saiz - ‘Weinachtbaum, no 5’, Franz Liszt Ana Gonzáles Arteaga - ‘Vesperklange’, Edward Elgar Fernando Navas Méndez de Andés - ‘Serenade agreste’, Hector Berlioz Fernando Navas Méndez de Andés - ‘Toccata’, Hector Berlioz Fernando Navas Méndez de Andés - ‘Hymne pour l’elevation’, Hector Berlioz Mikel Cerrada Laurrauri - ‘Waltz No 2’, Giulio Regondi Marina Pereira-Cabral Pérez - ‘Sonata, nos 3 and 4’, James Harcourt For further information email: gorka@gorkahermosa.com |
CD “ The first weave” - Scotlandby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() Thursday 5th July, Cairngorm Hotel Aviemore and Friday 13th July Inverness launch in Hootananny Graeme Mackay - Button Accordion Duncan Farquhar - Fiddle Martin Oparka or Sam Mcleod - Drums Tweed is the newest act from Meoran Ciuil Entertainment. After an experimental gig in Carrbridge in Jan 2011, the above trio have decided the sound created was so good, it was worth carrying on and doing some rehearsal and now have an album in the pipeline. Top class ceilidh music with a lively upbeat rhythm and good humour to top it all off. They have already completed the first International mission at a festival in Germany www.tweedmusic.co.uk |
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