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Diatonic News - Jun-2010
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Voci Armoniche


HELP DESK-INFORMATION on www.diatonic-news.com
Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival - Finland
DIATONIC FEST Festival and Iternational Competition Conservatorio "P.I. Tchaikovsky" Calabria/Italia
Ken Hopkins’ Accordion Collection, County Down - UK
Texas Folklife Crowns Keyun Dickson 2010 Big Squeeze Winner, Houston - USA
laMarca eurofolk Luglio 2010 - Italia
Sväng, Frigg and Lepistö&Lehti at Finland Fest - Tokyo/Japan
Art Festival & Contests – Italia
Musikkreuzfahrt 2010 - Mittelmeer
Polka Times Newspaper, Pennsylvania – USA

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

9th Annual Tango Festival - New Zealand
Dwayne Verheyden beim Tejano Conjunto Festival in San Antonio - Texas/USA
Jutajaiset Folklore Festival - Finland
Beinasco Folk / Torino - Italia
18th International Cajun & Zydeco Festival - Holland
Burg Fürsteneck - diatonische Akkordeon Werkstätten - Deutschland
"Vanessa Grand Open Air" - Schweiz
TAG DER HARMONIKA 2010/Rottenmann - Austria

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Renato Borghetti on Tour in - Europe
1° Festival Nazionale "Voci in Musica" - Alatri (FR) - Italia
Campionato Italiano di Organetto/Fisarmonica diatonica - Italia
21st Crawfish Fest Augusta, NJ - USA
Cajun Rooster in June - Germany
„Da Zillertaler und die Geigerin“ TV Auftritt im "Lieder, Land und Leute" - Südtirol
Didier Laloy en tour - Belgium
Eno Ethnica a Borgo Grappa - Italia
Concertina with Pádraig Rynne - Irland
Roger Morand Band in June - Netherlands/France

Titano Accordions

New and Updated Sites

HS Production releases new music
MusicForAccordion.com releases new music
Yehuda Oppenheimer releases new work
Franck Angelis releases new music
Vassily Glubochenko releases new music
Donald E Grzanna releases new music
William Schimmel releases new piece

Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments

Submit Your Question, Comment

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

HELP DESK-INFORMATION on www.diatonic-news.com

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Diatonic News has added a new interactive feature to the News.

This is titled “Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments” and is situated below the News.

The exciting part of this concept is that readers can list their own comments about any accordion subject they wish, ask questions, ask the accordion world for information. Its YOUR Diatonic Accordion World on www.diatonic-news.com News.

Neue interaktive Funktion auf Diatonic News!
Diatonic News hat eine neue interaktive Funktion in den Nachrichten aufgenommen. Diese trägt den Titel "Help Desk, Information gesucht, Leser Kommentare" und ist am Ender der Nachrichtenausgabe positioniert.

Der interessante Teil dieses Konzeptes ist, dass unsere Leser selbst auf dieser Seite akitv sein kònnen. Jeder Leser kann ab sofort online eigene Kommentare zu jedem Akkordeon Thema, generelle Fragen und Suche nach Information an die Akkordeonwelt/leser auf www.diatonic-news.com ins Netz setzen.

Nehmen Sie Anspruch von dieser neuen interaktiven Mòglichkeit, die das Ziel hat, unseren Lesern eine intensivere und sofortige Kommunikation mit anderen Akkordeoninteressierten zu ermòglichen

Nuova funzione interattiva su www.diatonic-news.com !

Diatonic-news ha inserito una nuova funzionalità interattiva nella sua edizione di notizie. Questa è intitolato "Help desk, informazioni, commenti dei lettori, ed è posizionata alla fine è della pagina.

La parte interessante di questo concetto è la possibilità di attività da parte dei lettori di essere se stessi in questa pagina. Ogni lettore è ora disponibile online e condividere i tuoi commenti su ogni tema fisarmonica, questioni generali e la ricerca di informazioni al mondo della fisarmonica / lettori sul AWW rete.

Prendete vantaggio di questa nuova opportunità interattiva che ha l'obiettivo di permettere ai nostri lettori di una comunicazione intensa e immediata con altri interessati di www.diatonic-news.com .

Nouvelles hebdomadaires nouveaux initiés fonction interactive

Diatonic News a ajouté une nouvelle fonctionnalité interactive à la Nouvelles. C'est intitulé «Help Desk, les informations nécessaires, Commentaires des lecteurs" et se situe en dessous de la Nouvelles hebdomadaires.

La partie intéressante de ce concept est que les lecteurs peuvent publier leurs propres commentaires sur n'importe quel sujet accordéon elles le souhaitent, poser des questions, demander de l'accordéon monde pour l'information.

Alors s'il vous plaît utiliser et de profiter de ce nouvel outil interactif, visant à permettre une plus grande communication entre les accordéonistes.


《环球手风琴》在“每周新闻”中增加了一个新的交互式的特色栏目. 标题是“Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments” ,放在下面的每周新闻中.

这一理念令人兴奋的地方是读者可以加入他们自己关于手风琴主题的任何评论、提出问题、询问手风琴演出信息. 这部分内容在《环球手风琴》每周新闻的“ 你的手风琴世界 ”栏目中.

因此请你使用并欣赏这个交互式的工具, 目的是增强手风琴家之间的沟通.

Раздел «Еженедельные новости» инициирует новую интерактивную функциию

Сайт Diatonic News добавил новую интерактивную функцию в раздел еженедельных новостей. Она озаглавлена "Доска помощи, необходимая информация, комментарии читателей" и расположена под разделом еженедельных новостей.

Важной частью этой новинки является то, что читатели смогут составить список собственных комментариев по любым вопросам, касающимся аккордеона, задать вопросы, запросить информацию, касающуюся аккордеона. Это ВАШ Мир Аккордеона на сайте www.diatonic-news.com.

Пожалуйста, пользуйтесь и наслаждайтесь этим новым интерактивным сервисом, направленным на достижение более тесных связей между аккордеонистами.

Information: Webmaster / Online translation !

Help Desk

Sounding Out the Accordion

Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival - Finland

by Rob Howard
The annual Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival takes place in Ikaalinen, Finland, from June 29th to July 4th. Beginning June 29th, there will be daily coverage found at Sata-Häme Soi.

This major festival includes national and fully televised Primus Ikaalinen international accordion competitions, diatonic competitions, Roland V Accordion contest, a full programme of daily concerts and other events, and even an accordion cruise on the lake. Many styles can be heard at this festival – everything from classical and jazz to folk and Tex Mex.

Guest artistes at this year’s festival include Richard Galliano & Tangaria Quartet (France), the famous Beltango group (Serbia), Carlos Buono (Argentina), Alain Musichini Quartet (France), Renato Borghetti Quartet (Brazil), Ludovic Beier (France), Mika Väyrynen, Eila Pienimäki and her Orchestra, Merja Larivaara and Päivi Nisula, Veli-Matti Järvenpää Tex Mex Band, the Myrskytuuli Orchestra, and the Hollolan Harmonikat Accordion Group.

Full Daily Reports at Sata-Häme Soi from 29 June.

For further information email: kimmo.mattila@satahamesoi.fi


DIATONIC FEST Festival and Iternational Competition Conservatorio "P.I. Tchaikovsky" Calabria/Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Il 23 luglio 2010 si terrà la seconda edizione del "Diatonic fest", Festival e Concorso internazionale di fisarmonica diatonica, comunemente nota come "organetto". L'iniziativa è promossa dal Comune - assessorato turismo e spettacolo in collaborazione con il conservatorio di musica "P.I. Tchaikovsky" e il supporto dell'associazione Casa delle Culture. Vedrà la presenza di prestigiosi nomi del panorama mondiale che si esibiranno come ospiti durante la kermesse: il pluri campione campione mondiale di Fisarmonica Diatonica nonche docente del triennio sperimentale di fisarmonica diatonica presso il conservatorio P.I. Tchaikovsky, Danilo Di Polonicola. « La seconda edizione del festival rappresenta la continuità di un progetto di valorizzazione del territorio e degli strumenti cosiddetti popolari - ha dichiarato il direttore del conservatorio maestro Pierfrancesco Pullia - sul modello del conservatorio di musica "A. Casella" dell'Aquila, sarà nostra intenzione promuovere un corso di studio proprio per questo strumento e al contempo, così come previsto dalle nostre finalità statutarie, attivare un importante centro di ricerca sulle musiche e tradizioni popolari del Mediterraneo».
«L'organetto - spiega il maestro è uno strumento fortemente radicato nella nostra tradizione musicale meridionale, che trova espressione in quelle forme note a tutti noi quali la tarantella calabrese, la pizzica (Puglia) la viddaneddha (tarantella regina), il saltarello (Italia centrale), la tammuriata (Campania), forme che portano con sé tutto il fascino e l'energia dello spirito musicale del sud.
Quello musicale popolare è un patrimonio ricchissimo e vivo nella coscienza territoriale di tutti e merita di essere valorizzato e non dimenticato.
Noi - ha aggiunto fra l'altro - come istituzione dedita all'alta formazione musicale, rientrante nell'ambito universitario, vogliamo portare avanti una politica culturale e formativa che guarda alla musica a 360 gradi, anzi che guarda non alla musica, ma "alle musiche", perché solo il "saper pensare" in termini di "pluralità" permette allo spirito umano di scoprire il mondo, anche musicale, intorno a sé, in un'ottica di innovazione che rimanga comunque ancorata alla tradizione. Diciamo così: ci piace pensare in termini di "convivenze musicali". Per queste ragioni il Conservatorio Tchaikovsky, ente comunemente preposto alla formazione musicale cosiddetta colta, ha scelto di intraprendere questo percorso alternativo, facendosi sostenitore di un festival, dedicato all'organetto, che promuoviamo quest'anno in questa seconda edizione e che ci auguriamo possa crescere e migliorare negli anni futuri.
Info. +39 0968 923854 - +39 347 9020512 www.diatonicfest.com www.altaformazionemusicale.it

Online translation !

Voci Armoniche

Ken Hopkins’ Accordion Collection, County Down - UK

by Rob Howard
Ken Hopkins from Comber, County Down, Northern Ireland, owns one of the world’s largest private accordion collections, numbering over 1,000 instruments. This very impressive collection, which began about 30 years ago, contains accordions of virtually every type and make, dating from the present time to the early years of the 19th Century. Some instruments were the only ones ever made. The collection includes accordions once owned by Sir Jimmy Shand and Will Starr, and several now rare Uniform keyboards. Ken also has a substantial collection of accordion memorabilia.

Over the years Ken Hopkins has given presentations of some of his remarkable collection, including playing demonstrations, at many accordion festivals, clubs and events.

Viewings of this collection are by private arrangement only, though Ken is planning to offer overnight accommodation some time in the future.

As a member of the Ulster Scots Association, Ken Hopkins has performed in concerts in many European countries, including Russia, and is soon to play in Milwaukee, USA.
Online translation !
For further information email: accordionken@hotmail.com

Friedrich Lips Book

Texas Folklife Crowns Keyun Dickson 2010 Big Squeeze Winner, Houston - USA

by Rita Davidson Barnea
Keyon DicksonOn June 5th, at Texas Folklife’s 21st annual Accordion Kings & Queens Festival at Houston’s Miller Outdoor Theatre in Houston, Keyun Dickson was crowned winner of The Big Squeeze accordion contest. The other finalists were Ignacio Isai Morales, (14 years from Dallas), Ruben Paul Moreno (20 years from Houston) and Jesus Zamora, Jr., (19 years from San Antonio).

This 2010 Festival also featured
- Albert Zamora
- Leroy Thomas and the Zydeco Roadrunners
- Eva Ybarra and the Texas Legacy Czech Band
- Avizo.

2010 Big Squeeze winner Keyun Dickson was introduced to the accordion by his mother and grandmother. His favorite music was Zydeco, and he started playing it aged three, teaching himself by listening to recordings by his accordion hero, Houston player Step Rideau. At 12, he started a band called Keyun and the Zydeco Masters that now performs regularly at jazz cafes and Cajun restaurants. Though he loves the music, playing the accordion has other benefits for an 18-year-old - "I like all the girls that come out to listen to the music" he said.

Keyun Dickson will receive a prize package valued at $3,000, including a $1,000 cash prize, a brand new Hohner diatonic, recording session at the historic SugarHill Recording Studios in Houston plus promotional support from Hohner, Inc., SugarHill, and Texas Folklife.

One of the prizes is performing at the Accordion Kings & Queens Festival in front of accordion legends, music industry professionals, and a large crowd of enthusiastic music lovers. Last year’s festival drew a record crowd of 6,000.

Texas Folklife is a state wide non-profit organization dedicated to presenting and preserving the diverse cultures and living heritage of the Lone Star State, celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2010.

For further information email: info@texasfolklife.org or sheree.scarborough@gmail.com

Online translation

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

laMarca eurofolk Luglio 2010 - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
La selezione italiana, laMarca eurofolk, quest'anno si terrà tra il 1 e il 4 luglio 2010, sempre a Maiolati Spontini, (AN), nelle Marche, con la presenza dei gruppi italiani e stranieri.

I gruppi italiani composti, almeno per la metà, da giovani sotto i 35 anni sono invitati a inviare il loro materiale all'associazione l'albero del maggio che cura la preselezione e l'organizzazione del festival.

Verrà ripetuto l'incontro, unico nei concorsi di questo genere, durante il quale i gruppi si raccontano ai giurati e al pubblico e l'incontro finale tra giuria e gruppi, durante il quale i musicisti avranno la possibilità di ricevere e discutere le opinioni dei giurati. Ci sembra giusto, infatti, che un concorso, oltre a dare la possibilità ai gruppi emergenti di farsi conoscere, possa servire anche come momento nel quale i giovani musicisti ricevono osservazioni e suggerimenti da parte di esperti del settore.

La novità di quest'anno rispetto agli anni scorsi, sono le seguenti. Aumentano i rimborsi spese, aumenta la quota dei fuori età e, soprattutto, i premi saranno ben più di uno. Infatti, oltre al premio Cercare e Ri-Cercare, verranno messe in palio le partecipazioni ad un festival portoghese (Entrudaças), a ben 3 festival sul territorio spagnolo (Tradicionarius, Duf, Eurofolk) e ad uno italiano. laMarca eurofolk diventa sempre meno un concorso e sempre più una vetrina per i gruppi di musica tradizionale italiana che vogliono farsi conoscere sul territorio nazionale e all'estero. A titolo di esempio Damadakà, vincitore nel 2006, ha suonato in ben 4 festival tra Portogallo e Spagna.

I vincitori saranno scelti da una giuria di esperti e dai delegati dei festival che istituiscono i premi. Per maggiori informazioni sui requisiti, sui premi, sui rimborsi e sui festival in palio, si veda il regolamento integrale sul sito www.lamarcafolk.it.

Come sempre il programma del festival, oltre ai concerti, prevederà laboratori di musica, di danza popolare e di giochi tradizionali, incontri e dibattiti sulla tradizione e, quest'anno, sarà anche teatro della presentazione e dei laboratori riguardanti il violone, importante strumento della tradizione musicale marchigiana in "pericolo di estinzione" e oggetto di uno specifico progetto di recupero da parte dell'associazione l'albero del maggio.

Online translation !

INFO 3459339670 - www.lamarcafolk.it - lamarcafolk@virgilio.it

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Sväng, Frigg and Lepistö&Lehti at Finland Fest - Tokyo/Japan

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Lepistö & LehtiThree top class acts showcase the contemporary folk music talent from Finland in Tokyo in May. In the framework of the yearly music business event Finland Fest, there will be a special folk music night on 28 May. The showcase takes place at JZ Brat and features the fiddle virtuoso band Frigg, accordion and bass duo Lepistö & Lehti and the frequent visitor in Japan, harmonica quartet Sväng.

The Japanese promoter for the showcase is The Music Plant, which has also put up an album campaign titled “Music from Finland”, promoting the Finnish folk music in the five significant record stores of Tokyo.

In addition to the Finland Fest showcase, all the three bands play several other gigs in Japan. Frigg will perform at Musashino and give a short introduction of their skills also in the major record store Tower Record on 29 May. Sväng will go for a five-gig tour around Japan. Lepistö&Lehti play two other concerts in Tokyo, out of which one is a cooperation with a local accordion artist.

The yearly Finland Fest of Tokyo, Japan will take place again on 28 May - 1 June. Rooting back to the 1990s and co-organised by Fimic and Music Export Finland, the event aims at enhancing the business relations between Finnish and Japanese music professionals, increasing the mutual know-how, and showcasing some of the best and most in-demand Finnish music talent of the moment.

Henna Salo / Fimic www.fimic.fi or e-mail merja.hottinen@fimic.fi

Online translation !

Art Festival & Contests – Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
L'Associazione Promozione Arte in collaborazione con il Comune di Pineto (TE, Italy), il Club Voglia
d'Arte e sponsor privati - all'interno del 4° Accordion Art Festival & Contests – organizza il concorso:
(Concorso Internazionale)
info@accordionartfestival.com oppure:
viale EUROPA, 15 – 64026 Roseto degli Abruzzi (TE, Italy)
tel. +39 333 4926093 (Renzo Ruggieri)
tel. +39 339 1099060 (Claudio Azzaro)

Titano Accordions

Musikkreuzfahrt 2010 - Mittelmeer

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Gulliver's Lifestyle Salzburg
Gulliver's Reisen, Reisecenter und Marketing GmbH
Mozartplatz 5
5020 Salzburg
Tel.: +43 (0) 662/ 843840
Fax.: DW 7
Mail: office5021@gulliversreisen.at
Internet: www.gulliversreisen.at

Accordion Jazz Chord

Polka Times Newspaper, Pennsylvania – USA

by Rob Howard
The ‘Polka Times’ newspaper, started in 2003, is owned and published by Editor Paul Mirkovich in Pennsylvania, USA. In January 2008, Polka Times purchased the Polka News published in Michigan and expanded its readership.

The monthly Polka Times gives details of dances and festivals, new CD releases, polka events, clubs, the musicians, trips, what’s new in the polka world, etc.

Photos are printed in color and the newspaper includes a section, ‘Accordion Today!’, with accordion related news from the polka scene.

For further information email: accordiontoday@gmail.com

Online translation !

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

9th Annual Tango Festival - New Zealand

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Wellington, 24 - 27th June 2010.
Three days and four nights of world-class workshops, shows and milongas, plus immersion courses before and after the festival.
From Argentina Joaquin Amenabar - an accomplished bandoneon player and teacher with wide experience teaching musicality to tango dancers, teaching in Germany, Australia, NZ, USA and England.
In his double condition of musician and tango dancer, Joaquin has developed an absolute unique practical teaching system of tango musicality for tango dancers in which no musical knowledge is required at all. Joaquin studied bandoneon with Rodolfo Daluisio in the Buenos Aires Superior Conservatory, where he graduated as Bandoneon Professor. He teaches Bandoneon in the National Conservatory, the Superior Conservatory of Music of Buenos Aires, and in the Folk Music School of Avellaneda. He trains tango groups and solo tango musicians on tango interpretation and arrangements as well as teaching composers how to write for Bandoneon in Argentina and abroad.
Other teachers: Ariadna & Fernando, Gustavo & GiselaFabrizio, & CeliAlicia Pons, David & Tamara, Fabio & Ana
Online translation !
Information www.nztangofestival.co.nz

Charnwood Music Publishing

Dwayne Verheyden beim Tejano Conjunto Festival in San Antonio - Texas/USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Der junge Dwayne Verheyden, bereits bestens bekannter Hohner Corona Spieler aus Holland, hat auf dem Tejano Conjunto Festival in Texas, USA zusammen mit seiner Band, den TexMeXplosion die Zuhörer begeistert. Sein großes Vorbild, der mehrfache Grammy Gewinner Flaco Jimenez, ist sehr angetan von diesem großen Talent und unterstützt ihn in seiner musikalischen Entwicklung. Als Highlight durfte Dwayne zusammen mit Flaco auf dem Festival spielen. Auch die große Corona Spieler Legende Steve Jordan und “The Dancing Cowboy“ Mingo Saldivar hat Dwayne kennenlernen dürfen. Der Auftritt in USA hat sowohl bei Dwayne als auch beim Publikum beim Festival in USA bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen.

Video von D.V. vom Tejano Conjunto Festival

Dwayne Verheyden at the Tejano Conjunto Festival in San Antonio, Texas

The young artist Dwayne Verheyden, already a well known Hohner Corona player from Holland, delighted the audience at the Tejano Conjunto Festival in San Antonio, Texas with his band the TexMeXplosion. His hero, the 5 time Grammy Award winner Flaco Jimenez, is very taken by Dwayne’s talent and is a big supporter. One of the highlights at the TCF was Dwayne’s performance on stage with Flaco Jimenez. Dwayne also had the opportunity to visit the legendary Steve Jordan and “The Dancing Cowboy“ Mingo Saldivar who are also Hohner endorsee. The performance in the States made an impression on Dwayne as well as on the audience at the festival.

Video from D.V. at the Tejano Conjunto Festival

Voci Armoniche

Jutajaiset Folklore Festival - Finland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
The Jutajaiset Folklore Festival will take place in 96200 Rovaniemi/Finland from the 30th of June until the 4th of July!
The culture of the north thrives in the midnight sunshine of the Arctic at this unique event. The Jutajaiset provides a stage for traditional and new programme entertainment, educational events, the brightest stars, Lapland artists, Sámi culture, and a host of international special guests.

Northern Motion - Jutajaiset
Jutajaiset is a festival of Lappish youth societies. First festivals were celebrated 1972-1994 in Sodankylä. Then festival moved to Rovaniemi, where it has been arranged since 1995. During all these years festival has brought together cultural resources from all over Lapland. Jutajaiset main idea has been the same through years: to forward traditions and to create new culture. Festival is furthermore a many-sided forum for both northern and international arts and culture.

Lappish Youth societies and Jutajaiset are supported by the Lappish Youth Association, which will celebrate its 100th anniversary during this summer festival. Themes of festival are dealing with Lappish villages and their cultural and economic resources. Community Art events will present new perspectives of art for participants and audience. Jutajaiset is like always a charming and colourful meeting point for local and international music and dance. All these things together bring about so famous Jutajaiset atmosphere, where people do enjoy themselves.

Enjoy Jutajaiset with the Midsummer Night Sun of the North.
Online translation !
Rovakatu 26 A 19
FI-96200 Rovaniemi
Tel. +358 (0)400 150 657 and Fax +358 (0)16 315 453
info@jutajaiset.ft or www.jutajaiset.fi


Beinasco Folk / Torino - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
10 ° Edizione il 18 Giugno 2010

18th International Cajun & Zydeco Festival - Holland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
mark and the boiled crawfish
Roger Morand and his Zydeco Band (France)Front  Row Zydeco (CH)18th International Cajun & Zydeco Festival in Raamsdonksveer, Netherlands. "Zydeco-Zity - a little piece of Louisiana in the Netherlands' top bands from the scene will enthusiast all music fans and visitors also this 18th year with a powerful action: playing, singing, dancing and culinary specialties.
The artists of this year are:

Louisiana Men/Radio Supersix (NL) www.homesick.nl/index.htm

Cory Ledet and his Zydeco Band(USA) www.myspace.com/coreyledetandhiszydecoband

River Zydeco Band (NL) & Curtis Coubello (USA)

Arve Hållands Cajun Gumbo (Nor)
Roger Morand and his Bandzydeco (Fr) www.myspace.com/rogermorand
MaCajun (D) www.macajun.de
Bayou Alligators (D) www.bayoualligators.de/Bayou_Alligators/Zydeco
Mark and the Boiled Crawfish (Zw) www.cajun.ch
Front Row Zydeco (NL) frzydeco.hyves.nl/
Zydeco Move (NL) www.redkidneybeans.nl

Van Nuijssenburgstraat 8,
4931 EL Geertruidenberg, Holland
info@zydecozity.nl www.zydecozity.nl

Online translation !

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Burg Fürsteneck - diatonische Akkordeon Werkstätten - Deutschland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
3. bis 6. Juni 2010 (Fronleichnam) - Werkstätten
Diatonisches Akkordeon in 3 Niveaustufen (Oliver Stoffregen, Jan Budweis, Johannes Ulman)
Burg Fürsteneck, Am Schlossgarten 3, 36132 Eiterfeld, Tel: 06672/92020, e-mail: bildung@burg-fuersteneck.de www.burg-fuersteneck.de

Diatonisches Akkordeon für Anfänger/innen mit Vorkenntnissen
Der Kurs richtet sich an Akkordeonspieler, die zumindest mit den Grundfertigkeiten des diatonischen Instruments vertraut sind. Neben einer Festigung der Grundlagen werden Techniken zur Bearbeitung einfachster Stücke vermittelt: Melodieverzierungen, Balgarbeit und Begleitmöglichkeiten mit den Bässen. Die Stücke werden in Noten und Tabulatur ausgeteilt, es wird jedoch auch das im Folkbereich traditionelle Erlernen der Melodie nach Gehör geübt.
Dozent: Oliver Stoffregen, Darmstadt, Dipl.Sozialpäd., Musiker u.a. bei "Dudlhupf" und den "FrontStreetBoys". Betreibt das Akkordeon-Fachgeschäft "Diatonie" in Darmstadt. Langjährige Unterrichtserfahrung besitzt er aus zahlreichen Workshops.
HINWEIS: Einen Kurs für Anfänger/innen ohne Vorkenntnisse auf dem diatonischen Akkordeon bieten wir bei den Folk&TanzTagen vom 5. - 7. Februar 2010 an.
auf Anfrage auch mit Leihinstrument
(Gebühr: 25 €)

Diatonisches Akkordeon für etwas Fortgeschrittene
Einfache Tanzmelodien sind oft kurz und leben durch ständige Wiederholungen. Um sie beim Aufspielen zum Tanz abwechslungsreich und spannend zu gestalten, gibt es viele Möglichkeiten, die wir in diesem Kurs erlernen wollen: z.B. rhythmische Gestaltungsvarianten der rechten und linken Hand, das Akkordspiel auf der Diskantseite und Phrasierungs- und Verzierungstechniken. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist das Erarbeiten von Variationen bis hin zu kleinen Improvisationen. Ziel des Kurses ist, dass die Teilnehmer mit den erlernten Fertigkeiten kreativ und spielerisch umgehen können, wobei sich jede/r entsprechend seiner individuellen Möglichkeiten in das Zusammenspiel integrieren kann.
Dozent: Jan Budweis, Berlin, Musiker und Instrumentenbauer, Studium in Rotterdam, spielt z.Z. Bandoneon bei "Sabor a Tango" und diatonisches Akkordeon bei "Budweis-Wunderlich-Trio" und "Ostkreuzcombo".

Diatonisches Akkordeon für weiter Fortgeschrittene
An Hand von Stücken aus dem Repertoire der europäischen Folkmusik werden wir erweiterte Spielmöglichkeiten auf dem diatonischen Akkordeons ausloten. Gerade die technischen Besonderheiten und scheinbaren Begrenzungen unseres Instrumentes begreifen wir als Chance zur kreativen musikalischen Gestaltung.
Angesprochen werden Akkordeonisten, die ihr Instrument gut kennen. Die Teilnehmenden sollten die Melodien anhand von Noten (Melodie und Harmoniesymbole) oder/und Gehör relativ schnell erfassen und in die Finger bekommen können, damit wir beim Spielen nicht mehr groß über die Töne nachdenken müssen. Damit haben wir den Kopf dann weitestgehend frei für Verzierungen, Arrangement und Groovearbeit mit dem Balg. Es wird aber auch genug Zeit sein, um im gemeinsamen Erfahrungsaustausch Tipps und Tricks des Akkordeonspiels im Bassbereich zu beleuchten. Auf die unterschiedlichen Vorkenntnisse und Probleme wird natürlich individuell eingegangen.
Dozent: Johannes Uhlmann, Großpösna, spielt seit über 20 Jahren diatonisches Akkordeon und hat seinen eigenen Stil kreiert. Profimusiker u.a. bei ULMAN, Deitsch, Die Sieben Leben, red5. Produziert im eigenen Tonstudio.
Online translation !

"Vanessa Grand Open Air" - Schweiz

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Vanessa Open Air
Vanessa Open AirFlorian FeslDas "Vanessa Grand Open Air" geht zum dritten Male über die Bühne.

Am Wochenende vom 19/20. Juni 2010 steht Leuk wieder ganz im Sinne der Volksmusik und des volkstümlichen Schlagers.

Musikalische Gäste aus dem In- und Ausland werden in Leuk begrüsst, bekannte Interpreten aus Funk und Fernsehen!

Selbstverständlich darf auch die Gastgeberin Vanessa Grand nicht fehlen und sicherlich werden auch viele Überraschungen zu erwarten sein

Das Open Air wird an zwei Tagen stattfinden, am Samstag mit Konzerten der Gruppen und am Sonntag mit einem zünfltigen Frühschoppen. Auch wieder am Sonntag mit dabei ist Wijbrand van der Sande mit seiner Radiosendung "Spiel mir einer".

Die Interpreten
Am Vanessa Grand Open Air 2010 wirken mit
Samstag 19. Juni 2010 Vanessa Grand, Südtiroler Spitzbuam,

Eine über 20ig-jährige Erfolgsstory, die mit vielen Preisen ausgezeichnet wurden: goldene Schallplatten, dem goldenen Mikrofon, dem goldenen Notenschlüsseln, aber auch dem begehrten Herbert-Roth-Preis und dem Musikantenkönig. Die mehrmalige, erfolgreiche Teilnahme beim internationalen Grand-Prix der Volksmusik unterstreicht die Präsenz der 5 tollen Burschen in der Volksmusikszene. Bereits 2005 waren sie zu Gast am Vanessa Grand Open Air! MIt der Walliser Sängerin verbindet sie eine jahrelange enge Freundschaft.

Florian Fesl
Ein volkstümlicher, 20ig-jähriger Newcomer, der mit seiner steirischen Harmonika auf der Bühne steht. Seine fröhliche, authentische Art bringt ihm viel Sympathie bei den Fans. Sein voller Terminkalender mit vielen TV-Auftritten unterstreicht die richtige Strategie, denn der Erfolg ist groß. Bekannt wurde er vor allem durch die TV Sendung "Immer wieder Sonntags" www.florian-fesl.de

Die Säntisfeger
Da Zillertaler und die Geigerin
Vorprogramm: Chäller Sänger, Stefanie Jodl, Manuel Martig

Sonntag 20. Juni 2010 - Zünftiger Frühschoppen mit Wijbrand van der Sande und diversen Interpreten unter anderem Romanos, Südtiroler Spitzbuam

Geplant sind weitere Highlights für Samstag und Sonntag!
Vanessa Grand Open Air
z.Hd. Vanessa Grand
3953 Leuk-Stadt /Schweiz Tel +41 79 316 30 09 e-mail: info@vanessa-grand.ch

Online translation !

Titano Accordions

TAG DER HARMONIKA 2010/Rottenmann - Austria

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
11. – 13. Juni 2010 Rottenmann - Tag der Harmonika





Ergebnisse: Steirische Harmonika
1 STEINER Tina/Tirol

1 BRACHER Christoph / STMK
2 PACHER Alexander /OÖ ausgez.


2 SCHMIEDHOFER Andreas / Südtirol

1 THIER Sebastian / STMK
2 WALDER Lukas / T

1 SCHÜTZ Leopold / NÖ
2 PRIMUS Bernd / KTN
3 RÖHRER Tamara / BGLD


2 Geschwister HEIBILI STMK

2 Geschwister SATTLER STMK
3 Geschwister MIKUSCH STMK

Info/Büroadresse: Friederike Steiner, Ferdinand Porschering 1/2/8/26, A-2700 Wiener Neustadt
Tel:+43(0)699-10442644 ּ Fax:+43(0)2622-373949 ּ e-mail:office@harmonikaverband.at ּ www.harmonikaverband.at

Online translation !


Future events / Concerts

Voci Armoniche

Renato Borghetti on Tour in - Europe

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Mit brasilianischer Musik assoziiert man Bossa und Samba. Musik jedenfalls von jazzig-lyrischer Laszivität oder afrikanischer Perkussivität. Renato Borghetti indes kommt von einem anderen ethnomusikalischen Planeten: dem südbrasilianischen Rio Grande do Sul, der Heimat der Gauchos, der südamerikanischen Cowboys, die musikalisch mehr mit dem benachbarten Argentinien teilen und unverwechselbare Formen wie den Chamamé, den Chacarera oder die Milonga hervorgebracht haben.
Accordion virtuoso Renato Borghetti is the star among the new folk musicians from Rio Grande do Sul in Southern Brazil. The charismatic gaucho has revised, adapted and modernized many of the native sounds of his home country. His fast and playful tunes combine the sounds of the Argentinian pampa with central European, Italian and French elements into a sparkling, contemporary mixture of Tango, Polka, TexMex and Musette.
Online translation !
These are the dates - watch out for further information about the venues:
30.06.10 London (UK)
27.06.10 Villanterio (I)
26.06.10 Agazzano (I)
25.06.10 Zagorje ob Savi (SLO)
24.06.10 Budapest (H)
23.06.10 Feldbach (A)
19.06.10 Agueda (P)
18.06.10 Agueda (P)

1° Festival Nazionale "Voci in Musica" - Alatri (FR) - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Voci in Musica
Il 1° Festival - Concorso Nazionale per musicisti e cantanti si svolgerà il 13 Giugno presso la scuola elementare I.C.E. Danti Tecchiena in Via Danimarca, Tecchiena di Alatri (FR).

Ogni concorrente appartiene ad una categoria e potrà presentare uno o più brani. Il limite di tempo
stabilito per ogni esecuzione è di 6 minuti. Se tale sarà oltrepassato l'esecuzione sarà interrotta ma
non penalizzata.
· Tutti i concorrenti sono tenuti a presentare alla giuria copia stampata dei brani (facoltativo per
batteria, canto, organetto) , che rimarranno a disposizione della giuria durante l’esibizione. Non è
ammesso l’uso di copie riprodotte di brani editi: la responsabilità di un eventuale utilizzo di copie
fotocopiate ricadrà esclusivamente sui concorrenti.
· I concorrenti potranno iscriversi a più sezioni e a più categorie .
Per informazioni: Rossi Gianpiero rossi.gianpiero@libero.it
Tel 0775441329 oppure cell 3478021518
Online translation !

Campionato Italiano di Organetto/Fisarmonica diatonica - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Il Comune di Teggiano (SA) in collaborazione con l’A.M.I.S.A.D. (Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici) di Maiolati Spontini (AN) e l’Associazione“Giovani Organettisti” di Teggiano (SA) indice ed organizza nei giorni 18-19-20 giugno 2010 la 14° Edizione del Campionato Italiano di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica,
a premi.
Alla manifestazione vi potranno prendere parte i candidati di nazionalità italiana (e/o selezionati nei vari concorsi provinciali, regionali e in altre manifestazioni indette dall’A.M.I.SA.D o in collaborazione con la stessa Associazione), con strumenti diatonici di qualsiasi tipo.

Il campionato si articolerà nelle seguenti sezioni e relative categorie: sezione organetto (strumenti con una 1 o 2 file di voci al canto 2 o 4 bassi):
cat. A fino a 10 anni (nati dal 2000 in poi)
cat. B fino a 12 anni (nati dal 1998 in poi)
cat. C fino a 15 anni (nati dal 1995 in poi)
cat. D fino a 18 anni (nati dal 1992 in poi)
cat. E senza limiti di età

Sezione fisarmonica diatonica (strumenti con un minimo di 2 file di voci al canto con 8 bassi e oltre)
cat. A fino a 12 anni (nati dal 1998 in poi)
cat. B fino a 15 anni (nati dal 1995 in poi)
cat. C fino a 18 anni (nati dal 1992 in poi)
cat. D senza limiti di età

I concorrenti saranno tenuti a presentare due brani a libera scelta della durata complessiva non superiore agli otto minuti.
Ogni concorrente, con due distinte iscrizioni, potrà partecipare ad entrambe le sezioni e nella rispettiva categoria di appartenenza.
Il giudizio della Giuria è inappellabile. La classifica dei concorrenti sarà stilata con la seguente valutazione:

- da 95 a 100/100 1° Premio
- da 90 a 94/100 2° Premio
- da 85 a 89/100 3° Premio

Le graduatorie saranno comunicate al termine delle audizioni di tutte le sezioni e categorie, salvo diversa indicazione della Giuria.
Al primo premio di ogni categoria con il punteggio più alto, se superiore a 98/100, verrà assegnato: diploma di primo premio “con menzione di merito”, coppa o equivalente.
Ai primo premio di ogni categoria verrà assegnato: diploma di primo premio, coppa o equivalente.
Ai secondi e ai terzi classificati di ogni categoria verrà assegnato: diploma, medaglia o equivalente.

Le spese di viaggio e di soggiorno al 14° Campionato Italiano di Organetto sono a carico dei concorrenti. I vincitori delle categorie Senior delle precedenti edizioni del Campionato Italiano e Mondiale di Organetto non potranno prendere parte al campionato Italiano 2010. I vincitori delle categorie Junior delle precedenti edizioni del Campionato Italiano e

Mondiale di Organetto non potranno prendere parte al campionato italiano 2010 salvo che per età non accedano alla categoria superiore (Senior).

I Primi Premio “con menzione di merito” di ogni categoria del suddetto Campionato Italiano, se iscritti all’AMISAD per l’anno 2010, saranno esenti dalla quota di iscrizione al prossimo Campionato Mondiale di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica;

Le domande di iscrizione, compilate nell’apposita scheda fornita dall’organizzazione, dovranno pervenire entro il 15 giugno 2010 a:

a) AMISAD sita in Via G. Pascoli,1bis - 60030 Moie di Maiolati Spontini (AN)
b) Sede Comunale di Teggiano
c) il giorno 15 giugno 2010 tramite posta elettronica: roncogia@libero.it
d) il giorno stesso prima dell’inizio dell’audizione della rispettiva sezione e categoria di appartenenza (iscrizione riservata ai soli tesserati A.M.I.SA.D o allievi si scuole tesserate con la stessa Associazione); la partecipazione è subordinata all’accettazione della richiesta da parte dell’Organizzazione e della Giuria.

La quota di iscrizione è di € 40,00 (Amisad € 30,00)

Informazioni: A.M.I.S.A.D. tel.328.0193689 roncogia@libero.it
Comune di Teggiano - P.zza Municipio – tel. 0975.587811
Associazione “Giovani Organettisti” - tel 349.1488181

Online translation !

Accordion Jazz Chords

21st Crawfish Fest Augusta, NJ - USA

by Rita Davidson Barnea
Jeffrey BroussardTerrance SimienMichael Arnone's 21st Annual Crawfish Fest June 4-6 in Augusta, NJ will be held on the Sussex County Fairgrounds in Augusta, NJ from June 4-6. What started as a small crawfish boil for 70 people homesick for boiled crawfish in 1989, has turned into Michael Arnone's 21st Annual Crawfish Fest. Featuring the best Music and Food that Louisiana and New Orleans has to offer. Cajun, Zydeco, Delta Blues, New Orleans R&B, Brass, Gospel and Jazz on 4 Stages. The festival celebrates the sounds and taste of New Orleans.

Friday evening entertainment for the Campers and King Crawfish Krewe on the Jaeger Pavilion Stage features Grammy Winner Terrance Simien and The Zydeco Experience, The Redstick Ramblers, Honey Island Swamp Band, Jeffery Broussard and The Creole Cowboys along with Paul Sanchez & the Rolling Road Show.

Saturday night entertainment features The Dirty Dozen Brass Band,Honey Island Swamp Band, Amanda Shaw,George Porter Jr. and the Runnin' Pardners,Taj Mahal, Anders Osborne, Stanton Moore. The Sunday lineup includes Marcia Ball,Railroad Earth, Kenny Neal,The Iguanas, and Galactic.

The Crawfish Fest features a variety of authentic New Orleans fare including boiled crawfish with corn and potatoes, chicken & sausage jambalaya, grilled alligator sausage, Shrimp Creole, red beans & rice with pork sausage, catfish, crawfish, oyster, shrimp Couchon de Lait, hot sausage Po-Boys, crawfish pie, crawfish bread, Crawfish Ettoufee and raw oysters. Festival enthusiasts, who prefer a more traditional menu, may choose from grilled Portabella mushroom sandwiches, vegetarian Red Beans, burgers, hot dogs, ice cream, fruit cups, sno-balls, beignets and other desserts. Four stages (three of which are under cover) will feature 24 Bands playing some of New Orleans and Louisiana's best Funk, New Orleans R&B, Delta Blues, Brass, Cajun and Zydeco. Children will be entertained at the Kids Stage by Polka Dot and Summer Rae McLaughlan.

Among the groups which feature the accordion are:
Terrance Simien & The Zydeco Experience-Grammy Winner Terrance Simien is blessed with an extraordinary talent that expresses the deepest human emotions through the original instrument: The Voice. His eclectic fusion of Zydeco takes you on a multicultural musical tour of the world. Incorporating diverse music styles he creates a hypnotic blend of Zydeco-roots-New Orleans funk-reggae-flavored-Afro-Caribbean-world music that will force you out of your seat and onto the dance floor. He has found a way to express himself as a relevant and evolving artist who remains reverent to his roots and musical legacy. His live performances have garnered him a level of international success and his fully engaged audiences around the globe have become more Zydeco Experienced than ever before!

Jeffery Broussard & The Creole Cowboys features the accordion mastery and soulful vocals of front man Jeffery Broussard, from the legendary band, Zydeco Force. The band delivers great, pack-the-floor renditions of Creole classics as well as their own brand of contemporary Zydeco. Early Creole music, as played by legends Canray Fontenot on fiddle and Jeffery’s father, accordion player Delton Broussard, is experiencing a well-deserved resurgence of interest in Louisiana today.

Mail-order tickets began on March 1st, 2010. You can purchase tickets at the Fairgrounds Box Office beginning on Tuesday, June 1st, 2010.Adult Tickets purchased on the day of show on Saturday or Sunday will be $40.00 per day.

A guaranteed great time for all! For more information: Michael@crawfishfest.com

Online translation !

Cajun Rooster in June - Germany

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Die Mitglieder der CAJUN ROOSTERS zählen mit zu den besten Cajun- und Zydecomusikern aus England und Deutschland, was die Band zu einer wirklich europäischen Formation macht. In kürzester Zeit konnte sie sich zudem den Ruf als eine der besonders authentischen Gruppen aus Europa erspielen, was sie in die vorderste Front der Szene katapultierte, und ihr damit nicht nur in Deutschland, sondern auch Frankreich, England, Benelux, Dänemark, Österreich, Schweiz und Italien Auftritte als Headliner einbrachte.
Die CAJUN ROOSTERS spielen Musik, deren Ursprung in den Sümpfen Louisianas und den Prärien im Nordwesten New Orleans liegt, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der unverfälschten Tanzmusik aus Louisiana, Cajun und Zydeco liegt, angereichert mit einer gesunden Portion Louisiana-Blues und Swamp, der regionalen Rock'n'Roll-Variante.

The CAJUN ROOSTERS are a multi talented multi award winning truly International band bringing together some of the finest and most experienced Cajun and Zydeco musicians in Europe. They have a reputation as one of the most authentic Cajun and Zydeco bands around which has put them in the forefront of the scene and earned them headline festival appearances in Germany, France, Netherlands, UK, Denmark, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Austria, Belgium and Italy.
They are equally at home playing blues festivals, jazz festivals, folk roots festivals, and Cajun/Zydeco festivals as their varied repertoire gives them an unmatched ability to appeal to so many audiences. This repertoire includes not just Cajun and Zydeco but also Swamp Blues, Louisiana Rock ‘n Roll, Creole and New Orleans beats. They have also carved out a reputation as one of the most popular headline bands on the summer outdoor stage circuit winning over big audiences in city squares all over Europe many of whom have never heard Cajun or Zydeco music before.


Sa 19.6 48308 Senden, 23h, Biohof Gut Wewel, http://www.gut-wewel.de/

So/Sun. 20.06. Bönen, Zur Dorfschänke Lohmann, 17h
Information: cr@cajunweb.de

Titano Accordions

„Da Zillertaler und die Geigerin“ TV Auftritt im "Lieder, Land und Leute" - Südtirol

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Da Zillertaler und die Geigerin„Da Zillertaler und die Geigerin" - TV-Auftritt im "Lieder, Land und Leute" - Heimatkanal (sky) Aus Sarnthein im Sarntal (Südtirol), Moderation: Dagmar Obernosterer "Lieder, Land & Leute" kombiniert klangvolle Melodien, atemberaubende Landschaften und Humor. Durch die Sendung führt Dagmar Obernosterer, die sich in der Musikbranche als überaus erfolgreiche Textautorin bereits einen Namen gemacht hat. Gesendet wird "Lieder, Land & Leute" in Deutschland und Österreich auf dem Heimatkanal (empfangbar über sky) sowie auf TW 1, in den Niederlanden (Graafschap TV, Gelre TV, Kanaal 13, RTV Oost), in der Schweiz (U1 TV, Schweizer Sportfernsehen SSF, Schweiz 5, TV Oberwallis) sowie in Lichtenstein (1 FL TV).
Auch die Volks- und Schlagermusikfreunde in Amerika haben über den Sender ProSiebenSat.1 Welt die Möglichkeit, heimatliche Klänge inmitten von traumhaften Landschaften zu genießen.
Online translation !
Veranstaltungsort:Sarnthein im Sarntal (Südtirol)
Anfang:Mi, 02.06 um 20:15 Uhr
Da Zillertaler und die Geigerin
Hauser Christoph
Gerlosberg 58
6280 Zell am Ziller
Telefon +43-664-38 54 660 info@zillertaler-geigerin.com

Didier Laloy en tour - Belgium

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Didier LaloyDébute l’accordéon diatonique à l'âge de 13 ans avec Marianne Uylebroeck et participe ensuite à de nombreux stages avec Bruno LeTron, Marc Perrone et Jean-Pierre Yvert.

- Membre fondateur des groupes suivants : S-Tres (compositions d’inspiration traditionnelle), Panta Rhei (Steve Houben), Trio Trad (folk), Tref (Trio d’accordéons), Duotonique (compositions d’inspiration traditionnelle), Carte Blanche (folk, jazz, rock), Garam Massala (musique ethnique hybride).
Online translation !
En Juin Vous pouvez le joindre à:

30 Mai - 20:00 Milann & Didier Laloy - Centre Culturel de Rossignol (Duo)

04 Juin - 20:30 Milann & Didier Laloy - Espace Culturel de Brassages à Dongelberg (Duo)

23-25 Juin Karim Baggili, Frédéric Malempré & Didier Laloy - Shangaï

Pour information/bookings: kodaproductions@gmail.com or didier.laloy@swing.be

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Eno Ethnica a Borgo Grappa - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

eSheet Music Titles

Concertina with Pádraig Rynne - Irland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Pádraig Rynne is regarded as one of the finest concertina players in Irish music today being described by The Irish alphabet stew as "one of the freshest sounds in Irish music". Born in County Clare, Pádraig grew up in a house steeped in Traditional Irish Music.

In his early years Pádraig won five all Ireland titles as well as three Oireachtas titles. By the age of seventeen Pádraig had all ready toured the U.S.A, Canada, Ireland and Australia as well as having recorded an album with the young band "Turas".

2010 has seen Pádraig join forces with Karol Lynch and Tyler Duncan (Millish) for a project which will see the release of an album in the near future.
Online translation !

Concert dates:
10th June - Cultúrlann Uí Chanáin 37 Great James Street Derry BT48 7DB with Guidewires in Derry, Ireland website:
11th June - Ionad Cois Locha, Dunlewey Centre, Dunlewey, Co. Donegal with Guidewires in Donegal,
12th June - The Glens Theatre, Manorhamilton, Co. Leitrim, With Guidewires in Manorhamilton, Co. Leitrim, Ireland
13th June - Upstairs at Kellys, Kellys Bar, Bridgestreet, Galway with Guidewires in Galway, Irland

For further information view his website: www.padraigrynne.com

Titano Accordions

Roger Morand Band in June - Netherlands/France

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Roger Moran Cajun Band/France
The MORAND CAJUN BAND (musiques Cajun & Zydeco accoustique) with
Roger Morand : Accordéons, Chant
Jean-Marie Ferrat : Guitare acoustique, Choeurs
Guy Vasseur : Washboard, Triangle, Choeurs
Patrick Plouchard : Violon, Chant
Bandzydeco vous propose un voyage musical en Louisiane chez nos cousins Cajun et Créoles.
En revisitant ce répertoire d’une manière personnelle, résolument actuelle et diversifiée.

La musique du groupe est festive. L’amateur de World comme de Traditionnel ou de Rock, Blues, Country, et même Jazz, y trouve son compte.

Les musiques du « Bayou » sont chaudes et efficaces. Leur but est de faire bouger les pieds en passant du bon temps

4 Jun 2010 19:00
Morand Cajun Band - Sauve - Fête des Violons populaires Sauve, 30
6 Jun 2010 12:00
Morand cajun band-International Cajun & Zydeco Festival, Raamsdonksveer, Pays bas, NETHERLANDS
6 Jun 2010 16:00
Bandzydeco-International Cajun & Zydeco Festival Raamsdonksveer, Pays bas, NETHERLANDS
24 Jun 2010 21:30
Morand cajun band - Pub O’Corcoran - Alès Alès, 30, FRANCE

Do you want further information? Thank write to: roger.morand roger.morand@free.fr

Online translation !

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

New and Updated Sites

Voci Armoniche

HS Production releases new music

by HS Production
H S Production releases 6 new pieces, 'Russian Song (Solo and Duet)', catalog:hs389, 'Etude 11', catalog:hs387, 'Etude 9', catalog:hs384, 'Etude - Waltz', catalog:hs385, 'Etude 5', catalog:hs380 and 'Etude 6', catalog:hs381. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Sounding Out the Accordion

MusicForAccordion.com releases new music

by MusicForAccordion.com
MusicForAccordion.com site release 1 new music with 3 parts - 'Sonatina in C Part 1-Part 3', catalog:mfa6016. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Yehuda Oppenheimer releases new work

by Yehuda Oppenheimer
Yehuda Oppenheimer releases 2 arrangements for acccordion - 'Sailing (Duet)', catalog:OY602 and 'Silent Night', catalog:OY604. Sample of the music is available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Voci Armoniche

Franck Angelis releases new music

by Franck Angelis
Franck Angelis releases 2 new pieces, 'Impasse II (Duet)', catalog:angelis558 and 'Comastor, catalog:angelis562. Sample of the music is available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Friedrich Lips Book

Vassily Glubochenko releases new music

by Vassily Glubochenko
Vassily Glubochenko - accordionist as well as a composer, arranger, and scientist, releases 2 new works for accordion available for purchase online - ‘Sleepwalker , catalog:gvassily036 and 'Schemer, catalog:gvassily037. Samples of this music is available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Donald E Grzanna releases new music

by Donald E. Grzanna
Donald E. Grzanna releases 3 new pieces, 'Elm Street Boogie', catalog:grza109, 'Spring Waltz', catalog:grza110 and 'Escapade', catalog:grza111. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

William Schimmel releases new piece

by William Schimmel
William Schimmel releases 2 new music, 'Stonehenge', catalog:sch130 and 'Concerto For One', catalog:sch143. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

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