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Diatonic News - Jul-2010
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Voci Armoniche


www.Accordion-YellowPages.com Future Events - Cyberspace
Museum in Manoir Coullard-Dupuis/Montmagny - Canada
Diatonic Accordion Folk Musician Championship Competition - Finland
Sata-Häme Soi Festival - Finland
Festival/Competition "FISARMONICHE NEL PARCO" - Italia
Polka Fireworks Festival - Champion PA/USA
40° Festival Interceltique de Lorient - France
Termin unbedingt vormerken! - Austria
1° Concorso Internazionale e Workshop TOMMASO COCCIONE - Italia
Boombalfestival - Belgique
Internationales Harmonika Festival Anholter-Schweiz - Deutschland
Top Finnish folk artists hit the summer events around the globe - Finland
Gooikoorts-International Volkmusic Festival - Belgium

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

12th Crossroads Festival, Krakow – Poland
18° Campionato del Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica - Italia
Mission Folk Music Festival - Canada
Großer Erfolg für die Steiermark auf der Steirischen Harmonika ! Austria
Viljandi Folk Music Festival - Estonia
Stage d'accordéon diatonique Saint Pierre - France
20th Annual Lebeau Zydeco Festival - USA
Skagen Festival 1-4 July 2010 - Denmark
Gloucester Rhythm and Blues Festival - England
2010 Irish/Celtic Week - WV/USA
Stages diatonique "Spécial vacances" - France

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

4° Artefolk Festival / Torino - Italia
Konzert mit "da Redza-Mix im Millennium/Wasserhofen - Austria
“Boville Etnica” a Boville Ernica (Fr) - Italia
Alex Meixner to Perform at KIOTAC in July - USA
5° Concorso Orgnaetto diatonico/fisarmonica a San Flora - Italia
Musikkurswochen/Schwyzerörgele im Kulturkreis Arosa - Schweiz
Il Borgo Cantato 2010 - Italia
Band Adriadik "Non ho più pace" - Italia
Bindslev Harmonikatræf - Denmark
3° “VALLE DEL SOLE” Festival/Agnone (IS) - Italia
“Civitella Alfedena Folk Festival” - Abruzzo/Italia

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Titano Accordions


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

www.Accordion-YellowPages.com Future Events - Cyberspace

by Harley Jones
All concert, competition and festival organizers are reminded to list their Future Events in our yellow pages website. Its free to list and you can do it yourself. You can also change and update your listing yourself as further information becomes available.

The accordion yellow pages Future Events calendar displays at the top right hand side of this Weekly News of accordions.com in all 7 languages plus other popular sites such as the USA News and the Diatonic News.

Huge numbers of readers every year view the accordion yellow pages Future Events, so all accordion event organizers are urged to take full advantage of this free service to keep the accordion community informed.

Alle Akkordeon-Konzert sowie Wettbewerbs- und Festival-Organiatoren möchten wir daran erinnern, alle bevorstehenden Veranstaltungen in den aktuellen Akkordeon-Gelben Seiten, www.accordion-yellowpages.com Webseite einzutragen. Alle Einträge sind kostenfrei und können direkt online selbst auf die Seite gestellt und aktualisiert werden. Bereits bestehende Informationen sollten auf ihre Richtigkeit und Gültigkeit geprüft werden

Alle Veranstaltungen sind in unseren Eventkalender ersichtlich und dies auf allen unseren 7 übersetzten Sprachen. Der Event-Kalender ist gelb und auf der rechten Seite/oben auf unseren verschiedenen Seiten zu finden. Dies inkludiert unsere USA Nachrichten Edition accordions.com und das neue Portal, das den diatonischen Instrumenten gewidmet ist - diatonische-news.com

Eine große Anzahl von Lesern konsultieren täglich, wöchtenlich, monatlich, jährlich unsere Akkordeon-Yellow Pages Future Events Seiten. Nützen Sie diese Gelegenheit – es ist ein kostenloses kostenlosen Service für die Akkordeon Gemeinschaft.

Tutti gli organizzatori di concerti, concorsi e festival devono ricordarsi di inserire i loro eventi futuri nel sito Accordion-YellowPages.com.

La segnalazione è gratis e potete farlo autonomamente. Potete cambiare e aggiornare il vostro annuncio da soli e far rendere l'informazione disponibile.

La voce Eventi Futuri si trova in alto sul lato destro delle notizie di accordions.com in 7 lingue più altri siti come accordionsusa.com e diatonic-news.com.

Un enorme numero di lettori visiona le pagine di Accordion Yellow Pages Future Events ogni anno, così prende tutto il vantaggio di questo servizio gratis per la comunità fisarmonicistica.

Tous les organisateurs de concerts, de festivals et de concours sont rapplelé d'insérer leurs événements à venir sur le calendrier du site Accordéon-YellowPages.com.

L'insertion est gratuite et vous pouvez le faire individuellement. Vous pouvez modifier et mettre à jour votre annonce par vous-même et de rendre l'information disponible.

Le calendrier des Événements à venir est sur le côté supérieur à droit des nouvelles hebdomadaire en 7 langues du accordions.com et que accordionsusa.com et diatonique-news.com.

Un grand nombre de lecteurs consultes les pages jaune de l'Accordéon pages chaque jour et année est surtous l’ événements futures, profiter pleinement de ce service gratuit pour la communauté des accordéonistes.

Voci Armoniche

Museum in Manoir Coullard-Dupuis/Montmagny - Canada

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Museum Carrefour
Located in the Manoir Couillard-Dupuis, the Accordion Museum started with the main objective of sharing and making known the accordion to the general public.
The Accordion Museum first opened in 1992 and has been since, one of the highlight of the regional attractions. then as been a highlight of regional attractions. Recognized as a musical museum in 2001, it has the museum boutique that offers an impressive music collection (DVD, CDs, Cassette) for the music lovers.
The impressive photo and instrument collections trace the history of the accordion, the versatility of its many forms and its influence on popular tradition in Montmagny. Today, the Accordion Museum proudly houses a collection consisting of 130 music instruments, of which 113 are owned by the museum. Visitors can admire a very rare melophone, a harmonieflute and a very unique type of bass among the instruments in the collection.

The museum has recently acquired Asian instruments which show the use of the free reed, dating back 4000 years. The collection is enriched by the presence of ten temporary exhibits and eight permanent exhibits, all of which are available for public viewing. The museum is involved in different research projects, as well as working on developing educational programs and cultural events.

The Accordion Museum has, over the years, brought together some 800 photographs in addition to over 1500 sound recordings, all centred around the accordion and creating what is considered an unequalled archive reference point for the province of Québec.
Off Festival
June 23th to Labor Day: 7 days a week, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Remaining of the year: 5 days a week, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
We accomodate group and their special needs upon reservation

Schedule during the Festival
Thursday, Friday and Monday: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Online translation !

For more information and reservations:
Carrefour mondial de l'accordéon - 301, boulevard Taché Est, Montmagny (Québec) CANADA G5V 1C5
Telephone : (418) 248- 7927, Fax : (418) 248-1596 Email : accordeon@montmagny.com http://accordeon.montmagny.com

Sounding Out the Accordion

Diatonic Accordion Folk Musician Championship Competition - Finland

by Kevin Friedrich
Traditional Accordion music, such as the polka, mazurka, jenka and waltz, played by musicians of all ages. There are separate competitions for 5-row accordion, as well as for one- and two-row instruments in different age groups respectively. Last year a new feature were introduced in this series of competitions: ethnic music on 1- and 2-row accordions.

The Finnish Accordion Folk Musician Championships 2010 were held today in the competition for diatonic accordions in Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival. In all categories two traditional Finnish accordion pieces were played.

For the first time in the audience could listen to the competition through an internet broadcast and also vote their favorite musician by sending a text message. Especially in the category without age limits the competition was very tight and of high quality, which can be seen in the excpetionally high points from the jury. The jury was delighted to see so many young musicians in the competition.
Jury: Markku Lepistö (chairman), Minna Luoma, Erik Brander and Jari Komulainen

The results 1 and 2 row (diatonic):

Age 12 and under
1. Aino Hilda Kankaanranta, Virrat 178 p.
2. Arttu Rajala, Ilmajoki 168 p.

Age 15 and under
1. Meiju Honkaniemi, Seinäjoki 155 p.
2. Alexandra Kuure, Nurmo 116 p.

Age 18 and under
1. Eveliina Uitto, Kauhajoki 185 p.

Open Category (without age limit)
1. Riina Sakala, Seinäjoki 190,5 p.
2. Tanja Rinto, Peräseinäjoki 190 p.
3. Jenni Sunnari, Seinäjoki 148 p.

Veterans (50 years and older)
1. Lauri Hytönen, Rautalampi 160 p.
2. Pekka Metsäranta, Kauhajoki 150 p.
3. Reino Lautamaja, Seinäjoki 117 p.

Most votes from the audience
1. Julia Pohjola, 49,6% of the votes
Photo by Minna Plihtari (Public Relations Manager)
Further Information http://www.accordions.com/finland/10_06_30.htm


Sata-Häme Soi Festival - Finland

by Kevin Friedrich
Sata-Häme Soi Audience in the Park
The annual Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival takes place in Ikaalinen, Finland, from June 29th to July 4th. Beginning June 29th, there will be daily coverage found at Sata-Häme Soi.

This major festival includes national and fully televised Primus Ikaalinen international accordion competitions, diatonic competitions, Roland V Accordion contest, a full programme of daily concerts and other events, and even an accordion cruise on the lake. Many styles can be heard at this festival – everything from classical and jazz to folk and Tex Mex.

Guest artistes at this year’s festival include Richard Galliano & Tangaria Quartet (France), the famous Beltango group (Serbia), Carlos Buono (Argentina), Alain Musichini Quartet (France), Renato Borghetti Quartet (Brazil), Ludovic Beier (France), Mika Väyrynen, Eila Pienimäki and her Orchestra, Merja Larivaara and Päivi Nisula, Veli-Matti Järvenpää Tex Mex Band, the Myrskytuuli Orchestra, and the Hollolan Harmonikat Accordion Group.

Full Daily Reports at Sata-Häme Soi from 29 June.

Voci Armoniche

Festival/Competition "FISARMONICHE NEL PARCO" - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Dal 25 LUGLIO 2010 all'8 AGOSTO 2010 si svolgerà a Pescasseroli il festival "Fisarmoniche nel Parco" ed il 6 Agosto il 1° Concorso Internazionale di fisarmonica e organetto Tommaso Coccione.
Per la prima volta nella storia la fisarmonica sarà protagonista a Pescasseroli con il festival che grazie al patrocinio del Comune di Pescasseroli, dell'Associazione Albergatori e degli Operatori Commerciali Alta Valle del Sangro.

Il programma è ricchissimo e ogni giorno vedrà impegnati alcuni dei più importanti nomi del mondo fisarmonicistico come il M° Renzo Ruggieri, presidente della giuria del concorso, e Danilo Di Paolonicola, direttore artistico del concorso, in concerti, workshop, conferenze e tanto altro.

Donato Di Tullio che ha voluto dedicare il concorso a uno dei pionieri della fisarmonica, il grande Tommaso Coccione, nato in Abruzzo (Poggiofiorito, CH) nel 1905 ed espatriato per gli Stati Uniti dove divenne famoso suonando in alcuni dei più importanti teatri americani insieme ai fratelli Pietro e Guido Deiro.

Invitiamo tutti gli insegnanti di fisarmonica e organetto a far iscrivere i loro allievi al concorso poichè ci saranno dei premi veramente interessanti. Il regolamento del concorso e il modulo di iscrizione sono disponibili sul sito ufficiale dell'evento http://www.accordionplanet.net/ap/index.php

Partecipanno: Frank Marocco, Gennaro Ruffolo, Vincenzo De Ritis, Adriano Ranieri, Riccardo Taddei, Giancarlo Caporilli, la Fisorchestra Libertango, Guido Ferrarese e Dario Marchese, Danilo Di Paolonicola, Gianni Mirizzi e Renzo Ruggieri !

The festival ‘Accordion in the Park’ takes place in Pescasseroli, Abruzzo, from July 25th until August 8th, which includes contests, concerts, workshops and conferences.

On August 6th the festival features the first Tommaso Coccione International Accordion and Diatonic Accordion Competition. Tommaso Coccione was a local accordionist who emigrated to America, where he became very well known playing in theatres, often with the brothers Pietro and Guido Deiro. The Jury President is Renzo Ruggieri, and the Artistic Director of the competitions is Danilo Di Paolonicola.

The festival includes concerts featuring internationally known accordionists Frank Marocco, Gennaro Ruffolo, Vincenzo De Ritis, Adriano Ranieri, Riccardo Taddei, Giancarlo Caporilli, the Libertango Accordion Orchestra of Roberto Fuccelli, Guido Ferrarese and Dario Marchese, Danilo Di Paolonicola, Gianni Mirizzi, and Renzo Ruggieri.

For further information contact: http://www.accordionplanet.net/ap/index.php

Das Festival "Akkordeon im Park" findet in Pescasseroli, Abruzzen, vom 25. Juli bis 8. August statt. Diese Veranstaltung umfasst Wettbewerbe, Konzerte, Workshops und Konferenzen.

Am 6. August bietet das Festival den ersten Tommaso Coccione Internationalen Akkordeon und Diatonischen Harmonika Wettbewerb. Tommaso Coccione war eine lokaler Akkordeonist, der nach Amerika auswanderte, wo er sehr bekannt wurde und auf allen berühmten Theaterbühnen zu Hause war und oft mit den Brüdern Pietro und Guido Deiro zusammen spielte.
Der Präsident der Jury ist Renzo Ruggieri und der künstlerische Leiter der Wettbewerbe Danilo Di Paolonicola.

Das Festival umfasst Konzerte mit international bekannten Akkordeonisten wie Frank Marocco, Gennaro Ruffolo, Vincenzo De Ritis, Adriano Ranieri, Riccardo Taddei, Giancarlo Caporilli, das Akkordeon-Orchester des Libertango Roberto Fuccelli, Guido Ferrarese und Dario Marchese, Danilo Di Paolonicola, Gianni Mirizzi und Renzo Ruggieri.

Für weitere Informationen per E-Mail: redazione@accordionplanet.net

Online translation !

Friedrich Lips Book

Polka Fireworks Festival - Champion PA/USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Polka Fireworks Festival





The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

40° Festival Interceltique de Lorient - France

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Ethienne Grandjeanle Festival Interceltique de Lorient c'est :
10 jours de spectacles et divers événements début août avec 4500 musiciens, chanteurs, danseurs, plasticiens, universitaires, cinéastes, d'Écosse, d'Irlande, du Pays de Galles, de Cornouailles, de l'Île de Man, de Galice, des Asturies, de Bretagne, des USA, du Canada, d'Australie, etc...
Une grande parade (gratuite) attirant plus de 40 000 spectateurs le premier dimanche
6-15 Août 2010
Avec l’accordéon diatonique le vendredi 13 août 10H00 Palais des Congrès
Master Class d'Accordéon Avec Etienne Grandjean

Né en 1830 en Autriche, l'accordéon devient populaire dans toute l'Europe et au-delà au travers des marins. L'accordéon diatonique est l'instrument de bal par excellence et ce « piano du pauvre », « cette boîte à punaises » s'ancre de plus en plus dans les habitudes musicales populaires. « Nouvel instrument du diable », l'accordéon subit longtemps la vindicte du clergé.
Dans les années 50, certains accordéonistes seront même excommuniés par le curé de leur village.
Dans les années 70, s'amorce un véritable renouveau de l'instrument grâce à l'apparition des premiers groupes de Fest-Noz, d'où se détacheront des solistes (Yann Dour, Alain Pennec, Yann-Fanch Perroches...) dont la renommée n'est plus à faire...

vendredi 13 août 15H00 n°44 Palais des Congrès
Troph. Interceltique d'Accordéon Diatonique

«Nouvel instrument du diable», l'accordéon subit longtemps la vindicte du clergé.
Né en 1830, en Autriche, l'accordéon devient populaire dans toute l'Europe et au delà au travers des marins. L'accordéon diatonique est considéré comme le «piano du pauvre».
Dans les années 70 grâce à l'apparition des premiers groupes de Fest-noz (Yann Dour, Alain Pennec, Yann-Fanch Perroches...), dont la renommée n'est plus à faire, l'accordéon est remis au goût du jour.

vendredi 13 août | Espace Marine 22H00 n°47 La Bottine Souriante
Frigg | Scandinaves
Les 7 membres scandinaves de Frigg (Déesse scandinave de l‘amour et de la fertilité ndlr), sont des musiciens de grand talent, dont certains sont issus d'une longue lignée de violonistes émérites. Ils apportent à la musique traditionnelle une fraicheur et un renouveau qui les amènent aux plus haut sommets de leur art. A ce groupe empli de fougue, se joint, le temps d'une soirée, le breton Julien Le Mentec pour une belle rencontre musicale.

Pour plus d’information visiter http://www.festival-interceltique.com/programmation/
Le Festival Interceltique de Lorient vous accueille au 11 Espace Nayel à Lorient (56100)
Vous pouvez téléphoner :
Accueil : 02 97 21 24 29
Fax : 02 97 64 34 13
Billetterie : 02 97 64 03 20
Online translation !

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Termin unbedingt vormerken! - Austria

by Werner Weibert

1° Concorso Internazionale e Workshop TOMMASO COCCIONE - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
1° Concorso Internazionale e Workshop

6 agosto 2010 - Pescasseroli (Italy)
- ORGANETTO (fino a 4 bassi), ORGANETTO (oltre i 4 bassi)
7 agosto organetto Danilo Di Paolonicola
2/5 agosto fisarmonica jazz e moderna di Renzo Ruggieri

Titano Accordions

Boombalfestival - Belgique

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Boombalfestival/BelgiqueLe Boombalfestival (26-29 août 2010), c'est de la musique et de la danse pour tous les ages. Dans quatre chapiteaux on vous offre les meilleurs groupes folk venus de Belgique et ailleurs. Et ce n'est pas tout. Le jour, différentes fanfares traversent la plaine ou se déroule le festival. Pendant la nuit l'illumination transforme l'environnement en merveilleux décor féerique, dans lequel les gens se rassemblent autour des nombreux feux à bois, s'ils ne dansent pas dans un des chapiteaux. L'ambiance seule attire nombreux amis et familles au festival.

Scène découverte Des ensembles jeunes ou nouveaux peuvent se montrer au Boombalfestival. Envoyés nous un enregistrement + biographie a info @ boombalfestival.be. Et quand il n'y a rien de programmé, la scène découverte est ouvert pour des boeuf! Pour les instruments il y a une consigne gratuite a l'accueil.

Le décor de tout cela? Une grande plaine verte, entourée d'immenses peupliers et de vieux saules. Ajoutez à cela les meilleurs groupes de bal folk, la convivialité, et bien sur, des prix démocratiques.

Pendant le jour le festival offre aux danseurs plusieurs ateliers, et aux plus jeunes visiteurs, plein d'animations. L'après-midi est l'heure des premiers concerts-bals, que continuent jusque minuit au moins. Mais bien sûr à tout moment vous pouvez vous asseoir et profiter des excellentes bières locales, ou simplement apprécier l'excellente musique en direct.
Informations: www.boombalfestival.be ou info @ boombalfestival.be
Online translation !

Des Artistes:
Boombalfestival Artistes/Belgique

Accordion Jazz Chord

Internationales Harmonika Festival Anholter-Schweiz - Deutschland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Am 14. August 2008 von 11:00 bis 18:00 Uhr findet nun schon zum siebenten Mal das, von den Trecksackgruppen „De Spölluu“ aus NL-Dinxperlo und den „Original Surkse Wielbachburen“, dem ehemaligen Grenznachbarn aus D-BOH-Suderwick organisierte Festival, statt.

Neben dem ganztägig angebotenen Musikprogramm sind die Besucher, die sich besonders für Harmonikamusik interessieren immer wieder begeistert von der besonderen Atmosphäre dieser Openair Veranstaltung. Dies nicht nur wegen des historischen Musikpavillons, der den Musikern als Bühne dient, sondern auch durch die herrliche Naturkulisse des Veranstaltungsplatzes in direkter Nähe des „Schweizer Häuschens“ am „Vierwaldstätter See“. Ein Planwagen bringt Sie vom Eingang zum Veranstaltungsplatz.

Kontakt: Gaststätte Schweizer Häuschen, Pferdehorster Straße 1 - 46419 Isselburg, Tel : 02874/2038 - Fax : 02874/45293, e-mail: g.holtmann@web.de

online translation

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Top Finnish folk artists hit the summer events around the globe - Finland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Markku LepistöFinnish top-notch folk music performers have received invitations to folk venues and summer festivals around the world. Singer, kantele player and Carelian joik master Karoliina Kantelinen will tour in Japan in June and perform at the Mission Folk Music Festival (British Columbia, Canada) 23-25 July. One of the most high-profile folk festivals in Norway, Førdefestivalen (8–11 July) has chosen the Finnish-Norwegian fiddle virtuoso band Frigg as well as accordionist Markku Lepistö to their programme. Colours of Ostrava, taking place 15-18 July in Czech Republic, has invited accordion artist Maria Kalaniemi and the ethno/rock fusion act Alamaailman Vasarat to their newest edition.

The odd charm of the harmonica quartet Sväng seems to work well in both Europe and Asia. After the busy May in Japan and China, they will tour e.g. Germany and Italy. The master of Sámi joik, Wimme takes the stage in Slovenia, where he performs at Druga Godba festival on 25–26 May, and in Poznan, Poland in June. The Estonian Viljandi Folk Music Festival (22-25 July) will feature Tsuumi Sound System, who take their energetic fusion folk also to e.g. Norway. (Henna Salo / Fimic)

For further information e-mail: henna.salo@fimic.fi

or visti www.fimic.fi

Online translation

Gooikoorts-International Volkmusic Festival - Belgium

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Gooikoorts Festival BelgiumAfter a much appreciated 2009 edition once more Gooikoorts 2010 will be a cross-border journey through the fascinating universe of traditional music.

Make a note in your agenda : Friday 2, Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 July is Gooikoorts time again!

Many music groups from all over Europe with mucyh Accordion and Diatonik Accordion/Harmonikas will play for YOU with more than 15 concerts!

If you wish further Information - please visit the website www.gooikoorts.be or write an e-mail to: patrick.lichtert@gooikoorts.be

Online translation

Gooikoorts is een internationaal volksmuziekfestival dat ieder jaar muziek brengt op het raakvlak van traditionele en vernieuwende volksmuziek. De organisatie zorgt niet alleen voor een kwalitatief sterk programma maar streeft ook naar gezelligheid en een aangename sfeer. Het festival neemt de volksmuziekliefhebber mee op een reis vol nieuwe ervaringen. Een originele en eigenzinnige affiche staat borg voor ongekende muzikale kwaliteit. De nadruk ligt zowel op jong aanstormend talent als op gevestigde waarden van heel dichtbij (eigen regio) en van ver weg (van Canada tot Oekraïne). Op die manier wil Gooikoorts de bezoekers laten genieten van prachtige concerten en balavonden, en daarnaast ook van een familiefestival waar diverse culturen kunnen ontdekt worden.

In 2003 maakte Gooikoorts een prille maar enthousiaste start met zeven talentvolle Belgische groepen, gespreid over twee dagen. Er werden vier initiaties aangeboden, een gezellige instrumentenbouwersmarkt en een leuke kinderanimatie. De 1600 tevreden festivalbezoekers van de eerste editie openden de deur voor de verdere uitbouw van het festival.

Ondertussen is Gooikoorts uitgegroeid tot een internationaal driedaags volksmuziekfestival. In 2009 stonden 18 groepen uit 11 verschillende landen waaronder België, Ierland, Noorwegen, Finland, Denemarken, Portugal, Polen, Engeland, Schotland, Frankrijk en Québec op de drie podia. Er werd ook ruimte gemaakt voor 4 beginnende groepen op een vrij podium.

Naar goede gewoonte wordt het festival geopend door de Gooikse belleman. Daarmee ontmoeten twee volkse tradities elkaar. De instrumentenbouwersmarkt biedt plaats aan 20 standhouders en is de ontmoetingsplaats bij uitstek voor elke volksmuzikant. Om de volksmuziek uit diverse landen te kunnen ontdekken en beleven worden er 24 initiaties in diverse muzikale disciplines aangeboden. Voor de kinderen is steeds een gevarieerde kinderanimatie voorzien. Op zondagmorgen staat de eucharistieviering in het teken van Gooikoorts met een unieke concertmis. In 2009 begroetten we ongeveer 4700 bezoekers en mochten wij veel lovende reacties ontvangen. 2009 was voor ons een jubileumjaar. We brachten een compilatie-CD uit, realiseerden een nog uitgebreider festivalprogramma voor de kinderen met o.a. een vertelavond door ‘Gadjo Joe’ en een dansatelier met Tovercirkeleiland en plaatsten een tweede akoestische concerttent waarin vier niet versterkte intieme concerten plaats vonden. Het festival werd afgesloten met een spetterend folkbal.
Online translation !

Charnwood Music Publishing

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Voci Armoniche

12th Crossroads Festival, Krakow – Poland

by Rob Howard
Mahala Rai  BandaDaniel BinelliThe 12th Crossroads Festival in Krakow, Poland, runs from July 25th to 30th, and includes numerous ‘World Music’ concerts and workshops, some of which feature accordionists.

The festival begins on July 25th, 8.30pm, with an outdoor concert in the Main Market Square by Mahala Raï Banda, from Bucharest, Romania. This band combines a surprising array of trends and styles, and features violins and accordions with a brass section and a rocking rhythm section.

The Orient Express Orchestra, featuring accordionist Jakub Mietła, perform in concert at St Wyspianski, Straszewskiego 22, Kracow, on July 31st, 8pm. This ensemble, whose members come from Tunisia, Sweden and Poland, perform music from Arabic and Asian traditions.

The Quinteto De Nuevo Tango Binelli, featuring bandoneonist Daniel Binelli (Argentina), perform the next day, August 1st, 8pm, at the PWST (State Drama School).

Online translation !


18° Campionato del Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Roccagorga (LT) - ITALY - 17–18–19 agosto 2010

Il Comune di Roccagorga (LT) - ITALIA - in collaborazione con l’Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici (A.M.I.S.A.D.) di Maiolati Spontini (AN) - ITALIA - organizza la 18° Edizione del Campionato del Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica.
Alla competizione potranno prendere parte solo concorrenti selezionati e quelli aventi diritto:
- Campioni del Mondo di Organetto-Fisarmonica Diatonica
- Campioni Europei di Organetto e Fisarmonica Diatonica
- Campioni Nazionali di Organetto e Fisarmonica Diatonica
- Campioni Italiani Junior e Senior -Edizione 2010- di Organetto e Fisarmonica Diatonica e i classificati 1 Premio delle rispettive Sezioni e categorie.
- Candidati selezionati in altri Concorsi Nazionali o Internazionali
l’iscrizione devono essere mandate entro e non oltre il giorno 28 luglio c.a., al seguente indirizzo:
A.M.I.SA.D. (Ass. Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici)
Via G. Pascoli,1bis
60030 Maiolati Spontini (AN) – ITALIA

Per informazioni contattare : roncogia@libero.it

18TH Accordion-Diatonic Accordion World Championship
The Comune of Roccagorga (LT) ITALY together with A.M.I.S.A.D. (Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici) di Maiolati Spontini (AN) – ITALIA – is organizing the 18TH Accordion-Diatonic Accordion World Championship.

- Accordion-Diatonic Accordion World Champions
- Accordion-Diatonic Accordion European Champions
- Accordion-Diatonic Accordion National Champions
- Junior and Senior Italian Champions – Edition 2010 of Accordion-Diatonic Accordion and first prize graded of the respective sections and categories
- Candidates selected in other national or international contests.
Entry forms must be sent by 28TH july to the following address:
A.M.I.SA.D. (Ass. Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici)
Via G. Pascoli,1bis - 60030 Maiolati Spontini (AN) – ITALIA

For information contact : roncogia@libero.it

Mission Folk Music Festival - Canada

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Mission Folk Musicfestival
MonoclesRenato BorghettiStaged in one of BC’s loveliest parks, overlooking the Fraser River, the Mission Folk Music Festival presents, for its 22nd year, a festival now renowned for its mix of accessibility and easy-going comfort, affordability and small-town friendliness, shaded day stages and some of the finest folk, world, roots, blues and brilliantly “un-categorizable” music from across Canada and around the world.
From legendary Canadian singer-songwriters to music from Latin and South America, Africa, Finland and Cuba – the festival also shines a spotlight on Quebec and francophone-Canadian music as well as the fiery, rhythmic music of the South Pacific.
Add Celtic, Aboriginal, Blues and World music, and you’ve got a festival with a global roster, offering both the wonderfully familiar & exciting, new music to experience and discover!
Join the Fraser River Heritage Park!
Located just east of Mission, BC, Fraser River Heritage Park is a brilliant location to enjoy music in the outdoors. There’s plenty of close-by parking, food and other amenities on site, and the view can’t be beat!
Daytime stages offer shaded areas to relax and let the music of the world come to life before your eyes. The evening Main Stage concerts turn idyllic summer evenings into special moments and enduring memories.
The Mission Folk Music Festival – an easy-going and welcoming ambience!
Discover a wide world of amazing music in a friendly, small-town setting.
A brilliant combination!
Artistic Director Francis Xavier Edward’s 2010 Artist Roster features:
Al Andalus (Morocco, US, Palestine, Spain), Batata y Las Alegres Ambulancias (Colombia), Jill Barber (BC), Robert Sarazin Blake (US), Renato Borghetti (Brazil), Wil Campa y su Gran Union (Cuba), Les Charbonniers de L’Enfer (QC), Gerald Charlie (BC), David Francey (ON), Gadelle (PEI), Galant, tu perds ton temps (QC), Matt Gordon (US), Karoliina Kantelinen (Finland), Kenge Kenge (Kenya), Amanda Martinez (Venezuela, Canada), Murray McLauchlan (ON), Les Mononcles (QC), Findlay Napier & the Bar Room Mountaineers (UK), Art Napoleon (BC), Pacific Curls (New Zealand), The Paperboys (BC), Réveillons (QC), Iskwew (BC), Te Vaka (Polynesia), Ian Tyson (AB), Le Vent du Nord (QC).
For further information: http://www.missionfolkmusicfestival.ca/ or write via e-mail to:GENERAL
Phone: 604-826-5937
Toll-Free: 1-866-494-FOLK (3655)
Toll-Free Fax: 1-866-429-8221

Mission Folk Music Festival
Box 3125
Mission, BC, Canada, V2V 4J3

Email: missionfestival@shaw.ca
Online translation !

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Großer Erfolg für die Steiermark auf der Steirischen Harmonika ! Austria

by Werner Weibert
Am 13.Juni 2010 fand der Harmonika-Wettbewerb des HVÖ diesmal in Rottenmann statt, bei dem sich fast 80 Teilnehmer einfanden und sich der Jury stellten. Es war wieder ein Bewerb, bei dem ein beachtliches Niveau zu verzeichnen war.
Ausgetragen wurde dieser Bewerb in der Vorstufe sowie in den Stufen A-E. Wie schon von den Vorjahren gewohnt, ist die Stufe B und C am meisten frequentiert.
Viele steirische Spieler haben daran teilgenommen und viele waren in den vordersten Rängen in der Bewertung zu sehen. Dieses gute Resultat bestàtigt, dass die Ausbildung in den Musikschulen höchste Qualität bietet und von den Steirischen Harmonika-Solisten auch auf- und ange-nommen wurde.

Es sind unter den ersten drei Plätzen aller Altersstufen 18 steirische Preisträger. Als weitere Preisträger waren noch 2 Spieler aus Tirol, 2 Kandidaten aus OÖ und jeweils ein Kandidat aus NÖ (Leopold Schütz ist der Gewinner der obersten Kategorie - siehe Bild!), Kärnten und Südtirol.
Fairerweise muss gesagt werden, dass Spieler aus den entfernteren Bundesländern nicht so zahlreich vertreten waren, da die Anreise zum Bewerb sehr wahrscheinlich eine Rolle spielte. In einem westlichen Bundesland sieht die Beteiligung wieder etwas anders aus. Insg. 4 Südtiroler hatten aber trotzdem den weiteren Weg nicht gescheut und wohl auch nicht bereut.
Zu hören gab es jedoch nur Titel, die schon von den Organisatoren vorgeschlagen wurden. Leider gab es nichts Neues, das von den Lehrenden in den Wettbewerb hätte eingebracht werden können.
Für den Bewerb in Rottenmann wurde den Pädagogen die Freiheit gelassen, selbst einen Titel auszuarbeiten. Damit wären sie einge-bunden gewesen, in der Ergänzung von Pflichtwahl-stücken mitzuarbeiten und ihre Ideen kundzutun. Es wäre sicher eine interessante Ergänzung gewesen.
Stattdessen bediente man sich aber der Wahl eines Titels von einer höheren Stufe, um mit diesem Selbstwahlstück punkten zu können.
Die Organisation kommt daher zum Schluss, dass ihre Vorschläge doch dem Ideal eines Pflichtwahlstückes entsprechen und von all den Lehrenden goutiert werden.
Es gab aber auch Titel in verschiedenen Fassungen zu hören, die besser in der Originalfassung gespielt worden wären als mit Veränderungen, die „unglücklich“ ausge-gangen sind. Herr Mag. Murg (Fachvorstand für Steirische Harmonika) hat schon mehrmals darauf hingewie-sen, dass man von Veränderungen Abstand nehmen sollte. Aber vielleicht hat es sich noch nicht herum-gesprochen.
Es war dem HVÖ ein Bedürfnis, für den Bewerb in Rottenmann einen anderen Weg zu gehen, um alle Musiklehrer aus Österreich einzubinden.
Jedenfalls - eine gelungene Veranstaltung, die in der steirischen Harmonikawelt wieder hat aufhorchen làsst.
Wie es bei einem Wettbewerb aber auch so ist, kann nur einer der Erste sein. Deshalb möge es für diejenigen Spieler, die nicht in die ersten Ränge gelangten, die Freude sein, einfach dabei gewesen zu sein. Sie haben durch ihre Teilnahme schon gewonnen und sind viel besser als die, die zu Hause geblieben sind.
Ihre Arbeit hat ganz sicher durch intensiveres Üben für den Wettbewerb Früchte getragen.
Online translation !

Viljandi Folk Music Festival - Estonia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Viljandi Folk Music Festival is held every year on the last weekend of July (22-25 July) in Viljandi and it is one of the largest of its kind in the Baltic and Northern countries. The festival is a place where all the best musicians meet and present their contemporary renditions of traditional music.

4 days of traditional music performances on 5 outdoor and 3 indoor stages. 200 performers, 100 concerts . more than 20 000 visitors, free green stage performances, workshops, film programme, night university, regi song nest, fairytale rooms, handicraft courtyard. exhibition, county concert...

The visitors of Viljandi Folk Music Festival are cheerful and happy people who are considerate towards themselves and their surroundings and are able to fall in love and to concentrate. This is what the spirit of the festival is all about!

For exact information about all the artist performing visti: http://www.folk.ee/festival/en/Program-2010
For any other information - write via e-mail or phone to:
Ando Kiviberg, Head of Festival, ando.kiviberg@folk.ee or phone+372 434 2052, +372 524 0069

Liina Gross, Foreign Affairs Manager, iina.gross@folk.ee or phone +372 434 2058, +372 512 5592

Kristi Teras, Marketing Manager, kristi.teras@folk.ee or phone+372 434 2057, +372 523 7274

Rannar Raba, Press Officer, rannar.raba@folk.ee or phone +372 434 2055, +372 527 6915

Margit Kuhi, ETHNO-camp, margit.kuhi@folk.ee or phone +372 5 568 7474

Titano Accordions

Stage d'accordéon diatonique Saint Pierre - France

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
1 Stage d’accordéon diatonique & clarinette
Du 24 Juillet au 30 Juillet 2010
Avec Hélène Bissières, Jean-Marc Rohart et Jean Pierre Sarzier

1 Stage d’accordéon diatonique
Avec Hélène Bissières, Jean-Marc Rohart et Sylvie Fréchou
Du 01 Août au 07 Août 2010

• Stages / Musique / Traditionelle, du monde

à Saint Pierre 26310 Beaumont en Diois / France
Bals tous les soirs ouverts à tous

Renseignements Pratiques : lapaixdemenage@wanadoo.fr

Toutes les infos ici: http://web.mac.com/lapaixdemenage/

Hélène Bissières : +33 (0)6 87 46 01 72


20th Annual Lebeau Zydeco Festival - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Voci Armoniche

Skagen Festival 1-4 July 2010 - Denmark

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Skagen - DenmarkSkagen Festival afholdtes for første gang i 1971 og er dermed Danmarks ældste musikfestival. Festivalen har i mange år fundet sted den sidste weekend i juni og hed oprindeligt Skagen Visefestival, men ændrede i 1989 navn til Skagen Festival. På grund af flytning af skolernes sommerferie afholdes festivalen nu i den første weekend i juli.

På åbningsaftenen torsdag den 1. juli i Skagen Kultur & Fritidscenter bliver der et populært gensyn med Lis Sørensen & Band. Hun har været i Skagen flere gange, og hver gang giver hun folk, hvad de er kommet efter: perler fra et stort bagkatalog ? sange skrevet af Sebastian, Anne Linnet, Steffen Brandt eller helt egne sange. I flæng kan nævnes: ?Fuld af nattens stjerner?, ?Verden er i farver?, ?Mine øjne de skal se?, ?Fri for at drømme om dig?, ? Paseo con amor? ? ja listen er næsten utømmelig. Så glæd jer til torsdag aften, hvor Lis Sørensen endnu engang vil begejstre en forhåbentlig fuld sal.
Til at varme op for Lis Sørensen kommer en anden god gammel kending med et nyt orkester, nemlig Nalle and his Crazy Ivans. Nalle har også været her før - for et par år siden sammen med Hans Thessink og Knud Møller i Badmintonhallen. Der er dømt blues af høj karat, når den genfødte Nalle går på scenen torsdag aften. Den seneste CD ?Back to the roots,? har fået mange anmelderroser, og de fire gutter får flotte anmeldelser, når de er på scenen. Der bliver genhør med gamle kendinge som ?It´s all over now? ? ?You better move on? og mange, mange flere. Sange af koryfæer som Bob Dylan, Sam Cooke og Chuck Berry bliver taget under kærlig behandling - sange, som bliver spillet meget på de landsdækkende radiokanaler.
Fredag aften i Skagen Kultur & Fritidscenter kommer Oyster Band på scenen for at supplere Dalton og Omar and the Howlers. Oyster Band var i Skagen sidste år og gav en fantastisk koncert. For dem, der var der sidste år, glemmer de nok ikke lige med samme, hvordan de gav ekstra nummer a capella. Man kunne høre den berømte nål falde til jorden. De havde publikum i deres hule hånd. At få knap 2000 mennesker til at være stille midt under en koncert i Skagen Kultur & Fritidscenter ? det er klasse! Vi håber på en lige så stor oplevelse i 2010.

Derudover vil der blive gensyn med:
De populære kor - hollandske Rolling Home og norske Flekkefjord Sangforening.
Populær kan man også sige om Johnny Silvo & Hans Graasvold. Faktisk har Rolling Home og Silvo/Graasvold lige været på turne i Holland ? sammen. Det må være en oplevelse at høre Johnny Silvos stemme og Grassvolds fantastiske guitarspil understøttet af et 40 mand stort mandskor. Det kan man godt begynde at glæde sig til ved festival 2010. Betingelserne for, at man kan opleve det på Skagen Festivalen 2010, er i hvert fald til stede.

Andre navne kan nævnes:
Rough Red fra Australien, Cairdeas fra Skotland, Sinclair & the Rovers fra Norge og endelig blues fra danske H.P. Lange.
Så der er masser af oplevelser i vente til den 40. version af Skagen Festival i 2010, der løber af stabelen fra den 1. juli til den 4. juli. Brug en uges ferie på toppen af Danmark med masser af musik, hygge, stemning og masser af glade mennesker, heriblandt mere end 600 frivillige medarbejdere.

Sørg for at booke overnatning i god tid, da der er rift om sengepladserne i Skagen i festivalugen. Det er selvfølgelig muligt at overnatte på festival-campen, men ønsker man anden indkvartering, så er det nu, man skal have det gjort.

Billetsalget starter første mandag i maj. Få flere oplysninger på: www.skagenfestival.dk
Online translation !

Gloucester Rhythm and Blues Festival - England

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Gloucester Rhythm and Blues Festival
For Information contact: info@gloucesterblues.co.uk
or the website: www.gloucesterblues.co.uk

2010 Irish/Celtic Week - WV/USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Augusta Heritage Festival
CaitlinWhelan Jon CD Come to DanceJuly 25-30, 2010
For nearly 30 years, Augusta has contributed to the growth of a vibrant Celtic music and dance scene in America. Irish/Celtic Week 2010 continues to celebrate the very best in Celtic crafts, folklore, music, and dance. Students choose one subject and one instructor for intensive classes that meet each morning and afternoon. The classes are intense and music sessions in the wee hours are legendary. Irish/Celtic Week Coordinator Joanie Madden has chosen extraordinary master musicians and teachers for the week.
Join lively Ceili sessions, swap ballads with master musicians, or just settle into a morning slow session led by experienced staff. Optional evening mini-courses complement the week's
theme. On Tuesday and Thursday evenings Irish/Celtic public concerts feature world-class performers, and there's Ceili and set dancing every night.

All classes (except dance and vocals) are intended for those who can already play their instrument to some extent and are ready to start learning Celtic style, technique, and repertoire.

Augusta Heritage Center of Davis and Elkins College
100 Campus Drive, Elkins, WV 26241
Phone: 304.637.1209
Email: augusta@augustaheritage.com

Online translation !

Accordion Jazz Chords

Stages diatonique "Spécial vacances" - France

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Anicet Le Marreavec l’animateur : Anicet Le Marre

Le lieu de stage est à proximité de Pont-Aven, la cité des peintres (20 Km) des plages du Pouldu, Kerfany, Bellangenet, (12 Km ) Trévignon.....(25 Km )
du site des Roches du Diable (15 Km )
et bien d'autres magnifiques sites... comme Quimper(50 Km) Locronan (60 Km), Le Huelgoat (40 Km), Carnac (35 Km)

Les stages sont conçus pour permettre d'allier vacances et étude.

Chaque stage dure 5 matinées (du lundi au vendredi).
chaque matin de 9h à 12 h

Groupes de 10-12 stagiaires maxi.

Hébergement, restauration: Les stagiaires sont en vacances. Pas d’ hébergement, ni restauration. Une liste (non exhaustive) des campings, gîtes, chambres d'hôtes, hôtels de la région è disponible.

Les stages se déroulent dans la nature (Bord de mer, Forêt, bord de rivière). et dans un rayon de 10 Km autour de QUIMPERLE lorsque le temps le permet. Des locaux sont à disposition dans le cas contraire.
Les sites se prêtent, bien entendu, aux ballades de découverte, à la pêche, à la peinture, etc…pour les éventuel(le)s accompagnateurs(trices) ainsi qu'au au pique-nique sur place. A proximité on trouve de très belles plages, des sites d'escalade, des centres équestres, des centres nautiques...

Matériel: Vous devez simplement disposer d'un diato en Sol/Do.(location possible)
crayon, du papier et éventuellement de quoi enregistrer. Les tablatures sont fournies.
Il est utile de disposer d'un moyen de déplacement individuel pour rejoindre les sites de stage, d'un siège pliant léger et de vêtements adaptés pour l'extérieur.

Information: http://diato-amateurs.pagesperso-orange.fr/stages.htm

Future events / Concerts

Titano Accordions

4° Artefolk Festival / Torino - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
art e folk
SEGRETERIA ore 18-21
Tel: 3391380057 - 3474166674

Associazione Artefolk
Via S. Giacomo 30
10092 Beinasco (TO)
art e folk - chi siamo

Konzert mit "da Redza-Mix im Millennium/Wasserhofen - Austria

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Landgasthof Millennium

Seenstrasse 23


ATU 57405739

(zw. Klopeiner See & Kühnsdorf)

Mob.: 0664-3365377

Tel. & Fax: 0043 (0) 4232-89432

E-Mail musiccafe@aon.at

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

“Boville Etnica” a Boville Ernica (Fr) - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
“Boville Etnica”
Il 9, 10, 11 Luglio il centro storico del prestigioso paese ciociaro, Boville Ernica, ospita la nona edizione della rassegna internazionale di musica e danza popolare Il 9, 10, 11 Luglio il centro storico del prestigioso paese ciociaro, Boville Ernica, ospita la nona edizione della rassegna internazionale di musica e danza popolare “Boville Etnica”
Ormai alla sua nona edizione, il Festival Internazionale Boville Etnica si conferma ricco di novità.
Special guest di questa rassegna il “gaitero” HEVIA. Sarà infatti il protagonista della seconda serata, domenica 10 Luglio. Dopo aver conquistato il pubblico italiano con le sue cornamuse elettroniche, Hevia torna sui palcoscenici con l’album “Al otro lado”, già candidato ai Grammy Latini.
In concerto il piper Josè Angel Hevia si esibirà con alcuni brani tratti dal suo ultimo lavoro “Obsession”, ma nel repertorio non mancheranno interpretazioni con la cornamusa di pezzi tipici del tango argentino reperiti dai gaiteros asturiani emigrati a Buenos Aires.
In quest’occasione Hevia sarà accompagnato da Dina Majado Gonzalez al piano acustico e dalla sorella Maria Josè Hevia alle percussioni tradizionali.
Sul palco, il 9 Luglio in Piazza S. Angelo ad aprire il Festival gli AQUARAGIA DROM, storico gruppo della musica popolare italiana. Divertentissimi e trascinatori, i componenti della band, riconosciuti maestri nel dar vita a spettacoli vibranti scanditi da ritmi incalzanti e passionali, rigorosamente nell’originalissimo stile zingaro italiano.
A chiudere le tre serate/concerto, l’11 Luglio i francesi LES TROUBLAMOURS, già ospiti nella scorsa edizione. La sperimentazione è il fulcro di questa band, che dal 1996 “prende” qualcosa da ogni posto visitato e reinterpretandola ne crea un proprio stile. Così i Balcani incontrano le percussioni del Sud Italia, nei ritmi di tarantelle, pizziche e tammuriate, le quali a loro volta si fondono con ritmi africani ai quali si aggiunge il canto, espressione di un blues gitano.

La Direzione Artistica del Festival è stata affidata a Giuliano Gabriele. Ideatore del progetto musicale “La Jacaranda”, volto al recupero ed alla sperimentazione del patrimonio musicale etno-popolare italiano. Giuliano, voce ed organetto, si esibirà insieme ai suoi compagni di viaggio, nel corso della serata del 10 Luglio.

Ad arricchire la rassegna di questa estate 2010 il BovillEtno Contest
Concorso di World Music, che si pone l’obiettivo di promuovere giovani gruppi di musicisti emergenti.
La competizione musicale si svolgerà nel corso delle giornate dal 9 all’11 Luglio e animerà i borghi del centro storico di Boville Ernica (Fr). In palio un compenso pari a duemila euro e la segnalazione ad importanti case di produzione musicali. Quest’iniziativa rappresenta una grande novità, costituendo il primo Contest di musica tradizional-popolare in terra ciociara.
Il programma degli eventi correlati ai tre giorni del Festival Boville Etnica, prevede stage di organetto, tamburello e balli popolari, il Mercatino Itinerante, vetrina per artisti ed artigiani emergenti che avranno l’opportunità di esibire i propri lavori e la mostra permanente della tecnica e dell’arte della Liuteria. Il Comune ha inoltre messo a disposizione dei gruppi partecipanti al Contest e dei visitatori, l’uso gratuito del campeggio sito a soli 300m dal centro storico.
Per venire incontro a tutti i tifosi, domenica 11 Luglio sarà proiettata in Piazza S. Angelo la finale dei Mondiali di Calcio 2010.

Si comunica che le tre serate/concerto saranno offerte agli spettatori dal Comune di Boville Ernica (Fr).
Tutte le attività previste dal programma avranno luogo nel centro storico di Boville Ernica (Fr);

è stato messo a disposizione dei gruppi partecipanti al concorso BovillEtno Contest, dei visitatori del Festival Boville Etnica e dei turisti, l’uso gratuito del campeggio situato a circa 300mt dalle location principali degli eventi.

Direzione artistica Giuliano Gabriele +39 349 8601629 giuliano.gabriele@hotmail.it
Ufficio Stampa Chiara Iafrate +39 349 7596998 chiaraiafrate@yahoo.it
Online translation !
Boville Etnica Program

eSheet Music Titles

Alex Meixner to Perform at KIOTAC in July - USA

by Rita Davidson Barnea
Alex MeixnerAlex Meixner will be one of the featured performers at the KIOTAC on July 7th and 10th.

Alex Meixner’s formative musical studies were on piano and piano accordion, but he quickly branched out on drums, diatonic button accordion, bass and trumpet, which is now his main instrument.

This instrumental versatility is combined with a musical background that has included intense studies and performance of jazz, classical, pop, polkas and many ethnic folk music genres with some of the leading artists in the world.

His talents in music and comedy were even featured on the Tonight Show on NBC in 2004.

Currently based in Allentown, PA, Alex is performing as a solo artist and with numerous touring ensembles. His solo programs- "Fascinating Rhythms of the World" focus on the fusion of Slavic folk music and Jazz, but also include the inflections of folk, pop and classical styles from Latin America, Africa and other sections of Europe.

Alex also leads or co-leads numerous musical groups including Jazz Visions, The Alex Meixner Group, Muzika Europa and the Alex Meixner-Rick Hirsch Jazztet. These groups perform for various public and private functions throughout the northeast.

When Alex is not performing with all of these groups, he is devoted to bringing music to students through educational clinics, as well as his private teaching. Recently, he has branched out with another avenue of promoting music in his community as the executive director of the Pennsylvania Sinfonia Orchestra.

For further information: alex@alexmeixner.com

Online translation !

Titano Accordions

5° Concorso Orgnaetto diatonico/fisarmonica a San Flora - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Musikkurswochen/Schwyzerörgele im Kulturkreis Arosa - Schweiz

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Simon DettwilerVerschiedene Musikkurse für Schwyzerörgele stehen auf dem Programm des Kulturkreises Arosa in der Schweiz:
25.-31. Juli, 1.-7. August, 8.-14. August

Kursleiter: Simon Dettwiler / Volksmusik und Schwyzerörgeli

Simon Dettwiler wurde 1976 im Baselbiet geboren und bekam die Liebe zur Volksmusik in die Wiege gelegt. Zwei seiner Onkel waren eifrig am Örgelen und so fing er als 9-Jähriger ebenfalls damit an. Nach drei Jahren Unterricht bildete er sich autodidaktisch weiter. Seit 1991 ist er Mitglied der experimentierfreudigen Volksmusikformation Pflanzplätz. Seine musikalischen Tätigkeiten wurden immer vielfältiger. So ist er heute neben Arosa auch Kursleiter der Volksmusikwochen in St. Antönien und auf dem Balmberg, gibt Privatunterricht für Schwyzerörgeli, leitet eine Schwyzerörgeli-Grossformation, wirkt bei der Zürcher Folk-Band Doppelbock mit und hat am Schauspielhaus Zürich in einer Produktion von Christoph Marthaler auch schon Theaterluft geschnuppert.

Möchten Sie zusätzliche Information, dann besuchen Sie die Seite www.kulturkreisarosa.ch
Online translation !

Voci Armoniche

Il Borgo Cantato 2010 - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
La terza edizione de “IL BORGO CANTATO”, festival della musica tradizionale in Valle d'Itria, si svolgerà a Cisternino nei giorni di sabato 10 e domenica 11 luglio 2010 all'interno del Centro storico.
Oltre ai concerti serali, saranno organizzati anche seminari di organetto con Mario Salvi, tammorra con Raffaele Inserra e mandolino con Mimmo Epifani (i programmi saranno diffusi a breve).
Nell'area pedonale tra la Torre Civica e la Chiesa Matrice sarà aperta dalle h. 20 alle 24.00 una mostra mercato di strumenti musicali popolari, oltre a libri e CD sulla musica tradizionale.
Sabato 10 luglio
dalle h. 21.00 alle 24.00 concerti in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele con:
- Cantori di Villa Castelli
- Trio Pireci, Gjonaj, Esperti - canti e musiche degli albanesi del Kossovo
- Quartetto Battente - musiche di tradizione e d'autore per quattro chitarre battenti
Domenica 11 luglio
dalle h. 21.00 alle 24.00 concerti in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele con:
- Organettisti e cantori di Cisternino
- Skaddìa - pizziche, canti e stornelli tra alto e basso Salento
- Bevàno Est (Cesena) "Ramingo"
Per informazioni: www.pizicata.it

Sounding Out the Accordion

Band Adriadik "Non ho più pace" - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Band Adriatik Maremoto TourBand Adriatik Penelope CDVideo:Band Adriatik "Non ho più pace"

Il progetto Ádria nasce sul filo di un incontro. In un equilibrio instabile le sue due metà procedono per giungersi in mezzo al mare adriatico, portandosi dietro due culture, anzi due mondi, che per anni si sono osservati da lontano e adesso provano a dialogare. I testimoni delle due culture musicali sono molteplici; se l’organetto e il violoncello sono i portabandiera timbrici della tradizione musicale salentina da una parte e albanese dall’altra, la voce sembra diventare il punto d’incontro che per un momento può mettere in accordo linguaggi profondamente diversi ma vicini, nelle assonanze e nei respiri. In un contesto moderno fatto di incoerenze e persino di rumori, inevitabili e molesti, gli arrangiamenti si fanno nervosi e a tratti caotici. Sono figli legittimi delle discordanze nate nella città, il luogo dove l’ approdo si è reso inevitabile”

Il gruppo è composto da musicisti che vantano collaborazioni con artisti e formazioni di rilievo del panorama musicale pugliese e italiano e che propongono un’originale progetto di rielaborazione e di scrittura. Una forma canzone legata all’immediatezza del repertorio tradizionale delle due sponde a sud del Mar Adriatico, ripensato con un approccio moderno. L’incantevole voce di Maria esalta l’intensa semplicità dei testi e dà forza e respiro a trame armoniche eleganti e sinuose, tessute con impeto. Strumenti legati alle musiche tradizionali e strumenti moderni si inseguono e a tratti si sfuggono, cercando punti d’incontro e ragioni di diversità, come da sempre le storie e le musiche a confronto sul Mar Adriatico. Con il brano “Non sento” il progetto è presente nel compilation Soundsation, a cura dell'Università La Sapienza di Roma in collaborazione con Sony Bmg e Demo Radio Rai. Adria firma le musiche del volume Il Salento dei Poeti, prodotto dal Fondo Verri di Lecce. Lo spettacolo che porta in scena le letture e le musiche del libro-dvd apre la Notte della Taranta 2008 a Melpignano (LE). Il disco Penelope per la Violipiano Records che raccoglie gli ultimi 8 anni di ricerca del gruppo.

Prossimi spettacoli ( visualizza tutto )

2 Jul 2010 22:00
Maremoto tour San Cesario, LE
3 Jul 2010 23:00
Maremoto tour Lecce, Notte Bianca, LE, ITALY
20 Jul 2010 22:00
Maremoto tour Torre Suda (LE), LE
22 Jul 2010 21:30
Maremoto tour Latiano, BR, ITALY
27 Jul 2010 20:00
Zomer van Antwerpen Antwerpen - BE, IT
28 Jul 2010 20:00
Zomer van Antwerpen Antwerpen - BE, IT
29 Jul 2010 20:00
Zomer van Antwerpen Antwerpen - BE, IT
30 Jul 2010 20:00
Zomer van Antwerpen Antwerpen - BE, IT
31 Jul 2010 20:00
Zomer van Antwerpen Antwerpen - BE, IT
1 Aug 2010 20:00
Zomer van Antwerpen Antwerpen - BE, IT
5 Aug 2010 22:00
Maremoto Tour Maglie, LE, ITALY
8 Aug 2010 22:00
Maremoto Tour Otranto, IT
12 Aug 2010 22:00
Maremoto Tour Presicce (LE), IT
13 Aug 2010 21:30
Maremoto tour Neviano (LE), LE, ITALY

Per informazioni contattare:
Stefania Mariano lafabbricadeigesti@gmail.com
MOBILE +39 347 5424126
Claudio Prima claudioprima@tin.it TEL/FAX +39 0832 664519 MOBILE +39 347 5468393


Bindslev Harmonikatræf - Denmark

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Bindslev Accordion Gathering was held for first time in 1985 in a small tent by Bindslev near the old power station, but already after three or four years it grew large and larger to become of great importance with thousands of visitors in the last years.

The 2010 Event will be held from the 30th of July until the 1st of August.

For further information visit the website:


Voci Armoniche

3° “VALLE DEL SOLE” Festival/Agnone (IS) - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
organizzato dall’ Associazione Culturale Nuova Villacanale in c.da Villacanale di Agnone (IS) Molise
con l'Ospite d’onore Gabriele Di Pietro
Per informazione ed iscrizioni contattare:
Domenico Meo, Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 118 86081 Agnone (IS)
Tel. 0865.7221 (mattina) o 0865.78647 (pomeriggio)
E-mail: meo12@interfree.it

Friedrich Lips Book

“Civitella Alfedena Folk Festival” - Abruzzo/Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
La decima edizione del “Civitella Alfedena Folk Festival” organizzato dall’Associazione “Mantice Latina”
si svolgerà dal 22 al 28 agosto 2010 a Civitella Alfedena (AQ)

Programma Spettacoli:

domenica 22 agosto, ore 21.30: “Taranteria”, concerto di tarantelle
lunedi 23 agosto, ore 21.00: gruppo giovane emergente selezionato al concorso internazionale di musiche e danze della tradizione “laMarca eurofolk 2010″
lunedi 23 agosto, ore 22.00: concerto “Bevano Est” – Dalla piadina al caviale: dal jazz allo swing, dal klezmer al folk
martedi 24 agosto, ore 21.00: concerto “Suoni di canne e di tamburi” – Viaggio in Italia tra zampogne e tamburelli di Goffredo Degli Esposti & Andrea Piccioni
martedi 24 agosto, ore 22.00: “Unavantaluna”, Compagnia di musica siciliana – Potenza di suono nuovo e antico
mercoledi 25 agosto, ore 21.00: “Suoni della terra – E’ tanto tempo che non recantavo”
mercoledi 25 agosto, ore 22.00: “Hatz Proiekt”, Paesi Baschi e Spagna
giovedi 26 agosto, ore 21.00: “Uaragniaun Orkestra” con il concerto “U diavule e l’acqua sante”, la musica, il ritmo, le storie del popolo delle pietre – Viaggio nella musica popolare della Puglia
giovedi 26 agosto, ore 22.00: “Banditaliana”
venerdi 27 agosto, ore 21.30: “La notte dei tamburi”, il tradizionale corteo musicale attraversa le vie del paese
sabato 28 agosto, ore 21.30: “Te l’ho portata la serenata”, serenate e canti d’amore nella piazza del mercato, con la partecipazione dei Fratelli Mancuso e gli allievi del laboratorio sulla voce “Disolavoce”
Programma Corsi:

lunedi 23 e martedi 24 agosto, ore 10.00-12.00 e 15.00-17.00: “Il Salento che balla”, laboratorio di Pizzica pizzica e balli salentini con Franca Tarantino
lunedi 23 agosto, ore 10.00-13.00 e 15.00-18.00, e martedi 24 agosto, ore 10.00-12.00: “Tamburi a cornice” con Antonio Franciosa
martedi 24 e mercoledi 25 agosto, ore 10.00-12.00 e 15.00-17.00: “Zampogna a chiave, zampogna zoppa e ciaramella” con Alessandro Mazziotti
martedi 24 agosto, ore18.00: “Viaggio attraverso gli strumenti a fiato dell’Appennino” con Alessandro Mazziotti
mercoledi 25 agosto, ore 16.00-18.00, e giovedi 26 agosto, ore 10.00-12.00 e 15.00-18.00: “Canto” con Sara Modigliani
giovedi 26 e venerdi 27 agosto, ore 10.00-12.00 e 15.00-17.00: “Organetto – Semprice e cumpricata (la tarantella prima e dopo la cura” con Mario Salvi, e “Tamburi a cornice” con Andrea Piccioni
venerdi 27 agosto, ore 10.00-12.00 e 15.00-17.00: “Danza la Tamurriata” con Hiram Salsano
venerdi 27 e sabato 28 agosto, ore 10.00-12.00 e 15.00-17.00: “Disolavoce – Labortaorio sulla voce” con i Fratelli Mancuso

L’ingresso agli spettacoli è libero e gratuito; le iscrizioni ai corsi, a numero chiuso, devono essere effettuate entro il 12 agosto e necessitano della sola iscrizione preventiva di €10.00

Info: 0773.484955 – 339.2327810 www.mantice.net mantice@fastwebnet.it
Online translation !

Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments

Submit Your Question, Comment

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


by Holda Paoletti-Kampl | Modify | Delete
Diatonic News has added a new interactive feature to the News.

This is titled “Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments” and is situated below the News.

The exciting part of this concept is that readers can list their own comments about any accordion subject they wish, ask questions, ask the accordion world for information. Its YOUR Diatonic Accordion World on www.diatonic-news.com News.

Neue interaktive Funktion auf Diatonic News!
Diatonic News hat eine neue interaktive Funktion in den Nachrichten aufgenommen. Diese trägt den Titel "Help Desk, Information gesucht, Leser Kommentare" und ist am Ender der Nachrichtenausgabe positioniert.

Der interessante Teil dieses Konzeptes ist, dass unsere Leser selbst auf dieser Seite akitv sein kònnen. Jeder Leser kann ab sofort online eigene Kommentare zu jedem Akkordeon Thema, generelle Fragen und Suche nach Information an die Akkordeonwelt/leser auf www.diatonic-news.com ins Netz setzen.

Nehmen Sie Anspruch von dieser neuen interaktiven Mòglichkeit, die das Ziel hat, unseren Lesern eine intensivere und sofortige Kommunikation mit anderen Akkordeoninteressierten zu ermòglichen

Nuova funzione interattiva su www.diatonic-news.com !

Diatonic-news ha inserito una nuova funzionalità interattiva nella sua edizione di notizie. Questa è intitolato "Help desk, informazioni, commenti dei lettori, ed è posizionata alla fine è della pagina.

La parte interessante di questo concetto è la possibilità di attività da parte dei lettori di essere se stessi in questa pagina. Ogni lettore è ora disponibile online e condividere i tuoi commenti su ogni tema fisarmonica, questioni generali e la ricerca di informazioni al mondo della fisarmonica / lettori sul AWW rete.

Prendete vantaggio di questa nuova opportunità interattiva che ha l'obiettivo di permettere ai nostri lettori di una comunicazione intensa e immediata con altri interessati di www.diatonic-news.com .

Nouvelles hebdomadaires nouveaux initiés fonction interactive

Diatonic News a ajouté une nouvelle fonctionnalité interactive à la Nouvelles. C'est intitulé «Help Desk, les informations nécessaires, Commentaires des lecteurs" et se situe en dessous de la Nouvelles hebdomadaires.

La partie intéressante de ce concept est que les lecteurs peuvent publier leurs propres commentaires sur n'importe quel sujet accordéon elles le souhaitent, poser des questions, demander de l'accordéon monde pour l'information.

Alors s'il vous plaît utiliser et de profiter de ce nouvel outil interactif, visant à permettre une plus grande communication entre les accordéonistes.


《环球手风琴》在“每周新闻”中增加了一个新的交互式的特色栏目. 标题是“Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments” ,放在下面的每周新闻中.

这一理念令人兴奋的地方是读者可以加入他们自己关于手风琴主题的任何评论、提出问题、询问手风琴演出信息. 这部分内容在《环球手风琴》每周新闻的“ 你的手风琴世界 ”栏目中.

因此请你使用并欣赏这个交互式的工具, 目的是增强手风琴家之间的沟通.

Раздел «Еженедельные новости» инициирует новую интерактивную функциию

Сайт Diatonic News добавил новую интерактивную функцию в раздел еженедельных новостей. Она озаглавлена "Доска помощи, необходимая информация, комментарии читателей" и расположена под разделом еженедельных новостей.

Важной частью этой новинки является то, что читатели смогут составить список собственных комментариев по любым вопросам, касающимся аккордеона, задать вопросы, запросить информацию, касающуюся аккордеона. Это ВАШ Мир Аккордеона на сайте www.diatonic-news.com.

Пожалуйста, пользуйтесь и наслаждайтесь этим новым интерактивным сервисом, направленным на достижение более тесных связей между аккордеонистами.

Information: Webmaster / Online translation !


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