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Diatonic News - Jul-2022
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Voci Armoniche


Harmonika-WM 2022 in Terme Olimia - die Ergebnisse! - Österreich
Corso di FISARMONICA DIATONICA Conservatorio di Musica ‘’P. I. Tchaikovsky ‘’ Italia
Gretna Green performer - Scotland
Harmonika Müller feiert 45-jähriges Firmenbestehen - Kärnten/Österreich
Campionato Europeo di Organetti - Italia
Herbert Pixner Sommerkonzerte - DE/IT/AT

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

2° Gara di Ddù Botte “Rievocazione Storica della Trebbiatura” - Basciani di Alba Adriatica (TE) ITALIA
Fleadh Cheoil Mullingar 2022 - Ireland
Finalists Announced for 2022 Che Bandoneon International Competition - USA
33rd Haapavesi Folk Music Festival - Finland
The Pig’s Ear Folk Ale Festival - England/Sevenoaks
ARTANGO & Jazz-Festival - Italia
Brosella Festival Bruxelles - Belgium
Erfolgreiche Staatsmeisterschaft der Musikschule Katolnig - Kärnten/Österreich
1° Festival del Tirreno - Italia
2022 Vancouver Folk Music Festival - Canada
Harmonicafestijn - Frisia/Netherland
23rd International Festival Duchi D’Acquaviva - Italy
Sidmouth Folk Festival - UK
58th Cambridge Folk Festival - England

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Mario-K im Juli 2022 - Österreich
Festa dell'Organetto - Tortora/Italia
„Bravo Buenosayres“ Tango Kammermusik - Argentinien/Deutschland
Anderea e Compania in Luglio - IT/FR
Paolo Russo at "Møn" - Denmark
"Concerts sous les arbres" - Belgique
Trekzakfestival in Enkhuizen - Holland
New Forest Folk Festival - UK
Giuliano Gabriele in Luglio/Agosto - IT/DE
Quiero 24 + Ruggiero Targo @ Ciclo FACAFF - Argentina
Marc Pircher auf Juli/Tour - Austria/Schweiz
BELLA CIAO @ Brosella Festival - IT/BE
Das Schilcherlandbuam Fest im Juli - Österreich
"La banda del mare che unisce i popoli" - Italia
Foot Down @ Pig's Ear Folk Ale - UK
Danças Ocultas 'Amplitude' - (ES) AUSTRIA/kUFSTEIN
Davide Vendramin performing in July - iTALY

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

New Book “Astor Piazzolla, the Father of the New Tango” - Italy
CD "Intrecci" di A.Capezzuoli - Italia
CD "Piazolla forever" by Richard Galliano - France

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

Harmonika-WM 2022 in Terme Olimia - die Ergebnisse! - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Der Harmonikaverband Österreichs war in dieser Konkurrenz sehr erfolgreich und stellt wieder einmal eine Weltmeisterin auf der Steirischen Harmonika!
Detaillierte Berichte und viele Fotos auf www.harmonikaverband.at !!!

Online translation

Sounding Out the Accordion

Corso di FISARMONICA DIATONICA Conservatorio di Musica ‘’P. I. Tchaikovsky ‘’ Italia

by Diatonic News
Corso di FISARMONiCA DIATONICA Conservatorio di Musica ‘’P. I. Tchaikovsky ‘’ Italia
Corso di FISARMONICA DIATONICA presso il Conservatorio di Musica ‘’P. I. Tchaikovsky ‘’ di Catanzaro e Nocera Terinese. Sono ufficialmente aperte le iscrizioni per il biennio di musiche tradizionali indirizzo fisarmonica diatonica !

Corsi disponibili:


La domanda telematica dovrà essere compilata alla voce FISARMONICA DIATONICA e dovrà pervenire utilizzando unicamente la procedura telematica raggiungibile dal seguente LINK: ammissioni.conscz.it

La piattaforma telematica, finalizzata alla presentazione delle domande di partecipazione alle selezioni, sarà operativa fino al 26 Giugno 2022, termine oltre il quale non sarà più possibile presentare le domande di ammissione.

L'immatricolazione in Conservatorio è subordinata alla disponibilità di posti per ogni singolo corso ed indirizzo di studio. La stessa seguirà l'ordine della graduatoria di Merito e pertanto il solo inserimento fra gli idonei non garantisce il diritto d’immatricolazione.

info www.conscz.it / segreteria@tchaikovsky.it
oppure Riccardo Tesi su Facebook


Gretna Green performer - Scotland

by Diatonic News
Gretna Green
A quick click for a souvenir photo by Caroline Schaeffer - as who know for how long he will be performing there ;-)

Voci Armoniche

Harmonika Müller feiert 45-jähriges Firmenbestehen - Kärnten/Österreich

by Diatonic News
Harmonika Müller
Vom 24-28. August 2022 feiert der Harmonikahersteller Müller sein 45-jähriges Firmenbestehen mit einer großen Hausmesse.

Viele neue Modelle werden vorgestellt und können von den interessierten Harmonikaspielern gerne ausprobiert werden.

Werksfühungen, Musik und gute Unterhaltung sind dabei garantiert.
Harmonika Müller

Friedrich Lips Book

Campionato Europeo di Organetti - Italia

by Diatonic News
Francesca Grifoni  e Matteo De Angelis
Il 26 giugno si è svolta ad Attimis (Friuli Venezia Giulia) la 36ª edizione del Campionato Europeo di Organetto e Fisarmonica Diatonica. Il titolo è stato portato a casa con un punteggio ex aequo da una coppia di giovani reatini Matteo De Angelis (26 anni) e Francesca Grifoni (22 anni) che si sono esibiti con dei brani di alto livello tecnico, ottenendo il punteggio più alto per la sezione Organetto impressionando la giuria.

Il concorso si è svolto in due fasi, la prima di mattina che ha previsto l’esibizione di ogni concorrente con un brano a scelta valido come selezione per la fase successiva. Durante la seconda, invece, i finalisti scelti dalla giuria dovevano esibirsi con due brani di alto livello per poi aggiudicarsi il punteggio più alto valido come titolo di Campione Europeo.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Herbert Pixner Sommerkonzerte - DE/IT/AT

by Diatonic News
Herbert PixnerWer diesen beliebten Künstler und seiner Band aus Südtirol, nach den 2020/21 verschobenen Konzerten endlich wieder live erleben möchte, sollte sich beeilen, um noch rechtzeitig Karten f. die ende Juli geplanten Termine in Deggendorf und Grafenegg zu ergattern!

Ersatztermin für das verschobene Konzert von 2020/21
02.08.2022 BURGHAUSEN (DE)
WAFFENPLATZ Ersatztermin für das verschobene Konzert von 2020/21
Ersatztermin für das verschobene Konzert 2020/21 (ursprünglich Röhrnbach)
Ersatztermin für das verschobene Konzert 2020/21
07.08.2022 MÜNCHEN (DE) BRUNNENHOF (Zusatzkonzert)
Ersatztermin für das verschobene Konzert von 2020/21
Ersatztermin für das verschobene Konzert von 2020/21
Ersatztermin für das verschobene Konzert von 2020/21

Alle weiteren Informationen oder Änderungen (die aufgrund der aktuellen Covid-Bestimmungen anfallen könnten) auf der Seite:

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

2° Gara di Ddù Botte “Rievocazione Storica della Trebbiatura” - Basciani di Alba Adriatica (TE) ITALIA

by Diatonic News
1) La Sound Eventi in collaborazione con il Comitato Contrada Basciani (TE) organizza la 2°
Gara di Ddù Botte “Rievocazione Storica della Trebbiatura”.
2) L’evento si terrà il giorno 6 Luglio 2019 presso c.da Basciani di Alba Adriatica (TE) in Via
Piermarini dalle ore 21.00.
a) La gara si articolerà nelle seguenti categorie:
Categoria A (0-10 anni);
Categoria B (11-15 anni);
Categoria C (16-oltre).
b) Le iscrizioni sono aperte solo online fino al giorno 4 Luglio 2019 (www.soundeventi.it)
per un numero massimo di 30 partecipanti.
c) La quota di iscrizione è di €15 (buono panino + bibita 0,25 inclusi).
d) I partecipanti potranno esibirsi con organetti di qualsiasi marca con 2 (Due) Bassi e 12
(dodici) tasti al canto.
- Vietati strumenti con 4 (Quattro) bassi e oltre, maggiore/minore;
- Vietati strumenti con doppiafila al canto;
- Vietato gareggiare con accompagnamento di basi musicali.
e) I concorrenti saranno tenuti a presentare 1 (Uno) brano a libera scelta della durata
complessiva non superiore ai 4 (Quattro) minuti.
f) La classifica dei concorrenti sarà stilata con votazione su scala da 0 a 100.
g) In caso di ex-aequo, gli sfidanti saranno tenuti a presentare 1 (Uno) brano a libera scelta
della durata complessiva non superiore ai 4 (Quattro) minuti.

Per informazioni:
Davide 328 64 36 477;
Simone 327 83 89 697.

Titano Accordions

Fleadh Cheoil Mullingar 2022 - Ireland

by Diatonic News
Traditional musicians of all ages are invited to gather in Mullingar next 31st July to 7th August for Fleadh Cheoil Mullingar 2022 “The Homecoming”, which will be hosted by Mullingar Comhaltas Branch.

This event is the world’s largest annual celebration of Irish music, language, song and dance. It attracts in the region of 500,000 visitors to the host town every year. The announcement was received with excitement and jubilation by Comhaltas people and lovers of traditional culture in Co. Westmeath.

The event is organised by Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann and will be hosted in Mullingar in conjunction with the local Fleadh Executive Committee and Westmeath County Council.

Download program: 2022MullingarProgram.pdf

For further information, please view: https://fleadhcheoil.ie/

Accordion Jazz Chord

Finalists Announced for 2022 Che Bandoneon International Competition - USA

by Diatonic News
The 2022 Che Bandoneon International Competition will be held in Stowe, Vermont, USA from August 14th to 21st, 2022 as a part of the 2022 Stowe Tango Music Festival.

Che Bandoneon competition finalists are:

Leonel Gasso (Uruguay)
Alex Roitman (USA)
Sinai Rim (South Korea)
Heyni Solera (USA)

The Competition is open to bandoneon players of all nationalities who must be at least 18 years of age by August 1st, 2022.

Events timeline:

• August 8th: Tango Academy and Bandoneon Workshop (All finalists will receive full Scholarship to the workshop)
• August 14th: Finalists join 2022 Stowe Tango Music Festival
• August 21st: Finals and Award Ceremony. Contestants will perform their solo and the orchestral works.

For details email: stowetangomusicfestival@gmail.com

Gary Dahl Arrangements

33rd Haapavesi Folk Music Festival - Finland

by Diatonic News
The 33rd Haapavesi Folk Music Festival will take place June 30 – July 2, 2022

is a 3-day music event that was founded in 1989. The programme of the festival consists of high quality Finnish and international folk music and world music, alongside with some classical, jazz, pop and cross-genre acts. Programme includes also seminars and the festival week starts with acclaimed Folk Courses which are taught by several top folk musicians.

Majority of the performers at the festival come from the Finnish folk music scene but international acts are also an essential part of the programme. The festival offers music from different cultures all over the world, especially Scandinavian, Celtic and North American music has been vastly represented.

The festival is organised by a small number of personnel, and what truly makes the organisation possible are the hundreds of volunteers who join the team every summer during the festival season.


The Pig’s Ear Folk Ale Festival - England/Sevenoaks

by Diatonic News
The Pig’s Ear Folk Ale Festival
The 2022 festival will take place from the 14th to 17th July 2022 at 8 Acre Field, Eggpie Lane, Sevenoaks Weald, TN14 6NP (google map link is approximate and does not show the exact festival site, there will be signposts to the event on the road).

“Ale” is a term used in past times by Kentish folk to describe a community celebration and that’s what Folk Ale is – a chance for musicians and fans of acoustic music to get together, sing, play, and listen to great music against a backdrop of beautiful Kent countryside.

The Pig’s Ear Folk Ale was founded in 2003 by family folk group Pig’s Ear – Grant, Keith, Sue and Lyndsey Rule – and for many years was run by the Rule family with a number of other loyal volunteers. It took place every year on the weekend following the late Spring Bank Holiday, except for 2020 when it was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2022 the Pigs Ear Folk Ale will be returning in a brand new green field site and new dates, the 14th to the 17th July.

Charnwood Music Publishing

ARTANGO & Jazz-Festival - Italia

by Diatonic News
Artango Festival
16 Luglio - 27 Agosto 2022 Direzione Artistica Fabio Furia

ARTango&Jazz è il primo ed unico Festival del Sulcis Iglesiente dedicato al Tango. Un appuntamento estivo con la cultura, in grado di abbracciare l’arte nelle sue molteplici forme: dalla danza al gusto, dal cinema alla poesia, seguendo un unico filo conduttore: il tango, dalla tradizione fino alle sue evoluzioni più contemporanee di stampo jazzistico.

Nato nel 2010, fin dalla sua prima edizione, vanta la partecipazione di alcuni grandi maestri del mondo tanguero, sia in campo musicale che nella danza, per citarne alcuni: Chicho Frumboli & Juana Sepulveda; Joe Corbata & Lucila Cionci; Adrian Luppi & Paula Villaroel, Mauro Zompa & Sara Masi, Eloy Souto & Laura Elizondo, l’orchestra ContraMilonga. Sedi naturali dell’importante rassegna, sono i comuni di Iglesias e di Calasetta.

La vena popolare e le suggestive atmosfere create dalle più ricercate combinazioni di suoni proposte dagli spettacoli prodotti dall’Anton Stadler, unite a creatività, contaminazione e improvvisazione tipicamente jazzistiche sono gli elementi caratterizzanti di ARTango&jazz Festival, in un programma artistico che di anno in anno cresce e si rinnova, attraendo un pubblico sempre più vasto che supera i confini regionali.


Voci Armoniche


by Diatonic News



Brosella Festival Bruxelles - Belgium

by Diatonic News
From the 1 - 3th of July 2022 in the park of Osseghem to enjoy summer at the Brosella Festival with 22 live bands, 3 stages, DJ sets and workshops.

Friday 1st of July: 6PM - 1AM.
Saturday 2th of July: 1PM - 1AM.
Sunday 3th of July: 1PM - 1AM.

For information: lua@brosella.be

Erfolgreiche Staatsmeisterschaft der Musikschule Katolnig - Kärnten/Österreich

by Diatonic News
Musikschule Katholnig
Die Musikschule Katolnig unter der Leitung von Werner Katolnig kann auf eine äußerst erfolgreiche Harmonika Staatsmeisterschaft in Perg am 18. Juni 2022 zurückblicken.

Seine Schüler erreichten dabei die ausgezeichneten Plazierungen:
1 x Gold Kategorie Solo
1 x Gold Kategorie Duo
1 x Gold Kategorie Ensemble
1 x Silber Kategorie Duo
1 x Bronze Kategorie Duo
1 x Bronze Kategorie Solo
2 x Prädikat ausgezeichnet
4 x Prädikat sehr gut
1 x Prädikat Hervorragend

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


by Diatonic News
BRUNO LE TRON DIDIER LALOY31 JUILLET > 6 AOÛT: ACCORDÉON DIATONIQUE: Technique instrumentale et musicalité

Niveaux moyen et confirmé
L’apprentissage se fera à partir de leurs compositions qui sont inspirées des musiques traditionnelles européennes.

Travail du soufflet, des ornements, de l’accompagnement, des différentes techniques de jeux qui caractérisent leurs styles.

Mise en place de morceaux collectifs avec 2eme voix et accompagnement.

2 groupes de niveaux seront constitués et alterneront avec les 2 animateurs

Apprentissage oral


1° Festival del Tirreno - Italia

by Diatonic News
Concorso di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica
valido come selezione per la partecipazione al Campionato Italiano - Ed.2022
Sapri (SA) 03 luglio 2022

Con il Patrocinio del Comune di Sapri (SA), le Associazioni “Il Mondo dell’Organetto” –affiliato
FEDERITALIA- di Viggiano (PZ) e l’A.M.I.SA.D. APS (Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad
Ancia, Diatonici) di Maiolati Spontini (AN), in collaborazione con il C.D.M.I. di Recoaro Terme (VI)
e l'Associazione Musicale “Amici della Musica” APS di San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), organizzano
il “1° Festival del Tirreno”, Concorso di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica valido come
selezione per la partecipazione al Campionato Italiano - Ed.2022.

Alla manifestazione, che si svolgerà il giorno 03 luglio 2022 all’Auditorium “Carlo Pisacane” sito a
Sapri (SA) in Via Ferdinando Magellano, vi potranno prendere parte candidati di nazionalità
italiana con organetti di qualsiasi tipo e marca ad esclusione dei Campioni Italiani, Europei e del
Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica, sia Junior che Senior.

La stessa si articolerà nelle seguenti Sezioni e relative categorie, suddivise

Per informazioni e logistica:
 e-mail: roncogia@alice.it
℡ Vincenzo Spinelli 3342341131 Antonio Gargaro 3385954617 Angelo Spinelli 3485917747

Titano Accordions

2022 Vancouver Folk Music Festival - Canada

by Diatonic News
The 2022 Vancouver Folk Music Festival will be held at Jericho Beach Park in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from July 15th to 17th, 2022.

The Festival was founded in 1978 and held in Stanley Park. It relocated to Jericho Beach Park in its second year. Following initial sponsorship from the city, the Festival came under the control of the newly established non-profit Vancouver Folk Music Festival Society in late 1979. In the Festival's early years, it established and ran its own record label and distribution company, Festival Records.

Over the years, the Vancouver Folk Music Festival has played a key role in the development of artists and audiences on a regional, national, and international level. The society continues to honour the same traditions with an emphasis on emerging and diverse artists.
Tickets are now on sale. For details email: info@thefestival.bc.ca


Harmonicafestijn - Frisia/Netherland

by Diatonic News
De Dunen 3, 9281 KT Harkema

Harmonicamuziek in en om openluchtmuseum de Spitkeet te Harkema, hoeveel mooier kun je het krijgen. Het instrument, in de omgeving beter bekend als de trekzak, is iets wat vroeger veel in de armere streken werd gebruikt bij bruiloften en feesten, maar ook werd er veel door de mensen thuis op gespeeld. De Loekpoedels, bekend van het Balgendag in de Lantearne te Surhuisterveen, organiseren op 2 juli 2022 in samenwerking met de Spitkeet voor de elfde keer een open harmonicadag. Deze dag is bedoeld voor harmonica (trekzak), Steirische harmonica en accordeons.

Op het terrein en in het museum kan men muziek maken zoveel als men wil. Bij dit gebeuren is er geen open podium, zoals bij de vele harmonicadagen, maar is het alleen vrij spelen. Het gebruik van electrisch versterkte instrumenten, drumstellen en trommels en blaasinstrumenten is in en nabij het hoofdgebouw niet toegestaan.We hopen dat we dit jaar weer vrijuit kunnen genieten. Aan de Spitkeet zal het niet liggen, vorig jaar is de Schaapskooi fors uitgebreid en ook de overkapping langs de zijkant is klaar.

Voor bezoekers die niet spelen Het is de bedoeling om van 11.00 uur ‘s morgens tot 17.00 uur in de namiddag het museum open te stellen voor deze happening. Mensen met een instrument hebben vrij entree en komt men luisteren dan betaald men de normale entree voor het museum.


Voci Armoniche

23rd International Festival Duchi D’Acquaviva - Italy

by Diatonic News
The 23rd International Festival "Duchi d'Acquaviva" will be held from August 8th to 28th, 2022 in Atri, Teramo, Abruzzo, Italy, organised by the Association "Amici della Musica 2000" and sponsored by the Town Hall of Atri, the Province of Teramo, the Abruzzo Region and the Tercas Foundation.

The festival will feature classical music concerts by students and their teachers as well as masterclasses for approximately 150 students playing a variety of instruments.

A bandoneon Masterclass will be held by Gianni Iorio from August 8th to 10th, 2022.

Download Masterclass application form here: 2022Duchi.pdf

For details email: info@amicidellamusica2000.it

Sidmouth Folk Festival - UK

by Diatonic News
The Sidmouth Folk Festival means traditional music, dance and song since 1955 and continues to build on its many years of success in creating an inclusive music community which embraces variety – celebrating tradition in all its many forms, including the rich diversity of folk arts in the UK, from the grass roots to the cutting edge.

2022 sees us return to a full live festival. Things have changed – but hopefully for the better, with a focus on audience welfare as we return to community gatherings, as well as a fresh-faced programme including special events and artists ranging across the many different areas of the festival.

Infos regarding the huge programm on https://sidmouthfolkfestival.co.uk/

58th Cambridge Folk Festival - England

by Harley Jones
he 58th Cambridge Folk Festival will be held at the Cherry Hinton Hall in Cambridge, England from July 28th to 31st, 2022.

The event will include “four stages packed with the very best UK and international Folk, Blues, and Americana artists”. The festival is one of the longest running folk festivals in the world and attracts around fourteen thousand people, many of whom return year after year.

The Festival is renowned for its unique atmosphere and its eclectic mix of music, traditional folk artists as well as American country, blues and roots artists.

Accordion performers include the Spiers & Boden (picture above left) folk duo (John Spiers on melodeon & concertina and Jon Boden on violin, guitar, vocals, concertina and rhythm), Chico Trujillo (Chile – picture above right), and the Fèis Rois Ceilidh Trail .

For details email: tickets@cambridge.gov.uk

Accordion Jazz Chords


by Diatonic News
Répertoire Basque et Quebecois
Tous niveaux sauf débutant
À travers un répertoire basque et québécois adapté au diatonique sol-do, nous aborderons des questions techniques et esthétiques comme le staccato et les ornements du trikitixa basque, ou encore les effets de nuance et le groove du mélodéon québécois.

Au fil du répertoire, Maider vous conseillera aussi afin d’améliorer votre efficacité dans votre pratique personnelle. Conseils qu’elle a elle-même reçus durant son cursus de didactique à l’Université Laval au Québec, qui ont changé sa vie de musicienne et qu’elle a plaisir à partager ! Apprentissage oral

Chromatiques bienvenus

Répertoire de Gascogne
Stage ouvert aux 2 rangs, 1 an minimum de pratique conseillé
Sur la base du répertoire de la musique traditionnelle gasconne à danser

(rondeaux, congos, danses de couples, etc..), nous nous attarderons sur

l’approfondissement des mélodies : apprentissage d’oreille, travail du

phrasé, ornementations, recherche d’unisson. Nous travaillerons également

le rapport à la danse: rythme, énergie, cadence.

Nous verrons aussi comment «habiller» des morceaux simples, en cherchant

ensemble des petits arrangements: apports harmoniques, lignes

de basses, deuxièmes voix, effets sonores afin de pouvoir...

donner à danser /écouter en live !

Nous apprendrons également quelques chants traditionnels, afin de
pouvoir les accompagner et les harmoniser.

Stage Forró
Niveau confirmé
Musique du Nordeste du Brésil, pour accordéon diatonique 3 rangs.

Une découverte de mélodies populaires et de leurs rythmes de danse !

Ce stage propose une étude caractéristique du phrasé et de l’accompagnement

forró à l’accordéon.

Rythmiques spécifiques, jeu de basses, enrichissement de mélodie, improvisation...

Nous chercherons aussi à orchestrer les morceaux abordés avec du chant et des percussions.


Future events / Concerts

Titano Accordions

Mario-K im Juli 2022 - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Mario k.01.07.2022 Dämmerschoppen - 19:00 / A-6290 Mayrhofen - Gastgarten Berghof

04.07.2022 Volks- & Schlager Abend - 19:00 / A-6290 Mayrhofen - Musi Stadl Rose

06.07.2022 Stimmungsauftritt - 20:00 / A-6271 Uderns - Musik & Erlebnishotel Pachmair

08.07.2022 Dämmerschoppen - 19:00 / A-6290 Mayrhofen - Gastgarten Berghof

11.07.2022 Volks- & Schlager Abend - 19:00 / A-6290 Mayrhofen - Musi Stadl Rose

13.07.2022 Stimmungsauftritt - 20:00 / A-6271 Uderns - Musik & Erlebnishotel Pachmair

15.07.2022 Dämmerschoppen - 19:00 / A-6290 Mayrhofen - Gastgarten Berghof

18.07.2022 Volks- & Schlager Abend - 19:00 / A-6290 Mayrhofen - Musi Stadl Rose

20.07.2022 Stimmungsauftritt - 20:00 / A-6271 Uderns - Musik & Erlebnishotel Pachmair

22.07.2022 Dämmerschoppen - 19:00 / A-6290 Mayrhofen - Gastgarten Berghof

25.07.2022 Volks- & Schlager Abend - 19:00 / A-6290 Mayrhofen - Musi Stadl Rose

27.07.2022 Stimmungsauftritt - 20:00 / A-6271 Uderns - Musik & Erlebnishotel Pachmair

29.07.2022 Dämmerschoppen - 19:00 / A-6290 Mayrhofen - Gastgarten Berghof

Mehr Info auf: https://www.mario-k.com/

Festa dell'Organetto - Tortora/Italia

by Diatonic News
Festa dell'Organetto - Tortora/Italia
21 - 07 - 2022 dalle 20.30 in Piazza Stella Maris di Tortora
con il Maestro Alessandro Gaudio

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

„Bravo Buenosayres“ Tango Kammermusik - Argentinien/Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Facundo Hernán Barreyra
Samstag, den 2. Juli 2022 19.30 Uhr
Pfarrei St. Martin Eversbuschstr 11 bei schlechtem Wetter im Gemeindesaal

Facundo Hernán Barreyra (Argentinien), der seine vielseitige musikalische Ausbildung überwiegend in Buenos Aires erhielt, lebt seit 2017 in Kraiburg am Inn. Er war in Argentinien als Jazz-Schlagzeuger, als Bandoneon-Spieler sowie als Projektdirektor und Arrangeur wirksam und setzt diese Tätigkeiten jetzt kontinuierlich in Deutschland fort.
Die Besetzung Bandoneon und Streichquartett fungiert wie ein kleines Tangoorchester: das typische Instrument des Tangos, das Bandoneon, und das traditionelle europäische Streichquartett. Damit trägt dieses Projekt auch zum kulturellen Austausch zwischen Südamerika und Europa bei. Für das Programm hat Facundo Barreyra Milongas, Walzer und Originalmusiken von ihm selbst sowie instrumentale und gesungene Tangos ausgewählt. Ein einzigartiges Projekt!

Regine Nosske (Geige)
Fiona Nakamura (Geige)
Christopher Zack (Bratsche)
Anna Rehker (Cello)
Facundo Barreyra (Bandoneon, Arrangements & Komposition.



eSheet Music Titles

Anderea e Compania in Luglio - IT/FR

by Diatonic News
Andrea Capezzioli e Compagnia
ndrea Capezzuoli e Compagnia, gruppo fondato a Milano nel 2007, è diventato un riferimento per la scena folk italiana. Storie, leggende, canzoni, ballate, danze del nord Italia vengono “condite” con suoni, melodie e ritmi provenienti da diverse regioni d’Europa e d’America: dal romanticismo della mazurka francese all’energia travolgente del reel del Québec. Una musica di contaminazione tra tradizione e innovazione, che coinvolge, cattura il pubblico e lo trascina in un viaggio sonoro e ludico ricco di energia e complicità, caratterizzato dalla gioia tipica della festa e dal piacere della buona musica: organetti, piano, violino e voci accompagnati dal battere dei piedi, la percussione tipica che dona un tocco unico a questo sound.

25-27 luglio // Andrea e Compagnia // Gennetines, Francia
23 luglio // Andrea e Compagnia // Trad Estiu, Foix, Francia
15 luglio // Andrea e Compagnia // Liberfolk, Brugherio (MI)
4-10 luglio // varie formazioni // Granbaltrad, Vialfré (TO)
1 luglio // Matapuexi // Danzamare, Porto S. Elpidio (MC)


Titano Accordions


by Diatonic News

02.07.2022 Bürgerfest 91710 Gunzenhausen, Marktplatz
18:00 Uhr

09.07.2022 Bärenhof 67229 Großkarlbach
20:00 Uhr Lange Nacht des Jazz https://www.grosskarlbacher-jazz.de/

29.07.2022 Bühnenhof Open Air 82110 Germering, Landsberger Str. 39
20:00 Uhr Stadthalle Germering https://www.stadthalle-germering.de/

30.07.2022 Neun Naumburger Nächte 06618 Naumburg, Marienplatz 11
21:00 Uhr https://www.naumburger-naechte.de/

31.07.2022 Jazzmatinee Langenhagen 30853 Langenhagen, Marktplatz 1
11:00 Uhr http://jazzmatinee.de/


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Paolo Russo at "Møn" - Denmark

by Diatonic News
Paolo and Katrin are happy to invite you to their first concert at their place on Møn, where they have created a small intimate venue and for the first concert to present Paolo's Jazz Trio with the great album OVERLAND with Thommy Andersson on double bass and Marcello di Leonardo on drums.

The music presented this evening will be full of sun, wind, high skies and green fields - perfect for the opening concert on beautiful Møn!

There is a limited number of seats in the studio, so we encourage you to buy a ticket already now. We open the doors one hour before, so please feel welcome to arrive before and go for a walk in the fields, sit on the terrace with a glass of wine, look around the gardens and enjoy the high summer with us.

Book your ticket now:


Voci Armoniche

"Concerts sous les arbres" - Belgique

by Diatonic News

Sounding Out the Accordion

Trekzakfestival in Enkhuizen - Holland

by Diatonic News
Trekzakfestival  Enkhuizen
Sunday, 24 - 07 - 2022
Enkhuizen / Holland


New Forest Folk Festival - UK

by Diatonic News
New Forest Folk Festival - UK
The New Forest Folk Festival will be held at Powells Farm in Plaitford, Romsey, Hants, England from July 6th to 10th, 2022. This year is the 10th anniversary of the festival, which boasts a great line up of artists including a New Forest 10th Anniversary Big Band performance, as well as workshops, singalongs and sessions.

Accordion performers/groups include The Folk Camps Party Band and Joe Broughton's Conservatoire Folk Ensemble.

For details email: nick@newforestfolkfestival.co.uk

Voci Armoniche

Giuliano Gabriele in Luglio/Agosto - IT/DE

by Diatonic News
Giuliano Gabriele
Si avvicina per la prima volta alla musica all’età di otto anni iniziando lo studio dell’Organetto (fisarmonica diatonica). Il grande interesse verso la musica folk italiana e successivamente alla world music lo porta ad approfondire il repertorio popolare attraverso il canto, la zampogna, il tamburo a cornice e la chitarra battente. Dal 2008 comincia una lunga esperienza live, prima collaborando con svariati gruppi per poi intraprendere la strada da solista.

I prossimi appuntamenti per Giuloiano Gabriele:

2 Luglio - Certosa di Trisulti duo acustico + Fondi(LT) in Trio
5 Luglio - Ortona (CH) - Trio
7 Luglio - Rudolstadt-Festival (Germania) - Trio
8 Luglio - Rudolstadt-Festival (Germania) - Officine Meridionali
16 Luglio - Melito Fetival (AV) - Officine Meridionali O.
17 Luglio - Ospite...
21-22 Luglio - Sardegna - In trio
6 Agosto - Ernica Etnica Festival - Veroli(FR) Officine Meridionali
15 Agosto - (C..)
26 Agosto - (LT)
27 Agosto - Castelliri (FR) Officine Meridionali Orchestra

Per info email: www.giulianogabriele.it

Friedrich Lips Book

Quiero 24 + Ruggiero Targo @ Ciclo FACAFF - Argentina

by Diatonic News
Viernes 22 de Julio - 21:00 hs. (Puerta 20:00 hs.)
FACAFF invites all Cultural Cooperatives and cooperative workers to participate in the first Meeting of Cooperative Culture. The meeting will be held on Friday 22 July at the Club Atletico Fernandez Fierro, and will feature the participation of two outstanding tango nuevo groups: Quiero 24 and Targo. Those interested are invited to come and also to send proposals to participate in the meeting.
The FACAFF (Family of the Fernández Fierro Athletic Club) is a self-managed cultural festival that brings together artists from different countries through a common language which is the current tango, alive, far from stereotypes and for-export tango.

Quiero 24 is capable of going from the most hilarious humour to the starkest lyrics. With 16 years, four recordings and more than 600 performances under its belt, it is one of the most active tango groups on the local scene. In 2014 they were elected "Revelation Artist of the Tango Festival of the City of Buenos Aires".

With a characteristic sound of the Folklore of the conurbano bonaerense, formed by bass (Laura Genlote), violin (Limay Bartolomei), bandoneon ("Pucho" Rodriguez), drums (Andrés Jubert), guitar and digital samplers ("El Zurdo" Alustiza) and a voice ("El Cholo" Castelo) that plays ironically with the stereotypes of tango and rock showman, with a playful gesture and neighbourhood mischief, makes up a combo that is part of the tradition of the music of the outskirts.

Ruggiero Targo (2018) is an instrumental quintet made up of Juan Manuel Palacios on guitar, Facundo Kasdaglis on piano-Rhodes, Nicolás Acosta on double bass, Javier García Atencio on drums and Adrián Ruggiero on bandoneon and guitar, composition and direction.
Ruggiero's group bases its work on the tango aesthetic as a launching pad from which to expand its musical horizons. It is a proposal of urban and contemporary musical research that combines elements of progressive rock, tango and jazz. This amalgam of languages composed of solid harmonies and vertiginous and energetic melodies is an invitation to travel through different soundscapes without forgetting the essence of the genre.

Information: https://caff.ar/shows/

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Marc Pircher auf Juli/Tour - Austria/Schweiz

by Diatonic News
Marc PircherFR01.07.202219:30 Uhr
CH-6204 Sempach LU (Schweiz), Campingplatz "Marc Pircher - Stimmungsauftritt" (Duo)

SA02.07.202221:00 Uhr
A-3250 Wieselburg (NÖ), Festzelt "Stimmungsauftritt bei der Wieselburger Messe 2022" (Solo)

SO03.07.202213:00 Uhr
CH-6343 Holzhäusern ZG (Schweiz), "Heuboden"
Infos und Tickets bei Thomas Brunner: +41(0)79/509 61 57 oder unter thokabrunner@bluewin.ch
"Marc Pircher - Stimmungsauftritt mit Schweizer Fantreffen 2022" (Duo)

FR08.07.202221:15 Uhr
CH-8853 Lachen (Schweiz), Seeanlage
"Grümpi-Fescht 2022" (Duo)

SA09.07.202219:00 Uhr
A-2540 Bad Vöslau - Gainfarn (NÖ), Festzelt beim Feuerwehrhaus
"Gründungsfest 152 Jahre FF Gainfarn" (Duo)

FR22.07.202219:00 Uhr
A-8970 Liezen (Stmk.), Kulturhausplatz
Auftritt gemeinsam mit den NOCKIS!
(Bei Schlechtwetter findet das Konzert in der Ennstalhalle Liezen statt)
Tickets unter: www.sommerbuehne-liezen.at
"Sommerbühne Liezen" (Duo)

DI26.07.202220:00 Uhr
A-9583 Faak am See (Kärnten), Camping Arneitz
Eintritt frei! "Marc Pircher - Stimmungsauftritt" (Solo)

DO28.07.202220:00 Uhr
A-6284 Ramsau im Zillertal, Festsaal im "DES ISS"
Eintritt frei! "Marc Pircher - Stimmungsauftritt" (Duo)

SA30.07.202220:30 Uhr
CH-6403 Küssnacht am Rigi (Schweiz), Festplatz am See
"Seenachtsfest Küssnacht 2022" (Duo)


Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

BELLA CIAO @ Brosella Festival - IT/BE

by Diatonic News
02.07 - 22.30 MAIN STAGE/Brosella Festial/Brussels

With Bella Ciao on stage, Brosella has one of the oldest and most important Italian groups that have contributed to the revival of Italian traditional music. From the beginning half a century ago, the group has sought musical stories in which the world of 'ordinary' people was central. Songs about love, work, religion or resistance... the great strength was that they showed another side of Italian history. In recent years, the musical focus has increasingly shifted to music from the south of the boot, particularly Sardinian music. These songs from Puglia or Naples, carried by Mediterranean rhythms like the tammuriata, the ballo tondo and the pizzica and with raw love poems and harsh protest songs where sensuality and deprivation meet on these fault lines. Bella Ciao will offer a fantastic musical finale on Saturday

Line-up: Riccardo Tesi, Elena Ledda, Lucilla Galeazzi, Alessio Laga, Nando Citarella

Das Schilcherlandbuam Fest im Juli - Österreich

by Diatonic News
die Schilcherlandbuam
Besuchen sie die Webseite der beliebten jungen Musiker auf:

Titano Accordions

"La banda del mare che unisce i popoli" - Italia

Band Adriatica
La banda in partenza per le strade d'Italia e d'Europa. Sono partiti da Roma il 25 Giugno con la Festa Per la Cultura, per poi tornare in Albania, terra d'elezione della Bandadriatica, per due concerti che si preannunciano infuocati: il 26 Giugno a Valona per il Kalabria Fest e il 27 Giugno al Balux di Tirana, nel pieno centro della capitale. Il 29 Giugno sarà la volta di Otranto (Porta Alfonsina), per il ritorno a casa della band, con il primo concerto salentino post pandemia e la libertà di vivere un live che tutti ci stiamo augurando da tempo.

Le prossime date:

10 Luglio - Picinisco (FR) - Pastorizia in Festival
25 Luglio - Leverano (LE), Vecchia Torre Wine Festival
28 Luglio - Zafferana Etnea (CT), Alkantara fest
30 Luglio - Scapoli (IS) - Festival Internazionale della Zampogna
6 Agosto - Fermo - Jova Beach Party

"In un momento di passaggio epocale come quello che il mondo sta vivendo, si fa ancora più evidente la necessità di un orientamento condiviso, che porti ad un passaggio verso il nuovo, verso il futuro che verrà, incerto ma gravido di una nuova possibilità evolutiva per il pianeta. La musica quindi si fa veicolo di una nuova visione, si propone come elemento unificatore. Da sempre nella Bandadriatica le musiche di geografie lontane si ritrovano insieme. Il mare ancora una volta ne accompagnerà e favorirà il viaggio. Ecco approdare un nuovo linguaggio meticcio, universalmente comprensibile, in grado di raccontare, attraverso musiche e testi originali, il Futuro."


Accordion Jazz Chord

Foot Down @ Pig's Ear Folk Ale - UK

by Diatonic News
Foot Down
Foot Down Alt-folk band featuring melodeon, whistles, guitar, drums, bass and vocals. Traditional folk music with the influence of modern grunge/rock will perform at the Pig's Ear Folk Ale in Sevenoaks.

For the exact date and hour pls view: https://folkale.co.uk/

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Danças Ocultas 'Amplitude' - (ES) AUSTRIA/kUFSTEIN

by Diatonic News
Danças Ocultas
Danças Ocultas 'Amplitude'
together with the orchestra of the LMS Kufstein "Die Streichhölzer" and the "Kammerorchester Wörgl!

It is a sensation. Four magic accordions from the north of Portugal, from the edge of Europe, namely the instrumentalists of Danças Ocultas will give a concert together with the "Kufsteiner Streichhölzer", the string orchestra of the Landesmusikschule Kufstein, on Saturday, 02.07.2022 at 8 pm in the Kultur Quartier. What they have already successfully done in 2016 with a Portuguese orchestra, they now repeat for the first time with a school orchestra. They have long been known and loved far beyond the borders of Portugal. For three days, they will rehearse their current concert program together with the music students in Kufstein and subsequently conjure up the forgotten and the enraptured in the perception of the audience. And with their delicate and quiet, precise to indulgent arrangements, images will emerge that will take the listeners on a journey to landscapes in the morning mist and light-footed dancing figures ... on a journey, at any rate, into their own inspired world of thought.

Behind the name Danças Ocultas are four accordionists from Agueda near Porto, who are among the most innovative and exciting representatives of contemporary sounds from Portugal. For some years now, they have been conquering the world music scene with a concept that is unspectacular at first listen: quiet, lyrical, more or less traditional, with only four diatonic accordions.

The name of the quartet, however, has nothing to do with esoteric worlds, but indicates that the four play music for dances that have yet to be invented. The famous fado plays a secondary role, rather they take traditional Portuguese folk music, tango nuevo, classical and chamber music as the basis for their explorations. They do not hold accordionist speed contests, nor do they play pure folk music. Their timeless art music can probably best be described as impressionistic folk: minimalist, profound sound paintings full of unexpected twists and sublime melancholy. Very special music that you can't help but fall into. (photo by: Pedro Cláudio)

02/07/22 Kulturquartier Kufstein Austria

Ticket reservations and all other information about the event at www.woassteh.com

Davide Vendramin performing in July - iTALY

by Diatonic News
He is graduated from the Conservatorio in Pesaro, the University in Turin and the Hochschule der Künste in Berne (Swiss).

Is teaching accordion and bandoneon in the Conservatory in Vicenza.
With the bandoneon, always accompanied by the Orchestra Sinfonica in Milan, has performed the “Tres Tangos”, Doble Concierto “Hommage à Liege”, “Las quatro estaciones porteñas” by Astor Piazzolla, the “Requiem” by Silvia Colasanti and the “Misa Tango” for soli, bandoneon, choir and orchestra by Luis Bacalov conducted by the composer himself.
He plays in Piazzolla’s “Maria de Buenos Aires” produced by the Ravenna Festival and in Kurt Weill’s “Die Dreigroschenoper” at the Piccolo Teatro Strehler in Milan.
He played Martín Palmeri’s “Misa a Buenos Aires” with the Orchester de Chambre de Toulouse and the famous Astor Piazzolla Concerto “Aconcagua” with the Orchestra della Svizzera italiana in Lugano.

Silva Colasanti’s “Tango for David (e)” is dedicated to him, premiered at the Paganini Auditorium in Parma, accompanied by the Filarmonica Arturo Toscanini conducted by Donato Renzetti and broadcast in Live streaming.

Performing next:
2.07 Conservatorio di Bolzano
Astor Piazzolla “Aconcagua”
Monteverdi Akademie
Emir Saul, direttore
Davide Vendramin, bandoneon

8.07 Spotorno
Bosso Concept Quartet
Works by: Bosso, Piazzolla


Charnwood Music Publishing

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Voci Armoniche

New Book “Astor Piazzolla, the Father of the New Tango” - Italy

by Diatonic News
Paolo Picchio - Musicologist, accordionist and composer, has presented the volume in which he traces the biographical and artistic events of the brilliant Argentine composer and bandoneonist (Mar del Plata, 11 March 1921 - Buenos Aires, 4 July 1992), from his beginnings to world popularity. Foreword by Laura Escalada Piazzolla and Daniel Villaflor Piazzolla.

The event was enriched by the musical interventions of Cristiano Lui (bandoneon), Annalisa Biancofiore (vocals) and Giorgio Fiori (cello). “An unmissable opportunity to relive the history and music of Astor Piazzolla in the prestigious museum which preserves its original scores and the bandoneon that belonged to the artist.

Piazzolla with his mixes of tango, jazz and classical gave life to the so-called Nuevo Tango: he attracted harsh criticism from Argentine purists - who came to call him "the killer of tango" - but in truth he has reformed, regenerated and sublimated. Following a precise and detailed chronology, the book suggests listening to the most significant works of each phase of his career: the contaminations between genres, collaborations with the protagonists of jazz, cinema productions, concert music, song, poetry and dance. The discussion is accompanied by a reasoned and complete discography, in which Piazzolla figures both as a composer and as an interpreter.

Paolo Picchio has lectured all over the world on the accordion and his repertoire, and regularly publishes essays and articles in specialized magazines and websites.

For details email: bertolini.curci@gmail.com



by Diatonic News
Mario K
12 brandneue Titel gibt es in der neuen CD "Süchtig nach Musik" von Mario K aus dem Zillertal, die am 10. Juni 2022 präsentiert wurde.

Mario K. begeistert nun seit 8 Jahren mit ehrlicher, handgemachter Volksmusik bis hin zum Top modernen Schlager.

In dieser Zeit hat sich vieles Schritt für Schritt für den jungen Musiker nach oben bewegt.

Bei vielen Auftritten in Deutschland, Schweiz, Niederlande, Frankreich, Belgien, Dänemark, Italien

und natürlich auch in der Heimat Österreich konnte der Vollblut-Musiker das Publikum mit seiner Musik in seinen Bann ziehen.

Für mehr: https://www.mario-k.com

CD "Intrecci" di A.Capezzuoli - Italia

by Diatonic News
Intrecci (2019)
Esce dopo cinque anni dalla pubblicazione di "Au château d'hirondelle" il nuovo disco solista di Andrea Capezzuoli.
Un disco emozionante che raccoglie ben 9 brani di sua composizione, su 14.
Nuovi arrangiamenti per creare degli "intrecci" tra la sua musicalità e quella dei numerosi musicisti che in questi anni ha incontrato sulla sua strada.
Questi gli ospiti che trovere nel disco:
Bernardo Beisso, Davide "Korta" Bergna, Remy Boniface, Fabio Calzia, Daniel Detammaecker, Michel Esbelin, Simona Ferrigno, Gabriele Gunella, Giamichele Lai, Milo Molteni, Fabio Paveto, Ciccio Piras, Luca Rampinini, Jacopo Soler, Maddalena Soler.

Disponibile in CD fisico e in formato mp3
Soundfiles on: https://www.roxrecords.it/it/catalogo-roxrecords/andrea-capezzuoli/intrecci.html

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

CD "Piazolla forever" by Richard Galliano - France

by Diatonic News
Richard Galliano / New-York Tango Trio (2021)
A vibrant tribute to the master Argentinean bandoneonist, Astor Piazzolla, and the release of the album "Piazzolla Forever".
Thanks to Richard Galliano, never before has the accordion spoken so many different languages, especially that of the virtuoso. This extraordinary musician sees this sensual blowing instrument as an orchestra. He started playing it as a child in 1957. A paternal transmission.
In 2016, he was made an Officer of the National Order of Merit.
= Line up ==
Richard Galliano (Accordion, Bandoneon, Melowtone), Sébastien Giniaux (Guitar, Cello), Diego Imbert (Double Bass)

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