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Diatonic News - Aug-2022
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Voci Armoniche


77. Villacher Kirchtag - Kärnten/Österreich
2022 Carrefour Mondial Accordion Festival, Québec - Canada
Tarantella Power - Italia
TAG DER HARMONIKA 2022 sehr erfolgreich - Österreich
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich
Harmonika-WM 2022 in Terme Olimia - die Ergebnisse! - Österreich
40.Firmenjubiläum Harmonika Müller - Kärnten/Österreich
Naragonia - Belgium
Herbert Pixner Sommerkonzerte - DE/IT/AT
BALLO! | XIII Edizione | Auditorium Parco della Musica di Roma - Italia
ONLINE Diatonique Accordéon cours avec Alain Pennec - Worldwide
Vito Valleriani Campione Italiano di Organetto - Italia

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Festa della Fisarmonica - Massafra/Italia
Fleadh Cheoil Mullingar 2022 - Ireland
Pascale Rubens in Session on the diatonic accordion - BE
Finalists Announced for 2022 Che Bandoneon International Competition - USA
Workshop with Alistair Anderson in Sidmouth - GB
Hike Bauweraerts: Session advanced diatonic accordion - BE
2022 Stowe Tango Music Festival – USA
Withyby Folk Week - UK
Civitella Alfedena Folk Festival - Italia
Festival Avsenik - Slowenien
2022 Towersey Festival – England
Milwaukee Irish Fest Summer School - USA
2. RHÖN HARMONIKA FEST (Hessen) - Deutschland
Festival del Saltarello - Italia
summer concerts and folk balls à volonté - Belgium
Cotati Accordion Festivalo - USA
Sydney Folk Festival - Australia
Sidmouth Folk Festival - UK
Seminario con Mario Salvi - Italia
ARTango&Jazz Festival - XIII edizione 2022
Etétrad Festival - Italia

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

California Blue Runners - USA/Cotati Festial
Daniele di Bonaventura on summertour - IT/FR/RO
Volksmusik aus Tirol - Österreich
World premiere of Resplandor by Baniel Binelli - Argentina
La Notte dell’Organetto - Caraffa/Italia
Danças Ocultas in concert - Portugal
Symphonic Tange Concerto - Italia
Open-Air Leukerbad - Schweiz
Der Altstadtzauber in Klagenfurt - Österreich
Duo bottasso in August - France/Italy
Louise Jallu prochains concerts - France
Boville Etnica - Boville/FR/Italia
Reneé de la Prade @ Cotati - USA

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD "Tango Macondo" - Italia
CD "SCHÏAN!" Offizieller Release: 29. Juli 2022 - Italien
Video: “Polkaholiki” on Supertalent TV Program – Croatia

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

77. Villacher Kirchtag - Kärnten/Österreich

by Diatonic News
Nachdem zwei Jahre lang auf den Kirchtag verzichtet werden musste, freut sich Villach umso mehr auf den 77. Villacher Kirchtag 2022, wenn Einwohner:innen und Gäste der Stadt Villach wieder eine ganze Woche lang Österreichs größtes Brauchtumsfest feiern!

Unzähliche Musikaufführungen, Tanzgruppen, Trachtenumzüge aus nah und fern, Essen und Trinken stehen auf dem Programm.
viel Spass wünscht die Redaktion

Hier nur einige der Gruppen - um über alle Einzelheiten genau informiert zu sein
besuchen Sie die Seite:


Sounding Out the Accordion

2022 Carrefour Mondial Accordion Festival, Québec - Canada

by Diatonic News
The 33rd edition of the Carrefour Mondial Accordion Festival will be held in Montmagny, Quebec, Canada from September 2nd to 4th, 2022.

The festival program has just been released and includes details of performers, activities, dates, sponsors, contact details and a map of events.

Download the program here: 2022CarrefourProgram.pdf


Tarantella Power - Italia

by Diatonic News
Trantella Power
M. Salvatore Pace
Nato a Potenza, inizia a studiare la Fisarmonica Diatonica dall'età di nove anni. Dal 2007 in poi prende parte a diversi Campionati e Festival Italiani. Attivo anche come compositore ed organizzatore è protagonista di vari eventi nazionali ed internazionali dediti alla rivalutazione e alla diffusione della cultura della Fisarmonica Diatonica.
M. Alessandro Gaudio
Nasce a Sapri, all’età di 7 anni grazie a suo padre Rocco (anche suo maestro), intraprende lo studio della fisarmonica diatonica, ovvero l’organetto.
Conosciuto al giorno d’oggi per la sua velocità tecnica (impareggiabile nelle variazioni più veloci) e per l’uso adattato delle cinque dita.

Voci Armoniche

TAG DER HARMONIKA 2022 sehr erfolgreich - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Alle Ergebnisse und viele Fotos auf:
Tag der Harmonika 2022

Online translation

Friedrich Lips Book

Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Harmonika-WM 2022 in Terme Olimia - die Ergebnisse! - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Der Harmonikaverband Österreichs war in dieser Konkurrenz sehr erfolgreich und stellt wieder einmal eine Weltmeisterin auf der Steirischen Harmonika!
Detaillierte Berichte und viele Fotos auf www.harmonikaverband.at !!!

Online translation

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

40.Firmenjubiläum Harmonika Müller - Kärnten/Österreich

by Diatonic News
In der Woche vom 24. bis 28. August 2022 feiert die Firma Harmonika Müller mit einer Hausmesse ein großes Jubliäum - das 45. Firmenjahr.

Es wrden viele neue Modelle vorgestellt, die alle Besucher gerne spielen dürfen.

Naragonia - Belgium

by Diatonic News

Titano Accordions

Herbert Pixner Sommerkonzerte - DE/IT/AT

by Diatonic News
Herbert PixnerWer diesen beliebten Künstler und seiner Band aus Südtirol, nach den 2020/21 verschobenen Konzerten endlich wieder live erleben möchte, sollte sich beeilen, vielleicht haben Sie Glück und es gibt noch einige frei Plätze!

02.08.2022 BURGHAUSEN (DE)
WAFFENPLATZ Ersatztermin für das verschobene Konzert von 2020/21
Ersatztermin für das verschobene Konzert 2020/21 (ursprünglich Röhrnbach)
Ersatztermin für das verschobene Konzert 2020/21
07.08.2022 MÜNCHEN (DE) BRUNNENHOF (Zusatzkonzert)
Ersatztermin für das verschobene Konzert von 2020/21
Ersatztermin für das verschobene Konzert von 2020/21
Ersatztermin für das verschobene Konzert von 2020/21

Alle weiteren Informationen oder Änderungen (die aufgrund der aktuellen Covid-Bestimmungen anfallen könnten) auf der Seite:

Accordion Jazz Chord

BALLO! | XIII Edizione | Auditorium Parco della Musica di Roma - Italia

by Diatonic News
Auditorium Parco della Musica - Roma
Torna BALLO!
Un progetto originale di Ambrogio Sparagna con OPI Orchestra Popolare Italiana dell’Auditorium Parco della Musica Roma, il Coro popolare diretto da Anna Rita Colaianni, il Corpo di Ballo Popolare diretto da Francesca Trenta,
Paranza d’o Lione di Scafati, Compagnia di Danza di Mvula Sungani e con la partecipazione straordinaria di Miki Matsuse Van Hoecke.
👉 Il 1 Agosto ritorna BALLO! la grande festa spettacolo dedicata alla riscoperta e alla reinterpretazione delle antiche danze popolari italiane. Un grande evento estivo, giunto alla sua tredicesima edizione, che ogni anno, grazie alla forza della sua musica travolgente e all’energia vertiginosa della danza, trasforma la Cavea in una colorata e calorosa piazza del Sud dell’Italia.
👉 Sul grande palco della Cavea, i cento protagonisti dello spettacolo (cantanti, strumentisti, coristi e danzatori) mettono in scena una serie di “quadri sonori” di grande fascino alternando momenti coreografici individuali e collettivi dando vita ad un appassionato e rigenerante inno alla vita. Un grande spettacolo popolare che fa scatenare il pubblico dell’Auditorium trascinato nel vortice della festa.
👉 Quest’anno la tredicesima edizione di Ballo! è dedicata a Micha van Hoecke, ballerino, coreografo e regista belga tra i protagonisti di fama mondiale del 'teatro di danza' e direttore del corpo di ballo del Teatro dell'Opera di Roma che ci ha lasciato nell’agosto del 2021.
Nel 2008 Ambrogio Sparagna e Micha van Hoecke composero un originale spettacolo di teatro danza “Sinfonia per una Taranta”, prodotta dalla Fondazione Musica per Roma e Ravenna Festival”, in cui Micha “scolpì” i paesaggi sonori raccontati da Sparagna costruendo un immaginario danzante alla ricerca di una umanità antica, racchiusa tra storia, fantasia e contemporaneità.
👉 Lo spettacolo del 1 Agosto vuole omaggiare questo straordinario incontro artistico e umano proponendo una serie di quadri sonori fra cui le pirotecniche azioni di danza tradizionale del Corpo di Ballo popolare dell’Auditorium coordinato da Francesca Trenta; le Tammurriate del gruppo di cantori e suonatori tradizionali della Paranza d’o Lione di Scafati e le intense azioni coreografiche realizzate dalla compagnia di Mvula Sungani. Infine, per coronare questa grande festa popolare per Micha, Miki Matsuse Van Hoecke proporrà alcune coreografie originali che il Maestro belga-russo compose nel 2008 per la “Sinfonia per una Taranta”.

Gary Dahl Arrangements

ONLINE Diatonique Accordéon cours avec Alain Pennec - Worldwide

by Diatonic News
Le CNIMA dans votre salon! Premier cours d'essai gratuit !

Easy and comfortable from your home with a most renomated teach: Alain Pennec. Don't miss this great opportunity
for more or reservation - view:


Vito Valleriani Campione Italiano di Organetto - Italia

by Diatonic News
Al 25 Campionato Italiano di Organetti e Fisarmonica Diatonica Vito Valleriani si è aggiudicato campione Italiano nella sezione Organetto “Senior” che si è svolto a Pignataro Interamna (Fr) il 17.07.2022

Complimenti al nuovo Campiono

Charnwood Music Publishing

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Voci Armoniche

Festa della Fisarmonica - Massafra/Italia

by Diatonic News
Giovedì 25 agosto inizia l'avventura alla riscoperta delle tradizioni e dei luoghi più incantevoli di Massafra accompagnati dalle melodie popolari del Sud Italia eseguite da due fantastici Musicisti: Alessandro Gaudio e Salvatore Pace...e tanti altri


Fleadh Cheoil Mullingar 2022 - Ireland

by Diatonic News
Traditional musicians of all ages are invited to gather in Mullingar next 31st July to 7th August for Fleadh Cheoil Mullingar 2022 “The Homecoming”, which will be hosted by Mullingar Comhaltas Branch.

This event is the world’s largest annual celebration of Irish music, language, song and dance. It attracts in the region of 500,000 visitors to the host town every year. The announcement was received with excitement and jubilation by Comhaltas people and lovers of traditional culture in Co. Westmeath.

The event is organised by Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann and will be hosted in Mullingar in conjunction with the local Fleadh Executive Committee and Westmeath County Council.

Download program: 2022MullingarProgram.pdf

For Details please view: https://fleadhcheoil.ie/

Pascale Rubens in Session on the diatonic accordion - BE

by Diatonic News
Pascale RubensPascale plays the diatonic accordion and the violin, with which she has already done quite a lot. At the moment she is a musician in the duo/quartet Naragonia and Systrar and together with her husband Toon Van Mierlo she performs live music in theatre group Tal en Thee. Pascale is also a teacher of diatonic accordion at the academies of Schoten and Genk.

website: http://www.naragonia.com/bio-2/

contact Pascale for questions about the sessionhttps://stagegooik.be/sessie/2022-1/

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Finalists Announced for 2022 Che Bandoneon International Competition - USA

by Diatonic News
The 2022 Che Bandoneon International Competition will be held in Stowe, Vermont, USA from August 14th to 21st, 2022 as a part of the 2022 Stowe Tango Music Festival.

Che Bandoneon competition finalists are:

Leonel Gasso (Uruguay)
Alex Roitman (USA)
Sinai Rim (South Korea)
Heyni Solera (USA)

The Competition is open to bandoneon players of all nationalities who must be at least 18 years of age by August 1st, 2022.

Events timeline:

• August 8th: Tango Academy and Bandoneon Workshop (All finalists will receive full Scholarship to the workshop)
• August 14th: Finalists join 2022 Stowe Tango Music Festival
• August 21st: Finals and Award Ceremony. Contestants will perform their solo and the orchestral works.

For details email: stowetangomusicfestival@gmail.com

Workshop with Alistair Anderson in Sidmouth - GB

by Diatonic News
ALISTAIR ANDERSON workshops his Hidden Hexham’ suite over the week with cumulative sessions ending in a performance.
More info about the workshop can be found on: http://sidmouthfolkfestival.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Hidden-hexham-an-introductory-letter-from-Alistair-pdf-.pdf

and sheet music can be downloaded on: http://sidmouthfolkfestival.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Hidden-hexham-sidmouth-just-melodic-lines-chords-.pdf

Titano Accordions

Hike Bauweraerts: Session advanced diatonic accordion - BE

by Diatonic News
maximum 12 participants, from 16 years of age
WITH: Hilke Bauweraerts

Although Hilke started playing all kinds of instruments as a child, it was the diatonic accordion that finally won her heart. At the age of 16, she devoted herself to her great love as a self-taught musician, later taking a Master's degree in Music Therapy at LUCA School of Arts. She is a very creative musician/composer who is not afraid of a dose of daring and pulls out all the stops to play songs with the right energy. She currently tours the stages with the bands Hidrae, Marvara, Threo, Duo Bauweraerts Van Hees and the theatre company Tal en Thee. She also teaches diatonic accordion at the academy of Herentals and the arts college Musart! in Hasselt. Hilke gives workshops for the KID concerts of Antwerp Symphony Orchestra and has in the past taught at the folkstage of Kalmthout & Gooik and for Wisper.

for advanced accordionists who have mastered their instrument sufficiently and can easily play a simple melody with basses by ear. You know the names of the basses. It is not necessary to be able to read notes, because we work by ear.

Hilke teaches you to play fun folk tunes and is not afraid to make an excursion to other genres. Based on these tunes, we will have fun by focusing on our skills as individuals, accompanists and arrangers. How can I play a melody/bass more beautifully? What technique is needed to do this? How can I accompany a melody, paying attention to danceability? How can I vary? How can I make a simple second voice? Which tools do I need to improvise something small? Both individual playing and playing together are addressed in a playful manner!

Diatonic accordion in G/C tuning (sol/do) advantage: turned 5th button = pulling sol, pushing la

recording device or smartphone/tablet, possibly pen and

For more: https://stagegooik.be/sessie/2022-2/


2022 Stowe Tango Music Festival – USA

by Harley Jones
Video: 2022 festival artist information.

Tickets are almost completely sold out for the 2022 Stowe Tango Music Festival which will be held at the Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center in Stowe, Vermont, USA from August 19th to 21st, 2022. The Artistic Director is bandoneonist, Hector Del Curto (picture right).

The festival is open for bandoneon students of all levels and includes the final round of the 2022 Che Bandoneon International Competition where finalists will perform solo and orchestral works.

Hector Del Curto will hold a Bandoneon Intensive Workshop for all levels of bandoneon students, which will feature daily technique classes, workshops, bandoneon orchestra, private lessons and performance opportunities.

For details email: stowetangomusicfestival@gmail.com

Voci Armoniche

Withyby Folk Week - UK

by Diatonic News
20th-26th August 2022

An outstanding occasion to see and hear many happenings such as concerts, workshops, dances of many fine diatonica, concertina players.

Here just some of the names:

Alister Anderson, Benammi Swift, Brian Peters, Damien Barber, Dan Quinn, Jess & richard Arrowsmith, John Conolly, John Kirkpatrick, Ken Watson, Maclain Colston & Saul Rose, Mat Green & Andy Turner, Mossy Christian, Pete Shepheard & Arthur watson, Peter % Barbara Snape, Sarah Matthews % Dough Eunson, Spare Parts Concertina Band, Steve Turner, Tyburn Road - Ian Giles & Dave Townsend, Vic Shepherd & John Bowden, Will Duke

Don't miss - for exact informaiton please views:

Civitella Alfedena Folk Festival - Italia

by Diatonic News
Il Civitella Alfedena Folk Festival prosegue con la XXI edizione.
La nuova amministrazione comunale di Civitella Alfedena ha espresso l'intenzione di voler continuare il percorso iniziato ben 22 anni fa e, nonostante le difficoltà, ci ha incaricato di provare ad organizzare una piccola edizione anche per quest'anno.

Stanno lavorando al programma, che per ovvie ragioni non potrà avere le stesse caratteristiche delle scorse edizioni, cercando di sfruttare al meglio le poche risorse a disposizione.

Sarà un'edizione di passaggio, importante però per dare continuità al folk festival, ma sopra tutto un'occasione per incontrarci e festeggiare insieme il proseguo di una manifestazione a carattere nazionale che nonostante continue difficoltà riesce a sopravvivere.

Ovviamente saranno ben accette proposte artistiche, compatibili con la situazione, che valuteremo e se fattibili inseriremo nel programma.

Festival Avsenik - Slowenien

by Diatonic News
Festival Avsenik, 26. - 28.8. 2022!
Begunje na Gorenjskem, die Wiege der Oberkrainermusik

Ein absolutes Muß für alle Fans der Oberkrainer-Musik mit einem reichhaltigen Musikprogramm
Avsenik lädt zur schon traditionellen Veranstaltung im August –das 3-tätige Avsenik Festival ein, das erfolgreich vom Gasthaus Avsenik organisiert wird. Diese volksmusikalische Veranstaltung, bei der die bekanntesten Ensembles auftreten, bietet reichlich Spaß und Unterhaltung und ist eine einmalige Gelegenheit für ein Treffen von Fans der Volksmusik bzw. Oberkrainermusik!




Mehr auf: http://festival.avsenik.com/deu

Accordion Jazz Chords

2022 Towersey Festival – England

by Diatonic News
The 2022 Towersey Festival will be held at the Claydon Estate in Buckinghamshire, England from August 26th to 29th, 2022.

The event will include 11 venues with over 100 bands and artists, workshops, crafts, busking evenings, ceilidh, open music sessions, concerts and much more.

Performers include popular groups Talisk (picture above right), Skerryvore (picture above left) and Edward II (picture below).

For details email: info@towerseyfestival.com

Milwaukee Irish Fest Summer School - USA

by Diatonic News
Milwaukee Irish Fest Summer School - USAOnline Workshops: August 14, 2022
In-Person: August 15 - 19, 2022
An In-Person and Online Celebration of Irish Music, Culture, Language, and Dance!

Milwaukee Irish Fest Summer School
Online Workshops: August 14, 2022
In-Person: August 15 - 19, 2022
An In-Person and Online Celebration of Irish Music, Culture, Language, and Dance!

The Milwaukee Irish Fest Summer School is held from August 14 to 19, 2022! Building on the last two years' virtual events, this year's Summer School will offer a selection of online workshops on Sunday, August 14 as well as in-person classes Monday, August 15 through the afternoon of Friday, August 19. Stay tuned for class, instructor, and registration information.

The Irish Fest Summer School features classes that showcase the rich culture, history and traditions of Ireland and Irish America, past and present. Come learn to play the Irish fiddle, flute, tin whistle, guitar, harp, Celtic music styles, and more from master musicians. Or take a discussion class and learn about Irish history, Irish language, and culture! Our Celtic arts classes offer hands-on learning for everyone! The Milwaukee Irish Fest Summer School is part of CelticMKE.


Titano Accordions

2. RHÖN HARMONIKA FEST (Hessen) - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
2. RHÖN HARMONIKA FEST (Hessen) - Deutschland
Vom 12.08 – 14.08.2022
Bereits zum zweiten mal lädt Rhön Harmonika zum Rhön Harmonika Fest ein. Am Freitag gibtßs den Auftakt mit der Alpen-Party und den Schilcherlandbuam. Am Samstag dann eine volle Harmonika-Power auf der längsten Harmonika-Meile der Welt. Mit dabei sind die Lieblingsmarken rund um die steirische Harmonika. Nebenbei gibt’s ordentlich Unterhaltung vom Harmonika Weltmeister Rene Kogler und am Abend wird die Band JUHE aus Tirol allen ordentlich einheizen. Zum krönenden Abschluss am Sonntag ein musikalischer Frühschoppen, um sich auf den Auftritt von Melissa Naschenweng am Nachmittag einzustimmen.


Festival del Saltarello - Italia

by Diatonic News
Il Festival del Saltarello è un evento turistico-culturale incentrato sulle musiche e sui balli tradizionali abruzzesi riscoperti e rielaborati in chiave contemporanea dall'Orchestra Popolare del Saltarello

L'International Folk Contest Etnie Musicali, giunto alla 10 edizione, è una gara a premi che richiama gruppi folkloristici provenienti da tutto il territorio nazionale che reinterpretano e promuovono le musiche e i balli della tradizione popolare. I gruppi si esibiscono sul palco davanti ad una giuria composta da musicisti, giornalisti di settore, ballerini. I gruppi, finita l'esecuzione sul palco, continuano in modo itinerante la loro esibizione coinvolgendo direttamente il pubblico.
Il Contest si aprirà il 05 agosto in località Campo Imperatore (a partire dalle ore 14.00) come appendice della manifestazione TRA - La Transumanza che Unisce e si chiuderà con l'evento del 27 e 28 agosto nella Valle Siciliana - c/o Santuario di San Gabriele | Isola del Gran Sasso (TE)
L'International Folk Contest Etnie Musicali è un elemento del Festival del Saltarello, progetto turistico-culturale finalizzato al recupero, rivalutazione e divulgazione delle forme musicali popolari del Centro Italia. Il Festival del Saltarello è ideato ed organizzato dall'Associazione Interamnia World Music di Teramo.


Accordion Repairs Made Easy

summer concerts and folk balls à volonté - Belgium

by Diatonic News
During the Traditional Folk Music Stage, you can enjoy memorable concerts in a unique location, the Saint Nicholas Church. Every evening, (inter)national folk musicians bring a beautiful performance. Afterwards, a folk ball with live music erupts until the early hours. Come and party along to a magic circle, jig or polka. And with your favourite partner, dance an intimate waltz or mazurka to music from here and far away. Don't feel like putting on your dancing shoes? Then have your instrument ready and join in one of the jam sessions that arise here and there.

Gaita player Anxo Lorenzo & fiddler Eoghan Neff bring Galicia and Ireland all the way to Gooik. Bumblebees of the highest order with Michel Terlinck and his five-strong ensemble. Broes gives you a taste of colourful feel-good folk and British folk singer Chris Wood captivates you with his beautiful songs, together with his guitar.

After that, it's dancing to Cardboard Cabin's solid powerfolk, Aérokorda's Celtic and Slavic touch, Cecilia's pure rhythm, BA1's traditional tunes with a twist, Threo's danceable standards & compositions and the gigantic baljam with all the participants of the stage, led by Duo De Schepper-Sanczuk!


eSheet Music Titles

Cotati Accordion Festivalo - USA

by Diatonic News
Cotati Accordion Festival
The Cotati Accordion Festival is a non-profit organization established in 1991 to promote the love of the accordion and to support local youth service organizations, multi-generational, multi-cultural, musical extravaganza held annually in La Plaza Park in Caloifornia.

60 W Cotati Ave, Cotati, CA, United States, California
+1 707-664-0444
info@cotatifest.com - https://cotatifest.com/

Titano Accordions

Sydney Folk Festival - Australia

by Diatonic News
The Sydney Folk festival will be held in the Sydney CBD (close to Central Station) in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia from August 19th to 21st, 2022.

This year’s event will include a variety of workshops, dancing and concerts.

Performers include the Traditional Graffiti Band which includes Ian “The Pump” Macintosh on melodeon (picture above left) and Dave Johnson (concertina - picture right) who will also run an Australian Tunes Session workshop on August 20th in the Workshop Room.

For details email: sydneyfolkfestival@gmail.com

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Sidmouth Folk Festival - UK

by Diatonic News
The Sidmouth Folk Festival means traditional music, dance and song since 1955 and continues to build on its many years of success in creating an inclusive music community which embraces variety – celebrating tradition in all its many forms, including the rich diversity of folk arts in the UK, from the grass roots to the cutting edge.

2022 sees us return to a full live festival. Things have changed – but hopefully for the better, with a focus on audience welfare as we return to community gatherings, as well as a fresh-faced programme including special events and artists ranging across the many different areas of the festival.

Infos regarding the huge programm on https://sidmouthfolkfestival.co.uk/

Voci Armoniche

Seminario con Mario Salvi - Italia

by Diatonic News
Seminario con Mario Salvi - Italia
Sabato 27 agosto, durante il FolkFestival di Civitella Alfedena, Mario Salvi terrà un seminario sulle pizziche per organetto della Murgia meridionale, da Cisternino a Villa Castelli, passando per Ostuni. Poi tanto divertimento durante il Festival Civitella dal 25 al 27 agosto

Sounding Out the Accordion

ARTango&Jazz Festival - XIII edizione 2022

by Diatonic News
ARTango&Jazz Festival - XIII edizione 2022
Program download: 2022ArTangoProgram.pdf


Etétrad Festival - Italia

by Diatonic News

Voci Armoniche

Future events / Concerts

Friedrich Lips Book

California Blue Runners - USA/Cotati Festial

by Diatonic News
California Blue Runners
September 22, 2021 Sunday Zydeco Dance Party 1-5 pm

The California Blue Runners is a high energy band playing Cajun and Zydeco music in its original format. The band features the legendary Andrew Carriere on accordion and vocals. The supporting members are Tom Stewart on guitar, Haywood Douresseau on Scrubboard, David Hymowitz drums, and Andre Nigoghossian on fiddle


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


by Diatonic News
12 AUG 2022 (21:00)

Die Schilcherlandbuam sind eine junge und dynamische Band, die seit 2015 auf diversen Bühnen in der Steiermark und auch in ganz Österreich unterwegs sind. Ob traditionelle Volksmusik, Oberkrainer, Schlager, Austro-Pop, Rock uvm, die Schlcherlandbuam scheuen keinen Musikstil und bringen somit in jede Veranstaltung Stimmung, die kein Ende nimmt.
Wo: Sebastian-Kneipp-Weg | 36163 Poppenhausen

Mehr Infos über den Event auf: https://rhoen-harmonika.de/events/

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Daniele di Bonaventura on summertour - IT/FR/RO

by Diatonic News
Daniele di Bonaventura
He recorded and published more than fifty album with many label including Via Veneto Jazz, Philology, Manifesto, Felmay, Amiata Records, Splasc(H), World Music, CCn’C Records and he recorded for Harmonia Mundi Record an opera for bandoneon e string quartet called “Sine Nomine”.

The latest collaborations are with the musician Miroslav Vitous for his cd called “Universal Syncopation II”, which won the German Critics Prize (Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik) as Album of the Year 2007, published by ECM. With the same label he recorded an album titled “Mistico Mediterraneo” with Paolo Fresu and A Filetta’s Choir.

In 2013 with Tuk Music, Paolo Fresu’s label, he released a double lp called “Nadir” where he played bandoneon and piano. In 2014 he contributed to Torneranno i prati’s soundtrack, a movie directed by Ermanno Olmi.

In March will be released for ECM an album in duo with Paolo Fresu and a documentary directed by Fabrizio Ferraro shot during the recording session in Lugano with Manfred Eicher, the ECM founder.

Please vie w image for exact dates

Volksmusik aus Tirol - Österreich

by Diatonic News
01.08.2022 Volks- & Schlager Abend - 19:00 / A-6290 Mayrhofen - Musi Stadl Rose

03.08.2022 Stimmungsauftritt - 20:00 / A-6271 Uderns - Musik & Erlebnishotel Pachmair

05.08.2022 Dämmerschoppen - 19:00 / A-6290 Mayrhofen - Gastgarten Berghof

08.08.2022 Volks- & Schlager Abend - 19:00 / A-6290 Mayrhofen - Musi Stadl Rose

10.08.2022 Stimmungsauftritt - 20:00 / A-6271 Uderns - Musik & Erlebnishotel Pachmair

12.08.2022 Dämmerschoppen - 19:00 / A-6290 Mayrhofen - Gastgarten Berghof

15.08.2022 Volks- & Schlager Abend - 19:00 / A-6290 Mayrhofen - Musi Stadl Rose

17.08.2022 Stimmungsauftritt - 20:00 / A-6271 Uderns - Musik & Erlebnishotel Pachmair

19.08.2022 Dämmerschoppen - 19:00 / A-6290 Mayrhofen - Gastgarten Berghof

22.08.2022 Volks- & Schlager Abend - 19:00 / A-6290 Mayrhofen - Musi Stadl Rose

24.08.2022 Stimmungsauftritt - 20:00 / A-6271 Uderns - Musik & Erlebnishotel Pachmair

26.08.2022 Dämmerschoppen - 19:00 / A-6290 Mayrhofen - Gastgarten Berghof

29.08.2022 Volks- & Schlager Abend - 19:00 / A-6290 Mayrhofen - Musi Stadl Rose

31.08.2022 Stimmungsauftritt - 20:00 / A-6271 Uderns - Musik & Erlebnishotel Pachmair

Mehr? - https://www.mario-k.com/

Titano Accordions

World premiere of Resplandor by Baniel Binelli - Argentina

by Diatonic News
World premiere of Resplandor, symphonic work in 3-movements written especially for the 𝐎𝐫𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚 𝐍𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐞 𝐌ú𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚 𝐌ú𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚 𝐀𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐉𝐮𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐨𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨, celebrating its 74 years of existence.

Wednesday 𝟏7 th of August �2022 at 8pm Kirchner Cultural Center./ Buenos Aires

Accordion Jazz Chord

La Notte dell’Organetto - Caraffa/Italia

by Diatonic News
la terza edizione de “La Notte dell’Organetto” in programma a Caraffa lunedì 1 agosto e martedì 2 agosto.

Il centro storico del paese, per due giornate, verrà travolto sin dal pomeriggio dal fascino della tradizione, dai profumi e dai sapori di un tempo. Sono infatti previsti workshop, corsi, artisti di strada, stand gastronomici e tanto altro ancora.

Forte del successo riscontrato nelle precedenti edizioni, durante le quali migliaia di persone si sono riversate per le strade del paese, la Pro-loco arbereshe, guidata dalla presidentessa Mariangela Notaro, in sinergia con l’amministrazione comunale di Caraffa, ha voluto rinnovare l’appuntamento con la musica popolare. A far ballare il pubblico proveniente da tutta la regione sarà, lunedì 1 agosto alle ore 22, il gruppo degli Etnosound.

Martedì 2, invece, spetterà a Cosimo Papandrea riscaldare l’atmosfera del piccolo borgo della provincia di Catanzaro. Anche quest’anno la direzione artistica dell’evento è affidata a Roberto Lorusso.

(by https://www.calabriamagnifica.it/)

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Danças Ocultas in concert - Portugal

by Diatonic News
12 agosto 2022 - 21:30
Espaço Miguel Torga
São Martinho de Anta, Vila Real

for more: www.dancasocultas.com

Symphonic Tange Concerto - Italia

by Diatonic News
Fabio Furia
"Symphonic Tango" con i Berliner Philharmoniker e Fabio Furìa, bandoneon solista

Charnwood Music Publishing

Open-Air Leukerbad - Schweiz

by Diatonic News

Voci Armoniche

Der Altstadtzauber in Klagenfurt - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Nach Jahren des "Corona - Entzuges" findet in der Innenstadt von Klagenfurt der "Altstadtzauber" vom 11. bis 14.August statt. Ein tolles und abwechslungsreiches Musik Programm wird die Zuschauer unterhalten und Freude bereiten. Gerne freuen sich alle auf zahlreichen Besuch und ein friedvolles Fest

Kartenbestellung: winfried.stark@outlook.com


Duo bottasso in August - France/Italy

by Diatonic News
duo Bottasso
The Bottasso brothers, Nicolò on violin and Simone on diatonic accordion, play a show of world music with their own compositions and reinterpretations of folk songs. The Duo is always looking for a compromise between the delicacy on their instruments and the explosive energy that never fails to these two young musicians: all this combined with the complicity of this two brothers bound by the desire to keep evolving the tradition of their homeland.

In August they will perform:
02/08/2022 | 21.30 Italy (s)Nodi: festival di musiche inconsuete Quartetto Loco Museo internazionale della Musica, Bologna
04/08/2022 | 20.30 France Quartetto Loco Quartetto Loco Eglise, Ristolas
05/08/2022 | 20.30 France Quartetto Loco Quartetto Loco Eglise, Molines en Queyras
06/08/2022 | 20.30 France Quartetto Loco Quartetto Loco Eglise, Guillestre

For exact place/time pls view: http://www.duobottasso.com/en/live.php

Louise Jallu prochains concerts - France

by Diatonic News
Louise JalluAvec plus de vingt ans de bandonéon dans les bras, Louise Jallu peut malgré son jeune âge légitimement s’estimer comme une musicienne accomplie.
Durant ses années d’apprentissage, elle bénéficiera des leçons de grands pairs considérés parmi les meilleurs experts, notamment César Stroscio et Juan José Mosalini
Lauréate de la Fondation Jean-Luc Lagardère 2019, catégorie jazz & MUSIQUE classique

Jazz in Marciac - L'Astrada Marciac
Marciac (32)

Festival Parfum de Jazz
Buis-les-baronnies (26)

23 AOUT / louise jallu 4tet
Festival Campus - Théâtre Les Arts
Cluny (71)

Pour tous les détails: https://www.louisejallu.com/

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Boville Etnica - Boville/FR/Italia

by Diatonic News

Reneé de la Prade @ Cotati - USA

by Diatonic News
Reneé de la Prade
Folk musician, rock-n-roller, street performer, accordion teacher, instrument repair tech, groove addict.

Renée grew up loving French culture and rock ’n’ roll. She played piano and guitar as a kid, then fell in love with the button accordion one night backstage at a Shane MacGowan and the Popes concert. Irish music, Zydeco, and her ten-year stint as a street performer led to her current configuration: a button accordion in a low-slung harness, a stomp box, and a funky fusion of old Celtic melodies with Blues soul and Rock power.

Look for her in the Irish-Zydeco-powerhouse band Culann’s Hounds; or else find her rocking under a street light on a Sunday night in North Beach. Her other projects include the female Americana trio Whiskey and Women, recording tracks for many bands, and hacking the bass side of her button accordions so they can play an amazingly diverse amount of music.

Last winter, she went on tour with Jason Webley and the Monsters of the Accordion. Renée is also the creator and editor of the Accordion Babes Album and Pin-Up Calendar, which showcases the songs and exotic photos of female artists from the U.S. and abroad.

When she’s not performing, Renée works at Smythe’s Accordion Center in Oakland, CA, where she’s the resident button accordion specialist and teacher. With her laughing, boot-stomping, high-energy shows and wild pink hair, she’s a hard woman to forget.


Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)


CD "Tango Macondo" - Italia

by Diatonic News
Tango Macondo
Release date: 26-nov-2021
Label: Tuk Music

Paolo Fresu, tromba e flicorno
Daniele di Bonaventura, piano e bandoneon
Pierpaolo Vacca, organetto

special guest:
Elisa, Tosca e Malika Ayane

Voci Armoniche


by Diatonic News
New CD “THE GUESTHOUSE SESSIONS” - BENaragonia was formed in 2003 at the Andanças Festival in Portugal and have recorded since then 8 albums . In addition to playing in their home country of Belgium, Naragonia has toured through whole Europe.

Their impact on the European folkscene cannot be underestimated.

Over the past years different collaborations within the Arts have come to fruition. Theatre (Tal en Thee and Theater de Spiegel), musicians and bands from abroad (Fernhill, Andy Cutting, Paulo Lameiro, Gregory Jolivet to name but a few…) have all taken part in these ventures. All rich encounters; encompassing travel to new lands to meet new people and to form new tales.

is out now – for more pls view: https://www.naragonia.com/en/shop-2/

CD "SCHÏAN!" Offizieller Release: 29. Juli 2022 - Italien

by Diatonic News
SCHÏAN!   Herbert Pixner ProjektsSCHÏAN! So nennt sich das Album No. 13 des Herbert Pixner Projekts - in CD | Vinyl | Vinylpostcard

Herbert Pixner, Manuel Randi, Heidi Pixner und Werner Unterlercher wieder ins Studio begeben um 12 neue Stücke einspielen.

Erstmals seit dem mittlerweile 17-jährigem Bestehen der Band wurde die komplette Produktion im hauseigenen Tonstudio von Herbert Pixner, dem gnadenlosSTUDIO im tirolerischen Gnadenwald, realisiert.

Als Specialguest konnte der aus Ladinien in Südtirol stammende und zur Zeit in Berlin lebende Pianist Alessandro (Alex) Trebo gewonnen werden. Die Erweiterung der Stammbesetzung durch einen Pianisten und die daraus resultierende Klangfülle und Dynamik eines Konzertflügels war wieder eine neue musikalische Herausforderung.

Zu bestellen: https://threesaintsrecords.jimdo.com/neuheiten/

Video: “Polkaholiki” on Supertalent TV Program – Croatia

by Christine Johnstone
Video: “Polkaholiki” from Slovenia performing Misha Kovac's “Another untangles her hair, and I love her” on the 2021 Supertalent competition in Croatia on Nova TV.

The group got through to the finals of the competition with this performance.

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