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Highlights |
Baffetti Accordions "Know the People" Interview, Castelfidardo - Italyby Harley Jones |
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"Know the People" Interview: with: Genuino Baffetti (picture left) Cinzia Baffetti (picture middle) Milena Baffetti (picture right) of Baffetti Accordions Editor: Holda Paoletti-Kampl "Know the People" interview about the people who have made this small city in Italy so famous around the world for their quality accordion products. Interview at: 2017Baffetti |
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Harmonika Weltmeisterschaft großer Erfolg! - Außervillgraten/Österreichby Diatonic News |
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![]() The entire little village took place and made all artists, no matter, whether small or big to real STARS. Many many audience gave huge applauses to all performers. Local authorities participated every day and beautiful weather made the Whole event SPECIAL. For all videos, pictures, results and activities, view: 2017Harmonika Deutsch Die Steirische Harmonika-Weltmeisterschaften und die nationalen österreichischen Steirischen Harmonika-Meisterschaften fanden in Ausservillgraten in Osttirol statt, einem kleinen Dorf mit nur 760 Einwohnern. Alle Bewohner des Dorfes nahmen teil und machten alle Künstler, egal ob gross oder klein, zu wirklichen Stars. Viele viele Zuschauer belohnten die Teilnehmer mit großem Applaus für ihre Darbietungen. Die örtlichen Vertreter der Behörden waren täglich präsent und das schöne Wetter krönte die Veranstaltung ganz besonders. Für alle Videos, Bilder, Ergebnisse und Aktivitäten: 2017Harmonika |
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Gooikoorts Volksmuziekfestival - Belgiqueby Harley Jones |
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Video: Trio Dhoore interprète Endless Dancing - Trois frères, Hartwin sur accordéon diatonique, Koen sur hurdy-gurdy et Ward sur la guitare. Gooikoorts est un festival international de musique à la croisée de la musique populaire traditionelle et contemporaine. Depuis onze années, les organisateurs offrent une affiche de haute qualité dans une ambiance décontractée et familiale, le tout situé dans le cadre invitant des collines verdoyantes du Pajottenland. Le concept a grandi au cours des années et comprend actuellement onze concerts, dont quatre purement acoustiques, une messe-concert, trois bals, un vaste marché de luthiers, des initiations et une île de jeu musicale pour les plus petits. Les têtes d’affiche sont des artistes reconnus sur la scène internationale. A ces artistes viennent s’ajouter chaque année des nouveaux talents du terroir. L’ambiance musicale se poursuit régulièrement jusque dans les petites heures lors des jams nocturnes. http://www.gooikoorts.be/ |
Italian Award 2017 a Danilo Di Paolonicola - Italiaby Harley Jones |
![]() ![]() http://www.accordionartfestival.com |
Sata-Häme Soi Festival - Ikaalinen/Finlandby Diatonic News |
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The Finnish Accordion Folk Musician Championships Accordion at the Finnish folk tradition of respect for the folk music Championships mm. polkan, masurkan, jenkan, and Waltz. http://www.satahamesoi.fi |
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
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Online translation |
30th Mission Folk Music Festival - Canadaby Diatonic News |
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July 21-23, 2017, Fraser River Heritage Park, Mission, BC It's soon time to celebrate. The Mission Folk Music Festival is turning 30 years old, and the organizers are happy to welcome you along for the ride. This year, the Festival promises an exciting program true to the unique blend of global, national, and local music that you know and love with new traditions coming up. Friday night is the traditional Community Night celebrating Mission's 125th Birthday and will once again be Pay-What-You-Can admission. Saturday and Sunday will both feature full-day programming along with the art market, food vendors, and community booths. The Wee Folk Area for kids will also be back on Saturday. Tickets are on sale now. You can find prices and more information here. Don't miss to join the park July 21-23. http://www.missionfolkmusicfestival.ca/ |
Tekmovanje harmonikarjev za pokal Postojnske jame 2017 - Sloveniaby Diatonic News |
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2. julija 2017 |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
Video: 3rd Martin Harling (Austria), 10th Weltmeisterschaft for Steirische Harmonika - Austriaby Harley Jones |
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Video: 3rd Martin Harling (Austria), in the 2017 10th Weltmeisterschaft for Steirische Harmonika organised by the Harmonikaverband Verband Österreich (HVÖ) on the 26th May. Daily Reports, pictures, video and results at: 2017Harmonika |
22° Campionato Mond. Organetto/Fisarmonica diatonica - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Du 25 au 27/08/2017: 22° Edizione del Campionato del Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica - Montorio nei Frentani (CB) 25-27 agosto 2017 Download Regolamenti et le formulaire d'inscription: 2017AMISAD.pdf L’Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici (A.M.I.SA.D.) di Maiolati Spontini (AN), in collaborazione con la Pro Loco e il Comune di Montorio nei Frentani (CB) e dell'Associazione Musicale “Amici della Musica” di San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), con il Patrocinio del Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo, del MIUR-USR Molise, della Presidenza del Consiglio della Regione Molise, della Provincia di Campobasso, e dell’Associazione Borghi d'Eccellenza, indice ed organizza la 22° Edizione del Campionato del Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica, a premi. 2) Alla manifestazione vi potranno prendere parte candidati di qualsiasi nazionalità selezionati in concorsi e in altre manifestazioni indette dall’A.M.I.SA.D. o in collaborazione con la stessa Associazione, con strumenti diatonici di qualsiasi tipo. Categorie: SEZIONE ORGANETTO (strumenti con una 1 o 2 file di voci al canto 2 o 4 bassi) - Cat. A fino a 9 anni (nati dal 2008 in poi) - Cat. B fino a 11 anni (nati dal 2006 in poi) - Cat. C fino a 13 anni (nati dal 2004 in poi) - Cat. D fino a 15 anni (nati dal 2002 in poi) - Cat. E fino a 18 anni (nati dal 1999 in poi) - Cat. F senza limiti di età SEZIONE FISARMONICA DIATONICA (strumenti con un minimo di 2 file di voci al canto con 8 bassi e oltre) Cat. A fino a 12 anni (nati dal 2005 in poi) Cat. B fino a 15 anni (nati dal 2002 in poi) Cat. C fino a 18 anni (nati dal 1999 in poi) Cat. D senza limiti di età SEZIONE FISARMONICA DIATONICA/ORGANETTO - Over50 Categoria UNICA da 50 anni in poi (nati dal 1967 in poi) (strumenti diatonici di qualsiasi tipo) Info: roncogia@alice.it, |
Video: Tobias Brunner (Italy) 3rd place, Junior Weltmeisterschaft for Steirische Harmonika - Austriaby Harley Jones |
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Video: Tobias Brunner (Italy) 3rd place, 10th Junior Weltmeisterschaft for Steirische Harmonika organised by the Harmonikaverband Verband Österreich (HVÖ) on the 26th May. Daily Reports, pictures, video and results at: 2017Harmonika |
"Stage de Musique d'Ensemble avec Duo Bottasso" - Franceby Harley Jones |
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Video: Duo Bottasso, 2017 Festival Raiz d'Aldeia. Le duo des frères Bottasso, Nicolo au violon et Simone à l’acordéon diatonique est sans cesse à la recherche d'un équilibre entre la délicatesse instrumentale et l'énergie explosive qui ne manque jamais aux deux jeunes musiciens. Leur complicité et leur désir de maintenir en constante évolution les origines traditionnelles de leur musique participent à la richesse musicale de leur travail. Objectif du Stage La création d'une ou plusieurs pièces avec, pour point de départ, des mélodies traditionnelles italiennes et de la world musique. Public visé Le stage est ouvert à tout instrument et aux musiciens de tous styles de musiques Programme Nous étudierons divers types d'arrangements en analysant la richesse des timbres des instruments présents afin que chaque musicien puisse trouver son propre espace et, en même temps, contribuer à la sonorité de l'ensemble. Date limite d'inscription : 30 juin 2017 Info: http://www.musiqueyras.org/stages.html |
16th Tango Festival - New Zealandby Diatonic News |
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New Zealand Tango Festival, Wellington, 5 - 11 July 2017 Three days and four nights of world-class workshops, shows and milongas, plus tango immersion courses before and after the festival.. Take part in a wonderful programme filled with international masters, performances, special guests, and a few surprises packed into every moment of the eight day programme. The festival week starts with intensive courses run by our international masters, held in the heart of the city, within walking distance from the festival hotel, with milongas every night, and the cafe district of Wellington right outside your door. If you want further information view: http://www.nztangofestival.co.nz |
Diatonic Festival - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Stage d'accordeon avec Jean-Marc Rohart - Franceby Diatonic News |
![]() "autour de la mélodie" du 6 au 12 août 2017 Gîte La Montanara - visitez le site Les Chaberts 38250 Villard de Lans. Programme : Les cours d'accordéon diatonique sont ouverts à tous niveaux, du débutant au confirmé. Mon approche est principalement orientée sur l'harmonie, les accords et leur relation à la mélodie. D'une part parce la logique du clavier rend simple les positions d'accords sur l'instrument, d'autre part et surtout parce que cela permet une plus grande indépendance, ne pas jouer "de routine", mais en comprenant ce que l'on joue, dans quelle gamme on se trouve, quelle position d'accord correspond à la note jouée et quelle est la relation entre cette note et l'accord qui lui correspond. Les accords permettant d'accompagner la mélodie, nous étudions également des rythmiques et des arpèges pour enrichir son jeu, mais aussi pour jouer à deux (ou plus) sans être à l'unisson et en travaillant des arrangements. Les accords permettent également l'accompagnement de chansons du répertoire traditionnel, mais ce peut être aussi bien Brassens, Anne Sylvestre, Félix Leclerc... À un niveau plus avancé, nous travaillons les bases de l'improvisation. Le travail se fait principalement d'oreille et avec le support de la partition. Il n'est pas nécessaire de connaître le solfège. https://www.roh-art.com/ |
Xabi Aburruzaga Martxoak 17 St Patrick´s Day 2017by Harley Jones |
Video: Published on Jun 14, 2017 Loraldia jaialdian hartutako irudiak,eta KeltiK diskatik hartutako musika. |
Fleadh Cheoil 2017 Advance Program Released - Irelandby Diatonic News |
![]() The Fleadh Cheoil is a huge competition and festival of Irish music, song and dance, with approximately 10,000 competitors and performers, including sections involving large numbers of accordionists, melodeon, concertina and harmonica players, as well as many ceili bands, accordion and marching bands. Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann has three very well-known elements: competitions, concerts and street sessions. An estimated 400,000 visitors are expected in the Clare County Capital from August 14th to 22nd for what is considered the world’s largest showcase for the Irish traditional arts. Download the Advance program (8MB) at: 2017Fleadh.pdf |
Waterfront Blues Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
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Join blues legends, up-and-comers and local regional acts to mark the 30th Anniversary of the Safeway Waterfront Blues Festival, presented by First Tech Federal Credit Union, June 30 - July 4, 2017 at Tom McCall Waterfront Park. "For three decades this event has supported Oregon Food Bank while reaffirming and strengthening the threads that bind us as a community," says Artistic Director Peter Dammann. "This has become one of the nation's great community music festivals and it could only happen like this in Portland." "We are truly humbled to mark 30 years of support from the blues community to feed the human spirit of 1 in 5 people facing hunger in our state," says Oregon Food Bank CEO Susannah Morgan. "Since 1988, this iconic festival has raised more than $10 million and 1,000 tons of food for hunger relief. This is an achievement we are extremely proud of — and an achievement that is unprecedented in the concert festival business." Come celebrate 30 years of feeding the human spirit! http://www.waterfrontbluesfest.com/ |
Tango workshop - Holland/Franceby Harley Jones |
Frankrijk 5 – 12 aug Een week lang tango spelen, dansen en yoga in La Douce France op het landgoed van La Maison Neuve (Chatellerault) van 5 tot 12 augustus. MUZIEK De muziekworkshop staat open voor (semi) gevorderde en professionele musici. De ensembles en arrangementen worden gemaakt en gevormd naar het niveau van de spelers. Je krijgt op voorhand de partituren tot je beschikking zodat je de tijd hebt om de stukken voor te bereiden. Tijdens deze week spelen we het traditionele tangorepertoire en nieuwe composities, en maak je zodanig kennis met de ritmische, melodische en harmonische rijkdom van de tango. Elke avond is er een milonga (tangosalon) waar we het ingestudeerde repertoire zullen uitvoeren. Naast de ensembles is er elke dag een korte lezing over tangomuziek met uniek beeldmateriaal. Om deel te nemen is het niet noodzakelijk te weten hoe je tango moet spelen. De workshop wordt gegeven door Kay Sleking (gitaar/contrabas/bandoneón). Info: http://www.tangomuziek.nl/2016/03/10/tangovakantie-frankrijk-6-13-aug/ |
Raphael Peter Maier, 1st place Vorstufe 1 Steirisch Harmonika Solo - Austriaby Harley Jones |
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Video: The very young Raphael Peter Maier was the first competitor to play in the Staatsmeisterschaft (State Championships) competition and won 1st place Vorstufe 1 category. |
Vancouver Folk Musik Festival - Canadaby Diatonic News |
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The Vancouver Folk Music Festival is a Canadian cultural institution – a unique community-based celebration with an internationally-renowned reputation for presenting the finest traditional and contemporary folk and roots music artists from around the world. Now in its 40th year, it continues to be one of the city’s most beloved, enjoyed, and respected events – named “Best Local Music Festival” by Georgia Straight readers for the fifth year in a row, and 2016 “Best Music Festival” by readers of the Westender. The Festival draws 38,000+ enthusiastic attendees annually to beautiful Jericho Beach Park, folks eager to experience the music and culture of more than 60 international, national, and local acts. Every year, two and even three generations of families join friends and fellow community members to share in the music, dance, food, children’s activities – and the magical ambience of the festival. The Festival was founded in 1978 and held in Stanley Park. It relocated to Jericho Beach Park in its second year. Sponsored by the city the first two years, the festival came under the control of the newly established, non-profit Vancouver Folk Music Festival Society late in 1979. In its early years the festival established and ran its own record label and distribution company, Festival Records. Over the years the Vancouver Folk Music Festival has played a key role in the development of artists and audiences on a regional, national and international level. The society continues to honour the same traditions with an emphasis on emerging and diverse artists. http://thefestival.bc.ca/ |
Spilimbergo Folkest Italyby Diatonic News |
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35° edizione – dal 22 giugno al 27 luglio Oltre sessanta gli appuntamenti complessivi per l’edizione 2017, in avvio giovedì 22 giugno a Fiume Veneto (parco casa dello studente, ore 21.15) con il concerto degli Heron Valley, band folk scozzese di Argyll, che dopo un tour in tutto il regno unito giungono per la prima volta in Italia. Il gruppo replica a San Giovanni d’Antro (venerdì 23 alle 20.30) e a Chiasellis (Mortegliano) sabato 24 alle 21.15 Grande attesa, mercoledì 28 a Montereale Valcellina, per uno dei concerti “top” dell’edizione con Enzo Avitabile con il suo Acoustic World tour, che ripercorre in chiave acustica in trio la sua vasta produzione discografica. Tra gli artisti dell’estate 2017 di Folkest, che si estende fino al prossimo 27 luglio, anche Teresa De Sio, Ray Wilson, Ron, I Fairport Convention, il cantautore Maldestro e tanti altri. Grande chiusura il 27 luglio con Abdullah Ibrahim al parco di Villa Manin. Provengono da ogni parte del globo gli artisti che, come ogni estate ininterrottamente dal 1979, animeranno i numerosi palchi di Folkest, il principale e più longevo festival che esplora le musiche e le culture del mondo, con una serie di concerti programmati in un totale di 24 piazze del Friuli Venezia Giulia (tra gli altri Udine, Spilimbergo, Villa Manin, Tolmezzo, Udine) fino a toccare Capodistria e la Slovenia. Info: http://www.folkest.com/folkest-trentanove-edizioni-un-festival-esplora-le-musiche-le-culture-del-mondo/ |
Festival MusiQueyras - Franceby Diatonic News |
![]() 26ième édition 24 au 29 juillet 2017 - Abriès Hautes-Alpes Organisé à Abriès, dans la vallée du Queyras (Hautes-Alpes), le Festival MusiQueyras est l'évènement musical du coeur de l'été. Vous êtes dans le Haut-Guil, en plein coeur du Parc Naturel Régional du Queyras et de la Réserve de Biosphère Unesco Mont-Viso. Des concerts et spectacles de rue Tous les jours sont organisés des concerts gratuits à la Guinguette sur la place du village, des spectacles de rue et fanfare, ainsi que de nombreux ateliers, afin de lancer la soirée. En soirée : ouverture du site sous chapiteau à compter 20h avec restauration possible sur place. Le soir la fête continue sous chapiteau avec les concerts : deux concerts par soir à compter de 21h et le vendredi et samedi des afters. + 00 33 (0) festivalmusiqueyras@gmail.com http://www.musiqueyras.org/ |
Video: Gabriel Bùrger, 1st Place, Stufe A2 Category - Austriaby Harley Jones |
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Video: Gabriel Bùrger, 1st Place, Stufe A2 Category, performing at the prize giving for this event organised by the Harmonikaverband Verband Österreich (HVÖ). Daily Reports, pictures, video and results at: 2017Harmonika. |
VolksRock'n'Roll Party mit Andreas Gabalier - Deutschland/Münchenby Diatonic News |
![]() Spiridon Louis Ring 27 80809 München/DE die nàchsten Termine sind..... Mehr auf: https://www.andreas-gabalier.at/ |
Future events / Concerts |
Herbert Pixner Projekt @ Spilimbergo - Italiaby Harley Jones |
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Video: Herbert Pixner Projekt al Heimatsound Festival 2016 l'esecuzione Dirty Kathy – Piazza Duomo – Sabato 8 luglio 2017, 22.30 La musica dell’Herbert Pixner Projeckt viene presentata come La migliore musica artiginale dalle Alpi. Energia, entusiasmo, passione, improvvisazione: con questa miscela questa formazione entusiasma da anni il pubblico. Un’autenticità musicale giocata con grande intelligenza con collaboratori ideali. L’eccezionale musicista sud-tirolese Herbert Pixner, che passa dall’armonica diatonica al clarinetto alla tromba al flicorno al sassofono alle percussioni è riescito a creare uno stile musicale personale e unico insieme con i membri del gruppo, con i quali ha un rapporto speciale. Dopo più di mille concerti e una mezza dozzina di dischi d’oro questo straordinario progetto musicale è diventato uno degli spettacoli di maggior successo in tutto i paesi di lingua tedesca, dove i loro concerti sono regolarmente sold-out. Fuochi d’artificio musicali tra musica tradizionale alpina, oberkrajner, flamenco, gypsy jazz, blues, rock e world music! Formazione: Herbert Pixner – armonica diatonica, tromba; Manuel Randi – chitarre; Heidi Pixner – arpa tirolese; Werner Unterlercher – contrabbasso. |
New Road @ Gooikoorts - Belgiumby Diatonic News |
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Zondag 9 juli - 15u45 Le groupe New Road a vu le jour il y a un peu plus de trois ans comme émanation de l’album du même nom enregistré par Leonard Barry et auquel tous les membres du groupe actuel participaient. Depuis lors, ils se sont produits aux Celtic Connections à Glasgow, à plusieurs festivals en Belgique, en France et bien évidemment dans leur pays d’origine, l’Irlande. Le groupe New Road présente un mélange de musique trad irlandaise, d’old-time country des Appalaches, de blues et d’autres ingrédients. Sa musique combine passion, exubérance, profondeur et beauté, tout cela en partage avec ses auditeurs. La formation est constituée de Leonard Barry (uilleann pipes, whistles), Rick Epping (harmonica, concertina, 5-string banjo, guimbarde, chant), Andy Morrow (violon) et Seamie O’Dowd (guitare, mandoline, violon, chant), autant de virtuoses qui ont foulé la scène avec des artistes tels que Luka Bloom, Christy Moore, Dervish, John Spillane, Bill Monroe… http://www.gooikoorts.be/portfolioentry/new-road/?lang=fr |
Orquesta Sinfonica con Esteban Calderón - Buenos Aires/Argentinaby Diatonic News |
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Este viernes en homenaje x los 25 años del fallecimiento del Gran Maestro Argentino Piazzolla. Concierto: 7.7.2017 |
Beltango - Swedenby Harley Jones |
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Video: BELTANGO am Festival OsterTango Basel 2017 www.grammofon.se |
The Revelers @ Water Front Blues Festival- USAby Diatonic News |
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THE REVELERS, a Louisiana supergroup created by founding members of the Red Stick Ramblers and The Pine Leaf Boys—unquestionably the two groups at the vanguard of the Louisiana cultural renaissance—combines swamp-pop, Cajun, country, blues and zydeco into a powerful tonic of roots music that could only come from southwest Louisiana. As individuals they are each in high demand, having performed and recorded with T-Bone Burnett, Natalie Merchant and Linda Ronstadt, to name a few. They all appeared on the 2011 season finale of Anthony Bourdain’s “No Reservations,” and they also were handpicked by David Simon, producer and creator of “The Wire” to be featured musicians for the third and fourth seasons of HBO’s “Tremé.” The depth of this band developed from digging deep into the dancehall traditions of southwest Louisiana and emerging with an arsenal that blurs the lines between traditional and original, Cajun, country, zydeco, swamp-pop, and the blues. Equally at home on a festival main stage, a late night dance party, or a performing arts hall, THE REVELERS have taken their mission coast to coast in the U.S. and around the world from Ireland to Denmark, to their own Black Pot Festival in Lafayette, Louisiana. performing at the: http://www.waterfrontbluesfest.com/ |
The Aberlour's July Tour - Germanyby Diatonic News |
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Angesehen als klassische, ervorragende Musiker – und mit Adolphi als Songwriter pràsentieren sie auf ihren zahlreichen Auftritten, ausgezeichnetes eigenes Material vor. Im Juli 2017 sind sie: Schloss Weesenstein 15. Juli 2017 | 20:00 - 23:00 Kirche Blankenförde 18. Juli 2017 | 19:00 - 21:00 Wustrow Haus des Gastes 19. Juli 2017 | 19:30 - 21:30 Sommertheater Born 20. Juli 2017 | 19:30 - 21:30 Ev. Kirche Sellin / Rügen 21. Juli 2017 | 20:00 - 22:00 Sommerfest Michaelsdorf 22. Juli 2017 | 20:00 - 22:30 Kornhaus Bad Doberan 25. Juli 2017 | 20:00 - 22:00 Klosterhof Bergen / Rügen 27. Juli 2017 | 20:00 - 22:00 St. Spiritus Greifswald 28. Juli 2017 | 20:00 - 22:00 1025 Jahre Freist 29. Juli 2017 | 18:00 - 19:30 f. genaue Details besuchen Sie hhttps://www.aberlours.de/tourplan/ |
Orchestrona di Folrimpopoli – Romagna - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Spilimbergo – Piazza Garibaldi – Venerdì 7 luglio, 22.45 L’Orchestrona della Scuola di Musica Popolare è, al tempo stesso, un corso di musica d’insieme ed il gruppo di rappresentanza della scuola stessa. Un progetto che nasce circa vent’anni fa da un’idea di Davide Castiglia, oggi direttore del gruppo, che ha voluto realizzare una formazione assolutamente atipica, una commistione ben riuscita tra una banda ed un’orchestra che non è in realtà nessuna delle due, essendo composta esclusivamente da strumenti insegnati nella scuola. Oltre venti elementi, tra organetti, fisarmoniche, violini, violoncelli, cornamuse, flauti, chitarre, arpe, contrabbassi e percussioni… tutti insieme appassionatamente per offrire ai ballerini popolari un repertorio di danze per far muovere i piedi e il cuore! http://www.folkest.com/artisti/orchestrona-di-forlimpopoli/ |
Korrotzi @ Vancouver Folk Festival - Canada/Spainby Diatonic News |
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The Korrontzi folk band from the Basque Country in Northern Spain was formed back in 2004 by trikitixa (Basque diatonic accordion) player, Agus Barandiaran. He wanted to give Basque and Biscayan folk music and Basque ancestral and traditional sounds a more contemporary feel, while not straying too far from a musical heritage based on the trikitixa and other ancient instruments like the txalaparta (percussion) and alboka (woodwind). To that end, the group incorporated varied contemporary and mainstream instruments such as the mandolin, bass guitar, electric contrabass and other percussion, and musical influences from around the globe, to create great Basque roots music with a global flair. The band takes their name from an old trikitixa player who used to go from his farm on donkey to the Biscay town of Mungia’s main square and back every Sunday – bringing cheer to the villagers who gathered there to listen to his songs. The group has shared that same joy in their culture, language, dance and music with folks all around the world to applause and great acclaim. Now, to us, Korrontzi brings the rich tapestry of colours and landscapes found in traditional Basque music & dance with a unique and forward-looking vision. Prepare to be enthralled! http://thefestival.bc.ca/artists/korrontzi/ |
Cuig 9/7/2017 – Italia/Irlandaby Diatonic News |
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Spilimbergo – Piazza Garibaldi – Domenica 9 Luglio, 21.15 Formatisi alla fine del 2013, sono già tra i nomi più promettenti della scena tradizionale irlandese. Nella loro musica mettono assieme arie bretoni, galiziane e del bluegrass americano, varianti già presenti nella tradizione irlandese, e sanno accendere le emozioni del pubblico ben aldilà della verde isola con le loro sonorità eccitanti e innovative. L’Irish Amrican News ha loro assegnato il premio come miglior nuovo gruppo tradizionale irlandese per il 2016. Formazione: Miceál Mullen – banjo, mandolino; Rónán Stewart – Fiddle/cornamusa irlandese; Cathal Murphy – percussioni – Eoin Murphy – organetto; Ruairí Stewart – chitarra, fisarmonica. http://www.folkest.com/artisti/cuig/cuig/ |
Elanor performing in concert 7/7/2017 - Belgiumby Diatonic News |
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Vrijdag 7 juli - 23u00 Le groupe Elanor est une initiative de Bert Leemans. Il connaissait Bart Praet de longue date, car ils avaient l’habitude de faire de la musique chaque mercredi à Gooik. Et Thomas Hoste était aussi une de ses anciennes connaissances. Mais il manquait un guitariste et un bassiste. Pas évident à trouver. Par le groupe ‘Pourquoi-pas’, Bert a fait la connaissance de Kuni Quintens, qui était enthousiaste à rejoindre le nouvel ensemble. Lors d’une fête chez Sophie Cavez, Bert est entré en contact avec Jelle Van Cleemputte et désormais le groupe était au complet. Elanor a pour principe de présenter des compositions originales et d’éviter les reprises de morceaux connus. Bart fournit la plupart des mélodies, mais les arrangements sont le fruit d’un travail collectif. Processus intensif s’il en est : affiner la mélodie, concocter des variations, mettre au point un solide accompagnement, insérer des stops et des transitions, … Tous les membres du groupe y prennent activement part. C’est là une caractéristique d’Elanor et un facteur déterminant de son ‘sound’. Ce sound repose en partie sur la symbiose entre la vièle à roue et la cornemuse. Voilà une combinaison peu commune que les solistes fignolent davantage par un choix judicieux d’instruments à vent (flûte traversière, flûte baroque, uilleann pipes, cornemuse flamande, gaita, whistles, …). Côté accompagnement, la basse et la guitare en DADGAD – encore une alliance insolite – génèrent un groove méga puissant. Tout cela est complété par l’accordéon, qui établit un lien idéal entre la mélodie et l’accompagnement. Pas de percussion chez Elanor, car la section rythmique fournit l’assise indispensable à la musique de bal. Par ce choix délibéré d’instruments et les arrangements raffinés et variés, le groupe plait tant aux amateurs de musique qu’aux danseurs. http://www.gooikoorts.be/portfolioentry/iberi/?lang=fr http://www.elanormusic.be |
Die Trenkwalder auf Tour im Juli - Austria/Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
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Fr. 07.07.2017 Ochsenfest Wetzlar Wetzlar Mo. 10.07.2017 Jubiläumsfest des Spielmannszuges Frammersbach 97833 Frammersbach Fr. 14.07.2017 Sommer 2017 bei Bistro Kantine Lipp 63263 Neu-Isenburg Fr. 14.07.2017 Sommer 2017 bei Bistro Kantine Lipp 3263 Neu-Isenburg So. 23.07.2017 Open Doors Festival Neu-Isenburg Info: www.trenkwalder.de |
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CD "Tangology" Paolo Russo & Ensemble MidtVest - Denmarkby Diatonic News |
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Tangology is a collaboration between composer and bandoneonist Paolo Russo and the Danish Ensemble MidtVest. Description: Tangology is the story of an imaginary journey that has one very unusual protagonist, an instrument. The instrument is a bandonéon, a special Argentine accordion who is a Tango's supporting instrument. Or more precisely, the instrument is his soul. The spirit of the music moves on a peaceful path that stretches through dream and spirituality, Between the actual and the amazing, in a continuum of feelings and feelings. With a distant and nostalgic echo of the Argentine tango taken by Paolo Russo Paolo Russo was born in Pescara, Italy, in 1969, educated pianist and has lived in Copenhagen since 1996. through the last 20 years he has been hyperactive in music with performances throughout Europe as well as Argentina, Brazil, Japan, Russia, USA, Cuba and many more. Russo started playing bandoneón in 2001 and felt that he had found a whole new way of expressing himselfand began using this instrument more and more often. He has released 10 Solo albums and contributed in about 50 albums, including in cooperation with Stefano Bollani, Etta Cameron and Pablo Ziegler and others. In addition, Russo works as a composer and soloist for String orchestras, symphony orchestras as well as movies, theater and television. Info: www.paolorusso.com |
FOLKEST DISCHI: c’è musica nell’aria! - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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FolkestDischi è un’etichetta nata dall’esigenza di documentare l’intenso lavoro promozionale, di documentazione e di promozione che da oltre trentacinque anni sta portando avanti con pazienza e determinazione Folkest, considerato oggi il più grande folk festival del sud dell’Europa. Diverse collane rappresentano da un lato la memoria storica di questa importante manifestazione, mentre dall’altro aprono una finestra sulle nuove produzioni internazionali nell’ambito di questa musica, con una forte ricaduta anche sullo stesso territorio di competenza della manifestazione, ossia il Nord-Est d’Italia, la Carinzia e l’Istria. Numerosi sono gli artisti internazionali hanno lavorato con l’etichetta, così come giovanissimi musicisti per la prima volta si sono affacciati negli anni alle scene, facendosi conoscere a un pubblico più vasto, grazie a Folkest e all’etichetta FolkestDischi. Info: http://shop.editeventi.com/epages/16745.sf/secf3f09065f1/?ObjectPath=/Shops/16745/Categories/Category2 |
CD "Otto Baffi" by Filippo Gambetta - Italiaby Diatonic News |
![]() BRANI 1 Taburiente 3:26 2 Waste Land / Libereso 3:50 3 Marsicana 2:38 4 Zigoela 3:28 5 Elicriso / Embraud 2:44 6 Tapan 2:12 7 Agata 3:24 8 Polka giocoliera 2:57 9 Hetraie / Bole Coschi 2:47 10 Rimbalzello 2:47 11 Berzezi / Garbanzo / Aquilone 3:57 12 Fly Upward / La Freccia del Turchino 4:00 http://www.filippogambetta.com/discografia/ |
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