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Diatonic News - Dec-2012
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Voci Armoniche


Accordion Christmas Gift Ideas for Friends and Family
Accordion-Space4U.com Site the place for YOUR videos - WORLDWIDE
Karikatur zum Tag von Michael Pammesberger - Austria
Conservatorio di Musica "Alfredo Casella" L'Aquila - Italia
Le Trèfle Noir Brasserie Artisanale - Quebec/Canada
Silvestermilonga mit Quinteto Luciano Jungman - Schweiz
"Dreams Come Alive" Zydeco Cruise with Keith Frank - USA
Franz Posch mit der „Liabsten Weis“ in Wien - Oesterreich

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Masterclass/organetto diatonico con Riccardo Tesi - Italia
Rückblick Steirischer Harmonikawettbewerb 2012 - Austria
Mental Activity May Keep Older Brains Healthy - USA
Video: National Heritage Fellow Marc Savoy - USA
Video: Enzo Scacchia Performances Published November 3rd – Italy
3. Internationales Festival Akkordeon Akut 2012, Leipzig - Germany
First Accordion JamFest and Competition: A Success!
Muziekpublique Tutor Vicent Ansaldi Plays 'Spleen' - Belgium
Video: Antonio Assogna Performs

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

SEER im Dezember - Oesterreich
La BandAdriatica al MEDIMEX - Bari/Ialia
SAMURAI concert / Paris - France
Sexteto Mayor Concierto - Buenos Aires/Argentina
lEON Chavis in Dic/Jan - USA
Reveillons Trad à Massily/Bourgogne - France
Harmonika-WM 2013 - Anmeldung nicht vergessen ! - Austria
Band au Neon "live" concert - Hillerød/Denmark
Balboa Park/Dec7-8 - San Diego, CA/USA
Duo Expire At Pied à Terre, January 2nd, Norwich - UK
Rund um die Steirische Harmonika 2013 - Austria
Concerto Domingos Porteno - Switzerland
Concert avec Julie Vincent/Francois Badeau - France
Alex Meixner - December Schedules - USA
Hubert von Goisern / BRENNA TUATS TOUR 2012 - Bad Ischl/Oesterreich

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Don Benito Bandoneon Method - Worldwide
CD 'Ipar Haizea' by Kepa Junkera - Basc
Nuovo CD "SOSPIRI E BATTITI" di Donatello Pisanello - Italia
CD "The Champ is Here" by Leon Chavis - USA
CD/Concert mit Raphael Reber- Schweiz
CD "Cameristico" con Riccardo Tesi - Italia
Tango En Tres presenta el nuevo CD “Caminos” - Argentina

Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments

Submit Your Question, Comment
attilio amitrano from italy

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

Accordion Christmas Gift Ideas for Friends and Family

by Diatonic News
Christmas Gift ideas for friends and family at: 2012 Xmas Gift Ideas.

These ideas have been compiled to hopefully attract your Xmas gift money to be spent with accordion artists, composers, arrangers and publishers.

Please support accordion artistry and choose from over 2,100 eSheet pieces, 270 CD/DVD’s, 990 eTracks, 1,000 plus printed works and numerous books (text) to choose from. 2012 Xmas Gift Ideas
Geschenksideen zu Weihnachten für Freunde und Familie an: 2012 Xmas Gift Ideas.

Mit diesem Vorschlag möchten wir alle akkordeoninteressierten Leser auffordern, mit einem aktuellen Musik-Weihnachtsgeschenk Freude zu bereiten und somit Künstler, Komponisten, Arrangeure und Verlage zu unterstützen.

Wählen Sie das passende Geschenk aus über 2.100 eSheet Stück, 270 CD / DVD 's, 990 eTracks, 1.000 sowie gedruckte Werke und zahlreiche Bücher (Text) zur Auswahl. 2012 Xmas Gift Ideas
Idée de cadeaux de Noël pour les amis et à la famille à : Idées de cadeaux Noël 2012 Xmas Gift Ideas.

Ces idées ont été rassemblées afin de voir votre budget-cadeaux pour Noël consacré aux accordéonistes, aux compositeurs, arrangeurs et éditeurs.

SVP, soutenez le monde de l’accordéon en choisissant parmi plus de 2 100 partitions, 270 CDs et DVDs, 990 titres téléchargeables, 1000 livres et autres ouvrages imprimés sur : Idées de cadeaux Noël 2012 Xmas Gift Ideas.
Idee regalo di Natale per amici e parenti a: 2012 Idee regalo di natale 2012 Xmas Gift Ideas.

Queste idee sono state compilate per spronarvi a spendere i fondi dedicati ai regali di Natale con gli artisti di fisarmonica, compositori, arrangiatori ed editori.

Sostenete l'arte della fisarmonica e scegliete tra oltre 2.100 pezzi di eSheet, 270 CD / DVD 's, 990, 1.000 eTracks più opere stampate e numerosi libri (di testo) tra cui scegliere. 2012 Idee Regalo di Natale 2012 Xmas Gift Ideas
Рождественские Подарки для друзей и семьи на: 2012 Xmas Gift Ideas.

Собирая эти идеи, мы надеялись, что свои средства, приготовленные для Рождественских подарков, вы потратите, приобретая записи и ноты исполнителей-акокордеонистов, а также композиторов, аранжировщиков и издателей.

Пожалуйста, поддержите аккордеонное искусство – выбирайте из более чем 2100 произведений, 270 CD / DVD дисков, 990 треков, 1000 печатных трудов и многочисленных книг. 2012 Xmas Gift Ideas
为朋友和家庭发送圣诞礼物请登录: 2012 Xmas Gift Ideas.

收集与编撰为朋友和家庭发送圣诞礼物想法,希望吸引大家把花费圣诞礼物的钱用在手风琴艺术家, 作曲家, 改编家和出版商身上.

请支持手风琴艺术,礼物包括 2,100多部电子音乐, 270 张CD/DVD, 990首电子乐曲, 1,000以及纸质作品和无数的书籍 (text),请选择:2012 Xmas Gift Ideas

Sounding Out the Accordion

Accordion-Space4U.com Site the place for YOUR videos - WORLDWIDE

by Diatonic News
Accordion-Space4u.com graphic
Accordion-Space4u.com is an accordion (all types) only, simple to use site, its an easy way to upload photos, sound files, videos and share them accordionists. Artists can have their own promotional pages and with one click, send information to all they have listed.

Especially attractive for performers is that all videos listed on our Accordion-Space4u.com site are being shown on all news editions on a rotation system. Each time a reader views any news editions, 'your video' might be the one showing. Take advantage of this great system and show YOUR video where over 5,800 people visit per day!

So log on to Accordion-Space4u.com to share your photos, sound files and videos with your fellow accordionists.


Karikatur zum Tag von Michael Pammesberger - Austria

by Diatonic News
Karikaturist Michael Pammesberger im Interview über Korruption und Politik. "Mir muss etwas noch Absurderes einfallen als den Politikern"
Er setzt die Feder dort an, wo es wehtut und bringt die Eskapaden der Politiker schonungslos auf den Punkt. Lachen dringend erlaubt. Frühstückskaffee in der Werkstatt des KURIER-Karikaturisten. Leuchtkasten, Feder, Tinte, Skizzen, Entwürfe – es sieht nach Arbeit aus. Knapp fünf Stunden bis Redaktionsschluss, noch keine Zeichnung im Kopf, keine Reservezeichnung in der Lade. Michael Pammesberger ist entspannt: "Ich arbeite ohne Netz. Mir wird auch heute etwas einfallen. Mein Platz in der Zeitung ist noch nie weiß geblieben, außer, wenn ich auf Urlaub war."
Am 11.11.2012 gab es diese online im
„Aufgedeckt - Der singst ja gar nicht selbst“

Voci Armoniche

Conservatorio di Musica "Alfredo Casella" L'Aquila - Italia

by Diatonic News
Per partecipare all'anno scolastico "Organetti" con il Docente Danilo Di Paolonico - le iscrizioni sono ancora aperti fino al 10 dicembre 2012.

Per ulteriori informazioni e-mail: studenti@consaq.it

Friedrich Lips Book

Le Trèfle Noir Brasserie Artisanale - Quebec/Canada

by Diatonic News
If you like your beer strong and are a Concertina Fan - than THIS beer is a must!!!

For Informaiton www.letreflenoir.com

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Silvestermilonga mit Quinteto Luciano Jungman - Schweiz

by Diatonic News
Quinteto Luciano Jungman
Silvestermilonga mit Livemusik zum Tanzen

Montag, 31. Dezember 2012
21.00 – 02.00 Uhr: Quinteto Luciano Jungman & DJ Julio M.
Eintritt CHF 35.00

Casa d'Italia, Erismannstr. 6, 8004 Zürich

Info: http://www.bandoneonmethod.com.ar/

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

"Dreams Come Alive" Zydeco Cruise with Keith Frank - USA

by Diatonic News
Get ready - and make a "Dreams Come Alive" cruise with the Zydeco Boss by calling Globetrek Travel at 337-477-0835 !

Riserve your place - leaving out of Galveston, Texas on Sunday January 13th, 2013 for 7 days on the Royal Caribbean "Mariner of the Seas" to Belize, Roatan Islands in Honduras, and Cozumel, Mexico.
Information: http://www.zydecoevents.com/zydecofestivals.html

Franz Posch mit der „Liabsten Weis“ in Wien - Oesterreich

by Diatonic News
Erstmals besucht Franz Posch mit der „Liabsten Weis“ Wien. Am 15. Dezember meldet sich das Team rund um Moderator Franz Posch live aus dem Wiener Stadtheurigen Hengl-Haselbrunner in Döbling.

Seit vielen Jahren ist der Stadtheurige „Hengl-Haselbrunner" nicht nur bei vielen Wienern ein beliebter Treffpunkt. Vielleicht auch deshalb, weil er abseits der Touristen-Ströme im 19. Bezirk liegt. Im Jahr 1997 übernahm Matthias Hengl den Betrieb. Neben der Küche und dem Wein-Machen schätzt er Musik über alles.
Daher ist es wohl kein Zufall, dass er mit Agnes Palmisano keine Wirtin, sondern eine erfolgreiche Sängerin geheiratet hat, die sich vor allem in der Kunst des Wiener Dudlers einen Namen gemacht hat. Unter dem Dudler versteht man die vorwiegend von Frauen praktizierte Wiener Form des Jodlers. Im Unterschied zum Jodler wird der Dudler in geschlossenen Räumlichkeiten gesungen, und ist eng der Tradition des Heurigen verbunden
Für Kartenanfragen bitten wie Sie sich noch bis Mitte Oktober zu gedulden. Wie Sie wo und ab wann zu Karten zur Liabsten Weis in Wien kommen, erfahren Sie dann hier im Internet.
Liebe zu Musik, Kochen und Wein
„Die Liebe zur Musik begleitet mich durch mein ganzes Leben,“ schreibt Matthias Hengl auf seiner Homepage. „Das Weinmachen jedoch ist die interessanteste Aufgabe, da es mehr als 1 Jahr dauert, bis der edle Tropfen vom Weingarten über den Keller, durch die Flasche in das Glas kommt. Der lange Weg erfordert viel Liebe und Geduld, Verständnis und Passion. Wein machen ist für mich, wie Musizieren und Kochen in einem.“
Zu einem gemütliche Heurigen gehört auch ein lauschiger Gastgarten dazu. Bis zu 300 Personen finden hier Platz.

Foto: Agnes Palmisano, Matthias Hengl und Sohn Florian

Information: http://tirol.orf.at/tv/stories/2546720/

Titano Accordions

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Accordion Jazz Chord

Masterclass/organetto diatonico con Riccardo Tesi - Italia

by Diatonic News
5 gennaio 13 - Riccardo Tesi, stage di organetto diatonico a Giardini Naxos (ME) INTERNATIONAL MUSIC MASTERCLASS - WINTER CAMPUS 2013
stage di organetto diatonico con Riccardo Tesi

5 /6/7 gennaio 2013 presso "Assinos Palace Hotel" di Giardini Naxos (ME)

organizzato dall' "Accademia Pianistica Italiana" che ha sede a Trappitello-Taormina, via Francavilla, 61 in collaborazione con l' I.S.S.M. "P.I.Tchaikovsky" di Nocera Terinese (CZ)

per informazioni rivolgersi ai seguenti contatti: 3395779654 -valecurrenti@hotmail.it

direzione artistica: Valentina Currenti - Filippo Arlia

Ulteriori informationi: www.riccardotesi.com

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Rückblick Steirischer Harmonikawettbewerb 2012 - Austria

by Werner Weibert
Der Harmonikawettbewerb des ORF Steiermark 2012 ist längst wieder Geschichte und zum 17. Mal fand eine österreichweit ausgestrahlte Fernseh-Livesendung statt.
Zum dritten Mal fand das Finale in der Steinhalle in Lannach (Bezirk Deutschlandsberg) statt (Termin war der 20. Oktober 2012) und alle Verantwortlichen und Beteiligten sind sich einig, hier den richtigen und würdigen Austragungsort gefunden zu haben. Bei freiem Eintritt war bis zu Beginn der Sendung um 14.40 Uhr die Halle bis auf den letzten Platz gefüllt.
Sepp Loibner präsentierte die fünf Finalisten und führte wiederum in perfekter Manier durch das Programm. Sehr beeindruckend waren auch das Bühnenbild und die wunderbare herbstliche Dekoration.
Der Harmonikawettbewerb beginnt ja immer bereits im Februar, wenn sich die jungen Künstler (bis zum Alter von 14 Jahren) nach einer Ausschreibung bzw. den Ankündigungen in Radio und Fernsehen bewerben. In einer ersten Vorausscheidung werden (aus knapp 40 Einsendungen) 15 Kandidaten nominiert, welche dann von März bis Juni bei Volksmusikabenden Bühnenluft in der Reihe „Steirische Sänger- und Musikantentreffen“ schnuppern können und somit oft erstmals im Radio aufspielen. Aus diesen 15 werden dann zu Schulschluss die 5 Finalisten ausgewählt und über den Sommer ist nochmals ein gewaltiger Qualitätsschub zu bemerken. Es wird also im Sommer geübt, geübt und nochmals geübt.
Heuer hatten sich David Schneeberger aus Wald am Schoberpass, Lukas Ganster aus Vorau, David Stangl aus Hieflau, Philipp Hafner aus Preding und Daniel Müllner aus Mooslandl ins Finale gespielt und letztlich konnte Daniel Müllner (links) mit 74 von möglichen 80 Punkten den Sieg für sich verbuchen. Mit nur einem Punkt Rückstand belegten mit je 73 Punkten Philipp Hafner und David Stangl ex äquo den 2. Platz.
Gewinnen kann letztlich nur einer, aber die Darbietungen waren alle auf höchstem Niveau (da waren sich alle einig) und so folgten auf Platz 4 David Schneeberger mit 72 Punkten und auf Platz 5 Lukas Ganster mit 71 Punkten.
Die fünf jungen Musikanten (oben) präsentierten je ein Pflichtstück und ein Kürstück und wur-den sofort nach ihrem Auftritt von der Jury mittels Punkten (1–10) bewertet. Die Fachjury bestand auch heuer wieder aus Franz Posch (Präsentator der Fernsehsendung „Mei liabste Weis“), Caroline Koller (ORF Sbg.), Prof. Sepp Strunz (Konservatorium Graz) sowie Karl Lenz (ORF Steiermark). (Unten, alle Bilder © ORF, Oliver Wolf.)
Für die ersten beiden Plätze war je eine Steirische Harmonika im Wert von etwa € 5.000,-- vorbereitet, aber auch für den punktegleichen Zweiten wurde sofort nach Ende der Sendung eine Steirische Harmonika zur Verfügung gestellt und dafür an dieser Stelle nochmals herzlichen Dank für diese tolle Geste!
Die 2. Plätze wurden noch mit € 1.000,-- in bar sowie einem Trachtengutschein in Höhe von € 500,-- belohnt, und auch die Plätze 4 und 5 wurden mit namhaften Bargeldbeträgen und Gutscheinen belohnt. Ein großer Dank an dieser Stelle allen Sponsoren und Gönnern dieses Wettbewerbes.
Aber auch darüber waren sich alle Jurymitglieder einig, dass die Bewertung heuer so schwierig wie noch nie war. Für die Zukunft wird ev. auch ein neues oder anderes Bewertungssystem angedacht. Ob eine Wertung gerecht oder als nicht ganz gerecht empfunden wird, dies wird trotzdem immer eine subjektive Meinung sein! Es ist (leider) wie beim Sport – einer wird gewinnen und einer muss mit dem letzten Platz vorlieb nehmen!
Die Zeit eilt und es wird nicht lange dauern, bis der ORF Steiermark wieder aufruft – nämlich zum Steirischen Harmonikawettbewerb 2013!
Karl Lenz

Online translation !

Mental Activity May Keep Older Brains Healthy - USA

by Diatonic News
Konstantinos ArfanakisSimple mental activity such as reading, writing, playing games and doing puzzles may protect brain health in old age, according to a new study being presented at a meeting in the USA this weekend.

The study, presented at the 98th scientific assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) in Chicago, is the work of Konstantinos Arfanakis and colleagues, from Rush University Medical Center and Illinois Institute of Technology.

"Reading the newspaper, writing letters, visiting a library, attending a play or playing games, such as chess or checkers, are all simple activities that can contribute to a healthier brain" says Arfanakis.

Editor: What could be even better is playing the accordion. You have the extra mental and physical stimulus of playing a different keyboard with each hand (assuming your accordion has standard bass), co-ordinating the bellows and your fingers, so you are also stimulating both brain activity and brain to muscular activity as well, all while you enjoy your music.

Therefore, NEVER stop PLAYING the accordion. Play in groups, orchestras or solo. Our older readers might not play like they did many years earlier, but the pleasure of music can still be fully enjoyed plus the benefits of musical practise are becoming recognised as medically ever more important to your brain health.

Charnwood Music Publishing

Video: National Heritage Fellow Marc Savoy - USA

by Harley Jones
National Heritage Fellow Marc Savoy shares his story of how he came to love the accordion, build them, and lead a revival of Cajun music and culture.

From the moment he heard the instrument to when he began building them, and 51 years later, his passion for the instrument and Cajun music continues to entertain audiences around the world.

Produced by Garry Kling and Joshua Sawicki, Directed by David Marin, Lighting by Lora Winship, Edited by Joshua Sawicki, Artist Coordinator: Patrick Murphy, Many thanks to the Savoy Family.

Voci Armoniche

Video: Enzo Scacchia Performances Published November 3rd – Italy

by Harley Jones
1. Diabolica Polka by Enzo Scacchia
2. Prezioso by Enzo Scacchia
3. Romantico by Enzo Scacchia
Enzo Scacchia performs superbly on the organetto diatonic accordion. He was the (AMADOS) World Champion in 1995 and he has recorded and released 2 CDs and 2 cassettes in Italy and 1 CD in Brazil.

Enzo Scacchia has performed in the United States of America 1986/89/90 (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, California, Hawaii), Canada (1998), Australia (1999), Venezuela (1991), Brazil (1997/98) Switzerland (1981/83), Germany (1982/2010), Belgium (1984), Italy.

In these countries has been asked several times for numerous tours, he has participated in radio and television programs, even with famous celebrities, and many newspapers have written about his artistic achievements.

In his performances, he performs with the chromatic accordion which he designed/invented (called Jambo) and the use of instrumental backing tracks.

For further information, email: enzoscacchia@yahoo.it


3. Internationales Festival Akkordeon Akut 2012, Leipzig - Germany

by Harley Jones
Part of the 3. Internationales Festival Akkordeon Akut, at the BMW Werk Leipzig on Sunday, 21. October, 7 p.m. was the concert by Danças Ocultas and Maria João.

The music, has its roots in traditional northern Portuguese music and influenced by chamber jazz, classical music and tango nuevo to create a new, exciting musical style that has an extraordinary tranquility and deepness is created.

The four diatonic accordions interweave these sounds and take the listener on a journey to the melancholy Portuguese soul. Without a big show but with a lot of musical skill and precision, Danças Ocultas fascinate people on festivals worldwide.

Their performance at Akkordeon Akut Festival 2012 will be a world premiere, because its the first time ever Danças Ocultas will be on stage together with their compatriot, jazz-diva Maria João.

The vocal-acrobat from Lisbon is one of the greats in jazz music and is considered the female counterpart of Bobby McFerrin due to her vocal range and fast-paced changes of atmosphere.

Maria João transfers Afro-Brazilian rhythms and vitality with full vocal and physical commitment on stage.

Maria João (vocals), Artur Fernandes (diatonic accordion),
Francisco Miguel (diatonic accordion), Filipe Cal (diatonic accordion) and Filipe Ricardo (diatonic accordion).

First Accordion JamFest and Competition: A Success!

by Rita Davidson Barnea

Edwin De Leon Performs his 1st Place Solo at the first Gulf Coast Accordion Jam. He performed 2 selections of different styles in round 1 and the judges asked for a huapango for round 2. He won a large trophy and a Hohner Corona II.

The first Gulf Coast Accordion JamFest & Competition was held on Saturday Nov. 17, 2012 at Meca - Meca,1900 Kane Street Houston, TX. An entire day was devoted to competitions and jam sessions. Professional and Youth Bands performed. Contestants and attendees were encouraged to bring their accordions and play on the jam stage and outdoor gazebo area.

The organizers of the first Gulf Coast Accordion JamFest were: Shelia Lee with Heritage Arts Productions (Director for Houston), Estevan Azcona with MECA, Gilbert Reyes with Hohner US, Steve Albini with Roland US, and Willard Palmer III. Directors for Dallas and Austin for 2013 are needed.

The competition was open to
1. All ages (4 to 99 yrs old - there is category for 61 and older!),
2. All accordions (Button, Chromatic, Piano Keyboard, Cajun/Zydeko),
3. All styles (Norteno, Conjunto, Vallenato, German, Italian, Bohemian, Celtic, Zydeco, Cajun, etc.)
4. Semi-Professional and amateur!

It was actually two competitions in one:
First - SOLO COMPETITION:compete on your accordion by type accordion and style music - by your age
Second: JamFest OPEN TITLE - compete within your age bracket - with multiple songs!

Accordion JamFest was sponsored by: Roland, Hohner, Meca, Houston, Heritage Arts Productions. Houston Accordion Performers, Master the Accordion Workshops.
There were 35 - 40 entries in the competitions. For this first competition – the judges selected two winners from each category for the JamFest Category which requires the accordionist to perform with backup musicians – of their choice or they provide the group.They perform 2 selections and can be invited back – where the judges will ask for a style – such as a two-step for Cajun, Schottisch for Keyboard or chromatic, Huapango for button.

For this first competition – the judges, Steve Albini and Tatiana Semichastnaya selected two winners from each category for the JamFest: Phto: L to R – Meg Hada 2nd Keyboard, Tatiana Semichastnaya – Judge from Roland, Miguel Chavez Jr, 2nd Button Over 16, Edwin DeLeon, 1st Button under 16, Anthony Castillo 2 Button under 16, Yesenia Garcia 1st Button over 16 and Sweepstakes Winner, Steve Albini – Judge from Roland, and Willard
Palmer III, 1st Keyboard

The 2012 JamFest Winners:
1st Place – 13 Year Old Edwin DeLeon who won a free Hohner Corona II donated by Hohner.
2nd Place – 13 Year Old Anthony Castillo who won a free Roland Fr18 donated by Roland.

Sweepstakes Winner – Top Honors and Recipient of Sweepstakes Trophy AND $500 Scholarship went to 17 Year Old Yesenia Garcia

The goal is to unite the Accordion World of keyboard, button & Cajun Zydeco players and promote MORE than just solo artists!

Winners in other categories were:
5 yr olds - 1st Place Button Solo - Mia Montemayer [Photo of Mia & Ethan – 1st place winners under 9 with organizer Shelia Lee
9 & Under - 1st Place Button Solo – Ethan Hernandez, 2nd Place - Samantha Montez- 3rd Place Alex Gomez
Over 10 yrs old - 1st Place Keyboard Solo – Eliliano Himari - 2nd Place – Kane Rodriguez, 3rd Place – Juan Martinez
Over 12 yrs old - 1st Place Button Solo – Anthony Catillo
Over 16 yrs old - 1st Place Button Solo – Yesenia Garcia, 2nd Place – Tie Rene Montes Jr. & Miguel Chavez Jr., 3rd Place - Brenda Martinez
Over 21 yrs old – 1st Place Cajun Solo – Christine Garbs, 2nd Place - Maryjean Sargent
Over 40 yrs old - 1st Place Keyboard Solo – Brian Berkin, 2nd Place – Megumi Hada, 3rd Place Ann Sliter
Over 69 yrs old – 1st Place Chromatic Solo – Willard Palmer III, 2nd Place – Tom Bassett

Photo of JamFest Winners: L to r – Tatiana, Miguel, Edwin, Yesenia, & Anthony)

Future plans include holding the competition 3 times a year in different cities with San Antonio as the early summer location. The goal is to unite the accordion world of keyboard, button & Cajun Zydeco players and promote solo artists and groups. Check future issues of the USA news for more details.

For further information: slee@shelialee.com

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Muziekpublique Tutor Vicent Ansaldi Plays 'Spleen' - Belgium

by Harley Jones
Vincent Ansaldi has been playing the accordion since the age of 9 and has specialized himself in French Folk music.

He has worked together with Sylvie Boitard, Stéphane Milleret, Norbert Pignol and François Heim. He is also active in music groups such as the 'Knopf Quartet' and 'Du Vrai Sirop Sur Vos Tartines'.

In this video he brings us the song 'Spleen', composed by the famous accordion player Richard Galliano. He chose this song because it's a classic that he will be teaching during his courses at the Muziekpublique academy.

The courses are for Diatonic accordion/groups by Anne Niepold & Vincent Ansaldi and the first courses are full.

Video credits: Rafael Serenellini (image), Mathieu Alexandre (sound & technical co-ordination), Jakoba Kint, Sarah-Jane Huysentruyt and Dai-Linh Nguyen (production).

Video: Antonio Assogna Performs

by Harley Jones
1. Taranatella by Antonio Assogna
2. Mazurka by Antonio Assogna
Antonio Assogna Performs, published 6th November 2012

Titano Accordions

Future events / Concerts


SEER im Dezember - Oesterreich

by Diatonic News
Nach dem großen Erfolg im Vorjahr und auf zahlreichen Publikumswunsch geben die SEER auch 2012 wieder unter dem Motto ”STAD” einige exklusive und ausgewählte Konzerte in kleinem Rahmen ”unplugged”! STAD, das steht einerseits für die Art der Darbietung, ein akustischer Leckerbissen, wo die musikalische und gesangliche Qualität der 8 Musiker, ohne großen technischen Aufwand, im Vordergrund steht und andererseits für die Besonderheit in der Programmzusammenstellung. Es erwartet Sie eine 2-stündige, musikalische Reise zu den großen SEER Balladen und eine Einstimmung auf die bevorstehende ”Stade Zeit.” Erleben Sie die SEER hautnah!

Im Dezember sind sie:
16.12.2012, So - 18:00

20.12.2012, Do - 20:00

21.12.2012, Fr - 20:00

22.12.2012, Sa - 20:00
Karten buchen: http://www.viennaticketoffice.com/die-seer-stad-tickets-146955-de.html
Seer Webseite: www.dieseer.at

Voci Armoniche

La BandAdriatica al MEDIMEX - Bari/Ialia

by Diatonic News
Mediterranean Musix Expo nello stand di Finisterre (N° 13).
Scopri dal 30 Novembre al 2 Dicembre a Bari le collaborazioni e i progetti speciali della BandAdriatica:
- BandAdriatica meets BOBAN e MARCO MARKOVIC;
- In nome del mare (la banda torna a casa reinterpreta i brani della tradizione salentina)
- Etnoponte, con RAIZ e Radicanto
- Live con King Naat Veliov & the Original KOCANI Orkestar (Macedonia)
- Live con Eva Quartet (Bulgaria)
Per incontrarci o per saperne di più scrivi a info@adriatik.it
Appuntamenti al MEDIMEX:
- La Bandadriatica è fra i migliori 25 video italiani per il PIVI e sarà presente alla premiazione che avverrà Sabato 1° dicembre alle ore 15 alla Sala del Cineporto della Fiera del Levante di Bari.
- il 30 Novembre dalle 18.00 in diretta su RADIO TRE dal MEDIMEX Claudio Prima, Emanuele Coluccia e Giuseppe Spedicato suoneranno una versione acustica di Arriva la banda, brano presente sulla compilation Puglia Sounds New in edicola con XL di Repubblica a Novembre all'interno della trasmissione Sei Gradi condotta da Felice Liperi.

Questo è per vedere il video promozionale per XL:

Per vedere il videoclip di Arriva La banda:

SAMURAI concert / Paris - France

by Diatonic News
15 dicembre 12 - Samurai a Parigi,
31 rue des Abbesses Paris 18

Diatonic Accordion with:
Riccardo TESI
Didier LALOY

Caisses ouvertes du mardi au samedi de 17h à 20h ;
fermeture à 19h les jours de relâche

EN MÉTRO : Abbesses, ligne 12, Pigalle, lignes 2, 12

EN BUS : 30, 54, 67, Montmatrobus

EN VOITURE : parking Clichy Montmartre, rue Caulaincourt; parking Anvers, place Anvers

EN VÉLIB : 2 rue de la Vieuville (station 18004); 36 boulevard de Clichy (station 18042), 35 rue Véron (station 18114)


Sexteto Mayor Concierto - Buenos Aires/Argentina

by Diatonic News
Torquato Tasso – Defensa 1575
Jueves 27 Diciembre, 2012

El Sexteto Mayor vuelve a presentarse en el escenario del Centro Cultural Torquato Tasso ofreciendo un destacado repertorio, con los arreglos y el poderoso sonido que lo identifican.

Integrado por Mario Abramovich y Eduardo Walczak (violines), Fulvio Giraudo (piano), Enrique Guerra (contrabajo), Luciano Sciarretta (bandoneón) y Horacio Romo (bandoneón y dirección), el Sexteto Mayor es el conjunto de tango instrumental de mayor suceso en el mundo, que ha sido visto por más de dos millones de personas en más de 750 ciudades, en diversos espectáculos.


Accordion Jazz Chords

lEON Chavis in Dic/Jan - USA

by Diatonic News
12/01 Big Body Riders & the New Breeds Christmas Dance (Luf-Tex Barn, 425 Ruth Lane, Lufkin, TX) 9:30pm
12/07 Good Ol' Boyz Trailride (Mills Ranch, Branch, LA) 10pm

01/04 Big Body Ryders New Year's Ride (Luf-Tex Barn, 425 Ruth Lane, Lufkin, TX) 9:30pm

For information: http://www.leonchavis.net

Reveillons Trad à Massily/Bourgogne - France

by Diatonic News
31 decembre 2012 a partire du 20 h

Duo accordéon diatonique
Amandine Dulieux (accordéon diatonique)
Emilie Dulieux (violon / cornemuses)

Le Duo Florilèges cous propose un panel varié de musiques issues du répertoire et des compositions d'inspiration traditionnelle, pour un bal / concert intimiste, complice, familial et dynamique.
La corde du sensible, la résonnance du bourdon et le toucher de la boite à frissons...esquissent en choeur leur âme et leur son.
Groove de scottish, caresse de mazurka et autres chapelloises cadencées s'invitent tour à tour pour un moment de danse et de convivialité.

Titano Accordions

Harmonika-WM 2013 - Anmeldung nicht vergessen ! - Austria

by Werner Weibert
Online translation !

Band au Neon "live" concert - Hillerød/Denmark

by Diatonic News
Christiansgade 1, 3400 Hillerød
Hillerød Bibliotek
Sat. 1st Dicember 2012 at 16.30

The trio Band au Neon took off in 2002, when three Italian musicians, Paolo Russo, Francesco Calì and Fabrizio Mandolini, all based in Copenhagen for a number of years, finally hooked up. This encounter generated a wave of ideas and emotions that were transformed into a personal music style. In 2005, they released their first album "Oltretango" under the Italian label "Dodicilune". In the fall 2007, Italian clarinetist Nico Gori replaced the saxophonist Fabrizio Mandolini. After a number of successfull tours around Denmark, Sweden and Italy they published in 2009 the second album "Il segreto" - recorded live during a tour in Scandinavia in September 2008 - under the Danish label Bro Recordings.

Even though it seems easy to categorize it as jazz, the live performances are characterized by a deep close contact with the audience through their lyrical and melodic tunes, presented with tasteful balance between the composed and the improvised sections.

The presence of the bandoneòn (by which the trio’s name is inspired) recalls immediately the unmistakable sounds of the Argentinean tango, however, due to the unusual constellation, it is yet presented in a modern key.

Paolo Russo, bandleader and composer, uses both the piano and the bandoneòn to create the music and together with Francesco Calì on piano and accordion and Nico Gori on clarinet, will lead the audience through a journey across Italian tones, South European landscapes and an echo of Argentinean tango.

Informaiton: http://www.bandauneon.net

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Balboa Park/Dec7-8 - San Diego, CA/USA

by Diatonic News

35th consecutive year of holiday festivities in Balboa Park draws huge crowds on Friday, Dec. 7, 5-10 p.m., and Saturday, Dec. 8, noon-10 p.m. The Bon Temps Social Club Stage in front of the Museum of Art will feature great local bands and lots of dancers. Friday bands will be Three Chord Justice, Sue Palmer, and Bayou Brothers. Saturday bands will be Tiffany Jane & The Trunks, The Palominos, Billy Lee and the Swamp Critters, San Diego Cajun Playboys, Chet and The Committee, Michele Lundeen and Theo & The Zydeco Patrol. Between band sets will be group dance lessons with Ted Sherrod, Sylvia Castelluzzo, Greg Benusa, Meeshi & The Firehouse Swing Dance Gang (performing two "Flash Mob" exhibitions), Pat Muller, and Lori The Line Dance Queen. All museums open late. Shuttle service from various parking locations. Admission: Free.

Information: http://www.balboapark.org/decembernights/entertainment

eSheet Music Titles

Duo Expire At Pied à Terre, January 2nd, Norwich - UK

by Harley Jones
Duo ExpireOn January 2nd, the Duo Expire are performing at the Pied àTerre event, Kier Hardie Hall, Norwich, NR2 1ER.

The club writes: “Winners of the prestigious Duo Prize at the Chateau d'Ars Festival, Expire (Cédric Martin and Flavien Di-Cintro) bring the electrifying energy of two accordions to our dance floor for the third time. These are some of the best young traditional musicians in France and not to be missed.”

Above is a video of this Duo Expire.

For further information email: info@piedaterre.me.uk

Titano Accordions

Rund um die Steirische Harmonika 2013 - Austria

by Werner Weibert
Junge und reife Meister auf der Steirischen Harmonika werden am Samstag, 22. Juni 2013 in der Zeit zwischen 11.00 und 19.00 Uhr im Bezirk Leoben auftreten. Ge-meinsam mit dem ORF Steiermark werden die Gewinner der ORF-Harmonikawettbewerbe und H.V.Ö. Wettbewerbe auf einer großen Bühne vorgestellt. Dazu kommen noch bekannte Volksmusikgruppen, Harmonika-Ensembles und die Harmonikaerzeuger unseres Landes.
Eintritt frei. Verlosung toller Sachpreise.

Mit dabei ist auch Christopher Uitz, der sich gerade für die kommende Harmonikaweltmeisterschaft 2013 vorbereitet.

Mit Unterstützung der steirischen Harmonikaerzeuger: Strasser, Jamnik, Parz, Schmidt, Zernig, Steirisches Volksliedwerk, Harmonikazentrum Graz, Musikhaus Hillinger und ORF Steiermark.

Weitere Informationen unter: www.tourismus-leoben.at, Tel. 03842-48 148 oder www.gottfried-hubmann.at, Tel. 0664-15 44 727

Online translation !

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Concerto Domingos Porteno - Switzerland

by Diatonic News
18. December 2012 - 20 h
Teatro Sociale di Bellinzona
Piazza Governo 11, 6500 Bellinzona/Switzerland

con Irina Roukavitsina, violino
Thomas Guggia, bandoneon
Gioacchino Balistreri, pianoforte
Andrea Bregonzio, contrabbasso
Thomas Egli, batteria e percussioni
Natalia Franchi e Federico Vuegen, danza
Prima assoluta
La volontà di far rivivere le sonorità e le emozioni del quintetto “originale” del padre del nuevo tango, Astor Piazzolla, ha portato nel 2010 Irina Roukavitsina, il bellinzonese Thomas Guggia, Gioacchino Balistreri, Andrea Bregonzio e Thomas Egli a fondare il gruppo Domingo Porteño. La ricerca di “originalità” che contraddistingue il progetto porta il quintetto ad approfondire con rigore la ricerca musicale sulle partiture e le registrazioni originali dei brani classici del tango argentino, di Piazzolla ma non solo, per poi riproporli attraverso la mediazione del ricco bagaglio di esperienze di ognuno di loro, spaziando dalla musica classica, al jazz, al pop. Il risultato è un’accattivante musicalità “frizzante, libera, mossa da un’aria latina con aromi di tango caratterizzata da ritmi pulsanti”.
Malgrado la recente costituzione, l’ensemble vanta già un certo numero di esibizioni di richiamo, che vanno ad arricchire il curriculum personale dei singoli componenti che si esibiscono regolarmente in diverse formazioni e in qualità di solisti.
Il concerto-spettacolo dedicato ad Astor Piazzolla è il frutto della collaborazione dei Domingo Porteño con i ballerini Natalia Franchi e Federico Vuegen che accompagnano con la danza le esecuzioni dei più bei brani del maestro di Buenos Aires, del quale nel 2012 ricorre il ventesimo anniversario della morte: Primavera Porteña, Verano Porteño, Milonga del Ángel, Undertango, Adiós Nonino, Oblivión, Escualo, Otoño Porteño, Inverno Porteño, La Muerte de l’Ángel, Chiquilin de Bachin, Cité Tango, Libertango.

Info: www.thomasguggia.com

Voci Armoniche

Concert avec Julie Vincent/Francois Badeau - France

by Diatonic News
Les Mardis du Conservatoire

Sauf précision contraire,
les concerts se déroulent
à l’auditorium du Conservatoire
de La Roche-sur-Yon - Place Napoléon

Tarif : 6€
Tarif réduit : 4€ (groupe, APEC) et 1,50 € (élèves des
écoles de musique, scolaires, étudiants, demandeurs
Abonnement incitation : 18 € (4 concerts)
Abonnement saison : 60 €
Ouverture billetterie : 10 septembre 2012
du lundi au vendredi de 13 h 30 à 18 h 30

C o n s e r v a t o i r e
à rayonnement départemental
m u s i q u e d a n s e t h é â t r e
0 2 5 1 4 7 4 8 9 1
Information: www.francoisbadeau.com

Sounding Out the Accordion

Alex Meixner - December Schedules - USA

by Diatonic News
Last appearences of Alex Meixner in the last month of the year 2012. If you are anywhere near - don't miss:

• 12/11/12Lindenhurst, NYatVillage Lanterne
• 12/12/12Fleetwood, PAatEvergreen Club
• 12/13/12Bethlehem, PAatChristkindlmarkt
• 12/14/12Altoona, PAatUnter Uns Club
• 12/15/12Hoboken, NJatPilsener Haus
• 12/16/12Pawtucket, RIatGerman-American Club
• 12/19/12Frankenmuth, MIatSullivan’s Black Forest
• 12/21/12Adamstown, PAatPrivate Wedding
• 12/31/12 Casselberry, FLGerman American Society

Photo by: Jonnie Nye

Contact Alex at:
P.O. Box 1753
Palm City, FL 34991


Hubert von Goisern / BRENNA TUATS TOUR 2012 - Bad Ischl/Oesterreich

by Diatonic News
02.12.12 A - Bad Ischl - Lehartheater ( Beginn: 20:00 Uhr


Tel: +43 (0)6132 21495
Tel: +43 (0)6132 27757
Salzkammergut Touristik
Tel: +43 (0)6132 2400051


Voci Armoniche

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Friedrich Lips Book

Don Benito Bandoneon Method - Worldwide

by Diatonic News
This book introduces you to the first right-hand musical notes and simple left-hand chords. The exercises and the videos will help you focus on the right position of the instrument and the hands. As you advance through the program, you will learn the rest of the notes, and will be able to perform simple tango arrangements with both hands.

Book 1 comprises 30 exercises, 5 scales and an insert with graphics of the keyboards. The CD includes 28 audio tracks and 6 video tracks.

Price: US$ 68.00 / Shipping costs included


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

CD 'Ipar Haizea' by Kepa Junkera - Basc

by Diatonic News
Kepa Junkera edit his first album earlier this year with the Orquesta de Euskadi Symphonic

'Ipar Haizea' includes eight issues throughout his career compounds, especially for being interpreted by an orchestra of musical Preliminaries

Info: www.kepajunkera.com

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Nuovo CD "SOSPIRI E BATTITI" di Donatello Pisanello - Italia

by Diatonic News
Uscita: 25 novembre 2012

" C’è un bellissimo verso di una canzone dei Buzzcocks, un gruppo punk esistenziale molto amato negli anni 70 e oltre, che sintetizza perfettamente lo spirito della mia musica e di questo cd in particolare: “I guess it's just the music that brings on nostalgia for an age yet to come” (Credo che solo la musica porti ad avere nostalgia per un’epoca che deve ancora venire) e l’organetto è lo strumento che meglio riesce a farmi esprimere questo sentimento utopico, ma non nel senso di sogno irrealizzabile (ou-topos) quanto di quello legato ad una avvenire ebbro di felicità (eu-topos) al quale i nostri cuori anelano e che sappiamo possibile , realizzabile. C’è sempre un sentimento di nostalgia accompagnato da una melanconia, malattia tipica delle sensibilità occidentale."

Considerazioni sulla tecnica:
"Nella maggior parte dei casi ho usato un semplice organetto a 8 bassi, il più schietto e tradizionale che possa esistere, perchè sono sempre convinto che ha ancora tanto da dire! La tecnica conta poco in questo cd, ho preferito lasciarmi trascinare dell‘emotività più incosciente, infatti ho registrato prima di tutti, da solo; poi si sono inseriti gli altri secondo le emozioni che sono riuscito a scatenare. Sento che mi rimproverano di non appartenere a nessuna scuola, ma questo non è vero: semplicemente non appartengo alle loro scuole! I non allineati hanno sempre una vita dura ma questo conta poco quando lo sguardo è rivolto al Cielo. Io non sono niente, solo uno strumento nelle mani di Lui e, come disse Rumi, se pur ho scagliato una freccia, io non sono che l’arco e Iddio l’arciere." (Donatello Pisanello)

(P) 2012
Fonosfere by Dodicilune FNF104

Donatello Pisanello, organetto diatonico
Angelo Urso, contrabbasso
Lamberto Probo, tamburello
Pierpaolo Caputo, viola da gamba

Total Time 45:00
Info: www.desilenziazioni.it

CD "The Champ is Here" by Leon Chavis - USA

by Diatonic News
Released in Sept 2012

In 1999, Muhamma Ali was crowned Sportsman of the Century by Sports Illustrated. Ali retired the same year Leon Chavis was born, but that hasn't stopped him from being fascinated with "The Champ." Inspired by Ali, Chavis has punched his way to the top of the Zydeco world. A main event in the Zydeco club, trailride and radio scene, Chavis has retired "Zydeco Soul Child," his old nickname, with a new, bold proclamation... "The Champ Is Here!" Released in November 2012, 16 tracks, including:

01- Intro
02- The Champ Is Here
03- Can't Get Enough
04- Whatcha Workin' Wit (feat. Tucka)
05- Let Me Kiss U
06- Suzy Q
07- They Sleeping on Me
08- Pour Me Up (feat. S Dot)
09- I Don't Want U (feat. Cupid)
10- Ride on It
11- We Outcha (feat. Brian Jack and S Dot)
12- Come a Lil Closer
13- Settle Down
14- We Ain't Broke No More (feat. Koray Broussard)
15- Happy
16- Trailride Country Girl

For information: http://www.leonchavis.net/

Titano Accordions

CD/Concert mit Raphael Reber- Schweiz

by Diatonic News
Raphael Reber presents his unique and incredibly good solo-LP "ADENTRO" in a concert

Wo: Unternehmen Mitte - Gerbergasse 30, 4001 Basilea/Schweiz
Wann: 1. Dezember 20 h

Information: raphael.reber.7@facebook.com

Accordion Jazz Chord

CD "Cameristico" con Riccardo Tesi - Italia

by Diatonic News
22 Dicembre 2012 - ore 21 a Quarata - Villa Medicea Magia, Salone Afrescato

Sta per uscire Cameristico, il nuovo album di Riccardo Tesi.

L'album contiene nuove composizioni e qualche classico del suo repertorio meno recente reinterpretato da un organico composto da Daniele Biagini al pianoforte, Damiano Puliti al violoncello e Michele Marini al clarinetto.

Al disco hanno partecipato anche ospiti come Alfio Antico al tamburello, Luisa Cottifogli alla voce, Elias Nardi all' oud, Ettore Bonafè e Gigi Biolcati alle percussioni, Puccio Castrogiovanni allo scacciapensieri.

Il disco sarà distribuito dalla Materiali Sonori a partire dal mese di Dicembre 2012.

Riccardo Tesi (organetto diatonico)

Daniele Biagini (pianoforte)

Damiano Puliti (violoncello)

Michele Marini (clarinetto)

Info: www.riccardotesi.it

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Tango En Tres presenta el nuevo CD “Caminos” - Argentina

by Diatonic News
Presentación oficial del CD "Caminos"
6 de diciembre a las 21:30hs in UTC-03

Che, Flores!
Resto Bar porteño
Arce 235-Las cañitas

Vamos con todo el repertorio nuevo y nuestros clásicos+ sorpresas especiales!!!
Entrada libre- consumición mínima $35
Los que deseen cenar en el lugar estar a las 21hs
Reservas al 4773-8851

Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments

Submit Your Question, Comment


by Diatonic News | Modify | Delete
take advantage of this interactive feature in our Diatonic-News.

This is titled “Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments” and is situated below the News.

The exciting part of this concept is that readers can list their own comments about any accordion subject they wish, ask questions, ask the accordion world for information. Its YOUR Diatonic Accordion World on www.diatonic-news.com News.

Interaktive Funktion auf Diatonic News!
Diatonic News hat eine neue interaktive Funktion in den Nachrichten aufgenommen. Diese trägt den Titel "Help Desk, Information gesucht, Leser Kommentare" und ist am Ender der Nachrichtenausgabe positioniert.

Der interessante Teil dieses Konzeptes ist, dass unsere Leser selbst auf dieser Seite akitv sein kònnen. Jeder Leser kann ab sofort online eigene Kommentare zu jedem Akkordeon Thema, generelle Fragen und Suche nach Information an die Akkordeonwelt/leser auf www.diatonic-news.com ins Netz setzen.

Nehmen Sie Anspruch von dieser interaktiven Mòglichkeit, die das Ziel hat, unseren Lesern eine intensivere und sofortige Kommunikation mit anderen Akkordeoninteressierten zu ermòglichen

Facile funzione interattiva su www.diatonic-news.com !

Diatonic-news ha inserito questa funzionalità interattiva nella sua edizione di notizie. Questa è intitolato "Help desk, informazioni, commenti dei lettori, ed è posizionata alla fine è della pagina.

La parte interessante di questo concetto è la possibilità di attività da parte dei lettori di essere se stessi in questa pagina. Ogni lettore è ora disponibile online e condividere i tuoi commenti su ogni tema fisarmonica, questioni generali e la ricerca di informazioni al mondo della fisarmonica / lettori sul AWW rete.

Prendete vantaggio di questa opportunità interattiva che ha l'obiettivo di permettere ai nostri lettori di una comunicazione intensa e immediata con altri interessati di www.diatonic-news.com .

Nouvelles hebdomadaires initiés fonction interactive

Diatonic News a ajouté cette fonctionnalité interactive à la Nouvelles. C'est intitulé «Help Desk, les informations nécessaires, Commentaires des lecteurs" et se situe en dessous de la Nouvelles hebdomadaires.

La partie intéressante de ce concept est que les lecteurs peuvent publier leurs propres commentaires sur n'importe quel sujet accordéon elles le souhaitent, poser des questions, demander de l'accordéon monde pour l'information.

Alors s'il vous plaît utiliser et de profiter de cet outil interactif, visant à permettre une plus grande communication entre les accordéonistes.


《环球手风琴》在“每周新闻”中增加了一个新的交互式的特色栏目. 标题是“Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments” ,放在下面的每周新闻中.

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因此请你使用并欣赏这个交互式的工具, 目的是增强手风琴家之间的沟通.

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Сайт Diatonic News добавил новую интерактивную функцию в раздел еженедельных новостей. Она озаглавлена "Доска помощи, необходимая информация, комментарии читателей" и расположена под разделом еженедельных новостей.

Важной частью этой новинки является то, что читатели смогут составить список собственных комментариев по любым вопросам, касающимся аккордеона, задать вопросы, запросить информацию, касающуюся аккордеона. Это ВАШ Мир Аккордеона на сайте www.diatonic-news.com.

Пожалуйста, пользуйтесь и наслаждайтесь этим новым интерактивным сервисом, направленным на достижение более тесных связей между аккордеонистами.

Information: Webmaster / Online translation !


Charnwood Music Publishing

attilio amitrano from italy

by Attilio Amitrano | Modify | Delete

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