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Diatonic News - Apr-2021
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Voci Armoniche


What Are You Doing For World Accordion Day? - International
Happy Easter to all our readers around the world - Worldwide
Coronoavirus COVID-19 - Worldwide
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich
Grammy winner Flaco Jimenez's album placed in National Recording Registry - USA
Quetschn Academy - Die Steirische Harmonika Schule - Austria

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

The Big Squeeze 2021 - USA
Fête de l'accordéon diatonique - France
Cancelled: Tag der Harmonika 2021 - Austria
Online: VIII “Les Etoiles Sancyberie” International Music Competition - France
Konzertina lernen und spielen, Kurs Bad Berneck - Deutschland
Cancelled: Vancouver Folk Music Festival – Canada
ITALIA AWARD 2021 (XII edition) - Italy
CNIMA Celtic Music Workshop - France
2021 World Cup on the Accordion Virtual Polka Championship - Canada
Video: "I Tåkeheimen", played by the composer Øystein Nicolaisen - Norway
Video: Kathleen Smith, Eamonn Flynn and Kevin Roche - Ireland
El Festival Francisco el Hombre - Columbia
Postponed to 2022 / TheGator by the Bay Festival - USA
Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival - France
Helmut Spörl/Konzertinakurs Lichtenberg - Germany
The NESI NorthEast Squeeze - USA

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

BELTANGO LIVESTREAM concert - Serbia/Worldwide

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD Diatonische Expeditionen - Österreich
Video: Concert Celebrates Piazzolla, Buenos Aires - Argentina
Astor Piazzolla "la rage du tango" avec Louise Jallu - France
New Video: “Dreamy Harmonica” by Andreas Terzer & Hanspeter Nocker - Italy
Video: New Composition by Alex Meixner - USA

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

What Are You Doing For World Accordion Day? - International

by Harley Jones
With all the turmoil of Covid-19 internationally, many World Accordion Day (WAD) events are prevented by regulations from proceeding. The World Accordion Day site will still report those events that are able to happen.

Planned is a live WAD video broadcast on May 6th hosted by Kevin Friedrich & Grayson Masefield of 2 hours with a focus on childhood accordion education.

For groups and individuals around the world: What are you doing for World Accordion Day to promote the accordion in your country? World Accordion day is on May 6th, which is the day the accordion was patented in 1829.

World Accordion Day was started in 2009 by the CIA and has been very successful, generating a lot of positive publicity for the accordion. A key part of this event is the World Accordion Day website to register your event and with background information for the media.

Every association, group, orchestra, performer and teacher that can, is asked to actively support this event by encouraging national and local accordion activities to happen in their country on this day or the weekend either side of Accordion Day if that should be more convenient.

Everyone can register their World Accordion Day activity on the website and send a report of their event after, for that website.

No event is too big or too small. ALL accordion events celebrating World Accordion Day are welcome. This is a CIA promotion for the accordion in which every accordion enthusiast can participate and help bring our accordion world together as well as strongly promote the accordion.

Sounding Out the Accordion

Happy Easter to all our readers around the world - Worldwide

by Diatonic News
Allthough Diatonic News is quite aware of this difficult time around the world having to face a 2nd Happy Easter of CORONA VIURS, we are wishing all our reader a peaceful and pleasant time as good as possible, with lots of music.

Make your live worthy and be careful!


Coronoavirus COVID-19 - Worldwide

by Diatonic News
Dear readers,

You are invited to please check back on all our news inserts, if they are actually going to take place. Many - most of them might/are or will be cancelled due to the worldwide threat of the CORONAVIRUS|

Due to many cancellations Diatonic-News is proposing you send some videos from your online-performances, concerts, or even past events. We are happy to promote them in ou Section: VIDEO
e-mail: events@diatonic-news.com

Be careful and be safe,

Diatonic-News Editor

Voci Armoniche

Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation

Friedrich Lips Book

Grammy winner Flaco Jimenez's album placed in National Recording Registry - USA

by Diatonic News
Flaco Jimenez
His work is the only recording by a Latino artist added to the registry this year.

SAN ANTONIO — The album “Partners” by six-time Grammy winner Flaco Jiménez has been added to the National Recording Registry of the Library of Congress.

Jiménez, 82, whose real name is Leonardo, is best known nationally as a member of the Texas Tornados, who performed the song “Hey Baby, Que Pasó?”

Jimenez’s 1992 album is one of 25 new recordings added to the collection that preserves audio recordings based on their cultural, historical or aesthetic importance.

"People used to regard my music as cantina music, just no respect," he said in an interview with the Library of Congress. "The accordion was considered something like a party joke ... I really give respect to everyone who helped me out on this record and I'm flattered by this recognition."

The album is a collaboration with other musicians, including Los Lobos and Linda Ronstadt and others.

Jiménez, who is Mexican American, mostly performs conjunto, a genre that relies heavily on the accordion and bajo sexto, which is in the guitar family.

Accordionist and Conjunto and Tejano music legend Flaco Jimenez. The Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award winner has played with the likes of B.B. King, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Pete Seeger and many others.Guillermina Zabala
But Jiménez has performed across many musical genres and with a variety of musicians, including Doug Sahm, Bob Dylan, the Rolling Stones and Dwight Yoakam, among others.

“Partners is a good example of how he’s a crossover,” said Maria Peña, a Library of Congress Hispanic media spokeswoman. “What’s great about this album is it shows his collaborations —not to mention that he’s got a career that spanned seven decades. This is a huge acknowledgement of his work.”

Jiménez’s recording is the only one by a Latino artist to be included in the registry this year.

The collection, which spans 143 years of music and was launched in 2002, now has 21 albums or recordings with Latino artists, including Jiménez's.

The registry includes recordings by the artists Selena, Santana, Richie Valens, Tito Puente, Lydia Mendoza, Carmen Miranda, Fania All-Stars and others.

The recognition is one of many that Jiménez has earned, including a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award, Billboard Latin Music Lifetime Achievement Award and a Tejano Music Award.

In 2012, he was awarded the National Endowment for the Arts National Heritage Fellowship.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Quetschn Academy - Die Steirische Harmonika Schule - Austria

by Diatonic News
Quetschn Academy - Die Steirische Harmonika Schule - Austria
Der schnellste und einfachste Weg, die Harmonika wie ein Weltmeister zu beherrschen!
Thomas und Stefan von der Quetschn Academy machen etwas extrem VERRÜCKTES um Deine Harmonika-Karriere auf die nächste Stufe zu bringen.

Du bekommst unser brandneues Buch “Intelligent Quetschn” KOSTENLOS!
Für Dich wurden insgesamt über 40 Jahre Erfahrung mit mehr als 60.000 Bühnenminuten in einem kleinen, handlichen Buch zusammengefasst!

Egal ob Du ein kompletter Neuling, oder schon ein Erfahrener Experte auf der Harmonika bist! - Im Buch “Intelligent Quetschn - Steirische Harmonika mit System” sind für jeden praxiserprobte Tricks mit denen man superschnelle Fortschritte auf der Quetschn macht und gleichzeitig extrem viel Zeit beim Üben spart.

Es gibt ein/das "Intelligent Quetschn Buch"!- sichere s Dir noch rechtzeitig solange der Vorrat reicht!!

Sicher dir jetzt dein Intelligent Quetschn Buch!

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

The Big Squeeze 2021 - USA

by Diatonic News
The Big Squeeze 2021 - USA
April 7, 2021 - deadline for entries (EXTENDED from March 31st!)

April 17, 2021 - Conjunto Semi-Finals from Home at facebook.com/texasfolklife

May 8, 2021 - Finals from Home at facebook.com/texasfolklife

The Big Squeeze is presented by Texas Folklife as part of its mission to preserve and present Texas’ diverse cultural heritage. Since 2007, Texas Folklife has promoted Texas accordion music genres through the Big Squeeze program. More than 350 young, talented players from dozens of Texas communities have participated in the program, which supports these vital community-based accordion music traditions. The 2021 Big Squeeze Program Director is longtime Texas Folklife producer and partner Sarah Rucker. Sarah has been involved with the program since its inception in 2007 and was excited to rejoin the team as director in 2019.

2021 ENTRY FORM https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/3679e57fd9424228b1fab496925e635c

2021 RULES AND GUIDELINES - Please Read Before Submitting Entry Form!


Titano Accordions

Fête de l'accordéon diatonique - France

by Diatonic News
Fête de l'accordéon diatonique - France
Diato Trad 92, association d'accordéon diatonique à Nanterre (92), France
Musiques folk traditionnelles & contemporaines
Ateliers d'accordéon diatonique tous niveaux, sous la direction artistique de Bruno Le Tron

en STREAMING LIVE sur la page Facebook de l'association
et pas besoin de posséder un compte Facebook pour assister au concert ! ;-)

Le concert sera accessible pendant 48 heures,
avec participation libre pour nous soutenir et soutenir les artistes.

Adhésion simple
Pour adhérer à l'association, c'est facile ! Cliquer: http://www2.diatotrad.fr/?m=eventInscription&idShow=10

Accordion Jazz Chord

Cancelled: Tag der Harmonika 2021 - Austria

by Werner Weibert
The HVO - Harmonica Verband Osterreichs (Accordion Association of Austria), organisers of the Tag der Harmonika 2021 competition (Day of the Accordion), regret to announce that the event which was due to be held in Perg, Austria from 3rd to 6th June 2021 is cancelled due to Covid-19.

They sincerely hope that they may be able to run the event later in the year, however this depends on the ever changing virus situation in the future.

Further details will be published as they come to hand.

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Online: VIII “Les Etoiles Sancyberie” International Music Competition - France

by Diatonic News
Registrations are now open for the online “Les Etoiles Sancyberie” International Music Competition which will take place from April 26th to May 2nd, 2021 in Riom, Auvergne, France. President of the association is accordionist Roman Jbanov.

The "Sancyberie" association was formed in April 2009 with the aim of introducing Russian culture in all its forms to the beautiful region of Auvergne and exporting French Culture to Russia.

The competition offers classes for soloists, ensembles and orchestras to accordionists and players of balalaika, domra and other folk instruments from around the world.

Jury members include Konstantin Ischenko, Trofim Antipov, Sergey Teleshev, Tatyana Saratova, Renzo Ruggieri, Sergey Voytenko, Galymzhan Narymbetov, Anibal Freire, Raynald Ouellet, Roman Kozlovsky, Roberto Lucanero,

All laureates and their teachers will receive an invitation to participate in a face-to-face competition in France in 2022.

The event will include performances by members of the jury, a concert of finalists, videoconferencing and master classes.

Download competition rules and entry form in English, French and Russian here: 2021Sancyberie.pdf

For details email: sancyberie@rambler.ru

Konzertina lernen und spielen, Kurs Bad Berneck - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Theo KnopfKonzertina - lernen und spielen, Kurs Bad Berneck (2)
am 24.04.2021
95460 Bad Berneck, Bahnhofstraße 81, Büro der Beratungsstelle für Volksmusik in Franken
Mitveranstalter: Bezirk Oberfranken. Leitung: Theo Knopf.

Eingeladen sind alle, die das musikantische Spiel auf der Konzertina erlernen oder weiter vertiefen möchten. Theo Knopf, ein erfahrener Konzertinamusikant und Kenner dieses Instruments, betreut jeden/e Teilnehmer/in individuell. Mietinstrumente können zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Uhrzeit wird in persönlicher Absprache vereinbart. Um Anmeldung bei Theo Knopf, Telefon 0921 42271, wird gebeten.

Weitere Termine: 22.05., 12.06.2021.


Charnwood Music Publishing

Cancelled: Vancouver Folk Music Festival – Canada

by Diatonic News
Vancourver Folk Festival 2021
Organisers of the Vancouver Folk Music Festival regret to advise that after “countless hours of deliberation, they have made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s Folk Music Festival”, which was due to run from July 16th to 18th, 2021.

Due to the “uncertainty of current conditions, immunization timelines, and what may be possible as vaccines continue to rollout to the public at large, the safety of the community, staff, contractors, artists, volunteers, vendors, sponsors, suppliers, patrons and festival supporters continues to be of utmost importance.”

Refunds will be available for 2020 ticket holders. Organisers also wish to give people the opportunity to donate the cost of their ticket and all ticket holders will be contacted via email as soon as possible.

Voci Armoniche

ITALIA AWARD 2021 (XII edition) - Italy

by Diatonic News
ITALIA AWARD 2021 (XII edition)
RENZO RUGGIERI (art dir) - CLAUDIO AZZARO (president)

1-20 june 2021 - online edition

• STUDENT categories
(10, 12, 14, 16, junior, senior, amateur)
• PROFESSIONAL categories
• BRAVISSIMO" Italia Award
the winner of the winners.

Download rules in English and Italian: 2021ItaliaRules.pdf


CNIMA Celtic Music Workshop - France

by Diatonic News
The CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix will hold a Celtic Music Workshop with Alain Pennec (picture right) from April 26th to 30th, 2021.

Alain is a specialist in Celtic music and will introduce attendees to Breton, Irish, Welsh, Asturian and other music styles. The workshop will also include technical work, ornamentation, phrasing and bellows control.

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr

2021 World Cup on the Accordion Virtual Polka Championship - Canada

by Diatonic News
2021 World Cup on the Accordion Virtual Polka Championship - Canada
The Button Akordion Rocks Club is pleased to announce that we will be hosting the 2021 World Cup on the Accordion Virtual Polka Championship on August 1 2021.

Online con Facebook Live
Sunday 1st August 2021 from 8pm until 11 pm
Price: Free · time 3 hr

Canadian and International submissions will open soon.
Make sure to mark your calendar and save the date. You won’t want to miss this!
More details to follow: https://fb.me/e/8rYRDwJwX

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Video: "I Tåkeheimen", played by the composer Øystein Nicolaisen - Norway

by Harley Jones
"I Tåkeheimen", played by the composer Øystein Nicolaisen on a 3 voice B-E box.

Video: Kathleen Smith, Eamonn Flynn and Kevin Roche - Ireland

by Harley Jones
Kathleen Smith (accordion), Eamonn Flynn (piano) and Kevin Roche (banjo).

Live performance for the 2021 Hibernian Newman Club's Virtual Saint Patrick's Day Celebration.
Set one: Dermot Grogan's/ Banks of Lough Gowna
Set two: Rock Chapel Slide/ Chase Me Charlie

Titano Accordions

El Festival Francisco el Hombre - Columbia

by Diatonic News
El Festival Francisco el Hombre - Columbia
atención - el festival de 2021 no se celebra en abril como todos los años, sino en agosto de 2021

El Festival Francisco el Hombre es un proyecto cultural con el cual se institucionaliza un reconocimiento anual a la música vallenata contemporánea, a través de quienes se destaquen como sus mejores intérpretes. El Festival promueve y exalta la calidad artística del vallenato actual expresado en sus distintas variantes, a saber: tradicional, nueva ola, romántico o moderno.
Promover y fomentar la calidad artística de la música vallenata contemporánea teniendo como referente el eslogan del Festival: “Nuestra tradición con nuevos aires”.
Premiar el esfuerzo de quienes se destaquen durante el año como los mejores intérpretes de la música vallenata contemporánea.
Promover el surgimiento y dar a conocer nacional e internacionalmente los nuevos talentos en los campos de la composición, el canto y la interpretación de la música vallenata contemporánea.
Promover el desarrollo cultural y turístico del Departamento de La Guajira.
Promocionar a Riohacha como destino turístico cultural.


Postponed to 2022 / TheGator by the Bay Festival - USA

by Diatonic News
Gator by the Bay Festival 2022
The Organizers write:
Dear Gator Fans, Friends, and Supporters-

What’s happening with Gator By The Bay 2021?
Unfortunately, it is postponed until 2022.

We have been enthusiastically working since last year on the 20th anniversary edition of your Gator By The Bay Festival which was to take place in May, 2021. Up until this week, we had been optimistic about producing the May festival as planned. Multiple unknowns related to the COVID pandemic unfortunately have made planning exceedingly difficult. Although disappointing, it is clear to us that canceling the 2021 festival is the right decision.

The festival production requires permits and licenses issued by local and county authorities. To date, we have no assurance that those permits will be available. We seriously considered the possibility of postponing the festival into the summer months but realized that even that time frame remains unclear. Rather than making plans on yet another uncertain date in 2021, we concluded that setting our sights and confidently directing our efforts to the May 5-8, 2022, Mother’s Day weekend in San Diego, is a better use of our energy and resources.

All of us find great joy from the fun and connections that the festival generates, and we are optimistic that we will be able to safely share and enjoy live music and the festival experience again sometime soon. Currently, great progress is being made to neutralize the virus threat, and we realistically anticipate 2022 being a lot more normal than either last year was or this year might be.

We are forever grateful to our ticket holders for your patience and understanding during these unpredictable times. Your continued support allows us to be optimistic about the future and able to move boldly forward to produce a spectacular 2022 festival.

We ask those of you who have tickets carried over from 2020 to share our 2022 vision by carrying them over again to 2022. If your situation has changed and this presents a financial difficulty, contact us at process@gatorbythebay.com. You can request a refund through this link. You can If you have made hotel reservations, please remember to cancel them, but look for 2022 hotel information announcements very soon.

The Gator By The Bay Team


Voci Armoniche

Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival - France

by Diatonic News
Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival
Rendez-vous les 22, 23 et 24 mai 2021
Un festival champêtre, écocitoyen, familial, convivial et gratuit !

Du musette au rock’n’roll en passant par le klezmer, le cajun, le classique, le folk... l’accordéon est un instrument convivial, sympathique, festif, plein de malice et au potentiel infini ! Quelle ambiance !

Chaque année durant le week-end de la Pentecôte, le Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival c’est près d'une trentaine de groupes pour trois jours de concerts, de fête et d'animation pour tous les âges, ainsi qu'une grande marche & course nature et santé ouverte à tous, à la découverte de nos chemins de campagne...
N'hésitez pas à rejoindre cette belle, musicale et conviviale aventure qu'est le Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival.
Vous pouvez apporter votre aide en vous proposant ou en vous confirmant comme bénévole.

À situation sanitaire particulière, projet d'organisation particulière... pour que vivent les Belles Bretelles !

En fonction de l'évolution de la situation sanitaire liée au Covid aux dates du festival :
➜ L’enceinte du festival sera entièrement close de hautes barrières avec une entrée et une sortie gardiennées.
➜ Pas de grand chapiteau : tous les groupes prévus se produiront en extérieur (déambulation, scène guinguette et grande scène).
➜ Les bénévoles, les artistes, les techniciens et les festivaliers devront satisfaire aux conditions définies par le protocole sanitaire validé par les instances administratives, en cours d'élaboration, notamment le port du masque, l’hygiène des mains, le respect de la distanciation physique et les éventuelles mesures d’organisation spécifiques mises en place.
➜ Un test Covid négatif valide sera demandé à chacun pour accèder à l'espace du festival.
➜ Le nombre d'entrées sera limité à 5000 personnes maximum simultanément.
➜ Les horaires seront strictement respectés : samedi de 14 h à 24 h, dimanche de 9H à 24 h et lundi de 12 h à 20 h.


Helmut Spörl/Konzertinakurs Lichtenberg - Germany

by Diatonic News
Helmut SpörlKonzertina - lernen und spielen, Kurs Lichtenberg (1)
am 24.04.2021

Wo: 95192 Lichtenberg, Lobensteiner Str. 4
Internationale Begegnungsstätte Haus Marteau

Mitveranstalter: Bezirk Oberfranken.
Leitung: Helmut Spörl.

Eingeladen sind alle, die das musikantische Spiel auf der Konzertina erlernen oder weiter vertiefen möchten. Helmut Spörl, ehemaliger Schüler von Theo Knopf und erfahrener Konzertinamusikant und Kenner dieses Instruments, betreut jeden/e Teilnehmer/in individuell. Mietinstrumente können zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Uhrzeit wird in persönlicher Absprache vereinbart.

Telefonische Anmeldung bei Helmut Spörl: 09288 6986

Weitere Termine: 22.05., 12.06.2021


The NESI NorthEast Squeeze - USA

by Diatonic News
NESI is a non-profit, laid-back, weekend gathering of free-reed players and their partners. Welcome are beginners and advanced to play, sing, and dance together. Assembling with friends old and new in a comfortable, rustic setting with many places for workshops, sessions, and spontaneous jams. Hobnob with other squeezebox aficionados and explore an assortment of instruments for sale and swap.

The NorthEast Squeeze-In usually happens every fall at Camp Chimney Corners in western Massachusetts. In 2020 a virtual gathering took ploace and now waiting is necessary to see whether or not they another virtual meeting must take place or in-person in 2021. In the meantime they invite you to stay connected through their mailing list and discussion group https://www.squeeze-in.org/MailingLists.html.


Accordion Jazz Chords

Future events / Concerts

BELTANGO LIVESTREAM concert - Serbia/Worldwide

by Diatonic News
BELTANGO Quinteto livestream concert
BELTANGO en VIVO !!! Para Bailar y Escuchar - livestream concert !!!

April 24th, 2021 at 21:00 CET - *stream is viewable 24 hours

After two amazingly successful online Livestream concerts, "Beltango meets Piazzolla" and "Una Milonga Mas" with an audience from more than 30 countries, Beltango are already planning their next appearance online, which will be a bit different.

"Beltango en Vivo !!! - Para Bailar y Escuchar", will be their first ever spring online milonga! As the name suggests, it will be not only for listening but also for dancing! Songs will be set in tandas, so one can enjoy with a partner just as during a live milonga. Might even invite few people to its own place if measures considering pandemic allow this possibility to live a mini milonga with Beltango.

For those who don't dance they are still invited to join and listen to their beautiful tango music.

For the Bletango tango cyberspace tickets are available at www.legato.events

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD Diatonische Expeditionen - Österreich

by Harley Jones
Bestehend aus Studierenden und Absolventen der beiden Klassen für Steirische Harmonika an Bruckneruni Linz und Musikhochschule München, handelt es sich hier um ein Ensemble in unterschiedlichen Besetzungen. Ziel ist es, neue Wege auf der Harmonika zu gehen - in der Ausbildung, bei der Wahl der gespielten Literatur sowie beim gemeinsamen Konzertieren auf der Bühne.

Bestehend aus Studierenden und Absolventen der beiden Klassen für Steirische Harmonika an Bruckneruni Linz und Musikhochschule München, handelt es sich hier um ein Ensemble in unterschiedlichen Besetzungen. Ziel ist es, neue Wege auf der Harmonika zu gehen - in der Ausbildung, bei der Wahl der gespielten Literatur sowie beim gemeinsamen Konzertieren auf der Bühne.

hamau-records cd 011

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Video: Concert Celebrates Piazzolla, Buenos Aires - Argentina

by Harley Jones
Video: Allow time for the large video to load. Starts at 4 minutes.

Bandoneonist Daniel Binelli and guitarist César Angeleri have been working together for more than two decades. This video is of their concert to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Piazzolla’s birth at the Colón Teatro in Buenos Aires, Argentina this week.

Their program included Piazzolla classics such as "Chiquilín de Bachín" and "Adiós Nonino".

eSheet Music Titles

Astor Piazzolla "la rage du tango" avec Louise Jallu - France

by Diatonic News
Astor Piazzolla
Comment s’attaque-t-on à un monument tel qu’Astor Piazzolla, roi du bandonéon et empereur du tango ? « Avec un peu de culot », répond tout sourire Louise Jallu, 26 ans (photo). La bandonéoniste française s’est affranchie de la présence magistrale du musicien argentin, qui aurait eu 100 ans en 2021, pour mieux l’interpréter avec une énergie neuve. En quartet, avec Mathias Lévy au violon et à la guitare électrique, Marc Benham aux pianos et Alexandre Perrot à la contrebasse, elle fait flamboyer des « classiques », tel le célèbre Libertango.

Louise Jallu y pensait depuis ses débuts au bandonéon… à 5 ans. « Ma sœur aînée l’étudiait au conservatoire de Gennevilliers. J’étais fascinée par le son de cet instrument », raconte-t-elle. Piazzolla était alors trop difficile pour les fillettes. Depuis, formée au sein du même conservatoire par Bernard Cavanna, conseillée par le pianiste Gustavo Beytelmann, qui a joué auprès du maestro, la jeune artiste s’est lancée, enregistrant Piazzolla 2021 à la Philharmonie de Paris.

Un exceptionnel solo au bugle du trompettiste de jazz Médéric Collignon éclaire le titre Oblivion, réinventé. D’autres prennent des résonances de musique contemporaine, évoquant l’esprit de Piazzolla sans l’imiter. Le maestro « se permettait beaucoup de variations dans les harmonies et les rythmes ».Il n’a jamais figé ses compositions. « Ce que j’aime chez Piazzolla, c’est la rage qu’il dégage à faire vivre sa musique, sa sincérité folle sur scène. C’est un personnage fascinant », s’enflamme Louise Jallu.

Une fascination partagée par le bandonéoniste Sébastien Authemayou et la pianiste Marielle Gars, réunis dans le Duo Intermezzo. Ces deux passionnés de la vie et de l’œuvre de l’inventeur du « tango nuevo » consacrent un splendide livre-disque au musicien exilé en Europe pendant la dictature argentine et décédé en 1992.

Libertad montre en majesté, avec des archives inédites, de rares témoignages et un morceau à écouter à chaque chapitre, un artiste majeur à l’importante postérité, du violoncelliste Yo-Yo Ma à Guy Marchand. L’acteur et chanteur français, qui signe la postface de cette biographie de référence, avait créé en 1975 la version française de Libertango, chanson qui a marqué les esprits, « Moi je suis tango, tango »…
Nathalie Lacube, le 20/03/2021

Titano Accordions

New Video: “Dreamy Harmonica” by Andreas Terzer & Hanspeter Nocker - Italy

by Harley Jones
A new video entitled “Dreamy Harmonica” has been released by Tyrolis Music and features musicians Andreas Terzer (accordion) & Hanspeter Nocker (guitar) from South Tyrol, Italy.


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Video: New Composition by Alex Meixner - USA

by Harley Jones
Video: An excerpt from the Button Box Medley video by Alex Meixner featuring his new Polka Composition "Give it a Go".

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