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Diatonic News - Aug-2023
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Voci Armoniche


2023 Carrefour Mondial Accordion Festival, Québec - Canada
78. Villacher Kirchtag - Kärnten/Villach/Österreich
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich
Festival Interceltique de Lorient - France
Stage d'accordéon diatonique Concerts et Bals - France
Dinner cruise & accordion concert with BayanTonic - Sweden/Norway
BandAdriata Estate 2023 - Italia
16e Concours d'Accordéon Castagnari - Loric/France
Harmonika Müller Hausmesse - Kärnten/Österreich

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Cotati Festival 2023 on August 19 & 20 - CA/USA
Giovani & Folk - Lauria/Italia
Fleadh Cheoil - Ireland
Stage d'accordéon diatonique con Bruno Le Tron - Italia
Archie’s Box Academy (Getting Started) - UK
Stage with the Duo Jonsson Coudroy - SE/FR/UK
Kaulonia Tarantella Festival - Italia
Le festival La Virée Trad - Canada/Québec
Stowe Tango Music Festival - USA
Fesch n'Rock - Österreich
Civitella Alfedena Folk Festival- Barrera/Civitella/Italia
Stage d'accordéon diato 3 rangs avec Denis Pépin - QC/Canada
Melton Folk Festival - UK
Stage di organetto con Anthony Planche e Bruno Le Tron - Italia
Boombal Festival - Belgium
Concerts during the Feakle Festival - Ireland
53° Festival Abruzzese dell'Organetto - Italia
Sidmouth Folk Festival - UK
Stage d'accordéon diatonique (1 rang) avec Susie Lemay - Montmagny/CN
Tarantella Power - RC/Italia
Stage ACCORDÉON DIATONIQUE avec Duo Naragonia - France
Shrewsbury Folk Festival - UK
Sydney Folk Festival - Australia
Stage e concert avec Martin Coudroy - FR

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Pablo Corradini Quintet a Vigolzone - Italia
Marc Pircher unter anderem auf der Festbùhne in Villach - Österreich/Schweiz
Olmaro Duo/Lorient - France
Le Vent du Nord - Canada/UK
Parco di Tuscolo "Il cielo di Tuscolo" - Italia
Didier Laloy with several projects on tour - France/Belgium
Riccardo Tesi in Agosto 2023 - Italia/Austria
Lil Jim performing @ Shrewsbury Folk Festival - UK
Dermitaziach - "Marco" wird die Festbühne/Villach zum Hexenkessl machen - Kärnten/Österreich
Grande Soirée de l'Irlande - FR/Ireland
"5 Cent Coffee" in August - CA / USA
Beltango Quinteto: World Premiere Balkan Tango - La Bombonera - (Serbia)France
Die Deutsche voXXclub Gruppe im August - Villach/Österreich und DE
Versus / Vs duo Guerbigny - Camelin en Août - FR
Paolo Fresu e Daniele Di Bonaventura - Castelfidardo/Italia
The Bush Music Club at the Sydney Folk Festival - Sydney/Australia
Iko Ya Ya @ Cotatifest - USA/CA
ECQUISS @ Festival Interceltique de Lorient - France
Tango with Victor Hugo Villena et Sabrina Condello - Montmagny/Canada
Folk X time im August/Villacher Kirchtag - Austria
Concert sous les arbres - Belgium
In Villach: Die Edelseer (Steiermark) - Österreich
Dave Johnson and Friends - Sydney/Australia
Barou / Noguet / Conq - 10/08/2023 - France
Sharon Shannon performing in August - UK/Ireland
ARBADÉTORNE en août - France
California Blue Runners performing Aug - California/USA

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD "Volata" Mario Salvi - Italia
Single "Angles" von den Silianer Buibm - Österreich

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

2023 Carrefour Mondial Accordion Festival, Québec - Canada

by Diatonic News
2023 Carrefour Mondial Accordion Festival, Québec - Canada
The Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon is an annual and international music festival taking place in Montmagny (Chaudière-Appalaches) during Labor Day weekend, since 34 years.

The program presents artists from Quebec, Canada but also from many other countries. The musicians display all the tones of the accordion on our indoor and outdoor stages.

The organisation also manages a music school in Montmagny where kids and adults can learn to play the instrument of their choice. It is also in charge of the Musée de l’accordéon, the only Canadian institution centered around this them


Sounding Out the Accordion

78. Villacher Kirchtag - Kärnten/Villach/Österreich

by Diatonic News
Nach einer außergewöhnlichen Brauchtumswoche im Vorjahr, freuen sich villach wieder ganz besonders auf den 78. Villacher Kirchtag 2023, wenn Einwohner:innen und Gäste der Stadt Villach eine ganze Woche lang Österreichs größtes Brauchtumsfest feiern!

Als am 1. August 1936 zahllose Fahnen über die fröhliche Stadt Villach flatterten, wussten die Initiatoren des Villacher Kirchtags wohl kaum, welche Entwicklung diese Veranstaltung in Zukunft nehmen würde.

Der große Erfolg, der dem ersten Kirchtag beschieden war, veranlasste die Organisatoren den Villacher Kirchtag auch weiterhin durchzuführen und nur die Kriegsjahre des 2. Weltkrieges von 1940 bis 1947 sowie die Pandemiejahre von 2020 bis 2021 brachten eine Unterbrechung in der Reihe dieser Veranstaltung.

Musik - Musik - Musik - Tanz und Brauchtum
Lassen Sie sich dieses Fest NICHT entgehen. 2022 zählte man 450.000 Besucher.

Das Programm finden Sie auf: www.villacherkirchtag.at


Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation

Voci Armoniche

Festival Interceltique de Lorient - France

by Diatonic News
4-13 août 2023


Le plus grand rassemblement mondial des celtes
10 jours ​et 10 nuits de ​concerts, spectacles, animations et bien d’autres tous les ans début août
Plus de 5 000 musiciens, chanteurs, danseurs, plasticiens, universitaires, cinéastes, d’Écosse, d’Irlande, du Pays de Galles, de Cornouailles, de l’Île de Man, de Galice, des Asturies, de Bretagne, ainsi que de la diaspora celtique à travers le monde (USA, Acadie, Australie, Nouvelle-Zélande etc.)
Une Grande Parade des Nations Celtes qui attire plus de 80 000 spectateurs dans les rues de Lorient le premier dimanche
850 000 visiteurs et spectateurs
Plus de 1500 bénévoles
Autour de 300 spectacles et animations proposées sur 12 scènes
Des festoù-noz, des ateliers de musique, des conférences, des concerts tous les jours sur des scènes et dans les bars de la ville, des master class d’instruments celtes, des défilés journaliers, des concours de cornemuse, de gaita, d’accordéon, de harpe celtique, de batterie, de pipe-bands, un jardin des arts et des luthiers, un espace Solidaire,…
Un Quai du Livre, un marché artisan en cohérence avec la thématique du festival
Du sport : du gouren, des jeux athlétiques bretons, du rugby, de la lutte celtique, du football gaélique…
Des expositions d’œuvres d’arts des pays celtes

Friedrich Lips Book

Stage d'accordéon diatonique Concerts et Bals - France

by Diatonic News
Stage d'accordéon diatonique HEMMA 8
Hemma #8 du 06/08 au 12/08/2023

dès le dimanche 06/08 à partir de 17h30
Stage du lundi 07/08 matin au vendredi 11/08 à 17h
Bal de fin de stage le vendredi soir
Départ le samedi 12/08 avant 10h

Toute autre situation ou questions :
De préférence par email : coudroy.martin@orange.fr
Ou +33 (0)6 63 74 63 36

Fiche d'inscription Hemma #8 http://www.martincoudroy.com/uploads/7/3/2/0/73200441/fiche_inscription_stage_hemma_8.pdf

À renvoyer par email à compagnie.takatom@gmail.com

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Dinner cruise & accordion concert with BayanTonic - Sweden/Norway

by Diatonic News
BayanTonicIn August, we invite you on board for a unique evening in Gothenburg's archipelago and a concert with the world-renowned accordion duo BayanTonic. During the cruise you will be served shrimp frossa or sandwich cake.

August 18, at 18-22
795 kr/pp including mat

BayanTonic is a duo consisting of Lars Karlsson from Fjärås on major and Øivind Farmen from Selbu, Norway, on concert accordion (Bayan). The duo has toured half the world for the past 15 years, performing in everything from churches and concert halls to festivals.

Over the years, Lars has received a lot of attention through his composing, which weaves together many different musical styles in an innovative way. He has been one of the leading major players in the Nordics for 30 years and has won international prizes for his music. Øivind has won the accordion world championships and stands out as one of Norway's absolute best on his instrument. In Sweden, we have seen him on tours both as a soloist and in the folk music group Flukt.

Book your ticket: https://bohuslinjen.se/eventkalender/

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

BandAdriata Estate 2023 - Italia

by Diatonic News
Un’estate sui palchi per la Bandadriatica: parte il tour estivo per “la band che unisce i popoli”, che dopo le strepitose esibizioni in Spagna e Svizzera di giugno, rispettivamente al Festival Med a Loule e il Festival des 5 Continents a Martigny si esibirà in alcuni concerti in Italia tra Puglia, Campania, Lazio, Molise e Basilicata.
Trasportata dai venti vorticosi del Mediterraneo, la BandAdriatica arriva dalla Puglia con una proposta originale e allegra che mescola i suoni dei vari paesi che si affacciano sul Mar Mediterraneo: la tradizione della 'banda' italiana - che anima le parti, le processioni e i funerali con il suo profondo e suono ancestrale - il virtuosismo e l'energia della musica dei Balcani e le influenze e le suggestioni del Nord Africa. Sopra tutto questo la libertà e la potenza del jazz. Una fantastica 'Odissea' - proprio come il titolo dell'ultimo album (2018), realizzata da otto musicisti con una straordinaria sezione fiati e una raffinata proposta musicale completata da una forte presenza scenica arricchita da divertenti e coinvolgenti movimenti coreografici.
Un risultato potente, frutto di dieci anni di ricerca sulle matrici musicali comuni delle sponde del Mare Adriatico, confrontandosi con le musiche di Albania, Macedonia, Croazia, con le fanfare Serbe e il Nord Africa e spingendosi fino al Mediterraneo più orientale.
Una miscela sensazionale che sprigiona un’energia contagiosa, in cui le diverse lingue si fondono in un'esplosione, in grado di coinvolgere ogni volta il pubblico in una grande festa.
I prossimi concerti di Bandadriatica live 2023 si terranno à Veroli (FR) per lo storico Ernica Etnica (5 agosto), San Cassiano (LE) per il Festival delle Periferie (8 agosto), Matino (LE) per Vicoli d’arte, Terranova del Pollino (PZ) per Terranovart (12 agosto), Leverano (LE) per la Festa di San Rocco (il
12 agosto) e Riccia (CB) per la Festa dell’Uva (il 10 settembre) Giarre (12.05), Crucoli (14.05), Lecce (19.05), Roma (26.05) e Labro (27.05). Nuovi concerti, ad arricchire il tour della Bandadriatica, sono in via di conferma.
Il tour è promosso da Ipe Ipe music nell'ambito della Programmazione Puglia Sounds TOUR ITALIA 2023

23 luglio | Presicce (LE) | Borgo di Presicce in Mostra
27 luglio | Foiano Valfortore (BN) ! FeoFest
5 agosto | Veroli (FR) | Ernica Etnica
8 agosto | San Cassiano (LE) | Festival delle Periferie
11 agosto | Matino Vicoli d'arte c'è musica nell'aria
12 agosto | Terranova di Pollino (PZ) | Terranovart
16 agosto | Leverano (LE) | Festa di San Rocco
10 settembre Riccia (CB), Festa dell’Uva


16e Concours d'Accordéon Castagnari - Loric/France

by Diatonic News
16e Concours d'Accordéon Castagnari - Loric/France
Le 11/08/2023 à 15h00 - Le Palais - 8€ / 9.80€

Accordion Competition FIL
The contest will take place at the Interceltic Festival of Lorient on August 11th, 2023, at 3:00pm in the
Palais des Congrès. The competition is open to the public.

Né en 1830, en Autriche, l’accordéon devient populaire dans toute l’Europe et au delà par le biais des marins. Il fait son apparition en Bretagne en 1890. Dans les années 70, grâce à la formation des premiers groupes de Fest-noz (Alain Pennec, Yann-Fanch Perroches, Ronan Robert…) dont la renommée n’est plus à faire, l’accordéon est remis au goût du jour. Le 10e trophée d'accordéon est ouvert aux accordéons diatoniques. 6 à 8 candidats sont sélectionnés et doivent interpréter une suite ininterrompue de 10 minutes comprenant 3 airs de pays celtes différents. 4 prix seront décernés dont un prix décerné par le public : Prix Marithé Kerihuel, initiatrice de ce concours.


Titano Accordions

Harmonika Müller Hausmesse - Kärnten/Österreich

by Diatonic News
Harmonika Müller
Harmonika Müller wird vom 25. bis 27. August 2023 täglich von 9 bis 17 Uhr eine Hausmesse in Bad St. Leonhard, Kärnten, Österreich durchführen.

Die Veranstaltung bietet neben speziellen Angeboten auch "Einblicke in die Herstellung einer Müller-Harmonika".

1976 verließ die erste handgefertigte Steirische die von Peter und Edith Müller gegründete Meisterwerkstatt. Seither hat sich das Unternehmen zum heute größten Harmonikahersteller Österreichs mit über 45 Mitarbeitern entwickelt, die mit langjähriger Erfahrung, aber auch mit modernster Technik alle Komponenten im eigenen Haus fertigen, prüfen und montieren.

Für weitere Informationen: office@harmonika.at

English: Harmonika Müller will hold an in-house exhibition in Bad St Leonhard, Carinthia, Austria from August 25th to 27th, 2023 from 9am to 5pm daily.

The event will feature special offers as well as “an insight into the production of a Müller harmonica”.

In 1976, the first handmade Styrian left the master workshop founded by Peter and Edith Müller. Since then, the company has grown to become today's largest harmonica manufacturer in Austria with over 45 employees, who now manufacture, test and assemble all components in in-house departments with years of experience but also using state-of-the-art technology.

Accordion Jazz Chord

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Cotati Festival 2023 on August 19 & 20 - CA/USA

by Diatonic News
Get ready for the 2023 Cotati Accordion Festival! It will be at La Plaza Park, La Plaza, Cotati, CA 94931, on August 19 & 20, 2023. Make sure to attend the Cotati Accordion Festival Zydeco Dance Party. Starting at noon on Saturday, August 19th, the Zydeco Dance Party opens up at Spanky’s, adjacent to the park and our festival. There is not only dancing inside the club, but there is a lot of dancing space outside on the wide sidewalk adjacent to the club which was full of dancers last year. On top of that, we get to start things off with the incomparable Mark St.Mary.

Mark St.Mary has been awarded the “Best Zydeco Band” by the Bay Area Blues Society and the “Delta King” never fails to bring the best in traditional Louisiana zydeco music. Mark closes out his set at 5:00 only to be followed by more dancing in the zydeco tent which starts up at 5:15 on Saturday with Iko Ya Ya and their “swamp rock and roll”. Iko Ya Ya will be mixing a lot of genres in with their zydeco and it all ends up in a stew that has everyone dancing for another couple of hours.

On Sunday the Zydeco Dance Party starts anew with the California Blue Runners at Spankys. Andrew Carriere, Haywood Douresseau, Tom Stewart, Andre Nigoghossian and David Hymowitz bring their deep Louisaniana experience to Cotati for all of us to enjoy. Once again, the party continues at 5:15 in the tent with long-time local favorites The Wild Catahoulas creating the ultimate in an upbeat vibe and the perfect dancing environment.

The Cotati Accordion Festival is a non-profit organization established in 1991 to promote the love of the accordion and to support local youth service organizations. To date, they have contributed in over $500,000 to the youth of the community.

For further information: email: info@cotatifest.com

Giovani & Folk - Lauria/Italia

by Diatonic News
curato dal Maestro Alessandro Gaudio

Charnwood Music Publishing


by Diatonic News
Borgorose (RI) - Italia 08/10 settembre 2023

Con il patrocinio del Comune di Borgorose (RI), della “Fondazione Varrone” Cassa di
Risparmio di Rieti e del Comune di Pescorocchiano (RI), l’ A.M.I.SA.D. APS (Associazione
Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici) di Maiolati Spontini (AN), in collaborazione
con l’Associazione "Gli Amici dell’Organetto di Corvaro" di Borgorose (RI), l’Associazione
“Amici della Musica APS” di San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) e il “Centro Didattico Musicale
Italiano di Recoaro Terme” (VI), indice ed organizza dal 08 al 10 settembre 2023, la 26°
Edizione del “Campionato del Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica”, a

Alla manifestazione vi potranno prendere parte candidati di ogni nazionalità con strumenti
diatonici di qualsiasi tipo:
- selezionati in concorsi, eventi e/o premi nazionali e internazionali indetti dall’A.M.I.SA.D.
APS o in collaborazione con la stessa Associazione.
- Campioni Nazionali di Organetto e Fisarmonica Diatonica.
- Campioni Europei di Organetto e Fisarmonica Diatonica
- Campioni Mondiali “Junior” e “Senior” di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica che
concorrano ad una Sezione diversa da quella a cui è stato conferito il Titolo o che per età
accedano alla categoria superiore.

Il campionato, che si svolgerà nei locali dell’Istituto Omnicomprensivo Borgorose sito in Viale
Micangeli n.41 a Borgorose (RI), si articolerà nelle seguenti Sezioni e relative categorie
suddivise in base alle tipologie di strumenti e all’età anagrafica dei partecipanti:
(strumenti con una 1 o 2 file di voci al canto 2 o 4 bassi)
(strumenti con 2 file di voci al canto con 8 bassi e oltre)
(strumenti con 3 file di voci al canto e oltre con 8 bassi e oltre)
(strumenti diatonici: Organetto, Fisarmonica Diatonica, Fisarmonica Diatonica Plus)

- iscrizioni Associazione APS “A.M.I.SA.D.” giancaronco@gmail.com
- logistica Associazione APS “Gli Amici dell’Organetto di Corvaro” lucatortora1974@gmail.com 3287433608 Luca 3476399681 Nicola

Il Presente Regolamento con allegata scheda di partecipazione è disponibile sul sito

Voci Armoniche

Fleadh Cheoil - Ireland

by Diatonic News
fleadh cheoil
Fleadh returns to Mullingar for 2023
Ag filleadh ar ais chuig an Mhuileann gCearr

Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann has announced Mullingar as the venue for Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann 2023.
Mullingar hosted the highly successful and much accoladed Fleadh 2022, the Homecoming, welcoming in the region of 500,000 visitors to the founding town of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann embracing all aspects of the Irish cultural traditions.

Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann has welcomed in the region of 500,000 visitors and generates upwards on €50m for the local economy.

Welcoming the news, Cathaoirleach of the Fleadh Executive Committee, Joe Connaire, said:

“It has been a great privilege to host this fantastic event and showcase Ireland’s Hidden Heartlands to a global audience. Today’s news is a testament to the Comhaltas volunteer committee, with the support of Westmeath County Council, and the passion that was collectively brought to make this year’s Fleadh a resounding success and an unforgettable one.”

Fleadh Cheoil - Ireland


Stage d'accordéon diatonique con Bruno Le Tron - Italia

by Diatonic News
Bruno le Tron
19 al 25 Agosto 2023, Urbino (Italia)

Livelli medi e avanzati

L’apprendimento si baserà sulle sue composizioni ispirate alla musica tradizionale europea. Lavorate sul mantice, sugli ornamenti, sull’accompagnamento e sulle diverse tecniche esecutive che caratterizzano il suo stile.
Allestimento di brani collettivi con seconda voce e accompagnamento. Apprendimento solo orale senza spartiti o tablature!


Per iscrivervi scriveteci a: info@calucente.com

Archie’s Box Academy (Getting Started) - UK

by Diatonic News
Archie’s Box Academy (Getting Started) - UK
Monday 4 Sep 10:30am–1pm, 2023 (lmore dates see below and book in advance)

If you’re a more advanced player, you might want to check out Archie’s ‘Getting Better’ workshop instead.

Archie Churchill-Moss continues to support beginner melodeon players in these enjoyable once-a month workshops. Each 2.5 hour session will present a new challenge, with time for individual help to support less confident / less advanced players and to stretch more ambitious / more accomplished musicians. You’ll be learning new tunes and techniques each month, while also developing a working knowledge of music theory, and your own creativity as the course progresses.

New students are welcome to join the course, and you may book for individual classes or in advance for the full term.

Archie Churchill-Moss: His engaging teaching style comes from a wealth of experience in his position as senior lecturer in ‘Folk Music’ at Leeds College of Music and teaching on the National Youth Folk Ensemble residentials.

Next Dates in 2023 are 16 October, 6 November and 11 December.


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Stage with the Duo Jonsson Coudroy - SE/FR/UK

by Diatonic News
Duo Jonsson Coudroy
Violin and diatonic accordion
Sweden and France - Hälsingland and Brittany

What they have in common is their passion for traditional dance music. Lena and Martin have sailed far from their familiar shores and met halfway. Paths crossed, music exchanged and it soon became clear that they had a lot to say to each other and a lot to share. Bow and bellows intertwine, intertwine and challenge each other to invent music that is alive, joyful and surprising.
Like a pebble still warm from the last holiday, one that you keep in the back of your pocket and caress from time to time, you'll want to take their music with you, so you'll always have the feeling of freedom or the memory of an evening with you.

25 au 28 août 2023 Duo Jonsson Coudroy à Kinnersley Castle (UK)
29 août 2023 Duo Jonsson Coudroy à Londres (UK)
30 août au 9 septembre 2023 Duo Jonsson Coudroy en France e BZH


Kaulonia Tarantella Festival - Italia

by Diatonic News
Kaulonia Tarantella Festival - Italia
Il KAULONIA TARANTELLA FESTIVAL, il più importante, rilevante e storico evento di musica popolare in Calabria giunge quest’anno alla sua XXV edizione.

KAULONIA TARANTELLA PRIDE, sarà questo il titolo dell’edizione 2023 che segnerà il primo quarto di secolo per un evento che è da sempre luogo di condivisione, inclusione e integrazione e che quest’anno, partendo dalla festa popolare e dalla musica folk e world, proverà ad entrare anche nel merito di tematiche culturali, sociali e civili.

Il KAULONIA TARANTELLA FESTIVAL si svolgerà dal 23 al 26 agosto 2023 e, come di consueto, partirà fin dal pomeriggio con corsi e seminari gratuiti nelle strade del centro storico, per poi passare agli incontri di approfondimento e confronto pre serali e infine lasciare spazio ai concerti che come sempre si svolgeranno dalle ore 21,30 nella suggestiva cornice di Piazza Mese e proseguiranno, fino a notte inoltrata,concludendosi all’ormai iconico Sperone di Caulonia.


Titano Accordions

Le festival La Virée Trad - Canada/Québec

by Diatonic News
Le festival La Virée Trad - Canada/Québec
Une immersion dans le patrimoine vivant du Québec
C'est plus fort que toi, ça te démange de faire une Virée Trad à Carleton-sur-Mer, dans la Baie-des-Chaleurs, en Gaspésie ?
D’être sur le plancher du Centre des congrès de la Gaspésie parmi les 300 danseurs pour la veillée du vendredi, d’aller voir une quinzaine de spectacles en salle ou sur la scène extérieure (musique, chanson et danse traditionnelles, contes et légendes), de profiter de ce que nous offrent les 56 producteurs et artisans du plus grand marché en Gaspésie, de participer aux différents ateliers (podorythmie, gigue, violon), de t’amuser sur les différents parcours de l’école de cirque Satourne de Rimouski ou de visiter une exposition.



Stowe Tango Music Festival - USA

by Diatonic News
Stowe Tango Music Festival
The Stowe Tango Music Festival will take place in Stowe, Vermont, USA from August 18th to 20th, 2023.

As part of the event, a Bandoneon/Piano Intensive Workshop with Hector Del Curto & Victor Lavallen, will be held from August 8th to 13th and a Tango Academy from August 14th to 20th.

Finals of the Che Bandoneon International Competition will be held on August 18th with an award ceremony on the 19th.

For details email: stowetangomusicfestival@gmail.com

Voci Armoniche

Fesch n'Rock - Österreich

by Diatonic News

Civitella Alfedena Folk Festival- Barrera/Civitella/Italia

by Diatonic News
Nuova edizione del Civitella Alfedena Folk Festival, che quest’anno, con Barrea e Villetta Barrea, risuonerà per tutto il lago!

Sono aperte le prenotazioni e iscrizioni ai laboratori didattici che saranno tenuti tutti da insegnanti qualificati. Sono a numero chiuso quindi prenotatevi in tempo se non volete rischiare di rimanere fuori. Tarantella cilentana, Pizzica pizzica, Saltarello amatriciano, Tarantella del Gargano, Organetto, Tamburello, Tammorra, Canto popolare. Info 3392327810.
Per info vedi Poster/chiamare Mario Salvi

Stage d'accordéon diato 3 rangs avec Denis Pépin - QC/Canada

by Diatonic News
Stage d'accordéon diato 3 rangs avec Denis Pépin
September 1st 2023
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm / Doors: 1:30 pm
École internationale de musique
101-C av. Sainte-Julie, Montmagny, QC, Canada

For more information about this event, please contact Carrefour mondial de l'accordéon at communications@accordeonmontmagny.com.

Accordion Jazz Chords

Melton Folk Festival - UK

by Diatonic News
CadenzaSummer Festival – August 5th and 6th 2023

The Summer 2023 Melton Folk Festival is expected to consist of over 60 acts hosted across more than a dozen venues in the town of Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, UK.

It will be held over the weekend of 5th and 6th August 2023

It is organised by members of the Melton Folk Club as a free festival with the support of Melton BID.

Kate Morris & Tony Croft "Cadenza are Nottingham based musicians who perform classical, European, Folk, contemporary and original music on accordion, melodeon and concertina. Their music is surprisingly gentle and easy to listen to – complimented by unique and intricate harmonies.

Saturday : 1:20 pm RAF Association, Melton Mowbray
Saturday : 2:40 pm Odd Clock Cafe
Saturday : 4:00 pm Nigels Cafe


Stage di organetto con Anthony Planche e Bruno Le Tron - Italia

by Diatonic News
Stage di organetto con Anthony Planche e Bruno Le Tron - Italia
12 AGO ALLE ORE 17:00 - 25 AGO ALLE ORE 11:00

Evento di Ca' Lucente / Urbino
Durata: 13 giorni

Dal 12 agosto al 25 agosto avrete la possibilità di partecipare a due stage di organetto di due musicisti francesi d'eccezione, Anthony Planche e Bruno Le Tron!
Anthony Planche dedicherà le sue lezioni ad allievi di livello base e intermedio.
Bruno Le Tron si dedicherà invece a coloro che hanno già raggiunto un livello di conoscenza della strumento superiore.

Ogni stage durerà 6 giorni di cui 5 giorni di lezione.
Lo stage avrà luogo in uno splendido casolare nei pressi di Urbino, in cui ci prenderemo cura di voi, offrendovi alloggio in camere da due a quattro persone e permettendovi di assaggiare la cucina locale, preparata principalmente con prodotti a km0. Il costo dello stage, compreso di vitto e alloggio è di 670,00 Euro per la tariffa piena, e di 600,00 Euro per studenti e disoccupati.

Per chi vuole partecipare ai corsi senza usufruire del pernottamento il costo è di 400,00 Euro.
Per maggiori informazioni, potete visitare il sito www.calucente.com o scrivere a info@calucente.com
Affrettatevi a prenotare, sono rimasti solo pochi posti disponibili!!!


Titano Accordions

Boombal Festival - Belgium

by Diatonic News
Boombal Festival - Belgium
24th August 10:30 - 27th August 23:59 2023 Boterhoek 8/9920 Lovendegem
The reception open each day at 10.30 am.

For the huge line-up and time table pls visit: www.boombalfestival.be

Concerts during the Feakle Festival - Ireland

by Diatonic News
Feakle Festival
Artists/Concerts at the
Thursday 10th August 2023

Cormac Begley and Liam O’ Connor
Cormac Begley is a bass, baritone, treble and piccolo concertina player who hails from the infamous Begley family on the Dingle Peninsula. His recent solo album ‘B’ explores the sounds of the Bass and Baritone concertina range. Begley captivates his audience with heart stopping performances. Recently he has brought immense joy to his listeners as he has travelled around the country in his campervan ‘Beauty’ for an outdoor concert series.

Cormac will be joined by fiddle maestro Liam O’Connor. Liam was born into a musical family in Dublin, his father Mick is a renowned flute-player. In 2002 Liam was awarded the prestigious TG4, “Young Traditional Musician of the Year”. Liam absorbed much music in the home and began fiddle lessons with Seamus Glackin at the age of 8 and he credits Seamus with having developed and sustained his deep interest in traditional fiddle music. He has won 5 All Ireland fiddle and slow air championships, and won the Oireachtas fiddle competition at junior and senior levels. The Loom, a solo album that received five-star ratings and rave reviews, was released in and was voted Trad Album

Danny O’Mahony is a traditional musician from Ballyduff in North County Kerry. He grew up playing music with the older generation of musicians in his locality. Both imaginative and fearless in his interpretation, Danny’s musical style is expressive and deeply personal, and reflects his affinity with the music of past masters. His performance abilities have been acknowledged through winning Junior & Senior All-Ireland titles. In 2013 Danny was awarded Top Button Accordionist by the Irish Music Association in America.

He will be joined on the night with concertina maestro Mícheál Ó Raghallaigh. This duo have collaborated together and released their duet album, aptly titled ‘As it Happened’. This features Danny & Mícheál playing unaccompanied in the comfort of Mícheál’s kitchen. ‘As it Happened’ was awarded Instrumental Album of the year by LiveIreland Music Awards.

Mícheál Ó Raghallaigh is a concertina player and recording artist residing in County Meath, Ireland. He has been a member of the band Providence. He plays with the Táin & Naomh Pádraig Céilí Bands, and has released 2 solo albums ‘Inside out’ and ‘The nervous man’. His most recent recording has been a collaboration with Tim Collins, Pádraig Rynne, Caitlín Nic Gabhann and Edel Fox, entitled ICE (Irish Concertina Ensemble). They released an album in 2015 called Zero.

More on: https://feaklefestival.ie/

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

53° Festival Abruzzese dell'Organetto - Italia

by Diatonic News
12 Agosto 2022

La Sound Eventi, la Pro Loco di Basciano APS e il Direttore Artistico presentano la 53^ edizione del Festival Abruzzese dell’Organetto Ddu Botte!


eSheet Music Titles

Sidmouth Folk Festival - UK

by Diatonic News
Sidmouth Folk Festival - UK
A week-long seaside celebration of music, dance and song. Since 1955.

It’s the diversity and community spirit that sets Sidmouth apart from other festivals – it has, as it says, an ear to the past and an eye on the future – it is steeped in tradition which is a most important part of Sidmouth – but not in a stuffy way, it keeps in touch with current stuff too. There is a community tradition/vibe you don’t get at other festivals – so much different stuff going on that any two people can go to The Sidmouth Folk Festival and have a completely different festival experience. The ad-lib stuff like songs & tunes on the bus, busking in the bus shelter, rapper dance in the bars in town, etc (part of the community spirit) is all part of what makes Sidmouth special. You have to go to Sidmouth Folk Week to get it, and when you do best to stay for the whole week to get the whole Sidmouth experience.”

Expect the very best Sidmouth quality assurance stamp in each area of the festival with some fantastic headline concert and dance names from throughout the British Isles and beyond.


Titano Accordions

Stage d'accordéon diatonique (1 rang) avec Susie Lemay - Montmagny/CN

by Diatonic News
Stage d'accordéon diatonique (1 rang) avec Susie Lemay - Montmagny/CN
September 1st 2023
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm / Doors: 1:30 pm
École internationale de musique
101-C av. Sainte-Julie, Montmagny, QC, Canada

Le Carrefour mondial de l'accordéon vous offre une programmation toujours aussi riche! Nous accueillons du 1 au 3 septembre 2023 à Montmagny (Chaudière-Appalaches) des accordéonistes de haut vol. Jazz, musique traditionnelle et classique, il y en aura pour tous les goûts ! Le festival se déroule sur des scènes intérieures et extérieures, tout en comprenant des activités gratuites.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Tarantella Power - RC/Italia

by Diatonic News
Tarantella Power - RC/Italia
Docente: Fortunato Verduci
Il corso si occuperà dell’organetto diatonico 2 bassi e del suono tradizionale dell’area reggina (viddaneddha):

approcci allo strumento; approcci sul ritmo del 6/8 e 12/8; approccio della mano sinistra sullo strumento (bassi); approccio della mano destra sullo strumento (melodia).

Termine iscrizioni - 10 Agosto 2023
Ad ogni iscritto verrà rilasciato un attestato di partecipazione da parte del conservatorio, spendibile come credito formativo in diversi ambiti.


Voci Armoniche

Stage ACCORDÉON DIATONIQUE avec Duo Naragonia - France

by Diatonic News
Duo Naragonia
Accordéon diatonique
à découvrir différents éléments à rajouter à une mélodie pour la jouer à chaque fois un peu différente; variations de la mélodie, variations main gauche, ornementations, l'interprétation,...

à découvrir le monde de l’accompagnement: où se trouvent les accords et quels sont les renversements possible, quelles sont les différentes possibilités rhytmiques, comment trouver les accords d’une mélodie etc…

stage de jeu d'ensemble. Créer ensemble une histoire musicale où chacun va trouver sa place. On travaille pas avec des mélodies qui existent déjà mais plutôt faire de la musique avec des rifs, grilles, petits fragments de mélodies qui vont former une jolie histoire musicale. Le but de ce stage est de jouer ensemble... ça semble très clair et simple mais c'est une vrai et belle aventure . On cherche les talents de chacun et chacune , on va écouter à l'ensemble et on va essayer de rigoler au maximum dans ce cadre extraordinaire.


Sounding Out the Accordion

Shrewsbury Folk Festival - UK

by Diatonic News
As far as the music is concerned, Shrewsbury Folk Festival has a reputation for delivering the very finest acts from the UK and around the world, always searching to find new authentic artists as well as providing a platform for established performers, and never forgetting to add some fun and diversity to our concerts. The organizers try to bring quality in depth, and they recognise the need to give their artists and audiences the best stages, in the best marquees, with the best sound and lighting possible.

When you arrive, all of your needs are catered for. A fantastic campsite where you are never more than a few moments from a venue and where you park your vehicles next to your tent or caravan. We have the best set of on-site caterers on the folk (or any other) scene, great bars, proper flushing toilets and loads of excellent showers.

There are many of events and entertainment for children and young people, workshops for everyone and brilliant sessions both organised and impromptu. Provided are free buses into town, an excellent on-site shop, a craft fair, a huge car park, dance displays, and friendly, helpful stewarding teams.

Shrewsbury Folk Festival… you can’t imagine how much you will discover!



Sydney Folk Festival - Australia

by Diatonic News
Sydney Folk Festival - Australia
Sydney Folk Festival is the flagship event of the Folk Federation of NSW. Taking place in Surry Hills in the heart of Sydney it is an urban Winter festival celebrating the creativity and rich diversity of folk music and culture with music old and new from our own backyard to that from across the world.

Folk is a broad pallet. Whether you like it a little bit trad, a little bit revival or spiced up with modern grooves and catchy hooks you’ll be spoilt for choice.

More than just a series of concerts, for those who like to get “hands on” Sydney Folk Festival also provides many participatory sessions to join and more.


Voci Armoniche

Stage e concert avec Martin Coudroy - FR

by Diatonic News
Martin CoudroyStage d'accordéon diatonique
De nombreux contenus sont possibles.

Par exemple : musique suédoise - musique à danser - improvisation et variation interpréter et trouver son style - l'harmonie et l'accompagnement

1 au 6 août 2023 Stage accordéon + Bals, Fest noz, et concerts Martin Coudroy à Chauvigné (35) inscriptions

7 au 12 août 2023 Stage accordéon + Bals, Fest noz, et concerts Martin Coudroy à Chauvigné (35) inscriptions


Friedrich Lips Book

Future events / Concerts

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Pablo Corradini Quintet a Vigolzone - Italia

by Diatonic News
Pablo Corradini Quintet a Vigolzone - Italia

Concerto organizzato dal Comune di Vigolzone in collaborazione con Piacenza Jazz Club.
Ingresso libero e gratuito.
Pablo Corradini è un compositore poli-strumentista italo argentino. Ha studiato flauto traverso prima di diplomarsi in piano jazz. Parallelamente si è dedicato allo studio del bandonéon incontrandosi con grandi maestri dello strumento del paese natio attraverso i quali ha potuto formarsi come bandonéonista. Dal 2010 svolge un’intensa attività come concertista e compositore esibendosi in diverse formazioni nei festival jazz e rassegne di world music in Italia ed in Europa.
Pablo Corradini Quintet è un quintetto con bandonéon, sax, piano, contrabbasso e batteria con il quale ha prodotto due lavori discografici “Betango” ed “Alma de viejo”. I musicisti del quintetto sono Marco Postacchini (sax), Simone Maggio (pianoforte), Roberto Gazzani (contrabbasso) e Gianluca Nanni (batteria e percussioni).

Il repertorio che propone è formato da brani (composti ed arrangiati da Pablo Corradini) e qualcuno della tradizione musicale argentina. Lo stile è originale e ricercato e fonde lo swing del jazz ai ritmi del paese sudamericano. Il concerto è articolato in momenti di pura improvvisazione ad altri di rigida composizione; i temi si avvalgono dei diversi ritmi del folclore argentino come la zamba, la chacarera ed il tango e si colorano attraverso improvvisazioni e forme tipiche del jazz offrendo uno spettacolo coinvolgente e mai uguale. Il concerto propone anche rivisitazioni di alcuni brani di Astor Piazzolla, soprattutto quelli legati alle sperimentazioni di fusione tra tango e jazz del famoso compositore argentino.


Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Marc Pircher unter anderem auf der Festbùhne in Villach - Österreich/Schweiz

by Diatonic News
Marc Pircher ist ein Musiker der volkstümlichen Szene aus dem österreichischen Ried im Zillertal. Pircher singt volkstümliche Lieder sowie Schlager und tritt als Akkordeonist auf
und wird während des Villacher Kirchtags auf der Festbühne singen und spielen.

Weters im August:
DI 01.08.2023 20:15 Uhr A-9500 Villach (Kärnten), Festplatz "Villacher Kirchtag"
"Schlagerkirchtag 2023" (Solo + Moderation)

SA 05.08.2023 21:30 Uhr´ A-8291 Burgau (Stmk.), Festzelt "Strandfest 2023" (Solo)

MI 09.08.2023 12:30 Uhr A-6292 Penken - Mayrhofen (Zillertal), KASERMANDL
Eintritt frei! (Auffahrt mit der Penkenbahn in Mayrhofen)
"Marc Pircher - Stimmungsauftritt" (Duo)

DO 10.08.2023 19:00 Uhr CH-4800 Zofingen (Schweiz), Festgelände
"Heitere VolksSchlager Open Air" (Solo)

FR 11.08.2023 20:30 UhrCH-3772 St. Stephan (Schweiz), Festplatz beim Hotel & Restaurant DIANA
"Volks- und Schlagerfest St. Stephan 2023" (Duo)

SA´ 12.08.2023 19:00 Uhr A-3371 Neumarkt/Ybbs (NÖ), Seebühne beim Freizeitzentrum
"Schlagernacht am See 2023" (Duo)

SO 13.08.2023 16:00 Uhr A-2293 Marchegg (NÖ), Schloss Marchegg
"Marc Pircher - Stimmungsauftritt" (Duo)

DI 15.08.2023 11:15 Uhr CH-8843 Oberiberg SZ (Schweiz), "Buoffenalp"
ACHTUNG: Nur bei Schönwetter!!! (Ausweichtermin: So, 20.8.2023 - ab 11.15 Uhr)
3 Auftrittsblöcke inkl. Apero und 3 Gang Menu: 85 CHF
Beschänkte Besucherzahl - daher bitte unbedingt anmelden unter 079 / 305 80 25 (Doris Steiner)
"BUOFFENALP - FEST 2023" (Duo)

DO 17.08.2023 18:00 Uhr CH-6204 Sempach LU (Schweiz), Restaurant Seeland
Eintritt frei! "Marc Pircher - Stimmungsauftritt" (Duo)

FR 18.08.2023 20:00 Uhr CH-8492 Wila ZH (Schweiz), Festzelt "Dorffest Wila" (Duo)

FR 25.08.2023 19:00 Uhr CH-5621 Zufikon (Schweiz), Storenächerhof

Infos unter Tel.: +41(0)79/344 46 37 (Beat Storenächerhof) "Hoffest 2023" (Duo)

SA 26.08.2023 20:00 Uhr CH-8733 Eschenbach (Schweiz), Dorftreff
"Jubiläumsfest 25 JAHRE DIANA" (Duo)

SO 27.08.2023 15:00 Uhr A-6600 Reutte (Tirol), Arena Ehrenberg
"Marc Pircher & Lechufer"
"Benefizkonzert für RollOn Austria" (Duo)


Olmaro Duo/Lorient - France

by Diatonic News
Olmaro Duo - Imperial Gavotte ClubSamedi, le 12/08/2023 à 14h30 - Quai de la Bretagne - Accès libre

Olmaro Duo est l'histoire d'une belle complicité musicale entre deux accordéonistes traditionnel.le.s du pays de Fougères. L'un a longtemps tenu le soufflet dans le groupe Ihnze pendant que l'autre écumait les concours jusqu'à la grande scène du festival Yaouank. Puis l'un comme l'autre ont posé l'instrument happé par le tourbillon de la vie. C'est à l'occasion d'un anniversaire en 2017 que le duo se forme, accompagné alors par Ronan Robert, et que la magie opère.
Depuis, des festoù noz en bals trads ils ne se quittent plus et la Haute Bretagne tient là un de ses plus beaux duo de diato.


Titano Accordions

Le Vent du Nord - Canada/UK

by Diatonic News
Le vent du nord
The award winnin g group from Canada "Le Vent du Nord" recevently received the prestiges Songlines Music Award 2023/UK will be touring this month in Quebec and around the wolrd

Mer, 2 août @ 20:00 The Crescent Community Venue / York, United Kingdom
Ven, 4 août @ 20:00 Ropetackle Arts Centre / Shoreham-by-sea, United Kingdom
Sam, 5 août @ 20:00 Le Vent du Nord @ Sidmouth Festival Sidmouth, United Kingdom
Ven, 11 août @ 19:00 Le Vent du Nord @ Edmonton Folk Festival / Edmonton, Canada
Lun, 14 août @ 19:30 Arts Place / Canmore, CanadaVen, 18 août@ 20:00
Le Vent du Nord @ Roots & Blues Festival / nSalmon Arm, Canada

For more information: www.leventdunord.com

Accordion Jazz Chord

Parco di Tuscolo "Il cielo di Tuscolo" - Italia

by Diatonic News
Claudio Prima & SEME
Il 10 agosto alle 21.30 ci sarà l'evento "Le stelle della notte di San Lorenzo": come orientarsi nell'universo e chiacchiere stellari con Alessandro Berlingeri (Scienzimpresa), a cura di Frascati Scienza Concerto di Claudio Prima & SEME (quartetto d’archi e organetto)
La musica come strumento di indagine, di dialogo, di contatto. Claudio Prima nel progetto SEME muove le sue composizioni con l’istinto del ricercatore, curioso e attento. Con lo sguardo rivolto, allo stesso tempo, fuori e dentro, per cogliere insieme le consonanze e le dissonanze del rapporto con il mondo. L’organetto e la voce respirano questa continua alternanza, aprendosi e chiudendosi all’aria che li sostiene. Ad accompagnarlo in questo progetto un inedito quartetto d’archi che indaga insieme all’organetto e alla voce di Claudio Prima le connessioni fra musica tradizionale e musica classica, fra sonorità tipiche del Mediterraneo e musica colta, in un continuo afflato emotivo e stilistico che conduce l’ascoltatore in un mondo sonoro nuovo eppure riconoscibile, onirico, avvolgente.

Claudio Prima organetto, voce
Vera Longo violino, voce
Paola Barone violino
Cristian Musìo viola
Marco Schiavone violoncello

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Didier Laloy with several projects on tour - France/Belgium

by Diatonic News
Didier LaloyHis rich carreer has allowed him to try out quantity of different types of music such as world music, jazz, pop-rock or even theatre… without him ever prefering one to an other.
He has defined his own style through his « freedom of creation », wich consists in following his personal needs and most of all, in bringing his audience to yet unknown places.
For over 20 years, he has taken part in not less than a hundred recordings and he’s still going strong throughout the world.
In August he will be touring with several of his projects in France and Belgium


24/08 —- DYAD —– SART RISBAR —- BE
26/08 —- DYAD —- FLANDRE —- BE
27/08 —- Les DEMENAGEURS —- BE
27/08 —- TREF —- BOOMBAL —- BE


Riccardo Tesi in Agosto 2023 - Italia/Austria

by Diatonic News
Riccardo Tesi in Agosto 2023 - Italia/Austria
date estive di Riccardo Tesi:
3 agosto Pintura di Bolognola nel Comune di Bolognola (MC) alle ore 5,30 (alba) RETABLOS con TESI/GIUA duo per il festival Risorgimarche
10 agosto Via Iulia Augusta , Carinzia, AUSTRIA BANDITALIANA Trio
15 agosto San Salvi (FI) BANDITALIANA Trio
20 agosto San Salvi (FI) TESI/LAROCCA Omaggio a Dino Campana
22 agosto San Vito dei Normanni R.Tesi ELASTIC TRIO
23 agosto Magliano (LE ) R.Tesi ELASTIC TRIO + M.Donno Trio
25 agosto Guagnano (LE) Riccardo Tesi INSOLO Circolo Arci Rubik Via Cellino 5
31 agosto UN BALLO LISCIO Imola
7 sett San Teodoro (Olbia) Riccardo Tesi INSOLO
9 sett Petriolo (MC) R.TESI & ELASTIC TRIO


Charnwood Music Publishing

Lil Jim performing @ Shrewsbury Folk Festival - UK

by Diatonic News
Lil JimLil Jim is an award winning, multi instrumentalist. Dynamic and irrepressible.

Seamlessly tying the roots of traditional music with modern arrangements and hooks. Combining guitar, harmonica and accordion with vocals and foot percussion to create a fresh sound of unstoppable rhythm and unrelenting melody.

From supporting Hayseed Dixie, Paul Jones and Midge Ure, with standout shows at Leek Blues and Americana Festival and Acoustic Festival of Britain, Lil Jim is fast becoming the must-see act on any festival and touring circuit.


Voci Armoniche

Dermitaziach - "Marco" wird die Festbühne/Villach zum Hexenkessl machen - Kärnten/Österreich

by Diatonic News
DermitaziachDermitaziachWenn Marco loslegt dann ist Stimmung angesagt – lasst Euch überraschen wenn aus der Steirischen eine Soundmaschine wird. Das Moto – Vollgas.

Seine Auftritte im August:

01.08.23 - Villacher Kirchtag - Villach Trachtendisko mit 2Tagesbart
11.08.23 - Neuhauserfest - Neuhaus
12.08.23 - Holi Festival - Innsbruck
12.08.23 - Psairer Musikfestival - Passeiertal / Südtirol
18.08.23 - Kronefest - Linz mit Pete Sabo



Grande Soirée de l'Irlande - FR/Ireland

by Diatonic News
Le 10/08/2023 à 21h00 - Le Théâtre - 32€ / 37€

Une soirée exceptionnelle au Théâtre avec la Grande Soirée de l'Irlande

Danú / rlande
Originaire du comté historique de Waterford, Danú est l'un des principaux groupes traditionnels d’Irlande d'aujourd'hui. Chaque concert du groupe dans toute l'Irlande est un vrai événement, un spectacle à forte énergie et avec un glorieux mélange de musique irlandaise ancienne et de répertoire contemporain.
Pendant plus de deux décennies, les joueurs virtuoses de Danú se sont produits dans le monde entier et ont enregistré sept albums acclamés par la critique.

Lauréats de nombreux prix de la BBC et du Irish Music Magazine, Danú a tournée à travers l'Europe, le Moyen-Orient, les Etats-Unis mais encore au Royaume-Uni, en Inde et en Israël.

Danú plonge le public dans un voyage musical vers leur Irlande natale, offrant un spectacle aussi bien émouvant que mémorable.
Téada (Irlande)


"5 Cent Coffee" in August - CA / USA

by Diatonic News
5 Cent Coffee
Neo-skiffle junkyard blues, featuring 5 time accordion babe Doodles Larue!
Dirty Accordion blues with howling vocals; sometimes a sad ukulele wails, sometimes your toe taps to a twang. Moody and candy-like, 5 Cent Coffee writes songs that cast you back into another time. Inspired by sounds as diverse as the clang and thump of old jug and skiffle bands and early 20th c. American music to Kurt Weill and Lottie Lenya to Tom Waits, Nick Cave, and the Tigerlillies.

They will perform in the La Plaza Park, La Plaza, Cotati, CA 9493n / August 19 & 20, 2023


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Beltango Quinteto: World Premiere Balkan Tango - La Bombonera - (Serbia)France

by Diatonic News
Beltango Quinteto: World Premiere Balkan Tango - La Bombonera - (Serbia)France
The Beltango Quinteto will perform the world premiere of Balkan Tango - La Bombonera at the Halle Marcadieu in Marcadieu, Tarbes, France on August 17th, 2023, at 9.30pm.

The La Bombonera show refers to a mythical football stadium in Buenos Aires, Argentina where the atmosphere is exceptional. Dancers and the Beltango musicians will “give you this experience”.

Band members are Aleksandar Nikolic (bandoneon, Artistic Director), Ivana Nikolic (piano & vocals), Antonija Barna (violin), Bogdan Pejic (guitar) and Petar Holik (double bass).

For details email: info@beltango.com

Die Deutsche voXXclub Gruppe im August - Villach/Österreich und DE

by Diatonic News
Was im März 2013 mit einem Flashmob in einer Münchner Einkaufsmall begann, bringt heute Menschen quer überden Globus zum Ausflippen. Mit dem aktuellen Album ‚Wieder dahoam‘ geht das Quintett den Weg der Erneuerung des Genres Volksmusik konsequent weiter.

Zur Freude der vielen Besucher des Villacher Kirchtages wird diese beliebte Gruppe aus Deutschland in Villach am auf der Festbühne auftretetn.
Daher sichern Sie sich Ihren Platz!

Hier noch einige andere Termine der Gruppe:
03.08.2023 VILLACHER KIRCHTAG Innenstadt, 9500 Villach

04.08.2023 ROTHENBURG Rothenburger Sommerfest

10.08.2023 ZOFINGEN Heitere Platz, Bottensteinerstrasse 23, 4800 ZOFINGEN

Fest am Berg in See, Panoramarestaurant Medrigalm, See Medrig, 6553 See


Titano Accordions

Versus / Vs duo Guerbigny - Camelin en Août - FR

by Diatonic News
VersusBenoit Guerbigny accordéon diatonique, saxophone, voix et goule / Maxence Camelin cabrette, boha, hautbois populaires, voix et goule
Ce duo vous propose "BAL", un concert de musiques et chants traditionnelles questionnant les mondes des Bals et la place de la danse dans la société (en création objectif juillet 2022) ainsi qu'une formule à danser un vrai bal cette fois !

2 août Versus à Gennetines (03)
3 août Versus à Gennetines (03)
4 août Versus à Gennetines (03)
11 août 2023 Bal de Granit de Chaï à Montoire (41)
13 août 2023 Bal de Granit de Chaï à Astafort (47)



Paolo Fresu e Daniele Di Bonaventura - Castelfidardo/Italia

by Diatonic News
PIF 2023
Sabato 16 settembre 2023 alle ore 22:00, Parco delle Rimembranze di Castelfidardo

Un duo originale che fa incontrare tromba e bandoneon in un concerto di grande poesia: stiamo parlando di 𝗣𝗔𝗢𝗟𝗢 𝗙𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗨 𝗘 𝗗𝗔𝗡𝗜𝗘𝗟𝗘 𝗗𝗜 𝗕𝗢𝗡𝗔𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗨𝗥𝗔
Un incontro musicale dagli aromi mediterranei fra il trombettista sardo e il bandoneonista marchigiano, per un live concert capace di raccontare i colori dell’universo musicale contemporaneo.

Voci Armoniche

The Bush Music Club at the Sydney Folk Festival - Sydney/Australia

by Diatonic News
The Bush Music Club, based in Sydney, is the oldest folk club in Australia and, arguably, one of the oldest folk clubs in the world. It has been actively promoting Australian folk traditions for over 60 years and will continue to do so well into the future. The Bush Music Club will present the slow session at this year’s Sydney Folk Festival. This is an opportunity for less experienced musicians or those just starting out to get involved with folk music

Performance Times:

Sat 19 Aug. 10:30am – Molly Malone’s Mezzanine


by Diatonic News
Kristina KuusistoPour les amateurs des îles et bandonéon et pour autrement curieux
2 concerts du Bandonéon en Solo avec Kristina Kuusisto

Vendredi 4 août 2023 à 20h30 à la chapelle Notre-Dame de PenMern Baden (56)
Samedi 5 août 2023 à 20h à la chapelle Notre Dame d’Espéranceîle aux Moines (56)

Iko Ya Ya @ Cotatifest - USA/CA

by Diatonic News
Iko Ya Ya
Enjoy a full plate of our favorite New Orleans flavored dance gumbo—blues & boogie, Cajun/Zydeco, R&B, Second Line, and even a lil’ Country—all delivered with a Mardi Gras vibe! From the San Francisco Bay Area, Iko YaYa’s members are longtime veterans of some other bay area favorite dance bands
Jim Scott – guitar
Cheryl McBride – vocals & percussion
Sam Siggins – drums & vocals
Lance Houck – bass & vocals
Andre Nigoghossian – accordion & vocals
Susan Copperman – saxophone

La Plaza Park, La Plaza, Cotati, CA 94931, on August 19 & 20, 2023

Accordion Jazz Chords

ECQUISS @ Festival Interceltique de Lorient - France

by Diatonic News
Festival Interceltique de Lorient : 4-13 août 2023

Tango with Victor Hugo Villena et Sabrina Condello - Montmagny/Canada

by Diatonic News
Victor Hugo Villena et Sabrina CondelloSeptember 1st 2023
8:00 pm – 11:00 pm / Doors: 7:00 pm
Salle Edwin Bélanger
141 boulevard Taché Est, Montmagny, QC, Canada

The artistic collaboration between these two artists begins in 2019. The strings of the violin and the blades of the bandoneon vibrate in perfect harmony, and the scope of the repertoire, the richness of the colours and the freedom of interpretation seem to have no limits..


Titano Accordions

Folk X time im August/Villacher Kirchtag - Austria

by Diatonic News
Die Band wurde im Jahr 2016 gegründet und ist eine Unterhaltungs- und Stimmungsband aus dem Raum Spittal/Drau. Die 4 Jungs sind begeisterte Live Musiker und immer bemüht, die unterschiedlichsten Geschmäcker zu bedienen.

Weiters sind sie im August: Sie Info Bild links


Concert sous les arbres - Belgium

by Diatonic News
Avec Didier Laloy
Pour details voire Poster

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

In Villach: Die Edelseer (Steiermark) - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Die Edelseer
Es klingt nach (Wald)Heimat bei den Edlseern. Und wie! Ihre Bodenständigkeit, die Lust am Musizieren und das klare Bekenntnis zu ihrer Heimat Steiermark hat die Edlseer ein Vierteljahrhundert konstant in der Riege der erfolgreichsten und beliebtesten volkstümlichen Formationen aufspielen lassen.

Alle Termine im August:
Mittwoch, 2. August 2023 - 20:00 VILLACHER KIRCHTAG A-9500 Villach

Freitag, 4. August 2023 20:30 SOMMERFEST BTV-LANGFELD A- 3970 St. Martin - Langfeld 15

Samstag, 5. August 2023 21:30 FF-FEST ST. GEORGEN/LEYS A-3282 St. Georgen a.d. Leys

Sonntag, 6. August 2023 18:30 STRANDFEST BURGAU A-8291 Burgau

Samstag, 12. August 2023 20:30 ZWIEBELFEST LAA/THAYA A-2136 Laa a.d. Thaya

Sonntag, 13. August 2023 13:00 100 JAHRE FF TOBELBAD-HASELSDORF
A-8133 Tobelbad-Haselsdorf, Haseldorfstraße 14

Montag, 14. August 2023 19:00 GESCHLOSSENE VERANSTALTUNG A-2514 Oeyenhausen

Dienstag, 15. August 2023 20:00 GACKERN A-9433 St. Andrä i. Lavanttal

Freitag, 18. August 2023 21:00 FF HAINBURG A-2410 Hainburg

Samstag, 19. August 2023 22:30 BURSCHENKIRTAG OBERLOISDORF A-7451 Oberloisdorf

Sonntag, 20. August 202 310:00 KRONE FEST LINZ A-4040 Linz - Urfahranermarkt Fixtermin-Public


eSheet Music Titles

Dave Johnson and Friends - Sydney/Australia

by Diatonic News
Dave Johnson is recognised for his sharing of bush dance tunes through publications starting with the 1984 Bush Dance folio and since then over 50 booklets for dances, balls and festivals.
This Australian Tunes session will have you enjoying some of his favourites from nigh on 50 years of performing. The music will be provided and is suitable for sight readers and for ear players.
Dave is very encouraging of players of all levels so don’t be daunted and bring your instruments to join in. Just coming to listen is fine too.
If you would like to try the music beforehand it will be available on his website nearer the event – davidjohnson.id.au.

Performance Times:

Sun 20 Aug. 10:30am – Molly Malone’s Mezzanine (Australian Tunes Session)

Sun 20 Aug. 1:00pm – Molly Malone’s Mezzanine (70th Anniversary of Reedy River: A play reading with performances of the songs.)

Titano Accordions

Barou / Noguet / Conq - 10/08/2023 - France

by Diatonic News
Barou / Noguet / Conq - 10/08/2023 - France
La Bretagne invite - le 10
le 10/08/2023 à 22h00 (Quai de la Bretagne)
Accès Badge de Soutien

Sylvain Barou, Yannig Noguet et Roland Conq se connaissent et se croisent depuis plus de vingt ans dans différents projets. C’est tout naturellement qu’ils ont créé ce trio. Ils nous offrent un répertoire de fest-noz de haute voltige composé en grande partie par eux-mêmes. Avec un goût prononcé pour les thèmes à la fois énergiques et mélodiques. Un trio assurément dynamique par trois pointures de la scène bretonne actuelle.


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Sharon Shannon performing in August - UK/Ireland

by Diatonic News
Sharon ShannonTHU - Aug 17, 2023 Dublin Whelans
FRI - Aug 18, 2023 Dublin Whelans
SAT - Aug 19, 2023 Dublin Whelans
SAT - Aug 26, 2023 West Midlands Showground Shrewsbury Folk Festival

Sharon Shannon in 2023 is still breaking new musical ground. Her career has seen her tour the world through America, Europe, Africa, Australia,New Zealand even to to Saudi Arabia and China and she has recorded and toured with artistes as diverse as Bono, Willie Nelson, La Bottine Souriante, Shane Mc Gowan, Nigel Kennedy, Steve Earle,Justin Adams, Johnny Depp, Linton Kwesi Johnston,The Waterboys and Dessie O Halloran, and the RTE Symphony Orchestra to mention just a few.

Playing shows throughout her career from The Kennedy Centre in Washington to Londons Wembley Arena, Sharon continues to redefine and reimagine the boundaries of Irish traditional music, mixing with genres as different from each other as reggae and classical.
An honorary Dr. Of Music at The University of Galway Sharons inspires the students through master classes and tutorials both online and in person. She is working on her archive at the University.

She recently created and presented a 4 part musical TV series called Heartlands which saw her travel the length of her ancient namesake the mighty River Shannon, making music along its journey.

2023 will see Sharon releasing new music, creating new live music shows that continue to surprise and excite.

Voci Armoniche

ARBADÉTORNE en août - France

by Diatonic News
The mythical herb that leads travellers astray, Arbadétorne (or arbaladétorne), is the name that invites you to travel, that leads you to discover musical paths less often trodden than the motorways traced by the media. It's the name that makes you step into footprints you thought had been erased forever.

Prochain dates:

16/08/23 ARBADÉTORNE St Gilles Croix de Vie (85) BALHeure : 21:00
Lieu : kisoque Benjamin Bénéteau.
Adresse : Quai des greniers.

18/08/23 - 20/08/23 ARBADÉTORNE Anost (71)
Arbadétorne 4tet – Concert « Là j’ai rêvé » / Bal / Jeune public / Stage de danse /
Maxime Chevrier & Benoit Michaud « Femme en lutte et chienne de vie (Maupassant)
« Fête de la vielle »

27/08/23 ARBADÉTORNE Les Lucs/Boulogne (85)
Arbadétorne 4tet concert « Là j’ai rêvé » – dans le cadre de « La Grande Faete »
Lieu : Historial de la Vendée.


Sounding Out the Accordion

California Blue Runners performing Aug - California/USA

by Diatonic News
California Blue Runners
La Plaza Park, La Plaza, Cotati, CA 94931, on August 19 & 20, 2023

Andrew Carriere: A French speaker from Lawtell, Louisiana, accordionist and singer. Andrew brings a long family tradition into his playing. His father was the legendary Creole fiddler “Bebe” Carriere, his uncle was accordionist Eraste Carriere, and cousins Chubby, Calvin, and Roy Carrier are popular in the zydeco arena.

Haywood Douresseau is a native of Swords Louisiana. He grew up in a Creole environment where French was the spoken language in everyday activities and in the home.

Tom Stewart is one of the go-to rhythm guitarist in the Bay Area’s Cajun band community.

Fiddler, accordionist, and singer, Andre Nigoghossian is one of the most sought after musicians in the Bay Area Cajun scene.

David “Killer” Hymowitz has been the premier percussionist to the Cajun/Zydeco music scene for the past 30 years.



CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Voci Armoniche


by Harley Jones
„Die Niachtn“ sind eine steirische Zweimann – Band die durch musikalisches Können, großer Leidenschaft und viel Humor in jedem Fall Beachtung verdienen.

Jetzt gibt es einen neuen flotten Sommerhit zum sich Wohlfühlen und Tanzen.
DieNiachtn mit ihrem neuen Hit "mit Dir"

Friedrich Lips Book

CD "Volata" Mario Salvi - Italia

by Diatonic News
Il nuovo CD “Volata”, prodotto da Visage Music con 13 brani inediti, scritti ed arrangiati da Mario Salvi negli ultimi 20 anni, registrati insieme a tanti amici che hanno accettato di imbarcarsi in questa nuova impresa di un organettista d’altri tempi…

Mario ringrazia a Massimo Stano del MAST Recording Studio, per il perfetto lavoro di registrazione, editing, missaggio e mastering.

Il CD è disponibile al momento in poche copie “fisiche” e sarà online dal mese di ottobre sulle principali piattaforme di musica in streaming

Per info: FB Mario Salvi

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Single "Angles" von den Silianer Buibm - Österreich

by Harley Jones
Die Band Sillianer Buibm besteht seit dem Jahr 2012. Die 5 Mitglieder spielen Oberkrainer-Evergreens, moderne Partyhits, aber auch Eigenarrangement

Geiles Leben - Sillianer Buibm (offizielles Video)

Ihre Single "ANGELS" wurde 2022 präsentiert
1 Lied, 3 min 58 sec.

Lukas - Bariton, E-Bass, Vocals
Johannes - Harmonika, Drums, Vocals
Peter - Gitarre, Vocals
Markus - Trompete, Drums, Vocals
Thomas - Klarinette, Piano, Vocals

Im August spielen sie:
Samstag 5. Aug. 2023 A-9832 Stall im Mölltal Sommerfest ab 19:00 Uhr
Sonntag 6. Aug. 2023 I-39038 Innichen Feuerwehrfest ab 18:00 Uhr
Samstag 12. Aug. 2023 Private Veranstaltung
Montag 14. Aug. 2023 A-9920 Sillian Sillianer Marktlfest ab 21:00 Uhr
Dienstag 15. Aug 2023 A-39030 Antholz Sommerfest ab 18:30 Uhr


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