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Diatonic News - Oct-2023
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Voci Armoniche


Duo Gaudio/Pace - vincitori della XXVIII Edizione del Festival Ethnos - Italia
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich
BLOWZABELLA concerts postponed to 2024 - UK
Die 13. HARMONIKA-WM wirft ihre Schatten voraus! - Austria
Accademia di Musica Astor Piazzolla - Italia
28E ÉDITION Le Grand Soufflet Festival - France
Daily Reports: 48th International "PIF Citta di Castelfidardo" Accordion Prize & Festival - Italy
1° Meeting Fan Club Luca Bassanese - Viareggo/Italia
Charlotte Espieussas "Artiste Fil rouge" du Grand Soufflet 2023
Premi e riconoscimenti per Eros Curcio, giovane promessa dell'organetto - italia
Steirischer Harmonikawettbewerb 2023 - Österreich/Lannach
Didier Laloy celebrating 30 years of concerts - Worldwide
43rd Tejano Music Awards - USA/Texas

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Organetto a Cuku a Roma - Italia
Grupo Frontera Performs on Good Morning America (GMA)
Concert-marathon 24H de l'Accordéon - France
37° Festival de Acordeones del Río Grande de la Magdalena - Columbia
Folkfestiva Folkiri 2023 - France
2023 Festival Acadiens et Créoles - USA
Guardia Nueva at Oulainen Music Week – Finland
DIATONIC ACCORDEON (G/D) - intermediate/advanced - GB/NL
Andrea Mucciolo/campione sen. al 26 Campionato/organetto - Corvaro di Borgorose/Italia
Hartlepool Folk Festival - England
Die Hummelkurse in Bad Kreuznach - Deutschland
World Diatonic Contest - Italy
Stage avec Michaël AUGER/Hartwin Dhoore - FR/Le Mans
Annual NorthEast Squeeze-In - USA
KonzertinaNetz-Treffen Lehesten/Thüringen - Deutschland

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Konzerte von Andreas Gabalier - Österreich/Deutschland
Hubert von Goisern and the Lungau Big Band - Österreich
LOUISE JALLU en concert à Rennes - FR
The Davenport Family in October 7/8 2023 - UK
Folkball - Gent/Belgium
Sänger- und Musikantentreffen in Bad Radkersburg - Österreich
Solo chanson accordéon / VICTORIA DELAROZIÈRE - FR
Next concert of Ville Hiltula - Kobe-shi Japan
DUO latino à La Pie Muette Chantepie - France
Luca Bassanese & P.O.P. in concerto - Vicenza/Italia
John Spiers & Jon Boden @ Hartlepool folk Festival - UK
Bal @ De Pianofabriek - Belgium/Saint-Gilles
Double Concert wotj Quatuor Voce and J.B.Henry - Quinsac/FR
Denis Novato Nov tour in - Australia
David Munelli performing in Les Saulnières/FR
Duo Clercx concert in Kasterlee - Belgium
Konzerte mit Melissa Naschenweng - AN/DE/CH
Narcotango Tour - Worldwide
John Kirkpatrick performing in Hartlepool - UK
Marc Berthoumieux trio concert – FR/ Gières
Intocable Evolution Tour 2023
Musikanten- und Sängertreffen - Stallhofen/Österreich

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD "Gira la ruota" di Andrea Capezzuoli e Compagnia - Italia
CD "Volata" Mario Salvi - Italia
Wienerlieder – Für die Ewigkeit/A.Gabalier - Österreich

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Accordion TV/Film/Radio

Marc Pircher / TV-Auftritte 2023 /CD - A/DE/CH/NL
Huber von Goisern / TV im Okt 2023 - Österreich

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Voci Armoniche


Sounding Out the Accordion

Duo Gaudio/Pace - vincitori della XXVIII Edizione del Festival Ethnos - Italia

by Diatonic News
Duo Gaudio/PaceDal 7 Settembre all'1 Ottobre 2023 Villa Bruno

GAUDIO PACE DUO vincitori della categoria #Musica della V Edizione di Ethnos
Alessandro Gaudio e Salvatore Pace sono due giovani musicisti della fisarmonica diatonica (comunemente conosciuta come organetto) provenienti dal meridione d’Italia.
In questo progetto in duo propongono musiche originali di loro creazione, ispirate alle tradizioni popolari di Basilicata, Campania e Calabria, ma anche Tango Argentino e ritmi dispari articolati.
Il giovane progetto ha appena prodotto un album dal titolo “Passione Meridionale”, con la direzione artistica del maestro Riccardo Tesi (figura di spicco nel contesto internazionale della fisarmonica diatonica).
I giovani musicisti hanno condiviso il palco con Riccardo Tesi, Vinicio Capossela, Francesco Loccisano, Andrea Piccioni, Didier Laloy, Orchestra filarmonica della Calabria, ed altri.

Alessandro Gaudio: fisarmonica diatonica
Salvatore Pace: fisarmonica diatonica
Duo Gaudio/Pace


Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation

Voci Armoniche

BLOWZABELLA concerts postponed to 2024 - UK

by Diatonic News

Band announcement (2 July 2023)

Jo Freya has had a recurrence of the cancer she recovered from so successfully 10 years ago. She will be undergoing a programme of treatment very soon - the doctors are aiming for 100% remission - and then she will need time to recover. Under these circumstances we are cancelling all our gigs and workshops for the remainder of 2023. We are looking forward to playing live in 2024 and will find new dates for the gigs we have had to postpone. In the meantime the band is doing everything possible to support her through this. If you would like to contact Jo you can do so via Facebook messenger or music@jofreya.com. She continues to do the band administration work and we’ll let you know if anything changes.

Blowzabella is Andy Cutting – diatonic button accordion; Jo Freya – vocals, saxophone, clarinet; Paul James – vocals, bagpipes, saxophones; David Shepherd – violin; Barn Stradling – bass guitar; Jon Swayne – bagpipes, saxophone.

Blowzabella is a genuinely unique band that makes an inimitable, driving, drone-based wall-of-sound - played with a fabulous sense of melody, rhythmic expertise and sheer feeling. They compose their own music which is influenced by English and European traditional folk music and song. Many of their tunes are “standards” in the modern British/European folk repertoire and are played by people all over the world. Bands across Europe and beyond who experiment with folk music often cite Blowzabella as a major influence. Much loved and respected, there is no one else quite like them.


Friedrich Lips Book

Die 13. HARMONIKA-WM wirft ihre Schatten voraus! - Austria

by Werner Weibert

Online translation

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Accademia di Musica Astor Piazzolla - Italia

by Diatonic News
Accademia di Musica Astor Piazzolla
L’ACCADEMIA DI MUSICA “ASTOR PIAZZOLLA” nasce a Paola (CS) nel 2016 dall’idea dei soci fondatori:
Antonio Spaccarotella, Egidio Apuzzo e Guido Santoro. Prima accademia al mondo dedicata ad Astor Piazzolla, ha all’attivo diversi corsi di formazione con le finalità di stimolare i ragazzi verso il panorama musicale, evidenziando i caratteri sociali di questa meravigliosa arte. Scuola professionale e flessibile offre un percorso quanto più versatile, spaziando dal repertorio classico a quello moderno, senza precludere la matrice popolare presente nel nostro territorio. L’accademia di musica Astor Piazzolla opera in regime di convenzione con il Conservatorio di musica “Tchaikovsky” di Catanzaro e la Fundacion Astor Piazzolla de Buenos Aires diretta da Laura Escalada Piazzolla, moglie del genio argentino, membro attivo del C.D.A. dell’Accademia, alla quale in onore del Centenario dalla nascita di Astor, ha donato uno dei Bandoneon appartenuti al grande Maestro.

Info & Contatti
Accademia di Musica Astor Piazzolla
+39 340.1730149 - +39 345.2573451


Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

28E ÉDITION Le Grand Soufflet Festival - France

by Diatonic News
28E ÉDITION  Le Grand Soufflet Festival - France
4-14 Oct 2023
10 jours de musiques du monde - 40 groupes - 70 concerts - 70 lieux - 42 communes

Créoliser plutôt qu’intégrer, bouturer plutôt que déraciner ou enraciner, (re)connaître sa culture pour mieux accueillir celle des autres et accorder à chacun·e le droit et la liberté d’être attaché·e à sa culture ou de s’en émanciper. Les musiques du Grand Soufflet sont le reflet du monde en transition, tant enracinées dans les cultures traditionnelles du monde que résolument contemporaines.

Engagé·es et combatif·ves, les artistes de la programmation partagent leur vision d’un monde multiculturel et revendiquent leur indépendance. DakhaBrakha en première ligne, défend sa liberté d’être Ukrainien·nes, AySay explore son identité kurde, Labess revendique une identité plurielle, quant à Ablaye Cissoko & Cyrille Brotto et Arash Sarkechik, ils jouent un dialogue subtil entre continents.

Inventives et créatives, les musiques du monde d’aujourd’hui créent des territoires imaginaires dotés de leurs propres langues, tel l’univers délicat de Möng ou celui déjanté de Puuluup. Également hors cartographie esthétique et géographique, Violons Barbares redessinent les musiques traditionnelles, ancrées dans leurs territoires et néanmoins sans frontière.

"Le Grand Soufflet” is a festival dedicated to music we commonly present as « modern world music ». Originally focused on the accordion, the festival has been taking place every year in October in the city of Rennes and many other cities of the Ille-et-Vilaine department (French Brittany) since 1996. Due to this experience and the particular feeling brought by this instrument, the festivals extends since 2021 towards popular music mixing tradition with a taste of modernity in various styles such as new trad, rock, electronic, urban music, experimental etc… Although the main object has changed, the Grand Soufflet festival certainly remains by its name and its history a major scene for accordion players from all over the world.


Daily Reports: 48th International "PIF Citta di Castelfidardo" Accordion Prize & Festival - Italy

by Diatonic News
Daily Reports from 13th September online at: 2023Castelfidardo

The daily reports include pictures and video and results as they are released. The 48th PIF Castelfidardo program has a very large list of concerts as well as the music competitions and the numbers attending are now back at levels equal to PIF Festivals before covid.

Daily Reports from 13th September online at: 2023Castelfidardo

Titano Accordions

1° Meeting Fan Club Luca Bassanese - Viareggo/Italia

by Diatonic News
15 Ottobre 2023 - 11:00 Viareggio (LU)

1° Meeting fan club / Luca Bassanese
I fan club “Piazza Bassanese”, “Le più belle frasi….” e “I Sognatori di Viareggio” uniti tra loro, danno vita a una giornata evento speciale, in cui lo spirito di comunità sarà protagonista!
Le canzoni di Bassanese parlano d’amore, di giustizia sociale e delle sfide che affrontiamo nella vita quotidiana. In tutto questo noi ci ritroviamo perché abbiamo incontrato nell’arte di Bassanese un terreno comune, dove l’essenza della vita può essere affrontata con profondità e sensibilità.
Quante volte ci siamo ritrovati a ballare, cantare, ad abbracciarci sotto ad un palco o dopo un concerto. Quanta energia ci è stata data!
È arrivato il momento per dedicarci uno spazio nel quale condividere assieme ricordi ed emozioni, per poterci raccontare tra noi ed incontrare Luca Bassanese in un contesto più famigliare
Vi aspettiamo per condividere insieme tanta bellezza!!!
Grazie di cuore all’etichetta AIDA Music per darci la possibilità di supportare al meglio il nostro artista preferito
i fan club

1° Meeting fan club / Luca Bassanese
Pranziamo assieme
Viareggio – Domenica 15 ottobre 2023
Scrivici per avere tutti i dettagli!
Mandaci il tuo contatto prima possibile
a questo numero WhatsApp 347 1233894
e riceverai tutte le info dell’evento!

Accordion Jazz Chord

Charlotte Espieussas "Artiste Fil rouge" du Grand Soufflet 2023

by Diatonic News
Charlotte EspieussasCharlotte EspieussasInvitée d’honneur du festival, Charlotte Espieussas est accordéoniste, chanteuse, et percussionniste. Elle grandit entre le Quercy-Périgord et la Corrèze, au son des musiques à danser. Ses études d’anthropologie l’amènent en terre toulousaine où elle cultive les rencontres musicales et amicales qui nourrissent sa pratique de plusieurs répertoires traditionnels. Autodidacte à ses débuts, elle fait de l’accordéon son principal compagnon de route, en direction de l’Andalousie puis en Amérique latine, avant de se former aux musiques actuelles auprès de Jean-Luc Amestoy, aux musiques occitanes au conservatoire de Toulouse et enfin aux musiques réunionnaises lors d’un compagnonnage avec René Lacaille. En 2019 elle rejoint la Kreiz Breizh Akademi dirigée par Erik Marchand, développe une approche modale des musiques traditionnelles et met ainsi un pied dans la musique bretonne ! Accueillie l’an passé avec Alberi Sonori, nous l’avons invitée en résidence d’Éducation Artistique et Culturelle au collège St Georges de Reintembault et l’accueillons au festival cette année avec toutes ses formation artistiques : Labess, Maaar, Volcan et Ork. Charlotte animera également des ateliers de chants et danses issus des traditions orales et populaires du Quercy, l’occasion de la rencontrer et de pratiquer avec elle !

↪ Jeudi 5/10/23 CONCERT LABESS — Chapiteau Thabor 20h30
↪ Vendredi 6/10/23 CONCERT VOLCAN — La Pie Muette Chantepie 20h — gratuit
↪ Samedi 7/10/23 CONCERT MAAAR — Coësmes 20h30
↪ Dimanche 8/10/23 CONCERT MAAAR — Laillé 16h30
↪ Mardi 10/10/23 CONCERT MAAAR — Servon s/Vilaine 20h30
↪ Mercredi 11/10/23 ATELIERS — Médiathèque Domloup — 10h30 + Médiathèque Ossé — 14h30
↪ Vendredi 13/10/23 CONCERT ORK — Le Coquelicot Fougères 21h
↪ Samedi 14/10/23 CONCERT ORK — Saint-Maugan 20h30


Gary Dahl Arrangements

Premi e riconoscimenti per Eros Curcio, giovane promessa dell'organetto - italia

by Diatonic News
Eros Curcio
Lo scorso settembre a Castelfidardo, patria della fisarmonica, ha centrato per la seconda volta consecutiva la vittoria finale. Eros Curcio, 15 anni, studente dell’Omar di Novara che - anche quest’anno - ha arricchito il suo palmares di importanti riconoscimenti e premi esibendosi con il suo inseparabile organetto.

Il 27 maggio ha ottenuto un importante riconoscimento per giovani talenti a Vinovo; dal 19 al 24 aprile era a Bruxelles dove Eros ha conquistato il 1° posto al 5° Concorso internazionale in cui c’è stata la competizione organetti contro fisarmoniche, il 24 e il 25 giugno si è esibito a Verona in occasione della 3ª Festa internazionale della fisarmonica, primo posto assoluto anche nel Cosentino nella competizione del 2 settembre dove i vincitori di categoria si sono affrontati ed Eros Curcio si è piazzato sul gradino più alto del podio aggiudicandosi anche un’importante borsa di studio.

Dal 13 al 17 settembre inoltre, a Castelfidardo, patria della fisarmonica, nella sua esibizione ha centrato per la seconda volta consecutiva la vittoria finale, tre anni fa aveva dovuto “accontentarsi” del secondo posto. Snocciola le date e i risultati quasi a fatica, la sua modestia gli fa tenere lo sguardo basso mentre fa ruotare la tazzina del caffè e abbozza un sorriso. Stimolato a riflettere ad alta voce sul suo sogno nel cassetto, incrocia le dita: «Mi piacerebbe poter insegnare e proseguire ad esibirmi. Vorrei poter frequentare il Conservatorio, ma per l’organetto bisognerà scegliere fra L’Aquila e Cosenza».

Ringraziare il suo maestro Alessandro Gaudio, con il quale studio on line per ovvi motivi logistici. (Vittoria Passera per il Corriere di Novara)

Steirischer Harmonikawettbewerb 2023 - Österreich/Lannach

by Diatonic News
Steirischer Harmonikawettbewerb 2023
Die fünf Finalist:innen für den Steirischen Harmonikawettbewerb 2023 stehen fest!

Finaltermin: Samstag, 4. November 2023 / 14.45 Uhr / ORF 2 / Steinhalle Lannach

Mehr Infos auf https://www.sumt.st/

Charnwood Music Publishing

Didier Laloy celebrating 30 years of concerts - Worldwide

by Diatonic News
didier Laloy - 30 ans concerts
Didier LaloyDidier Laloy is celebrating 30 years of concerts with 2 new Albums and 30 concerts around Europe, which started already in August 2023 and will last until April 2024

What a great achievement for a still young artist of 49 years.

Don't miss this occasion, if close to one of the concert places.

More of Didier:

Voci Armoniche

43rd Tejano Music Awards - USA/Texas

by Diatonic News
Texas Talent Musicians Association is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization whose purpose is to promote excellence in the Tejano Music Industry. The Organization produces the annual Tejano Music Awards and other related events.


Texas Talent Musicians Association is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization whose purpose is to promote professional excellence; a better understanding and greater appreciation for Tejano music; and to provide a public forum for songwriters, performers and musicians in order to recognize their artistic efforts and achievements through the annual Tejano Music Awards and related events. Texas Talent Musicians Association is based in San Antonio, Texas: “The Tejano Music Capital Of The World.”®


Since 1980, the Tejano Music Awards and various other special events produced by Texas Talent Musicians Association have provided a forum to create greater awareness and appreciation for Tejano music. This music format has been a tradition in the state of Texas and is now transcending regional and cultural boundaries throughout the United States as well as internationally.

A reflection of its popularity is the yearly increase of crowds that travel to San Antonio each year to attend the Tejano Music Awards. For example, the first Tejano Music event, held in 1980, attracted an enthusiastic crowd of 1,300; and now all combined events draw an audience of over 90,000 fans of Tejano music.

Texas Talent Musicians Association is committed to providing the best recording artists to the world and 2023 is proving to show the international acceptance and continuous growth in Tejano music.



Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Organetto a Cuku a Roma - Italia

by Diatonic News
Il progetto “Organetto a cUkù” nasce dall’unione di due strumenti che fanno parte della tradizione popolare di due zone molto distanti: l’Organetto, strumento molto presente nella tradizione popolare d’Italia e d’Europa, e l’Ukulele, strumento Hawaiano, da diversi anni molto in voga anche nel resto del mondo.

Il gruppo propone un repertorio inedito di “Balfolk”: un repertorio fatto di danze (circoli circassiani, scottish, mazurke, bourrée, rondeau, valzer…) che gli stessi musicisti insegnano sia durante il concerto che attraverso workshop preparatori. Ovviamente nel loro repertorio non mancano i balli della tradizione marchigiana a partire dal più conosciuto: il Saltarello.

I due musicisti, Federico Cippitelli (all’organetto) e Marco Fermani (all’ukulele, melodica e stompbox), hanno dato il via al loro progetto nell’Ottobre del 2017 iniziando a fare concerti in diverse regioni italiane e all’estero.

Organetto a Cuku

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Grupo Frontera Performs on Good Morning America (GMA)

by Rita Davidson Barnea
Grupo Frontera

Grupo FronteraVideo 1: Groupo Frontera live on GMA, Good Morning America on Sept. 27, 2023

Video 2: Grupo Frontera x Bad Bunny - UN X100TO (Video Oficial)

Grupo Frontera, is an American South Texas band that has taken the Latin music scene by storm. They performed their hit song “un x100to” on “Good Morning America” on Wednesday, September 27, 2023. The band, which consists of six members, delivered a lively and energetic performance. The band includes Adelaido "Payo" Solís III, Juan Javier Cantú, Julian Peña Jr., Alberto "Beto" Acosta, Carlos Guerrero, and Carlos Zamora. The group began recording locally in 2019, releasing covers of Latin pop and Norteño songs. Writer ELizabeth Souder shares, “It’s hard to square the idea of cowboys on stage at Coachella, the indie rock festival that boasts the biggest names in popular music. But there they are in YouTube videos, six guys in cowboy hats, jeans, and boots, on stage playing a cumbia with Bad Bunny.

The story of how Grupo Frontera, a Tejano band from South Texas, caught the attention of the Puerto Rican rapper, producer, and global sensation Bad Bunny and went on to record a song together that rocketed to No. 1 on the Billboard Global 200, and to make a music video that has amassed almost 150 million views in just a few weeks, isn’t your typical country music tale. Not long ago, Grupo Frontera was a local band playing traditional ranchera music, with guitars and an accordion, at parties around their hometown of Edinburg, Texas. They liked to play covers of the Mexican-style country music they grew up with. But with their distinctive, smooth style, Grupo Frontera outgrew party gigs and soon began recording with top Tejano talent.

The group has since become a catalyst for a movement of northern Mexican regional music that is sweeping Latin charts and, now, mainstream music.“I really love Grupo Frontera because I think they have a lot of feelings in their songs,” said Bad Bunny (the stage name for Benito Antonio Martínez Ocasio) in an interview with Zane Lowe on Apple Music 1. “This authentic music made by young people, that’s what I love. They have the authentic sound, the essence, but with a new color, a new sound. It’s fresh. It’s totally different.”

When songwriter and producer Edgar Barrera discovered Grupo Frontera in his hometown of McAllen, Texas, they were playing for the opening of a tire shop, he told Variety. At the time, the band couldn’t have envisioned playing Coachella. What they aspired to, they told Barrera, was to work with Mexican ranchero artist Carin Leon. Barrera made it happen, and the collaboration landed the group on the Billboard Hot 100 early this year with the song “Que Vuelvas.” After that initial success, Barrera told Variety, Grupo Frontera had significant offers from record labels, but the group chose to stick with the Barrera partnership. It would soon pay off.

They recorded “Un x100to,” a love song about a man who uses the final 1 percent of his phone battery life to reach out to a lost love.
“When our grandparents were dating, they would send letters; when our parents were dating, they would make phone calls. Now that we’re in a different era, we send text messages,” percussionist Julián Peña Jr. told the Los Angeles Times. They planned to make a video for the song and chose a ghost town in Nevada as the location. On the day of the video shoot, producer Barrera told the band he had a surprise. As they were on set, Barrera suddenly said he wanted to change the song to a new version. As the band grappled with that odd direction, Bad Bunny strolled in. And Grupo Frontera made a video of a version of their song they’d never heard before, with a new verse sung by a major recording star, who was right there dancing next to them.

As Grupo Frontera vocalist Adelaido “Payo” Solis III told podcaster Lowe, he had to focus on making the video, but he couldn’t stop staring at the superstar standing next to him.“We actually didn’t know we were going to work with him until the day of the video,” Solis said. “We recorded the song without knowing he was going to be on the song.” As the band told Lowe, if you watch the video closely, you can tell something special is happening: They can’t stop smiling.

The song “un x100to” is from their debut album, “El Comienzo”, which was released in August 2023. The album has been a huge success, earning the group 15 nominations for the Billboard Latin Awards. The album also spawned three songs that reached the Billboard Hot 100, making Grupo Frontera one of the few Latin acts to achieve this feat in their first year together.”

In December 2022, a collaboration with Fuerza Regida titled "Bebé Dame" reached number one on the Billboard Hot Latin Songs charts and peaked at number 25 on Billboard Hot 100, becoming their first top 40 hit. Excerpts from Wikipedia: By May 2023, the band achieved its first top five hit on the Billboard Hot 100 with the Bad Bunny collaboration "Un x100to". In response to this, Grupo Frontera announced a 23-date tour to begin in mid-2023. An article in Billboard considered the band's success integral in the breakthrough of the regional Mexican genre.The band achieved fame through their norteño cumbias, but upon the release of their full-length debut album in August 2023, they proved they could delve into other regional Mexican styles, as well as outside the genre.

The band blends various genres of Latin music, such as cumbia, Tejano, Norteño, reggaeton, and pop, creating a unique and catchy sound that appeals to a wide audience. Grupo Frontera has been praised for their talent, charisma, and authenticity. They have also been recognized for their positive message and their representation of the Latino community in the US. They have said that they want to inspire other young Latinos to pursue their dreams and to be proud of their culture.

The band is currently on a nationwide tour that will end in December 2023. They have also announced that they are working on their second album, which they hope to release in 2024. They have promised that it will be even better than their first one. Grupo Frontera is definitely a band to watch out for. They have proven that they have what it takes to conquer the music industry and to make history. With their catchy songs, their amazing performances, and their passionate fans, they are unstoppable.

Concert-marathon 24H de l'Accordéon - France

by Diatonic News
Ça y est, ielles reprennent les instruments, renfilent les bretelles ; prêt·es à mouiller leurs maillots, les plus grand·es marathonien·nes du soufflet à bretelles sont sur la ligne de départ !
Cette année, la fameuse course passera du côté du Brésil pour un peu de Forró, en Europe, elle fera le tour de la péninsule italienne pour de la Tarentelle avec les arbres sonores d’Alberi Sonori, ira du côté des Balkans avec François Castiello de Bratsch, et accueillera le plus beau concours d'Yvette Horn'air Accordéon à l'occasion des 100 ans de la naissance d'Yvette Horner.
Une course internationale, unique et musicale.
On vous attend avec impatience pour cette 5ème édition.
D’ores et déjà sur la ligne de départ, en short et dossard :
François Castiello, Charles Kieny, Sary Khalife, Bruno Ducret, Pepe Martinez, Agathe Pitarch, Bastien Fontanille, Maxence Camelin, Fawzi Berger, Didier Dulieux, Lolita Delmonteil-Ayral, Mathis Polac, Julien Lameiras, Charlotte Espieussas, Isaac Paiva, Hélène Escriva, Marlène Tweer, Gus, Marcel Dreux, Marie Véla, Emilie Cadiou, et bien d'autres!!!


Titano Accordions

37° Festival de Acordeones del Río Grande de la Magdalena - Columbia

by Diatonic News
37° Festival de Acordeones del Río Grande de la Magdalena - Columbia
The categories of professional accordion, amateur accordion, youth accordion, children's accordion, unpublished vallenatas songs and older piqueria will be in competition.
The Vallenato Festival Foundation of Magdalena Medio confirms that trophies and prizes will be awarded to three first places in each category; In addition, awards for the best cashier, best voice and best guacharaquero; which, as has been traditional, will be delivered on a platform once the respective rulings of the qualifying jury are known.
Contestants must take into account, among other aspects, the following decisions recently made by the Festival Vallenato del Magdalena Medio Foundation, and others contained in the contest regulations published on the aforementioned contest website:



Folkfestiva Folkiri 2023 - France

by Diatonic News
Du jeu. 5 au sam. 7 Oct. 2023
Placement libre – Debout - assis non garanti
Festival Folkiri 2023

Jeudi 5 octobre : Concert de Mes Souliers sont rouges
Vendredi 6 octobre : bal folk avec Eris, La Bachule & Initium
Samedi 7 octobre : bal folk avec Arbadetorne, Central Bal & Viorel
Stages & ateliers

Samedi 7 octobre, plusieurs stages sont proposés :


Voci Armoniche

2023 Festival Acadiens et Créoles - USA

by Diatonic News
2023 Festival Acadiens et Créoles - USA
2023 Festival Acadiens et Créoles Official Music Line Up and Workshops

Friday, October 13, 2023
Scène Ma Louisiane
5:00 pm The Official Cutting of the Boudin Festival Opening
5:30-6:45 Roddie Romero & the Hub City Allstars: Tribute to Clifton Chenier ft. Sonny Landreth
7:00-8:30 Corey Ledet Zydeco: Tribute to Clifton Chenier ft. Sonny Landreth & Sherelle Mouton-Sinegal

Saturday, October 14, 2023
Scène Ma Louisiane
10:30-11:30 Luke Huval Band
11:45-12:45 Chris Miller & Bayou Roots
1:00-2:00 The Daiquiri Queens
2:15-3:15 Hert LeBlanc (New Brunswick)
3:30-4:45 CJ Chenier & the Red Hot Louisiana Band w/ special guest Sonny Landreth
5:00-6:00 Lafayette Rhythm Devils
6:15-7:30 Steve Riley & the Mamou Playboys

Scène Mon Héritage
10:45-11:45 T’Monde
12:00-1:00 Balfa Toujours
1:15-2:15 Frank Family Band
2:30-3:30 Geno Delafose & French Rockin’ Boogie
3:45-4:45 Feufollet
5:00-6:30 Rusty Metoyer & the Zydeco Krush

Scène La Salle de Danse
10:30-11:30 Les Amis du Teche
11:45-12:45 Has Beans
1:00-2:00 Kyle Huval & the Dixie Club Ramblers
2:15-3:15 Savoy Family Band
3:30-4:30 Creole String Beans
4:45-6:00 Donny Broussard & the Louisiana Stars

Scène Atelier
11:30-12:30 Historic Creole Neighborhoods: Presented by Lafayette Parish Bicentennial
12:45-1:45 Life & Legacy of Clifton Chenier: Hosted by Todd Mouton
2:00-3:00 Allons à Lafayette – The Hub City’s Musical Legacy: Presented by Lafayette Parish Bicentennial Hosted by Wade Falcon w/ Floyd Soileau, Johnnie Allan, Sid Williams & Christiaan Mader
3:30-4:30 The Magnolia Sisters: Presented by Festival International de Louisiane
4:45-5:45 Creole Trio ft. Terry Domingue, Jeffery Broussard & Chuck Bush

Jam Ça!
11:00-12:15 John & Jane Vidrine
12:30-1:45 Luke Huval
2:00-3:00 Adeline Miller
3:15-4:15 Sheryl Cormier
4:30-5:30 Joe Hall

Sunday, October 15, 2023
Scène Ma Louisiane
10:30-11:30 Potluck Band
11:45-12:45 Chubby Carrier & the Bayou Swamp Band
1:00-2:00 Jesse Legé & the Bayou Aces
2:15-3:15 Jeffery Broussard & the Creole Cowboys
3:30-4:30 Jourdan Thibodeaux et les Rôdailleurs
4:45-5:45 Bonsoir, Catin: Presented by Festival International de Louisiane
6:00-7:30 Wayne Toups & Zydecajun: Presented by Atchafalaya National Heritage

Scène Mon Heritage
10:45-11:45 Terry & the Zydeco Bad Boys
12:00-1:00 Kevin Naquin & Cajun Preservation
1:15-2:15 Alphonse Ardoin & the Zydeco Kingz
2:30-3:30 Horace Trahan & the Ossun Express
3:45-4:45 Pine Leaf Boys
5:00-6:30 Gerald Gruenig & Gentilly Zydeco

Scène La Salle de Danse
9:00-10:30 French Mass
10:45-11:45 Jambalaya Cajun Band
12:00-1:00 Cameron Dupuy & the Cajun Troubadours
1:15-2:15 Cedric Watson & Bijou Créole
2:30-3:30 Gregg Martinez & the Delta Kings w/ special guests Johnnie Allan & TK Hulin
3:45-5:00 Wayne & Same Ol’ 2 Step
5:15-6:30 The Revelers

Scène Atelier
11:30-12:30 Piano Accordion Workshop: Hosted by Chad Huval with CJ Chenier & Corey Ledet
12:45-1:45 Radio en français et créole: Ashleé Wilson Michot, Blake Miller, Melvin Caesar & John Broussard
2:00-3:00 Songs of Vermilion Parish w/ the Babineaux Sisters & Special Guests
3:15-4:15 Women Bandleaders in Cajun & Zydeco Music: Kristi Guillory, Sheryl Cormier, Christine Balfa & Donna Angelle
4:30-5:30 Cory McCauley & His Evangeline Aces

Jam Ça!
11:00-12:15 Jimmy Breaux
1:00-2:15 Drew Simon
3:00-4:15 Jesse Legé


Guardia Nueva at Oulainen Music Week – Finland

by Diatonic News
The Oulainen Music Week will be held in Oulainen, Finland from October 29th to November 19th, 2023 and features concerts in classical music, jazz, folk music and children's music, complemented by top names in entertainment.

Guardia Nueva will perform at this event with vocalist Jarkko Ahola on November 3rd, 2023 at 7pm in the Yläkoulu Sali. Their repertoire features Argentinian tango, Finnish entertainment music, electro tango, church and Christmas music.

Conductor and Musical Director of Guardia Nueva since inception is Raimo Vertainen. The Guardia Nueva orchestra have just completed their final summer concert program at the Naantali Sunfest and will repeat this program at the Oulainen Music Week.

Other accordion performers at the festival include Hyperborea (picture above lright) on November 1st, 2023 at the Merkuriussali at 7pm. This group features accordionist Antti Paalanen.

On November 8th, 2023 at 7pm the Ryyppymäki String Band (accordionist Henna Hannula) will perform at the Oulainen Church at 7pm.

For details email: musiikki@oulainen.fi
Guardia Nueva

DIATONIC ACCORDEON (G/D) - intermediate/advanced - GB/NL

by Diatonic News
Andy CuttingANDY CUTTING. Suitable. To get the most out of this workshop you will need to be able to learn a simple folk dance melody by ear and keep it at the right pace with others.

This workshop is divided into two sessions on Saturday and one on Sunday. Price and ticket are therefore valid for all three workshops!

Sessions: 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM + 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM + session Sunday 29/10: 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM


Accordion Jazz Chords


by Diatonic News
Animé par Jérôme Le Borgne
Samedi 7/10 — 9h30 > 17h
À l’École de musique de Montfort-sur-Meu
Animé par Camille Privat
Samedi 14/10 — 9h30 > 18h30
À L’Antre de l’Éléphant à Muël
Rencontre avec Charlotte Espieussas (invitée d’honneur du festival) le soir-même à Saint-Maugan, après le concert de ORK.
Samedi 14/10 — 13h30 > 16h30
À La Granjagoul

Pour tous les info:
FEPEM35:Fédération pour la Pratique et l'Enseignement de la Musique en Ille-et-Vilaine

Andrea Mucciolo/campione sen. al 26 Campionato/organetto - Corvaro di Borgorose/Italia

by Diatonic News
Andrea MuccioloAndrea Mucciolo primo posto al 26° campionato del mondo di organetto e fisarmonica diatonica di Corvaro di Borgorose

Nel 2017 a soli 16 anni conquistò il primo posto al Campionato Italiano di Organetto e fisarmonica Diatonica. E già da quel momento, quando ancora stava assaporando la gioia di quel traguardo, pensò che sarebbe ritornato a Corvaro di Borgorose, in provincia di Rieti, per aspirare ad un riconoscimento ancora più ambizioso.
A distanza di 6 anni Andrea Mucciolo, organettista di Castel San Lorenzo, quel riconoscimento ancora più ambito lo ha ottenuto al 26° campionato del mondo di organetto e fisarmonica diatonica, che si è disputato sempre nel reatino, diventando campione del mondo in uno degli appuntamenti di settore più importanti del panorama italiano e internazionale. Un evento che ha contemplato la presenza di candidati di ogni nazionalità, giunti nel Lazio con strumenti diatonici di qualsiasi tipo.

Tra i tanti partecipanti Andrea è risultato il migliore nella categoria senior, strappando la coppa che ora fa bella mostra di sé tra i diversi riconoscimenti fin qui ottenuti nella sua ancora breve carriera dal giovane musicista, che ha voluto dedicare questo meritato successo al compianto nonno paterno, da cui ha ereditato la passione per questo strumento. Fu proprio il nonno nel 2011, quando Andrea aveva 10 anni, a trasmettergli questa passione che è diventata anche il suo lavoro dal momento che Andrea insegna ad altri giovani, trasmettendo loro questa passione.
Inoltre, suonando questo strumento con cui in larga parte si identifica la musica popolare cilentana, Andrea contribuisce a tenere vive le tradizioni, la storia e la cultura folcloristica della sua terra, il Cilento, dove la musica popolare è sinonimo di socialità, convivialità, occasione resilienza in quanto considerata, specie in passato, l’occasione per stare insieme, per corteggiare una donna, o per invocare la buona sorte. Un patrimonio che dunque Andrea e tanti come lui che, malgrado la giovane età si avvicinano alla pratica dell’organetto, contribuiscono a tenere vive le tradizioni musicali e artistiche cilentane.
Contributo: https://www.vocidalcilento.it/

Titano Accordions

Hartlepool Folk Festival - England

by Diatonic News
The Hartlepool Folk Festival will be held from October 6th to 8th, 2023 with daytime concerts at the St Hilda’s Church in Hartlepool, England.

Accordion performers include John Kirkpatrick, Spiers & Boden, The Gwilym Bowen Rhys Trio, Altan (accordionist Martin Tourish - pictured below), The Davenport Family and Melrose Quartet (Richard Arrowsmith on melodeon - picture above right).

For details email: info@hartlepoolfolkfest.co.uk

Die Hummelkurse in Bad Kreuznach - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Die Hummelkurse – Wochenenden mit Musik und Tanz rund um Drehleier, Dudelsack, Diatonisches Akkordeon, Nyckelharpa und Co. – finden zweimal jährlich statt, seit mittlerweile über 30 Jahren!
Der Unterricht findet in kleinen Gruppen, abgestimmt auf den Kenntnisstand der Teilnehmer, statt. Die Referenten der „Hummel“ sind ein langjähriges Team erfahrener Musiker und Kursleiter aus dem ganzen Bundesgebiet. Neben verschiedenen Instrumental- und Ensemble-Kursen gibt es jede Menge Bal-Folk, Sessions, Fachsimpeln, Zuhören und einen kleinen Musikalienmarkt…

Diat.Akkordeon Niveau 1 mit Ralf Heinzelmann
Diat.Akkordeon Niveau 2 mit Johanna Jung
Diat.Akkordeon Niveau 3 mit Andreas Bothe

Details und Anmeldung auf: https://bordun.de/kurse/hummelkurse/herbstkurs/

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

World Diatonic Contest - Italy

by Diatonic News
The September 2023 World Diatonic Contest was held in Fuscaldo und below you can view the results for the various categories A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I

Jury for all categories
A Markku Lepistò
B Antonio Spaccarotella
C Ruben Cittadini
D Pietro de Fazio
E Salvatore Pace

For further information: https://www.internationaldiatonicalliance.com/

eSheet Music Titles

Stage avec Michaël AUGER/Hartwin Dhoore - FR/Le Mans

by Diatonic News
Michaël AUGERHartwin DhooreDu jeu. 5 au sam. 7 Oct. 2023

Accordéon diatonique avec Michaël AUGER (Arbadetorne), de 14h à 17h aux Saulnières - Tarif : 20€
Stage d'accordéon Diatonique avec Hartwin Dhoore (Viorel), de 15h45 à 18h45 aux Saulnières - Tarif : 20€


Titano Accordions

Annual NorthEast Squeeze-In - USA

by Diatonic News
The Annual NorthEast Squeeze-In will be held at the Wisdom House Retreat & Conference Center in Litchfield, Connecticut, USA from September 30th to October 3rd, 2023.

The event is a gathering of free-reed players and their partners—not a festival, not a tutorial camp, but a laid-back music-filled weekend organized and led by volunteers who play concertina, button accordion, piano accordion, and the like. Participants range from absolute beginners to seasoned professionals.

They offer each other workshops, play tunes and songs in an amazing assortment of genres, jam from early morning until late at night, and present an eclectic concert on Saturday in which performers of every level and any instrument are welcome. The concert is followed by a contra dance, along with informal sessions that take place in every nook and cranny of the venue.

For more information email: Lynnh1947@gmail.com

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

KonzertinaNetz-Treffen Lehesten/Thüringen - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Schieferpark - Luftaufnahme6-8 Oktober 2023 Schieferpark Lehesten/Thüringen;

Im Herbst 2023 ist man wieder im Schieferpark/Lehensten (Thüringen). Das Frühjahrstreffen 2024 findet in der Bundesakademie Trossingen statt. Trossingen? Standort der Hohner-Werke und des Deutschen Harmonikamuseums
Nach dem Herbsttreffen 2024 im bewährten Schieferpark, geht es im Frühjahr 2025 an den Geburtsort der Konzertina: in der Kulturhauptstadt Chemnitz, in der Carl Friedrich Uhlig die Deutsche Konzertina erfunden hat. Man beteiligt sich im Rahmen des Mozartfestes an Aktivitäten, die die Erinnerung an Uhlig in der Stadt wieder auffrischen sollen.

Mit ca. 15 bis 20 TeilnehmerInnen hat das KonzertinaNetz-Treffen eine recht überschaubare Größe und das soll auch so bleiben. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem gemeinsamen Musizieren (z.B. die Stücke auf der Melodienseite).

Allerdings hat sich das Treffen auch zu einer Anlaufstelle für Anfänger entwickelt, so dass bei Bedarf für Deutsche Konzertina und Anglo Starthilfe angeboten werden.

Interessenten, die noch nicht wissen, welche Konzertina sie kaufen sollen, bilden die dritte Besuchergruppe. Hier können sie die verschiedenen Typen sehen, hören, antesten und sich beraten lassen.

Deutsche Konzertina, Anglos, Englische und Duet sind hier die gängigen Instrumente, aber auch Chemnitzer, Carlsfelder und Bandonions sind regelmäßig vertreten.

Einige Teilnehmer haben auch andere Instrumente dabei, was das Musizieren bereichert. Deswegen sind auch MusikerInnen mit anderen Instrumenten ausdrücklich eingeladen, obwohl es ein Konzertinatreffen ist!

Das Treffen lebt von der Musik, die die Teilnehmer mitbringen.

Der musikalische Leiter ist auch 2023 wieder Jochen Riemer, der das Treffen mitbegründet hat.

Hier finden Sie für das nächste Treffen weitere Informationen und ein Anmeldeformular:
KonzertinaNetz-Treffen im Schieferpark (Herbst 2023): INFO + ANMELDUNG https://konzertinanetz.de/

Mitten im Naturpark "Thüringer Schiefergebirge-Obere Saale" liegt der Staatsbruch Lehesten, in dem von 1300 bis 1999 Schiefer abgebaut wurde. Auf dem 60 ha großen Erlebnisgelände wohnen wir in historischen Gebäuden. Seit 2017 ist das moderne Tagungshaus eröffnet.

Zur Homepage: Schieferpark.de

Voci Armoniche

Future events / Concerts

Sounding Out the Accordion

Konzerte von Andreas Gabalier - Österreich/Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Andreas Gabalier
Die letzten Termin mit Andreas Gabalier im 2023:

27 Okt. 2023 Andreas Gabalier | Dirndl-Wahnsinn-Hulapalu!
SAP Arena, Mannheim, 20:00

03 Nov. 2023
Andreas Gabalier | Dirndl-Wahnsinn-Hulapalu!
TipsArena Linz, Linz, 20:00

04 Nov. 2023
Andreas Gabalier | Dirndl-Wahnsinn-Hulapalu!
Wiener Stadthalle Halle D, Wien, 20:00

Ticketbestellung und mehr auf: https://www.universal-music.de/andreasgabalier/termine


Hubert von Goisern and the Lungau Big Band - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Drei Live-Konzerte in Österreich: Blech, Balg & Holz

Musik aus dem Herzen Österreichs – so steht es auf deren Homepage geschrieben, macht die Lungau Big Band. Und das mittlerweile seit 40 Jahren: 2023 feiert das Ensemble aus der sprichwörtlichen Mitte Österreichs nämlich seinen runden Geburtstag. Es kommt nicht allzu oft vor, dass ein Jazzensemble über einen so langen Zeitraum hinweg besteht.

Grund zu feiern, und zwar mit einer musikalischen Kooperation, die seit langem auf der Wunschliste stand: Hubert von Goisern steht für drei Termine im November 2023 mit der Lungau Big Band auf der Bühne. Mit seinen eigenen Songs, arrangiert für: Blech, Balg und Holz. Ein buntes, ein jazziges und brassiges Programm, in dem es aus vielen Etappen der musikalischen Reise von Hubert von Goisern etwas zu hören gibt.
17. November 2023 - Linz

Venue: Posthof
Tickets: www.posthof.at

18. November 2023 - Wien

Venue: Konzerthaus Wien
Tickets: www.konzerthaus.at

19. November 2023 - Graz

Venue: Orpheum
Tickets: www.eventim.de

Voci Armoniche

LOUISE JALLU en concert à Rennes - FR

by Diatonic News
Louise Jallu↪ Jeudi 12/10 et 13/10/2023 Opéra de Rennes — 20h
Place de la Mairie - 35000 Rennes

À l’image d’Astor Piazzolla, Louise Jallu fait partie de ces musicien·nes qui transcendent les frontières. Des petits clubs à la Philharmonie de Paris, cette bandonéoniste et compositrice française, élève de César Stroscio, sait attirer un nouveau public et porte un regard neuf sur le tango. Au panthéon des compositeurs du 20ème siècle, Louise Jallu place Piazzolla aux côtés de Ligeti, Stockhausen ou Boulez, pour la manière dont il a transformé le tango en un art moderne en constante évolution. Sous la baguette du jeune chef d’orchestre québécois Nicolas Ellis, ce concert met aussi en avant des compositeurs directement influencés par Piazzolla tels l’Argentin Osvaldo Golijov ou le Français Bernard Cavanna.

Friedrich Lips Book

The Davenport Family in October 7/8 2023 - UK

by Diatonic News
The Davenport Family
LOCATION /Hartlepool Headland, TS24 0JD
Hartlepool Folk Festival 2023
Sat 7 Oct 2023 - Sun 8 Oct 2023

Two generations steeped in traditional song. Liz and Paul have been stalwarts of the English folk scene for decades, and received the EFDSS Gold Badge Award last year. In addition to performing, Paul is a researcher of traditions from Yorkshire and has written some fantastic songs. Now joined by Gavin, whose musical life has included a solo career as well as stints in the Albion Band and Sheffield quartet Crucible, and Amy, whose upbringing was immersed in the folk clubs of Liverpool, they bring us an excellent repertoire, lush harmonies and genuine family camaraderie.


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Folkball - Gent/Belgium

by Diatonic News
Wednesday 18/10/2023
Paulus Huis Patijntjestraat 27 9000 - Gent
20:00 - 22:00 Tout Bout D’chant
22:00 - 23:15 Jam

Un bal chanté, mélange de poésie, d'humour et de réflexion. Il ancre ses racines dans les chants traditionnels, s'aventure chez les grands poètes de la chanson française et ponctue son propos de quelques bons mots wallon

Une collection de musiciens individuels qui font de la musique ensemble. Apportez votre instrument et jouez avec nous !

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Sänger- und Musikantentreffen in Bad Radkersburg - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Freitag, 6. Oktober 2023
Zehnerhaus – Peter Merlini Saal
Hauptplatz 10, 8490 Bad Radkersburg

Beginn: 19:00 Uhr / Einlass: 18:00 Uhr
Motto: Musik kennt keine Grenze(n)
Moderation: Karl Lenz

Mitwirkende: 18 – 19 Uhr: TALENTEBÜHNE
Bad Radkersburger Festtagsmusi
Pomorski tamburaski orkester (Tamburizzagruppe aus Slowenien)
Ziach Saitn Musi (Partnergemeinde Schladming)
Die Hügelhörner (Alphorn Ensemble)

Musikschule Bad Radkersburg / Dir. Alfred Ornig
Tel. 0664/9244553
Mail: musikschule@badradkersburg.at

Solo chanson accordéon / VICTORIA DELAROZIÈRE - FR

by Diatonic News
↪ Vendredi 6/10/2023 La Canopée Janzé — 12h45
Bar le N°6 Retiers — 18h30 ↪ Samedi 7/10/2023
Médiathèque Saint-Méen-Le-Grand — 11h
↪ Mardi 10/10/2023 Le Grand Logis Bruz — 20h30
↪ Vendredi 13/10/2023 Le P’tit Mousse Acigné — 20h30

Déjà croisée au Grand Soufflet, la moitié du duo Tascabilissimo revient après un tour de France où elle a collecté et troqué des chansons. Perles rares, classiques revisités, créations maison, ovnis musicaux et anecdotes se mélangent gaiement tout au long d’un spectacle-concert où les histoires collectées comptent autant que les morceaux joués. Une voix et un accordéon suffisent alors à vous transporter sur les routes de l’hexagone à la suite de cette artiste aussi impertinente que généreuse. Attention mesdames et messieurs, dans un instant, ça va commencer !


Titano Accordions

Next concert of Ville Hiltula - Kobe-shi Japan

by Diatonic News
Ville Hiltua - Japan
for details view Poster or contact: villehiltula@gmail.com

Accordion Jazz Chord

DUO latino à La Pie Muette Chantepie - France

by Diatonic News
VolcanDuo latino ↪ Vendredi 6/10/2023 La Pie Muette Chantepie — 20h Gratuit

Ils sont 2 et envoient comme 6 ! Deux accordéons, deux voix et deux percussionnistes, Charlotte Espieussas et Bastien Charlery donnent libre cours à travers ce duo à leur amour pour les musiques et chants traditionnels. Du Quercy au Mexique, du Pérou à la Bulgarie, de bals populaires en tavernes, ces deux-là vous emportent dans leurs larges valises d’où ils tirent un bouillonnant répertoire des quatre coins du monde. Dépaysement garanti !


Gary Dahl Arrangements

Luca Bassanese & P.O.P. in concerto - Vicenza/Italia

by Diatonic News
Luca Bassanese
1 Ottobre 2023
17:00 Luca Bassanese & P.O.P. in concerto – Piazza Dei Signori (Vicenza) – Italy ore 17.00 (ingresso gratuito)
Piazza dei Signori, Vicenza


John Spiers & Jon Boden @ Hartlepool folk Festival - UK

by Diatonic News
Spiers & Boden
Friday 6th Oct 2023 Hartlepool Headland, TS24 0JD

By the time John Spiers & Jon Boden had hung up their hats as a duo in 2014, they had earned a place in the folk history that few could rival.

Spiers & Boden first rocketed onto the music scene in 2001, quickly winning a clutch of BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards and going on to become one of the best-loved duos English folk has ever seen. Founding members of folk juggernaut Bellowhead, the unstoppable momentum of folk's Big Band left time for little else. Having retired Bellowhead (apart from occasional reunions) Spiers & Boden have returned to their roots: absurdly addictive songs, the intuitive interplay of box and fiddle, and a bouncing atmosphere that is one of the great joys of live English folk music.


Charnwood Music Publishing

Bal @ De Pianofabriek - Belgium/Saint-Gilles

by Diatonic News
Tuesday 24/10/2023 GC De Pianofabriek
Fortstraat 35 1060 - Saint-Gilles

From a friendship between four young musicians was born Bargainatt, a dance music group which was born at the beginning of 2016 in Montpellier.


group took its first steps on the markets of Hérault and Gard at the beginning of spring. With a hat and full of desire, it is in the street that the first rehearsals take place and the musicians learn their skills. From this rich experience is born the name of the group. Taken from the English words "Bargain" (market) and "Hat" (hat).


Voci Armoniche

Double Concert wotj Quatuor Voce and J.B.Henry - Quinsac/FR

by Diatonic News
Double Concert wotj Quatuor Voce and J.B.Henry - Quinsac/FR
Double Concert in Quinsac avec Quatuor Voce and friends - Friday 6th october 2023 from 8pm onwards with Monzart / Ravel and Tangos
On the Bandoneon Jean Baptiste Henry.


Denis Novato Nov tour in - Australia

by Diatonic News
Denis Novato - Tour in October - Australia
Wieder einmal ist Denis Novato unterwegs - und diesen Oktober in down-under Australien

David Munelli performing in Les Saulnières/FR

by Diatonic News
david Munnelly
5 Oct 2023
Superforma, Mes Souliers Sont Rouges e Mlc.Les Saulnières & La Salle des Concerts

Originaire de Belmullet, en Irlande, David Munnelly a été élevé dans une maison très musicale. Il apprend les instruments de musique avec sa grand mère, l’amour de la musique traditionnelle et en particulier l’accordéon et le mélodéon. Connu pour son style coloré, ses doigtés de basse audacieux, des arrangements complexes et des compositions modernes. David exhale des notes des années folles et de l’énergie d’une boîte de dynamite. Tous cela est associé à un talent magistral, pour laisser une mélodie prendre son temps avec un son totalement incomparable et brillant.


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Duo Clercx concert in Kasterlee - Belgium

by Diatonic News
Duo Clercx
08.10.23 Heemwerf Listening Concert 2460 Kasterlee, Belgium

Duo Clercx is a ball group focused on playing folk balls, founded in the summer of 2022 by the Clercx brothers. With an arsenal of instruments, Hendrik Clercx (diatonic accordion and violin) and Gert-Jan Clercx (violin, tin whistles, bagpipes & bratch) play their self-written repertoire.

In addition to being musicians, they are also dancers themselves, so they know perfectly what dancers need. They perform folk with sensual mazurkas, spicy magic circles, hearty bourrées...

With their enthusiasm and rich background of various folk styles, they immediately make you want to dance!

For more information you can contact them at duoclercx@gmail.com

Konzerte mit Melissa Naschenweng - AN/DE/CH

by Diatonic News
Melissa NaschenwengTERMINE & TOURDATEN 2023

Oktoberfeest 2023, Sittard, Niederlande | Sittard, Niederlande

Eskara Kulturarena Essenbach, Deutschland | Savigneux-Platz 4, 84051 Landshut / Essenbach, Deutschland

Hallenstadion Zürich, Schweiz | Wallisellenstrasse 45, 8050 Zürich, Schweiz


Titano Accordions

Narcotango Tour - Worldwide

by Diatonic News
Narcotango Tour
Carlos Libedinsky with his Narcotango Tour celebrates the 20th Activity travelling from Feb-Sept/Argentina, Germany, USA, Switzerland, Italy, Greece and will be in the last part of 2023 in Germany, France, Denmark and last not least in Argentina/Buenos Aires for concerts.

For more: Carlos Libedinsky narcotangoinfo@gmail.com


John Kirkpatrick performing in Hartlepool - UK

by Diatonic News
John Kirkpatrick
6 + 8 Oct. 2023 / at the Hartlepool Folk Festiva
Fri 6 Oct 2023 2:00 PM - Sun 8 Oct 2023 11:45 PM Hartlepool Headland, TS24 0JD

One of the most well-loved and prolific figures on the English folk scene, whether performing solo, in duos, or a multitude of bands, John has established an enviable reputation as an instrumental virtuoso and leading interpreter of English folk music. He has been a member of the Albion Country Band, Magic Lantern, The Richard Thompson Band, Umps and Dumps, Steeleye Span, Brass Monkey, Trans-Europe Diatonique, and Band of Hope, as well as numerous ceilidh bands. He was also instrumental in reviving Border morris in the 1970s and is a passionate proponent of traditional dance.

As songwriter, composer, choreographer, and musical director, he has contributed to over sixty plays in the theatre and on radio, and has featured in TV dramas and film. We're delighted to welcome him back to Hartlepool.


Voci Armoniche

Marc Berthoumieux trio concert – FR/ Gières

by Diatonic News
Marc Berthoumieux
L’accordéoniste français nous livre ici son nouveau projet Les choses de la vie. Avec les talentueux Giovanni Mirabassi et Laurent Vernerey, ses complices depuis plus de quinze ans, Marc Berthoumieux reprend la route avec bonheur. Pour lui, le trio est la formation où s’affirme le mieux la liberté d’expression. L’écoute et la relation à l’autre s’équilibrent avec la plus grande harmonie. Il revisite entre autres le répertoire de l’album In other word avec des thèmes d’Elton John, de Pat Metheny, de Michel Petrucciani ou de Sting, mais aussi cette mélodie intemporelle de Philippe Sarde pour le cinéma. Il y a fort à parier que d’autres titres incontournables de ses albums fassent partie de la setlist pour une relecture inattendue avec cette formule magique ! Ce concert est organisé au profit de l’association humanitaire Kasih Bunda France qui, depuis 1984, aide les enfants défavorisés, abandonnés ou en difficulté en Indonésie, au Sri Lanka et à Madagascar

Marc Berthoumieux : accordéon Giovanni Mirabassi : piano Laurent Vernerey : basse

Lundi 2 octobre 2023 20 h 30
Le Laussy 15 rue Victor-Hugo Parc Michal
38610 Gières
Infos & billetterie Christiane Hirsch 06 70 77 73 04

Intocable Evolution Tour 2023

by Christine Johnstone
Ricardo Javier “Ricky” MuñozVideo: Intocable performing “No Se Vuelve a Repetir”. The group from Zapata, Texas, has achieved a new milestone on Billboard’s Regional Mexican Airplay chart. Their latest single, “No Se Vuelve a Repetir,” has climbed to No. 4 on the chart dated August 26th, 2023, extending its record for the most top 10s on the list to 47.

Tejano/Norteño group “Intocable” will tour USA from September 28th, beginning with a concert at the Luther Burbank Center for the Arts in Santa Rosa, California, USA.

Group members are Ricardo Javier “Ricky” Muñoz (vocals & accordion – picture above right), René Orlando Martínez (drums), Sergio Serna (percussion), Johnny Lee Rosas (vocals & bajo sexto), Alejandro Gulmar (bajo sexto) and Felix Salinas (bass).

October 2023 tour dates as follows:

October 1st: Santa Barbara
October 5th: Boise
October 7th: Las Vegas
October 8th: Los Angeles
October 13th: Bakersfield
October 14th: Phoenix
October 19th: Coliseo Centenario, Torreon

For details email: info@grupointocable.com

Musikanten- und Sängertreffen - Stallhofen/Österreich

by Diatonic News
Musikanten- und Sängertreffen - Stallhofen/Österreich
Samstag, 28. Oktober 2023 Gasthof Rössl – Wirtshaussaal
Stallhofen 11, 8152 Stallhofen

Beginn: 19:30 Uhr / Einlass: 18:30 Uhr
Motto: Musi, Gsang und a Tanzl
Moderation: Die Musikanten des Abends

Mitwirkende: Brodjaga Musi
Die Schnodabixn
4kleemusig (Tirol)
Margrets Musi

Verein Kultur.Hunger / Andreas Amreich
Tel. 0664/4019520
Mail: kultur.hunger@gmx.at

aktuelle Sendetermine

Accordion Jazz Chords

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD "Gira la ruota" di Andrea Capezzuoli e Compagnia - Italia

by Diatonic News
E' uscita il settimo CD "Gira la ruota" di Andrea Capezzuoli e Compagnia. Un disco di canzoni italiane arrangiate per il ballo con il nostro folle marchio di fabbrica italofrancochebecchese!
Sull'home page del loro sito potete ascoltare i samples di tutti i brani
Come i loro Cd precedenti, sarà in vendita sul sito della loro casa discografica RoxRecords

Titano Accordions

CD "Volata" Mario Salvi - Italia

by Diatonic News
Il nuovo CD “Volata”, prodotto da Visage Music con 13 brani inediti, scritti ed arrangiati da Mario Salvi negli ultimi 20 anni, registrati insieme a tanti amici che hanno accettato di imbarcarsi in questa nuova impresa di un organettista d’altri tempi…

Mario ringrazia a Massimo Stano del MAST Recording Studio, per il perfetto lavoro di registrazione, editing, missaggio e mastering.

Il CD è disponibile al momento in poche copie “fisiche” e sarà online dal mese di ottobre sulle principali piattaforme di musica in streaming

Per info: FB Mario Salvi

Wienerlieder – Für die Ewigkeit/A.Gabalier - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Wienerlieder – Für die Ewigkeit (EP) die neue Musik von Andreas Gabalier am 22. September 2023 vorgestellt. Also schnell sichern - wo:


Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Accordion TV/Film/Radio

eSheet Music Titles

Marc Pircher / TV-Auftritte 2023 /CD - A/DE/CH/NL

by Diatonic News
voraussichtlich die letzen 2023/Herbs-TV Auftritte mit Marc Pircher - nicht versàumen, diese sind zu folgenden Daten geplant:

Mi, 04.10.2023 - TV-Aufz. für ORF 2 "Studio 2" in Salzburg
Portrait über Wolfgang Hofer (Komponist u. Texter vieler Hits)

Sa, 21.10.2023 - Volksmusik TV "Mit Musi durch die Heimat", 20.15 Uhr
Wiederum eine Hitparade mit vielen neuen Musikgruppen und Künstlern aus ganz Österreich. Das Publikum zu Hause wählt mittels Televoting die 3 Sieger, die auch beim nächsten Mal wieder dabei sein dürfen...

Moderation: Marc Pircher
Zusätzliche Ausstrahlung in der Schweiz bei Alpenwelle TV !
Sa, 23.12.2023 - ORF 2 Tirol "Licht ins Dunkel", 18.30 Uhr - LiveMarc Pircher & Ludwig Dornauer - Auftritt & Interview

Alle weiteren live-Auftritte Infos gibt es auf: https://www.marcpircher.at/live-tour/2023/

Infos/Bestellung seiner "Typisch Marc Pircher" zum 30jährigen Jubiläum: https://www.marcpircher.at/shop/

Titano Accordions

Huber von Goisern / TV im Okt 2023 - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Hubert von Goisern09.10.23 16:30 3sat Dachstein - Berg der Berge im Salzkammergut
Dachstein - Berg der Berge im Salzkammergut: Erzählungen und Musik zur Dokumentation von Hubert von Goisern. (2020) // Livestream

09.10.23 02:50 3sat Dachstein - Berg der Berge im Salzkammergut
Dachstein - Berg der Berge im Salzkammergut: Erzählungen und Musik zur Dokumentation von Hubert von Goisern. (2020) // Livestream


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