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Diatonic News - Oct-2019
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Voci Armoniche


PIF Castelfidardo / World Music - Italy
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich
The original zydeco cruise with Geno Dalafose - Caribian
Aufnahmestudio bei Harmonika Müller - Kàrnten/Austria
Museo Etnografico Francesco Bande - Sassari/Sardegna/Italia
WOMEX 2019 in - Finland
Video: World Music 15 Years Student Category at PIF Castelfidardo - Italy
13. Harmonica Masters Workshops - Deutschland
Musikschule Harmonika Schmidt – Steiermark/Austria

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

10. global music festival - akkordeon akut! - Deutschland
Video: Musical "Armonicamente" at PIF Castelfidardo - Italy
Campioni mondiali della fisarmonica diatonica/organetto -Slovenia
17th Annual Maclagan Squeezebox Festival – Australia
“Le Grand Soufflet” - France
Corso Biennale d’interpretazione della musica del Tango - Italia
Festival Acadiens et Creoles - USA/LA
American Cajun Blues & Zydeco Festival - Deutschland
Brandon McPhee Tours with “The Jimmy Shand Story” - UK
Folkiamo - Italia
12th annual Accordion Noir Festival - Vancouver/Canada
Stage FEPEM/diatonic accordeon - France/Sel de Bretagne

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Anne Niepold & Riccardo Tesi Perform in Hampshire - UK
Global Musik Festival/Renato Borghetti Quartet - Germany
The Pine Leaf Boys on the stage of the German Club - RI 02861/USA
Mundharmonika Quartett Austria - Konzerte
Topa-K in Tampere - Finland/Spain
Paolo Russo/Concert with CD Presentation - Denmark
Shillelagg in October - FR/DE
Harmonika Workshop Begleiten/Ensemble - Weinitzen bei Graz
Rémi Geffroy in concerto a Falconara - AN/FI/Italia
Borghetti & Yamandu / Las Hermanas Caronni - Vienn/Austria/Brazil
Carmelo Torres y su Cumbia Sabanera - FI/Columbia
Suistamon Sähkö @ WOMEX - Finland

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD "Vita Brevis" by Anne Niepold - Belgium
New CD by Kalàscima - Italy

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

PIF Castelfidardo / World Music - Italy

by Diatonic News
This years 44th edition of the PIF Castelfidardo was with the theme: "once upon a time - the accordion".

Many diatonic competitiors were performing in the square of della Repubblica on an open stage, with wonderful weather enchanting the numerous audience.

Here the Zdrujzeni Orkester Diatonik Harmonik from Slovenia.

Sounding Out the Accordion

Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation


The original zydeco cruise with Geno Dalafose - Caribian

by Diatonic News
The original zydeco cruise with Geno Dalafose - Caribian
If you want to take part in this wonderful and for sure unforgettiable Cruise to Cozumel, Messico, George Town, Grand Cayman, Falmouth and Jamaica - than hurry up and book your place the the November week from 17-24th, 2019.

For inquiries/bookings contact: www.travelmachine.net

Voci Armoniche

Aufnahmestudio bei Harmonika Müller - Kàrnten/Austria

by Diatonic News
Aufnahmestudio bei Harmonika Müller
Ein professionelles, hauseigenes Aufnahmestudio bietet die Firma Harmonika-Müller. Mit der hochwertigen Hardware und der dazu passenden Bearbeitungs-Software werden Aufnahmen mit hochqualitativen Bildern kombiniert und mit ausgezeichnetem Sound produziert.

Nach der Fertigstellung wird die Aufnahme in mehreren Formaten gespeichert. Dies ermöglicht eine flexible Wiedergabe der Inhalte – ganz nach den Wünschen der Haronikaspieler.

Das Aufnahmestudio kann auch sehr gerne als Proberaum genutzt werden. Man kann sich dorthin zurückziehen und ungestört Harmonikas ausprobieren und spielen.

Und das Team von Harmonika Müller steht immer hilfreich zur Seite.
Team  Harmonika Müller

Friedrich Lips Book

Museo Etnografico Francesco Bande - Sassari/Sardegna/Italia

by Diatonic News
Museo Etnografico Francesco Bande - Sassari/Sardegna/Italia
Per chi volesse saperne di più sul popolo sardo, può fare una visita al Museo Etnografico Francesco Bande. Si trova a Sassari, in Via Muroni 44. Vi sono esposti antichi costumi da sposa, i costumi giornalieri e da vedova di alcune zone dell’isola, raccolti e conservati dal maestro Bande. Alcuni risalgono al 1700. Si possono inoltre ammirare strumenti musicali tipici dell’isola, come ad esempio le launeddas, strumento musicale usato dai pastori sardi.

Il Circolo Folkloristico prende il nome da Francesco Bande, organettista di fama internazionale di rara bravura, conosciuto in ogni angolo dell’isola e ricordato da chiunque ami la musica ed il folklore della Sardegna.

Per saperne di più: http://www.museobande.it/il_museo.php?area=museo&lang=

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

WOMEX 2019 in - Finland

by Diatonic News
WOMEX Award statuette
WOMEXSince the introduction of the WOMEX Award in 1999, the list of extraordinary artists and professionals from our community deserving of this special praise has continued to grow. The award honours exceptional achievements in world music on the international level; musical excellence, social importance, commercial success, political impact, lifetime achievement – any or all of these might make one a worthy recipient.

Celebrating creativity and diversity, from ground-breaking new talents to established maestros, from innovation to tradition, and from acoustic to electronic. The Showcase concerts spotlight more than 60 acts from around the globe every year.

The acts play in front of one of the largest audiences anywhere of dedicated international concert and festival bookers, tour promoters and venues, labels, distributors, journalists and industry professionals – everyone you need to help launch, re-launch, sustain and expand your career.

The programme is created based on an annual call for proposals. Our independent, international jury then chooses the finale programme. Five of them select the showcases, our dedicated Club Summit curator selects the Club Summit showcases together with the WOMEX team.


Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Video: World Music 15 Years Student Category at PIF Castelfidardo - Italy

by Harley Jones
PIF Castlefidardo Festival header
Samuele Potenza (Italy) - 2nd

Graziano Sisinni (Italy) - 3rd

Rocco Coviello (Italy) - 4th
Diatonic players from Italy won 2nd, 3rd and 4th in the PIF Castlefidardo World Music 15 Years Student Category. Videos of the competition are above. Enjoy.

Daily Reports, pictures, video and results of PIF Castelfidardo are online at: 2019Castelfidardo

13. Harmonica Masters Workshops - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
13. Harmonica Masters Workshops - Deutschland
Trossingen, 30. Oktober - 03. November 2019

Künstlerische Leitung & Konzept: Steve Baker
Veranstalter: Hohner Konservatorium / Michaela Kitzke

Die Harmonica Masters Workshops, 2003 von Steve Baker initiiert und vom Hohner Konservatorium organisiert, gelten seit langem als No.1 Bildungsveranstaltung für Blues-Mundharmonika in Europa. Wir akzeptieren ab sofort Anmeldungen für die 13. Auflage vom 30. Oktober - 03. November 2019.

Mòchten Sie daran teilnehmen, so melden Sie sich rechtzeitig an, da viele dieser Masterklassen frùhzeitig ausgebucht sind - https://www.harmonica-masters.de/de/

Titano Accordions

Musikschule Harmonika Schmidt – Steiermark/Austria

by Diatonic News
Harmonika Schmid
Seit dem Jahr 2000 gibt es in Weinitzen, die von Franz Schmid sen. Und dem Musi8klehrer Willibald Stelzl Musikunterricht für Steirische Harmonika. Auf Wunsch kann man aber nicht nur die Steirischen Harmonika lernen, sondern zusätzlich auch das Hackbrett, die Gitarre, den Kontrabass, die Zither, die Okarina und sonstige Instrumente, die im Volksmusikbereich ihre Verwendung finden.

Das Ziel dieser privat geführten Musikschule ist es, jedem Musikinteressierten die Möglichkeit zu geben, sowohl die Steirische Harmonika lernen zu können, als auch andere Volksmusikinstrumente. Der Unterricht findet wöchentlich in Einzelstunden statt. Natürlich wird auch großes Augenmerk auf Ensembleunterricht und die Betreuung von Familienmusiken gelegt. Im Laufe des Schuljahres werden Musikantenstammtische und Vorspielabende abgehalten um die Auftrittspraxis jedes einzelnen Schülers zu fördern. Durch die Flexibilität der Lehrer ist es möglich, auf jeden Schüler individuell eingehen zu können (Notenschrift, Griffschrift, auswendig), damit er einen fundamentierten Instrumentalunterricht genießen kann.

Über all die Jahre konnten von den ausgebildeten Schülern und Familienmusiken auch viele Erfolge bei Wettbewerben erzielt werden, wie zum Beispiel: Alpenländischer Volksmusikwettbewerb in Innsbruck, Harmonikawettbewerb in Flachau, Josef Peyer Wettbewerb, ORF Harmonika – Fernsehwettbewerb, usw.

Info: https://www.steirische-harmonika.at/musikschule-steirische-harmonika-lernen/

Accordion Jazz Chord

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Gary Dahl Arrangements

10. global music festival - akkordeon akut! - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
10. global music festival - akkordeon akut
10. global music festival - akkordeon akut! 2019
30. Oktober - 10. November 2019

Das Weltmusik-Festival akkordeon akut! wird 10 Jahre alt

Das wird gebührend gefeiert – gemeinsam mit Höhepunkten aus den vergangenen Jahren!

Mit den Neugierigen, die sich auf neue Klänge und Interpretationen ihrer Musik (mit Akkordeon) einlassen, mit vielen Stars, die dem Festival dadurch spannende und einzigartige Momente bescheren.


Video: Musical "Armonicamente" at PIF Castelfidardo - Italy

by Harley Jones
PIF Castelfidardo header
Evening Program - Musical "Armonicamente" in the Theater Astra with the theatre song/dance company Della Rancia (Italy).

One part of this excellent musical featured Massimo Marconi (Italy) on the diatonic accordion. He starts playing at 1:00

Following Massimo Marconi are the two accordionists who were playing through most of the musical, Antonio de Luca (acoustic/jazz) and Valentino Lorenzetti on the digital MIDI accordion.

Charnwood Music Publishing

Campioni mondiali della fisarmonica diatonica/organetto -Slovenia

by Diatonic News
Campioni mondiali della fisarmonica diatonica/organetto - Slovenia
Sezione Organetto
Categoria “Junior” TORTORA MATTEO (Borgorose -RI) Italia
Categoria “Senior” SPINELLI ANGELO (Montesano sulla Marcellana -SA) Italia
Sezione Fisarmonica Diatonica
Categoria “Junior” GREBENC DANAJA (Dravograd) Slovenija
Categoria “Senior” INNERKOFLER DOMINIK (Dobbiago -BZ) Italia
Sezione OVER50 (Fisarmonica Diatonica/Organetto)
Categoria Unica SECORANJA IVAN (Portoroz) Slovenija

Voci Armoniche

17th Annual Maclagan Squeezebox Festival – Australia

by Diatonic News


“Le Grand Soufflet” - France

by Diatonic News
Le Grand Soufflet
“Le Grand Soufflet” is an international accordion festival. It has been taking place every year in October in the city of Rennes and other different cities of the Ille-et-Vilaine department (French Brittany) since 1996. It is now one of the most important festival dedicated to the instrument. About 15 000 people attend to the festival each year, in 30 to 40 venues, mainly about 120 people venues and about 5 venues around 500 people.
The purpose of the festival is to show the modernity and the diversity of accordion (and harmonica in modern style of music such as electronic, punk, rock, experimental... So we already invited some of the most important artists from all over the world representing different styles of music (Brasil, Canada, Argentina, Madagascar, Finland, etc…) but also young promising artists from France and other countries.


Corso Biennale d’interpretazione della musica del Tango - Italia

by Diatonic News
aestro Gianni IorioA cura di Faitango

Corso d'interpretazione di musica del Tango Auditorium del Conservatorio Luisa D'Annunzio di Pescara

Direzione Maestro Gianni Iorio

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Festival Acadiens et Creoles - USA/LA

by Diatonic News
Festival Acadiens et Creoles - USA/
Festival Acadiens et Creoles after party going down at O’Darby’s Pub in Carencro!
Rusty Metoyer + Terry Domingue
Showtime 9pm! With Cameron LaVan, Andrew Fontenot, Kaleb LeDay, Desmond Joseph e Terry Domingue

American Cajun Blues & Zydeco Festival - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
American Cajun Blues & Zydeco Festival - Deutschland
24.10. - 10.11.2019 acbzf.com
Dwight 'Blackcat' Carrier Band
Joe Hall & the Canecutters
Michael Juan Nunez

Titano Accordions

Brandon McPhee Tours with “The Jimmy Shand Story” - UK

by Diatonic News
ccordionist Brandon McPhee will tour the UK with “The Jimmy Shand Story” Scottish Show from October 2019. This will be the only time this specific show will be in the areas listed below. The show will conclude in Scotland at the end of the year.

The live narrator is actor Dave Anderson. Tickets are now on sale.

Tour dates as follows:

October 10th: Motherwell Concert Hall and Theatre, Windmillhill Street, Motherwell
October 12th: Wick Assembly Rooms, Sinclair Terrace, Wick
October 13th: Webster Memorial Theatre, Arbroath
October 20th: Howden Park Centre, Howden, Livingston
October 25th: Tivoli Theatre, Aberdeen
October 26th: New Auditorium GRCH, Glasgow
October 27th: Rothes Halls, Rothes Square, Glenrothes, Fife
October 28th: Eden Court Theatre and Cinema, Bishops Rd, Inverness
November 1st: The Brunton, Ladywell Way, Musselburgh
November 2nd: The Cairndale Hotel & Leisure Club Dumfries, 132-136 English Street, Dumfries
November 3rd: Caird Hall, Dundee

For further information email: robertcameron29@hotmail.com


Folkiamo - Italia

by Diatonic News
Folkiamo - vuol dire: Musica, corsi di danza, concerti, workshop di musica e ballo, feste, sorrisi, amici, semplicità, leggerezza!


Voci Armoniche

12th annual Accordion Noir Festival - Vancouver/Canada

by Diatonic News
12th annual Accordion Noir Festival - Vancouver/Canada
Friday Nov 15, 8 pm, at the WISE Hall (1882 Adanac St, Vancouver, Canada)


Stage FEPEM/diatonic accordeon - France/Sel de Bretagne

by Diatonic News
Damien TatardAtelier de pratique animé par Damien Tatard professeur d’accordéon diatonique et de musiques traditionnelles à l’École traditionnelle “Les Menhirs” au Sel de Bretagne, autour des morceaux de Anne-Mari Kivimäki, accordéoniste de Suistamon Sähkö, suivi d’une rencontre avec l’artiste.

Samedi 5 octobre - 9h30
Informations et inscriptions auprès de la FEPEM35 au 02 99 41 35 10

Future events / Concerts

Accordion Jazz Chords

Anne Niepold & Riccardo Tesi Perform in Hampshire - UK

by Christine Johnstone
Anne Niepold & Riccardo TesiAnne Niepold & Riccardo Tesi are two contrasting diatonic accordionists. These European musicians will perform a concert at the Forge Anvil Arts Centre Churchill Way in Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK on October 9th at 7.45pm.

Anne will be debuting material from her new album “Vita Brevis” and Riccardo has an instantly recognisable style, drawing on ancient and modern musical languages.

For information phone: 01 256 844244


by Diatonic News
25th Oct - 00.30 h

Future tango played in the old-school way. El Cachivache Quinteto have spent the last decade ceaselessly touring around the globe, honing their distinctive brand of tango punk into a formidably tight, sensuously dance-inducing style. The band was formed in 2008 by guitarist Vito Venturino and pianist Pablo Montanelli – two Argentinians living in Spain, both eager to reconnect with their porteño roots and give them a
contemporary makeover.
Preliminary incursions into Europe’s burgeoning tango club circuit proved successful and in 2013 they returned to Buenos Aires, from where they’ve continued to bring their classic tango with a rock aesthetic to more than 800 shows in 50 countries on 3 continents. And when not touring they can be found every Monday at the city’s leading cutting-edge tango club, the Batifondo Milonga. It’s old, new, tango eternal.

Vito Venturino - guitar, band director, composer
Pablo Montanelli - piano, composer
Pacha Mendes - double bass
Nicolás Franco - violin
Adriano De Vita - bandoneón


Titano Accordions

Global Musik Festival/Renato Borghetti Quartet - Germany

by Diatonic News
Renato Borghetti: diatonisches AkkordeonPuschkinhaus | Kardinal-Albrecht- Str. 6 | 06108 Halle
Renato Borghetti quartet
„Warlock with elegance and passion“

Thursday 31.10.2019, 7.30 p.m., Puschkinhaus

When you think of Brazil as just Samba and Bossa Nova, you deprive yourself of a large part of the vast cosmos of sounds that this giant country produces. Little known in Europe is the music of the deep south. Renato Borghetti is one of the big stars there and has already been nominated several times for a Grammy. The Gaúcho storms the stage with a straw hat, long mane and wide riding trousers, reaches into the keys of his accordion and instantly ignites a fireworks display with flashes of sound from Milonga, Polka, Vanerão, Chamamé and Fandango - all those mixed forms that have emerged from the encounter of German, Bohemian and Italian emigrants with the black rhythms of Africa and the traditions of the Indios. He lets the soul of the pampa congenially meet jazz, tango and chamber music.


Renato Borghetti: diatonic accordion
Pedro Figureiredo: flute, saxophone
Daniel Sá: guitar
Vitor Peixoto: piano

The Pine Leaf Boys on the stage of the German Club - RI 02861/USA

by Diatonic News
The Pine Leaf Boys
Sun, October 20, 2019 4:30 PM – 8:00 PM EDT
German American Cultural Society
78 Carter Avenue/Pawtucket, RI 02861

Louisiana's finest, four-time Grammy-Nominated, world-renown Pine Leaf Boys have made a name for presenting their own inimitable brand of Louisiana music with youthful exuberance. Hailing from southwest Louisiana, the Pine Leaf Boys, known for their wild shows and thoughtful arrangements, have breathed new life into Louisiana music, reviving ancient songs and bringing them to the bandstand. Being described in the New York Times as, "... the link that connects the young and the old generations," and, "the best new, energetic, and fun Cajun band in a very long time," the Pine Leaf Boys play the old fashion dance hall standards while making a priority to bring many of the more obscure songs of past masters into their repertoire and play them with gusto.

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Mundharmonika Quartett Austria - Konzerte

by Diatonic News
Mundharmonika Quartett Austria
Kleine und große Mundharmonikas in tiefen oder hohen Registrierungen, dezent elektronisch verstärkt – ein Gesamtklang wie ein ganzes Orchester.

Im Jahr 2015 hat es eine personelle Umstellung in der Gruppe gegeben. Brigitte Laska hat das Ensemble schweren Herzens verlassen, um mehr Zeit für ihre Familie zu finden. Der seit der Gründung des Quartetts mitwirkenden Bassspielerin folgt die gebürtige Gmundnerin Andrea Fränzel, die ab sofort fixes Mitglied der Gruppe ist.

Gemeinsam sind die vier nun weiterhin mit allen Arten und Größen von Mundharmonikas rund um den Globus unterwegs.

Im "25-Jahre"-Jubiläumsprogramm sind wieder jede Menge witzig interpretierte Hits aus der Pop- und Unterhaltungsmusik, peppige Klassik, feine Volksmusik und natürlich die großen Western- und Filmtracks zu hören.

So erlebt der Konzertbesucher jedes Mal ein Feuerwerk an Virtuosität, Spielenergie und Freude an der Darbietung, verpackt in kurzweilige Show-Elemente und lustige Gags.

10.10.2019 Linz
11.10.2019 Hasendorf
13.10.2019 Homecourt (F)
26.10.2019 Aarwangen


eSheet Music Titles

Topa-K in Tampere - Finland/Spain

by Diatonic News
DATE: 26 Oct 2019 TIME: 00:00 - 00:45
CITY/AREA: Tampere

Topa-K is the new musical adventure guided by the basque musicians Agus Barandiaran (Korrontzi) and Mikel Unzurrunzaga (DJ Makala) in 2019. Topa-K is the new fusion between the traditional basque music and electronic music, that brings the basque traditional repertoire to a new dimension from a contemporary perspective, that is to say, Topa-k is the toast between two musical styles of different fused ends!

Korrontzi - accordions, vocals
DJ Makala - DJ, sequences, sampler
Izaskun Oraa Morcillo - dancer
Alaitz Oraa Morcillo - dancer


Titano Accordions

Paolo Russo/Concert with CD Presentation - Denmark

by Diatonic News
Paolo Russo

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Shillelagg in October - FR/DE

by Diatonic News
Vendredi 11 octobre : concert au Theaterwerkstatt de Swäbisch Gmund (Allemagne).

Samedi 12 octobre : stage de danses de Flandre et bal à Rechberghausen (Allemagne).


Voci Armoniche

Harmonika Workshop Begleiten/Ensemble - Weinitzen bei Graz

by Diatonic News
und mitanand’ geht’s a! - 19. Oktober 2019
Ein Workshop für alle, die gerne gemeinsam mit Gleichgesinnten musizieren.

Was Sie erwartet? Gemeinsames Musizieren!

Folgende Punkte stehen bei unserem Workshop am Programm:


Anmeldung bei: https://www.steirische-harmonika.at/veranstaltung/workshop-begleiten-2019/

Sounding Out the Accordion

Rémi Geffroy in concerto a Falconara - AN/FI/Italia

by Diatonic News
Rémi Geffroy - in concerrto per Folkiamo - Falconara (AN)
Dom 17:00
Centro Sociale "G. Leopardi"
Falconara Marittima

TreTTempi: Rémi Geffroy + stage con Anna Paganini a Firenze
Circolo Arci Progresso Firenze
Via Vittorio Emanuele II 135, 50134 Firenze

Si preannuncia una giornata intensissima con questi due grandi personaggi del mondo del balfolk:

ANNA ci farà scoprire i risvolti più belli ed armoniosi dei tipici balli popolari francesi, con la sua particolare tecnica di insegnamento adatta a ballerini provetti e a principianti.

RÉMI con il suo magico organetto ci delizierà l'udito con indiavolate rondes e bourrée sapientemente alternate a dolcissime mazurke

ore 15: inizio stage
ore 20: cena condivisa
ore 21.30: inizio concerto


Borghetti & Yamandu / Las Hermanas Caronni - Vienn/Austria/Brazil

by Diatonic News
Borghetti & Yamandu
Sunday 20 ottober 2019 / 19:30 -21:00
Wiener Konzerthaus
Lothringerstrasse 20, 1030 Vienna
»New Sounds from the Pampas«

Renato Borghetti, Knopfakkordeon
Yamandú Costa, Siebensaitige Gitarre
Daniel Sá, Gitarre
Las Hermanas Caronni - page
Gianna Caronni, Klarinette, Gesang
Laura Caronni, Violoncello, Gesang

Tickets: www.konzerthaus.at

Voci Armoniche

Carmelo Torres y su Cumbia Sabanera - FI/Columbia

by Diatonic News
Carmelo Torres y su Cumbia Sabanera
24th Oct 2019 - 21:00 h

Carmelo Torres y su Cumbia Sabanera (Colombia)
Torres is the loved and long-serving loud voice heralding the revival of the sabanero style of Colombian accordion music through the unique genre of cumbia sabanera, giving Colombia’s country music a whole new generation of enthusiasts. It's your turn now: this direct roots style is guaranteed to get you on your feet.


Friedrich Lips Book


by Diatonic News
11/10/2019 - 20:30 à 23:00
Espace Beausoleil
Allée de la Mine - PONT PEAN

Duo Jonsson Coudroy

Deux instruments, deux pays. Violon et accordéon, Suède et France, Lena Jonsson et Martin Coudroy ont vogué bien loin de leurs rivages respectifs, avant de se rencontrer. Des routes qui se croisent, des musiques qui s’échangent, et très vite l’évidence qu’ils ont beaucoup à se dire. D’ailleurs, les deux prodiges partagent un désir commun : s’approprier avec fougue la tradition des musiques à danser. Sur scène, archet et soufflet s’entremêlent, s’enlacent et se défient pour inventer une musique vivante, joyeuse et surprenante.

Duo Le Tron Laloy

« Il était sans doute écrit quelque part que Didier Laloy, élève de Bruno Le Tron à ses 13 ans, allait un jour jouer avec ce dernier. Avec Tref (accompagnés de Wim Claeys et Frédéric Malempré) et les Samuraï (quintet d’accordéons, présent au Grand Soufflet l’an passé), l’occasion leur a été donnée de prouver que tous deux sont des géants de l’accordéon diatonique. Mais lorsqu’ils s’exécutent en duo, il en résulte un tandem parfait et équilibré qui partage une musique de bal au sommet de son art. Quelques classiques du répertoire de bal, bien sûr, mais quelques surprises aussi !


NOVAR, c’est nouveau. Des morceaux de trad, des morceaux d’electro. La luminosité de la vielle de Thierry Nouat et la noirceur de la cornemuse de Toon van Mierlo. Massivement soutenu par le clavier de Jeroen Geerinck et l’accordéon d’Aurélien Claranbaux qui vous frappe comme un coup de poing dans le noir. Un groupe de musiciens réputés pour leur son absolument « néo ».


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Suistamon Sähkö @ WOMEX - Finland

by Diatonic News
Suistamon Sähkö
23th Oct 2019 - 20.30h

To commemorate the Opening of the notable 25th-anniversary edition of WOMEX, this year four top-notch Finnish acts will be performing at the Arctic Fire - Pohjoiset tulet opening concert.

This year's Opening artists are: Pauanne, a power trio described as folk fiction, who incorporate archive recordings from the last 100 years into their new folk-grit sound; Pekko Käppi, a Finnish folk music composer, singer and jouhikko (ancient Finnish bowed lyre); Suistamon Sähkö, a folktronica act with a pinch of folk poetry, rap and manic dance moves; and Vildá, a duo that is a blend of indigenous Sámi yoik.

The concert is staged and directed by internationally-noted choreographer and dancer Kaari Martin, together with composer, musician, producer Roni Martin, renowned for their ensemble Compañía Kaari & Roni Martin.

Suistamon Sähkö - Scratchy archive tapes, a toy accordion and a hydroelectric power station: just some of the aural and thematic ingredients of Suistamon Sähkö’s potent and energy laden 'folktronica'. A call to arms and a call to the dancefloor, their politically activated mix of rap poetry and Karelian roots is informed by the extensive research of accordionist, composer and lyricist, Anne-Mari Kivimäki, into the culture and turbulent history of the Russian, once Finnish, region of eastern Karelia. Migrants' stories are carried along on trance-inducing rhythms squeezed out of her button accordion as multi-tasking Sväng harmonicat and ubiquitous collaborator, Eero Grundström, tweaks the beats and the dance-inducing electronics. Volatile vocals and incessant animation are provided by Reeta-Kaisa Iles and Tuomas Juntunen. A committed quartet whose intriguing stories of the past resonate with contemporary relevance, both lyrically and musically. (by womex)

more on: http://www.womex.com/programme/showcase_festival/artists#suistamon_sahko

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD "Vita Brevis" by Anne Niepold - Belgium

by Diatonic News
New Album by Anne Niepold - available in digital Album or compact Disk.

ANNE NIEPOLD - diatonic accordion
YVAN HANON - recording
released July 1, 2019


Titano Accordions

New CD by Kalàscima - Italy

by Diatonic News
the new CD by Kalàscima "K"
will be availabe from the 12th of October 2019
in all stores
digital platforms.

For further informaiton visit: www.kalascima.it

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