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Diatonic News in original language - use online translation systems!by Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
Stay tuned, our new diatonic site is on the way with news from around the world with more to come each day and up-dates during the months!! All articles are inserted in original language. For reading in other languages use online translation systems ! |
“BALLO DI SAN VITO” - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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l’albero del maggio associazione di promozione sociale per la ricerca e la diffusione della musica e delle danze popolari, presenta il “BALLO DI SAN VITO” LABORATORI DI DANZA, MUSICA TRADIZIONALE, FESTE A BALLO Monte San Vito (AN) 10 – 11 ottobre 2009 Danze tradizionali della Grecia Tarantella di Montemarano (Campania) Saltarelli della Vallesina (Marche) sabato 10 Ore 9,30 – 12,30 e 15,30 – 19,00 laboratori di danza : danze tradizionali della Grecia – tenuto da Vassilis Polizois e “Accademia Ellenica” saltarelli della Vallesina a cura del l’albero del maggio (Marche), Tarantella di Montemarano a cura di Terra d’ Irpinia (Campania). Ore 21,30 Festa a Ballo in Piazza San Pietro Danze tradizionali della Grecia con Vassilis Polizois e “Accademia Ellenica” Tarantella di Montemarano con il Gruppo “Terra d’ Irpinia” Saltarelli, Quadriglie, Castellana e non solo… con il Gruppo “Traballo” domenica 11 Ore 9,30 – 12,30 laboratori di danza : danze tradizionali della Grecia , Tarantella di Montemarano e Saltarelli della Vallesina. Ore 16,00 in Piazza San Pietro - Il Compleanno de “La Damigiana”- L’associazione culturale “La Damigiana” festeggia il 10° anniversario della fondazione con musica, canti e balli della nostra tradizione popolare. - Danze popolari internazionali con il Gruppo “Danzintondo” www.danzintondo.it I laboratori si terranno presso il Centro “Carlo Urbani” e presso il B&B “Viadelcampo” v. Martiri della Resistenza 66 Costi : € 25 per le 2 giornate, € 20 per il sabato, € 15 per la domenica mattina. Per un migliore apprendimento consigliamo di seguire i corsi dal sabato. INFO : vichi.dodi@libero.it 348.3100854 – 335.8137380 – 347.1779336 Per dormire : Albergo Shanti house – Morro d’ Alba 0731.63325 B&B ViadelCampo – Monte San Vito 339.3560989 www.viadelcampo.info Albergo “Gli ulivi del Monte” – Monte San Vito 071.7489165 Casa per ferie “Colle sereno” – Montemarciano 071.9158813 A Morro d’ Alba esiste un’ area attrezzata per i camper. Altre strutture nelle vicinanze e possibilità di dormire in una struttura portandosi il sacco a pelo a 5 € a notte. Per mangiare : pasti a prezzi convenzionati. Per arrivare : in auto potete percorrere l’ autostrada A14 e uscire ad Ancona Nord, oppure la SS 76 proveniente da Roma-Foligno-Fabriano (uscita Monsano o Chiaravalle) In treno, linea Ancona – Bologna o Ancona – Roma (stazione di Falconara M.ma) poi proseguire con gli autobus extraurbani. |
8. Original KÄRNTNERLAND Harmonikafest 3.10.2009 - Austriaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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![]() Über 60 Hobbyspieler gaben auf der Bühne ihr Können vor mehr als 600 begeisterten Zuhörern zum Besten. Der Mut wurde mit einer Urkunde, einem Geschenk und einem Erinnerungsfoto belohnt. Der erste Höhepunkt stand um 16.00 Uhr auf dem Programm. Doppelweltmeister Michael Rettig gab einen kurzen Vorgeschmack auf den noch folgenden Volksmusikabend mit hochkarätigen Musikern. Eine willkommene Abwechslung war die einmalige Trachtenmodenschau von Trachten Peter aus Windischgarsten. Neben der Familie Schwarz präsentierte auch Volksmusikstar Franz Posch als Modell die aktuelle Trachtenmode. Die Turnerinnen und Turner der Gruppe „FlicFlac“ lockerten die Modenschau eindrucksvoll auf und brachten das Publikum zum Staunen. Im Dirndl und in der Lederhose fegten die Künstler über die Bühne und faszinierten mit ihren zirkusreifen Darbietungen die Zuseher. Der Saal des Freizeitparks war zum Bersten voll, als MIDI-Profi Hias Kirchgasser seine „Original Kärntnerland“-Harmonika mit MIDI zum Klingen brachte. Fasziniert lauschte das Publikum den unzähligen Möglichkeiten des „Original Kärntnerland“-MIDI’s. Der Nachmittag verging wie im Flug und Firmeninhaber Karl Schwarz begrüßte am Abend Franz Posch. Mei liabste Weis“ stand nun auf dem Programm. Wie immer souverän und mit viel Witz, Charme und großartigen Musikdarbietungen führte Franz Posch durch einen einzigartigen Volksmusikabend. Mit von der Partie waren Franz Posch & seine Musikanten aus der liabsten Weis, „Die Rougler“ aus der Steiermark, „Jung und Frisch“ aus Tirol und Musikschuldirektor Peter Häusler mit seinen Dirndl’n. Die hochkarätige Besetzung ergänzten noch der Doppelweltmeister Michael Rettig sowie die vier Staatsmeister Ulrike Bock, Martin Jungmaier, Verena Kapl und Michaela Christina Zarzer. Um Mitternacht war es dann soweit, der Hauptpreis – die „Original Kärntnerland“ Harmonika Modell Edelholz Plus im Wert von über 3.400,-- wurde verlost und fand auch prompt einen neuen Besitzer. Paul Richer aus Cham, BRD wurde als glücklicher Gewinner ermittelt und wird ab sofort neben dem Akkordeon auch auf seiner neuen „Steirischen“ aufspielen. online translation |
23. Schwäbisch-Bayerisches Musikantentreffen 2009 - Deutschlandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Freitag 16.Oktober 2009 Samstag 17.Oktober 2009 in der Festhalle RT-Sickenhausen mit Einlass: 18:30 Uhr Beginn: 19:30 Uhr Eintrittspreis von : € 18,-- statt. Es nehmen unter anderem folgende Künstler teil: S Mariele vo dr Alb, Christian Zuleger, Alexander, Udo Schlecht, Herzblutmusi, Klob'Stoana Musikanten...und viele mehr. Reservieren Sie unbedingt rechtzeitig ihre Karten beim Schwäbischer Albverein OG Sickenhausen Tel: 0179-1129390 oder 07121-67542 Email: office@herzblutmusi.de online translation |
Bristol Cajun & Zydeco Festival - GBby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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![]() ![]() CAJUN ROOSTERS (Germany/Holland/UK) THE CAJUN DAWGS DOWNTOWN CAJUN BAND (Holland) PETITE ET LA GROSSE Z-FUNK WHISKEY RIVER BOYS "A whole weekend of Louisiana-style music, dance, food, drink and meeting new people at" THE FOLK HOUSE 40a Park Street Bristol BS1 5JG |
ZAGREB WORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL - Croatiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() ![]() ZAGREB WORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL NEBO holds the concept of building more tolerant and human society through music. Therefore, intention of the Festival is to introduce different cultures and traditional music to Croatian audience. Important part of the Nebo Festival are workshops with intention to involve audience into the creative process and widen the knowledge about various cultural & music traditions and instrument making. ZAGREB WORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL NEBO is organized by Association for the promotion of traditional music NEBO. online translation |
CIP/Roma nuovi corsi/Ottobre 2009 - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Il concerto di musica popolare è a cura degli insegnanti Davide Conte, Mauro Bassano, Stefano Fraschetti... I NUOVI CORSI per GLI STRUMENTI Tamburello Organetto Lira Violino Chitarra Batteria Darbuka INIZIANO DA OTTOBRE 2009 Per informazioni: leradicidelsuono@gmail.com www.leradicidelsuono.blogspot.com online translation |
IV. PRAGER HARMONIKATAGE - Tschechienby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Prag,29. 10. – 1. 11. 2009 Die Club Tours Agentur Prag und die Tschechische Akkordeongesellschaft organisieren das IV. Internationales Wettbewerbsfestival für Laien-Harmonika- und Akkordeon-Spielgruppen. Alle Harmonika- und Musikfreunde sind herzlichst willkommen. Information: cta@iol.cz |
Scoil Cheoil na Botha music festival - Irlandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
This year, the traditional irish music festival Scoil Cheoil na Botha 2009 , will take place in the village of Scotstown, Co. Monaghan on the 16th-18th of October. Events will include workshops, concerts, and sessions featuring some of the finest talent in Ireland. Tutition will be available in the following instruments - fiddle, banjo, flute, harp, uilleann pipes, button accordion, piano accordion, concertina and singing. Workshop Tutors for 2009: Mick Mulcahy (button accordion), Louise Mulcahy (flute), TG4’s Young Traditional Musician of the Year 2006 - Michelle Mulcahy (harp), TG4's Yong Traditional Musician of the Year 2004 - Edel Fox (concertina), Ronan O'Flaherty (fiddle), Dave Sheridan (fiddle), Gerard Moloney (piano accordion), TG4's Traditional Singer of the Year 2004- Rosie Stewart (singing), Shane Mulcrone (banjo), Padraig Mc Govern (uilleann pipes). Beidh Scoil Cheoil na Botha, ar siúl i sráidbhaile na Botha, Co. Mhuineacháin ar an dara deireadh seachtaine de mhí Dheireadh Fómhair (16ú - 18ú) I measc imeachtaí na scoile beidh ceardlanna, ceolchoirm agus seisiúin le ceoltóirí den scoth. For further information contact Seán Mc Elwain Killymarron, Ballinode, Co Monaghan Telephone: 086 3862080 Email: seanmce@anbhoth.ie online translation |
Stage d’accordéon diatonique du 28 octobre au 1 novembre 2009 - Franceby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Programme : « Autour de la mélodie » Contre-chant, harmonie, arpèges, rythmiques, gammes, théorie, improvisation… Le stage : Le nombre de places est limité à 6 personnes. Le stage s’adresse à tous les âges. Il se déroule dans une maison au milieu des vignes, à proximité d’un petit village provençal. Les 5 chambres de la maison permettent l’hébergement des stagiaires (une ou deux personnes par chambre). Les repas sont élaborés avec amour par Florence. Chacun peut apporter ses spécialités régionales pour les apéros et ses CD pour faire découvrir ses coups de cœur. Dates et accès : A Saint-Paulet de Caisson (30), à proximité de Bollène (84) Accueil le mercredi de 14h à 16h et départ le dimanche après le repas de midi Arrivée possible à la gare TGV de Montélimar (26) ou à la gare SNCF de BollènePar la route, les explications vous seront envoyées avant le stage Tarif : 270 € comprenant l’hébergement, les repas, la pédagogie Renseignements et inscriptions auprès de : Organisation, Association Le Chapeau de Paille Florence ARNAUD florenc.arnaud@laposte.net / Pédagogie Jean-Marc ROHART jean-marc.rohart@libertysurf.fr / online translation |
Celtic Colours International Festival - Canadaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() ![]() Since 1997, the Celtic Colours International Festival has featured hundreds of musicians from all over the Celtic world and attracted tens of thousands of visitors to Cape Breton Island. For nine days in October, Cape Breton Island is home to a unique celebration of music and culture as the Celtic Colours International Festival presents dozens of concerts all over the island, an extensive line-up of workshops, a visual art series of exhibitions, and a nightly Festival Club. Over the years, artists have travelled from Scotland, Ireland, Wales, England, Brittany, Spain, Denmark, Germany, and Cuba as well as from across the United States and Canada to join the finest of Cape Breton's musicians, singers, dancers, storytellers and tradition-bearers for the annual Autumn celebration. Information: info@celtic-colours.com online translation |
Renato Borghetti Womex Showcase - Denmarkby Harley Jones |
![]() Renato Borghetti will perform for this important international audience of promoters and journalists on October 30th. online translation |
6th Annual O’Flaherty Irish Music Retreat: October 23-25, 2009 - USAby Rita Davidson Barnea |
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![]() Three 90-minute classes and an additional one-hour workshop will be taught each day. Classes will be offered in fiddle, flute, whistle, guitar (standard, dropped-D & DADGAD), piano, bodhran, harp, uilleann pipes, button accordion (C#/D & B/C), piano accordion, concertina, tenor banjo, bouzouki, mandolin and Gaelic singing. Enrichment classes teaching Irish music history or exploring Irish music today will also be offered. Workshops presenting music theory, use of ABCs (cyber notation), learning by ear, and basic sound system operation will be available. The retreat will officially begin on Thursday night, October 22, with a “meet & greet” BBQ and bonfire. Classes start Friday morning and continue through Sunday late afternoon. Each evening there will be concerts by instructors and mini-concerts during meals with a “farewell” concert on Sunday evening. On the Saturday night program, there will be a “Texas Tune & Song Tussle” which features friendly competition among ensembles that form at the retreat vying for “O’Diddley Awards.” Sessions will be plentiful and organized by levels with some instructor-led and others not. New to the 2009 Retreat will be a youth camp during the retreat for children ages 6-10 called the Kids Irish Music & Heritage Workhops. Participants will enjoy fun activities including instrument classes, storytelling, singing, history, cooking, games and more. Patty Furlong and Mark Kenneth will be the accordion instructors. Patty, originally from Bronx, New York, plays the Irish button accordion in the key of C#/D and B/C. In her teen-age years, as a student of Martin Mulvihill, Patty won numerous New York titles as placing at the Fleadh Cheoil in Ireland in both solo and group titles. She has played with the world renowned group "The Chieftains" as well as being an original member of "Cherish the Ladies". Patty and members of her band "Coolmagort" have performed throughout the U.S (including Alaska), Canada, Bermuda, and Ireland. Patty Furlong has won numerous New York championships as well as three All-Ireland titles, including one solo title. Patty plays the ceili circuit throughout the Tri-state New York area and concerts throughout the U.S Mark, a born and bred Scotsman, has been learning and playing the accordion since he was 6, studying classically with the British College of Accordionists until he "found" traditional music in himself. Mark has won championships across Scotland and also taken first place at the All Scotland and All Britain level. Most recently he came in 2nd place in the US finals of the 2008 Roland International Accordion Competition. Mark is a sought after session and recording artist, and has an unfailing ability to keep both the music lively and the topics interesting in his presentations and teachings. Mark plays in his own developed Scottish style of playing, and can convey the intricacies and technique requirements through his classical background to playing and theory. For more info: info@oflahertyretreat.org or call 972-238-8724. online translation |
Future events / Concerts |
Stage ANTHEY ST. ANDRE (AO) 17-18 OTTOBRE 2009 - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() N.B. PER FREQUENTARE IL CORSO E' NECESSARIO ESSERE IN POSSESSO DI UN ORGANETTO IN SOL DO A DUE FILE E OTTO BASSI (O MODELLI SUPERIORI CHE MANTENGANO POSSIBILMENTE INVARIATE LE CARATTERISTICHE DEL SOPRACITATO TIPO DI STRUMENTO) Costo di partecipazione € 170 - TUTTO INCLUSO Il costo dello stage comprende: - formazione (12 ore) - pranzo sabato - cena sabato - pernottamento + colazione - pranzo domenica. Informazioni: artson@nozon.it - online translation |
Stage di organetto con Mario Salvi a Forano/Rimini - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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CASTAGNOLE MONFERRATO (AT) 16-17-18 OTTOBRE 2009 - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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STAGE DI ORGANETTO con Andrea Pizzamiglio |
Very Be Careful: Performance Dates - USAby Rita Davidson Barnea |
![]() Its five Angelenos part ways with the music taste of most urbane thirtysomething musicians by playing a traditional form of Colombian folk music called vallenato. To the uninitiated, this music, the name of which literally translates to "born in the valley," sounds like a sun-soaked, country cousin of Colombia's popular dance music, cumbia. Since 1997, the group has independently released six albums, each filled mostly with cover songs, that channel the sound and texture of early vallenato recordings. The group’s latest CD is called "Salad Buey". Members include: Ricardo "Ricky G" Guzman on accordion and vocals, Arturo "Brickems" Guzman on bass, Craig "Peabody" Martin on guacharaca, Dante "The Rip" Ruiz on campana, and Richard "Mil Caras" Panta on caja vallenata. Their fall performance schedule is: Oct. 31, Bordello, Los Angeles, CA. Dec. 5, La Cita, Los Angeles, CA. For more info: downtownpijao@yahoo.com Online translation |
Kepa Junkera’s Concert/Las Cruces/NM - USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Kepa Junkera – Basque accordion master. According to the Boston Globe, “One of the most impressive world music debuts in years comes from a Basque accordionist, Kepa Junkera…Junkera is a dazzling master of the two-row diatonic button accordion.” Playing with his sextet on the mandolin, cuatro, double bass, drums, and txalaparta, Kepa’s trikitixas ". The Rocket of Seattle said “..something of a revelation...Not only a remarkable accordionist, but a true master of many styles...a tour de force..." Information: www.kepajunkera.com online translation |
4° Raduno Suonatori di Organetto/Bisagnano - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Programma: Ore 19,00 Iscrizioni e inizio Raduno. Organizzatore: Associazione Culturale Gentes Sito Web: http://www.associazionegentes.com Email: info@associazionegentes.com La manifestazione si svolge all'aperto con l'ingresso: gratis online translation |
Diatonisches Ziachtreffen/Kurhaus Waging am See - Deutschlandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Das Diatonisches Ziachtreffen im Kurhaus Waging am See findet am Sonntag, den 25. Oktober 2009 um 13:00 Uhr statt. Für diese äußerst beliebte Veranstaltung werden wieder hervorragende Musikanten aus den verschiedenen Regionen, auch weit über Bayern hinaus, eingeladen (Foto aus vergangenem Jahr) Initiatoren sind: Willi Huber 08681/479 277 online translation Schorsch & Marianne Schneider 08681/1720 oder 708 |
CORSI ANNUALI di organetti a VENASCA (CN) - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
Da ottobre 2009 riprendono i corsi di organetto all'Istituto Musicale di Venasca (CN) tenuti da Simone Bottasso. Il corso prevede 25 lezioni individuali di 45 minuti in cui si apprenderanno brani tradizionali e non, tecniche come l'accompagnamento con accordi e/o bassi composti, dinamiche, accenti, le basi dell'improvvisazione... Il corso è dedicato a musicisti di qualsiasi livello, anche principianti. Le iscrizioni sono aperte dal 7 al 26 settembre, mentre la riunione di inizio corso avrà luogo giovedì 1 ottobre alle 21 presso l'Istituto Musicale per definire gli orari. Per iscriversi o avere altre informazioni potete contattare la Comunità Montana Val Varaita oppure parlare direttamente all'insegnante (340.6648100 simone.bottasso@gmail.com) online translation |
Corsi annuali di organetto/Torino - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
Da ottobre 2009 sono aperte le iscizioni al corso annuale di organetto. Le lezioni sono a carattere individuale per cui verrà definito un programma in base alle esigenze di ogni allievo. Per info: pierpaoloberta@yahoo.it o 339.1255164 online translation |
Wayne Toups on tour in October - USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
Riccardo Tesi in concerto/ottobre - Belgio/Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Festival Cap Suds Théâtre Royal de Mons Grand-Place 7000 MONS ore 20.00 Prenotazioni: per tel. + 32 (0)65 – 39.59.39 / e-mail:tickets@lemanege-mons.be INFO: www.lemanege.com/festivalcapsuds2009 23 ottobre 09 - SOPRA I TETTI DI FIRENZE: omaggio a Caterina Bueno, la voce della Toscana - Firenze Auditorium Flog ore 21.30 ingresso euro 12 Festival Musica dei Popoli infoline: 055 4628714 centroflog@musicadeipopoli.com |
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