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Bis 6. MAI anmelden! 1. CYRILL-DEMIAN-PREIS AUSTRIA / Tag der Harmonika - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
Alle Steirische-Harmonika-Spieler sind herzlich zu diesem internationalen Wettbewerb eingeladen! Na to mednarodno tekmovanje vljudno vabljeni vsi štajerski harmonikarji! Tutti i suonatori di armonica della Stiria sono cordialmente invitati a questo concorso internazionale! All Styrian harmonica players are cordially invited to this international competition! >>>www.harmonikaverband.at |
“5/4 Tango” Perform at European Music Festival - Bulgariaby Christine Johnstone |
Video: 5/4 Tango performing Astor Piazzolla - Tristezas de un doble A “5/4 Tango” will present their new tango program in conjunction with the 2nd European Music Festival at Cantus Firmus in the Bulgaria Concert Hall in Sofia, Bulgaria on May 16th, 2022 at 7.30pm. The European Music Festival is supported the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture, National Culture Fund and the Sofia Municipality. “5/4 Tango” features Stoyan Karaivanov (bandoneon), Jovan Bogosavljevic (violin), Tsvetan Nedyalkov (guitar), Margarita Kalcheva (double bass) andLudmil Angelov (piano). The group will be joined by Marta Petkova and Nikola Hadjitanev, dancers from the Sofia Opera and Ballet Company. Their program will feature works by Astor Piazzolla such as “Retrato de Alfredo Gobbi”, “Kicho”, “Concierto para Quinteto”, “Tristezas de un Doble A” and “Las cuatro estaciones porteñas”. For tickets email: n.vasileva@cantusfirmusbg.com |
Harmonika Müller 2. Platz "Bestes Unternehmen Kärntens" - Österreichby Diatonic News |
In der 23. Ausgabe des Wirtschaftspreises Austria's Leading Companies Award wurde der Hersteller Harmonika Müller von einer Fachjury ausgezeichnet. Das Bad St. Leonharder Unternehmen erhielt den zweiten Platz in der Kategorie "Bestes Unternehmen Kärntens". Marcel Müller sagte: "Es freut uns wirklich sehr, dass die Arbeit unserer Mitarbeiter mit solch einer tollen Auszeichnung belohnt wird. Uns ist es immer wichtig, dass die Instrumente mit Leidenschaft und höchster Qualität hergestellt werden". Die Harmonika-Manufaktur Müller ist ein Traditionsbetrieb: 1976 verließ die erste handgefertigte Steirische, den damals von Peter und Edith Müller gegründeten Meisterbetrieb." Am Bild – (links) Casino Velden-Direktorin Marion Rosenender und die WK Kärnten-Vizepräsidentin Astrid Legner zeichnen Harmonika Müller-Geschäftsführer Marcel Müller aus Herzlichen Glückwunsch von der Redaktion Diatonic News. |
2022 PIF Castelfidardo Dates and Rules Released in Italian - Italyby Harley Jones |
The 2022 PIF Castelfidardo dates have been set. Wednesday 28 September to Sunday 02 October 2022. Entry closing date is 04 September 2022. The World Music segment for diatonic instruments has 3 solo competition categories and 3 ensemble competition categories. Rules and further information in Italian at: 2022Castelfidardo The City Council of Castelfidardo (Marche region, Italy), in collaboration with Castelfidardo Pro Loco Tourist Association, organizes the PIF International Competition “Città di Castelfidardo” for accordion soloists and groups, of classical music and other genres. The Castelfidardo Municipal Administration is led by Mayor Roberto Ascani, the Castelfidardo Pro Loco headed by Ruben Cittadini, and PIF Artistic since 2021 is Director Antonio Spaccarotella. His qualifications include, event Production Director, highly successful teacher with many international successes, music arranger and recently, successful composer. Rules in English and further information about PIF 2022 will be released shortly at: 2022Castelfidardo |
40th Folkarria eco Festi-bal - Spainby Diatonic News |
Folkarria eco Festi-bal is a folk music festival. Folkarria eco Festi-bal wants to recover and extend the traditional dances as well as the European folk music, making them a tool for the integration of different cultures, combining them with actions of ecological and responsible awareness, in addition to a series of participative activities for adults and children. The 10th edition of "Folkarria eco Festi-bal" will be hold throughout a weekend, presenting a musical offer of national and international bands. In addition there will be music and dance workshops of different parts of the world and shows of traditional Spanish folk for all public. The festival also organizes an eco-social market, a craft market, a space for debates, exhibitions and other activities, as well as art and movement games for children and performances of traditional folk. One more year, the music and dance contest Folkarria for debutant bands is underway. http://www.folkarria.es/2022/index_en.html |
17. MUSIC AUSTRIA - Ried/Austriaby Diatonic News |
Die 17. MUSIC AUSTRIA – die Leitmesse für die Musikbranche - ist von 13.-15. Mai 2022 in Ried i.I. geplant. Die MUSIC AUSTRIA - als bedeutendste Musikmesse in Österreich und Bayern - bietet die neuesten Trends von Herstellern, Importeuren, Musikhändlern, Instrumentenbauern und Verlagen. Alle sind voll Vorfreude, dass man endlich wieder gemeinsam mit den Ausstellern eine einzigartige künstlerische und wirtschaftliche Plattform für die Musikbranche bieten wird köennen. Alle Infos unter www.musicaustria-ried.at. Für Rückfragen und weitere Informationen Helmut Slezak MA Messedirektor 0043-(0)7752-84011-0 office@messe-ried.at und Lisa Frauscher, Presse 0043-(0)7752-84011-26 frauscher@messe-ried.at |
WOW FOLK FESTIVAL 2022 - Castefidardo/Italyby Diatonic News |
The WOW FESTIVAL (World on world Accordion Festival) will take place in Castelfidardo from 22/05/2022 until the 25/05/2022. 3 Days full of Music in the centre of the city Castelfiardo. Condivisione, vivacità, tradizione, contaminazione. La quinta edizione del WOW Folk Festival irrompe nell’ultimo scorcio del mese di maggio con un carico di vibrazioni ed energia, facendo di Castelfidardo il fulcro di una tre giorni di eventi e di incontri musicali. Sotto l’egida del marchio di qualità PIF – Premio internazionale della fisarmonica – organizzato dall’assessorato alla cultura in collaborazione con la locale Pro Loco e la scuola civica di musica Paolo Soprani, il WOW Folk Festival si connota quest’anno per una marcata apertura internazionale. Primo appuntamento venerdì 27 maggio ore 21.30 Piazza della Repubblica con Lars Karlsson Band Sabato 28 maggioore 21.30 Piazza della Repubblica ad impadronirsi della scena sono i WÖR, quintetto belga di trad-folk la domenica 29 MAGGIO sarà anche la giornata del Cantamaggio con esibizioni itineranti di gruppi spontanei nei quartieri, guidati dall’associazione Tracce di 800. Partenza in mattinata da piazza della Repubblica, percorrendo e la città per la classica questua in uno spirito di contagiosa e garbata gioia, per poi condividere il pranzo sociale. Info: Pro Loco 0717822987 *in caso di pioggia i concerti si svolgeranno presso Auditorium San Francesco |
Melissa Naschenweng: Gewinnerin f. Schlager/Volksmusik 2022AAMA - Austriaby Diatonic News |
Wie schon im letzten Jahr konnte Melissa Naschenweng, die bekannte Ausnahme-Künstlerin aus Kärnten, auch 2022 den begehrten AAMA-Award für Schlager und Volksmusik für sich entscheiden! Ihre bisherigen Alben: 2012 – Oanfoch schen, oanfoch du 2014 – Gänsehautgefühl 2017 – Kunterbunt 2019 – Wirbelwind 2020 – LederHosenRock Mehr auf: https://www.melissa-naschenweng.at/ |
Herbert Pixner Projekt und Folkshilfe f. den AAMA22 nominiert - Austriaby Harley Jones |
Video 1: Herbert Pixner Projekt; Spitfire im Schloss Balzers Juli 2012 Video 2: Folkshilfe - Huscha featuring LaBrassBanda (live @ Woodstock der Blasmusik) Die Amadeus Austrian Music Awards (AAMA) 2022 wurden am 29. April 2022 im Wiener Volkstheater an österreichische Künstlerinnen und Künstler verliehen, organisiert vom Verband der österreichischen Musikindustrie (IFPI Austria). Die Veranstaltung wurde live im Fernsehen auf ORF 1 übertragen. Nominiert in der Kategorie "Live Act des Jahres" waren unter anderen die Gruppen "Folkshilfe" (Bild links) und "Herbert Pixner Projekt" (Bild unten). GEWINNER WURDEN: Pizzera & Jaus - ein Musikprojekt der beiden österreichischen Kabarettisten und Musiker Paul Pizzera und Otto Jaus. www.aama.at |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
1° Trofeo del centro Italiaby Diatonic News |
Il 1° Trofeo del centro Italia si svolge a Rieti il 8. Maggio 2022. Presidente di Giuria M. Daniele Lamano L'I.D.A. (International Diatonic Alliance) è un'associazione a promozione sociale e culturale fondata nel 2019 in Italia da un gruppo di giovani musicisti/docenti di fisarmonica diatonica, con l'intenzione di divulgare questo strumento e organizzare eventi di caratura nazionale ed internazionale, in collaborazione con esponenti da tutto il mondo. https://www.internationaldiatonicalliance.com/ |
Bis 6. MAI anmelden! Harmonika-WM 2022 in Terme Olimia/Slowenien! Svetovno prvenstvo 2022 ! - Austriaby Werner Weibert |
Liebe Fans der Steirischen Harmonika! Die Harmonika-WM 2022 findet wie geplant in der “Terme Olimia” im slowenischen Podcetrtek statt! Es freut uns sehr, diese Veranstaltung in Kooperation mit dem slowenischen Verband ZDHS an einem so schönen Ort ankündigen zu können. Die Ausschreibung ist wieder in 4 Sprachen ONLINE. Anmeldung ab SOFORT möglich!!! Wir freuen uns schon auf viele internationale Kandidaten! Dragi ljubitelji štajerske harmonike! Svetovni pokal harmonike 2022 bo po načrtih potekal v Termah Olimia v Podčetrtku v Sloveniji! Z velikim veseljem napovemo ta dogodek v sodelovanju s slovenskim društvom ZDHS na tako lepi lokaciji. Obvestilo je spet ONLINE v 4 jezikih. Prijave možne TAKOJ!!! Veselimo se številnih mednarodnih kandidatov! Dear fans of the Styrian accordion! The Harmonica World Championships 2022 will take place as planned in the "Terme Olimia" in Podcetrtek, Slovenia! We are very happy to announce this event in cooperation with the Slovenian association ZDHS in such a beautiful place. The call for entries is again ONLINE in 4 languages. Registration possible NOW!!! We are already looking forward to many international candidates! Cari fan dell'armonica stiriana! I Campionati Mondiali di Armonica 2022 si svolgeranno come previsto nelle "Terme Olimia" di Podcetrtek, in Slovenia! Siamo molto felici di annunciare questo evento in collaborazione con l'associazione slovena ZDHS in un posto così bello. Il bando è di nuovo ONLINE in 4 lingue. Registrazione possibile ORA!!! Stiamo già aspettando con impazienza molti candidati internazionali! www.harmonikaverband.at Online translation |
Cajun & Creole Music Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
NYC's Open-Air Cajun & Creole Music Festival: May 12-15, 2022 in Red Hook, Brooklyn and Governors Island. Thu, May 12, 2022, 7:00 PM – Sun, May 15, 2022, 10:00 PM EDT Location: Strong Rope Brewery 185 Van Dyke St / New York, NY 11231 Swamp in the City is NYC's premier Cajun & Creole music festival that celebrates the vibrant musical, cultural and culinary traditions unique to Southwest Louisiana. The open-air music festival will take place May 12-15 in Red Hook Brooklyn and on Governors Island and will feature world-class Louisiana dance hall bands, Cajun and Creole food, jam sessions, cooking demonstrations, dance lessons (two-stepping and waltzes), musical workshops led by Swamp in the City artists, a Sunday family dance and a jam-packed weekend of fun all along the beautiful New York harbor Swamp in the City's all-star lineup includes Cedric Watson & Desiree Champagne, Blake Miller & The Old Fashioned Aces, Jesse Lége & Joel Savoy, Joe Hall & The Louisiana Cane Cutters, Kelli Jones, Chas Justus, Jimmy Breaux, Kevin Wimmer, Rose & the Bros, Couillon Connection, Jo Vidrine, Amelia Biere, Colin Gould, The Cherry-Limes, Ernie Vega and more! For more view: https://www.swampinthecity.com/ |
Buy Last Stock before Price Increase from Euro 29 to Euro 34 - Germanyby Diatonic News |
The price from publisher is being increased from Euro 29 to Euro 34 on 1st April. We have books in stock so as long as our shopping basket shows the price Euro 29 you can still purchase at the old price. We expect to run out of stock within a few days so order now to get the special price. Catalog: kslips00 This high quality reprint "must have" book that every teacher, enthusiast and student will cherish is now released. The Art of Accordion Playing by Prof. Friedrich Lips is one of the most popular educational books for accordion with its focus being: Technique, Interpretation and Performance of Playing the Accordion Artistically. The high-quality content now corresponds to the outward appearance of the book: four color printing on high quality hard cover in exclusive design with lamination and paper binding with long lasting thread-stitching. Printed on chlorine-free, bleached, acid-free, stable and age resistant, high quality, matte, non-reflective paper for fatigue-free reading uses a high quality paper made in Germany. The major technical difference of the new print run comparing to the old one is the cover, paper quality and the binding: high quality hard cover with lamination now instead of plain softcover previously and thread-stitching instead of simple glueing. The book is great value at Euro 29, Catalog kslips00 the same price as the older lower quality print version. |
14. Harmonica Masters Workshops, 08. - 12. Juni 2022 - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
Die 14. Harmonica Masters Workshops waren ursprünglich für November 2020 geplant, mussten aber wegen der COVID 19 Pandemie abgesagt werden. Als Dankeschön an unsere Teilnehmer haben wir am 31. Oktober ein kostenloses dreistündiges Zoom Event mit allen Dozenten veranstaltet, das über 150 virtuelle Besucher aus aller Welt verzeichnen konnte. Nun schauen wir wieder voraus und haben die 14. HMW für Juni 2022 terminiert. David Barrett kann 2022 aus familiären Gründen leider nicht teilnehmen, hat aber versprochen, 2023 dabei zu sein. Für die Harmonica Masters Workshops 2022 werden Joe Filisko, Marko Jovanovic und ich wieder Kurse anbieten. Zudem freuen wir uns, zwei neue Dozenten engagieren zu können, die versprechen, frische Impulse zu setzen: Der temperamentvolle Marcos Coll wird eine Einführung in den Einsatz der diatonischen und chromatischen Mundharmonika in der Latin-Musik präsentieren, während der renommierte Hohner Affiliated Customizer und Virtuose der keltischen Musik, Joel Andersson, eine Einführung zur Mundharmonika in der irischen Musik unterrichten wird. Ein weiterer Dozent wird sobald wie möglich bekanntgegeben. Wie in den Jahren zuvor gibt Eric Noden einen Kurs zur akustischen Bluesgitarre und Riedel Diegel ist wieder für unseren Anfängerkurs am Wochenende zuständig. Joel Andersson - The Harmonica in Irish Music Steve Baker - Accompaniment in Blues, Rock & Country Music Marcos Coll - An Introduction to the Harmonica in Latin Music Riedel Diegel - Beginning Blues Harmonica Joe Filisko - Traditional Blues Harmonica Styles Marko Jovanovic - Building Blocks of Advanced Harmonica Playing Eric Noden - Acoustic Blues Guitar https://www.harmonica-masters.de/de/ |
Gator By The Bay Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
San Diego’s annual Gator By The Bay is the largest, most-authentic Louisiana-themed music and food festival this side of the bayou. Gator By The Bay 2022 will take place May 5 – 8, 2022 at Spanish Landing Park on the beautiful San Diego Bay, across from the airport. This weekend-long cultural celebration features four days of live music with more than 100 musical acts and special performances on seven stages. Delicious Cajun and creole foods will be featured including 10,000 pounds of crawfish trucked straight from Louisiana! Gator By The Bay is the West Coast's premier annual Zydeco, Blues & Crawfish Festival, full of Louisiana themed music, dance, food & fun! This year’s event will be held in Spanish Landing Park, San Diego, USA from May 5th to 8th, 2022 (Mother’s Day Weekend). http://www.icajunzydeco.com/event/gator-by-the-bay/ |
Konzertina - lernen und spielen - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
Konzertina - lernen und spielen; Kurs Frühjahr Frankenwald/Fichtelgebirge am 07.05.2022 Eingeladen sind alle, die das musikantische Spiel auf der Konzertina erlernen oder weiter vertiefen möchten. Helmut Spörl, erfahrener Konzertinamusikant und Kenner dieses Instruments, betreut die Teilnehmer/innen individuell. Mietinstrumente können zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Uhrzeit wird in persönlicher Absprache vereinbart. Anmeldung bei Helmut Spörl, Telefon 09288 6986. Leitung: Helmut Spörl Mitveranstalter: Bezirk Oberfranken Weiterer Termin: 21.05.2022 | https://www.heimat-bayern.de/fachbereiche/volksmusik/fortbildungen/fortbildung/531.html?day=20220507×=1651874400,1651960740 |
40th Tejano Conjunto Festival en San Antonio/Texas - USAby Diatonic News |
Weeklong Celebration – May 16-22, 2022 Guadalupe Theater and Rosedale Park The Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center was founded by a group of Chicano/a artists determined to play a critical role in shaping the artistic and cultural experiences of San Antonio’s residents and visitors alike. Nearly thirty-six years ago this band of artists formed a pro-active group called the Performance Artists’ Nucleus (PAN). They represented different organizations that were seeking municipal funds to support their work and to preserve and promote the rich traditions of Chicano, Latino and Native American culture. Monday, May 16, 2022 at 7:00 PM – Symposium on Tejano Conjunto Music – FREE! – Guadalupe Theater A panel of experts, including musicians, academics, radio and media people, and industry professionals discuss the state of Tejano Conjunto Music and what the future holds for this genre. Tuesday, May 17, 2022 – Tejano Conjunto Music in Film & Video – FREE! – Guadalupe Theater 12-7pm Screenings of various films/videos and shorts on Tejano Conjunto Music. 7-9pm A Discussion on Tejano Conjunto Music in Film/Video/Social Media with a panel of filmmakers. Wednesday, May 18, 2022 at 10:00 AM – Seniors Conjunto Dance – FREE FOR SENIORS! – Rosedale Park NON-TICKETED EVENT Los Pinkys with Isidro Samilpa and Susan Torres. Special presentation by Hall of Fame accordionist Felipe Perez. Wednesday, May 18, 2022 – Conjunto Music Hall of Fame Reunion/Induction Ceremony & Baile – Rosedale Park 6-7pm Reception 7-9pm 40th Conjunto Music Hall of Fame Reunion & Induction Ceremony Special musical presentations by: The Jiménez Family Tradition, Bene Medina y su Conjunto Águila w/ special guests: Oscar Hernandez, Rabbit Sanchez, Eddie Lalo Torres, and Edgar Vasquez, for more: https://guadalupeculturalarts.org/tejano-conjunto-festival/ |
Bis Ende MAI anmelden! - Workshop Steirische Harmonika 17. Juni 2022 - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
www.harmonikaverband.at |
12. Josef Peyer Preis - Austria/Steiermarkby Diatonic News |
Der alle 2 Jahre stattfindende Josef Peyer Preis findet immer im Mai statt und heuer am: Samstag, 21. Mai 2022 von 14-18h Sonntag, 22. Mai 2022 von 9-14h im Veranstalungszentrum Krieglach "Fest der Volksmusik" - Volksmusikabend: Samstag 20.00 Uhr im Veranstalungszentrum Krieglach Festkonzert: Sonntag 16.30 Uhr im Veranstalungszentrum Krieglach Kontakt: info@josefpeyerpreis.at oder+43 650 57 47 601 |
Bandoneon Course with Daniele Di Bonaventura - Italyby Diatonic News |
Registrations are now open for the Bandoneon course (propedeutical and triennial) with tutor Daniele Di Bonaventura (picture left) at the State Conservatory of Music "Luisa D'Annunzio" in Pescara, Italy. The course will cover a variety of musical styles “from jazz to tango from folk to pop from classical to experimentation”. Registrations close on May 14th, 2022. For details email: info@conservatoriopescara.it |
Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival - Franceby Diatonic News |
Noter bien la date: 4/5/6 JUIN 2022 a Organisé par le Club Léo Lagrange d'Hergnies, association sans but lucratif, le Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival c'est trois jours gratuits de musique et d'animation pour tous les âges, de fête et de convivialité au son de tous les styles d'accordéon, à l'ombre des grands arbres de la place enherbée du village... Du musette au rock’n’roll en passant par le klezmer, le cajun, le classique, le folk... l’accordéon est un instrument convivial, sympathique, festif, plein de malice et au potentiel infini ! Quelle ambiance ! En plus c'est gratuit ! N'hésitez pas à rejoindre la belle, musicale et conviviale aventure du Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival. http://www.bellesbretelles.com/ |
Bis 6. MAI anmelden! - TAG DER HARMONIKA 2022 - International Advertisings online! - Austriaby Werner Weibert |
>>> www.harmonikaverband.at online translation |
Indiana Cajun/Zydeco Crawfish Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
The most fun you and your family will ever have! The Inaugural Indiana Cajun/Zydeco Crawfish Festival at Bill Monroe's Music Park and Campground. Live Cajun & Zydeco music, golf cart parades, second line, dance lessons, live crawfish boil, workshops and so much more! If you love the culture of Louisiana, the food, the music, the fun, you will love the Inaugural Indiana Cajun/Zydeco Crawfish Festival in Bean Blossom, Indiana. The festival takes place May 20 and 21, 2022 and features Chubby Carrier and the Bayou Swamp Band and Dwayne Dopsie. This 2-day festival will feature a live crawfish boil, live music, dance lessons, second line, crawfish races, crawfish eating contests, and so much more. Do you think you make the best gumbo around? Get ready to sign up for the Gumbo Cookoff. This family friendly festival has fun written all over it! Gates open 10 am Friday and Saturday, and the party continues until 11 pm each night. If you like to camp, there are plenty of campsites available from primitive to water/electric hookup for any size camper. Camping reservations are separate from admission tickets, each person staying at the campsite is required to purchase their own admission ticket. Reserve your campsite online through our reservation system. If camping isn't your style, book a room at our host hotel. Make sure to arrive on Thursday so you don't miss a minute of the fun that begins Friday. Order your admission tickets, get your discounted crawfish boil tickets, and reserve your golf cart to get around online today! Every person entering the campground/festival grounds is required to purchase an admission ticket. Children 12 & under are free and do not need an admission ticket. The festival is held rain or shine, all tickets and camping are non-refundable. Come have the best time of your life during the Inaugural Indiana Cajun/Zydeco Crawfish Festival. The event takes place Bill Monroe Music Park & Campground | 5163 N. State Road 135 | Morgantown, IN 46160. More information in future publications. For further information: info@billmonroemusicpark.com |
Chippenham Folk Festival - UKby Diatonic News |
27 - 29th May 2022 Chippenham has evolved into what can best be described as a number of interlocking festivals cohesively celebrating traditional arts taking place at the same time. • There is an extensive folk dance programme • A diverse concert offering • A hugely popular ceilidh series including evening and free lunch time events • A wide ranging display dance festival • A vibrant family festival The Ceilidhs and Folk Dances are the 'engine room' of the festival - they seem to be non-stop from Friday night ‘til Monday night. The festival always has a cracking Ceilidh line-up with plenty of space to dance the night away; for folk dance there is a full list of internationally recognised bands and callers. With a large number of events and varying sized venues. The festival is able to maintain a feeling of intimacy and attendees are able to participate and engage with the artists up close in many festival venues. Chippenham Folk Festival has worked hard to retain our connection with the community of Chippenham by remaining in the town centre site. The town is small enough that you can enjoy an afternoon concert, grab dinner in a local restaurant and pop into the early evening contra before heading to a ceilidh. For those wanting a more relaxed evening you can rest your feet with late night stories at the end of the evening or head off to the pubs where tunes and song can usually be found. https://www.chippfolk.co.uk/ |
Orkney Folk Festival - Scotlandby Diatonic News |
https://orkneyfolkfestival.com/ |
2022 Swaledale Squeeze Concertina Weekend – UKby Diatonic News |
the 2022 Swaledale Squeeze Concertina Weekend which will be held at Grinton Lodge in Swaledale, Grinton, England, UK from May 20th to 22nd, 2022. The event is a “convivial weekend of concertina playing, meeting friends, workshops, a concert, a ceilidh, sessions and walks in the comfort of Grinton Lodge and fantastic scenery”. Guest tutors for the 2022 squeeze are: • Aisling Lyons (Ireland) on Anglo • Rob Say (Northumberland) on English • Matt Quinn (Sussex) on Duet Regular tutors are: Alex Wade (English) Harry Scurfield (Anglo) Paul Walker (English/Anglo) Carolyn Wade (Band) Dave Ball (Band/English) Together they provide workshops covering a whole range of concertina playing for different abilities, systems and styles. As part of the weekend, organisers will be welcoming concertina repairer Dave Elliott to look at any problems you may be having with your instrument. For details email: steven@swaledalesqueeze.org.uk |
Online: Taiwan & World Accordion Festival - Taiwanby Diatonic News |
The Taiwan & World Accordion Festival will be held online from May 6th to 9th, 2022 and will include a variety of concerts and workshops. Performers are: Julian Labro (France/USA) Nighteentael (Taiwan) - Achino on accordion and Ricky on violin Kite Flying Band (Taiwan) - Vincent Tsai on accordion Lee Chen-Chung (bandoneon) & Roberto Zayas (Taiwan/Paraguay) Shui Hou Gu Shi (Taiwan – Chieh on accordion) Hulunbuir Duo (Taiwan/Inner Mongolia) picture above right Accordion and Bayan duo, Wang Xue & Co Co Chang who interpret new arrangements of traditional Mongolian music. Eskemm (Taiwan/France) accordionists Alexis & Lin Chen-Chin Saburo Tanooka (Japan) picture above left Manabu Hiyama (Japan) Roberto Gervasi (Italy) Romeo Aichino (Italy) Algy Wu (Taiwan) – bandoneon Meguree (Japan) - Ree (Risa Yoshioka) and Meme (Megumi Tsuchiya) – picture below For details email: infoaccordion@gmail.com |
Texas Folklife Announces 16th Annual Bg Squeeze Statewide Youth Accordion Contest - USAby Diatonic News |
Texas Folklife announces the 16th annual Big Squeeze youth accordion contest. This year’s event will include a mix of virtual and in-person events in traditional Texas accordion music genres including conjunto, polka, Cajun, zydeco and more. Cajun, zydeco and polka categories are open to ages 25 and under and Conjunto is open to 21 and under. Big Squeeze season opens March 1, 2022 when Texas Folklife begins accepting contest entries, which will be sent in by video. Sign-up, event details and contest rules are now available at texasfolklife.org/bigsqueeze2022. All entries are due by March 31st by 11:59 p.m. A pair of in-person events will follow the virtual entries. The Conjunto Semi-Finals return live to the Museum of South Texas History in Edinburg on Saturday, April 23, 2022. Then on Saturday, May 14, the ever-popular Big Squeeze Finals return live to the Bullock Texas State History Museum in Austin. Grand prize winners each will receive a cash prize, future performance opportunities with Texas Folklife, publicity, professional development and other professional opportunities. In addition to the contest, this year’s Big Squeeze also will feature a series of virtual discussions with members of Texas’ accordion community about the future of the Big Squeeze. “We are looking to make changes and to improve the program,” said Texas Folklife Executive Director Charlie Lockwood, “and community input will be an important part of this process.” Interested players are encouraged to submit an application no later than March 31st at midnight. The complete contest rules and entry forms are available online at texasfolklife.org/bigsqueeze2022 or by calling 512-441-9255. The Big Squeeze is presented by Texas Folklife as part of its mission to preserve and present Texas’ diverse cultural heritage. Since 2007, Texas Folklife has promoted Texas accordion music genres through the Big Squeeze program. More than 300 young, talented players from dozens of Texas communities have participated in the program, which supports these vital community-based accordion music traditions. The 2022 Big Squeeze Program Director is longtime Texas Folklife producer and partner Sarah Rucker. This is Rucker's 12th Big Squeeze in its 16-year history. Sponsorship: The Big Squeeze offers a variety of opportunities for individuals and organizations to become sponsors of this distinguished program. For more information on becoming a Big Squeeze Sponsor, visit texasfolklife.org/bigsqueeze2022 or call 512-441-9255. The 2022 Big Squeeze is supported in part by the generosity of H-E-B, a Squeezebox Legend Sponsor, who has contributed to worthy causes through Texas and Mexico for 115 years. We also are grateful to the City of Houston through the Miller Theatre Advisory Board for their long-time support. This project is made possible in part by a grant from the Texas Music Office, Office of the Governor, as well as contributions from Hohner Accordions, Texas Commission on the Arts, City of Austin Cultural Arts Division and other regional partners. About Texas Folklife: Texas Folklife (TXF) is a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to presenting and preserving the diverse cultures and living heritage of the Lone Star State. TXF is designated by the National Endowment for the Arts as the official folk and traditional arts organization for the state. Since 1984, TXF has honored traditions passed down within communities, explored the importance of traditional arts in contemporary society, and celebrated the state’s vibrant heritage by providing arts experiences enjoyable for all generations. For further information: Rebecca Johnson: rebecca@artsarticulated.com Sarah Rucker, Program Director: bigsqueeze@texasfolklife.org |
Future events / Concerts |
Alessandro Gaudio in concert - Tunis/Tunisiaby Diatonic News |
Juanjo Mosalini e Pablo Estigarribia in Paris - FRANCEby Diatonic News |
— FEELING TO CELEBRATE WITH Juanjo Mosalini e Pablo Estigarribia on May 6th/22 in Paris Réservations: lacita.cpqn@gmail.com |
Ville Hiltula Duo Tango Concert – Japanby Diatonic News |
Ville Hiltula (bandoneón) and Asako Yada (piano) will perform a live tango concert at the Swing Bird Cottage Cafe in Mie, Japan on May 12th, 2022 at 1pm. See poster left for details. Future May concerts as follows: • May 13th, 2022 at 3pm: Café Glenco in Handa City, Aichi Prefecture. Phone 0569-22-5337 • May 14th, 2022 at 7pm: Mona Petro in Najoya, Aichi Prefecture. Ville Hiltula (bandoneón), Asako Yada (piano) and Yumi Kou (violin). See poster right. • May 28th, 2022 at 2pm: Salon de Sasonaha - Classic Meets Tango concert with Kazuhiro Takagi (violin) and Ville Hiltula (bandoneón), Janne Tateno (violin), Yuko Tanaka (viola) and Sari Nakajima (cello). Music by Dvorák, Ginastera, Piazzolla, Mosalini & Beytelmann. See poster below. • May 29th, 2022 at 2pm: Guggenheim House in Kobe – A 2nd performance of the Classic Meets Tango concert. For details email: villehiltula@gmail.com |
Festival Internacional de Tango - Columbiaby Diatonic News |
Ensamble de Tango Facultad de Artes y Humanidades Universidad de los Andes se prepara para su primer concierto en el 2do Festival Internacional de Tango en el Teatro Colsubsidio Roberto Arias Pérez. 19, 20 y 21 de mayo. Más información tan pronto como esté disponible Ensamble de Tango Facultad de Artes y Humanidades Universidad de los Andes is getting ready for their first concert at the 2nd International Tango Festival at the Teatro Colsubsidio Roberto Arias Pérez. May 19, 20 and 21. More information as soon as available https://www.facebook.com/Giobandoneon |
Duo Stefanie Tuurna & Mercedes Krapovickas - Finlandby Diatonic News |
Argentinian tango evening to enjoy the hot pulse and the Latin fire of tango. Expect to get a taste of the rhythmic passion of Buenos Aires. Mercedes Krapovickas (Argentiina), bandoneon Stefanie Tuurna, piano https://talviharmonikka.com/en/tapahtuma/mustakari/ K-30 Jazzcombo |
TALISK in May 2022 - UKby Diatonic News |
4 May TALISK Glasgow, United Kingdom 21 May TALISK Sheffield, United Kingdom 22 May TALISK Bristol, United Kingdom https://www.mohsenamini.com/copy-of-tour |
Andrea Capezzuoli in May/June 2022 - FR/DE/Italienby Diatonic News |
25 giugno // Andrea e Compagnia // Treviglio (BG) 19 giugno // Andrea e Compagnia // Salussola (BI) 17 giugno // Andrea e Compagnia // La ghironda, Carmagnola (TO) 12 giugno // Andrea e Compagnia // Marburg, Germania 11 giugno // Andrea e Compagnia // Erlangen, Germania 4-5 giugno // Andrea e Compagnia // Trad Ardeche, Privas, Francia 28 maggio //Matapuexi // Volpedo (AL) 22 maggio // Bandabrisca // Valle S. Bartolomeo (AL) 20 maggio // Andrea solo // Ca’ Budrio (BO) 15 maggio // Andrea solo // Lo stivale che balla, Milano 7 maggio // Andrea solo // Trettempi folk, Firenze 10 maggio // Andrea solo // ARCI Tambourine, Seregno (MI) 1 maggio // Duobrisco // Canegrate (MI) for more: https://lnx.andreacapezzuoli.com/agenda/ |
Stage d'accordéon diatonique avec Bruno le Tron - FR/DEby Diatonic News |
07/05/22 - 08/04/22 Stage Accordéon Diatonique à Penestin - Penestin 14/05/22 Stage Accordéon Diatonique à Nanterre - Centre de loisir des Gavroches 28/05/22 Tref à Leipzig - Leipzig Pour savoir plus https://www.brunoletron.fr/evenements/ |
Andreas Gabalier Juli/Konzerte - DE/IT/CHby Diatonic News |
https://www.ticketcorner.ch/artist/andreas-gabalier/andreas-gabalier-open-air-allmend-bern-2562338/ https://www.ticketone.it/event/andreas-gabalier-pferderennplatz-ippodromo-14252200/ https://www.eventim.de/event/andreas-gabalier-back-to-live-open-airs-2022-waldbuehne-berlin-14394426/?affiliate=SEM http://www.andreas-gabalier.at/ |
Tango Weekend – Tribute to Astor Piazzolla – Franceby Diatonic News |
A special Tango Weekend – Tribute to Astor Piazzolla will be held from May 20th to 22nd, 2022, organised by the Cité de la Musique - Philharmonie de Paris in Paris, France. The first concert will be held on May 20th at 8.30 pm in the Cité de la Musique Concert Hall and feature the Gerardo Jerez Le Cam Quartet (Manu Comté - bandoneon), followed by bandoneonist Juan José Mosalini (picture above right) and his musicians performing tango nuevo. On May 21st, the next concert will be held in the Cité de la Musique Concert Hall at 8.30pm and feature Tango Club with Simone Tolomeo (bandoneon). On May 22nd, the final concert will be held at the Grande salle Pierre Boulez at 4.30 pm with a performance by Louise Jallu (bandoneon – picture above left) followed by Quinteto Astor Piazzolla with Pablo Mainetti (bandoneon – picture below). “After the death of Astor Piazzolla (in 1992), his wife – Laura Escalada Piazzolla – brought together five outstanding soloists to create a quintet to preserve and promote the repertoire of the immense Argentine musician, in line with the quintets he himself trained and conducted during his lifetime. Brought to play regularly around the world for more than twenty years, the Quinteto Astor Piazzolla perpetuates Piazzolla's unique music and, remaining faithful to its innovative spirit, also enriches it with new nuances.” For details phone: 01 44 84 44 84 |
Markku Lepistö & Ilpo Laspas - Kokkola/Finlandby Diatonic News |
In the 1800s Mrs. Emelie Drake ran the restaurant Sällskapsklubben in Kokkola in the building that is today known as Snellman House. It was in this very building that Martin Paul performed in a concert on 14th July, 1885. The first renowned accordionist in Finland, his repertoire at that time was salon music and compositions of the era’s most popular composers. Now you can have the pleasure of listening to the very same program, performed by a talented duo. Expect a captivating musical experience spanning several centuries. – Donizetti-Bellini-Reisner-Lumbye-von Flotow- Markku Lepistö 1- and 3- row accordions Ilpo Laspas piano, harpsicord https://talviharmonikka.com/en/tapahtuma/salon-concert/ |
Mardei Gras in San Diego - California/USAby Diatonic News |
celbrate with above aritists and many more Mardi Gras in May at Gator By The Bay Festival from may 5th to may 8th 2022! 4 BIG festival days of 100+ live performances and non-stop dancing on 7 stages featuring Gator favorites including: http://www.icajunzydeco.com/music-brings-us-together-in-celebration/ |
Quadro Nuevo im Mai 22- Österreich und Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
Am Mittwoch 4. Mai um 20 h geht es los mit dem ersten Maikonzert im Stadtsaal in der Mariahilfer Strasse Quadro Nuevo spielt MARE an der schönen Donau mit DiDi Dietmar Lowka am Bass und Percussion Philipp Schiepek an der Gitarre Andreas Hinterseher an Akkordeon, Bandoneon und Trompete Mulo Francel am Sax und Klarinette Alle Maikonzerte: 04 Mai 2022 AT - 1060 Wien Stadtsaal, 19:30, info & tickets, 0043 (0) 19092244, MARE - QUADRO NUEVO MIT PHILIPP SCHIEPEK ( GUITAR) 06 Mai 2022 DE - 82205 Gilching Rathaus, 19:30, info & tickets, 08105 38660, MARE - QUADRO NUEVO MIT PHILIPP SCHIEPEK ( GUITAR) 08 Mai 2022 DE - 83734 Hausham Alpengasthof, 19:00, info & tickets, 08026 3909 0, MARE - QUADRO NUEVO MIT PHILIPP SCHIEPEK ( GUITAR) 13 Mai 2022 DE - 86637 Binswangen Synagoge, 20:00, www.synagoge-binswangen.de, 09071 51 145, das Konzert wird verschoben auf den 26.11.2022, MARE - QUADRO NUEVO MIT PHILIPP SCHIEPEK ( GUITAR) 15 Mai 2022 DE - 08645 Bad Elster König Albert Theater, 19:00, info & tickets, 03 74 37 53 900, MARE - QUADRO NUEVO MIT PHILIPP SCHIEPEK ( GUITAR) 18 Mai 2022 DE - 79098 Freiburg Jazzhaus, 20:00, info & tickets, 0761 7919780, MARE - QUADRO NUEVO MIT CHRIS GALL ( PIANO) 20 Mai 2022 DE - 82377 Penzberg Stadthalle, 20:00, info & tickets, 08841 90994, MARE - QUADRO NUEVO MIT CHRIS GALL ( PIANO) 21 Mai 2022 DE - 83308 Trostberg Postsaal, 20:00, info & tickets, 08621 801 139, MARE - QUADRO NUEVO MIT CHRIS GALL ( PIANO) 22 Mai 2022 DE - 82065 Baierbrunn Waldgasthof Buchenhain, 18:00, info & tickets, 089 7448840, open air, MARE - QUADRO NUEVO MIT PHILIPP SCHIEPEK ( GUITAR) 27 Mai 2022 DE - 20355 Hamburg Laeiszhalle, 20:00, info & tickets, 0 18 06 - 57 00 16, SONNE, MOND & STERNE - QUADRO NUEVO & HARALD LESCH 28 Mai 2022 DE - 28195 Bremen Glocke, 20:00, info & tickets, 04 21 36 36 36, SONNE, MOND & STERNE - QUADRO NUEVO & HARALD LESCH www.quadronuevo.de |
Cajun Accordion Festival & Competition – USAby Christine Johnstone |
Video: Steve Riley and the Mamou Playboys Quartet performing at the Rhythm and Roots Festival 2021 The Cajun Accordion Festival & Competition will be held at Vermilionville in Lafayette, Louisiana, USA on May 14th, 2022, organised by Steve Riley Productions. The event will include performances by the Pineleaf Boys (picture above left), Savoy Family Cajun Band (picture above right) and Steve Riley and the Mamou Playboys. Registrations close on May 11th, 2022. See poster for details. |
Sharon Shannon Band "Unlocked" Tours – Germany and Irelandby Harley Jones |
Video: The Sharon Shannon Band Live “Rusheen Bay” at WOMAD in New Zealand in 2019 After her tour in April in Ireland - she will be next tour in Germany from May 11th to 22nd, 2022. See poster above for German tour dates and venues. In February, Sharon released her new EP “Unlocked Series 1 – Inspiration” which was recorded during lockdown 2021. The series acknowledges that the world is about to come out of lockdown from COVID-19. |
Musicanti del Piccolo Borgo a FolkAurora - Italiaby Diatonic News |
Circolo Aurora / Piazza di Sant’Agostino / Arezzo Sabato 07 maggio ore 22:00 - line up La XV edizione di FolkAurora porta sul palco del Circolo Arci Aurora di Arezzo i fondatori della rassegna, lo storico gruppo del folk revival italiano: i Musicanti del Piccolo Borgo. I “Musicanti del Piccolo Borgo” possono essere considerati una formazione storica del folk revival italiano. Il gruppo si è infatti costituito alla metà degli anni Settanta, con l’intento, che rimane immutato, di recuperare e riproporre il patrimonio della tradizione musicale popolare dell’Italia centro-meridionale. I “Musicanti” hanno perciò svolto, particolarmente nel primo periodo della loro attività, una serie di ricerche sul campo, soprattutto nel Molise e nel Lazio, che hanno prodotto un’ampia documentazione del repertorio musicale tradizionale; queste iniziali campagne di registrazione etnofonica si sono poi trasformate in un più generale contatto con la cultura contadina, e quindi in una conoscenza più profonda non solo degli esempi, ma anche dei modi e dei significati dell’espressione musicale all’interno di quella cultura. I "Musicanti”, nei CD pubblicati, ed ancor più nei concerti, realizzano un viaggio attraverso i suoni, innanzitutto, della tradizione molisana e laziale, ma anche, superando confini spesso culturalmente poco consistenti, di quella campana, lucana, pugliese, calabrese, siciliana. I "Musicanti del Piccolo Borgo" hanno all’attivo più di mille concerti. Si sono esibiti in moltissimi teatri italiani e piazze, hanno partecipato ai più importanti festival italiani di musica etnica. All’estero hanno suonato in Francia, Svizzera, Germania, Spagna e Uzbekistan. Silvio Trotta voce, chitarra battente, mandolino, mandoloncello Mauro Bassano organetto Alessandro Bruni chitarra Christian Di Fiore zampogna, organetto, ciaramella Marna Fumarola violino https://www.arezzonotizie.it/eventi/concerti/musicanti-piccolo-borgo-folkaurora-fumarola.html |
Klasik, musiques classiques et contemporaines en Kreiz Breizh - Franceby Diatonic News |
Klasik, musiques classiques et contemporaines en Kreiz Breizh 1er concert du 2e Acte de KLASIK 2022, rendez-vous à Lanrivain vendredi 13 mai à 20h30 www.festival-klasik.fr |
Musik mit Michael Hirte zum Muttertag - DE/Grimmaby Diatonic News |
nicht versäumen. alle Informationen am Poster |
Dúo Agri - Romo, Dúo Zárate - Angeleri / Columbiaby Diatonic News |
CRISTIAN ZÁRATE, PABLO AGRI, HORACIO ROMO, CÉSAR ANGELERI sábado 21 mayo 2022 19:30 TEATRO COLSUBSIDIO ROBERTO ARIAS PEREZ Promotor: CAJA COLOMBIANA DE SUBSIDIO FAMILIAR COLSUBSIDIO Pablo Agri es violinista y director de la Camerata Argentina. Actuó como solista con importantes orquestas nacionales e internacionales. Tocó con los principales músicos de tango: Mariano Mores, Néstor Marconi, Horacio Salgán, Julián Plaza, Susana Rinaldi, Osvaldo Berlingieri y Juan José Mosalini, entre otros. A fines del ´99 actuó como violín solista del show “Tango Argentino”, en Brodway (Nueva York). Grabó junto a su padre, Antonio Agri, y la Orquesta Sinfónica de Letonia con la dirección del Maestro Pedro Ignacio Calderón, el disco Agri x 2, nominado a los premios Gardel. Participó de los recitales y grabación del CD ”Cigala Tango”, junto a Diego El Cigala , disco ganador de un Grammy Latino. https://teatrocolsubsidio.checkout.tuboleta.com/selection/event/date?productId=10228510289813>mStepTracking=true&lang=en |
Quintete Negro la Boca - Argentinaby Diatonic News |
http://www.quintetonegrolaboca.com.ar/ |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
CD "Duo Laloy le Tron LIVE" - France/Belgiumby Diatonic News |
Duo Laloy Le Tron - Live Didier Laloy : Accordéon diatonique Bruno Le Tron : Accordéon diatoniqu Pour information: https://www.compagniebalagan.com/product-page/duo-laloy-le-tron-live |
Video: Quetschklampfa - Pokvarena Dušaby Harley Jones |
It all began in 2007, when two young musicians, Elias Plösch and Simon Ankowitsch, "hit the keys and strings" together for the first time. That's how Quetschklampfa was "born". Quetschn and Klampfn, as the Styrian harmonica and guitar are colloquially known, initially dealt exclusively with Styrian folk music. After a brief musical addition by Alois Hauck, the musical meeting with bassist Maximilian Kreuzer took place in the summer of 2013. Thus, the friendship grew and the joint musical work began. |
Quinteto Astor Piazzolla Entertains in Buenos Aires - Argentinaby Christine Johnstone |
Video: Quinteto Astor Piazzolla performing works from their new album “Triunfal” at the Centro Cultural Kirchner in 2021. The Quinteto Astor Piazzolla performed a free concert at the Centro Cultural Borges in Buenos Aires, Argentina on April 22nd, 2022. The Cultural Centre (picture left) was reopened a few weeks ago by the Ministry of Culture and was named in tribute to one of Argentina's most acclaimed writers Jorge Luis Borges. It hosts art exhibitions, shows, seminars, conferences, workshops and other events, ranging from the visual arts to tango. The Quinteto, which includes Pablo Mainetti (bandoneon) performed a variety of works by Astor Piazzolla. |
10 studi per organetto di Claudio Prima - Italiaby Diatonic News |
Dalla pagina http://www.claudioprima.it/10-studi-organetto/ die Claudio Prima puoi scaricare le partiture e gli esercizi per seguire il percorso dei 10 studi scritti per l’organetto diatonico. 10 studi per organetto diatonico è un percorso gratuito online alla scoperta di questo meraviglioso strumento. 10 brani scritti da Claudio Prima per dare l’opportunità agli allievi, ai musicisti e agli appassionati di esplorare le diverse tecniche dell’organetto, gli stili, le modalità di esecuzione e le possibilità espressive e per approfondire la conoscenza della teoria musicale. I brani sono ideati per poter affrontare le diverse tecniche e sviluppare le capacità di base per lo studio dello strumento. Nel corso dello studio saranno trattate anche le nozioni di teoria musicale di base, insieme ad alcuni cenni di solfeggio e armonia. Su Youtube potrai trovare i tutorial di tutti gli studi e 4 lezioni introduttive per una fase iniziale di studio dell’organetto dove si affrontano le nozioni di base: Per avere i link giusto consulta: http://www.claudioprima.it/10-studi-organetto/ |
Accordion TV/Film/Radio |
Marc Pircher TV im Mai 2022 - ORF/tele-top/VolksmusikTVby Diatonic News |
Di, 03.05.2022 ORF 1 "Willkommen Österreich", 22.00 Uhr Interview "30 Jahre Marc Pircher" + Lied Mi, 04.05.2022 TV-Interview bei TELE-TOP in Winterthur Bericht über "30 Jahre Marc Pircher" und neues Album ... Sa, 07.05.2022 Volksmusik TV "Mit Musi durch die Heimat", 20.15 Uhr Ausgabe Nr. 3 Wiederum eine Hitparade mit vielen neuen Musikgruppen und Künstlern aus ganz Österreich. Das Publikum zu Hause wählt mittels Televoting die 3 Sieger, die auch beim nächsten Mal wieder dabei sein dürfen... Moderation: Marc Pircher Mi, 11.05.2022 ORF 2 "Studio 2", 17.30 Uhr - Live Interview zu "30 Jahre Marc Pircher"; |
Video: Afternoon of Entertainmentby Christine Johnstone |
Enjoy this video of a young diatonic player, giving an afternoon accordion entertainment concert. |
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