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Bayerischer "Rock mi"-Flashmob in den Riemer Arcaden - Deutschlandby Harley Jones |
voXXclub have attracted in Munich's Riem Arcades with an original Flashmob. The good looking “ Buam” in traditional costumes with pretty young girls in “Dirndl” have immediately transformed the Riem Arcades with good humor and the croweds simply LOVED it and we too….. Die feschen Männer der bayerischen Gesangsgruppe voXXclub hat mit einem originellen Flashmob in den Münchner Riem-Arcaden auf sich aufmerksam gemacht. Fesche Buam in Tracht, hübsche junge Frauen in Dirndl - in den Riem-Arcaden wurde plötzlich gute Laune verbreitet. Den Besuchern schien es zu gefallen - und uns auch..... They will perform also during the Andreas Gabalier Concert - see our next article for it..... Visit them: http://www.universal-music.de/voxxclub/home |
Open Air Konzerte mit Andreas Gabalier - (Österreich)/Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
Nürnberg Open Air 28.5.2014 ab 18:30h Neu-isenburg / Frankfurt am Main Open Air 29.5.2014 ab 19.30h Andreas Gabalier ist derzeit einer der erfolgreichsten Volksmusiker Europas: ER bricht in seiner Heimat Österreich und mittlerweile auch in Deutschland sämtliche musikalischen Rekorde und seine drei Alben stehen seit Monaten auf den vordersten Plätzen der Charts. Nach seiner sensationellen Arena-Solotournee im Herbst 2013 wird der sympathische Sänger im Sommer 2014 bei wenigen ausgewählten Open-Air Shows erneut das deutsche Publikum begeistern.Seine Mischung aus Volksmusik und Rock nennt er ganz einfach „VolksRock`n`Roll“. Und sobald er die Bühne betritt, steht das Publikum in der Halle Kopf; es wird gekreischt und gejohlt wie bei einem Justin Bieber-Konzert. Allein der Weg hin zur Bühne ist für den Steirer jedes Mal eine Herausforderung: „Es ist doch super, wie’s ist“, sagt er und kommt mit dem Autogrammeschreiben kaum noch nach. Andreas Gabalier genießt das Bad in der Menge und wundert sich dabei selbst immer wieder darüber, wie schnell eigentlich alles ging. Der Spiegel nennt ihn den "Elvis der Volksmusik" und die Süddeutsche Zeitung schreibt: "Gabalier lädt die Volksmusik mit Sex auf... seine Musik ist rockiger als die der Anderen". Sein Hit „I sing a Liad für di“ läuft in den Funkstationen und Diskotheken rauf und runter und wird allerorts gecovert. auf Haartolle und seinen mittlerweile legendären „Arsch-Wackler“. Andreas Gabalier ist ein Massenphänomen! So vieles ist bei ihm außerhalb der Norm und das ist gut so! Es kracht, es stampft, es rockt!Seine Kernzielgruppe hat Andreas Gabalier längst gesprengt. Bei ihm treffen Ziehharmonika und Lederhose Info: http://www.schlagerplanet.com/schlager-konzerte-tickets/andreas-gabalier-open-air-2014-in-neu-isenburg-frankfurt-am-29052014_p4125880.html |
3. Tiroler Knöpferl-Harmonika-Treffen/Weltrekordversuch/Pfingsten 2014 - Austriaby Diatonic News |
in Scheffau am Wilden Kaiser/Tirol mit Weltrekordversuch Pfingsten 2014 – 8. bis 9. Juni 2014 Freunde der "Steirischen" sollten sich das Pfingstwochenende 2014 rot im Kalener anstreichen. Das dritte Tiroler Knöpferl-Harmonika-Treffen geht in Scheffau und auf der Walleralm über die Bühne - und wer will, kann sogar aktiv mithelfen einen Weltrekord aufzustellen! HARMONIKA-TREFFEN IN SCHEFFAU/ORTSZENTRUM Erster Höhepunkt ist am 8. Juni das "Fest der Harmonika", für das der Knöpferl Musikverlag als Veranstalter sogar einen Weltrekordversuch plant. Wir wollen das größte Harmonika-Orchester der Welt auf die Beine stellen. Wir laden jetzt schon alle Freunde der Steirischen ein, uns bei diesem Vorhaben zu unterstützen. Ist die Harmonika-Big Band formiert, spielen alle zusammen das Stück "Die Sterne am Himmel"(Ideal wäre GCFB-Stimmung, Leihinstrument möglich). Und zwar gemeinsam mit dem Komponisten, denn Luis Plattner sorgt mit seinem "Tiroler Echo" an diesem Abend für Stimmung. Mit dabei auch die aus dem Musikantenstadl bekannte Familienmusig Herzog und natürlich das "Knöpferl Ensemble" mit den beiden Autoren Peter Thurner und Josef Rupprechter. Für die Verpflegung der Besucher sorgen die Scheffau Vereine, unterstützt wir die Veranstaltung auch vom TVB Wilder Kaiser-Scheffau und vom Kulturausschuss der Gemeinde. Beginn 18 Uhr 30 HARMONIKA-TREFFEN AUF DER WALLERALM Am Pfingsmontag lädt der TVB Scheffau zu einer geführten Wanderung auf die Walleralm, wo das große Harmonika-Treffen in Szene geht. Ab 11 Uhr gibt es ein lockeres Programm mit verschiedenen Gruppen, dem "Knöpferl Ensemble" und einen Auftritt der "Oimdudler". Natürlich haben die Teilnehmer auch wieder Gelegenheit, ihr Können vor großem Publikum zu präsentieren. Anmeldung erbeten. Durch das Programm führt jeweis Hermann Nageler. ONLINE Anmeldung für das 3. Tiroler Knöpferl-Harmonika-Treffen: http://www.knoepferl.at/home/index.php/3-tiroler-knoepferl-harmonika-treffen-2014/anmeldung |
World Accordion Day (WAD) Online - Finlandby Diatonic News |
World Accordion Day - Celebrate the Accordion! May 6th will see the celebration of World Accordion Day by many accordionists around the world. A project of the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA), coordinated by CIA Music Committee Member Grayson Masefield, ths 5th annual celebration has taken on several interesting formats during its short evolution. Beginning with coordinated celebrations from around the globe, the last two years have seen a 24 hour live streaming. While initial plans thought of a live streaming this year, the CIA has decided instead to collect footage from around the world of CIA member activities, to be made available to member associations and interested accordionists for use to publicize the accordion with media, fellow musical associations, the International Music Council as well as for other opportunities to promote the accordion in the field of music as appropriate. The CIA is blessed to be supported by more than 30 nations spanning all corners of the world, and with its competition winners alone, features some of the world's most outstanding accordionists performing a diverse array of musical styles, while representing many countries and musical cultures. Combined with World Accordion Orchestra, the composers portfolio of new works for accordion and representation at the International Music Council, the CIA is truly the epitome of 'World Accordion' and so by compiling all these exciting activities into one source, the CIA hopes to celebrate World Accordion Day itself, along with the rest of the world! We invite those celebrating World Accordion Day to submit video and pictures from their activities to the CIA, so that as we correlate the various activities we have a wonderful cross section of the many faces of accordion found around the world. During World Accordion Day, members of the CIA Executive will be in Finland at the CIA headquarters, working on plans for publicising this years events, as well as exploring possibilities for a live event next year, which will be discussed by the CIA Delegates at the upcoming General Assembly in Salzburg, Austria later in the year. To submit your information, please send your videos, pictures, or links to online performances to the CIA General Secretary Kimmo Mattila at e-mail, with World Accordion Day in the subject box: secretariat_cia@harmonikkaliitto.net |
Stanser Musiktage/Astillero & Fidelis Strings - Argentinien/Schweizby Diatonic News |
Sa 3. Mai | 21.00 | Theater an der Mürg Stanser Musiktage (27.4.-4.5.2014) Schmiedgasse 8 / CH-6371 Stans Alicia Alonso Violine | Luciano Falcón Cello | Mariano González Calo Bandoneon | Diego Maniowicz Bandoneon | Federico Maiocchi Kontrabass | Julián Peralta Piano | Alejandro Diez Audiovisual Martin Schleifer Violine | Vera Hux Violine | Martin Korrodi Violine | Terence Winkler Violine | Simona Fehlmann Violine | Severin Jung Violine | Christoph Schuler Violine | Ute Mayer Viola | Dominik Wyss Viola | Erica Nesa Cello | Severin Kilchmann Cello | Severin Barmettler Kontrabass Dieser Tango ist ganz und gar Gegenwart. Das Echo der Tradition ist spürbar, aber die Musik ist heftig und bunt wie das Leben in einer modernen Grossstadt. Sie kickt und springt, seufzt und schmerzt. Zwei Bandoneons, Geige, Klavier, Cello, Kontrabass legen die Fährten, auf denen sich der Sänger dieser argentinischen Truppe entfaltet. Die sieben Musiker haben alle in wichtigen Bands gespielt, bevor sie 2005 Astillero gründeten. Seitdem haben sie neun Welt-Tourneen unternommen, an vielen Festivals gespielt und in Buenos Aires ein eigenes Theater eröffnet. Fidelis Strings ist ein Streicherensemble, welches aus Lehrpersonen und Absolventinnen und Absolventen der kantonalen Mittelschule Kollegium St. Fidelis in Stans besteht. http://www.stansermusiktage.ch/programm/hp/sa-3-astillero.html |
8th Annual Big Squeeze contest & concert - Texas/USAby Diatonic News |
All nine Big Squeeze contestants are winners. Congratulations to Big Squeeze Champs: Aaron Daniel Salinas of San Antonio, Conjunto, Garrett Neubauer, of Altair, Polka Randall Jackson, Dallas, Zydeco The finalists in the zydeco category were: Randall Jackson of Dallas, Je'an-Trel Jolivette of Marvel, and DeJe'an Jolivette of Marvel. The finalists in polka were: Rebecca Huck of Harker Heights, Chris Trojacek of Ennis, and Garrett Neubauer of Altair. The finalists in the conjunto category: Aaron Salinas of San Antonio, Luis Gonzales of Grand Prairie, and Mariano Resendez of La Joya. The contest this year attracted 49 contestants, the largest number in its history. Seventy-five percent of the contestants were conjunto accordion players. Because of the larger number of conjunto contestants, there were three Honorable Mentions in that category: Rito Peña of San Antonio, Alan Guerra of Mission, and Nizhoni Begay of San Antonio. - See more at: http://www.texasfolklife.org/post/big-squeeze-champs—-aaron-garrett-randall#sthash.V24UFPzk.dpuf |
Franky Leitner im Mai - Österreichby Diatonic News |
Im Mai wird der junge, aber bereits sehr bekannte Musiker auftreten: 01.05.2014 15:00 Grazer Musikmesse "Stimmungsauftritt" A-8010 Graz, Messegelände 03.05.2014 14:00 FRANKY WANDERTAG - FEST, mit dabei: UDO WENDERS u. MUSIKAPOSTEL A-8605 Kapfenberg, Mariazellerstraße 89 (neben Imbiss Fürstenwürstl) 04.05.2014 11:00 FL-FEST "Frühschoppen" A-8605 Kapfenberg, FESTZELT n. Imbiss F. (Mit dabei: Die "san - fia nix" 13.05.2014 23:00 Stimmungsauftritt "Latschenhütte" A-8163 Fladnitz, Teichalm 77, LAHÜ 27.05.2014 21:00 Tanzabend A-8490 Bad Radkersburg, Thermenstraße 21, Vital Hotel 28.05.2014 23:00 Almrausch Lannach A-8502 Lannach, Industriezeile 4 31.05.2014 15:00 Stadtfest Bad Radkersburg A-8490 Bad Radkersburg Möchten Sie mehr über den Künstler erfahren, besuchen Sie seine Seite: www.frankyleitner.com |
33rd Annual Tejano Conjunto Festival - USAby Harley Jones |
Video above: Guacamole by The Texas Tornados. Published on Jan 12, 2014 The Texas Tornados at Nick's A Taste of Texas. May 14, 16-18, 2014 Rosedale Park – 340 Dartmouth, San Antonio, Tx 78237 The Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center was founded by a group of San Antonio artists who were determined to play a critical role in shaping the artistic and cultural experiences of San Antonio’s residents and visitors alike. Nearly thirty-four years ago this band of artists formed a pro-active group called the Performance Artists’ Nucleus (PAN). They represented different organizations that were seeking municipal funds to support their work and to preserve and promote the rich traditions of Latino culture. Time Schedule: Wednesday, May 14 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.Eva Ybarra y su Conjunto - Free Seniors Conjunto Dance Friday, May 16 6 p.m. Opening Ceremonies/Poster Contest Awards 6:30 p.mthe Texas Sweethearts (Weslaco) 7:30 p.m.Miguel A. Pérez del Conjunto San Antonio (Spain) 8 p.m.Dwayne Verheyden (Montford, Netherlands) 8:40 p.m.Los Texmaniacs de Max Baca (San Antonio) 9:45 p.m.Joel Guzmán Sarah Fox y Conjuntazzo (Austin) 11 p.m.The Texas Tornados (Austin/San Antonio) Saturday, May 17 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.Accordion Tuning, Maintenance & Repair Workshop Tim Schofield, Hohner Accordion Repair and Parts Supervisor, will teach you how to tune the reeds of your accordion and maintain it in tip-top playing shape. Accordion tuning kits will be available for purchase. 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.Button Accordion & Bajo Sexto Workshops Master Button Accordion and Bajo Sexto maestros, and Grammy Award-winning recording artists, Joel Guzmán and Max Baca, will conduct this concurrent two-hour workshop. Basic accordion and bajo sexto playing techniques and chords/scales will be explored, along with the accompaniment of different conjunto rhythms. The two separate workshops will come together at the end for an impromptu performance and conjunto jam. 12 p.m.Conjunto Juan Seguín/Teatro de Artes de Juan Seguín * Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center * Conjunto Heritage Taller * Estrellas de Acordeón/Houston Accordion Performers * La Joya Independent School District * Conjunto Palo Alto/Palo Alto College 2 p.m.Conjunto Los Pinkys featuring Isidro Samilpa & Chencho Flores (Austin) 3 p.m.Susan Torres y Conjunto Clemencia (Austin)Special Presentation by Lala Garza 4 p.m.Johnny Degollado y su Conjunto (Austin) 5 p.m.The Conjunto Kings de Flavio Longoria (San Antonio) 6 p.m.Conjunto Los Leones de Alberto Solís (Laredo) 7 p.m.La Naturaleza de Santiago Garza (San Antonio) 8 p.m.Lázaro Pérez y su Conjunto (Kingsville) 9 p.m.Los Monarcas de Pete y Mario Díaz (Houston) 10 p.m.Los García Bros. (Eagle Pass) 11 p.m.Los Dos Gilbertos (Edinburg) Sunday, May 18 1 p.m.Fruty Villarreal y Los Mavericks (La Feria) 2 p.m.Conjunto Senzzible (Houston) 3 p.m.Da Krazy Pimps (Eagle Pass) 4 p.m.Randy García y Conjunto Estrella (Corpus Christi) 5 p.m.Tejano Boys (Harlingen) Special Presentation by Peter Anzaldúa (Brownsville) 6 p.m.Conjunto Romo (Kyle) 7 p.m.Bernardo y sus Compadres (Baytown) 8 p.m.Los Fantasmas del Valle (Mercedes) |
"Musikantenstadl" mit Andy Borg - Schweizby Diatonic News |
Andy Borg am 3. Mai mit seinem "Musikantenstadl" zu Gast in Fribourg in der Westschweiz. Andy Borg präsentiert bekannte und beliebte Interpreten -Live-Übertragung aus dem Forum Fribourg „Eine große Party mit dem Who is who der Stadlszene“ – das verspricht Moderator Andy Borg für den Musikantenstadl, welcher am Samstag, dem 3. Mai 2014, live um 20.15 Uhr aus Fribourg auf dem Programm steht. Die Region Fribourg ist eine ganz spezielle Region: Kühle Berge im Süden und warme Seen im Norden. Aber auch zwei Sprachen und drei unterschiedliche Ferienregionen auf kleinstem Raum. Genau dort findet der nächste Musikantenstadl statt. FOLGENDE KÜNSTER SIND BIS JETZT MIT DABEI : Peter Kraus, Charly Brunner & Simone, Stefan Mross, Michelle, die Paldauer, Linda Fäh, Zillertaler Haderlumpen, Fantasy, Jose Valdes, die Ladiner, die Dorfrocker, Michael Hirte, Sigrid & Marina mit den Oberkrainer Allstars, Die Jungen Stadlmusikanten, Heißmann & Rassau und viele mehr ! |
Terrance Simien & The Zydeco Experience 2014 Grammy Award -USAby Rita Davidson Barnea |
Video: Concert at Dnipropetrovsk, The Summer Theater at Gorky Park, Kiev, Ukraine, April 25, 2012. Terrance Simien (picture left) and the Zydeco Experience won Best Regional Roots Music Album at the 2014 56th Grammy Awards which took place in Los Angeles, CA. on April 6th, 2014. Other nominees in the category were: - The Life & Times Of...The Hot 8 Brass Band by Hot 8 Brass Band - Hula Ku'i by Kahulanui - Le Fou by Zachary Richard - Apache Blessing & Crown Dance Songs by Joe Tohonnie Jr. The Grammy Awards, for more than 50 years, are the only peer-presented award in the recording industry, without regard to album sales or chart position. On June 4, 2013 Simien independently released his 9th recording, Grammy winning ‘Dockside Sessions” featuring four traditional zydeco songs (sung in French), a contemporary French tune, three Bob Dylan covers, and a song each originally by the Grateful Dead and Toots & the Maytals. Terrance Siimiien, 8th generation Louisiana Creole has become one of the most respected and accomplished artists in American roots music today. He and his band mates have performed over 7,000 concerts, toured millions of miles to over 45 countries during their eventful career. A more detailed article about Terrance Simien check with the 1st May Accordion USA News Edition. |
Tag der Harmonika - Austriaby Diatonic News |
Von Donnerstag bis Sonntag findet in St. Peter-Freienstein der Tag der Harmonika 2014 statt. Auch Harmonika Müller ist unterwegs dorthin..... |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
22. Accordeon Moi j'aime Festival - Belgiumby Diatonic News |
Festival Trad'Envie - Franceby Diatonic News |
à Pavie (32) du 28 au 31 mai pour Des spectacles, concerts et autres bals Marc Perrone, André Minvielle et Dominique Regef, Camins Mesclats…Chemins Mêlés, Nights In Tunisia, Boris Trouplin, Dus, Nhac, Du Bartas, TocTocToc, Vira E Boha, Philippe Plard, Duo BarBar, Shillelag, La Fanfare Transpireneus, Pavie Jazz Combo, le collectif de l’ACPPG, Xavier Vidal et le DEM Musiques traditionnelles de Toulouse, les « Jazzter’Trad » ainsi que Brotto-Lopez Sextet et Ba’al !!! Des Trad’apéro sont organisés à 12H et 18h30 tous les jours ! (moment convivial où l’accès aux bals est gratuit pour tous !) Des stages Canta et Joga avec Guillaume Lopez et Stéphane Milleret, Vielle à roue avec Marc Anthony, Violon avec Guilhem Cavalie, Cornemuse avec Boris Trouplin, Danses de Gascogne avec Daniel Dettaemmaker, Chants Occitans avec Titouan Billan Et un salon de lutherie le premier à Trad’Envie !! de 10H à 20H du jeudi au samedi, près de la salle polyvalente de Pavie. Info: http://www.tradenvie.fr/ |
Knöpferl-Seminar Wilder Kaiser - Tirol/Österreichby Diatonic News |
28. Mai bis 1. Juni 2014 Intensivseminar für Einsteiger/Wiedereinsteiger und Fortgeschrittene! Seminarleiter: Georg Klaffenbacher ( langjähriger Musiklehrer, Berufsmusiker, Griffschriftheft-Autor der erfolgreichen "Schorsch-Serie") Workshop: Peter Thurner ( ausgebildeter Musikschullehrer, Knöpferl-Autor, Komponist) Unterbringung: Gasthof Baumgarten, Angerberg/Tirol Programm und Leistungen: 4 Übernachtungen, VP, im EZ oder DZ (mit Du. od. Bad/WC, TV, Telefon, teilw. Balkon) 3 Einheiten a 50 min im Einzelunterricht Leicht verständlicher und zeitgemäßer Unterricht - auf den Spieler abgestimmt! Tipps für das tägliche Übungsprogramm 2 Workshops mit Peter Thurner ( Erarbeitung verschiedener Themen, wie z. B. „Begleiten leicht gemacht“, „Singen und Spielen“, Rhythmustraining) Gemütliches Beisammensein und Musizieren attraktives Rahmenprogramm Abschlussabend Information: http://www.knoepferl.at/home/index.php/seminare-2014/132-knoepferl-seminar-wilder-kaiser |
National Button Accordion Festival, Pennsylvania - USAby Rob Howard |
National Button Accordion Festival logoThe 2014 National Button Accordion Festival takes place from May 23rd to 25th at the Croatian Club, 601 E. Poland Ave. in Bessemer, Pennsylvania. Visiting guests include the Mahonging Valley Button Box Club, Ron Pivovar, Mike Caggiano and Jack "6-pack" Preisner. The festival has a ‘jamming’ format, with a time schedule board for performers or groups on the main stage. A formal program and concert happens on Sunday May 25th, the last day of the festival. Following the concert, the jamming format resumes for the remainder of the day. A feature of the festival is that no bands are hired, and the music comes from the people attending the event. For further information email: Rpivovar@verizon.net |
Ærø Harmonikafestival 23.-25. maj 2014 - Denmarkby Diatonic News |
ACCORDION FESTIVAL IN MARSTAL 2014 23 - 25 May 21st accordion festival with popular music over the entire weekend in Marstal. By tradition a big pole tent is placed on the berth area of Marstal Yacht Club, and two more stages are set inside the Yacht Club and in the rowing club facing the harbour. Accordionists from Ærø, "the mainland", i.e. from outside the island, and from Sweden and Norway - and possibly Germany - will be playing from the three stages from Friday afternoon till Sunday afternoon. On Saturday morning, the town of Marstal will be transformed to a multi arena where groups will be playing from every nook and every street corner. From the stages, all genres of music will sound. "Gammeldans" - the Swedish and Norwegian type of folk dancing -, where cheerful dancers will fill the dance floor. Top-of-the-pops tunes where everybody can dance and sing along. Latin rhythms. Swing. Jazz. Sweet Swedish ballads by Bellman and Taube. Not forgetting the popular 30 minutes with Marstal Småborgerlige Sangforening, the merry Marstal mariners association, who sing shanties and maritime songs on Saturday evening - not to be missed! The full programme will be available in early May, but we are able to disclose at this early stage our two dear guests from Norway: Odd Arne Halaas, singer and accordionist, and Reidar Dahle, guitarist, who will also appear at an accordion concert in Marstal Church on Thursday evening 22 May at 7.30pm. NO ENTRANCE FEES – for Marstal at the Marina (GPS address: Sejlmagervej 1, 5960 Marstal). Ærø Folkelige Musikforening www.harmonika-festival.dk |
8. Peyer Wettbewerb - Austriaby Diatonic News |
Video: Sharon Shannon & Alan Connor, St Patricks Cathedral - UKby Harley Jones |
Sharon Shannon & Alan Connor performing Coridinio Live in St Patricks Cathedral 26th Januray 2013 |
8th Accordion Art Festival - ITALIAby Diatonic News |
(Concorso Internazionale) 14, 15 giugno 2014 (Roseto degli Abruzzi, TE) Categorie CONCERTIST FISARMONICA DIATONICA Junior (fino 18 anni), Senior (oltre 18 anni) For Information check http://www.accordionartfestival.com |
Video: Tuur Flirzoone and Didier Laloy - Belgiumby Harley Jones |
Tuur Flirzoone and Didier Laloy appeltuinjazz. Tuur Flirzoone (composer and accordionist) of Louvain, Belgium and Didier Laloy (diatonic accordion) also of Belgium perform together. |
Button Accordion & Bajo Sexto Workshops - San Antonio/USAby Diatonic News |
10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center 723 S. Brazos St San Antonio, TX 78207 Master Button Accordion and Bajo Sexto maestros, and Grammy Award-winning recording artists, Joel Guzmán and Max Baca, will conduct this concurrent two-hour workshop. Basic accordion and bajo sexto playing techniques and chords/scales will be explored, along with the accompaniment of different conjunto rhythms. The two separate workshops will come together at the end for an impromptu performance and conjunto jam. Info: http://www.guadalupeculturalarts.org/tejano-conjunto-festival/2014-tejano-conjunto-festival-schedule/ |
BANDONEON BOOTCAMP with Julian Rowlands (Orquesta Tangazo, Tango Siempre) BEGINNER, INTERMEDIATE + ADVANCED LEVEL WORKSHOPS BANDONEON BOOTCAMP STRUCTURE The bootcamp contains four modules spread over two days. All modules will be taught in the school recital room which has excellent acoustics. Day one focuses on core technique and practise methods. There will also be time on day one for masterclasses on solo repertoire for any participants who would like the opportunity to perform and receive feedback. Day two will focus more on aspects of tango music, and we will work on ensemble pieces. There will be an opportunity to perform the pieces we work on in the evening milonga for anyone who wishes to participate. The first day of the workshop is suitable for all levels from beginner to advanced, and is the foundation for all of the advanced techniques that are introduced on day two. The second day is more suitable for players with a medium level and above - already able to play some pieces in a range of keys. All participants will need to bring their own instrument. SATURDAY MAY 25 2013 Module 1 (10.00-13.00): Foundations of bandoneon technique. Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced. We will work on the fundamental techniques of the bellows and sound production. This is the core element of bandoneon playing and supports all of the advanced technical work. Module 2 (14.00-17.00): Finger technique. Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced. A range of exercises will be presented which develop independence, fluency and virtuosity of finger technique. SUNDAY MAY 26 2013 Module 3 (10.00-13.00): The elements of the tango. Level: Intermediate, Advanced. The rhythmic elements of the tango will be presented and integrated into the core technique. We will also look at the techniques of transcription: creating a truly authentic sound. And we will look at simple improvisation techniques. Module 4 (14.00-17.00): The techniques of the Orquesta Típica. Level: Intermediate, Advanced. Continuing to look at tango rhythm and melodic expression, using ensemble pieces which will be prepared for a performance slot in the evening milonga for anyone who wishes to participate. Preparatory material will be available in advance of the workshop. Information: http://www.englandinternationaltangofestival.com/id30.html or jr@bandoneon.co.uk |
Masterclass with Peter Soave in May - Chatonnay/Franceby Diatonic News |
From May 28-29th 2014, bandonionist and accordionist Peter Soave will be available for Private Lessons and Lectures at the Masterclass in Chatonnay, France Peter Soave is renowned worldwide as an accordion and bandoneon virtuoso through his numerous international appearances, both solo and with orchestras. He also has an outstanding record in international competitions, winning the Grand Prix in Neu Isenberg, West Germany, the International Competition in Klingenthal, East Germany, the CIA Coupe Mondiale in Folkstone, UK, and the CMA Trophee Mondiale in Arrezano, Italy. For further information email: peter@petersoave.com |
13th Zydeco Gator by the Bay Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
Read more about the 4 days event from the 8-11th of May and the 85 artists performing throughout the day on http://www.gatorbythebay.com/index.html |
Video: Justin Martin at Erin's Pub, St Johns - Canadaby Harley Jones |
Two videos by Justin Martin. Justin Martin is backed up by Lew Skinner and Derek Pelley, live at Erin's Pub, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. |
International Cajun & Zydecofestival - Netherlandby Diatonic News |
22th edition of the beloved festival is 2,3 and 4th of may 2014 Festival location: Corner Kloosterweg and Wilhelminalaan, next to the footballfields, Raamsdonksveer Informaiton: http://www.zydecozity.nl |
Video: Au Bonheur de Nacre March 2014, Alain Pennec - Franceby Harley Jones |
The excellent monthly TV program 'Au Bonheur de Nacre' with presenter Pascal Savard featured in March 2014 traditional diatonic player Alain Pennec. Enjoy. "Au Bonheur de Nacre" is recorded live on stage at the cabaret Le Mans in Patis, with the passionate presenter Pascal Savard revealing the many musical talents of our French regions on the last Friday of each month. 'Au Bonheur de Nacre' by LM TV Sarthe has many videos for accordion online at: www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x18x7r_lmtvsarthe-wizdeo_bonheur-de-nacre/ In February 2013, diatonic-news.com featured Alain Pennec in concert at Galiza, Spain. http://www.diatonic-news.com/?d=Feb-2013#art1606 |
Future events / Concerts |
OrchestraBottoni Concerti - Italiaby Diatonic News |
• 9 Maggio h22 ca, CORENO AUSONIO (FR), Fredoom Cafè, Viale della Libertà • 16 Maggio h 21, CASSINO (FR) P.zza Labriola, Palco Rosa (Giro D'Italia) per Celebrazioni "Peacefix 70" Freedom - Coffee & drinks, Live Disco Lounge Bar A Viale Libertà 11, Coreno Ausonio, Lazio, Italy …l’orchestra “a bottoni” della musica world italiana presenta il nuovo disco "OrchestraBottoni Live"!!! ---------------------- OrchestraBottoni: ANTONELLA COSTANZO: voce, percussioni ALESSANDRO D’ALESSANDRO: organetto solista, coord. artistico ed esecutivo GIANFRANCO ONAIRDA, SILVIA DI BELLO, MATTEO MATTONI, ELISA DI BELLO, GIUSEPPE DI BELLO,FRANCESCA VILLANI: organetti GIACOMO NARDONE: organetto basso (bassoon) MARIO MAZZENGA: basso, contrabbasso RAFFAELE DI FENZA: batteria percussiva GIUSEPPE SALTARELLI: suono -------------------- BIO-rchestraBottoni Nata dall’evoluzione della Piccola Orchestra La Viola e dall’incontro di musicisti delle province di Roma, Frosinone, Latina e Napoli, l’OrchestraBottoni, formazione di ispirazione popolare con influenze mediterranee, è considerata uno dei gruppi più inediti nel panorama della world-music italiana. E’ attiva dal 1994. A testimonianza di questo fanno fede le numerose collaborazioni sia discografiche che live con Daniele Sepe, Peppe Barra, Angelo Branduardi, Franco Battiato, Eugenio Barba, Riccardo Tesi, Marc Perrone, Blue Stuff, Lino Cannavacciuolo, Vincenzo Zitello, Hector Ulises Passarella, Arnoldo Foà, Fratelli Mancuso, Alfio Antico, Mosshen Kasirossafar, i numerosi concerti in Italia (Folkest, Lithos, Roma incontra il mondo-Villa Ada, Teatro Eliseo-Roma, Liri Blues Festival, I Suoni delle Dolomiti, Auditorium S.Chiara-Trento, Teatro Palladium-Roma, Paleariza, etc.) ed all’estero (Francia, Danimarca, Germania, Polonia, Albania). IL CONCERTO Un’orchestra e una voce, un viaggio tra la tradizione mediterranea, l’etnojazz e… L’ensemble filtra, attraverso l’originale suono che da anni la identifica, tutte le idee che riceve. Allo stesso tempo, tramite il suo lavoro di ricerca, si fa protagonista di una contaminazione continua. Le armonie e le melodie polifoniche della numerosa sezione di organetti, sorretta da un inedito organetto basso (bassoon), il collante ritmico tenuto dalle batteria percussiva, insieme alla voce di Antonella Costanzo e ai fraseggi del solista Alessandro D’Alessandro, sono l’espressione di questa particolare sperimentazione. Le atmosfere sono varie, come la provenienza dei brani, con uno stile che spazia dal classico al contemporaneo, con sfumature di funky, reggae, afrobeat, etc. L’OrchestraBottoni è una formazione che cerca di coniugare tradizione ed evoluzione. Nel corso del concerto presenterà alcuni brani tratti dal disco “The Journey” (Dodicilune 2011), inciso insieme al sassofonista jazz americano Dan Moretti. Un’Intervista di Roberto G. Sacchi su FolkBulletin.com http://www.folkbulletin.com/orchestrabottoni-organetti-ma-non-solo/ Info: info@orchestrabottoni.it www.orchestrabottoni.it |
3. Ausstellung der Kärntner Kunstwerkstätten/Burg Landskron - Kàrnten/Austriaby Diatonic News |
28. und 29. Mai Die Kärntner Kunstwerkstätten präsentieren auf der Burg Landskron bei Villach die schönen Künste, welche die Handwerker Kärntens produzieren. Goldschmiede, Silberschmiede, Uhrenmacher, Buchbinder, Instrumenten Erzeuger und Kunsthandwerker. Schauarbeiten an beiden Tagen! Müller Harmonikas wir ihre Harmonikas ausstellen....versäumen Sie nicht diese zu testen! Mehr Information auf der Webseite von Müller Harmonka |
Louisa Bennion et Loic Bléjean en concert.....Musique celtique - Franceby Diatonic News |
concert du Louisa Bennion et Loic Bléjean 2 Mai 2014 - (voire l'image) 3 Mai 2014 - 21h La Légende Irlandaise / Pub/ Café 31 Grande Rue, 32360 Jégun, Midi-Pyrenees, France Louise est originaire des êtas unis et Loïc de Bretagne.... tout le deux des référence dans leur domaines, on a la super chance de les avoir ici a jegun Un mélange de la concertina et les uilleann pipes(cornemeuse irlandaise), soirée de musique celtique et musique éclectique.... plein d'energie, joie, rigolade, et humeur.... Le super bonne musique de chez michael.... même si c'est joué par des étrangères.... une soirée a ne pas raté..... venez nombreux et il faut dire a tout vos entourages.... A great evening of celtic music by two expertes in their fields... cornemeuse and concertina...and energetic evening not to be missed Information: http://www.lalegendeirlandaise.com/ |
Spiers & ´Boden Concert - UKby Harley Jones |
Saturday 24th May 2014 - 8:00pm Venue: Cheltenham Town Hall Imperial Square, Cheltenham, GL50 1QA Prices: £16.00 Video above: Spiers & Boden perform 'Haul Away' at the Shrewsbury Folk Festival 2011. Following on from an incredibly successful tenth anniversary tour the top traditional music duo on the scene continue their journey into the exciting nether-regions of traditional folk music. Described by The Guardian as ‘the finest instrumental duo on the traditional scene’ and twice winners of the BBC Radio 2 folk award for Best Duo, Spiers & Boden have made the genre of spontaneous, punky English folk very much their own stomping ground. Loud, proud, and with just a few acoustic instruments, they create a multitude of textures upon which they present traditional stories and dance music which have taken them on to the main stages of major festivals. Information: http://www.cheltenhamtownhall.org.uk/event/spiers-boden-4504/ |
Ogni Giovedi a Popolari al CIP/Roma - Italiaby Diatonic News |
Ogni primo giovedi del mese dalle 21.30 22.30 il laboratorio popolare di pratica collettivo si suona - danza - canta con: tamburello, organetto con gli insegnanti e gli allievi della scuola popolare delle arti. Vuoi partecipare - visita il sito: http://www.cipeventi.it/ |
Theo and the Zydeco Patrol in May - USAby Diatonic News |
Theo and the Zydeco Patrol Combines the Blues with Southwest Louisiana Cajun and Zydeco Theo and the Zydeco Patrol is not just another blues band. Their secret spice to the Blues is the Louisiana hot sauce of traditional Cajun and zydeco music. With a sound straight from the backwoods zydeco dance clubs, Cajun "fais do do" dances, backyard crawfish boil parties and bayou festivals, the Theo and the Zydeco Patrol brings the best of Southwest Louisiana festival music to Southern California. Featuring the diatonic "Cajun-style" button accordion, keyboard accordion, washboard and vocals in the original Cajun French of the Southwest Louisiana, Theo and the Zydeco Patrol cooks up a fiery mix of the Cajun and Zydeco dance music that is sweeping the country Dates and Places Saturday May 3 – 2PM to 6PM Solvang Crawfish Boil Solvang Ca. Sunday May 18 – 6PM to 10PM Coyote Bar and Grill (Carlsbad) Tuesday May 20 – 7PM to 10PM Tio Leo`s Napa and Morena Friday May 23 – 7PM to 11PM Iva Lees in San Clemente Sunday May 25 – 11AM to 5PM LSU Alumni Crawfish Boil-Charger Field Monday May 26 – 11AM to 4PM Barefoot Bar For exact details pls visit: http://www.zydecopatrol.com/dates.asp |
Sväng tour dates in May - (Austria, Germany) Finlandby Diatonic News |
The group have performed in April at Babel Med Music in Marseille, France. and were the first Finnish artist ever to play at the event. Babel Med Music is the largest and most important world music festival in France. Sväng, which has been described as ”the harmonica equivalent of the Kronos Quartet” by Songlines Magazine, will play an album release show in Helsinki in May and after that play shows in Denmark, followed by an album release tour in Germany and Austria. 09.05.2014 Eckernförde (DE), Medborgerhuset 10.05.2014 Kiel (DE), Kulturforum 11.05.2014 Flensburg (DE), folk Baltica 13.05.2014 Bochum (DE), Bahnhof Langendreer 14.05.2014 Mödling (AT), Theresiensaal 15.05.2014 Vienna (AT), Sargfabrik 16.05.2014 Salzburg (AT), Arge Kultur 17.05.2014 Bregenz (AT), Freudenhaus 18.05.2014 Innsbruck / Tir (AT), Treibhaus Information:http://www.svang.fi |
Whiskey River Band May schedule - UKby Diatonic News |
Whiskey River (full band) is a Blues Rocking, Louisiana USA-style Zyde-cajun band performing Red-Hot Swamp Music and Blues from the Bayous... yet based on the Welsh Border, UK! Just add a taste of Good Rocking Country, some retro-style, Gretsch-fuelled Rock'n'Roll "et voila; c'est si bon!". Whiskey River (band) in Leominster The Grape Vaults, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 8BS. Monday, April 21 2014 @ 03:00 PM Whiskey River (band) in London. Swamprock Club, All Saints' Arts Centre. 122 Oakleigh Road North, Whetstone, London, N20 9EZ. Saturday, April 26 2014 @ 08:00 PM Whiskey River (Acoustic-style four piece) in Hereford. Credenhill Social Club, Station Road, Credenhill, Hereford, HR4 7EY. Saturday, May 03 2014 @ 09:00 PM Whiskey River in Cardiff (band). Boomswinger Bluegrass Club, The Mackintosh Institute, 38 Keppoch Street, Cardiff, CF24 3JW. Saturday, May 10 2014 @ 07:30 PM WR (Acoustic Quartet) at Shobdon Airfield. The Hotspur Cafe & Bar, Shobdon Airfield, Herefordshire HR6 9NR. Friday, May 23 2014 @ 08:30 PM WR (Acoustic Quartet) at Hay "Fair in the Square" Fringe Fest Market Square, Hay-on-Wye, Wales. Saturday, May 24 2014 @ 12:00 PM http://whiskeyriver.co.uk/Whiskey_River/ The band is led by Aidan Sheehan, his Lafayette "Clarence Junior Martin" Cajun accordion and "Seydel" Blues harmonicas plus Martin Blake on a beautiful white "Gretsch" and a "Swamptone Telecaster B-bender" guitar. Add whiskey-soaked vocal harmonies, heartfelt lyrics delivered in both English and Cajun-French and you're right there, back on the Bayou boys... Their swamp-rocking rhythms are augmented by Dave Wood (wild "Psy-de-co" fiddle) and a driving rhythm section featuring Dennis Schiavon (aka Vince Santini) or Geoff Ockenden / Danny Kilbride on bass and Pedro Brown on drums. Ted Bunting (blistering Zydeco sax) plays when available. Our good friends Andrew Williams, Li'l Queenie or Thom Podgoretsky may feature on fabulous Zydeco frottoirs. Members of this band have featured in other Roots Rocking outfits (The Revillos, X-Ray Spex, Bon Ton Roulez, Joe Le Taxi, The Bourbon Boys, Baton Rouge, Juice, Ricky Cool & The In Crowd, Midland Aces, The Hoola Boola Boys, The Root Doctors, The Pork Dukes, Blake's Three, The Swamp Devils, Cold River Lady, The Grass Snakes and Half Cut Grass) so they certainly know how to deliver a potent "Hot Musical Gumbo!" Whiskey River (band) in Leominster The Grape Vaults, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 8BS. Monday, April 21 2014 @ 03:00 PM Whiskey River (band) in London. Swamprock Club, All Saints' Arts Centre. 122 Oakleigh Road North, Whetstone, London, N20 9EZ. Saturday, April 26 2014 @ 08:00 PM Whiskey River (Acoustic-style four piece) in Hereford. Credenhill Social Club, Station Road, Credenhill, Hereford, HR4 7EY. Saturday, May 03 2014 @ 09:00 PM Whiskey River in Cardiff (band). Boomswinger Bluegrass Club, The Mackintosh Institute, 38 Keppoch Street, Cardiff, CF24 3JW. Saturday, May 10 2014 @ 07:30 PM WR (Acoustic Quartet) at Shobdon Airfield. The Hotspur Cafe & Bar, Shobdon Airfield, Herefordshire HR6 9NR. Friday, May 23 2014 @ 08:30 PM WR (Acoustic Quartet) at Hay "Fair in the Square" Fringe Fest Market Square, Hay-on-Wye, Wales. Saturday, May 24 2014 @ 12:00 PM http://whiskeyriver.co.uk/ |
RENATO BORGHETTI Quartet on tour - Brasilby Harley Jones |
Video: Renato Borghetti Quartet Europa, trailer The world famous Brazilian artists the Renato Borghetti Quartet willl tour in Europe: 17.05.14 Cluj (RO) Ungarisches Theater 19.05.14 Baden (A) Cinema Paradiso 20.05.14 St.Pölten (A) Cinema Paradiso 21.05.14 Brugge (B) Airbag Festival 22.05.14 Kaiserslautern (D)Kammgarn 23.05.14 Tuttlingen (D) Rittergarten Tuttlingen 24.05.14 Zürich (CH) Musig am Zürisee For more Information visit the agents website: www.cultureworks.at Sabine Schebrak office@cultureworks.at |
Termin der Haderlumpen im Mai - Austria/Schweiz/Italienby Diatonic News |
Don 01.05.2014 A-6280 Zell am Ziller, ORF Radio Tirol "Licht ins Dunkel Gala" im großen Gauder Festzelt "Das Benefizkonzert des Jahres" 20:00 Uhr 05282-2281 www.gauderfest.at Fre 02.05.2014 "Musikantenstadl" - Generalprobe CH-1763 Granges Paccot, Generalprobe - Forum in Fribourg 20:00 Uhr www.oeticket.com Sam 03.05.2014 "Musikantenstadl" live - ARD, ORF, SF CH-1763 Granges Paccot, live aus dem Forum in Fribourg 20:15 Uhr www.oeticket.com Son 04.05.2014 A-6280 Zell am Ziller, Open Air Konzert beim legendären Gauderfest 12:30 Uhr 05282-2281 www.gauderfest.at Sam 10.05.2014 CH-4539 Rumisberg, Frühlingkonzert in der Turnhalle 20:30 Uhr Die 13.05.2014 A-6673 Grän im Tannheimertal, Fanreise von Alpenwelle TV ins Traumhotel "Liebes Rot-Flüh", Auftritt und TV Aufzeichnung 18:00 Uhr www.alpenwelle.ch Sam 17.05.2014 D-83700 Rottach-Egern, geschl. Veranstaltung 20:30 Uhr Fre 23.05.2014 D-63699 Kefenrod-Bindsachsen, Konzert im Festzelt am Sportfeld 20:30 Uhr 0151-27052465 Sam 24.05.2014 A-3353 Seitenstetten, Konzert im Festzelt 21:15 Uhr 0676-889062395 I-39030 Gais, Konzert im Festzelt 20:30 Uhr 0349-6190452 Information: http://www.haderlumpen.com/termine/alle_termine/index.html |
Harmonika am Spielberg in Graz - Austriaby MuellerHarmonika |
Zahlreiche Besucher erlebten in der Grazer Innenstadt am Samstag, den 5. April ein Spektakel der Superlative. Organisiert vom Projekt-Spielberg konnten die Zuschauer neben den PS-starken Red Bull DTM Boliden unter anderem auch die Artisten der modernen Volksmusik am Färberplatz bewundern. Wer nicht dabei war hat die Möglichkeit die Artisten rund um Herbert Pixner, irishSTEIRISCH und Co. beim Spielberg Musikfestival vom 28.-31. August 2014 zu sehen. Das Harmonikatreffen findet wie voriges Jahr im Rahmen des Festivals im G´schlössl Murtal statt. |
Tango Carbon on concert - Franceby Diatonic News |
It is in the spirit of experimentation that Tango CarbÓn formed in 2012. Passionate not only about Tango but also music, Federico Sanz –violin- Louise Jallu –bandoneon- Leandro Lacapère –piano- and Blanche Stromboni –double bass- merge their own individual sounds into a new unique and authentic act. Carbón repertoire covers different styles and periods of the history of tango, starting with traditional tango, they follow its evolution through the vanguard of Piazzolla’s Nuevo Tango and finish with their own compositions which are the result of personal growth and inspirations by Juan José Mosalini, César Stroscio and Bernard Cavanna. 15/5 thu CONCERT AU TRITON 20.30 h 11 Bis Rue du Coq Français 93260 Lilas 24/5 sat La Péniche Opéra 20.30 h 46 Quai de la Loire 75019 Paris Plus d'information: www.tangocarbon.com |
7°Edizione Vacanze Romane CIP - Italyby Diatonic News |
ROMA 17 MAGGIO 2014 Centro d'Iniziativa Popolare - Via delle Ciliege, 42 Roma (quartiere Alessandrino - Centocelle) Festival Vacanze Romane LA SERA TARDI DELL'ORGANETTO a cura di Raffaele Mallozzi e Pino Pontuali Info: 393.8619200 info@cipalessandrino.org |
World Accordion Day / Dragspelets Dag 2014 - Swedenby Diatonic News |
6 May from 13-20 h Karlssons Musik Äskebackavägen 18, 43972 Fjärås, Hallands Län, Swede Participate and celebrate the "Drag Game Day" and visit Karlsson Musik House - open house! You get to experience the artists Anita Agnas (voted the Year accordionist 2013 in Sweden) and Søren Brix from Denmark (the - let's say next dorr neighbor's foremost accordionists)! Available will be: coffee & cakes More information www.karlssonsmusik.se under the "Contact & map" or write to: info@karlssonsmusik.se |
Concerto-Milonga TANGO ZERO - Spainby Diatonic News |
3/5/2014 - 20.30 La Espannola, gran via, Salamanca/Espagna - Tel. 04248460403 David M García Serrano (bandoneón-acordeón) Pablo González Pérez (flauta) Pablo Ruiz Lozano (piano) Pancho Ruano (contrabajo) Informacion: www.tangozero.com |
BLOWZABELLA DAY - Rivoli/Italiaby Diatonic News |
Atelier di musica e danza tradizionale e gran bal folk con la leggendaria band anglo francese BLOWZABELLA 10. Maggio 2014 Maison Musique Via Rosta 23, 10098 Rivoli, Rivoli Torinese, Piemonte, Italy i Blowzabella a Maison Musique per una giornata interamente dedicata a loro con stage di strumenti e danza al pomeriggio, e un Gran Ballo Folk alla sera aperto dai Edaq e chiuso dalla mitica band inglese. Da quando hanno iniziato nel 1978 sono stati in tour in tutto il mondo, dal Festival di Glastonbury Festival, fino agli angoli più sperduti di Africa, Sud America ed Estremo Oriente. Innumerevoli le folk band che li citano come ispirazione e influenza principale per la loro musica. Arrivano a Maison Musique con un nuovo album, pubblicato nell'ottobre 2013, che li conferma al top della musica folk mondiale. Strange News è stato registrato in Inghilterra e Francia e riconferma il talento della band per la composizione di melodie per la danza che immediatamente entrano a far parte del patrimonio tradizionale della musica folk, "musica tradizionale di domani" direbbe qualcuno. Non mancano, naturalmente, nel disco ance alcune melodie tradizionali del repertorio anglo-sassone. Il disco è arricchito da un ospite eccezionale come Patrick Bouffard. I Blowzabella sono: Andy Cutting (organetto), Jo Freya (voce, sassofono, clarinetto), Paul James (cornamuse, sassofono, whistle), Gregory Jolivet (ghironda), David Shepherd (violino), Barn Stradling (basso), Jon Swayne (cornamuse e sassofono). Info: http://maisonmusique.it/evento.asp?id=347 http://www.blowzabella.co.uk |
Fabio Turchetti @ Guildford Accordion Club, Surrey – UKby Rob Howard |
Fabio Turchetti posterGuildford Accordion Club presents Fabio Turchetti, from Cremona, Italy, as their guest on Friday May 16th, 7.30pm. The venue is Ripley Village Hall, Surrey GU23 6AJ Fabio Turchetti has studied classic and jazz harmony, and is a multi-instrumentalist/composer (diatonic and chromatic accordion, bandoneon, guitar and voice). He has played and held workshops worldwide and has recorded over 20 albums. He will be playing diatonic button accordion for this concert, and offering some advice on bellows technique. The evening also includes the club’s usual ‘Playalong’, so do bring your accordions. For further information email: myrabee@btinternet.com |
Violetta's last Tango - UKby Diatonic News |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
New CD-Präsentation v . Mario Karnahsnigg - Tirol/Austriaby Diatonic News |
Das neue Solo-Album 2014 wird am Samstag, 17.Mai 2014 LIVE präsentiert. Wo: Goglhof / 6274- Fügenberg / Beginn: 20:00 Uhr Mit dabei: viele bekannte musikalischen Gäste !!! Durch das Programm führt Radio Moderator Roland Fankhauser !! Veranstaltung bei freiem Eintritt! Mehr Info's unter www.mario-k.com oder per Tel. unter: 0043 664/ 86 44 318 |
New CD ‘Tango Dreams’ by CT Tango Ensemble, Cape Town – South Africaby Rob Howard |
Tango Dreams’ is a new CD by the CT Tango Ensemble, from Cape Town, South Africa. The 17 tracks are a balance between Piazzolla, older traditional Tangos, Tango-Valse, a Milonga, original compositions, and some clearly Jazz influenced compositions. The CT Tango Ensemble, formed in 1996, is the only Tango Orchestra on the African continent. It was formed by the Bulgarian-born accordionist Stanislav Angelov, who settled in Cape Town in 1992. The other members are Albert Combrink (piano), Petrus de Beer (violin), and Charles Lazar (double bass). They have performed all over South Africa and in 2011 they toured Germany. On ‘Tango Dreams’ the band is augmented by vocalists Melanie Scholtz and Juan Simon, Dan Shout (sax), Peter Narun (guitar) and Kevin Gibson (drums). Tracks: Che Tango Che, Tango for her, Volver, Whatever Lola wants, Hemel en Aarde, Otono Porteno, J’oubile, Now I told you, Los Mareados, Milonga demis amores, Don Agustin Bardi, Long as the night, Resurreccion del Angel, Beautiful dream, Pedacito de cielo, Christopher’s Bossa, La ultima curda For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za |
New CD Karja-La by Sväng Harmonica Quartet - Finlandby Diatonic News |
Sväng Harmonica Quartet returns on their fifth album, Karja-La, which will be released by German label Galileo Music Communication. According to the group, the new album is more darker and personal in tone, yet it still maintains the rhythmical basis on which the group has built their sound on. list 1 Schengen (Grundström) 2 Eksyneen tango, The lost one’s tango (Turkka) 3 Eeron ja Nedan häämarssi, Wedding march for Eero and Neda (Kyhälä) 4 Niilon polska, Polska for Niilo (Kyhälä) 5 Naskon Rakija, Nasko’s Rakija (Turkka) 6 Jeppo! (trad, arr Grundström) 7 Kyytiläinen, The captured passanger (Kyhälä) 8 Impivaara (Grundström) 9 Karja-La (Grundström) Published by: Galileo Music Communications GmbH http://www.svang.fi/?page_id=70 |
Neue CD "Alle Miteinander" der Haderlumpen - Austriaby Diatonic News |
Diese neue CD wurde im Màrz pràsentiert - mòchten Sie mehr darùber wissen oder diese CD kaufen - besuchen Sie die Webseite: http://shop.haderlumpen.at/ |
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