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Organetto/fisarmonica diatonica al Conservatorio statale di Musica "Alfredo Casella" - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Corsi per il Tiennio di Organetto/Fisarmonica Diatonica presso il Conservatorio Casella L'Aquila dipartimento "Musiche Tradizionali". È possibile iscriversi anche ai Corsi Base e Propedeutici. La data termine per l’invio delle domande di ammissione è il 31 luglio 2021. Tel 0862/22122 https://conservatori.istruzioneweb.it/ammissioni/index.php |
TAG DER HARMONIKA 2022 hat jetzt ein fixes Datum - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
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Online translation |
Gottfried Hubmann mit dem Professorentitel ausgezeichnet! - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
![]() Begründet wurde dies mit den großen Erfolgen als Musikpädagoge, Komponist von 350 Werken für Blasmusik, Volksmusik, Weltmusik und Kirchenmusik, Feldforscher von über 500 Musikstücken, Herausgeber von 100 Spielheften in Noten- und Griffschrift, Arrangeur, Volkskulturvermittler, Kolumnist, Juryvorsitzender bei Staats- und Weltmeisterschaften, Obmann des Vereins Freiensteiner Volkskultur sowie Fachvorstand für Steirische Harmonika im Harmonikaverband Österreichs. Ebenso unterstrich Bildungsminister Heinz Faßmann in einem persönlichen Gratulationsschreiben, dass mit Professor Gottfried Hubmann ein Musikschullehrer und Volkskulturvermittler geehrt wird, dessen Arbeit seit Jahrzehnten tief in die Gesellschaft hinein wirkt. Foto: G. Hubmann mit seiner Gattin Gabriele Online translation |
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
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Online translation |
Aperte le iscrizioni al Premio Alberto Cesa 2022 - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Il Premio giunto ormai alla sua diciasettesima edizione, è pensato per valorizzare tutta quella musica che, al di là dall’essere classificata come folk, folk-rock, etnico, etno-jazz, world, new acoustic, minimalista, chitarristico, canzone d’autore, cantastorie, artista di strada (con prevalente attività musicale), sappia dare voce a una o più radici culturali di qualsiasi parte del mondo. La manifestazione è nata per omaggiare un grande artista come Alberto Cesa, voce e ghironda del Cantovivo, piemontese e grande amico di Folkest, uno dei gruppi pionieri del folk italiano che oltre quarant’anni fa ha fatto capire che cantare in una lingua minore o dialetto non è stare ai margini, ma aumentare le potenzialità espressive. Il Premio 2022 L’organizzazione del Premio è curata, sotto la supervisione della direzione del festival Folkest, dalla redazione di www.folkbulletin.com e dall’Associazione Culturale Folkgiornale; vi collaborano una ventina di associazioni e istituzioni di varie parti d’Italia, dove di anno in anno si svolgono le selezioni dal vivo degli artisti partecipanti. L’iscrizione al concorso è gratuita. Le domande di iscrizione dovranno essere inviate entro e non oltre il 31 ottobre 2021, tramite il modulo presente sul nostro sito. SCARICA IL BANDO E ISCRIVITI https://www.folkest.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Bando-di-concorso_Premio-Alberto-Cesa_2022.pdf Per informazioni scrivici a premiocesa@folkest.com |
Fanreise "Musi auf See" mit Marc Pircher - Adria bis Griechenlandby Diatonic News |
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Die Musi auf See 2020 mußte leider wegen COVID19 auf 2021 verschoben werden. Es ist aber gelungen zum gleichen Preis die gleiche Kreuzfahrt erstmals zu einem Ferientermin zu organisieren. Es ändert sich nur das Schiff. Gefahren wird mit der MSC Orchestra die fast ident mit der MSC Magnifica ist. Die Musi auf See 2021 wird dadurch sicher wieder ein absolutes Highlight. Die absoluten Stars geben sich seit über 20 Jahren ein regelmäßiges „Stell-dich-ein“ bei den beliebten Musi auf See Kreuzfahrten. 2021 wird auf vielfachen Wunsch wieder mal nach Griechenland gekreuzt. Mit der MSCOrchestra**** einem Schiff der 4 Sterne Kategorie werden wundervolle geschichtsträchtige Land bereist. Für die musikalischen Höhepunkte werden die Calimeros, Gilbert, Francine Jordi, Hannah, Marc Pircher, Simone und Charly Brunner, Die Kaiser, Die Jungen Waldensteiner und Nadine sorgen. Freuen Sie sich mit ihnen auf ein paar unbeschwerte und erholsame musikalische Traumtage Buchungen: https://www.marcpircher.at/fanreise/ |
2021 Big Squeeze Champions - USAby Harley Jones |
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Texas Folklife Announces Champions of 15th Annual Big Squeeze Youth Accordion Contest AUSTIN — All hail the champions of Texas Folklife’s 2021 Big Squeeze accordion contest! Five youths from Texas and Louisiana have been crowned champs in Polka, Cajun, Zydeco, and Conjunto music. The winners were announced May 8 at the conclusion of Texas Folklife’s Big Squeeze Finals from Home broadcast on Facebook live. They are: Polka: Alexander French, 14 (The Colony, TX) Zydeco: Kaleb Leday, 21 (Lake Charles, LA) Cajun: Cameron Dupuy, 23 (New Orleans, LA) Conjunto, 16 and Under: Ashly Nicole Molina, 16 (Roma, TX) Conjunto, 17-21 Anthony Ortiz, Jr. Grand Prize: Johnny Joe Gutierrez, 17 (Mission, TX) Each of the champions received a prize package including a new accordion from Hohner Accordions, cash prize, future performance opportunities with Texas Folklife, publicity, professional development, and other professional opportunities. “Congratulations to all of this year’s champions and participants in the Big Squeeze program,” said Texas Folklife Executive Director Charlie Lockwood. “We are truly inspired by the talented young musicians, teachers, educators, parents, and communities we have had the privilege of working with over the past 15 years. Thank you to the 2021 participants for sharing your passion for accordion music with us.” The Big Squeeze is presented by Texas Folklife as part of its mission to preserve and present Texas’ diverse cultural heritage. Since 2007, hundreds of talented young players from dozens of communities have participated in the program, which supports vital, community-based accordion music traditions. This year’s Big Squeeze was entirely virtual due to the COVID pandemic. Contestants across all categories submitted videos to Texas Folklife that were judged in successive rounds by three panels of judges. “There were a lot of contestants and they are all extremely talented, and our judges have a very hard time narrowing it down,” said Sarah Rucker, Program Director for the Big Squeeze. “These young players were scored on their song interpretation, originality, and stage presence. https://texasfolklife.org/ |
Louise Jallu Nominated for “Victoires du Jazz” Award - Franceby Diatonic News |
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![]() The “Victoires du Jazz” are a French annual awards ceremony devoted to Jazz and organized by the Victoires de la Musique. This is believed to be the first time a bandoneon player has been nominated for the award. A professional group of journalists, programmers, tour managers, etc., proposed the initial candidates who then went through two rounds of performing. The 3 finalists of each category were then announced to the public. The results ceremony will be made in the form of a documentary, which will be broadcast in October 2021 on France 5 TV Channel. Louise will perform Astor Piazzolla pieces from her new album "Piazzolla 2021" with her quartet at this finalists event. |
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Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
Ethno Pro Duo Opens WOW Folk Festival, Castelfidardo – Italyby Harley Jones |
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![]() Picture above: Ethno Pro Duo with Ruben Cittadini (left), Councilor of Culture in Castelfidardo. The Ethno Pro Duo (sponsored by Dino Baffetti) opened the WOW Folk Festival in Castelfidardo on May 28th, 2021. The festival was a three day event running from May 28th to 30th and included a variety of masterclasses and concerts. The Duo includes accordionists Alessandro Gaudio and Salvatore Pace, young talented musicians from southern Italy, united by the same passion for their country! They perform original, popular and world music. |
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2. Kärntner Harmonikawettbewerb - Österreichby Diatonic News |
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Der 2. Kärntner Harmonikawettbewerb findet diesen Monat für junge Musiker ab 14 Jahren im ORF Theater Klagenfurt statt, veranstaltet vom ORF Kärnten in Zusammenarbeit mit den Musikschulen des Landes Kärnten, steirischen Harmonika- und Volksmusikgruppen, der Alpe Adria Manufaktur Strohmaier und Harmonica Müller. Ziel des Wettbewerbes ist die Förderung der Kärntner Volksmusik, die Suche nach dem "besten" Harmonikaspieler des Landes Kärnten, die Schaffung einer attraktiven Auftrittsplattform und die öffentliche Präsentation von qualitativ hochwertiger Volksmusik in Kärnten. Der Wettbewerb gliedert sich in folgende Bereiche: 1. Eine Vorrunde, in der eine Jury die sieben besten Teilnehmerbeiträge aus eingesandten Audiodateien mit zwei auf einer steirischen (diatonischen) Harmonika eingespielten Stücken auswählt. 2. Eine Finalrunde am 3. Juli 2021. Dies wird ein Live-Auftritt im ORF-Theater in Klagenfurt sein, der live auf Radio Kärnten übertragen wird. Die Jury besteht aus Herbert Pixner, Prof. Helmut Fellinger, Josef Nadrag und Nicole Gütler. Alle Covid-19-Maßnahmen sind zum Zeitpunkt des Wettbewerbs in Kraft und müssen ausnahmslos befolgt werden. Genaue Details bitte hier: https://kaernten.orf.at/studio/stories/3101731/ |
25th World Diatonic Accordion Championships – Croatiaby Diatonic News |
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The 25th World Diatonic Accordion Championships will be held in Umag, Istria, Croatia from September 10th to 12th, 2021. The event is held in collaboration with the City of Umag, the Italian Musical Association Instruments in Ancia, Diatonici (A.M.I.SA.D.) by Maiolati Spontini (AN) Italy, the Musical Association "Amici della Musica" of San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) Italy and the C.D.M.I. of Recoaro Terme (VI), Italy. The competition features three main sections: • Junior • Senior • Over 50 With classes for players from Up to 9 Years Up to 11 years Up to 13 years Up to 15 years Up to 18 years Up to 49 years Over 50 years The event will finish with a results and prizegiving ceremony on September 12th. Download competition rules and entry form in Italian here: 2021Campionato.pdf For further details email: giancaronco@gmail.com |
Sata-Häme Soi Festivalo - Finlandby Diatonic News |
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Sata-Häme Soi -juhlilla harmonikka valtaa kauppalan kujat ja konserttisalit 4.-7.7.2019 During the Sata-Häme Soi Festival, the accordion will take over lanes, concert halls and stores throughout Ikaalinen from 30th June to 4th July 2021 For more info: Sata-Häme Soi toimisto@satahamesoi.fi https://satahamesoi.fi/fi/ https://satahamesoi.fi/en/ |
Musicians’ Workshop Weekend (Jo Freya, Andy Cutting) - UKby Diatonic News |
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Friday 11 Jun 4pm — Sunday 13 Jun 4pm, 2021 “How the two halves meet” is the theme for this immersive weekend for musicians of an Intermediate level and above. Jo & Andy will draw on their considerable experience to demonstrate and explore with you how tune and accompaniment combine into exciting musical arrangements, using their own new compositions as source material for the weekend, in addition to some old favourites. With players of all instruments welcome, we’ll be looking at the different roles that musicians can play within a band, and how these communicate, crossover and separate. We’ll work on tunes together to see how they might develop, tapping into your creativity and lateral thinking. It’ll be fun and challenging in a joyful way. Who’s it For? Sorry, but this course isn’t suitable for beginners. You’ll need to be of an intermediate level or above in order to keep up and get involved. All instruments are welcome; tune, rhythm, countermelodies and riffs all have a role to play! The course will be taught predominantly by ear, so you’ll need the confidence and ability to pick up tunes at a fair pace. Scores will be available afterwards. Andy Cutting is a rarity. A musician’s musician: a soulful and technically outstanding melodeon practitioner with an ear for a fine tune. Many of his tunes have been purloined along the way: some considered contemporary classics on the folk scene. But then, Andy is also a warm and emotive performer, modestly engaging his audiences with his self-deprecating wit and then flooring them with downright staggering musicianship. There are few melodeon players who put so much feeling into their playing, whether it be a set of dance tunes, or accompaniment to a slow English ballad. https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/musicians-workshop-weekend/ |
Konzertina lernen und spielen, Kurs Bad Berneck - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() am 12.06.2021 95460 Bad Berneck, Bahnhofstraße 81, Büro der Beratungsstelle für Volksmusik in Franken Mitveranstalter: Bezirk Oberfranken. Leitung: Theo Knopf. Eingeladen sind alle, die das musikantische Spiel auf der Konzertina erlernen oder weiter vertiefen möchten. Theo Knopf, ein erfahrener Konzertinamusikant und Kenner dieses Instruments, betreut jeden/e Teilnehmer/in individuell. Mietinstrumente können zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Uhrzeit wird in persönlicher Absprache vereinbart. Um Anmeldung bei Theo Knopf, Telefon 0921 42271, wird gebeten. https://www.heimat-bayern.de/fachbereiche/volksmusik/fortbildungen/fortbildung/328.html?day=20210424×=1619215200,1619301599 |
32nd Haapavesi Folk Music Festival - Finlandby Diatonic News |
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July 1-3, 2021 Haapavesi Folk Music Festival is a 3-day music event that was founded in 1989. The programme of the festival consists of high quality Finnish and international folk music and world music, alongside with some classical, jazz, pop and cross-genre acts. Programme includes also seminars and the festival week starts with acclaimed Folk Courses which are taught by several top folk musicians. Majority of the performers at the festival come from the Finnish folk music scene but international acts are also an essential part of the programme. The festival offers music from different cultures all over the world, especially Scandinavian, Celtic and North American music has been vastly represented. The festival is organised by a small number of personnel, and what truly makes the organisation possible are the hundreds of volunteers who join the team every summer during the festival season. Teachers at the Folk Course come from several different countries. The course offers an opportunity to learn about different music cultures while also providing first-class instruction on various instruments. The course is open to all folk music lovers regardless of age. https://www.haapavesifolk.com/ |
Helmut Spörl/Konzertinakurs Lichtenberg - Germanyby Diatonic News |
![]() am 12.05.2021 95192 Lichtenberg, Lobensteiner Str. 4, Internationale Begegnungsstätte Haus Marteau Mitveranstalter: Bezirk Oberfranken. Leitung: Helmut Spörl. Eingeladen sind alle, die das musikantische Spiel auf der Konzertina erlernen oder weiter vertiefen möchten. Helmut Spörl, ehemaliger Schüler von Theo Knopf und erfahrener Konzertinamusikant und Kenner dieses Instruments, betreut jeden/e Teilnehmer/in individuell. Mietinstrumente können zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Uhrzeit wird in persönlicher Absprache vereinbart. Um Anmeldung bei Helmut Spörl, Telefon 09288 6986, wird gebeten. https://www.heimat-bayern.de/fachbereiche/volksmusik/fortbildungen/fortbildung/332.html?day=20210424×=1619215200,1619301599 |
Folk Festival in West Kent - UKby Diatonic News |
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Pig’s Ear Folk Ale - is going ONLINE! Saturday 5th June 2021 Join for the first (and in the nicest possible way, hopeING FOR BEING the last!) online Folk Ale. The event will be hosted by Olbys TV and will be streamed live from the studio in Margate. Registration can be made on https://olbyssoulcafe.co.uk/event/pigs-ear-folk-ale/ There will be a lining up a day jam-packed with good music in the best Folk Ale tradition – you will just have to bring your own beer and sit in your own garden to enjoy the sunshine. Artists taking part include: John Kirkpatrick Eliza Carthy Mazaika The Lowly Strung The Hilltop Ceilidh Band http://folkale.co.uk/ |
Mel’s Melodeon Club – Monthly Class (June) - UKby Diatonic News |
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Friday 18 Jun 10am–3:30pm, 2021 A regular monthly class for anyone interested in learning to play the Melodeon at beginner through to intermediate level. Tutor Mel Biggs will guide you in learning to master the basics and improve your skill and technique. Due to Covid-19, the first three classes of 2021 will run online via zoom (book direct with Mel). Manor Class Times (Book with Halsway) 10.00 – 11.30am: Level 1 (Beginners) 11.45 – 1.15pm: Level 2 (Improvers) 2.00 – 3:30pm: Level 3/4 (Intermediates) *In the event that we do decide to run this month’s class via Zoom, times are Beginners: 10am-11am, Improvers: 11.30am-12.30pm, Intermediates: 1pm-2pm. Booking and payment is direct to Mel: Mel@melbiggsmusic.co.uk. Class Dates Spring/Summer 2020: Fridays: 22 Jan | 19 Feb | 19 March | 23 April | May – no class | 18 June | 23 July Who’s it For? Everyone interested in learning to play Melodeon and existing players of the D/G melodeon (diatonic button accordion). Sessions are organised by skill level. To find which skill level you are at please check the link below, or feel free to contact Halsway for advice. https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/mels-melodeon-club-monthly-class-june/ |
Future events / Concerts |
Live with Claudio Prima and Projects - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Disponibilità: Estate - Autunno 2021 PROSSIMI LIVE 20 Giugno - Giuggianello (LE) Megaphōnía Festival 25 Giugno - data disponibile 26 Giugno - Quarrata (PT) Quarrata Folk Festival 27 Giugno - data disponibile 28 Giugno - Lecce Evento finale Rassegna PRATICHE CORPOREE 17 Luglio - Squinzano (LE) - Rassegna Philia. pensare la musica, suonare le parole. INFO E BOOKING info@manigold.it domenico.coduto@gmail.com www.claudioprima.it |
Wayne Toups in June - USAby Harley Jones |
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Video: Wayne Toups at Jackie's Brickhouse in Kemah, Tx. singing "Please Explain" on January 23, 2021 The Grammy Award caps a wave of career highs for Wayne Toups. In 2009, he earned an Album-of-the-Year award from Offbeat magazine. In 2010, he was inducted into the Louisiana Music Hall of Fame. In 2011, he entered both the Gulf Coast Hall of Fame and the Cajun French Music Hall of Fame. He is also a member of the Louisiana Blues Hall of Fame GIU 04 Wayne Toups Credeurs Cajun Cookin' Credeur's Cajun Cookin' Pasadena, TX, US GIU 12 Wayne Toups South Mississippi Swamp Pop Festival | Wayne Toups Live South Mississippi Swamp Pop Festival Kiln, MS, US GIU 19 Wayne Toups Paradise Ranch RV Resort Sean Vidrine Tylertown, MS, US GIU 27 Wayne Toups FUNraisers Concert for a Cure Rock'n'Bowl® de Lafayette Lafayette, LA, US https://waynetoupsmusic.com/shows |
A Virtual Tribute to Zydeco on June 17 - USAby Rita Davidson Barnea |
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Video: Step Rideau and the Zydeco Outlaws New Years 2017 The Brazoria County Historical Museum hosts and pays tribute to the musical genre that has roots in both Louisiana and Texas. Enjoy the sounds of this grassroots music and learn its history at the Brazoria County Historical Museum’s live virtual event on June 17, 2021 at 6:30 PM Central Daylight Time Award-winning Zydeco group Step and the Zydeco Outlaws entertain while author and music historian Roger Woods answers questions about the music’s history. Pre-registration is free at www.bchm.org. With 8 CD's to his credit, international zydeco sensation Step Rideau has been a cornerstone of the zydeco scene for almost 20 years. Step and the Zydeco Outlaws offer traditional sounds from his native Louisiana fused with the urban vibe of Houston. Excerpts from his website: Stephen Joseph Rideau “Step” was born in 1966 in the St. Landry Parish town of LeBeau , Louisiana. Surrounded by Creole culture and zydeco music from infancy, it wasn’t until relocating to Houston in the mid-1980’s that he began to play the accordion and eventually formed his own band. Today, Step Rideau is widely acknowledged worldwide as one of the living masters of the instrument. He’s also established himself over the the past two decades, through the course of multiple recordings and festival appearances nationwide, as a prolific and passionate zydeco recording artist, songwriter, and live performer. Part of Rideau’s appeal is that he brings a true singer’s sensibility to zydeco, not just shouting out the lyrics but soulfully engaging with them to articulate the song, both in English and in Creole French. In that respect, he’s served well by his band of Outlaws, who provide not only fine instrumental accompaniment but also unusually rich and melodious backing vocal harmonies, especially in the case of long-time drummer, Jean-Paul Jolivette. Collectively, these players make music that respects the art of the human voice in as much as it respects the driving rhythms, funky beats, and accordion riffs that make zydeco perhaps the ultimate dance soundtrack for people everywhere. For further information: Phone: 979-849-5711 |
Concerti di Primavera 2021 in Live Streaming! - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Ritorna la grande musica firmata Anton Stadler! Direttamente dal Teatro Electra di Iglesias si svolgerà la 3^ edizione dei Concerti di Primavera, anteprima del Festival Internazionale di Musica da Camera 2021. Dato il perdurare dell'emergenza sanitaria la rassegna cameristica sarà trasmessa, gratuitamente, solo in Live Streaming sulle pagine Facebook, YouTube dell'Associazione Culturale Anton Stadler e su Radio Arcobaleno! In programma concerti con musicisti e artisti del panorama nazionale e internazionale tra cui Fabio Furia (bandoneon), Gianmaria Melis (violino) Preparatevi a partecipare a un'edizione entusiasmante e ricca di emozioni stando comodamente seduti sul vostro divano! Vi aspettano http://www.associazioneantonstadler.it |
Die nächsten Termine mit Christine Meissnitzer-Gsenger - Österreichby Diatonic News |
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02.06.2021/14.30-16h TV-AUFZEICHNUNG ORF SALZBURG HEUTE 04.06.2021/20.04-20.32h RADIOSENDUNG "KLANGFARBEN" ORF RADIO KÄRNTEN Christiane moderiert eine halbe Stunde lang die Sendung "Klangfarben" auf ORF Radio Kärnten und stellt sechs ihrer Songs vor. Natürlich werden auch Themen wie "25 Jahre Band", neue CD, neue Single,...besprochen:) 06.06.2021/9-10h INTERVIEW TIROLER TAGESZEITUNG Mehr auf: https://www.meissnitzerband.com/ |
“Poor Man’s Gambit” Entertains at Longwood Gardens - USAby Harley Jones |
Three piece band “Poor Man’s Gambit” will entertain live in the Longwood Gardens beer garden in Pennsylvania, USA from 6pm to 9pm on June 24th and June 26th. The trio, which includes Corey Purcell (diatonic accordion, cittern, vocals, bodhran, dance), Federico Betti (guitar, fiddle), and Deirdre Lockman (fiddle, vocals, dance) play a mix of Irish traditional music, which is influenced by traditional music of other cultures including France, Scotland, England, and America. For details email: poormansgambit@gmail.com Picture below left to right: Corey Purcell, Deirdre Lockman and Federico Betti. |
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Johnk Kirkpatrick Lessons on Zoom/Skype - worldwideby Diatonic News |
![]() As the live gigs have dried up, also JK is embracing the technology and preparing to offer a bunch of online gigs on Zoom. Check out on his online gigs page for the latest on these. He is also offering online lessons on Anglo concertina, single row and two row melodeons, button accordion, accordion left hand, or song accompaniments, via Zoom or Skype. See the new lessons page for more information. Sat 5 Jun 2021 Pig's Ear Song and Ale Festival, Kent JK doing an online concert spot as part of the fun and frolics. folkale.co.uk Thu 10 Jun 2021 Darlington Folk and Acoustic Club - Online Zoom evening concert JK live, with sets also from Sunjay and Brian & Susan Race www.darlingtonfolkclub.com | darlofolkacousticclub@gmail.com Sat 10 Jul 2021 New Forest Folk Festival HOME SERVICE - Headline act Saturday evening newforestfolkfestival.co.uk https://www.johnkirkpatrick.co.uk/gigs.asp |
Geno Delafose performing in June 2021 - USAby Harley Jones |
![]() Geno Delafose has been nominated for a Grammy Award in the “Best Zydeco Or Cajun Music Album” category for his Le Cowboy Creole album (2007).He lives in Duralde, Louisiana near Eunice where he operates his Double D Ranch raising cattle and horses. He also holds fan appreciation parties annually . June 04 Fr 8:30-11:30PM Toby's Lounge & Reception Center, Opelousas, LA 70570 June 05 Sa 4-7:PM Castaways Island Bar in, Big Lake,Lake Charles, LA 70605 June 11 Fr 9:PM Sawdust Saloon. Beaumont, TX 77705 June 12 Sa 6:30 AM Slemco Annualy Meeting. Cajun Dome, Lafayette, LA 70506 June 12 Sa 8-11:PM La Poussiere Cajun Dancehall, Breaux Bridge, LA 70517 June 19 Su 7-10:PM Lakeview Park & Beach, Eunice, LA 70535 https://www.genodelafosemusic.com/tour-dates.html |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
Nuovo CD di CLAUDIO PRIMA E SEME - Italiaby Harley Jones |
CD "Enjoy", disco d'esordio per il progetto Claudio Prima & Seme - Italia La musica tradizionale è in continuo movimento: venerdì 25 giugno esce Enjoy, disco d’esordio del progetto Claudio Prima & Seme prodotto da Domenico Coduto per Ipe Ipe Music nella programmazione “Puglia Sounds Record 2020/2021”, distribuito nei negozi da Goodfellas e negli store digitali da Artist First. Il disco - che propone dieci composizioni originali di Claudio Prima e una rilettura del brano tradizionale dell’isola di Cipro “To Ghiasemi” - sarà lanciato con il videoclip del primo singolo “Domenica” che racconta una storia semplice, al limite fra quotidianità e sogno. Sullo sfondo della band e del protagonista, le campagne di Otranto e la Torre di Sant'Emiliano, uno dei luoghi più suggestivi del Salento, terra d'origine di Claudio Prima, che firma le musiche e la regia di questo videoclip, impreziosito dalla fotografia di Stefano Tramacere. Il disco sarà presentato ufficialmente sabato 26 giugno (ore 21 - ingresso 5 euro - info e prenotazioni 0573774500) nel parco della Villa Medicea La Magia a Quarrata per la sesta edizione del Quarrata Folk Festival, e lunedì 28 giugno (ore 19:30 - ingresso libero - info e prenotazioni 3516480009) al Museo Castromediano di Lecce per la serata finale di Pratiche corporee a cura de La fabbrica dei gesti. Il tour proseguirà al Philia Festival di Squinzano, in provincia di Lecce (17 luglio - ore 20:30) e a Suoni della Murgia di Altamura, in provincia di Bari (30 luglio - ore 20:30). L’album è realizzato nella “Programmazione Puglia Sounds Record 2020/2021” “REGIONE PUGLIA – FSC 2014/2020 – Patto per la Puglia - Investiamo nel vostro futuro”. Info e contatti www.claudioprima.it - www.ipeipe.com |
Neue Single "Ich bin immer für dich da" v. Marco Wahrstaetter - Austriaby Diatonic News |
![]() Neue Singles "Ich bin immer für dich da" und "Gib mir Sommer" Platz 1 in den iTunes Charts Im Leben gibt es immer wieder Schlüsselmomente! Plötzlich weiß man, dass sich all die Mühe und das jahrelange Festhalten an Träumen gelohnt haben. Mit dem Titel "Brave Buam wolln freche Madln" hat Marco Wahrstaetter viele Menschen im deutschsprachigen Raum begeistert. Er war in der bekannten ARD TV Show "Immer wieder Sonntags" dabei und ihm gelang etwas Historisches: Als erster österreichischer Künstler gewann er 6-mal in Folge, in einer TV Show mit Einschaltquoten um die 3 Millionen Zuseher. Gleich danach wurde das erste Album "Brave Buam" veröffentlicht, welches 2 Jahre später IFPI Goldstatus in Österreich erlangte. https://www.marco-wahrstaetter.com/ |
Video: Young Cowboy Entertainsby Christine Johnstone |
Video: This young cowboy enjoys entertaining with De kleine Scaccella. |
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