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Diatonic News - Jun-2018
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Voci Armoniche


Mr McFall’s Chamber wins 'Performers of the Year' 2018 Scottish Awards for New Music - Scotland
35. Donauinselfest 2018 - Wien/Österreich
Concorso di Composizione “Heinrich Band” - Italia
10. Josef Peyer Preis 2018 - Steiermark/Austria
Big Squeeze 2018 Grand Prize Winners - USA
18° Festival dell'Organetto - Campagnia/Italia
Melissa Naschenweng wieder wohlauf - Austria
Cody McSherry: Musical Ambassador
Folkest Spilimbergo - Italia

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Accademia Italiana del Bandoneon - Italia
Haapavesi Folk Music Festival - Finland
Festival del Saltarello 8° Int. Folk Contest "Etnie Musicali" - Italia
12° ACCORDION ART FESTIVAL & CONTESTS/diatonic cat. - Roseto/Italia
Long Beach Bayou Festival - CA/USA
Intern. Bandoneon Masterclass M° Victor Villena - Italy
Les Nuits de Nacre - France
Musikmesse Ried - Austria
Diatonic Festival - Italia
Melodeon course at the Halsway Manor/National Centre for Folk Arts - UK
2018 Apprenticeships Showcase At Texas Folklife Festival in San Antonio - USA
Rene Folk Festiva - Bologna/Italia
Seminar "Superleicht zum Knöpferlmeister" - Österreich
Quarrata Folk Festival - Italia
Michael Arnone's NJ Crawfish Fest in NJ - USA

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Friese liedjes & Argentijnse tango - Amsterdam/Netherlands
Andy Cutting tours in June - UK
Bal Folk avec "Kiss on a frog" - France
Irish Night with "Hot Spoons" - Quarrata/Italia
Andreas Gabalier im Juni - DE/CH
Didier Laloy in June - France/Belgium
Tango mit "Beltango" - Deutschland
Mr McFall’s Chamber concerts June 19/20 - Scotland
Alessandro D'Alessandro @ Quarrata Folk Festival - Italia

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Video: First Clip, Herbert Pixner Projekt New Album - Austria
Spielheft/CD Knöpferl-Gaudi auf der Walleralm - Österreich
Video: David Frank & Martin Hauser

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

Mr McFall’s Chamber wins 'Performers of the Year' 2018 Scottish Awards for New Music - Scotland

by Harley Jones
Mr McFall’s Chamber
Video above: Mr McFall's Chamber - a trailer forthe CD release of Astor Piazzolla's "María de Buenos Aires".

At the 2018 Scottish Awards for New Music:

ARTS NEWS: New Music award winners, emerging critics sought, new President for Glasgow Arts Club

THE Winners of the 2018 Scottish Awards for New Music (SAFNM) have been announced following an event hosted by The Herald's music writer, and broadcaster, Kate Molleson, at the Drygate Brewery in Glasgow.

New Music Performers of the Year went to Mr McFall’s Chamber while the Contribution to New Music in Scotland was given to Sir James MacMillan.

Sounding Out the Accordion

35. Donauinselfest 2018 - Wien/Österreich

by Diatonic News
Donauinselfest Wien
Das Wiener Donauinselfest wird von der SPÖ Wien veranstaltet und ist das größte Open-Air-Festival in Europa mit freiem Eintritt. Von 22. bis 24. Juni 2018 wird es wieder auf 16 Themeninseln mehr als 600 Stunden Programm bieten!

Ein Festivalgelände, das in seiner Weite an eine Wanderung erinnert. Eine Anzahl an Bühnen, die europaweit ihresgleichen sucht. Ein Programm, so bunt wie Wien und das Leben selbst. Ein Angebot – frei und zugänglich für alle. Ein Fest, so friedlich wie kaum ein anderes.

Das Donauinselfest bietet dir auch im Jahr 2018 – bereits zum 35. Mal – eine unterhaltsame Reise. Konzerte, Kabarett, sportliche Attraktionen, kulinarische Schmankerl, extra Programm für Kinder und Information über Arbeitswelt und Politik – auch für dich ist in diesem Jahr bestimmt etwas Interessantes, Neues oder bereits Liebgewonnenes dabei.

Drei Tage lang darf ein einzigartiges Programm für alle Wienerinnen und Wiener und BesucherInnen aus aller Welt genossen werden. Einzigartig vor allem deshalb, weil es kostenlos erlebt werden kann. Einzigartig auch deshalb, weil die BesucherInnen in einer Vielfalt feiern, die in Summe ein ganz besonderes Ganzes ergibt.

Das Donauinselfest in Zahlen
16 Themeninseln | 600 Stunden Programm | 130 Zelte und Pagoden | 4 Info- und Meeting Points | 40 km Stromkabel | 4,5 km Festivalgelände | 11 Bühnen | 207 Büro- und Lagercontainer | 11 Wohnwagen | 7.500 m Absperrungen | 15 Vidiwalls | 52 Vereinzelungsschleusen | 40.000 Rollen WC-Papier | 60 BesucherInnen-Leitsystemtürme | Über 1.500 MitarbeiterInnen | 200 MitarbeiterInnen Auf- und Abbau Infrastruktur | 1.356.624.745 Kontaktchancen | über 105.000 Fans auf Facebook mit einer Reichweite von 13.700.000 Personen | 52.211 nationale und internationale Medienberichte

Die Donauinsel
Die Donauinsel wurde zwischen 1972 und 1988 künstlich angelegt, misst 21 Kilometer in der Länge, aber nur höchsten 250 Meter in der Breite. Ihr korrekter Name ist linksufrige Donauregulierungsanlage. Sie schützt Wien vor Hochwasser. Die Mitte der langgestreckten Insel ist eines der Freizeitparadiese der WienerInnen. Hier trifft man sich auf Veranstaltungen und kann in den Parkanlagen herrlich entspannen. Die beiden Enden der Insel wurden als besonders naturnahe Lebensräume gestaltet, in dem verschiedene Vertreter der Tierwelt und viele Pflanzen eine Heimat gefunden haben.



Concorso di Composizione “Heinrich Band” - Italia

by Diatonic News
Concorso di Composizione “Heinrich Band”
Il Concorso di Composizione “Heinrich Band” è l’unico concorso al mondo dedicato alle composizioni per bandoneόn. Anch’esso rappresenta un’ulteriore prova del forte interesse culturale che ruota attorno a questo strumento che, nonostante stia diventando sempre più conosciuto, spesso viene ricondotto unicamente al genere tango, senza che vengano apprezzate le infinite potenzialità che lo caratterizzano e lo rendono adatto a molti generi musicali, dalla classica al jazz fino alla musica contemporanea. Ciò avviene in quanto la gran parte del repertorio bandoneonistico affonda le proprie radici nell’ambito della musica rioplatense e scarseggiano le composizioni contemporanee di ricerca per questo strumento. Il concorso raccoglie perciò l’esigenza dei bandoneonisti di emancipare il bandoneόn quale strumento unicamente destinato all’esecuzione del genere tango, costituendo così un nuovo repertorio concertistico capace dare nuovo respiro alla letteratura bandoneonistica attuale, innovandola ed arricchendola, senza rinnegare le sue origini.

Da Maggio a Settembre 2018

Info: https://www.accademiaitalianadelbandoneon.it/concorso-di-composizione

Voci Armoniche

10. Josef Peyer Preis 2018 - Steiermark/Austria

by Diatonic News
10. Josef Peyer Preis 2018 - Steiermark/Austria
Am Sonntag, den 06. Mai 2018 fand im Kur- & Congresshaus Bad Aussee
der 10. Josef Peyer Preis - Steirischer Volksmusikwettbewerb statt.

Die Organisatoren dieser Veranstaltung waren:
Robert Hafner, Mag. Christian Hartl, MA und Dir. Mag. Manfred Uggowitzer

Alle Resultate der verschiedenen Kategorien finden Sie unter: 2018jpeyer.pdf

Friedrich Lips Book

Big Squeeze 2018 Grand Prize Winners - USA

by Diatonic News
Big Squeeze 2018 winners
PosterTexas Folklife is pleased to announce the names of the young accordionists who were chosen as this year’s Big Squeeze Accordion Contest Champs (picture above, left to right).
· Cajun & Zydeco (21 and under): Steven Williams, age 14, from Humble
· Polka (25 and under): Peter Gresser, age 13, from Weatherford
· Conjunto (17 and under): Melenie Lissette Gonzalez, age 17, Rio Grande City
· Anthony Ortiz Jr. Conjunto Prize (18-21): Jesus F. Venegas, age 21,Brownsville

The winners were chosen at the Big Squeeze Statewide Accordion Contest Finals and Concert that was held at the Bullock Texas State History Museum in Austin on Saturday, April 21, where 12 finalists competed for the four titles. It was an afternoon celebrating Texas’s vibrant roots music and all things accordion with approximately 500 in attendance.

The crowd was treated to a fabulous, energetic performance by Grammy-nominated Alex Meixner and his band. Meixner had the audience on its feet and dancing to his inspired accordion squeezing while the judges were deliberating. Congratulations to our new Big Squeeze Champs, the finalists, the honorable mentions, and all of this year’s contestants—thank you for keeping the accordion tradition alive in Texas.

This was the 12th year for the statewide program that supports up-and-coming Texas youth accordionists. The contest is one of the ways in which Texas Folklife carries out its mission to preserve and present Texas’s diverse cultural heritage.
Contestant pictures

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

18° Festival dell'Organetto - Campagnia/Italia

by Diatonic News
18° Festival dell'Organetto - Campagnia/Italia
Dal 23 giugno alle 16:00 al 24 giugno alle 0:00
Policastro Bussentino, Campania, Italy

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Melissa Naschenweng wieder wohlauf - Austria

by Harley Jones
Melissa Naschenweng
Video: Melissa Naschenweng "Zruck zu Dir" ZDF Television Garden, 24. September 2017.

Kurier/Austria berichtet am 29/5/2018

Blonde Mähne, eine immer gut gelaunte und Lieder trällernde „Lady in Pink“ – so kennen Volksmusik- und Schlager-Freunde die Kärntnerin Melissa Naschenweng. Anscheinend wurde bei einem Auftritt in Österreich offenbar ein Getränk konsumiert, in das K.-o.-Tropfen gemischt worden waren.

„Wieder fit nach Zwangspause“ – mit diesen Worten meldete sich die Sängerin am Montag um 14 Uhr nach einwöchiger Facebook-Absenz bei ihren Freunden und Fans zurück. Die Künstlerin hatte deshalb vergangenes Wochenende Gigs in Frankreich und Deutschland absagen müssen.

„Mittlerweile hat sich mein Körper wieder erholt“, postete die 27-Jährige am Montag auf Facebook. Den Auftritten in dieser Woche (Ottersbach, Gralla, Klagenfurt, Seengen/SUI, Holte-Stuckenbrock/GER und Bärnbach, Anm.) stehe nichts im Weg.

Naschenweng gilt als aufstrebendes Talent in der österreichischen Volksmusik- und Schlagerszene. 2010 erreichte die Lesachtalerin den zweiten Platz beim GP „Melodien der Alpen“, sie trat beim Donauinselfest, im Silvesterstadl, im ZDF-Fernsehgarten, bei Florian Silbereisen oder im Musikantenstadl auf, wo sie einen Nachwuchsbewerb gewann.

Das Markenzeichen der 27-jährigen Oberkärntnerin ist eine in pink gehaltene Harmonika sowie die gleichfarbige Lederhose. (Beiterag von Thomas Martinz)

Cody McSherry: Musical Ambassador

by Diatonic News
Cody McSherryCody McSherry will again be a musical ambassador bringing the accordion to people all across Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Cody will be a featured performer in Servant Stage’s production of “I’ll Fly Away,” which runs from May through August. The production is billed as “a toe-tappin’ tribute to folk, bluegrass and old-time gospel music.”

This is Cody’s third show with the unique theater company. The mission of Servant Stage is to create outstanding professional theater productions, but also to make those productions available to everyone, especially those who have financial or physical limitations that would limit their ability to experience live theater. With this in mind, Servant Stage takes its shows on the road, performing in churches, parks and eldercare facilities. The theater company does not charge for its shows, but asks for people to “pay as you will.” The model has been working well and the company has been expanding rapidly.

In the show, Cody will be performing some high energy pieces on both piano accordion and diatonic button accordion. Each show has a variety of performers. As a featured performer, Cody will be appearing in twenty-two of the run’s thirty shows. Performing with Cody will be the Backwoods Bluegrass Band (photo below) and several other acts.

At the old age of fourteen McSherry is already a seasoned stage performer with different production companies having been in shows such as “Les Miserables,” “A Christmas Story – the Musical,” “Evita,” “Old Time Gospel Radio Hour,” and “Old Time Gospel Christmas Show.” He also fronts his own polka band, “Polterabend,” and is the accordionist for Kolo Club Marian, a Croatian dance troupe. In addition, Cody performs on theater and pipe organ, baritone and tenor saxophone, and harp. He also serves as one of organists at Historic St. Mary’s, the fourth oldest Catholic parish in the original thirteen colonies.

Titano Accordions

Folkest Spilimbergo - Italia

by Diatonic News
Folkest Spilimbergo - Italia

Accordion Jazz Chord

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Accademia Italiana del Bandoneon - Italia

by Diatonic News
Accademia Italiana del Bandoneon
Suoni il Bandoneon o vorresti imparare ?
Da ora in poi puoi perfezionarti o iniziare a suonarlo grazie all'Accademia Italiana del Bandoneon

I programmi di studio dell'Accademia Italiana del Bandoneόn segnano un percorso completo ed articolato, volto a fornire ad ogni studente un livello di preparazione adeguato ed in linea con gli standard dei conservatori europei in cui è previsto l'insegnamento di questo strumento, così come avviene per qualsiasi altra disciplina musicale. Pertanto oltre allo studio del Bandoneόn come materia principale, sarà indispensabile acquisire le opportune competenze nelle diverse discipline teoriche (solfeggio, armonia, etc.).

​Il corso di studi è suddiviso in due parti: il Corso Inferiore e il Corso Superiore. Ognuna delle due fasi è suddivisa a sua volta in vari livelli al termine di ciascuno dei quali dovrà essere sostenuto un esame di certificazione delle competenze.

Per tutte le informazioni visita il sito:

oppure scrivici a:

Haapavesi Folk Music Festival - Finland

by Diatonic News
Haapavesi Folk Music Festival is a special summer event held every year in the end of June, just after our midsummer. The festival consists of a five days long folk music course followed by the actual folk music Festival spanning four to five days.

The Festival was founded in 1989 and the heart of the festival, the Folk Course, a few years earlier in 1987. The program of the festival consists of high quality folk music acts all over the world. Most of the artists represent the Finnish folk music scene, but international artists from all around the world form an essential part of the programme every year. The music from Ireland and North America is in the spotlight every year among music from other different and sometimes exotique countries and cultures. In addition, children haven’t been forgotten when it comes to the selection of artists.

The programme consists of workshops, seminars and concerts in different stages, many of them acoustic. Teachers of the Folk course come from Finland and abroad as well. The course offers the participants the opportunity of getting familiar with different music cultures while also providing first-rate guidance in specific instruments. The course is targeted for all folk music lovers regardless of age. Children have their own teachers in the programme. The festival is organised by the Haapavesi Folk association with a small personnel and a large important group of volunteer workers.

The artistic group of the festival crafts the programme for the festival and the course. See photos of previous festivals – Haapavesi Folk Music Festival!


Charnwood Music Publishing

Festival del Saltarello 8° Int. Folk Contest "Etnie Musicali" - Italia

by Harley Jones
Poster: Festival del SaltarelloVideo: Sibylla Moris al 7° Folk Contest Etnie Musicali a Pescara 08 e 09 Settembre 2017.

Festival del Saltarello 8° International Folk Contest "Etnie Musicali" from 15-17 Giugino 2018.

Voci Armoniche

12° ACCORDION ART FESTIVAL & CONTESTS/diatonic cat. - Roseto/Italia

by Diatonic News
L'12 ° Festival della Fisarmonica si terrà il 16/17 giugno 2018 a Roseto degli Abruzzi, TE 64026.

L'Accordion Art Festival organizza:
- Premio Italia 2018 Concorso Internazionale
- Orpheus Award 2018 (solo italiani)
- Selezione Italiana CMA 2018
Presidente: Claudio Azzaro e Direttore Artistico: Renzo Ruggieri.

Il Premio Orpheus 2018 è un premio critico, simile all'Oscar (OSCAR), dedicato alle produzioni solo dai fisarmonicisti italiani. Il direttore artistico di Orpheus è Gerlando Gatto.

Ci sono categorie di concorso solista internazionale per tutte le età e tipi di musica, così come le categorie per i concerti di concerti e per solista di gruppo o fisarmonica con nuovo progetto originale.

Regole e domande di partecipazione per tutti i premi e concorsi a: 2018ArtFestival.pdf

mob.+39 333 4926093


Long Beach Bayou Festival - CA/USA

by Diatonic News
Long Beach Bayou Festival - CA/USA
In its 32nd year, the Long Beach Bayou Festival is to continue its time-honored legacy in the city by the sea. The Long Beach Bayou Festival offers patrons a weekend filled with cultural music, cuisine, and dance from a place called ‘home’-- New Orleans and the Louisiana Bayou Country.

They are happy to share the best parts of Louisiana Bayou and New Orleans Culture with Long Beach and invite all to delight in the specialties of Cajun and Creole cuisine and savor the many delicacies and flavors of the Big Easy. Rich in cultural music traditions, the Long Beach Bayou and Blues Festival presents a wide range of groups, featuring Cajun, Zydeco and Blues artists.

Experience the New Orleans Traditional Jazz Band and come Second Line with the best of them at the Long Beach Bayou Festiva.

View more about all artists on: http://longbeachbayou.com/
2018 zydeco groups

Intern. Bandoneon Masterclass M° Victor Villena - Italy

by Diatonic News
Victor Villena
𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐚, 𝟐𝟕𝐭𝐡 - 𝟑𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟖🗓️
Do you play bandoneon? Do you love tango?🎶
Apply for the basic or advanced course of bandoneon with M° 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐕𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐚!

Suoni il bandoneon? Sei un appassionato di tango?🎶
Partecipa all'unico corso di bandoneon per principianti ed avanzati con il M°𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐕𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐚!

Dal 27 al 31 agosto 2018 al Centro Velico di Calasetta ritorna l'unica Masterclass Internazionale dedicata al Bandoneon. Un grande evento che come ogni anno richiamerà musicisti da tutta Europa in un vero e proprio progetto di residenza artistica che si concluderà con un concerto finale dei partecipanti nella Terrazza del Museo d'Arte Contemporanea. Il maestro scelto per la IV edizione è l'argentino naturalizzato francese Victor Villena, bandoneonista e didatta tra i migliori al mondo.

To book/prenotare:

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Les Nuits de Nacre - France

by Diatonic News
Les Nuits de Nacre - France
1 bis rue du 9 Juin / 1944 Tulle


Musikmesse Ried - Austria

by Diatonic News
The this year's 16th MUSIC AUSTRIA Fair, spread on 7 halls and 13.000 m²- will take place in Ried from the 11th until 14th of October 2018 and offers the latest trends by producers of musical instruments, dealers, and musical sheet publishing companies.

Every two years, musicians, dealers, producers and fans from all musical branches meet in Ried im Innkreis. Hobby and professional musicians, music school teachers, music students and people interested in music have the opportunity at the fair to inform themselves, to further educate, to shop and to enjoy the ambience.

Die 16. MUSIC AUSTRIA bietet in 7 Hallen – auf ca. 13.000 m² die neuesten Trends von Herstellern, Importeuren, Musikhändlern, Instrumentenbauern und Verlagen.

Alle zwei Jahre treffen sich in Ried im Innkreis Musiker, Händler, Produzenten und Fans aus allen musikalischen Sparten. Hobby- und Profimusiker, Musikschullehrer, Musikschüler und Musikinteressierte haben auf der Messe die Möglichkeit, sich zu informieren, weiterzubilden, einzukaufen und das Ambiente zu genießen.


Titano Accordions

Diatonic Festival - Italia

by Diatonic News


Melodeon course at the Halsway Manor/National Centre for Folk Arts - UK

by Diatonic News
EDEd’s melodeon box Club 4 Absolute Beginners
Friday 20th July 2018 11am–1pm

A fun and friendly group for those wishing to learn the D/G melodeon. For absolute beginners, Ed has boxes available to borrow by prior arrangement – contact him on 01363 774426 – or bring your own DG box if you have one.

Term dates are as follows:

The workshop runs from 11am till 1pm, followed by a light lunch included in the price.

Who’s it For?

Total beginners! This is for those who have never so much as picked-up a melodeon before. You don’t need prior musical experience, and you don’t need to read music (Ed will teach you to read music as the course progresses). Everyone, all ages, is welcome.


Voci Armoniche

2018 Apprenticeships Showcase At Texas Folklife Festival in San Antonio - USA

by Diatonic News

For the 48th Annual Texas Folklife Festival, Texas Folklife has organized a showcase that both aims to highlight the diverse traditions the organization has supported this year, as well as demonstrate the continuation of these traditions through the performance of 2018 apprenticeship participants. The three groups include master artist Felipe Perez and apprentice Lorenzo Martinez (Conjunto); master artist Tim Wooten and apprentice Alexa Bender (Texas Old-Time Fiddling); and master artist Shirley Johnson and apprentice Ariana Bina (Polka Accordion).


Rene Folk Festiva - Bologna/Italia

by Diatonic News
The Reno Folk Festival 2018 will take place from the 7th to the 10th of June, in San Lazzaro di Savena, Bologna. For any updates and infos please check on....


Seminar "Superleicht zum Knöpferlmeister" - Österreich

by Diatonic News
vom 8. bis 14. Juli 2018 in den Tiroler Bergen

Multidimensionales Harmonika-Seminar für Einsteiger/Wiedereinsteiger und Fortgeschrittene!

Beinhaltet Einzelunterricht, Workshops, zudem persönliche Übungsbegleitung – Musik für alle Sinne!

Peter Thurner (Dipl. Musikpädagoge, Knöpferl-Autor,…)

Programm und Leistungen:
•6 Übernachtungen, Halbpension, im EZ oder DZ (mit Dusche oder Bad/WC, TV, Telefon, teilw. Balkon)
•5 Einheiten a 50 min – je nach Wunsch Einzel- oder Gruppenunterricht (max. 2 Personen)
•Leicht verständlicher und zeitgemäßer Unterricht – auf den Spieler abgestimmt!
•Täglicher gemeinsamer musikalischer Austausch
•Workshops zu verschiedene Themen (z. B. Begleiten, Singen und Spielen,…)
•zusätzlich tägliche Übungsbegleitung
•Gemütliches Beisammensein und Musizieren

Anmeldung: https://knoepferl.at/anmeldung-seminar/

Accordion Jazz Chords

Quarrata Folk Festival - Italia

by Diatonic News
Quarrata Folk Festival - Italia
riccardo tesiTorna QUARRATA FOLK FESTIVAL. La quarta edizione del festival estivo dedicato alla musica tradizionale, si terrà venerdì 15 e sabato 16 giugno nel parco della dimora principesca Villa Medicea La Magia, patrimonio mondiale UNESCO.
Diventato un appuntamento imperdibile dell’offerta culturale del Comune di Quarrata, il Festival offrirà due giorni di musica, spettacolo, laboratori e stage di danza, canto e strumenti musicali, canzone d’autore, aperitivi danzanti, punti ristoro per pranzo e cena, passeggiate sonore e visite guidate.
Ad aprire il festival, venerdì 15 giugno sarà il cantautore calabrese Peppe Voltarelli, vincitore della targa Tenco 2016 e attualmente sugli schermi di Rai1 in qualità di attore con la fiction La mafia uccide solo d’estate. Sarà lui a salire sul palco centrale e ad aprire l’attesissimo concerto di BELLA CIAO, il più grande spettacolo del folk revival italiano, che torna in Toscana dopo quattro anni di tour in tutta Europa. Riallestito cinquanta anni dopo, vede alla sua guida Riccardo Tesi con un cast formidabile: Lucilla Galeazzi, Elena Ledda, Luisa Cottifogli, Alessio Lega, Maurizio Geri, Gigi Biolcati.
A mezzanotte Alessandro D’Alessandro, astro nascente dell’organetto italiano, suonerà nel suggestivo scenario della Fontana di Buren e accompagnerà il pubblico in un percorso musicale tra strumenti della tradizione e innovazione elettronica.
Sabato 16 giugno si svolgerà una coinvolgente Irish Night che vedrà la presenza degli irlandesi HOT SPOONS capitanati dall’organettista David Munnelly, con Kieran Fahy, Kieran Munnelly, Philip Masure e Eamonn Moloney.
La manifestazione si chiuderà in tarda serata con un ballo aperto a tutti, il Gran Bal Folk, guidato dal gruppo ESTREMìA con Marta Caldara, piano, Vincent Boniface, organetto, e Bramo, human beatbox.
Nella giornata di sabato 16 giugno saranno inoltre proposti interessanti momenti di formazione con gli stage di strumenti musicali, canto e danze popolari: seminario di canto con Luisa Cottifogli; organetto con Alessandro D’Alessandro, Body Percussion con Gigi Biolcati; ballo irlandese con Eammon Moloney; stage di danze europee a cura di Associazione Balburrasca. Le iscrizioni sono già aperte.

Artistic Director: Riccardo Tesi


Michael Arnone's NJ Crawfish Fest in NJ - USA

by Diatonic News
Michael Arnone's  NJ Crawfish Fest in NJ - USA
Michael Arnone's   NJ Crawfish Fest in NJ - USA

Titano Accordions

Future events / Concerts

Friese liedjes & Argentijnse tango - Amsterdam/Netherlands

by Diatonic News
Friese Liedjes & Argentijnse TangoVrijdag 15 Juni 2018 - 20:30 uur

Friese liedjes & Argentijnse tango
De melancholie van de Argentijnse tango vertolkt in het Fries. Een combinatie die zich verrassend innemend laat mengen. Zoals de band tussen zang en spel van Kay en Sieta. Zij voelen elkaar subliem aan.

Dit theaterconcert gaat over wachten, verlangen, een horizon afspeuren op de dijk, over plezier hebben, herinneringen ophalen, dansen en genieten van eenvoudige dingen. En bovenal over tango.

Friese Liedjes & Argentijnse Tango is een gloedvol theaterconcert over de hoop.

Lykas yn 'e âlde leginde fan tango, sjong ik myn konversaasje nei n ljochter libben.

Tekst en zang Sieta Keizer
Gitaar en bandoneon Kay Sleking

Theater de Roode Bioscoop, Haarlemmerplein 7, 1013 HP Amsterdam tel 020 6257500

Kantoor/postadres, Vinkenstraat 192, 1013 JX Amsterdam

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Andy Cutting tours in June - UK

by Harley Jones
Andy CuttingVideo above: Mix - 1 - In Continental Mood-Flatworld (Andy Cutting)

Jun 1, 2018 Solo Rhyd Y Cilgwyn, Rectory Lane, RHYL, Clwyd, LL18 6EW. Gwaenysgor Village Hall
Jun 2, 2018 Solo 5 Belmont, SHREWSBURY, shropshire, SY1 1TE. The Hive www.hiveonline.org.uk
Jun 5, 2018 Solo Portland Arms, 129 Chesterton .uk Road, CAMBRIDGE, CB4 3BA. Mayflower Folk Club, Cambridge wegottickets www.mayflowerfolkclub.org.uk
Jun 6, 2018 Solo Kings Place, 90 York Way, LONDON, N1 9AG. Kings Place 020 7520 1490 www.kingsplace.co.uk
Jun 7, 2018 Solo Arlington Arts Centre, Mary Hare, Snelsmore Common, NEWBURY, Berkshire, RG14 3BQ. tickets.arlingtonart s.co.uk www.arlingtonarts.co.uk
Jun 8, 2018 Solo Wimborne Minster Folk Festival, AllendaleCentre, HanhamRd, WIMBORNE, Dorset, BH21 1AS. http://wimbornefol k.co.uk/tickets/
Jun 9, 2018 Solo Private Address, HARLESTON, Suffolk.
Jun 15, 2018 Leveret Weekend at Halsway Manor 15th-17th Halsway Manor, Halsway Lane, Near Crowcombe, TAUNTON, Somerset,TA44BD. www.halswaymanor.org.uk 01984 618274 ext 1 www.halswaymanor.org.uk/

For further information: http://www.andy-cutting.co.uk/testsgigs.php

eSheet Music Titles

Bal Folk avec "Kiss on a frog" - France

by Diatonic News

Titano Accordions

Irish Night with "Hot Spoons" - Quarrata/Italia

by Diatonic News
Hot Spoons
Sabato 16 giugno si svolgerà una coinvolgente Irish Night nel Quarrata Folk Festival che vedrà la presenza degli irlandesi HOT SPOONS capitanati dall’organettista David Munnelly, con Kieran Fahy, Kieran Munnelly, Philip Masure e Eamonn Moloney.

Per di più: https://www.facebook.com/quarratafolk/

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


by Diatonic News
Binelli-Ferman DuoBinelli and Ferman continue to develop and further the appreciation of tango, milonga, candombe, and other Latin American musical forms in a rarely heard bandoneon / piano partnership. Since making their American Duo debut in January 2000 in New York City, they have toured extensively and have recently performed throughout the Far East, including the major cities of Tokyo, Beijing and Shanghai, as well as in New York City, Chicago, Fort Worth and Miami in the U.S. In addition to concert appearances, they presented master classes on Argentine music and Tango in New York, and in cities throughout Japan and China.

Next Concerts:

June 13 :::
Binelli - Ferman Duo, at National Opera Center America, Manhattan, USA

July 13 :::
Binelli - Ferman Duo, at Sala Verdi, Montevideo, Uruguay


Voci Armoniche

Andreas Gabalier im Juni - DE/CH

by Diatonic News
Andreas GabalierAndreas Gabalier9.6.2018 in der Schweiz in St.Gallen
16.6.2018 in Deutschland in München

Info und Ticketbestellung: https://www.andreas-gabalier.at/

Sounding Out the Accordion

Didier Laloy in June - France/Belgium

by Harley Jones
didier laloy02/06/18
Tref à LOCRONAN/France - salle

Ialma à LIER - Théâtre

Didier Laloy / Quentin Dujardin à Bruxelles - Eglise du Béginage

Didier Laloy / Quentin Dujardin à Nil saint Vincent - Chez Emil

CHORALE à Bruxelles - Parc Josafat



Tango mit "Beltango" - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
01/06/2018 BELTANGO @ Cantine milonga BREMEN - GERMANY
03/06/2018 BELTANGO @ Tango Flores MANNHEIM - GERMANY

More: Beltango

Voci Armoniche

Mr McFall’s Chamber concerts June 19/20 - Scotland

by Diatonic News
Giya Kancheli Exil - Tue 19 June 2018, Edinburgh
Giya Kancheli Exil - Wed 20 June 2018, Perth


Friedrich Lips Book

Alessandro D'Alessandro @ Quarrata Folk Festival - Italia

by Diatonic News
Alessandro D'Alessandro
Alessandro D'Alessandro sarà al QUARRATA FOLK FESTIVAL 2018

15 Giugno - Concerto in Solo
16 Giugno - Workshop Organetto

Info: http://www.comunequarrata.it/

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Video: First Clip, Herbert Pixner Projekt New Album - Austria

by Harley Jones
Herbert Pixner Projekt celebrating with Three Saints Records in the Tirolian Swarovski Kristallwelten (Wattens) on 15th May 2018. Here is the first video clip from the Album "Lost Elysion" which will be released on 6th July by Three Saints Records. Tickets for the #ElectrifyingTour 2018 are available: http://www.threesaintsrecords.com

Spielheft/CD Knöpferl-Gaudi auf der Walleralm - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Spielheft/CD Knöpferl-Gaudi auf der Walleralm€24.90

15 Knöpferl-Highlights für die Bühne – Traditionelles mit neuen Elementen!
•bekannte Volksweisen
•neue flotte Stücke
•für versierte Spieler
•inkl. Audio-CD

•für die 4-reihige Harmonika
•in allen Stimmungen
•Thema: Bass- und Akkordbelegungen der linken

Ein sorgsam und ideenreiches ein neues Spielheft! Vom ersten bis zum letzten Stück zieht sich ein roter Faden durch das Heft und ergibt schließlich ein Ganzes. Somit ist nicht nur für die Spielfreude des Harmonika-Spielers gesorgt – auch für den Zuhörer bieten die Spielstücke einen abwechslungsreichen Ohrenschmaus.

Kauf: https://knoepferl.at/produkt/knoepferl-gaudi-auf-der-walleralm/

Titano Accordions

Video: David Frank & Martin Hauser

by Harley Jones
Martin Hauser aus dem Zillertal und David Frank aus Südtirol spielen für euch den "Zillertaler

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