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Diatonic News - Jul-2023
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Voci Armoniche


Le Vent du Nord receive the SONGLINES MUSIC AWARD 2023 - Canada/UK
Vito Valleriani, campione europeo di organetto e fisarmonica diatonica, grande soddisfazione per la "Picena Non Vedenti" - Italia
Harmonika Müller Hausmesse - Österreich
Due passi nel Folk - Recanati/Italia
Leonardo "Flaco" Jiménez Honored at the 41st Annual Conjunto Festival - USA
Le Grand Bal de l’Europe – Gennetines/France
Eigene Open-Air-Show mit Melissa Naschenweng - Wörthersee/Kärnten/Österreich
Artango & Jazz Festival - Italia
Il Gran Bal Trad - Vialfé/Ivrea/Italia

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Le Grand Bal de l’Europe – Gennetines/France
5th Bals et Roses Folk Festival - Belgium
Folk Camp Treffen - Germany
SPEYFEST - Fochabers/Scotland
1° Festival Regionale Musica Popolare - Italia
Brosella Festial - Osseghem/Belgium
73° Sedizione del Trophée Mondial de l’Accordéon - Italia
Bute Festival - Scotland/UK
Vancouver Folk Music Festival - Canada
Rudolfstadt Festival - Deutschland
Zingaria Folk Festival - Italia/Irpino
Festival "le CHALAPPée Belle" - France
Cambridge Folk Festival - UK
Stages d'Accordéon diationique - FR/Chalap
"La Notte dei Transumanti" - Italia/Lanciano
Le festival des Nuits de Nacre - Tulle/France
Felici & Conflenti - Calabria/Italia
45th Vancouver Folk Music Festival - Canada
Stage e concert avec Duo Tanghe Coudroy - FR/Germany
Pig's Ear Folk Alel - UK
Bal Folk Cuneo in Lug-Ago-Sett - Italia
Stage avec MARIE CONSTANT Technique Instrumentale - France
Il Circo Diatonico di Clara Graziano a Fondi - Italia/LT

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Mollie B touring in July 2023- USA
MAX DE ALOE QUARTET “Puccini – lirico incanto” - Italia
Rum Ragged on Tour in July - CANADA
Die Edlseer mit einem vollen Terminkalender im Juli - Österreich
Alessandro D'Alessandro in Lug/Ago - Italia
DUO Cedric Watson & Jourdan Thibodeaux - USA/CN
Band HIRSCHGEWEIH spielen im Juli 2023 - Österreich
Arbadétorne prochain GIG - FR/IT
Footdown performing at Folk Ale - UK
Renato Borghetti - Austria/Italia
Duo Bucsan Gielen in August 2023 - FR/BE
Herbert Pixner Projekt Tour 2023 - Europa
ZPUR Open Air in Zell Am Ziller, Tirolo - Austria
Beat Bouet Trio en Julliet - France
China Tour with Fabio Furia & Marco Fiorini - IT/China
Kalàscima featuring Andrea Ramolo - Italy & ON

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD "Gira la ruota" Andrea Capezzuoli e Compania - ITALIA

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

Le Vent du Nord receive the SONGLINES MUSIC AWARD 2023 - Canada/UK

by Diatonic News
Le Vent du Nord
Great news for Le Vent du Nord, who where honored with the first Quebec winner of the prestigious Songlines Music Awards 2023. At the same time the first French-language winner in the AMERICAS category.

Songlines Magazine, based in London, UK, is a leading reference in world music. Le Vent du Nord is very proud to receive this institution award such recognition to their committed artist, who are celebrating their 20th anniversary with their album 20 Printemps. It's a recognition that also solidifies Le Vent du Nord's place as a leader in the Quebec song and traditional music industry worldwide!


Sounding Out the Accordion

Vito Valleriani, campione europeo di organetto e fisarmonica diatonica, grande soddisfazione per la "Picena Non Vedenti" - Italia

by Diatonic News
Vito VallerianiGrande soddisfazione per la ‘Picena Non Vedenti’, la società di torball ascolana, visto che l’atleta e consigliere non vedente, Vito Valleriani, è diventato campione europeo di organetto e fisarmonica diatonica. Il ragazzo, 32enne, di Castellalto ma ormai piceno d’adozione, ha vinto il 27esimo campionato europeo di categoria, andato in scena ad Attimis, in provincia di Udine. Vito, non vedente dal 2005, ha iniziato a suonare l’organetto a 17 anni e ad oggi ha partecipato ad una quarantina di concorsi nazionali ed internazionali conseguendo sempre ottimi risultati. Per una quindicina di volte è risultato il miglior concorrente di categoria e in alcune occasioni anche il miglior concorrente del concorso. Vito Valleriani fa parte della ‘Picena Non Vedenti’ fin dalla fondazione della stessa società, avvenuta nel 2007. "Per noi è un grande orgoglio : conferma il presidente del sodalizio ascolano Marco Piergallini – Quando i nostri atleti eccellono anche in attività extrasportive ci rendono estremamente orgogliosi, perché anche la nostra associazione, nel suo piccolo, ha contribuito nella loro crescita e nella loro formazione".


Harmonika Müller Hausmesse - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Mueller Hausmesse
Schon JETZT - das Datum vormerken: 25.08.2023 - 27.08.2023
Bad St. Leonhard, Kärnten, jeweils 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Da findet nämlich die Hausmesse der Firma Harmonika Müller statt.

Die Veranstaltung bietet neben speziellen Angeboten auch "Einblicke in die Herstellung einer Müller-Harmonika".

1976 verließ die erste handgefertigte Steirische die von Peter und Edith Müller gegründete Meisterwerkstatt. Seither hat sich das Unternehmen zum heute größten Harmonikahersteller Österreichs mit über 45 Mitarbeitern entwickelt, die mit langjähriger Erfahrung, aber auch mit modernster Technik alle Komponenten im eigenen Haus fertigen, prüfen und montieren.

Für weitere Informationen: office@harmonika.at

Voci Armoniche

Due passi nel Folk - Recanati/Italia

by Diatonic News
Due passi nel Folk - Recanati/Italia
SABATO 15 LUGLIO 2023 DALLE ORE 09:00 ALLE 23:55
Due Passi nel Folk 2023 | Castelnuovo, Recanati

Due giornate all'insegna del Folk.
Ospiti nazionali e internazionali calcheranno il palco e scalderanno il pubblico con le loro armonie nate dalla tradizione folk e non solo.
La due giorni dedicata alla musica sarà anche occasione per scoprire l'approccio più strettamente strumentale e l'interpretazione danzante a queste melodie grazie all'organizzazione di stage dedicati.
Tutti i concerti sono a ingresso libero

h 9-12 / 15-18 STAGE DI ORGANETTO* con Guss Herremans
h 18-20 STAGE DI DANZE POPOLARI con Mina Morelli (Bib Balfolk)
Adatto a principianti ed esperti.

h 21.30 Ensemble Invisibile
h 22.30 Airboxes in concerto

h 10-13 STAGE DI ORGANETTO* con Filippo Gambetta.
In occasione di questo appuntamento Filippo presenterà il metodo di studio ideato e collegato al suo album "Otto baffi".

h 18-20 STAGE DI DANZE POPOLARI con Mina Morelli (Bib Balfolk)
Adatto a principianti ed esperti.

h 21.30 Filippo Gambetta e Sergio Caputo in concerto

*Entrambi gli stage sono rivolti a tutti gli amici organettisti NON principianti e si possono usare tutti i tipi di organetto TRANNE i 2 bassi.
INFO: 335401499 duepassinelfolk@gmail.com


Friedrich Lips Book

Leonardo "Flaco" Jiménez Honored at the 41st Annual Conjunto Festival - USA

by Diatonic News
Gilbert Rayes presents award to Flaco Jiménez
Report from Kate Richardson, Richlynn Group: Legendary musician Leonardo “Flaco” Jiménez was honored with the Hohner Lifetime Achievement Award, presented by Gilbert Reyes at the 41st Annual Conjunto Festival at Rosedale Park this past weekend in San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Recognized as an international ambassador of Tex-Mex / Conjunto music, Flaco Jiménez has had a remarkable career. With six Grammy Awards to his name, he has played an integral role in expanding the popularity of accordion-based music. His mastery of the accordion, distinctive sound, and innovative musical fusion have been instrumental in elevating the status of these genres, crossing cultural and linguistic boundaries.

This prestigious award is a testament to Flaco Jimenez's extraordinary contributions to the music industry, his unwavering dedication to accordion music, and his inspiring musical journey. His legacy will undoubtedly continue to influence and inspire future generations of musicians.

Deutsche: Leonardo "Flaco" Jiménez wird beim 41. jährlichen Conjunto-Festival geehrt - USA

Bericht von Kate Richardson, Richlynn Group: Der legendäre Musiker Leonardo "Flaco" Jiménez wurde am vergangenen Wochenende beim 41. jährlichen Conjunto Festival im Rosedale Park in San Antonio, Texas, USA, mit dem Hohner Lifetime Achievement Award ausgezeichnet, der von Gilbert Reyes überreicht wurde.

Flaco Jiménez, der als internationaler Botschafter der Tex-Mex/Conjunto-Musik gilt, hat eine bemerkenswerte Karriere hinter sich. Mit sechs Grammy Awards im Gepäck hat er wesentlich zur Verbreitung der Akkordeonmusik beigetragen. Seine meisterhafte Beherrschung des Akkordeons, sein unverwechselbarer Sound und seine innovativen musikalischen Fusionen haben maßgeblich dazu beigetragen, den Status dieser Genres zu erhöhen und kulturelle und sprachliche Grenzen zu überwinden.

Diese prestigeträchtige Auszeichnung ist ein Zeugnis für Flaco Jimenez' außergewöhnliche Beiträge zur Musikindustrie, sein unerschütterliches Engagement für die Akkordeonmusik und seinen inspirierenden musikalischen Weg. Sein Vermächtnis wird zweifelsohne auch künftige Generationen von Musikern beeinflussen und inspirieren.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Le Grand Bal de l’Europe – Gennetines/France

by Diatonic News
Le Grand Bal de l’Europe – Gennetines
Du vendredi 21 juillet 21h30 au vendredi 4 août 2023

Durant quinze jours, la force, la richesse, la diversité et l’envoûtement des danses et musiques
permettent à chacun de se construire son Grand Bal de l'Europe dans un espace de liberté qui
repose sur le respect et l’attention aux autres. Les rencontres sont balisées par des contraintes
indiscutables qui assurent notamment la sécurité collective et le respect du voisinage.

L’inscription est indispensable. Elle sera accompagnée du paiement qui la validera.

La Charte du Grand Bal de l’Europe L’association essaie de tout mettre en oeuvre pour que chacun puisse exprimer sa musique et sa danse avec passion et plaisir, pour que chacun puisse se bâtir ses grands moments. Le respect et la compréhension de l’autre, des autres, sont les fondements du Grand Bal de l’Europe

L’inscription est indispensable.

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Eigene Open-Air-Show mit Melissa Naschenweng - Wörthersee/Kärnten/Österreich

by Diatonic News
Melissa Naschenweng

Video 1: Melissa Naschenweng singt ein Medley von Hits bei der Silvestershow 2021 mit Jörg Pilawa.
Video 2: Interview in deutscher Sprache mit Melissa Naschenweng.

Melissa Naschenweng sagt: „Es ist immer ganz was Besonderes, wenn ich in Kärnten auftreten darf. Und außerdem werde ich meinen neuen Song ,Wörthersee‘ präsentieren“, erzählt die sympathische Lesachtalerin, die am 2. Juli in der Ostbucht ihr einziges großes Solokonzert 2023 in Kärnten geben wird. Mit Melissa freuen sich unter anderem Maite Kelly, Die Mayerin, Alexander Eder, Beatrice Egli, Matteo Bocelli und Julian le Play auf zwei besondere Starnacht-Abende am 6.und 7. Juli jeweils in der Ostbucht!

Mehr auf Krone.at

Melissa Naschenweng hat den 23. Amadeus Austrian Music Award 2023 gewonnen. Die Preisverleihung fand am 28. April im Wiener Volkstheater statt und wurde von ORF 1 übertragen. Die beliebte Kärntnerin Melissa Naschenweng wurde erneut zur Königin in der Kategorie "Schlager/Folk" gekrönt.

English: Video 1: Melissa Naschenweng performing a medley of hits at the 2021 New Year's Eve Show with Jörg Pilawa.
Video 2: Interview in German language with Melissa Naschenweng.

Melissa Naschenweng won the 23rd Amadeus Austrian Music Award 2023. The award ceremony took place on April 28th at the Volkstheater in Vienna and was broadcast by ORF 1. The popular Carinthian Melissa Naschenweng was once again crowned queen in the category "Schlager/folk music".

Melissa Naschenweng says: "It's always very special when I get to perform in Carinthia. And besides, I'll be presenting my new song 'Wörthersee'," says the likeable Lesachtaler, who will be giving her only major solo concert in Carinthia on July 2 in the Ostbucht 2023. With Melissa, Maite Kelly, Die Mayerin, Alexander Eder, Beatrice Egli, Matteo Bocelli and Julian le Play, among others, are looking forward to two special starry nights on July 6 and 7 in the Ostbucht!

More on Krone.at

Artango & Jazz Festival - Italia

by Diatonic News
Artango  Jazz Festival
Dal 29 luglio al 2 settembre ti aspetta una straordinaria programmazione della nuova edizione di ARTango & Jazz Festival!

La XIV edizione ospiterà sette concerti in alcune delle location più affascinanti del Sulcis-Iglesiente. Sul palco, come sempre, si alterneranno importanti artisti del panorama nazionale e internazionale tra cui: il Duo Wiedemann-Koshorrek, Piero Di Egidio, Aurelio e Paolo Pollice. Ad impreziosire il ricco cartellone di eventi quattro speciali concerti con l’Orchestra tipica di Tango del Conservatorio di Cagliari e l’Orchestra Anton Stadler!


Titano Accordions

Il Gran Bal Trad - Vialfé/Ivrea/Italia

by Diatonic News
L’edizione 2023 del Gran Bal Trad si terrà da lunedì 3 luglio a sabato 8 lugli 2023. Viene ospitato all`interno dell`area naturalistica Pianezze di Vialfré sulla sommità di una delle colline dell`anfiteatro Morenico di Ivrea

Il Gran Bal Trad è un festival dedicato alla danza e alla musica tradizionale, nato dal desiderio di mettere in contatto differenti modi di esprimere la danza e la musica. Si propone di offrire ai partecipanti un quadro variegato di alcuni esempi delle varie culture presenti in Europa, non dimenticando di proporre uno spaccato di tradizionale tipico della nostra Italia.

Le giornate del Gran Bal Trad si articolano in atelier di danza e di strumento al mattino e al pomeriggio, e proseguono fino all’alba con le serate di ballo su 4 grandi palchi.

Sono presenti più di 250 tra insegnanti ed artisti, provenienti da tutta Europa, impegnati ad ogni ora del giorno e della notte in atelier di danza e di strumento, concerti serali, conferenze.


Accordion Jazz Chord

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Gary Dahl Arrangements


by Diatonic News
Carsoli (AQ) - 07/09 luglio 2023

Con il patrocinio del Comune di Carsoli (AQ), l’ A.M.I.SA.D. APS (Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici) di Maiolati Spontini (AN), in collaborazione con la
Proloco Carseoli di Carsoli (AQ), l’Associazione “Amici della Musica APS” di San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) e il “Centro Didattico Musicale Italiano di Recoaro Terme” (VI), indice ed organizza dal 07 al 09 luglio 2023, la 26° Edizione del “Campionato Italiano di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica”.

Regolamento: 2023Carsoli.pdf

English: 26th Edition of the Italian Championship of Organetto and Diatonic Accordion – Italy

The 26th Edition of the "Italian Championship of Organetto and Diatonic Accordion” will be held in Carsoli, L'Aquila, Abruzzi, Italy from July 7th to 9th, 2023 organised by the A.M.I.SA.D. APS (Music Association Italiana Reed Instruments, Diatonic) by Maiolati Spontini (AN), and Municipality of Carsoli (AQ) in collaboration with the Proloco Carseoli of Carsoli (AQ), the "Friends of Music APS" Association of San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) and the "Italian Music Educational Center of Recoaro Terme" (VI).

Registrations close on July 3rd, 2023.

Download competition rules here: 2023Carsoli.pdf

Le Grand Bal de l’Europe – Gennetines/France

by Diatonic News
Le Grand Bal de l’Europe – Gennetines
Du vendredi 21 juillet 21h30 au vendredi 4 août 2023

The festival officially begins on Friday 21st July at 9.30 pm.

The programme of all the activities and artists is available here: https://www.gennetines.org/wp-content/uploads/Programme-2023.pdf

Download of the entire programm: https://inscriptions.grandbal.org/files/depliant_francais.pdf


Charnwood Music Publishing

5th Bals et Roses Folk Festival - Belgium

by Diatonic News
5th Bals et Roses Folk Festival - Belgium
The Bals et Roses Folk Festival will be held at the Ferme des Roses in Florenville, Belgium from June 30th to July 2nd, 2023.

This festival of traditional music and dance will include concerts, a small craft market, dancing and entertainment for young and old.

Accordion performers include Didier Laloy & Bruno Le Tron, The Trivelin Band, Embrun, 3... 4, Farem Tot Petar, Kafe Koefet, Naragonia Duo, Le p'tit Bal à Oli, La Rawette and Shillelagh.

Voci Armoniche

Folk Camp Treffen - Germany

by Diatonic News
29. Juli bis 5. August 2023

Internationale Folk Camper treffen sich zu Musikworkshops, Tanz und Gesang im romatischen Schloss Zeilitzheim/Unterfranken. Wer nicht zeltet, bucht ein Zimmer im Dorf oder im Schloss. Campingbusse kommen auf privaten Stellplätzen im Dorf unter.

Folk Camp Germany e.V. bietet jährlich eine Ferienwoche an, in der Teilnehmer jeden Alters und jeder Nationalität zusammenkommen und traditionelle Musik, Gesang und Tanz pflegen. Musik und Tanz sind hauptsächlich englisch, aber auch andere internationale Folkmusik und Folktänze sind willkommen. Sich selbst einzubringen ist ein elementarer Bestandteil des Folk Camps.

Veranstaltungsort: Schloss Zeilitzheim, Marktplatz 14, 97509 Kolitzheim-Zeilitzheim

Info: Folk Camp Germany e.V.: www.folkcamp.de



by Diatonic News
16 > 22 JUILLE
ACCORDÉON DIATONIQUE - Technique instrumentale, musicalité, interprétation avec: AMÉLIE DÉNARIÉ & FRANÇOIS HEIM Accordéon Diatonique
2 & 3 rangs : Tous niveaux sauf débutants

16 > 22 JUILLET : ACCORDÉON DIATONIQUE - Technique instrumentale, musicalité, interprétation
Amélie Dénarié est comédienne de formation, la musique occupe une place primordiale dans sa vie. Ce n’est qu’après l’étude du piano qu’elle décide de s’approprier pleinement cet instrument. L’accordéon diatonique accompagne aujourd’hui beaucoup de ses créations théâtrales, tout comme le chant.

François Heim est créateur de la Compagnie BALAGAN !
Il est accordéoniste diatonique et compositeur dont le répertoire est empreint de musiques des pays de l’est et des Balkans. Il a publié des méthodes et recueils pour accordéon Diatonique.

SPEYFEST - Fochabers/Scotland

by Diatonic News
Speyfest will return in 2023! Join between 21st – 23rd July as we bring a host of 2023 with music with a lively mix of concerts, ceilidhs and stomps.
You can also expect:
– Traditional music and singing workshops for all ages
– Non-denominational Celtic Kirk Service
– Speyfest Family Sunday compered by Gary Innes
– Bustling craft fair on Saturday afternoon with free entry for all
– Vibrant food and drink fair including bespoke tasting sessions at Fochabers Public Institute with Spey Valley Beer, Roehill Springs Gin and Glen Moray Whisky
– Prosecco afternoon teas on Saturday afternoon with delicious bakes incorporating the finest local produce and all soundtracked by a special acoustic set from the incredible Norrie MacIver
– Free children’s entertainment including arts and crafts sessions, face painting and glitter tattoos from Highland Artisans
– Interactive storytelling sessions from Fox and Friends Highland

Tickets for the festival and its array of activities are on sale NOW! Don’t miss out.


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


by Diatonic News

Bonne connaissance du clavier, utilisation de la 3ème rangée, à l’aise avec les métriques communes: 3/4-4/4-9/8-12/8

Rythme et Improvisation (pour accordéon diatonique 3 rangs). Travail des rythmiques spécifiques à divers genres musicaux (Forró, Sega, Blues, Jazz, Trad,...), constituant la base d’une pratique de l’improvisation mélodique. Travail d’accompagnement avec chants de basses d’une part, dynamique de soufflet, enrichissements d’accords, polyrythmie d’autre part. Élaboration d’un discours improvisé avec des notions de ponctuation, de phrases et de phrasé, de couleurs, de langage mélodique.

Des notions théoriques d’harmonie pourront venir compléter le programme.

Info/Réservation: https://www.compagniebalagan.com/

1° Festival Regionale Musica Popolare - Italia

by Diatonic News
1° Festival Regionale Musica Popolare - Italia
Il 1° Festival Regionale del Folklore si terrà il 21, 22 e 23 luglio presso l'Area Artigianale in zona Prati e sarà una celebrazione unica delle tradizioni folkloristiche di questa regione.
Segnatevi queste date sul calendario i per un'esperienza indimenticabile di arte e cultura tradizionale.

Titano Accordions

Brosella Festial - Osseghem/Belgium

by Diatonic News
Brosella Festival
From the 8 - 39th of July 2023 in the park of Osseghem to enjoy summer at the Brosella Festival with many live bands, several stages, DJ sets and workshops.

For information:


73° Sedizione del Trophée Mondial de l’Accordéon - Italia

by Diatonic News
L’Associazione Culturale Interamnia World Music, con il contributo del delegato italiano della Confédération Mondiale de l’Accordéon Danilo Di Paolonicola, organizza il Trofeo Nazionale e le Selezioni Nazionali per l’accesso alla fase finale della 73° edizione del Trophée Mondial de l’Accordéon

Le categorie della fisarmonica diatonica/organetto sono suddivise, oltre che per età (Junior nati nel 2005 o anni successivi
e Senior nati nel 1988 o anni successivi), per tipologia di strumento:
1. Strumenti con un massimo di 2 file alla tastiera del canto e un massimo di 4 bassi
2. Strumenti senza limitazioni alla tastiera del canto con un massimo di 8 bassi
3. Strumenti senza limitazioni alla tastiera del canto con un numero di bassi compreso tra 12 e 24
4. Strumenti ibridi (tastiera del canto bitonica e bassi di fisarmonica standard)
5. Concertina
6. Strumenti di qualsiasi tipo e repertorio tradizionale con accompagnamento di base audio o musicisti (musica
d’intrattenimento come liscio, musica popolare, latino americano, etc.)
7. Strumenti di qualsiasi tipo e repertorio World Music con accompagnamento di base audio o musicisti
Repertorio con durata max di 10 minuti per tutte le categorie.
Classical, Variété, Jazz, World Music e Diatonic Accordion nelle categorie Junior (nati nel 2005 o anni successivi) e Senior
(nati nel 2004 o anni precedenti). Contest meno impegnativo, con programma di breve durata e repertorio a libera scelta,
istituito di recente per incoraggiare futuri candidati. Repertorio per solista di almeno un brano di qualsiasi genere musicale
con una durata non superiore agli 8 minuti.
I candidati alle selezioni del Trophée Mondial potranno partecipare a più sezioni (Classical, Variété, Chamber Music, World
Music etc.), ma NON POTRANNO PARTECIPARE ad alcuna categoria dell’International Open Trophy.

Voci Armoniche

Bute Festival - Scotland/UK

by Diatonic News
Bute Festival - Scotland/UK
WHERE? Ettrick Bay on the Isle of Bute

WHEN? .Friday 28th to Sunday 30th July 2023

A non-stop weekend of live music, family, friends and fun at Ettrick Bay on the magical Isle of Bute. ButeFest SCIO is a registered Scottish charity SCO049961.

Vancouver Folk Music Festival - Canada

by Diatonic News
Vancouver Folk Music Festival - Canada
Friends, fans, supporters, appreciators of great music and those who treasure the magic of this festival can come together again this summer by the ocean and celebrate festival #46 Edition from July 14-16th 2023 in Jericho Beach Park on the unceded traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples – Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) nations, the beloved home of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) nation for an incredible weekend of music – and everybody is invited to take part.

The Vancouver Folk Music Festival is a Canadian cultural institution and was found in 1978. It is a unique community-based celebration internationally renowned for presenting the finest traditional and contemporary folk and roots music from around the world. Now in its 45th year, the Festival continues to be one of the city’s most beloved, enjoyed, and respected events. . It is a unique community-based celebration internationally renowned for presenting the finest traditional and contemporary folk and roots music from around the world. Now in its 45th year, the Festival continues to be one of the city’s most beloved, enjoyed, and respected events.

Rudolfstadt Festival - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
rudolstadt-festival Deutschland
About Rudolstadt Festival
"Rudolstadt was nothing like I could ever have even imagined.“

Nora Guthrie, daughter of legendary folk singer Woodie Guthrie, was rapturous in her letter describing the Rudolstadt Festival. She expressed her 'open plea' to all musicians: "Book an extra night! Stick around! When your own work is done, schedule an extra day in your itinerary to really experience Rudolstadt, its people, and the festival crowd because you’ll never come across anything like it again.“

Most visitors coming to Rudolstadt feel the way Nora Guthrie does. The variety of the festival is simply overwhelming: Global pop from Spain and the vocal play of the Inuit, classical Iranian percussion and techno-trance from Turkey, Norwegian folk rock and German-Lebanese Ethno Jazz. For four days, there are about 300 performances by 150 bands and solo artists. It is one of the largest and most prestigious world music festivals in Europe. This range of concerts, workshops and talks attract up to 25,000 visitors a day.

In Rudolstadt, newcomers from all over the world stand alongside established names from the roots, folk and world music scene. (Who has played there since 1991 is available in our archives.) Every year the festival showcases the music and dance style of one particular country. The musical richness and its contrasts make up the unique atmosphere of the festival. Add to this the summer scenery of the Thuringian town located directly on the Saale river, where the Heinepark lies with two main stages surrounded by greenery, the Heidecksburg castle sits high above the town providing concerts with panoramic views. Overall, more than 20 stages are spread over the entire town.

In short: It is a surprising, charming festival with plenty of space for new discoveries. Or as Nora Guthrie puts it: "It’s simply out of our experience and imaginations.“


Accordion Jazz Chords

Zingaria Folk Festival - Italia/Irpino

by Diatonic News
XXVI edizione del festival folk ZINGARìA à SAVIGNANO IRPINO (AV) -Campania - Italia
15 ore al giorno di musiche e danze popolari.
STAGE: ore 10,00-13,00 e ore 15,00-18,00 su due spazi in contemporanea.
SOTTOSOPRA: incursioni musicali danzanti nei luoghi di lavoro (ore 11,30 – 13,00)..
DONNE E MADONNE: serenate, ninne nanne, canti di lavoro e devozionali (ore 18,30-19,30)
CONCERTI A BALLO. 4 gruppi di musicisti ogni sera dalle 21,30 alle 2,00. Pizziche, tammurriate, tarantelle, saltarelli, danze francesi, irlandesi, balcaniche....
Duo Eric e Samuel Thézé (Francia) bal folk
Andrea Capezzuoli e Compagnia (Nord Italia) bal folk
Sarah Leo - Massimo Testa (Nord Italia) bal folk e internazionali
Gatti'n'folk (Campania) bal folk
Mulieres Garganiche (San Giovanni R. –FG) tarant. Gargano e Sud Italia
Fantafolk Trio (Sardegna) danze sarde
Paranza Mediterranea (Campania) tammurriate
Sanacore (Campania) tammurriate
Jazzabanna. (Salento) pizziche
Eric Thézè (Francia) mazurca francese e varianti
Cristina Casarini (Reggio Emilia) danze internazionali
Nicola Andrian (Padova – Brasile) Forró Pé de Serra
Claudio Cesaroni (Firenze) Irlandesi e francesi
Massimo Cerutti e Alessandra Zampelli (Torino) danze basche e occitane
Roberta Cucciari/Fantafolk (Sardegna) danze sarde
Nicola Brighenti (Lombardia) danze del Quebec
Ciro Troise (Campania) danze francesi
Raffaella Coppola/Paranza Med (Salerno) Tammurriata dell’Agro
Maria Piscopo/Sanacore (Campania) Tammurriata all’Avvocata
Pietro Balsamo (Salento) Pizzica
Francesca Angotti (Follonica) Sivigliane


Festival "le CHALAPPée Belle" - France

by Diatonic News
with many concerts throughout the period Juliet/JUILLET / AOÛT 2023

06 84 45 58 27 Hameau de Chalap
30450 Sénéchas (Fr)

Titano Accordions

Cambridge Folk Festival - UK

by Diatonic News
Cambridge Folk Festival  - UK
Cambridge Folk Festival is one of the longest running folk festivals in the world. Held each year since 1965 it attracts around fourteen thousand people, many of whom return year after year.

The Festival is renowned for its unique atmosphere and its eclectic mix of music, the best traditional folk artists from the UK and Ireland rub shoulders with cutting edge contemporary acts, the finest American country, blues and roots artists, acclaimed singer songwriters, famous names and world music stars.

Set the in the beautiful surroundings of Cherry Hinton Hall Park, the festival is just 15 minutes away from Cambridge's historic City Centre, it is perfect for anyone looking for the feel and atmosphere of a festival set in the deep countryside but with close links to the city.

A big part of the Festival’s ethos is to celebrate and nurture emerging talent and in 2011 the Festival created a dedicated stage, The Den, to provide a platform for artists under 30 years old to progress their music careers. The Hub is another special area for young musicians to take part in workshops, sessions and perform. These performances spaces have opened the Festival to a brand new generation of musicians.

The Festival has won several awards over the last 50 years, including in 2014 the BBC Radio 2 Good Tradition Award and in 2016 the A Greener Festival Award, awarded to the Festival because of an on-going commitment to reducing its Carbon Footprint.


Stages d'Accordéon diationique - FR/Chalap

by Diatonic News
STAGES de JUILLET/AOÛT 2023 accordéon diatonique. violon. chant musique d’ensemble, harpe.
Chalap est situé dans le parc National des Cévennes

Les stages sont pour:
> PUBLIC : Adultes | 6 à 12 Stagiaires par animateur

> 6 h de travail/jour | 1/2 journée de pause aménagée
(possibilités de balades, baignades,...)

> HÉBERGEMENT | Sur place ou gîtes voisins
(chambres de 1 à 4 personnes)

> REPAS | cuisine de produits frais, bio et locaux privilégié

sont proposés les mercredi de l'été, en accès libre pour les stagiaires

Pour information: https://www.compagniebalagan.com/infos-tarifs

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

"La Notte dei Transumanti" - Italia/Lanciano

by Diatonic News
Il 16 luglio a #Pescara, in Piazza della Rinascita, andrà in scena "La Notte dei Transumanti" con OPI Orchestra Popolare Italiana dell’ Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone di #Roma e tanti artisti come #PeppeServillo, il poeta Davide Rondoni e il gruppo di musica tradizionale Il passagallo oltre ai ballerini del #CorpodiBalloPopolare.
Un'intera notte di musica e balli introdotta da una originale parata con maschere giganti e zoomorfe che rievocano la transumanza al suono degli strumenti musicali della tradizione

eSheet Music Titles

Le festival des Nuits de Nacre - Tulle/France

by Diatonic News
35ème édition, les 30 juin, 1er et 2 juillet 2023

Le festival des Nuits de Nacre est un événement culturel majeur en Corrèze qui cultive l’art de l’accordéon depuis toujours. Trois jours pour célébrer 34 ans de découvertes, de partages, d’histoires de vie, de rencontres avec de nombreux concerts, des expositions et animations dans toute la ville !

Le festival met à l’honneur l’accordéon sous toutes ses formes (concerts, spectacles, expositions) et dans tous ses genres. Une riche programmation où bars, chapiteaux, salles, théâtre, places et rues vivent au rythme de l’accordéon dont l’un des derniers fabricants, la Manufacture d'Accordéons Maugein, défend les couleurs. Un festival de la diversité, de l’échange entre musiciens venus d’horizons différents...

Cette édition renouera avec ses fondamentaux qui mêlent têtes d’affiche, jeunes talents et déambulations musicales. Au total, une cinquantaine de propositions pour une centaine d’artistes, dans un équilibre entre découverte et festif populaire.

ou Tél. : 09 52 33 81 54 ou 05 55 26 59 61

Titano Accordions

Felici & Conflenti - Calabria/Italia

by Diatonic News
Felici & Conflenti - Calabria/Italia
Felici & Conflenti | dal 25 al 29 Luglio 2023
Tramandamenti della cultura musicale tradizionale del Reventino
Workshop Residenziali - Conflenti (CZ), Calabria
Festa di Comunità Musica Incontri Laboratori Seminari Escursioni Gastronomia Locale

PROGRAMMA https://felicieconflenti.it
per info e prenotazioni

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

45th Vancouver Folk Music Festival - Canada

by Diatonic News
The 45th Vancouver Folk Music Festival will be held in Jericho Park, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, from July 14th to 16th, 2023.

Accordion performers include Rum Ragged (picture above right), Cedric Watson (accordion) & Jourdan Thibodeaux (violin) pictured above left, and Kalàscima (Italy – picture below).

For details email: info@thefestival.bc.ca

Voci Armoniche

Stage e concert avec Duo Tanghe Coudroy - FR/Germany

by Diatonic News
Duo Tanghe Coudroy
En parallèle de leur bal folk, Martin et Aurélien se lancent aussi dans l’aventure du concert. C’est l’occasion de découvrir une autre facette du duo. La guitare et l’accordéon naviguent alors surtout sur des eaux nordiques, voir même franchement scandinaves. Ils explorent des mélodies et un répertoire pensés pour l’écoute et le rêve avant tout.

8 et 9 juillet 2023 Bals avec Duo Tanghe Coudroy à Alt Meteln (Allemagne)
10 juillet 2023 Bal avec Duo Tanghe Coudroy à Leipzig(Allemagne)
28 et 29 juillet 2023 Bals et stages danse avec Duo Tanghe Coudroy + Giet à Grand Bal de L'Europe (03)


Sounding Out the Accordion

Pig's Ear Folk Alel - UK

by Diatonic News
Pig’s Ear Folk Ale 13-16 July 2023
Eight Acre Field, Sevenoaks Weald

“Ale” is a term used in past times by Kentish folk to describe a community celebration and that’s what Folk Ale is – a chance for musicians and fans of acoustic music to get together, sing, play, and listen to great music against a backdrop of beautiful Kent countryside.

The Pig’s Ear Folk Ale was founded in 2003 by family folk group Pig’s Ear – Grant, Keith, Sue and Lyndsey Rule – and for many years was run by the Rule family with a number of other loyal volunteers. It took place every year on the weekend following the late Spring Bank Holiday, except Covid Periods.

2023 will perform:
Jez Lowe – Buffo’s Wake – Tim Edey – Message from the Ravens – Green Diesel – Forest of Fools – Dave Ellis and Boo Howard – Shake Me Up Sally – Bea Everett – Hobo and the Hippies – Hannah Scott – Foot Down – Ten Pence Moon – Enda McCabe – Sally Ironmonger – Border Crossing – Capella – Triage – Ian Petrie – The Last Hurrah – Natasha Norodien – Henty and English – Emma Tubmen – John and Di Cullen – Rickenbunny – Didge Beat George – Andy Smythe – Danny Tonks – Bob Kenward – Greg Robbins – Leo James – Kaz Langridge – Two Hours Of Squid



Bal Folk Cuneo in Lug-Ago-Sett - Italia

by Diatonic News
Dalla collaborazione tra Bal Fòl(k) Cuneo e Casa del Quartiere Donatello nasce Periferie Danzanti - Donatello Folk Fest 2023, la nostra rassegna estiva dedicata alla musica e alle danze popolari, un ricco calendario di concerti a ballo, atelier di danze e musica lungo tutta l’estate!

22 luglio con il Duo Gambetta – Caputo 🪗🎻
Uno dei gruppi di balfolk più originali del panorama italiano, Filippo Gambetta (organetto) e Sergio Caputo (violino) presentano un repertorio rivolto sia al pubblico dei danzatori che agli ascoltatori.
Nel pomeriggio, atelier di strumento: organetto (Filippo Gambetta) e violino (Sergio Caputo). Prenotazioni per gli atelier obbligatorie, scrivendo a balfolk.cuneo@gmail.com

Voci Armoniche

Stage avec MARIE CONSTANT Technique Instrumentale - France

by Diatonic News

Divers outils pour améliorer votre "musicalité" et enrichir votre jeu, en développant l'accompagnement main droite, la maîtrise du soufflet, l’indépendance des mains, les respirations et autres nuances et subtilités...

Les différentes techniques abordées seront mises en application sur un répertoire de musiques à danser traditionnelles et contemporaines, d'ici ou d'ailleurs.

Quelques morceaux pour pouvoir nous concentrer sur la technique plutôt que l'apprentissage de mélodies lors du stage.

Info/Réservation: https://www.compagniebalagan.com/programme

Friedrich Lips Book

Il Circo Diatonico di Clara Graziano a Fondi - Italia/LT

by Diatonic News
Il Circo Diatonico di Clara Graziano a Fondi - Italia/LT
Il Circo Diatonico di Clara Graziano arriva a Fondi (LT) per il Festival Ecosuoni, presso il Complesso San Domenico, alle ore 21:45.
Siete pronti a lasciarvi trasportare nel magico mondo del circo con:?

Clara Graziano
Gabriele Coen
Rosario Liberti
Gianluigi Capone

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Future events / Concerts

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Mollie B touring in July 2023- USA

by Diatonic News
Mollie B
Sunday, July 9 - Julyfest, St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Farley, IA- FRE
9:30am Catholic Mass & 90-minute Performance

Sunday, July 9 - Clarksville, Iowa - FREE
Location: Reading Park, 103 West Greene St, Clarksville, Iowa / Performance: 7:00 show

Wednesday, July 12 - Decorah, Iowa - FREE
Location: Winneshiek County Fair / Performance: 1:00-3:00 show

Saturday, July 15 - Riceville, Iowa
Location: 10th Hole Bar & Grill, 402 East Main St, Riceville, Iowa / Dance: 3:30PM

Sunday, July 16 - Redwood Falls, Minnesota

​Thursday, July 20 - St. Cloud, Minnesota
Location: 10 Paramount Center for the Arts, 913 West Saint Germain St, St. Cloud, MN / Performance: 1:30 show

Friday, July 21 - Bavarian Blast, New Ulm, Minnesota
Location: Brown Couty Fair Grounds, New Ulm, Minnesota / Performances: noon-1:15pm, 4:45-6:00pm

​Saturday, July 22 - Bavarian Blast, New Ulm, Minnesota
Location: Brown Couty Fair Grounds, New Ulm, Minnesota / Performances: noon-1:00, 4:00-5:00pm

Sunday, July 23 - Bavarian Blast, New Ulm, Minnesota
Location: Brown Couty Fair Grounds, New Ulm, Minnesota / 10:00 Church Service

Sunday, July 23 - Gazebo, Peterson, MN - late afternoon performance - FREE

​Wednesday, July 26 - Fort Randall Casino, Pickstown, South Dakota - FREE
Location: Fort RAndall Casino, 8538E US Hwy 46, Pickstown, SD / Performance: 7:00 dance

Thursday, July 27 - Baltic, SD - Ag PHD Field Day - FREE
Location: 47669 252nd St, Baltic, SD 57003
Performance: 9:25-10:10am, 10:50-11:35am, 12:40-1:25pm, Mollie sings National Anthem @ 10:30AM

Saturday, July 29 - Hamler Summer Fest, Hamler, Ohio
Location: 100 S 1st St Hamler, OH / Performance: 4:00-5:30, 8:30-10:00

Sunday, July 30 - Hamler Summer Fest, Hamler, Ohio
Location: 100 S 1st St Hamler, OH / Church Service: 10:30am / Performance: 1:30-3:00, 4:30-6:00

for more precise Details pls view:

MAX DE ALOE QUARTET “Puccini – lirico incanto” - Italia

by Diatonic News
MAX DE ALOE QUARTETLunedì 10 luglio 2023 ore 21:30
Castell’Arquato Piazza del Municipio

“Puccini – lirico incanto”
Ingresso libero e gratuito
No prenotazioni

Max De Aloe armonica cromatica
Roberto Olzer pianoforte
Marco Mistrangelo contrabbasso
Nicola Stranieri batteria.

Per l’appuntamento nel suggestivo borgo medievale di Castell’Arquato, quest’anno gli organizzatori di Summertime in Jazz hanno voluto rendere omaggio alla forte impronta lirica che il borgo della Val d’Arda ha acquisito in particolare grazie al Premio Illica, che lì vi si tiene a partire dal 1961, in onore della figura di Luigi Illica, un’eccellenza italiana e cosmopolita nei libretti d’opera. Tra gli altri suoi numerosi lavori, Illica divenne particolarmente celebre grazie alla stretta collaborazione con Giacomo Puccini, di cui scrisse, insieme a Giuseppe Giacosa, i libretti, tra gli altri, di Bohème, Tosca e Madama Butterfly. E al compositore toscano è dedicato il repertorio con il quale si cimenterà, lunedì 10 luglio alle ore 21:30, nella piazza del Municipio, il quintetto capitanato dall’armonicista Max De Aloe incentrato sulla rivisitazione delle più famose arie d’opera pucciniane, ma non solo.
Un progetto di commistione che potrebbe lasciare perplessi sia i melomani più radicali, sia gli appassionati di jazz “tout court”, ma che in realtà affronta la musica operistica con rispetto e con una miscela di modernità e passione che affascina e incanta grazie anche a un originale stile musicale che da anni contraddistingue i progetti di Max De Aloe, che spesso riescono ad avvicinare e coinvolgere anche un pubblico di non appassionati.

In prima battuta, la proposta “Puccini, lirico incanto”, potrebbe risultare ambiziosa, quasi pretenziosa, se ci si limitasse a scorrere l’elenco delle opere da cui sono tratti i brani, che toccano anche autori come Leoncavallo e Verdi. Già dalle prime note del concerto, però, ogni pregiudizio viene cancellato dall’originalità degli arrangiamenti e dal talento dei quattro artisti che riescono a creare un suono squisitamente “lirico” e poetico, ad accompagnarci dentro atmosfere romantiche che ognuno di noi, almeno una volta nella vita, ha vissuto ascoltando magari un frammento della Tosca, della Bohéme o di Madama Butterfly. Musica immortale e di profondo spessore, che proprio per questo si presta ad essere “rivissuta” da angolazioni differenti, senza per questo perdere la potenza espressiva e comunicativa.

Max De Aloe è stato definito dalla rivista “Jazz Magazine” <<l’armonicista italiano più richiesto ed attivo>>, mentre nel prestigioso sito Hollywood-Miyuki di Tokyo il musicista italiano è annoverato tra i venticinque armonicisti jazz più significativi a livello mondiale. Nel suo carnet al momento si contano sette album all’attivo come leader e oltre quindici come ospite, ma anche spettacoli in solo, oltre a realizzazioni di colonne sonore per spettacoli teatrali e documentari.


Titano Accordions

Rum Ragged on Tour in July - CANADA

by Diatonic News
Rum Ragged
Rum Ragged, take a bold approach to the distinct folk music of their home, the Eastern Canadian island of Newfoundland. With a reverence for their roots and a creative, contemporary edge, this young band has quickly become known as the finest performers of their great, living, musical tradition. Boasting bouzouki, fiddle, bodhran, banjo, guitar, and button accordion, these new champions of East Coast music enliven and enlighten audiences with their signature brand of Newfoundland folk. Always honest, thought-provoking, and often humorous, it’s Rum Ragged’s live show that makes them a fast favourite with any audience. Their combination of striking vocal harmonies, staggering musicianship, and captivating storytelling gives concert-goers an experience they won’t soon forget. Since their inception in 2016, Rum Ragged has maintained a rigorous tour schedule, performing at some of the world’s premier folk, celtic and roots venues all while managing to record four acclaimed, award-winning studio albums. Rum Ragged is not your run-of-the-mill folk band, they are the genuine article.

In July they will perform in Canada:

JUL 7 FRI George's Brook Milton Community Cultural House @ 8:00pm Tilton Head, NL, Canada

JUL 9 SUN Newfoundland & Labrador Folk Festival 2023 @ 7:00pm St. John's, NL, Canada

JUL 14 FRI Harrison Festival of the arts 2023 @ 7:00pm Harrison Hot Springs, BC, Canada

JUL 16 SUN Vancouver Folk Music Festival 2023 @ 7:00pm Vancouver, BC, Canada

JUL 21 FRI Stan Rogers Folk Festival 2023 @ 7:00pm Canso, NS, Canada

AUG 10 THU Folk 'n' Country Festival with Rum Ragged @ 8:00pm Corner Brook, NL, Canada


Accordion Jazz Chord

Die Edlseer mit einem vollen Terminkalender im Juli - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Die Edlseer
Seit 25 Jahren begeistern die Edlseer ihr Publikum und blicken auf große Erfolge zurück:

ausgezeichnet mit 18x Gold und 1x Platin
4-fach Grand Prix Sieger in Österreich
Gewinner der ORF-Hitparade und Superhitparade
Gewinner des „Goldenen Mikrophon“
Gewinner „Erzherzog Johann Award“
Gewinner „Herbert Roth Preis“
Mehrmalige Nominierung „Amadeus Award“
Rekordversuch mit dem Erfolgstitel „Aber dann im Garten Eden“ beim Bauernbundball (2014)
Jubiläumskonzert 20 Jahre Edlseer und Platz 4 der Album-Charts für die CD Jubiläumsgold (2013)
5 Jahre EDLSEER HOAMAT Wanderweg in Birkfeld (2016)
25 Jahre DIE EDLSEER (2018)

Samstag, 1. Juli 202321:00 JUBILÄUM ERNST AMMERLING A-8383 Bad Blumau
Sonntag, 2. Juli 202314:00 3 LÄNDERECKEVENT A-4163 Klaffer am Hochficht 6
Donnerstag, 6. Juli 202320:00 25 JAHRE RADIO GRÜN-WEIS A-8600 Bruck an der Mur
Samstag, 8. Juli 202320:00 GESCHLOSSENE VERANSTALTUNG A-2475 Neudorf - Fabriksstraße 2
Sonntag, 9. Juli 202313:00 70 JAHRE JUGEND NEUSIEDL B. GÜSSING A-7543 Neusiedl b. Güssing
Montag, 10. Juli 202319:00 WEINFEST KOTTINGBRUNN A-2542 Kottingbrunn
Donnerstag, 13. Juli 202319:00 WEINFEST TRAISKIRCHEN A-2514 Traisirchen
Freitag, 14. Juli 202321:00 FEUERWEHRFEST SCHWARZENAU A-3900 Schwarzenau
Samstag, 15. Juli 202321:00 WALDFEST FF MARKT ALLHAU A-7411 Markt Allhau - Festgelände
Sonntag, 16. Juli 202311:00 WALDFEST ST. ÄGYD A-3193 St. Ägyd
Freitag, 21. Juli 202321:00 ZELTNÄCHTE PABNEUKIRCHEN A-4363 Pabneukirchen
Samstag, 22. Juli 202321:30 PAUXBERGER ZELTFEST A-3324 Euratsfeld - Pauxberg
Freitag, 28. Juli 202319:00 40 JAHRE BIRKFELDER KIRTAG A-8190 Birkfeld - Hauptplatz
Samstag, 29. Juli 202318:00 SOMMERFEST FROHNLEITEN A-8130 Frohnleiten - Rintpark
Sonntag, 30. Juli 202313:00 FRÜHSCHOPPEN FF ETTENDORF BEI STAINZ A-8510 Stainz - Ettendorf 38
Montag, 31. Juli 202319:00 JAKOBITAGE GUNTRAMSDORF A-2353 Guntramsdorf - Innenstadt

Mehr auf: https://www.edlseer.at/

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Alessandro D'Alessandro in Lug/Ago - Italia

by Diatonic News
Alessandro D'AlessandroLUGLIO/JULY
1 POLJA (Serbia), @poljafestival | SOLO
2 S.DANIELE DEL FRIULI (Udine), @folkest_ | SOLO
4 LIDO DI CAMAIORE (Lucca), @cubounipol live '23 | SOLO ft. @roypaci
11 FIRENZE, @musart_festival | "Flaco" Biondini/D'Alessandro duo
13 BASSANO DEL GRAPPA (Vicenza), @operaestate Festival | #invinoveritas @vinicio_marchioni
18 COGNE (Aosta), Musicogne | SOLO
19 RUOTI (Potenza) | SOLO
20/21 RUOTI (Potenza) | Masterclass
27 ROMA, @villa.ada.festival | 'Nella notte ci guidano le stelle'
28 TARQUINIA (Viterbo), @paesaggidellarte | D'Alessandro - @paoloangeliofficial
29 COLLELONGO (L'Aquila), Festival delle Culture Popolari | SOLO ft. Antonella Costanzo
6 (h 12.30) CAMPO DI GIOVE (L'Aquila), rifugio Loc. Gaudo di Coccia, @muntagninjazz | SOLO + Mario Mazzenga
21 CASSINO (Frosinone), @arenahistoriale | Orchestra Bottoni ft. Roy Paci
25 MONTECHIARUGIOLO (Parma), @musicaincastello | W LA FUGA @bandaosiris Marco Pastonesi Massimo Cirri
23 PIACENZA, @appenninofestival | SOLO


DUO Cedric Watson & Jourdan Thibodeaux - USA/CN

by Diatonic News
Cedric Watson & Jourdan ThibodeauxJuly 14/15th 2023 at the Vancouver Festival

As a duo, Cedric Watson and Jourdan Thibodeaux are a compendium, second to none, of the living tradition of Louisiana. Eh la bas!

Watson is a man with a vision "to present the Creole Nation of Louisiana to the Creole Nations in other parts of the world, to make these Creole cultures aware of the one in Louisiana, and vice versa.” A decade later, with four Grammy nominations and hundreds of shows under his belt, Texas born Watson is still on his mission and still celebrating and performing the music of Louisiana.

Tickets: https://thefestival.bc.ca/tickets-2023/

Charnwood Music Publishing

Band HIRSCHGEWEIH spielen im Juli 2023 - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Gute Musik, Spaß und Weißbier steht bei Hirschgweih immer an erster Stelle. Von Oberkrainer über Austro-Pop, vorbei an den 80’s und 90’s, bis hin zu den heutigen Charts reicht das Repertoire der Band – es ist für jeden was dabei!

07.07.23 - Die Band Hirschgweih setzt den musikalischen Startschuss für das heurige Waldfest in Lamprechshausen.
Veranstaltungsort: Waldfestgelände (nähe Sportplatz) und findet bei jeder Witterung statt!

15.07.23 - Lederhosenparty LJ Berndorf
Datum : von 15.07.2023 bis 16.07.2023
Ort : Sportplatz Berndorf bei SalzburgLandjugend Zell am Moos - Tiefgraben feiert ihr 50 jähriges Gründungsfest ganz groß!😆
und mit dabei ist auch die Gruppe Hirschgweih

21.07.2023 50 jähriges Gründungsfest Lj Zell am Moos

23.07.23 Frühschoppen Posch'n Hütte in Lämmerbach 17, Hintersee, Austria
+43 664 916634 https://genneralm.at/de/

Mehr über die Band Hirschgeweih und ihre Termine: https://www.hirschgweih.at/

Voci Armoniche

Arbadétorne prochain GIG - FR/IT

by Diatonic News
01/07/23 ARBADÉTORNE Montréverd – St Sulpice le Verdon / Arbadétorne 4tet – concert « Là j’ai rêvé » Heure : 20:00 Lieu : Logis de La Chabotterie.

07/07/23 - 08/07/23 ARBADÉTORNE Vialfrè (Italie) Gran Bal Trad Vialfrè

14/07/23 ARBADÉTORNE Barbâtre (85) « Là j’ai rêvé » – et partie de bal à suivre Heure : 19:00

16/07/23 ARBADÉTORNE Lourouer-Saint-Laurent (36) Bal Arbadétorne 4TET dans le cadre du festival « Le Son Continu » Heure : 21:00 Lieu : Château d’Ars.

22/07/23 - 23/07/23 ARBADÉTORNE Gennetines (03)
Arbadétorne 4TET – stages dane, instruments, bals dans le cadre du festival « Le Grand Bal de l’Europe »



Footdown performing at Folk Ale - UK

by Diatonic News
Footdown Alt-folk band featuring melodeon, whistles, guitar, drums, bass and vocals. Traditional folk music with the influence of modern grunge/rock.

For exact timing between 13-16th July 2023 in Sevenoaks/Kent view:

Renato Borghetti - Austria/Italia

by Diatonic News
Renate Borghetti / Cultureworks
The worldwide known brazilian artist Renato Borghetti will be likeal most every year touring in Europe.

In July he will perform in Austria and Italy:
20/07/23 Murszene Graz Austria
21/07/23 Porgy&Bess Vienna Austria
22/07/23 Festival Inntöne Diersbach Austria
23/07/23 Nationalparkzentrum Molln Austria
25/07/23 Val Tidone Festival Ziano Piacentino (PC) Italy
26/07/23 Postounico Lonigo (VI) Italy
27/07/23 Festival Spaesaggi Grizzana Morandi (BO) Italy
28/07/23 Treibhaus Innsbruck Austria
29/07/23 Tanzlust Freistadt Austria

If you would like to make some reservations view:

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Duo Bucsan Gielen in August 2023 - FR/BE

by Diatonic News
Duo Bucsan GielenFlanders and Wallonia unite in this duo. Lode Bucsan on hurdy-gurdy and Simon Gielen on diatonic accordion bring steamy danceable neo-trad music.

In 2016 Lode Bucsan and Simon Gielen were asked to play a balfolk in Gooik (BE). With little preparation they started playing their first gig, but afterwards the reactions were wildly positive that they decided to continue together.
Their repertoire usually consists of danceable neo-trad classics and lesser-known compositions, as well as some of their own compositions. The songs are arranged straight forward without much fuss. The interplay and energy between these two musicians is very intense and results in a very energetic performance.

In August they willl perform @ Le Grand Bal de l’Europe – Gennetines 2023



by Diatonic News
Un Evento di Sant'Elpidio Jazz festival
"Jazz to Children - Musica per tutti da 0 a 100"
Piazza Matteotti Sant'elpidio A Mare

Il 𝗦𝗮𝗻𝘁’𝗘𝗹𝗽𝗶𝗱𝗶𝗼 𝗝𝗮𝘇𝘇 𝗙𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗹, è proposto da Comune di Sant’Elpidio a Mare e Associazione Syntonia Jazz con l’AMAT, con il contributo di MiC e Regione Marche, ArtBonus e il sostegno della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Fermo

𝗕𝗶𝗴𝗹𝗶𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗶: su vivaticket.com e nelle biglietterie del circuito AMAT/Vivaticket
Link : https://www.vivaticket.com/.../jazz-to-children.../210482
alla biglietteria del Teatro Cicconi in Corso Baccio, tel. 347/6467171, aperta dal giovedì al sabato dalle ore 18 alle ore 20 e il giorno di spettacolo dalle ore 18.

Titano Accordions

Herbert Pixner Projekt Tour 2023 - Europa

by Diatonic News
Herbert Pixner Project tour 23
Also for the Herbert Pixner Projekt and all musicians a fully concert schedule over the next months.

Here you can find all the Details you would like to know, bookd tickets, buy music (CD and music Sheets): www.herbert-pixner.com
Herbert Pixner Projekt


ZPUR Open Air in Zell Am Ziller, Tirolo - Austria

by Diatonic News
ZPUR - Die Zillertaler Musikanten veranstalten am Samstag, 22.07.2023 gemeinsam mit Maria und Roland vom @zillertalwein🍷ein kleines aber feines „OPEN AIR im Weingarten“ und dazu sind alle ♥️-lichst einladen! Ein sommerliches OPEN AIR Wetter bei MUSIK, WEIN und regionalen SCHMANKERLN beim @gielerhof in Zell am Ziller

Voci Armoniche

Beat Bouet Trio en Julliet - France

by Diatonic News
Beat Bouet TrioThree garciers for a sound on the borderline between Breton dance music and hip-hop.

In the 2000s, they grew up (but not too much) and quite naturally, the three became musicians. They sing songs they learned with their grandpas, but with a hip-hop or raggamuffin background. B-Key is on accordion, T Burt on human beat box and Faya Gur on vocals, leading a quirky, intergenerational hip-hop dance.

They will perform:

14 JUILLET : Fest-Noz Populaire, TREGUIER (BZH-22)
15 JUILLET : Festival de l'Etimbulle, PRÉ-EN-PAILLE (MAINE-53)
20 JUILLET : Festival de Cornouailles, QUIMPER (BZH-29)
22 JUILLET : Bal au Grand Staobin, SAINT-AUBIN-DU-CORMIER (BZH-35)
24-25 JUILLET: Grand Bal de l'Europe, GENNETINES (BOURBONNAIS-03)


China Tour with Fabio Furia & Marco Fiorini - IT/China

by Diatonic News
see poster for details

Kalàscima featuring Andrea Ramolo - Italy & ON

by Diatonic News
Kalàscima featuring Andrea Ramolo - Italy & ON
July 16th 2023 in Jericho Beach Park

Kalàscima is a sextet of old friends from Puglia in southern Italy. Using the metaphor of the boot, Puglia is the heel. The region is famous for the tarantella and pizzica - both dances inspired by the bite of a wolf spider –both with origins in Salento, where the band is from.

Using a buffet of traditional and contemporary instruments, Kalàscima purveys a range of traditionally-based music with a futuristic twist, much of it used for dances. They have recorded and toured for well over a decade, blazing new trails for an old tradition.

Andrea Romolo is a Toronto artist of Italian heritage who is both a singer-songwriter and interpreter of North American and Italian compositions. She has an enormous breadth of musical vision.

Individually, both the band and Andrea have won growing audiences at home and abroad. Together they are the beginning of a beautiful friendship, as the phrase goes. This is a double debut of two great artists and a new style of music for Vancouver audiences.

Tickets: https://thefestival.bc.ca/tickets-2023/

Accordion Jazz Chords

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD "Gira la ruota" Andrea Capezzuoli e Compania - ITALIA

by Diatonic News
CD La nuova produzione musicale di Andrea Capezzuoli si chiama
"Gira la ruota" e sarà in uscita:
Uscita: settembre 2023

Gira la ruota – Ballate e canzoni dalla Lombardia e dal Piemonte
Un nuovo concerto incentrato sulla storia della ballata epico-narrativa proveniente dal nord ovest Italiano (Lombardia, Piemonte, Canton Ticino).
La Storia e le storie dei nostri avi, raccontate attraverso canti e canzoni che si perdono nella notte dei tempi.
La ballata popolare, infatti, non proviene da un’epoca precisa; dato che la sua trasmissione era in forma orale (da cantore a cantore), ogni brano presentato può avere duecento anni, come mille.

Canzoni provenienti da epoche dove non esistevano mass-media ed ogni fatto, ogni episodio di cronaca, meraviglioso o tragico, veniva raccontato attraverso la musica e in questo modo faceva il “giro del mondo” venendo rielaborato, arricchito, enfatizzato, trasformandosi ad ogni passaggio, diventando favola, aneddoto, mito.

Un concerto quindi composto da ballate, canti d’amore, canzoni satiriche, canti rituali rielaborati secondo la consueta carica ed energia dei suoi integranti.


Titano Accordions


by Diatonic News
New CD Bargainatt (De gauche à droite)
Camille STIMBRE, Violon
Youmi BAZOGE, Violon et Chant
Noé BAZOGE, Violoncelle
Léon OLLIVIER, Accordéon Diatonique

3ème ALBUM " If " 2023

En Juliet:
29/07/2023 GROS-CHASTANG (19)
24/07/2023 GENNETINES (03) Le Grand Bal de l'Europe
23/07/2023 GENNETINES (03) Le Grand Bal de l'Europe

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