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Diatonic News in original language! Use online translation systems!by Diatonic News |
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Neuer Harmonika-Store in Judenburg - Austriaby Diatonic News |
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Seit Dienstag, 17. Juni 2014 wird Judenburg durch den Müller Murtal Store bei UD Tischkultur in der Wickenburgerstrasse 5, bereichert. Bei der feierlichen Eröffnung kamen viele Gratulanten aus Politik und Wirtschaft um der Familie viel Erfolg und Glück zu wünschen und sich die neuesten Instrumente aus der Murtal Kollektion (das sind die 3 Modelle bei den Bildern Werkberg, Murtal, Spielberg) anzusehen und bei Brötchen und einem guten Glas Wein mit der Familie Müller zu plaudern. Reaza-Mix mit Hermann Schlacher, Ewald Wilding und Wolfgang Messner- drei Vollblutmusiker aus der Region, waren für die musikalische Umrahmung der Feierlichkeit verantwortlich und Herr Schlacher zeigte dabei sehr eindrucksvoll was man aus einer Harmonika rausholen kann... Fotos von der Shop-Eröffnung Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Fr 09-12 Uhr und 15-18 Uhr |
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Video: Austrian Formula 1 GP, Steirische Harmonika Performing - Austriaby Harley Jones |
![]() Not only a new event coming back after 11 years of absence, not only Austrian traditional clothes worn by the Formula 1 staff, not only a big folk music star like Andreas Gabalier, not only some queries about the wording of the Austrian National Anthem - All these accompanied the Austrian Formula 1 Grand Prix last week, but also prominently there, was music of the traditional diatonic accordion - the Steirische Harmonika. |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
"Diatonic Accordion” at the 39th PIF Castelfidardo – Italyby Diatonic News |
![]() There are categories for diatonic accordions too. Catergory N is open to diatonic accordions with minimum 21 bottons in the right keyboard (2 files of bottons) and 8 basses in the left keyboard. Category O is open also to diatonic accordions (of every kind) or to bandoneon or to digital accordions. Download the rules and entry information. Download includes rules in English and then Italian and lastly the entry form: 2014castelfidardo Entries must not arrive later than 24th August 2014. |
Gooikoorts Traditional Folk Music Festival - Belgiumby Diatonic News |
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Gooikoorts is an international festival for traditional folk music which each year brings about a confrontation between traditional and contemporary folk music. The organisation not only takes care of a strong setlist, but also strives for good ambience and a homely feeling for the whole family. The festival takes the folk music lovers on a journey full of new experiences. Visitors can enjoy music from newly discovered talents and settled bands from all over Europe and beyond. Gooikoorts wants to attract visitors who can enjoy amazing concerts and unique dance evenings, but it is also a festival for families. The relaxed musical surroundings are an ideal place to meet old friends and to make new ones. The international luthier market is a sanctuary for every folk musician and the children can have the time of their life in an outstanding children area. During the festival several short workshops are organized. These workshops are given by some performing artists of the festival, and by experienced tutors. You can sign up during the festival at the info stand. For the entire program view: http://www.gooikoorts.be/programma/?lang=en |
Vancouver Folk Music Festival 2014 - CANADAby Diatonic News |
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From Joan Baez and Andrew Bird to Ozomatli and Frank Yamma, from Alberta to Zimbabwe, the 37th Annual Vancouver Folk Music Festival brings a world of music to one of the world's most beautiful festival settings - right in your own back yard. Join us for two days and three nights, and over 60 acts, for the best weekend of your summer. This year guest from Italy is the world wide toured Group Riccardo Tesi and Banditalia If yo want to have further information on how, whee, when - pls consult: http://thefestival.bc.ca/years/2014/ |
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Lowell Folk Festival 2014 - USAby Diatonic News |
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Friday July 25th - Sunday July 27th, 2014 The 28th Annual Lowell Folk Festival features five stages of traditional music, authentic crafts demonstrations, ethnic foods, art and children's activities. Performing also - Worldwide know Pine Leave Boys The Lowell Folk Festival 67 Kirk Street Lowell, MA 01852 Info: 978-970-5000 http://www.lowellfolkfestival.org |
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Harmonika Schnupper- Lern- und Spieltage - Austriaby Diatonic News |
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17.-23. August 2014 in Thal bei Graz Auch dieses Jahr finden die Harmonika- Schnupper-Lern- und Spieltag statt. Sie werden in der Landwirtschaftlichen Fachschule Grottenhof-Hardt untergebracht sein. Der Sinn des “Seminars“ soll sein, eine Woche mit Volksmusik zu verbringen und mit der Kultur der Weststeiermark vertraut zu werden. Nicht nur der Anfänger, sondern auch der Könner kann sich von einem ausgebildeten Fachpersonal unterrichten lassen, Gedanken austauschen und neue Bekanntschaften mit Gleichgesinnten knüpfen, sowie Erholung in der schönen Steiermark erleben. Ein durch die Jahre entwickelter Aspekt dieser Volksmusikwoche ist auch der, dass die Teilnehmer aus dem gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum kommen und ihre Kultur mitbringen. Wir wünschen uns auch dieses Jahr eine gelungene Veranstaltung und würden uns freuen, Sie auf dieser begrüßen zu dürfen! INFOS UNTER: 04350 / 2456 Aus dem Ausland: +434350 / 2456 email: office@harmonika.at www.harmonika.at |
Mundharmonika for everybody/Burg Fürsteneck - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
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![]() 25. Juli 2014 18.30 Uhr bis 27. Juli 2014 13.00 Uhr Kursleiter: Dale King Die Mundharmonika ist ein relativ preiswertes Instrument, in der Hosentasche zu transportieren und leicht zu erlernen. Wer vielleicht nie die Möglichkeit hatte, ein Instrument zu erlernen, wer keine Notenkenntnisse mitbringt, wer Blues, Country, Rock‘n‘ Roll oder Volkslieder nicht nur von der Platte, CD oder Kassette abspielen lassen, sondern sie selbst auf der Mundharmonika interpretieren will und wer die verschiedenen Techniken erlernen möchte - der ist in diesem Kurs richtig! Das Repertoire im Kurs wird vor allem aus deutschen und amerikanischen „Volksliedern“ und Blues bestehen. Kursteilnehmende können bei Bedarf eine geeignete Mundharmonika (in C-Dur) sowie das Begleitmaterial vom Kursleiter erwerben. Information:http://www.burg-fuersteneck.de/kultur/kurs_4543.htm |
Les Nuits Salines 2014 - Franceby Diatonic News |
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![]() ![]() Le festival « Les Nuits Salines » de Batz sur Mer, c'est, avant tout, des instants de grande convivialité qui permettent aux résidents du pays des paludiers et aux personnes, de passage dans la commune ou dans la région, de se rencontrer, de partager leurs cultures et de faire, ensemble, la fête !… Les Nuits Salines, ce sont trois jours et trois nuits de festival autour du sel, l’or blanc de notre presqu’île. Pendant la durée des « Nuits », un "village" est installé sur la place du Mûrier, où chacun peut venir se restaurer de crêpes, grillades, moules-frites ou sandwiches, accompagnés de cidre, de bière blanche, blonde ou brune, ou simplement d'un soda, tout en écoutant la musique des groupes qui se produisent sur la scène du Village. http://www.lesnuitssalines.com/ |
9e Enkhuizer trekzakfestival - Hollandby Diatonic News |
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http://www.harmonicahoek.nl/archief/2014/2014_07_27/ |
Beaches Accordion Festival, Newfoundland – Canadaby Rob Howard |
![]() The daily itinery includes: Saturday July 12th - Accordion Greats Wednesday July 16th - Dine and Dance at the S.U.F. Thursday July 17th - Future of the Accordion Friday July 18th - Best of Bonavista Bay Saturday July 19th, 2pm - Salvage Stages, Accordion players in different Fishing Stages; Best of Newfoundland (8 pm) Sunday July 20th, 2pm - The Gospel Accordion Too July 14th to July 16th - a series of workshops on step dancing, square dancing and accordion skills will be held over 3 days. More details will be available later. For further information email: ephs@nf.aibn.com |
New Book: ‘Tresors De Lames’, Montreuil - Franceby Rob Howard |
![]() This carefully crafted book will be enhanced by a rich content of documents and archives. It will be punctuated by a variety of texts and quotations from art world personalities, describing their views about these instruments. The text is in French. The book will be prefaced by Pierre Étaix, long-time lover of the accordion. For this project, Laurent Jarry has worked with photographer Olivier Eumont for the illustrations, and with graphic designer Cendrine Bonami-Redler. For the past 30 years, Laurent Jarry has worked as a maker and restorer of accordions and bandoneons. Publication will be in December 2014 For further information email: contact@laboitedaccordeon.fr |
Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival, Ikaalinen – Finlandby Diatonic News |
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The Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival, incorporating the Primus Ikaalinen 2014 competition, takes place from July 1st to 6th. The Primus Ikaalinen has three main sections: The Golden Accordion (senior), The Silver Accordion (junior), and The Finnish Accordion Folk Musician Championships for Chromatic and Diatonic Accordions. The idyllic centre of Old Town Ikaalinen is the centre of the large scale Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival, and music is in the air in the Festival Park and in the concert venues for a week. Both amateurs and world class musicians perform at Ikaalinen – providing the festival audience with an astonishing variety of musical styles. For further information email: toimisto@satahamesoi.fi |
Video: Gerald Ranacher performs “Unsquare Dance" Dave Brubeckby Harley Jones |
The Müller website has many videos. This is Gerald Ranacher performing “Unsquare Dance" Dave Brubeck, released 16 April 2014. |
Seminar - Superleicht zum Knöpferlmeister - Österreichby Diatonic News |
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13. bis 19. Juli 2014 Multidimensionales Harmonika-Seminar für Einsteiger/Wiedereinsteiger und Fortgeschrittene! Seminarleiter: Peter Thurner (ausgebildeter Musikschullehrer, Knöpferl-Autor, Komponist) Martin Hechenblaikner (ausgebildeter Musikschullehrer, Musiker) Daniel Menneweger ( Goldene Leistungszeichen für Steirische Harmonika) Programm und Leistungen: 6 Übernachtungen, Halbpension, im EZ oder DZ (mit Dusche oder Bad/WC, TV, Telefon, teilw. Balkon) 5 Einheiten a 50 min - je nach Wunsch Einzel- oder Gruppenunterricht (max. 2 Personen) Leicht verständlicher und zeitgemäßer Unterricht - auf den Spieler abgestimmt! 5 Einheiten a 50 min täglicher gemeinsamer musikalischer Austausch 3 Workshops zu verschiedene Themen (z. B. Begleiten, Singen und Spielen,…) zusätzlich tägliche Übungsbegleitung Gemütliches Beisammensein und Musizieren Abschlussabend Anmdeldungen sind online unter folgender Adresse möglich: http://www.knoepferl.at/home/index.php/seminare-2014/seminar-anmeldung |
13 th Tango Festival - New Zealandby Diatonic News |
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… The 12th Annual New Zealand Tango Festival, Wellington, 1 - 9 July 2014 Three days and four nights of world-class workshops, shows and milongas, plus tango immersion courses before and after the festival. Take part in a wonderful programme filled with international masters, performances, special guests, and a few surprises packed into every moment of the eight day programme. The festival week starts with intensive courses run by our international masters, held in the heart of the city, within walking distance from the festival hotel, with milongas every night, and the cafe district of Wellington right outside your door. If you want further information view: http://www.nztangofestival.co.nz |
40th Polka Fireworks - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() Lenny Gomulka & Chicago Push • John Gora & Gorale • Dennis Polisky and the Maestro’s Men • The Boys • The Knewz • Jeff Mleczko’s DynaBrass • The Buffalo Concertina All-Stars • Tony Blazonczyk’s New Phaze • The Nu-Tones • Ray Jay & The Carousels • Andy Fenus & The Trel-Tones • Henny & The Versa J’s • Mike Charney’s CrabTown Sound • The Mon Valley Push • DJ Kenny Olowin • Polka Mass celebrated on Sunday morning featuring Henny & The Versa J’s • Big Dan's Polka Pool Party Extravaganza • Steve Litwin's Concertina Jam More on http://polkafireworks.com/ |
Video: Brendan Power, Harmonica Player, Surrey – UKby Harley Jones |
![]() An All-Ireland Champion, and previously with the touring ‘Riverdance’ show, and an innovator and improviser of the first order, Brendan Power won this year’s (with melodeon player Tim Edey) BBC Radio 2 Folk Award for 'Best Duo'. If you think a bloke playing a harmonica couldn't possibly hold an audience for an evening then think again, for with the aid of a variety of gizmos, beat-boxing and live looping he creates his own Folk orchestra and backing vocals as he goes, performing soaring tunes and songs over the top. He also designs and makes harmonicas, often in tunings to allow him to play what he likes! Sting, Kate Bush, Van Morrison, James Galway, Paul Young, John Williams, Mary Black - he's played with them all and many more. Below is a list of his upcoming performances. |
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The Music School Villa Marinšek and the Tourist Association Postojna Postojna Cave organize the Accordion Competition CUP Postojna Cave taking place in the caves on Sunday, July 6, beginning at 10 am on the main stage. Contestants must present 1 piece played with the diatonic, chromatic or piano accordion. Categories are devided in: - Up to 11 years - 12 to 18 years - Over 18 years. Applications for the contest are possible at the following address: vili.marinsek @ gmail.com (mandatory contents of the application: name, surname, address, date and year of birth, and song title) or one hour before the start of the competition at the venue. In the case of a larger number of competitors will be considered only preliminary notification by e-mail. There is no application! An expert jury will evaluate the performance, complexity, dynamics and technical implementation of the tracks. After the competition will be declared the winner and awarded the following prizes: - Trophy for the best in each of the three categories - Trophy for best folk musicians and. People execution (will not be evaluated technical realization) - The most prestigious award "trophy Postojna Cave" for the overall winner, - Prizes for the youngest and oldest competitor. Glasbena šola Vili Marinšek, Turistično društvo Postojna in Postojnska jama d. d vabijo na TEKMOVANJE HARMONIKARJEV ZA POKAL POSTOJNSKE JAME, ki bo potekalo v sklopu “Furmanskega praznika” pri Postojnski jami v nedeljo, 6. julija, z začetkom ob 10. uri na osrednjem prizorišču. Tekmovalci se predstavijo z eno skladbo. Igrajo lahko z diatonično, klavirsko ali kromatično harmoniko. Vsi prijavljeni tekmovalci bodo razdeljeni v več starostnih kategorij in sicer: - do 11 let, - od 12 do 18 let, - nad 18 let. Prijave na tekmovanje so možne na naslovu: vili.marinsek@gmail.com (obvezna vsebina prijave: ime, priimek, naslov, datum in letnica rojstva ter naslov skladbe) ali eno uro pred pričetkom tekmovanja na prireditvenem prostoru. V primeru večjega števila prijavljenih tekmovalcev se bo upoštevalo samo predhodne prijave po e-mailu. Prijavnine ni! Strokovna žirija bo ocenjevala nastop, zahtevnost, dinamiko in tehnično izvedbo skladbe. Po končanem tekmovanju bo razglasila zmagovalce in podelila naslednje nagrade: - pokal za najboljšega v vsaki izmed treh kategorij, - pokal za najboljšega ljudskega godca oz. ljudsko izvedbo (ne bo ocenjevana tehnična izvedba), - najprestižnejšo nagrado “pokal Postojnske jame” za absolutnega zmagovalca, - praktične nagrade za najmlajšega in najstarejšega tekmovalca. Vsakemu tekmovalcu organizator Furmanskega praznika nudi malico in pijačo. Informacije: Vili Marinšek Kosovelova 11 6230 Postojna GSM: 041 824 687 e-mail: vili.marinsek@gmail.com |
![]() Le Kleebach, F-68140 Munster An unforgettable musical holiday in Alsace In addition to workshop participants, the concert attracts an enthusiastic local audience, so students have the opportunity to perform in public. Students are encouraged to form groups and work out songs to perform, and the organizing team of instructors spend a lot of time in the evenings offering band coaching, tips and practical hints for the performance. REGISTRATIONS AND COORDINATION: Sunnyside Productions Attn. Robert Koch 37, rue Wineck F-68.320 - KATZENTHAL (France) Mobile: (+33) (0)651 545 525 Landline: (+33) (0)953 396 103 E-Mail: rok68@free.fr http://www.european-music-workshops.com/2/en/0/a/0/at_domains_index.html |
John Bonica: So You Have Low Back Pain ...... What Can You Do?by Harley Jones |
![]() ![]() Low Back Pain is a problem that over 80% of accordionists will experience in their lifetime. This exciting eBook is being published chapter by chapter, with about one chapter being released each month. Released chapters to date are: Introduction Chapter 1 - An Overview Chapter 2 - Learning to Read Your Body’s Signals Chapter 3 - Neck and Neck-Related Symptoms Chapter 4 - The Shoulder Chapter 5 - The Amazing Brain and What It Does For You Chapter 6 - The Elbow Chapter 7 - The Great Accordion Myth Uncovered Chapter 8 - The Elbow Revisited Chapter 9 - Wrist and Fingers Chapter 10 - Caring for our Ten Precious Digits Chapter 11 - Low Back Pain Chapter 12 - So You Have Low Back Pain ...... What Can You Do? There will be a minimum of 24 chapters, 12 chapters released so far. Special introductory offer, you can purchase the whole book for US$22 (or Euro equivalent) and be sent each chapter by e-mail as it is released. For more information, and to purchase: John Bonica |
18th Edizione del Campionato Italiano di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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The association "Il Mondo dell'Organetto" with assistance from the city of Montesano S/M and AMISAD (the l'Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici) of Maiolati Spontini (AN), are organising the 18th edition of the Italian Championships and Festival for melodeon and accordion diatonic instruments. The event takes place in Montesano S / M, Salerno, Italy from 31st July to 3rd August 2014. Attached are the rules and regulations and entry forms at: 2014Campionato Italiano L’Associazione "Il Mondo dell'Organetto" di Montesano S/M (SA), con il patrocinio del Comune di Montesano S/M e della Provincia di Salerno, in collaborazione con l'Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici (AMISAD) di Maiolati Spontini (AN), indice ed organizza dal 31/7 al 3/8/2014 la 18° Edizione del Campionato Italiano di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica, a premi. In allegato sono le regole e regolamenti e moduli di iscrizione a: 2014Campionato |
27th Annual Mission Folk Music Festival - Canadaby Diatonic News |
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The festival continues in its quest to present the best, the rarest, the unheard of that should be heard and to nurture local artists while reaching around the globe to bring in the world's great music. Check out the artists, get your ticket, and come join at the scenic Fraser River Heritage Park. Gala Concert on July 24 at the Clarke Foundation Theatre in Mission. It’s a great way to launch a great weekend. For information upon artits and events: http://www.missionfolkmusicfestival.ca/ |
Future events / Concerts |
Gregtime!Utopia with Greg Zlap - France/Spainby Diatonic News |
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ROSES 2014 - 10th year of this event in Roses (Costa Brava) - Harmonica tuition for beginners and advanced players from Greg Zlap. Born in 1971 in Warsaw, Greg Zlap arrived in Paris in the late 80s, a little harmonica in his pocket. In search of new sounds, he perfected his art as an autodidact, and quickly became a sought after studio musician. You find Greg’s harmonica in French Chanson, in the Slam movement, or on film soundtracks. Untiring ambassador of his instrument, Greg Zlap created in 1998 a harmonica school in Paris. Then, convinced that music can do much more than nourish the soul, he launched harmonica workshops for asthmatic children in hospitals. Greg has a parallel solo career; he writes, composes and performs the music that inspires him, taking roots in the blues, never forgetting his Slavic soul. He has formed his group as a leader and already produced 5 albums under his name. Singer with a captivating clear tone, Greg Zlap surprises, seduces and conquers audiences wherever he goes! In 2009, French mega-star Johnny Hallyday chose Greg to accompany him on “Tour 66”. He will be: 01/07 Gregtime! - Utopia 79 rue de l'ouest 75014 Paris with Joan Pau Cumellas, Stage Harmonica Roses - Roses, Spain His website: http://www.gregzlap.com |
TIDAL WAVE - July schedule - Canadaby Harley Jones |
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TIDAL WAVE is a unique traditional music ensemble on the Quebecois folk music scene. Composed of accomplished musicians, recognized by their peers as top musicians, the ensemble has evolved since 2004 primarily as a dance band, infusing them with the original essence of traditional instrumental music: to make people dance. RAZ-DE-MARÉE est un ensemble de musique traditionnelle unique dans les eaux de la culture québécoise. Composé de musiciens accomplis, reconnus par leurs pairs comme étant des musiciens de haut niveau, l’ensemble a évolué depuis 2003 principalement sur les scènes des veillées, faisant perdurer la raison d’être de l’instrument traditionnel, celui de faire danser les gens. In July/En Juliet: 6 / Contradance in the Bay area www.bacds.org 19 / Contradance, Lenox, MA www.lenoxcontradance.org 20-26 / Ashokan Northern Week, Catskills, NY www.ashokan.org 26 /Tophill Contradance Party at the Greenfield Guiding Star Grange for any contact: http://www.tidalwavemusic.com/contact.html |
Ken and Mary @ Polka Festival, Ohio – USAby Rob Howard |
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The `Ken and Mary Turbo Accordions Express` band perform on July 3rd, 6pm, at this year’s polka festival at `Germania’ (German Village), 543 South Front Street, Columbus, Ohio. Ken has over 40 years of music experience, playing the diatonic button accordion and also the tenor banjo, guitar, mandolin, and mandola. He was even bestowed the title “Baron of the Banjo” by Frankie Yankovic. Ken had his own rag/jazz band for many years, playing in and around Ohio as well as performing in the German Pavillon at Disney’s Epcot Center and at the Altstadt Fest in Goslar/Harz, Germany. Mary’s music career has spanned over 30 years, playing both the organ and the piano accordion. She has performed at numerous festivals, banquets, and for parties. For further information email: kenandmarymusik@yahoo.com |
CT Tango Ensemble ‘Tango Night’, Gauteng – South Africaby Rob Howard |
![]() For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za |
Harmonika-Treffen in Bad St. Leonhard - Österreichby MuellerHarmonika |
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![]() Am Sonntag findet das Harmonika-Treffen am Hauptplatz statt, wobei dieses von einer professionellen Moderatorin begleitet wird. |
MARIEL MARTÍNEZ con La Porteña Tango Trío en Zürich - Switzerlandby Harley Jones |
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CAFETÍN DE BUENOS AIRES Alfred Escherstrasse 23 8002 Zürich, Switzerland Información y reservas +41 78 785 0460 PERFUME DE TANGO, Un espectáculo, que ya hemos presentado en infinidad de ciudades de España, Rusia, Portugal, Francia, Italia, Marruecos, Slovenia, Ucrania y Bielorrusia. De atmósfera intimista, cargado de esa nostalgia tanguera que imponen los inmensos poetas de esta música tan nuestra que amamos y tratamos de pasear con todo nuestro amor y respeto por el mundo, siendo sinceros y evitando todo tipo de clichés y repertorios de espectáculos "for export" Una Producción de Litto Nebbia para Discos Melopea MARIEL MARTÍNEZ lanzando en 2013 su cuarto disco "Esos otros Tangos" y acompañada por “La Porteña Tango Trío”, con su voz profunda y su gran capacidad interpretativa entra en comunión con la exclusiva guitarra de Alejandro Picciano, compañero habitual en su carrera discográfica y director del sólido grupo que la secunda junto a Matías Picciano en bandoneón y Federico Peuvrel en piano. Juntos nos proponen con mucha elegancia y un toque de picardía una sonoridad como la de los viejos conjuntos típicos de antaño de garra bien criolla y sentimental. "Perfume de Tango" sin caer en clichés ni repeticiones, nos invita a un recorrido por las diferentes épocas y estilos del tango como un viaje en el tiempo, desde el tango más arrabalero al del último genio que conoció el género, Astor Piazzolla y los nuevos compositores. MARIEL MARTÍNEZ, Voz Alejandro Picciano, Guitarra Federico Peuvrel, Piano Matías Picciano, Bandoneón |
Sexteto Mayor en concert - Buenos Aires/Argentinaby Diatonic News |
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Viernes de Julio 04/11 – 21 hs Sexteto Mayor Entradas $120 / Anticipadas: $100 Centro Cultural Torquato Tasso Defensa 1575 – Reservas 4307 6506 El conjunto de tango instrumental de mayor suceso en el mundo, celebra el 40º Aniversario de su fundación, con un espectáculo extraordinario en el que realizará una recorrida musical por 40 años de éxito internacional y un presente firmemente comprometido con la gira nacional que viene desarrollando. En la actualidad, conviven en el Sexteto Mayor, representantes de tres generaciones de grandes solistas: Fulvio Giraudo en piano; Enrique Guerra en contrabajo; Luciano Sciarretta en bandoneón y Horacio Romo en bandoneón y dirección y los históricos del grupo, los violinistas Mario Abramovich y Eduardo Walzack. www.torquatotasso.com.ar |
Gran Concierto Milonga - Spainby Diatonic News |
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La Ruta del Tango en Barcelona y el Festival Barcelona Gardel Buenos Aires te invitan el sábado 19 de Julio a 4 hs del mejor Tango en el Teatro Tradicionarius Gracia - Barcelona Concierto "Poderoso Tango" de Rehder & Battaglia Quartet, con Darío Polonara en bandoneon y Horacio Fumero en contrabajo Tango DJ Pablo Maidanik La Ruta del Tango en Barcelona y el Festival Barcelona Gardel Buenos Aires el sábado 19 de Julio a 4 hs del mejor Tango en el Teatro Tradicionarius Gracia - Barcelona Concierto "Poderoso Tango" Rehder & Battaglia Quartet, Darío Polonara en bandoneon Horacio Fumero en contrabajo Tango DJ Pablo Maidanik |
Whiskey & Women Summer Europe Tour – France, Germany Swedenby Rob Howard |
Whiskey & WomenThe California-based female band ‘Whiskey & Women’, fronted by accordionist Renee de la Prade, is on a European tour. More dates will soon be added to the list below: July 5th, 3pm-5pm concert, then a show for the dinner line 7pm-8pm; sharing the stage with ‘Roots 66’, Ambert, France July 6th - Renée and Rosie play “sur la piste”, starting at Viverols between 10am-11.10am, and playing another set at 3pm at Saint Amand Roche Savine, France July 11th – Whiskey & Women (with Joan too) at Les Copains D'abord, 52 avenue d'Orléans, 41300 Salbris, Centre, France July 12th – Les Copains D'abord, Salbris, France July 17th – Cafe Haag, Am Haagtor 1, 72070 Tübingen, Germany July 18th – Kulturcafe Lichtung, Ubierring, Cologne, Germany July 19th – Club Hanseat, Salzwedel, Germany July 20th – Speicher Ueckermünde, Ueckermünde, Germany July 22nd – (a show at Ingo's art space with the Rebel Lovers!) Pusthof Haus 17, Hamburg, Germany July 24th – The Poet's Corner, "Poeten på hörnet", Malmö, Sweden July 26th – Musik i Bruksmiljö music festival in Sandviken, Sweden July 27th – Engelen Pub, Stockholm, Sweden For further information email: squeezeboxgoddess@gmail.com |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
CD Le Manège/1er Album - Franceby Diatonic News |
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![]() Des mélodies qui dialoguent goulûment. Un chant généreux en wolof. Un mélange surprenant de timbres acoustiques (accordéons, violon, clarinette) et électriques (télécaster, effets, sampling). Le Manège, c’est aussi une musique qui s’écoute, un carnet de voyages imaginaires. Une musique qui raconte un lieu fantasmé, foisonnant, en perpétuel mouvement et sans frontières. Les membres du groupe sont des habitués de la scène folk européenne, complètement addicts aux musiques populaires et aux vibrations des parquets :-) Amélie Denarié (aussi membre des Zéoles) è sur l’Accordéon diatonique Le lançent un appel à souscription via Ulule, plateforme de financement participatif. Pour participez à sa naissance, vous en aurez ainsi l'exclusivité! Pour savoir comment faire – voilà: http://fr.ulule.com/le-manege/ |
Promotional Video, and CD by Cajun Roosters - HELL YEAH ! Deutschlandby Harley Jones |
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The CD features classic Cajun tunes like 'Churchpoint Breakdown' and 'Valse de Balfa' as well as original material like 'Nightcrawler' and 'Donnez-moi'. Chris Hall originally recorded 'Brown Eyed Handsome Man' in 1999 with Paul McCartney and on this CD the Cajun Rooster’s gave it their own feel-good flavour! For all 'True Blood' TV-series fans! Singer and guitar player Hazel Scott, along with Chris Hall on accordion, came up with a Zydeco version of Jace Everett's title song 'I wanna do bad things with you'. The band also cover Zachary Richard’s beautiful cajun ballad 'Belle Louisiane' which highlights the vocal harmonies of Hazel Scott and David Buyle. The CD is an international project with mastering and mixing talents all the way from Ville Platte Louisiana through to Munich Germany via the UK! 1 - Chere Bebe 2 - That was your mother 3 - Donnez moi 4 - French Blues 5 - Valse de Balfa 6 - I Wanna Do Bad Things With You 7 - Quand j'etais pauvre 8 - Nightcrawler 9 - Belle Louisiane 10 - Brown eyed handsome man 11 - Lovebridge Waltz 12 - Church point breakdown 13 - Nightcrawler nightcrazy remix For information: http://www.cajunweb.de/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=108&language=en |
CD "Marché du St.Laurant"/ Raz de Mare & Tidle Wave - Canadaby Diatonic News |
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1. Reel du Colporteur / Reel St-Ignace/Reel de minuit / Reel du chaloupier (trad.) 2. Petite Brunette / Marche St-Hilaire / Marche du St-Laurent (trad) 3. Reel de Valcourt / Le step à Kenneth Murphy / La coquette à Poupa (trad- E.Favreau-trad.) 4. Jessica Griffin’s No.2 / Valse Laurencienne (Steve Jones) 5. Voilà la récompense (trad.) 6. Reel de Windsor Mills/Hommage à Jacques Biron/Reel à quatre (trad-P.Bruneau-trad.) 7. Reel à Joe / Reel à Jean-Luc Paradis / Reel à Gilbert (R.Lizotte) 8. Quadrille franco-americain No.4 / Gigue du commerce / Quadrille franco-américain No.3 (trad.) 9. Reel Iroquois / Reel à Marcel / L’ouragan (trad.) 10. La femme de l’ivrogne / Maison 1676 (trad.- S.Kenney) For information: http://www.tidalwavemusic.com/products.html |
Tune Book for CD "Marché du St.Laurent" - Candaby Diatonic News |
![]() The accompanying tune book contains all the tunes on the CD. The carefully done transcriptions include the melodies, main ornementation and all the chords. 34 pages, with index. Further information on: http://www.tidalwavemusic.com/products.html |
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