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Voci Armoniche


8.-10. Juli: STEIRISCHE HARMONIKA trifft BLASMUSIK beim Mid Europe ! = MID HARMONIKA - Austria
Colònies d’acordió 2013 - Cataluna/Spain
Ein Studienjahr ging zu Ende … - Österreich
"THE WORLD OF ACCORDION” Festival/Competition - Castelfidardo/Italy
17° Edizione del Campionato Italiano di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica - Italia
"Musikanten mit Herz" - Jandelsbrunn/Deutschland
Stage d'accordeon diatonique chez CNIMA - France
Guinness World Record Attempt, Castelfidardo - Italy

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Europäisches Steirische-Harmonika-Festival MAYRHOFEN - Österreich
Stagesd'Accordéon Diatonique à Nuits Basaltiques - France
Cleveland's Irish Cultural Festival - USA
Sata-Häme Soi / Finnish Accordion Folk Musician Championship - Finland
Festival/Campionato Organetto/Folklore - ITALIA
Mid-Harmonika Workshop - Schladming/Austria
Viljandi Folk Music Festival - Estonia
Cajun Fest and Arts, Crafts & Music Festival - Oklahoma/USA
Fergie McDonald Tops the iTunes Charts!!, Scotland – UK
Bandoneon Classes with Norberto Vogel - Argentina
Mupie Sommer Festival, Bruchsal - Germany
Les Nuits Balsatiques Festival - France
Brandon McPhee Teaching Diatonic Accordion, Scotland – UK
Beltango Concert and Milonga, Feldkirchen – Austria
Internationales Harmonika Festival / MID HARMONIKA - Schladming/Austria
Hebridean Celtic Festival - Scotland
Video: Mollie B & Squeezeboxband, Minnesota - USA
Gooikoorts International Folkmusic Festival - Belgium
Festival del'Organetto Europeo - Italia
Karntnerland Harmonika Festival, Opgrimbie-Maasmechelen - Belgium
Seamus Shannon @ Dublin Accordion Club, Dublin – Irish Republic

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Exilio New Tango en vivo a Barcelona - Spain
Renee de la Prade at Priceless Festival, California & Europe tour- USA
Baile con Raul Aparicio y el Sol Naciente - Antiguo Sesteo
Convegno/Mostra di Organetti - Italia
Les Zéoles aux Estivales de musique Désaignes - France
Ruben Moreno Zydeco Re-Evolution - San Diego / USA
Večer s harmoniko in Zoranom Zorkom - Slovenia
Jackie Daly Button Accordion Master Class & Concert, Dublin – Irish Republic
Zydeco Music Festival, Texas - USA
Presentación de la Nit de Tango 2013 en el Grec - Espagna

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD "Marchigianista" by Roberto Lucanero - Italy

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

8.-10. Juli: STEIRISCHE HARMONIKA trifft BLASMUSIK beim Mid Europe ! = MID HARMONIKA - Austria

by Werner Weibert
Online translation!

Sounding Out the Accordion

Colònies d’acordió 2013 - Cataluna/Spain

by Diatonic News
El 1-2 i 3 de juliol arriben les Colònies d’acordió de l’ACDA
Taradell, Cataluna, Spain
Organisacion: Acda Associació Catalana d'Acordionistes
Informacion: http://www.acordio.cat/2013/04/27/colonies-dacordio-2013/

Telèfon : 626782333 (a partir de les 12.30). acdacorreu@hotmail.com


Ein Studienjahr ging zu Ende … - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Am KONSE - am Kärntner Landeskonservatorium - in Klagenfurt gibt es seit 1982 eine vierjährige Ausbil-dungsmöglichkeit zum Volksmusiklehrer mit den Hauptinstrumenten (Steirische Harmonika, Chromati-sches Hackbrett, Zither, Volksharfe) und einem Neben-instrument nach Wahl. Mehr als 150 Student/innen aus Kärnten, den Nachbarbundesländern, Bayern, Allgäu, Slowenien und Südtirol haben in den letzten 30 Jahren dieses Studium absolviert und wirken nunmehr als Lehrer an öffentlichen Musikschulen oder im privaten Unterricht.
In diesem Jahr gibt es mit dem Salzburger Norbert Bacher und dem Kärntner Florian Hinteregger zwei Studienabschlüsse. Beide Studenten haben in den vergangenen Jahren Steirische Harmonika im Hauptfach und Bariton im Nebenfach studiert und außerdem zahlreiche instrumentenspezifische, theoretische und pädagogische Fächer absolviert.
Der erste Teil der Lehrbefähigungsprüfung, das öffentliche Ensembleabschlusskonzert wurde bereits absolviert. Dafür musste jeder Studenten acht Stücke auswählen, für eine passende Besetzung bearbeiten, mit Studienkollegen einstudieren und das Ergebnis bei einem öffentlichen Konzert im eigenen Heimatort präsentieren. Der 2. Teil findet Mitte Juni statt und besteht aus dem Vorspiel auf beiden Instrumenten und einem Lehrauftritt, damit die künstlerische Reife und die pädagogischen Fähigkeiten der künftigen Lehrer entsprechend getestet werden können.
Das Studium ist dermaßen ausgerichtet, dass nicht nur die instrumentale Ausbildung im Vordergrund steht, sondern mit dem Fächerangebot auch ein volkskundliches Grundwissen vermittelt wird. Volksmusiklehrer sind nicht allein Instrumentallehrer, sondern auch regionale Kulturaktivisten, die den ständigen Wandel dieser Kultur berücksichtigen müssen. Daher ist ein wichtiges Unterrichtsfach die Feldforschung, also der persönliche Kontakt zu heutigen Kulturschaffenden, zu Sängern und Musikanten, um dabei Verständnis und Wissen um die traditionelle Kultur zu hinterfragen und so auch die historische Seite der Volkskultur in einem anderen Licht zu sehen.
Dadurch kommt es im-mer wieder vor, dass StudentInnen durch diesen Kontakt mit den Gewährspersonen von sich aus „neugierig“ werden und sich fortan selbständig mit alten Quellen (Handschriften, Tonaufnahmen, Bildern etc.) befassen, um „Altes“ wieder lebendig, also sing- oder spielbar werden zu lassen.
Ein Beispiel dafür ist die soeben im Kärntner Volksliedwerk erschienene Notenpublikation mit Stücken „Aus dem Spielgut vom Görtschitztaler Quartett“, die von der ehemaligen Studentin und Forschungsteilnehme-rin Michaela Warmuth für Steirische Harmonika (Griffschrift) und für Bläser (Trompete, Klarinette) aufge-schrieben wurde. Aber nicht nur die Musik, auch die Ge-
schichte dieser Gruppe wurde ausführlich dokumentiert. Damit ist ein weiterer Mosaikstein zur ländlichen Kultur- und Musikgeschichte Kärntens entstanden.
Manfred Riedl

Weitere Informationen dazu unter www.volksliedwerk.com

Online translation!

Voci Armoniche

"THE WORLD OF ACCORDION” Festival/Competition - Castelfidardo/Italy

by Harley Jones
Above is a promotional video about the 'World of Accordion' Festival inviting you to this new Festival in Castelfidardo, 29th June to 7th July, 2013.

A NEW and ALTERNATIVE Festival and Awards in Castelfidardo 2013 - which embraces 360° of accordion music and which is open to any kind of accordion types.

Artists may choose their program for the awards auditions ( check rules under program ). The winner will receive a CD Production and Concert Productions as First Prize.

All this will be hold in beautiful Castelfidardo - in the summer where one can enjoy the award auditions during the days and the concerts in the evening!

For all diatonic accordion players - this is the day to note:
7th July 2013 - the day, dedicated to the diatonic accordion - for competitions and concerts.

WEDNESDAY 03rd July 2013 is reserved for “TANGO AND PIAZZOLLA”

EVENING CONCERTS 21.00 - 23.00

Friedrich Lips Book

17° Edizione del Campionato Italiano di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica - Italia

by Diatonic News
L’Associazione A.M.I.S.A.D. (Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici) di Maiolati Spontini (AN) in collaborazione con il Comune di Serre (SA) indice ed organizza nei giorni 2-3-4 agosto 2013 la 17° Edizione del Campionato Italiano di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica, a premi.
Junior – Senior – Over50
Venerdi 2 agosto - Auditorim “Marco Simoncelli”
- ore 09.30: - conferma iscrizioni cat. A – B (SEZ. ORGANETTO)
- Saluto delle Autorità
- inizio audizioni concorrenti a partire dalla cat. A (SEZ. ORGANETTO)
- ore 13.00: - pausa pranzo
- ore 15.00: - prosecuzione audizioni concorrenti
Piazza “Ennio D’Aniello”
- ore 21.00: - serata d’intrattenimento e danzante

Sabato 3 agosto Auditorim “Marco Simoncelli”
- ore 09.30: - conferma iscrizioni cat.C – D – E (SEZ. ORGANETTO)
- conferma iscrizioni cat. A – B – C – D
- ore 10.00: - eventuale prosecuzione audizioni cat. A – B (SEZ. ORGANETTO)
- audizioni cat. C – D – E (SEZ. ORGANETTO)
- audizioni cat. A – B – C – D (SEZ. FISARMONICA DIATONICA)
- ore 13.00: - pausa pranzo
- ore 15.00: - prosecuzione audizioni concorrenti
Piazza “Ennio D’Aniello”
- ore 21.00: - serata d’intrattenimento e danzante con ospiti d’Onore

Domenica 4 agosto Auditorim “Marco Simoncelli”
- ore 09.00: - eventuale prosecuzione audizioni cat. C – D – E
(SEZ. ORGANETTO) sino al termine
- eventuale prosecuzione audizioni A – B – C – D
- conferma iscrizioni e audizioni Sezione Over50
- al termine Piazza “Ennio D’Aniello”
- comunicazione delle graduatorie e premiazione dei Vincitori
- esibizione dei Primi Premio “con menzione di merito”di ogni categoria
- ospiti d’onore
- Proclamazione dei Campioni Italiani "Senior" , "Junior" e Over50 2013
- a seguire: - serata d’intrattenimento e danzante
- ospiti d’Onore e i Campioni Italiani e del Mondo di Organetto

- A.M.I.S.A.D. tel.328.0193689 e-mail: roncogia@libero.it
- Assessorato Turismo e Spettacolo - Comune di Serre
0828 974900 (Sig. Antonio Opramolla)

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

"Musikanten mit Herz" - Jandelsbrunn/Deutschland

by Diatonic News
JANDELSBRUNN - 13. Juli 2012
Die Bayerwoid-Baum präsentieren "Musikanten mit Herz"
Der Reinerlös kommt den Hochwasseropfern in Passau zugute.

Also Musikfreunde - macht mit und zeigt AUCH Herz !
Mehr Information: www.bayerwoid-buam.de oder e-mail

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Stage d'accordeon diatonique chez CNIMA - France

by Diatonic News
Si vous voulez apprendre ou perfectioner votre connaissance sur d'accordeon diatonique - vous pouvez:

Les formations au CNIMA J.Mornet
C'est l'accordéon acoustique, à travers la pédagogie novatrice de son fondateur Jacques Mornet, qui a fait la réputation internationale du CNIMA J.Mornet. Sur cette même base de recherche de la musicalité, d'expression individuelle, y compris corporelle, l'école s'est ouverte depuis quelques années à d'autres disciplines : accordéon numérique Roland, accordéon diatonique, piano/claviers, guitare, chant.
Le CNIMA J.Mornet vous propose durant toute l'année des formations musicales adaptées à tous les objectifs, du plus haut niveau de professionnalisation au simple plaisir.
Selon votre situation, vous pouvez bénéficier d’aides au financement.

Possibilité de venir assister aux cours en tant qu’auditeur libre avant de s’inscrire.

Clic sur le programme qui vous intéresse :
n Etudes à temps complet (calendrier comme année scolaire)
n Vacataire semaines (formation "à la carte" selon vos disponibilités)
n Stagiaire occasionnel (stage(s) durant les vacances scolaires) et
Vacataire vacances (six à douze stages de vacances à tarif réduit).

Deux axes de travail principaux :
•maîtriser les techniques sans jamais négliger la musique
•l'apprentissage de l'instrument permet avant tout de libérer sa personnalité musicale en se débarrassant le plus rapidement possible des entraves techniques.

Pour l'accordéon, notre pédagogie s'appuie à partir de la notion d'équilibre sur 3 points essentiels :
•Emission, contrôle et écoute du son : Compression et maniement du soufflet.
•Variété des articulations et du toucher (hauteur des attaques, pressions diverses des doigts) qui doivent permettre le relief musical (jeu à 3 Dimensions).
•L'importance du jeu corporel ponctuant et aidant l'expression musicale.

Et c'est une fois ces problèmes d'ordre technique résolus que l'instrument devient un véritable outil au service de la musique. Ainsi, le musicien, après ce plus ou moins long travail de fond, n'ayant plus qu'à mettre au service de la musique sa sensibilité, devra alors consacrer son travail à la recherche du « bon goût ».

Guinness World Record Attempt, Castelfidardo - Italy

by Diatonic News
On Sunday July 7th, 4.30pm, in the Piazza della Repubblica, Castelfidardo, an attempt will be made to establish a new record for the most accordions playing together. The organizers need 1,200 accordionists to attend and play ‘Happy Birthday’, in celebration of the 150th anniversary of Paolo Soprani founding the accordion industry in the city in 1863.

The organisers invite all accordionists to attend in time for the record attempt, which will begin at 4.30pm precisely. The numbers attending will be flashed up in the square. If attending, car drivers should park at Porta Marina or leave the car behind the walls at Scuole Medie or take the shuttle from the Vecchio Ospedale (Old Hospital).

Titano Accordions

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Accordion Jazz Chord

Europäisches Steirische-Harmonika-Festival MAYRHOFEN - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Berichte, Bilder und Ergebnisse unter: HarmonikaWM-2013-Mayrhofen
Siehe auch www.harmonikaverband.at

Online translation !

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Stagesd'Accordéon Diatonique à Nuits Basaltiques - France

by Harley Jones
Video above released 23 April 2013: Duo Brotto-Lopez, Nau Goiatas a Castéthnau (rondeau) @ Boulegan 2013
Guillaume Lopez : chant, flûtes, cornemuse
Cyrille Brotto : accordéon diatonique, tustaphone.


Cleveland's Irish Cultural Festival - USA

by Diatonic News
19-21 July 2013
Cleveland's Irish Cultural Festival seeks to preserve, memorialize and document Irish History and Traditions -- from the gentle stirrings of the harp, to the boom and pomp of the pipe bands; from the soft hush of our love songs, to the thunder of Celtic dancers and rock bands. Spurred by the vision of founder John O'Brien Sr., over 300 volunteers mobilize annually to breath life into the festival. We are blessed that the culture we celebrate boasts such a wealth of tradition, music, literature, and art -- all bound together by that rich sense of community which typifies the Irish. Though difficult to adequately encapsulate, following is a brief overview of the festival and its many attractions.

Cleveland's Irish Cultural Festival is a non-profit, annual civic event, benefiting local and national charities while highlighting the many aspects of our Irish culture. Attractions include: 24 performers on nine stages, a multitude of exhibits, and myriad kiosks representing some of the finest vendors in the United States.

Information: http://www.clevelandirish.org

Charnwood Music Publishing

Sata-Häme Soi / Finnish Accordion Folk Musician Championship - Finland

by Diatonic News
The Finnish Accordion Folk Musician Championship

Traditional Accordion music, such as the polka, mazurka, jenka and waltz, played by musicians of all ages. There are separate competitions for chromatic accordions, as well as for diatonic instruments in different age groups respectively.

For further information: http://en.satahamesoi.fi/index

Voci Armoniche

Festival/Campionato Organetto/Folklore - ITALIA

by Diatonic News


Mid-Harmonika Workshop - Schladming/Austria

by Diatonic News
Mittwoch, 10. Juli 2013 10:00 - 11:30 Uhr

Workshop mit den Musikpädagogen BA Gottfried Hubmann und Prof. Mag. Johann Murg (kostenpflichtig)

Congress Schladming, Seminarraum Haus

Information: http://www.midharmonika.at/index.php/de/workshops-hvoe.html

Viljandi Folk Music Festival - Estonia

by Diatonic News
Viljandi Folk Music Festival is held every year on the last weekend of July in Viljandi and it is one of the largest of its kind in the Baltic and Northern countries. The festival is a place where all the best musicians meet and present their contemporary renditions of traditional music.
4 days of traditional music performances on 5 outdoor and 3 indoor stages
200 performers, 100 concerts
more than 20 000 visitors
free green stage performances
film programme
night university
regi song nest
fairytale rooms
handicraft courtyard
county concert

The visitors of Viljandi Folk Music Festival are cheerful and happy people who are considerate towards themselves and their surroundings and are able to fall in love and to concentrate. This is what the spirit of the festival is all about!

All Estonians are used to making a bonfire on Midsummer Eve, dance at weddings, take part in singing festivals, go door to door to sing and wish luck to people on Mardipäev and to spin humming tops on Shrove Tuesday. In addition to all of these, there are countless other personal activities which have become rituals without which we could not imagine life as we know it. But have we ever thought about why we do these things?

A large part of traditional music is strongly connected to the rituals for celebrating different holidays. Introducing the different customs for holding parties across cultures is at the heart of this year's festival. A Balkan wedding orchestra, Indian drums and dances of the Tibetan monks are only a few examples of what the festival has to offer for the guests next year.

During the next festival, wonderful music will be sounding from the speakers and the performers on the stage will show you how to party properly. Different holiday rituals of different cultures and the sounds which go with them will be introduced in greater detail in workshops and lectures. Different party dishes from different cuisines will be prepared in the Food Yard and many more events will take place which have always come part and parcel with folk music festivals.

Information: http://www.folk.ee

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Cajun Fest and Arts, Crafts & Music Festival - Oklahoma/USA

by Diatonic News
July 4, 2013

The Annual Arts, Crafts, Music & Cajun Festival has proven to be successful and has become a major event in the Grand Lake area with the entire day devoted to good family entertainment. This event is hosted by Jana Jae, Grove’s own queen of country fiddle, and the non-profit organization, Grand Lake Festivals, Inc. with the assistance of the Oklahoma Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Grove Civic Center and Snider's Camp

Information: http://www.grandlakefestivals.com
Email mail@grandlakefestivals.com

Fergie McDonald Tops the iTunes Charts!!, Scotland – UK

by Harley Jones
The popular 2-row diatonic button accordionist Fergie McDonald has caused a considerable surprise in Scotland by topping the iTunes ‘World Music’ chart with the song, ‘The Shinty Referee’, available as a downolad single.

For further information email: support@allcelticmusic.com

Titano Accordions

Bandoneon Classes with Norberto Vogel - Argentina

by Harley Jones
Video information below.

Norberto Vogel was born in Buenos Aires in 1972. He started studying the piano at the age of four, and later he went on to study with the greatest maestros in his country, such as Beatriz Tabares, Santiago Giacobbe, Hector Zeoli, Pedro Aguilar, taking subjects like classic piano and jazz, musical theory, harmony, counterpoint, dodecaphonism, composition, etc.

After Norberto had won a scholarship at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, he continued his studies in 1991 at the famous Rubin Academy of Music & Dance, where he specialized in the piano, arrangements and composition of jazz and contemporary music, obtaining the “Bachelor degree” and “Master of Music” degrees.

CLASES DE BANDONEON. todos los niveles y edades. no hace falta conocimientos previos ni de bandoneon ni de musica.

Informacion: http://www.vogel.com.ar/clasesbandoneon/
e-mail: norbi@vogel.com.ar

Video Information: Published on Jul 9, 2012
Canciones Argentinas - Sin Palabras - Fragmentos en Vivo 2012
Norberto Vogel - Bandoneón
Tomás Ballicora - Piano
Fragmentos en Vivo - Concierto 22-06-2012

Carlos Guastavino - El Sampedrino
Carlos Guastavino - La Rosa y el Sauce
Alberto Williams - Milonga Calabacera
Alberto Ginastera - Canción al arbol del olvido
Manuel Gomez Carrillo - Bailecito Cantado
Horacio Lopez de la Rosa - Canción de la Paloma
Maria Elena Walsh - Postal de guerra
Ariel Ramirez - Alfonsina y el mar
Astor Piazzolla - Oblivion
Astor PIazzolla - Veraño Porteño


Mupie Sommer Festival, Bruchsal - Germany

by Diatonic News
Accordionist Veronika Todorova performs at the Mupie Sommer Festival on July 6th, which takes place from 10am until 4pm, at Bruchsal, in the state of Baden-Württemberg.

The event includes a Roland V Accordion demonstration and a diatonic accordions feature and steirisch Harmonika Artists.

For further information email: info@scandalli.com

Voci Armoniche

Les Nuits Balsatiques Festival - France

by Diatonic News

Brandon McPhee Teaching Diatonic Accordion, Scotland – UK

by Diatonic News
Brandon McPheeBrandon McPhee, the outstanding young player from the north of Scotland, is now teaching diatonic button accordion, BC and BCC# systems, at the Pentland Music Shop, Thurso.

Enquiries to the shop on 01847 890 566. The shop also offers lessons on piano accordion, piano, keyboard, guitar, bass guitar, and other instruments.

For further information email: brandon.mcphee.351@facebook.com

Beltango Concert and Milonga, Feldkirchen – Austria

by Harley Jones
The highly accomplished quintet Beltango, from Serbia, were performing in concert on Friday June 21st at Feldkirchen, Karnten, Austria. The following day, Beltango were performing for a ‘Gran Milonga’ in Feldkirchen to popular applause.

Video above is from their performance at Aix les Bains Festival, September 2012.

The members of Beltango are Aleksandar Nikolic (bandoneon, accordion), Ivana Nikolic (piano/vocals), Jovan Bogosavljevic (violin), Bogdan Pejic (electric guitar) and Ljubinko Lazic (double bass).

Triple CD Pack available online at: Beltango

Accordion Jazz Chords

Internationales Harmonika Festival / MID HARMONIKA - Schladming/Austria

by Diatonic News

Hebridean Celtic Festival - Scotland

by Diatonic News
Celebrating the 18th annual outing in 2013, HebCelt is renowned for its truly special party atmosphere, which radiates from the Castle Grounds to the outermost communities, touching hearts and minds of all it reaches.

This year, for the third year in succession, the festival was selected as one of the Top Ten UK summer festivals by revered music magazine Songlines; a fine accolade to receive and testament to this year's strong programme.

Information: http://hebceltfest.com/

Titano Accordions

Video: Mollie B & Squeezeboxband, Minnesota - USA

by Harley Jones
Mollie B & Squeezeboxband, Published on Jun 5, 2012

Mollie B featured on Button Box and Vocal ( Last Polka ) filmed during performance at 34th Annual International Polka Festival, Carlton, Minnesota held at Black Bear Casino & Hotel. On June 2, 2012

Gooikoorts International Folkmusic Festival - Belgium

by Diatonic News
Gooikoorts is an international festival for traditional folk music which each year brings about a confrontation between traditional and contemporary folk music. The organisation not only takes care of a strong setlist, but also strives for good ambience and a homely feeling for the whole family. The festival takes the folk music lovers on a journey full of new experiences. Visitors can enjoy music from newly discovered talents and settled bands from all over Europe and beyond.

Gooikoorts wants to attract visitors who can enjoy amazing concerts and unique dance evenings, but it is also a festival for families. The relaxed musical surroundings are an ideal place to meet old friends and to make new ones. The international luthier market is a sanctuary for every folk musician and the children can have the time of their life in an outstanding children area.

During the festival several short workshops are organized. These workshops are given by some performing artists of the festival, and by experienced tutors. You can sign up during the festival at the info stand.

Information: http://www.gooikoorts.be/programma/?lang=en

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festival del'Organetto Europeo - Italia

by Diatonic News

eSheet Music Titles

Karntnerland Harmonika Festival, Opgrimbie-Maasmechelen - Belgium

by Harley Jones
Kartnerland Harmonica FestivalVideo above: A recent video of Loui Herinx who was a guest artist at this festival.

The 9th Karntnerland Harmonika Festival took place on June 16th, at Opgrimbie-Maasmechelen.

This annual event, admission free, is dedicated to the diatonic Steirische Harmonika and to music of the Alpine regions of Europe, and is organized and sponsored by the HarmonikaShop Simon Cardinaels, Heirstraat 34, 3630 Maasmechelen.

Titano Accordions

Seamus Shannon @ Dublin Accordion Club, Dublin – Irish Republic

by Harley Jones
Seamus ShannonDublin Accordion Club celebrated their 21st anniversary with a concert starring 3-row button accordionist Seamus Shannon on Thursday June 27th, 8pm, at Ballinteer St John’s GAA Club, Grange Road, Dublin.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Future events / Concerts

Voci Armoniche

Exilio New Tango en vivo a Barcelona - Spain

by Diatonic News
El Sábado 27 de julio desde las 21 hs. te invitamos a una gran fiesta del Tango de Barcelona en el Teatro Tradicionàrius en el Barrio de Gracia, un evento organizado por el Festival Barcelona Gardel Buenos Aires y La Ruta del Tango en Barcelona.

Podremos bailar con la orquesta Exilio New Tango en vivo
y Pablo Maidanik como Tango DJ

Disfrutar de la exhibición de Luna Palacios Y Jorge Pahl anticipando la Nit de Tango al Grec

Proyectaremos el video "Gardel y Barcelona"

Hasta el 15 de Julio se pueden conseguir entradas anticipadas a 10 € en las milongas y escuelas de tango de Barcelona

También se pueden solicitar escribiendo al mail info@tangoenbarcelona.es

Sounding Out the Accordion

Renee de la Prade at Priceless Festival, California & Europe tour- USA

by Rob Howard
Renee de la PradeAccordionist Renee de la Prade writes, “The Priceless Festival, July 4th-7th, is held on a campground in the town of Belden on the Feather River, in the hills east of Chico, California. I'm booked to play a noon or 1pm set on July 5th at the Beach Stage with a rockin’ drummer who can groove those funky New Orleans styles with me.

I am going to instruct the sound guy to turn my bass knob up to Mighty since they want us to bring it. I think that you have to buy tickets for the whole festival to come out for this one, however if you enjoy nature, music, and art, this needn't be an impassable roadblock”.

Renee de la Prade, of ‘Accordion Bales’ fame, leaves California in July for the ‘Whiskey & Women Europe’ tour, visiting France, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, and Canada. She will not be home until September 16th.

For further information email: squeezeboxgoddess@gmail.com


Baile con Raul Aparicio y el Sol Naciente - Antiguo Sesteo

by Diatonic News
Terraza del Jardin Guayacan ( Parte Superior del Jardin), Antiguo Sesteo

Dicen que evento que queda bien se repite y como muchos se quedaron pidiendo mas , LoloStar Promotions los complace.
Tremendo Ambiente , Buena atencion y Las nuevas canciones.
5.00 Entrada General Baile Gratis

Voci Armoniche

Convegno/Mostra di Organetti - Italia

by Diatonic News
Convegno con mostra degli Organetti a PENNA S. ANDREA (TE) 27 LUGLIO 2013

Friedrich Lips Book

Les Zéoles aux Estivales de musique Désaignes - France

by Diatonic News
Samedi 6 Juliet 2013.
Une chouette soirée pour les Estivales de musique, organisé par Musiques aux Sources, dans le très beau village perché de Desaignes en Ardèche!

Information: http://leszeoles.net/

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Ruben Moreno Zydeco Re-Evolution - San Diego / USA

by Diatonic News
Saturday, July 27, 2013
BTSC Presents Ruben Moreno Zydeco Re-Evolution at War Memorial Hall in Balboa Park
Doors Open at 6:00 p.m. / 6:20-7:00 p.m. Dance Lesson
Open Dancing 7:00 to 10:30 p.m.

Further information: http://www.icajunzydeco.com/calendar_0713.html

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Večer s harmoniko in Zoranom Zorkom - Slovenia

by Diatonic News
19. julij 2013 ob 20. uri Grajska Mega ( Novo Celje 9, 3301 Petrovce, Brezovica, Slovenia

Pogovorno-glasbeni večer z Zoranom Zorkom, pripovedovalcem na harmoniki, bo pričaral prav posebno vzdušje. Zorko, glasbeni virtuoz in svetovni Guinnessov rekorder v neprekinjenem 35-urnem igranju na harmoniko, bo ob kozarčku in dobri družbi naredil nepozaben poletni dogodek.

Kotizacija in rezervacija: dogodek je brezplačen; predhodne rezervacija stola na jasmina@l-n.si.

Jackie Daly Button Accordion Master Class & Concert, Dublin – Irish Republic

by Rob Howard
Jackie DalyOn Tuesday July 2nd, 12 until 4pm, 2-row diatonic button accordionist Jackie Daly holds a diatonic accordion master class at the Unitarian Church, 112 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2.

At 8pm, Jackie Daly and fiddle player Matt Cranich perform in concert at the same venue.

Jackie Daly, from County Cork, grew up surrounded by traditional music, and eventually became a central figure in some of the most dominant groups playing Irish music in recent times, including De Danann, Patrick Street, Buttons and Bows, Arcady, Reel Union and Kinvara.

He has toured extensively throughout the world, and is also in demand as a teacher. In 2005, he received the TG4 Gradam Ceoil (National Music Award), and, in 2009, the Kanturk Arts Festival Award.

For further information email: dublin@steeplesessions.com

Titano Accordions

Zydeco Music Festival, Texas - USA

by Harley Jones

Two videos of the Zydeco Stingrays who will be performing.

Video 1: Voodoo Doll - Written by Rick Fisher, performed by The Zydeco Stingrays - The Venue @ GBC Music, Gun Barrel City, TX - 4th May 2013

Video 2: Johnny Stola Buick - Written by Rick Fisher, performed by The Zydeco Stingrays at The Venue @ GBC Music, Gun Barrel City, TX - 4th May 2013

Accordion Jazz Chord

Presentación de la Nit de Tango 2013 en el Grec - Espagna

by Diatonic News
oy se presentó en el GREC la Nit de Tango 2013. Por tercer año el tango vuelve al escenario del mayor Festival de la ciudad, esta vez con un gran invitado: el maestro Rodolfo Mederos. Compartimos con Uds. la promoción de lo que será seguramente una gran noche del tango en Barcelona. Entradas a la venta en www.bcn.cat/grec


Gary Dahl Arrangements

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD "Marchigianista" by Roberto Lucanero - Italy

by Diatonic News
Roberto LucaneroValzer di notte
Valzer della fortuna
Preludio meccanico
La burè
Scottish du lion
Madonna de rambona
Se amor non fusse
Le rondinelle
La morte

Informazioni: www.lucanero.com

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