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Diatonic News - Jan-2021
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Voci Armoniche


Happy New 2021
Accordion Yellow Pages/Future Events - CYBERSPACE
2021 Accordion Babes Calendar - worldwide
Online Music lessons - Worldwide

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

TradFest in 2021 - Ireland
Festa nazionale del chamamé 2021 - Argentina
21. Fürstenecker Bordunale / cancelled - Deutschland
22ème Trad'Hivernales 2021 - France
Cygnet Folk Festival One-Day Events 2021 - Australia
The Summit School / Covid Quarantine Music - VT 05602/USA
Festival Avsenik 2021 - Slowenien
Celtic Connections Festival - Scotland
50º Festival Nacional de Jineteada y Folclore in 2022 - Argentina
Mel’s Melodeon Club on ZOOM- UK

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Bal trad Tradalam Noubalotcha - France
Le Vent du Nord in Jan 2021 - DE/FR/Canada
Filippo Gambetta Projects con "Tour" - Italia/DE
Roazhon Celtic Live "Talisk" - FR/Scotland
David Munnelly in January 2021 - NL
Italo Connection im Jänner 2021 - Österreich
The tango trio "Los Milonguitas" next performances - France/Japan
BAL VIRTUEL: Interaktiver Bal des Folk Club Frankfurt per Internet - Deutschland
Adria-FAN-Schiffsreise mit Marc Pircher - Mittelmeer
Desmós quartet + Chaï en Janvier 2021 - France
Online Concert/De Temps Antan - Canada/Worldwide

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD "Nordic Route"(2020) by Petri Hakala & Markku Lepistö - Finland
Solo CD "leben mit Zug und Druck"/ Raphael Kühberger - Austria
CD "‘Tis what it is" David Munnelly - Ireland
CD “Les Litanies de Satan” by Tiger Lillies - GB

Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments

Submit Your Question, Comment

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

Happy New 2021

by Diatonic News
To all our readers, enthusiasts, clients, artists and supporters from around the world - HAPPY NEW YEAR from all the staff of DIATONIC-NEWS!

The 2020 was a very difficult year for all of us, having seen so many important festivals, masterclasses, meetings, stages and especially concerts cancelled!
Of many, we have reported and given information of new dates.

So please keep us posted by sending us your news, your events, your concert details in order that all accordion interested friends can follow you wherever you are!
Online or life!

Let us meet again in a new successful, happy and healty 2021, but especially a Covid-free one!

A N D "no fireworks" - as Diatonic News and all diatonic accordion players love ANIMALS too! thank you

Sounding Out the Accordion

Accordion Yellow Pages/Future Events - CYBERSPACE

by Diatonic News
Accordion Yellow Pages header
All concert, competition and festival organizers are reminded to list their Future Events in our yellow pages website. Its free to list and you can do it yourself. You can also change and update your listing yourself as further information becomes available.

The accordion yellow pages Future Events calendar displays at the top right hand side of this Weekly News of accordions.com in all 7 languages plus other popular sites such as the USA News and the Diatonic News.

Huge numbers of readers every year view the accordion yellow pages Future Events, so all accordion event organizers are urged to take full advantage of this free service to keep the accordion community informed.

Alle Akkordeon-Konzert sowie Wettbewerbs- und Festival-Organiatoren möchten wir daran erinnern, alle bevorstehenden Veranstaltungen in den aktuellen Akkordeon-Gelben Seiten, www.accordion-yellowpages.com Webseite einzutragen. Alle Einträge sind kostenfrei und können direkt online selbst auf die Seite gestellt und aktualisiert werden. Bereits bestehende Informationen sollten auf ihre Richtigkeit und Gültigkeit geprüft werden

Alle Veranstaltungen sind in unseren Eventkalender ersichtlich und dies auf allen unseren 7 übersetzten Sprachen. Der Event-Kalender ist gelb und auf der rechten Seite/oben auf unseren verschiedenen Seiten zu finden. Dies inkludiert unsere USA Nachrichten Edition accordions.com und das neue Portal, das den diatonischen Instrumenten gewidmet ist - diatonische-news.com

Eine große Anzahl von Lesern konsultieren täglich, wöchtenlich, monatlich, jährlich unsere Akkordeon-Yellow Pages Future Events Seiten. Nützen Sie diese Gelegenheit – es ist ein kostenloses kostenlosen Service für die Akkordeon Gemeinschaft.

Tutti gli organizzatori di concerti, concorsi e festival devono ricordarsi di inserire i loro eventi futuri nel sito Accordion-YellowPages.com.

La segnalazione è gratis e potete farlo autonomamente. Potete cambiare e aggiornare il vostro annuncio da soli e far rendere l'informazione disponibile.

La voce Eventi Futuri si trova in alto sul lato destro delle notizie di accordions.com in 7 lingue più altri siti come accordionsusa.com e diatonic-news.com.

Un enorme numero di lettori visiona le pagine di Accordion Yellow Pages Future Events ogni anno, così prende tutto il vantaggio di questo servizio gratis per la comunità fisarmonicistica.

Tous les organisateurs de concerts, de festivals et de concours sont rapplelé d'insérer leurs événements à venir sur le calendrier du site Accordéon-YellowPages.com.

L'insertion est gratuite et vous pouvez le faire individuellement. Vous pouvez modifier et mettre à jour votre annonce par vous-même et de rendre l'information disponible.

Le calendrier des Événements à venir est sur le côté supérieur à droit des nouvelles hebdomadaire en 7 langues du accordions.com et que accordionsusa.com et diatonique-news.com.

Un grand nombre de lecteurs consultes les pages jaune de l'Accordéon pages chaque jour et année est surtous l’ événements futures, profiter pleinement de ce service gratuit pour la communauté des accordéonistes.


2021 Accordion Babes Calendar - worldwide

by Harley Jones
2021 Accordion Babes Calendar AvailableVideo: Information on the 2021 Accordion Babes Pin-Up Calendar

The 2021 Accordion Babes Pin-Up Calendar (with CD) is available now. The calendar editor is accordionist Renee de la Prade. Renee is asking for advance orders as they need about 200 more orders to cover all the print costs.

Due to Covid-19 leading to so many cancelled concerts, Renee has also started a free fortnightly live online event called "Accordion Fridays". She is giving regulair online concerts, inviting special guests!

For details email: renee@squeezeboxgoddess.com

Voci Armoniche

Online Music lessons - Worldwide

by Diatonic News
David Munnellyfrom your home - from anywhere in the world
YOU can DO it - and learn how to play.

Online Music lessons
Set you to teach tunes mainly on button accordion but can teach tunes to any instrument wanting to learn Irish traditional music.

Button accordion lessons via Skype are also available to all levels of students worldwide.Also available are classes on other melody instruments for those interested in learning repitorie. Ages 14 and up preferred.

Classes on button accordion are available in: C#/D, and single row systems for beginner to advanced and areas looked at are:

1) Instrument Control, i.e. fingering, bellows control.
2) Musicality, i.e. understanding of tune, phrasing, ornamentation and a special emphasis on rhythm, basses
3) Students standard will be assessed and shall be given tunes in accordance.
4) Different Box playing styles shall be discussed and advice given.
5) Classes shall be taught by ear and a recording device is advised.

On other instruments is will be merely reportoire and understanding of tune, phrasing, ornamentation and a special emphasis on rhythm and dynamic.

For contact: http://davidmunnelly.com/contact/

Friedrich Lips Book

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

TradFest in 2021 - Ireland

by Diatonic News
TradFest in 2021 - Ireland
Due to the public health restrictions created as a result of the pandemic the festival will now run from December 2020 until Summer 2021. Live Covid Safe Concerts will return in the first 6 months of 2021. A full programme of events will be available now on our Events page.

Streaming Events this January

The first events of 2021 will kick off at the end of January with fantastic streamed live concerts from historic Dublin Castle are available to book now, and feature an eclectic and diverting line-up of artists and bands.

Book your ticket (or tickets!) today and join together again in music…

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Festa nazionale del chamamé 2021 - Argentina

by Diatonic News
Festa nazionale del chamamé
La @unesco declaró al Chamame Patrimonio de la Humanidad.
Avda. José Manuel Estrada 2800 3400 Corrientes, Provincia di Corrientes, Argentina

La festa nazionale del chamamé (Fiesta Nacional del Chamamé) si celebra nella città di Corrientes, situata nell'Argentina nord-orientale, nello specifico presso l'anfiteatro Cocomarola e il Puente Pexoa; ogni anno, per alcuni giorni del mese di gennaio, si suona e si balla il chamamé, un genere musicale di origine folkloristica caratteristico della regione orientale dell'Argentina, del Paraguay, dello stato di Rio Grande do Sul, nella zona meridionale del Brasile, e di alcune zone dell'Uruguay.

21. Fürstenecker Bordunale / cancelled - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Dieser Kurs, geplant v. 01.01. - 03.01.2021 musst leider abgesagt werden.

Wenn Sie Interesse haben, an einem späteren Kurs zum gleichen oder einem ähnlichen Thema teilzunehmen, besuchen Sie bitte die Web-Seite auf "Interessentenliste" und füllen das Formular aus.

Sie werdem umgehend informiert, sobald der Kurs angeboten wird.


Titano Accordions

22ème Trad'Hivernales 2021 - France

by Diatonic News
Trad'Hivernales 2021
Les 22ème Trad'Hivernales reviennent du 17 au 21 mars à Since 21 years the Trad'Hivernales Festival had its annual Festival in January. Due to Covid-Restrictions the 22nd edition of the Festival is now being held in March from 17-21 2021.

Pls contact https://www.tradhivernales.com/ateliers/
all details will be announced shortly

Accordion Jazz Chord

Cygnet Folk Festival One-Day Events 2021 - Australia

by Diatonic News
Cygnet Folk Festival One-Day Events 2021 - Australia
These will be “A Day at Rosny Farm” on Saturday 9th January with featured artists including Claire Anne Taylor, Meyers and McNamara, Les Coqs Incroyable, Ned's Friends, John Coleman and the Lovely Boats and Monique Brumby.

Followed by “An Afternoon at Port Cygnet Cannery” on Sunday 10th January Featured artists include Claire Anne Taylor, Meyers and McNamara, Yyan and Emily, Dewayne Everettsmith, and Tiffany Eckhardt & Friends.

Bob Brown will also conduct his popular “Earth Celebration” on the Sunday morning at the Port Cygnet Cannery.

There will also be a few pop-up events around Cygnet township on the Sunday, so keep an eye and ear out!

Tickets to all three events will of course, be very limited due to COVID restrictions, so get in quickly.


Gary Dahl Arrangements

The Summit School / Covid Quarantine Music - VT 05602/USA

by Diatonic News
The Summit School / Covid Quarantine Music - VT 05602/USA
They report:
Although Summit School has cancelled Spring classes, we would still like to support the traditional music community - teachers, performers, students, listeners - and especially local musicians! You can support musicians by checking out their websites, buying their music, tuning in to their online concerts, and more!

Updates occurring regularly on the website!


Festival Avsenik 2021 - Slowenien

by Diatonic News
Festival Avsenik 2021 - Slowenien
Die Vorbereitung für das größte Ereignis des Jahres - das Avsenik Festival, 27.-29.8.2021 - laufen schon auf Hochtouren! Die Veranstaltung, die sich an musikalische Feinschmecker richtet und an der mehr als 20 der besten slowenischen und ausländischen Oberkrainerbesetzungen teilnehmen, ist eine Verbeugung vor der einzigartigen Avsenik Musik.

Avsenik freut sich auf alle Besucher, Interpreten und Mitarbeiter und auf eine gemeinsame Gestaltung eines unvergesslichen musikalischen Festes bei Avsenik!


Charnwood Music Publishing

Celtic Connections Festival - Scotland

by Diatonic News
Celtic Connections Festival - Scotland
Across 19 days, the festival will present online performances every night between Friday 15 January and Tuesday 2 February 2021.

Donald Shaw, Creative Producer for Celtic Connections, said: “It has been a challenging but exciting process pulling this year’s digital festival together. I would like to say a huge thank you to all of the musicians who have contributed both at home and abroad, it has been brilliant to see them all get behind the concept and support our vision. We can’t wait to bring all of this great music into people’s homes this January!”

All concerts are recorded whilst fully adhering to social distancing guidelines and all current government guidance are observed and followed.

Celtic Connections ask that even in watching and enjoying this digital-first festival, all audiences adhere to the government guidance relevant to them at their time of watching.

An early bird festival pass has been released that gives unlimited access to the full 19 nights of entertainment for only £30. Tickets are available to purchase from celticconnections.vhx.tv. The early bird ticket will be available for a limited time only, and will then increase to £40. Tickets to individual concerts will be available to buy from early January, when the programme schedule is released.

Tickets for Celtic Connections 2021 are only available to purchase online from www.celticconnections.vhx.tv

Ticket types
Festival pass - £40, £30 (Early Bird)


Voci Armoniche

50º Festival Nacional de Jineteada y Folclore in 2022 - Argentina

by Diatonic News
50º Festival Nacional de Jineteada y Folclore in 2022 - Argentina
Por razones de público conocimiento vinculadas a la emergencia sanitaria, y tendiente a salvaguardar la salud de las miles de personas que asisten a nuestro Campo "Martín Fierro", el Festival Nacional de Jineteada y Folclore 2021 será suspendido.
Nos volveremos a encontrar en 2022! para celebrar los 50 años de nuestro #FestivalDiamante



Mel’s Melodeon Club on ZOOM- UK

by Diatonic News
Mel BiggsMel Biggs Melodeon Club – Monthly Club
Friday 22 Jan 10am–2pm, 2021

A regular monthly class for anyone interested in learning to play the Melodeon at beginner through to intermediate level. Tutor Mel Biggs will guide you in learning to master the basics and improve your skill and technique. Due to Covid-19, the first three classes of 2021 will run online via zoom (book direct with Mel). The Manor hopes to be back by April 2021


Zoom Class Times (Book Direct with Mel)
Beginners: 10am-11am
Improvers: 11.30am-12.30pm
Intermediates: 1pm-2pm

Contact Mel direct to book for this month's zoom meeting:

Email - mel@melbiggsmusic.co.uk
Phone - 07969060394

Future events / Concerts

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Bal trad Tradalam Noubalotcha - France

by Diatonic News
Le 16 janvier 2021 de 20h à 00h
Tradalam "'Sensible et joyeuse, la musique de Tradalam propose un large éventail d'univers sonores, aussi propices à la danse qu'à l'écoute.

C'est un mélange de polyphonies vocales, de compositions collectives et d'arrangements de morceaux traditionnels de divers horizons.

Un moment de partage où ces quatre musiciens de l'instant offrent une part à l'improvisation commune.

Tradalam, c'est de la musique à ressentir ... à vivre et à danser!

Laissez vous embarquer dans la transe-ronde du Quercy , venez chalouper sur une scottishswing ou rockandroller sur la bourrée du chacal ! et n'oubliez pas d'inviter sur une mazurka frissonnante, susurrée à l'oreille...

Rue de l'Esplanade / Mjc Luc La Primaube
12450Luc-la-Primaube / France / Prix : 10


Le Vent du Nord in Jan 2021 - DE/FR/Canada

by Diatonic News
Le Vent Du Nord
Wed, JAN 20, 2021 Kulturzentrum Dieselstrasse e.V./Esslingen Am Neckar, Germany

Thu, JAN 21, 2021 Kulturhaus Lüdenscheid/Lüdenscheid, Germany

Fri, JAN 22, 2021 Espace Paul Valery/Le Plessis-trévise, France

Sat, JAN 23, 2021 Centre Culturel de la Ferme Corsange/Bailly - Romainvilliers, France

Fri, JAN 29, 2021 Espace Paul Jargot/Crolles, France

Sat, JAN 30, 2021 Le Sou /La Talaudière, France


Titano Accordions

Filippo Gambetta Projects con "Tour" - Italia/DE

by Harley Jones
I Liguriani
Video: Filippo Gambetta & Carmelo Russo, Agata / La Freccia del Turchino

15/01/2021 with Maestrale in Genova
16/01/2021 with Maestrale in Roma
14/04/2021 with Liguriani in Burgwedel
15/04/2021 with Liguriani in Einbeck
29/05/2021 with Maestrale in Heiden
always from 20-22h

Filippo Gambetta, Carmelo Russo, Sergio Caputo
Filippo Gambetta (organetto diatonico), Sergio Caputo (violino) e Carmelo Russo (chitarra classica) presentano il nuovo progetto in trio nato nell’estate 2017. I tre artisti, accomunati dalla passione per le musiche di tradizione ma anche dalla scrittura di musiche nuove, ad esse ispirate, propongono in concerto un repertorio incentrato su melodie sia da ascoltare che da danzare. I tre musicisti creano un connubio sonoro tra temi che si rifanno agli idiomi e alle forme delle musiche tradizionali europee, in particolar modo di Italia, Francia e Irlanda, uniti a quelli della rumba gitana e delle musiche nord africane. Il trio presenta nell’estate 2019 il nuovo album Maestrale, pubblicato per Visage Music (Italia).

I Liguriani
I Liguriani propongono uno spettacolo dove vengono evocate le immagini e i sentimenti della cultura e delle tradizioni liguri, che mescola ballate regionali a musica da danza come bisagne, valzer, perigordini ed alessandrine. Il gruppo, attivo dal 2005, ha pubblicato due album per l’etichetta Felmay: Stundai (2014)

For more information and exact place - pls visit:


Roazhon Celtic Live "Talisk" - FR/Scotland

by Harley Jones
Tallisk perform Dystopia - Live @ Cambridge Folk Festival 2019

Le 31 janvier 2021 de 16h30 à 18h30 / Prix : 12-16€
Parquet de Bal, Avenue Charles Tillon, 35000 Rennes, France
Parking de la Ferme de la Harpe / 35000Rennes

Récompensé à de nombreuses reprises (« Groupe Folk de l’année 2017 » aux prestigieux Scots Trad Music Awards ou encore « Meilleur espoir folk 2015 » aux BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards), Talisk est en train de devenir un des groupes majeurs de la scène folk britannique.

Mohsen Amini (concertina), Hayley Keenan (violon) et Graeme Armstrong (guitare) créent un son captivant, énergique et dynamique qui leur a valu en quelques années de multiples récompenses et des éloges sans faille dans des médias nationaux.

Information importante : Pour lutter contre l'épidémie de COVID-19, les concerts auront lieu avec une jauge réduite, dans le respect des gestes barrières. Du gel hydroalcoolique sera disponible à l'entrée et le port du masque sera obligatoire. (conditions susceptibles d'évolution selon les règles imposées par le gouvernement et les autorités locales)

> http://www.lennproduction.fr/roazhon-celtic-live/

Voci Armoniche

David Munnelly in January 2021 - NL

by Diatonic News
David Munnelly is an accordion player from County Mayo and specialise in Irish and World music along with composing some new sounds for the button accordion, performing in various different projects.

MON 11 JAN 2021 Duo Tour on schedule as planned

For exact details pleas view http://davidmunnelly.com/gigs/?event_id=1

Italo Connection im Jänner 2021 - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Für Jänner 2021 sind mit der Italo-Connection folgende Termine geplant:

27.01.2021 | Steinegg - Kulturhaus wurde auf 2022 verschoben
28.01.2021 | Sterzing TBA
29./30.01.2021 | Innsbruck - Treibhaus | 3. Innsbrucker Winterspiele

„Die Band hat Soul, Rhythmus und Herz. Vor allem aber eine Leichtigkeit die ansteckend ist. Und eine Kraft, die jedem Kritiker den Kugelschreiber verbiegt.“ (salto.bz)

Auf der Bühne:
Herbert Pixner: Diatonische, Klarinette, Trompete, Percussion
Alex Trebo: Keyboards, Piano
Max Castlunger: Percussions
Martl Resch: Saxophon, Vocal
Mario Punzi: Drums
Marco Stagni: Bass
Manuel Randi: Diverse Gitarren

Für eine Kartenreservierung:

The tango trio "Los Milonguitas" next performances - France/Japan

by Harley Jones
The tango trio
Video: Los Milonguitas perform El Campanario (P. Murgier) - Live in Nuremberg (2020)

The musical trajectory of the members, the pianist Pablo Murgier, the bandoneonist Simone Tolomeo and de double bass player Sebastian Noya, allows them to offer interesting and innovative arrangements, influenced as much by the Argentinian popular music as by jazz or rock.

From March 2017, "Los Milonguitas" have realized several tours for more than 20 countries, from Russia to Europe, giving more than 100 concerts.

Next performances:

January 09, 2021 / Paris &Philarmonie de Paris/France
February 06, 2021 / Sézanne / France
March 09, 2021 / Tokyo with AZIMUT PROJECT


Accordion Jazz Chords

BAL VIRTUEL: Interaktiver Bal des Folk Club Frankfurt per Internet - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Andreas NeumannBal Folk Virtuel - mit den Folk Club Musikern
Do 14.01.2021 um 19.45 Uhr


Bal Virtuel? Ein interaktiver Bal per Internet
Was brauche ich zur Teilnahme?

- Ein Smartphone, Tablet, Laptop oder Computer, der mit dem Internet per Browser
verbunden ist (ggf. auch internetfähiges TV) egal ob per WLAN oder LAN, wobei letzteres für eine
stabile Verbindung sicher besser ist. Denkt bitte auch an die entstehende Datenmenge (Flatrate).
- Ihr braucht als Gast keinen Zoom-Account/die Zoom-App, wenn ihr eine entsprechende ITKonfiguration (Betriebssystem/Browser) habt. Es kann die Sache (insb. bei mehrfacher Nutzung) aber
vereinfachen. Am besten vorher testen (siehe Seite 2).
- Den in der Einladungs-E-Mail jeweils aufgeführten Zoom-Meeting Link (ggf. manchmal auch noch ein
mitgeliefertes Passwort). Bitte beides nicht an Dritte weitergeben!
- Wenn ihr dazu aufgefordert werdet, gebt bitte einen aussagekräftigen Teilnahme-Namen für dieses
Meeting an, denn dieser wird dann auch für den Chat untereinander genutzt!
- Nach Aufruf des Links dem „Meeting beitreten“ (bzw. per „Computeraudio teilnehmen“).
- Nun ist man*frau im Bal oder landet ggf. zunächst in einem Warteraum bis der „HOST“ den Zugang

F. 1 Zoom-Zugang senden Sie eine Anfrage an Andreas Neumann email: info at balfolk-festnoz.de

Adria-FAN-Schiffsreise mit Marc Pircher - Mittelmeer

by Diatonic News
Adria-FAN-Schiffsreise mit Marc Pircher -  Mittelmeer
Die meist Anfang Februar stattfindende FANreise mit Marc Pircher wird aufgrund der aktuellen Covid-Situation auf Ende August/Anfang September 2021 verschoben.

Für Information konsultieren Sie bitte:

Titano Accordions

Desmós quartet + Chaï en Janvier 2021 - France

by Diatonic News
desmos quartet chaii
Le 16 janvier 2021 de 19h à 23h

2, Rue Célestin Freinet / Le Nouveau Pavillon
44340Bouguenais/France / Prix : de 9 à 16€
Initiation aux danses du Poitou à 17h puis, à 19h, le Desmós quartet croise les musiques populaires grecques et les répertoires d'Asie Mineure. Chaï entraîne ensuite les spectateurs dans un énergique bal du Poitou où ils pourront mettre en pratique les pas appris plus tôt dans la soirée.


Online Concert/De Temps Antan - Canada/Worldwide

by Diatonic News
De Temps Antan
organised by the Celtic Connections Festival / Scotland
on January 15th until February 2nd, 2021 from 7pm onwards
(check out the time later on with Celtic Connections Festival


pls contact for admission:

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

eSheet Music Titles

CD "Nordic Route"(2020) by Petri Hakala & Markku Lepistö - Finland

by Harley Jones
Video: Petri Hakala & Markku Lepistö: Kilsanmäki - schottish - (Lepistö) live at Nukketeatteri Sampo on Feb 15th 2020. From the album 'Nordic Route' (2020).

On the tracks of the old masters.
PETRI HAKALA – mandolin, guitars
MARKKU LEPISTÖ – diatonic accordion

he Duo Petri Hakala & Markku Lepistö was formed already in late 1990´s after various jam sessions where they find their musical ambitions and playing styles similar. The guiding star of the duo has always been fusing the sound and styles of mandolin and accordion traditions with the freedom of duo playing. Their music and playing is full of spontaneity and improvisation connected to the finnish traditional music and contemporary folk music composed by both players.
Kipinä – reel –
Sateen jälkeen – waltz –
Montmagny – reel –
Rapusaari – schottish –
Hetken epäröinti – tango –
Kilsanmäki – schottish –
Degerby – polska –
Pickwick – jig –
Rantatie – waltz –
Punta Secca – milonga –
Kaipaus – ballad –


Titano Accordions

Solo CD "leben mit Zug und Druck"/ Raphael Kühberger - Austria

by Diatonic News
Solo CD
13 Eigenkompositionen.
Zum Teil alte und bereits bekannte Stücke (4 Buam Boarischer, In´d eigenen vier Wänd´) aber auch ganz neue Werke (Zur Verwandtschaft, Für'n Prettenthaler,...).

Zusätzlich sind die Noten zu allen 13 Titeln in Griffschrift und Normalnotation erhältlich.

Hörproben und Teaser seit 12.12.2020
Wer sich eine CD oder Heft sichern möchte, kann dies über den Shop auf

www.raphael-kuehberger.at , tun.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

CD "‘Tis what it is" David Munnelly - Ireland

by Diatonic News

Voci Armoniche

CD “Les Litanies de Satan” by Tiger Lillies - GB

by Diatonic News

The album (based on the poem “Les Litanies de Satan” by Charles Baudelaire) suggests that Satan experienced injustice and perhaps we should have pity for outcasts like him. Is Satan really the despicable figure he is usually thought of?

Singer and songwriter Martyn Jacques says that Baudlaire was the main attraction, and the famous writer way of looking from a different perspective at Satan seemed intriguing. “I liked it, a sympathetic look at the evil one. Not actually believing they’re evil at all. Seeing them as more of a victim. So I took the poem and set it to music.”

As always with a touch of twisted humor and sharp irony, The Tiger Lillies "point an implicit accusing finger back at us: what on Earth are we doing, laughing at this stuff?". Their music is a mixture of pre-war Berlin cabaret, anarchic opera and gypsy music, echoing the voices of Bertolt Brecht and Jacques Brel. The Tiger Lillies shock, amuse and entertain in a postmodern vaudeville way, with their inimitable in-yer-face shows, where no taboo should be taken for granted.


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