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Highlights |
What Are You Doing For World Accordion Day? - Internationalby Harley Jones |
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![]() World Accordion Day was started in 2009 by the CIA and has been very successful, generating a lot of positive publicity for the accordion. A key part of this event is the World Accordion Day website. Every association, group, orchestra, performer and teacher, is asked to actively support this event by encouraging national and local accordion activities to happen in their country on this day or the weekend either side of Accordion Day if that should be more convenient. Everyone can register their World Accordion Day activity on the website and send a report of their event after, for that website. No event is too big or too small. ALL accordion events celebrating World Accordion Day are welcome. This is a CIA promotion for the accordion in which every accordion enthusiast can participate and help bring our accordion world together as well as strongly promote the accordion. |
Unique, 'Original Harmonicas' for Tchaikovsky Orchestral Suite No. 2 - Russiaby Diatonic News |
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![]() The 'Orchestral Suite No. 2’ is unique because in the third part – ‘Scherzo Burlesque’ – the composer for the first time in history, used diatonic harmonicas (in E) within a symphony score. Because of a special request by Alexander Selivanov, the Scandalli Factory in Italy manufactured a set of four matching harmonicas exactly to authentic specifications. The 4 diatonic accordions were played by famous Moscow accordionists and international competition winners (picture above) of Sergey Osokin, Yulia Amerikova, Maria Vlasova and Alexander Selivanov. Middle of the picture is the conductor Vladimir Jurowski, who is also the Principal Conductor of the London Philharmonic. These two performances took place within the philharmonic subscription concerts "Tribute to P.I. Tchaikovsky" by the legendary State Academic Symphony Orchestra “Evgeny Svetlanov”. The artistic director of the Svetlanov Orchestra, renowned conductor Vladimir Jurowski, supported the idea to use authentic instruments and was very pleased with the musical result. This was the first time since the Tchaikovsky period, that instruments as conceived by the composer have been used. Up to now, modern concert accordions have been used and using original harmonicas has created a fundamental difference in articulation and also a special timbre. The original harmonicas aroused great interest from both the conventional and professional members of the audience and the experiment was recognized as very successful because of adding new coloring and originality to the orchestral sound. One of the musicians attending the concert in Moscow said that he finally understood why Tchaikovsky used harmonicas in the symphony score and, in his opinion, it was a brilliant godsend of the great composer! |
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Multimedia Diatonic Accordion Online Course - Worldwide/Italyby Diatonic News |
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Recently, the Academy has released the first diatonic accordion on-line course, organized through user-friendly online lessons held by Gianni Ventola Danese, one of the most representative Italian diatonic accordion players. The Italian Accordion Academy (Accademia del Mantice) thought to those who, having no time or opportunity to find a peofessional diatonic accordion teacher in their city, they want to play the accordion acquiring step by step both a correct setting-out and a wide repertoire of international diatonic accordion tunes. Italian Non hai mai suonato e vuoi iniziare? Sai già suonare ma vuoi arricchire il tuo repertorio e perfezionarti sotto la guida di un maestro professionale? L'Accademia del Mantice ha pensato a quanti, non avendo il tempo o la possibilità di trovare un insegnante di organetto nella propria città, desiderano imparare acquisendo passo dopo passo non solo una corretta impostazione ma anche un repertorio eterogeneo. Vuoi saperne di più?/Do you want to know more? Visit: http://www.organetto.name |
XVIII Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival, Kokkola – Finlandby Harley Jones |
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![]() ![]() The 18th Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival takes place from February 14th to 21st. The accordion will ring out all around the city as in years past — in concert halls, on the streets and in the marketplace. Picture right festival director Raimo Vertainen. Artists appearing include: Kimmo Pohjonen, Trio Fratres, Viivi Maria Saarenkylä, Hannu Ilmolahti, Tallari, Vörå Player’s Club, Bengan Janson& Janne Åström from Sweden and the renowned juggler duo from France Jerome Thomas and Jean-Francois Baez. The final concert has become a festival tradition with a Grand Performance Concert by the tango orchestra Guardia Nueva which will feature soloists Teemu Roivainen and Saara Aalto. Kokkola Winter Accordion is a festival for the whole family and takes place in Kokkola and Pietarsaari. Come and enjoy the festival! For further for information email: raimo.vertainen@pp.inet.fi |
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Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
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Online translation |
2016 Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann, 14 to 22 August 2016, Ennis - Irelandby Harley Jones |
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![]() Video 1: Shandrum Céilí Band (Senior Céilí Band Winners) &The Killavil Set Video 2: Four Winds &The Rollicking Boys Around Tandragee Set 2016 Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireannFleadh Cheoil na hÉireann is the largest showcase of Irish Traditional Arts at which for one week every August, the very best of traditional talent from all over Ireland and the world comes together to meet. Some super impressive statistics of this huge event that features accordion so much as soloist and in so many groups. Some 350,000 attendees from around the world, over 20,000 musicians, 1,500 dedicated volunteers, 190 competitions, all packed into 8 days. Ennis has twice been home to this huge event and both occasions are regarded as very successful milestones. This will be another huge celebration of traditional Irish music. |
17. Akkordeonfestival in Wien - Österreichby Diatonic News |
![]() FESTIVALINFO: http://www.akkordeonfestival.at Tel.: 0043 (0) 676 512 91 04 FESTIVALLEITUNG: Friedl Preisl KARTENVORVERKAUF ab 01.12.15: Tickets direkt vom Veranstalter unter http://www.akkordeonfestival.at Im Vorverkauf in allen Filialen der BANK AUSTRIA In allen Vorverkaufsstellen von TICKET ONLINE http://www.ticketonline.at, Tel. (01)88 0 88. In allen Vorverkaufsstellen von ÖSTERREICH TICKET http://www.oeticket.com, Tel. (01) 96096 Vorverkauf (ab 20.01.16) auch im ÖSTERR. VOLKSLIEDWERK, (Mo, Fr: 11-14h, Di-Mi: 9-17h, Do: 9-19h), 1010 Wien, Operngasse 6, (01) 512 63 35-0 FESTIVALPASS: Direkt vom Veranstalter unter http://www.akkordeonfestival.at und im Vorverkauf in allen Filialen der BANK AUSTRIA: € 99.- für fünf Veranstaltungen freier Wahl, übertragbar. Bitte melden Sie sich bis spätestens sieben Tage vor der gewünschten Vorstellung unter friedl@akkordeonfestival.at oder +43 676 512 91 04) an und kommen Sie bis spätestens 30 Minuten vor Vorstellungsbeginn, da sonst kein Sitzplatz garantiert werden kann. |
Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh Festival - Irelandby Diatonic News |
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Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh is a 5 day Traditional Music School paying particular attention to the music, style and of the Corca Dhuibhne peninsula in Co. Kerry, Ireland on the Wild Atlantic Way. The next Scoil Cheoil will run from Wednesday the 17th to Sunday the 21st of February, 2016 with 25 classes in a wide range of instruments as well as sean-nós singing workshops and a sean-nós dance workshop. Over the 5 days there are concerts, sessions, singers’ nights, recitals, a pupils’ concert, guided walk, and all sorts of other events based on various aspects of our tradition. Concerts will feature performances from many musicians including Paddy & Kevin Glacken, Dermot Byrne, Florian Blanke, Róisín Ní Mhainín, Aoife & Deirdre Granville, Noel Battle & Róisín Broderick, Paul McGrattan and Clare Egan. Coming to Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh not only gives people the opportunity to get a taste of the local music and song, but it gives people a chance to experience the richness of the Irish language here in the heart of the Kerry Gaeltacht. People have the opportunity to attend a ‘ciorcal comhrá’ (conversation circle) where they can practice their cúpla focal, and for those whose ambitions lie further afield, we have classes in Gáidhlig (Scotts Gaelic). Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh is also delighted to have the opportunity to invite musicians from all over Ireland to come to Scoil Cheoil to take part in teaching classes and performing at concerts and recitals. Baile an Fheirtéaraigh is a small village with a great energy and a huge enthusiasm for music and is a great place to spend a few days enjoying the music and the company. Ag súil le sibh a fheiscint! Niamh agus Breanndán www.scoilcheoil.com |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
Winter Festival 2016 - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() Winter is cold in Vermont! The Summit School of Traditional Music and Culture will heat things up by hosting the 6th annual ‘Spice on Snow’ Winter Music, Food and Dance Festival February 18th-21st, 2016. This festival is essential to winter in the community, powering through the darkest days, as well as a fantastic celebration of all the year-round at the Summit School. $7500 need to be raised to bring these artists to Montpelier. This is only a portion of the festival budget, but with the visitors help, high quality performers will come to be part. In appreciation of any donation, tickets are offered to festival shows, festival passes and other Spice on Snow surprises. This is the link to help: http://igg.me/at/spiceonsnow/x/12864032 http://summitschool.wix.com/summitschool This year, there is a new selection of nationally known performers to our small capitol city of Montpelier to teach workshops and play concerts throughout the weekend; featured artists include: Foghorn Stringband (high energy old-time music from Portland, Oregon), Cajun Country Revival (featuring duo, Joel Savoy and Jesse Lege, plus members of Foghorn Stringband), Corey Porche (Cajun/Zydeco dance and Creole culture), and the Sweetback Sisters (authentic honky-tonk and close harmonies by Emily Miller and Zara Bode). The festival also features Cajun food by Chef Bill Koucky, a special performance by Young Traditions Touring group, square dancing and contra dancing, and other performances by local Vermont bands. Celebrating the winter with dances, food, music workshops, and concerts. |
Stage d'improvisation musicale - Franceby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() à la MFR - La Grive à Bourgoin-Jallieu (38) avec Jérémie Mignotte – Stéphane Milleret Norbert Pignol – Patrick Reboud Christophe Sacchettini – Jean-Pierre Sarzier Ce stage est ouvert à tous les instrumentistes venant de tous les horizons musicaux. Il sera animé par six musiciens professionnels autour d’un programme commun, adapté selon les niveaux des participants, répartis en trois groupes tout au long de la semaine : groupe 1 : initiation, découverte – groupe 2 : approfondissement – groupe 3 : master-class. Pour savoire plus: http://stagemydriase.jimdo.com/stage-d-improvisation-musicale/ |
Mundharmonika-Reparatur-Workshop - Trossingen/Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() Anmeldeschluss: (Fr) 19.02.2016 (max. Teilnehmerzahl 10 Personen) Mit: Gaby Hand Thema: Dieser Workshop zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie Ihre Mundharmonikas selbst reinigen und reparieren können. In 3 Stunden lernen Sie, wie man Ventile austauscht, Löseabstände einstellt und Ihre Mundharmonikas pflegt. Des Weiteren wird es eine kleine Einführung zum Stimmen der Mundharmonika geben. Seminargebühr: € 30.– Info:www.hohner-konservatorium.de |
Mundharmonika "Bass und Akkord" für Einsteiger - Trossingen/Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() Anmeldeschluss: (Fr) 19.02.2016 (max. Teilnehmerzahl 12 Personen) mit Brigitte Burgbacher und Birgit Käfer Voraussetzungen: Mitnahme des eigenen Instrumentes. Theoretische und Vorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich. Thema: Grundkenntnisse des Bass und Akkordspiels. Ziel: Haltung und Ansatz mit verschiedenen Spielübungen Seminargebühr: € 45.– Info und Anmeldung: www.hohner-konservatorium.de |
Mehrstimmiges Spielen in der Gruppe mit chrom. Mundharmonika, Bass- und Akkordmundharmonika - DEUTSCHLANDby Diatonic News |
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Sa | 05.03.2016 | 09.00 - 12.30 und 14.00 - 17.30 Uhr So | 06.03.2016 | 09.00 - 12.30 Uhr Anmeldeschluss: (Fr) 19.02.2016 Dozententeam: Mundharmonikaquartett „Harmonicamento“: www.harmonicamento. Mit: Brigitte Burgbacher/Kathrin Gass/Birgit Käfer/Gerhard Müller (Anzahl der Dozenten richtet sich nach der Teilnehmerzahl) Voraussetzungen: Spielerische Vorkenntnisse. Vorhandene Notenkenntnisse sind von Vorteil! Mitzubringen ist ein eigener Notenständer. Thema: Im Seminar werden Sie verschiedene, mehrstimmige Arrangements unter Einbindung von Bass- und Akkordinstrumenten kennenlernen. Beim Spielen in der Gruppe erfahren Sie Neues über die musikalischen Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten und die damit verbundenen technischen Elementen. Seminargebühr: € 60.– Anmeldung: www.hohner-konservatorium.de |
Concertina Cruinniú 2016 - Irelandby Diatonic News |
![]() will take place on 12th, 13th & 14th February 2016. The Concertina Cruinniú is an annual community, non-commercial event organised by Oidhreacht an Chláir to promote the musical and cultural heritage of Clare. Contact eolas@oac.ie or 065-7085785. For more Information about all the programm, reservation, registrationl view the below listed website: http://oac.ie/site/sites/default/files/media/CC%20brouchure%202016.pdf |
Video: Inside Diatonic Accordion, Music by Andrej Gropajc - Sloveniaby Harley Jones |
We often wonder what is happening in the accordion when we are playing, what is hidden in it, how does it all work? Hence the idea to try to capture on video and show the inside of the accordion and what is happening while you play. Published on Sep 1, 2015 Music title: Po hitrih poteh. Players: Andrej Gropajc, Diatonic accordion: Beltuna Alpstar IVDR (LUPINC) Guitar: Jani Rednak Bass: Jani Rednak Sponsors: Beltuna Accordions, Inmuzik and Kleva Films. |
Folk At The Riverside - Suffolk/UKby Diatonic News |
![]() Workshop 1: English Dance Music: Tunes of George Watson (improvers) with Dave Shepherd Workshop 2: Playing for English Ceilidhs (beginners) with Paul Scourfield 11:30 - 12:30 Workshop 3: English Dance Music: The East Anglian Repertoire (Beginners) with Dave Shepherd Workshop 4: Playing for Englidh Ceilidhs (improvers) with Paul Scourfield 3:00 - 6:00pm Concert in Main Hall Paul Scourfield, Dave Shepherd, East Creek Union, Where's Spot, Alice Martin, Old School Rapper Information: Contact Mike and Sue Lawrence mikelawrence@suffolkfolk.co.uk Rose Cottage, 38 Front Street, Mendlesham, Suffolk IP14 5RY - phone 01449 766747 http://suffolkfolk.co.uk/riverside.php |
AKKORDEON – & HARMONIKAWORKSHOP - Austriaby Diatonic News |
![]() Beginn: 15:00 - 18:00 Uhr Workshop mit CHRISTIAN HARTL (AT) Die Steirische Harmonika – Atmen mit der Hand Der Workshop mit dem steirischen Musikanten Christian Hartl (Hartl Musi, Rougler, D.A.C.) ist sowohl für Anfänger als auch für Fortgeschrittene auf der Steirischen Harmonika geeignet. Er reicht von ersten Übungen, über die Verbesserung der technischen Fertigkeiten am Instrument bis hin zur Liedbegleitung, Improvisation und Repertoirekunde der alpenländischen Volksmusik. Teilnahmegebühr: EUR 40,00 Kontakt/Anmeldung/Ort: Österreichisches Volksliedwerk, Operngasse 6, 1010 Wien office@volksliedwerk.at, www.volksliedwerk.at +43/1/512 6335 |
Concertina Repair Workshop with Stephen Chambers - Irelandby Diatonic News |
![]() Concertina repair & maintenance with Stephen Chambers. Venue: Central Hotel, Main St. Admission €5. Free for registered students. Stephen Chambers will be available on Saturday 13th, from 11am - 5.30pm in the Music Makers of West Clare to consult about concertinas and to carry out running repairs in addition to workshop on Sunday 14th. BOOKING and further details: eolas@oac.ie or 065-7085785. http://oac.ie/site/sites/default/files/media/CC%20brouchure%202016.pdf |
Workshop mit Franziska Hatz - Vienna/Austriaby Diatonic News |
![]() „Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit“ ist das Credo von Franziska Hatz (Das Großmütterchen Hatz Salon Orkestar, Karat Apart) beim Kennenlernen eines Instruments. AnfängerInnen können hier lustvoll ein erstes Gefühl für das Instrument entwickeln. Teilnahmegebühr: EUR 40,00 Kontakt/Anmeldung/Ort: Österreichisches Volksliedwerk, Operngasse 6, 1010 Wien office@volksliedwerk.at, www.volksliedwerk.at +43/1/512 6335 |
12. Schwäbisches Harmonika-Seminar - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
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![]() Bekannte Musikanten und Lehrer aus der Volksmusik geben gerne Ihr Wissen weiter, folgende Ziele sollen im Einzelunterricht verwirklicht werden: •Kennenlernen des Instruments •Erlernen der Spieltechniken (Fingersatz ...) •Ausprobieren des freien Spiels (ohne Griffschrift-Notation) •freies Zusammenspiel (Begleiten ….) •... und natürlich: Spaß am Musizieren zu finden! Krumbach Eingeladen sind alle, die Interesse am Harmonikaspiel haben, ob fortgeschritten, ob Anfänger, ob mit oder ohne Instrument (Leihinstrumente können zur Verfügung gestellt werden). Das Seminar ist auf 60 Teilnehmer begrenzt. Es wird empfohlen sich rechtzeitig anzumelden, denn die Plätze werden entsprechend der Reihenfolge der Anmeldungen vergeben. Das gemütliche Beisammensein nach dem Unterricht soll natürlich auch nicht zu kurz kommen. http://www.ziach-seminar.de/krumbach.html |
Workshop "Come and Join the Band" - IP6 8AE/UKby Diatonic News |
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7.30pm every 2nd Thursday of the month. This Workshop is held at The Ark, King William Street, Needham Market IP6 8AE. Suffolk has a long history of traditional music and Suffolk Folk aim to keep it that way! We run a monthly workshop aimed at bridging the gap between playing at home and in public sessions. It also gives participants the experience of playing together as a band. The workshops are designed to attract all age groups from youngsters upwards and all acoustic instruments able to play in the keys of D and G. The music workshops are designed to help people become more confident playing traditional music socially, and are aimed at Beginners and Improvers. The tunes are played at a pace slow enough so that everyone can join in. They also cover playing as a band, helping with arrangements, harmonies/counter melodies and other dark mysteries. The workshop is run by Suffolk Folk's Maggie Moore and Stan Bloor who play together in the folk band Pluck 'n' Squeeze. The cost is £2 and Suffolk Folk members get a 25% discount! For more details drop email: maggie@suffolkfolk.co.uk http://suffolkfolk.co.uk/workshops.html |
WellMed Network Dr. David Champion and Flaco Jimenez - USAby Harley Jones |
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Conjunto legend Flaco Jimenez is nearing his 77th birthday. While his calendar is still full — packed with fan appearances, award shows, charity benefits, music festivals and interviews — his accordion doesn’t get played as much these days. After back surgery, a fall that resulted in a broken hip, and a subsequent fall that broke multiple ribs, Flaco is under doctor’s orders to “take it easy” and “slow down.” That means slowing down on performing and touring, and focusing on recovery. Flaco Jiminez career with the renowned groups the Texas Tornados and Los Super Seven includes five Grammy Awards, a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Grammys, a National Heritage Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts, multiple Tejano Music Awards, 13 albums and thousands of sold-out shows. His latest non-musical endeavor is sharing his healthcare journey as a paid spokesman for WellMed. Flaco is a patient in the WellMed Network with Dr. David Champion as his primary care provider. WellMed is a 25-year-old healthcare company, best known for its WellMed primary care clinics in Texas and Florida. Flaco signed a waiver regarding patient confidentiality in agreeing to have Dr. Champion share his healthcare story and together they are working to promote WellMed. |
The Gathering Workshops for diatonic accordion and concertina - Irelandby Diatonic News |
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![]() ![]() The Gathering 2016 tutors for the instrument masterclasses include Noel Hill, Matt Cranitch, Connie O’Connell, Orlaith McAuliffe, Billy Clifford, Paudie O’Connor, Bryan O’Leary, Johnny Ringo McDonagh. For more detailed information view: http://thegathering.ie/workshops/ |
Winter-Wandel-Trekharmonika-Weekeinde - Netherlandsby Diatonic News |
![]() 20-22 februari 2015 Berg en Dal (Nijmegen) Mark geeft de workshop. Een gevoelige mineurwals, een sensuele tango, een lome blues of een swingende polka?De juiste noten spelen is één ding, maar hoe krijg je zo'n melodie dan al naar gelang gevoelig of sensueel of loom of swingend fris? Mijn oma zei het al : "C'est le ton qui fait la musique ". Daarom: we gaan in deze workshop kijken hoe je van noten muziek kan maken: hoe maak je een toon, hoe zet je 'm in, hou je 'm aan of niet, kort, lang, zacht, hard, hoe gebruik je je balg, de adem immers van je trekharmonika en wanneer precies. Waar laat je je vingers en je voeten en hoe schakel je (voor een stukje) je verstand uit en (helemaal) je gevoel in. We gaan dit doen in C/F en evt. G/C aan de hand van een paar mooie, gevoelige, sensuele, lome en swingende melodieën uit het rijke repertoire (en dat is vaak meer dan je denkt) waaruit we als trekharmonikaspeler kunnen kiezen, van middeleeuwen via balfolk tot popmuziek aan toe. http://www.marksohngen.nl |
Workshop with Jesse Lége - Montpelier/USAby Diatonic News |
![]() will hold a Workshop for Cajun Accordion on: Saturday, 20t of February 2016 during the Spice on Snow Festival in Montpelier, Bethany Church. http://www.summit-school.org If you want to subscribe - pls contact: http://summitschool.wix.com/summitschool#!winterfestival/c10pc Summit School of Traditional Music and Culture Phone: 802-917-1186 E-mail: director@summit-school.org |
Noel Hill - Concertina Masterclasses - Irelandby Diatonic News |
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SATURDAY, 13 FEBRUARY Classes for all grades, beginner, intermediate and advanced at National School, Mullagh Rd. Including: · ADULT-ONLY BEGINNERS CLASS. · MASTER CLASS WITH NOEL HILL. STUDENTS MUST PRE REGISTER FOR THESE TWO CLASSES All classes will be overseen by Master Tutor Noel Hill and conducted by a panel of experienced musicians and tutors: Jacqueline McCarthy, Edel Fox, Mary MacNamara, Jack Talty, Hugh Healy, Cormac Begley, Liam O’Brien and Michelle Mulcahy. http://oac.ie/site/sites/default/files/media/CC%20brouchure%202016.pdf |
Future events / Concerts |
Sharon Shannon & Alan Connor Concerts, Paris - Franceby Diatonic News |
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Irish button accordionist Sharon Shannon and pianist/guitarist Alan Connor perform together in two concerts on Thursday February 18th and Friday February 19th, 8.30pm both evenings, at the Studio Ermitage, 8 Rue de l'Ermitage, 75020 Paris. Sharon Shannon and Alan Connor’s recent CD/DVD release, ‘In Galway’, was recorded live at O’Connor Famous Pub in Salthill, Galway. The pair have a natural spark, and the show is full of joy and verve. Sharon Shannon has done a great deal to promote the accordion in Ireland and around the world. She is renowned for her collaborations, not just in Irish traditional music, but through other genres, such as Hip-Hop, Cajun, Country, Classical, and even Rap. |
Danças Ocultas Concert - Québec/Canadaby Diatonic News |
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Sunday Feb 14, 2016 Danças Ocultas will perform a showcase at the opening night of LE RIDEAU tradefair in Québec/Canada. Boa viagem e boa sorte senhores! http://www.rideau-inc.qc.ca/bourse-rideau/programme/selection-internationale-2016 |
Video: Dwight 'Black Cat' Carrier & The Ro' Dog - San Diego/USAby Harley Jones |
![]() February 13, 2016 Balboa Park Club, Balboa Park 2144 Pan American Rd W, San Diego, CA 92101 This is a rare appearance by this member of the legendary Carrier family. Come get yer hard-drivin' honky-tonk, chank-a-chank on as you listen and "Do The Zydeco" two-step to the big rockin' bluesy sounds of Dwight "Black Cat" Carrier. Hailing from Church Point, Louisiana, Carrier says he plays "heart pounding zydeco." Now living in the San Francisco area, Carrier's extensive resume includes multiple performances at the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival. As a cousin to Grammy-winner Chubby Carrier, the contagious, high-energy music of the Creole people of southwest Louisiana runs in his veins, and is soon to run in yours as well. http://www.icajunzydeco.com/ |
AKKORDEONFESTIVAL LOUNGE - Vienna/Austriaby Diatonic News |
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Franziska Hatz präsentiert: KABANE 13 (AT) Saturday, 27.02.2016 Beginn: 21:00 Uhr Spielort Café Mocca 1180 Wien, Gersthofer Straße 2a Tel.: +43 1 890 35 93 URL: cafemocca.eu Amanda Rotter: Stimme Stefan Angerer: Gitarre, Stimme Andreas Teufel: Wiener Knopfharmonika, Stimme Wieder öffnet die Akkordeonfestival Lounge in Gersthof ihre Pforten, unmittelbarer Konzertgenuß bei freiem Eintritt – es geht der Hut! 2001 spielten Amanda Rotter und Stefan Angerer bei einem Festival jiddische Lieder und Stücke aus der Feder Roland Neuwirths. 2013 griffen sie diese Zusammenarbeit wieder auf, seit Mai 2015 verstärkt durch den Akkordeonisten Andreas Teufel. Das Trio spannt einen Bogen von alten Wienerliedern und Tänzen über Klassiker und Raritäten von Leopoldi, Bronner, Qualtinger, Heller, Hodina, Neuwirth bis zu Jazzstandards auf Wienerisch. Kabane 13 besingen eine Stadt, in der sich die Welt doch noch ein wenig langsamer dreht. www.kabane13.com |
Didier Laloy and Kathy Adam en Fevrier 2016 - Belgiumby Diatonic News |
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16-20/02/16 - 20:00h - Bruxelles Salle/Riches Claires 23/02/16 - 13:00h Didier Laloy/Kathy Adam à Louvain-la-Neuve Ferme du Biéreau 24/02/16 - 20h Didier Laloy/Kathy Adam à Bruxelles/MARNI/Belgium 26/02/16 - 20h Didier Laloy/Kathy Adam à Chiny Centre culturel 27/02/16 - 20h Didier Laloy/Kathy Adam à Wasseige Ferme de la dîme 28/02/16 - 16h Didier Laloy/Kathy Adam à Belsele ‘t Eynde Information: http://didierlaloy.be/concerts/ |
Video: Geno Delafose 4th Feb 2016 Rock n'Bowl New Orleasn - USAby Harley Jones |
![]() Geno Delafose (born February 6, 1972 in Eunice, Louisiana) is a zydeco accordionist and singer. He is one of the younger generations of the genre who has created the sound known as the nouveau zydeco. His sound is deeply rooted in traditional Creole music with strong influences from Cajun music and also country and western. His father is the famous zydeco accordion player John Delafose. At the age of eight, he joined his father’s band, the Eunice Playboys as a rubboard player and continued to play with the band until his father’s death in 1994. He also appeared on the several of the bands recordings. He switched to the accordion in the early 1990s and started to play as an opening act for his father. In 1994, he debuted with album French Rockin’ Boogie on Rounder Records. The name of this album also became the name of his band with whom he still plays with today. He released two more albums from the label, before signing with Time Square label to release Everybody’s Dancin’ in 2003. He has been nominated for a Grammy Award in the “Best Zydeco Or Cajun Music Album” category for his Le Cowboy Creole album (2007). Thursday, February 4th, 2016 - 8:30pm cajun, zydeco, & swamp pop 3000 S Carrollton Ave, New Orleans, LA 70118 Friday 2/5 Opelousas Mardi Gras Celebration (Delta Grand Theater, 120 South Market Street, Opelousas, LA) 7pm - 10pm Geno Delafose & French Rockin' Boogie http://www.rocknbowl.com/events |
SOYKA/STIRNER - TANZEN ZWEI MIT TANZ ZWEI - Wien/Österreichby Diatonic News |
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Walther Soyka: Knöpferlharmonika Karl Stirner: Zither Friday, 26.02.2016 Beginn: 20:00 Uhr Spielort Reigen 1140 Wien, Hadikgasse 62 Tel.: +43 1 894 00 94 URL: reigen.at „(…) wahre Herren aus Wien werden mit Eleganz und Bestimmtheit das Richtige und das Rechtschaffene tun. Zum Beispiel auf die richtige Weise musizieren…“ Ernst Molden. Weiters schreibt er über ihr neues Album „tanz zwei“ (Non Food Factory): „Manche Stücke in dieser Sammlung sind alt, überliefert oder notiert, manche sind neu, gerade erst erfunden. Aber alle sind sie immer erst vollendet, wenn sie von Walther Soyka und Karl Stirner auf ihren leisen und doch so machtvollen Instrumenten ins Leben gelacht und geweint werden.“ Im Konzert zum Lachen, zum Weinen, zum Tanzen, wenn mensch sich bloß traut! www.soykastirner.com |
Lil Wayne & Same Ol' Two Step - Louisiana/USAby Diatonic News |
![]() Where: Performance Center Dance and enjoy the music afternoon away at Vermilionville's Performance Center with Lil Wayne & Same Ol' 2 Step. Admission is $10 and refreshments will be available for this smoke-free family-friendly event. LIL WAYNE & SAME OL' 2 STEP While some of the younger Zydeco musicians are pushing zydeco to the progressive left, Wayne & Same Ol 2 Step, keep their music firmly grounded in the Opelousas-Lawtell tradition of Zydeco. Mentored by the legendary Roy Carrier, Wayne Singleton, founder of the band, at the age of 30 has toured and played throughout the United States and in Europe, playing such venues as Blast from the Bayou at Strawberry Park, Oshkosh Sawdust Days Jazz and Zydeco Festival, Gator by the Bay, Daphne Zydeco Festival and the Cajun & Zydeco Festival in Raamsdonksveer, Holland. For more information call (337) 233-4077. http://www.bayouvermiliondistrict.org/events/lil-wayne-same-ol-two-step |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
DVD "L'air et le Geste" Stéphane Milleret & Norbert Pignol - Franceby Diatonic News |
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Titre : L'air et le geste Genre : cours d'accordéon diatonique tous niveaux Auteurs : Stéphane Milleret & Norbert Pignol Musique : Stéphane Milleret & Norbert Pignol Langue : Français Sous-titres : Anglais, espagnol, italien Nombre de disques : 1 Durée : 3 heures 30 Format : couleur - PAL - Région : Toutes les régions Création graphique : Amélie Lamirand Réalisation :R'Bazard Production - Léo Dadin Images : Léo Dadin et Alban Archimbaud Coordination du projet : Jérémie Bonamant Teboul Année de sortie : 2015 Production : Mustradem Commande: http://boutique.mustradem.com/product_info.php?products_id=183&osCsid=ft0tidvm07klil29nput4sli73 ou: http://www.famdt.com/lair-et-le-geste-dvd-de-norbert-pignol-stephane-milleret-cours-daccordeon-diatonique-tous-niveaux/ |
CD "Mountain Man" - Andreas Gabalier/Österreichby Diatonic News |
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CD "Home sweet home" Andreas Gabalier - Österreichby Diatonic News |
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Live aus München - Andreas Gabalier Hören und Bestellen - auf http://www.andreas-gabalier.at/meine-lieder.html |
Andrea Capezzuoli e Compagnia CD VIVO - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Vivo! (2015) 1. Il frate Cappuccin - La marche des éléves - Reel 2. La valse du Peril 3. Reel Beatrice 4. Cecilia 5. Bourrée 6. L’inglesa - La Cardeuse 7. Tout en bouvand 8. Halley’s jig - Reel Saint-Hubert 9. Clog de Pariseau 10. Vals clog 11. Serenin 12. Lake Martin, Louisiana 13. Martini Phase 14. On veut des ronds 15. Leandra - Reel des soucoupes volantes Andrea Capezzuoli: voce, melodéon, organetti, piedi Milo Molteni: violino, voce Jacopo Ventura: chitarra, voce con/Guest: Nicola Brighenti: hang, step dance Luca Rampinini: sax, flauto traverso Mattia Ghion, chitarra, voce Info: http://www.andreacapezzuoliecompagnia.it/progetti.htm |
Video: Folk trio Granny's Atticby Harley Jones |
Video: Folk Trio Granny's Attic performing 'Paddy on the Railroad' on the Hobgoblin stage at the Wychwood festival in Cheltenham on Sunday 31st May 15. Granny's Attic were nominees for BBC Radio 2's Young Folk Award last year. In early January Granny's Attic were performing at the Church Eaton Village Institute. Undergraduates Cohen BraithwaiteKilcoyne, George Sansome and Lewis Wood play a range of English, Irish and Scottish music as well their own compositions. Their variety of instruments includes melodeon, concertina, guitar, fiddle and mandolin. |
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