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Highlights |
Best wishes for all Festivities in 2017by Diatonic News |
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Free Postage, Super Value Christmas Gifts Books by Benetouxby Harley Jones |
Catalog benetouxen00 The Ins and Outs of the Accordion (Book text) € 44,97 - How To Understand and Repair Your Accordion - How to Tune Your Accordion Catalog bthierryen Sounding Out The Accordion (Book text) € 42,00 Frais de port gratuit, Cadeaux de Noël Super Value, Livres par Benetoux. L'auteur de la réparation d'accordéon, Thierry Benetoux, offre un Post spécial gratuit de Noël pour tous ses livres jusqu'au 20 décembre. Profitez de cette offre spéciale pour: Catalog benetouxfr00 Comprendre et Reparer Votre Accordeon (Book text) € 45,00 - Comment comprendre et réparer votre accordéon - Comment accorder votre accordéon Catalog: bthierryfr L’Accordeon & SA Diversite Sonore (Book text) € 49,00 |
Marconi Bellows "Know the People" Interview, Castelfidardo - Italyby Diatonic News |
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"Know the People" Interview at: 2017Marconi with: Giorgio Marconi (Owner) and Lorella Marconi(Owner). Editor: Holda Paoletti-Kampl "Know the People" of Castelfidardo who have made this small city so famous around the world for their quality accordion products. Interview at: 2017Marconi Picture below: Know the People" with: Giorgio Marconi and Lorella Marconi. |
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Andreas Gabalier, der neue Star bei "Madame Tussauds" Wien - Austriaby Diatonic News |
![]() Er ist ab sofort im Musikraum des Wachsfigurenkabinetts in einem interaktiven Setting zu bestaunen. Der Steirer, der 2018 bereits wieder auf große Hallentournee geht, ließ es sich nicht nehmen, trotz stressigen Terminplanes persönlich im Wiener Prater vorbeizuschauen. Vom Ergebnis zeigt er sich begeistert: „Es ist ein sehr eigenartiges Gefühl, neben sich selbst zu stehen und cool, mit 32 Jahren einen weiteren Bruder zu haben“. Gabalier wurde bereits im Februar zu einem dreistündigen Sitting in Graz eingeladen. Knapp 250 Messungen und 180 Fotos wurden aus jedem Winkel aufgenommen, um die Wachsfigur so realistisch wie möglich darzustellen. Das zweite Sitting im Mai, diesmal in London, half, präzise Feinarbeiten des bereits bestehenden Tonkopfes mit dem Original abzugleichen. „Es ist erstaunlich, dass alles noch immer so Old-School vermessen wird“, so Gabalier über den langwierigen Entstehungsprozess. Zu sehen ist die 200.000 € teure Wachsfigur in einem Original Gabalier-Trachtenoutfit, seine Harmonika wurde von der Firma Strasser zur Verfügung gestellt. Auch die Pose wurde von ihm selbst ausgewählt. Sie zeigt ihn lässig mit einem Bein auf der Harmonika stehend. Das Setting wurde aufwendig gestaltet, um die Besucher mit interaktiven Highlights zu überraschen: schnaufende Hirschköpfe mit leuchtend roten Augen, versteckte Videobotschaften und eine Harmonika machen das Erlebnis perfekt. „Es ist uns eine Ehre, solch einen österreichischen Superstar mit zahlreichen Rekorden in unserer Wachs-Familie begrüßen zu dürfen“, so Arabella Kruschinski, Geschäftsführerin von Madame Tussauds Wien. Ein weiterer Meilenstein seiner Karriere wurde erreicht. Andreas Gabalier ab 6. Oktober: neu und nur bei Madame Tussauds Wien - ready to Volks Rock’n’Roll. Rückfragehinweis Lukas Rauscher Madame Tussauds Wien GM Assistant & Presse T | + 43 1 90 66 3 – 18 Mobil | + 43 699 132 6999 1 Lukas.Rauscher@merlinentertainments.biz / pr_wien@madametussauds.com Foto: Pail Josef |
2. Steirischer Generationen Harmonika-Wettbewerb 55+ - Austriaby Diatonic News |
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Der 1. Steirische Harmonika Wettbewerb im November 2016 anlässlich der Grazer Messe 55 plus war schon ein riesiger Erfolg. Teilnehmer aus Vorarlberg, Oberösterreich, Wien, Burgenland und der Steiermark waren vertreten. Aufgrund der starken Nachfrage während und auch nach der Veranstaltung fand der 2. Steirische Harmonikawettbewerb am Samstag, den 4. und 5. November in der Halle am Messegelände in Graz statt. Teilnahmebedingungen: Vom Anfänger bis zum Talent. In zwei Kategorien „Einzel“ und „Duett.“ Zugelassen im Einzelwettbewerb waren Personen, die bis zum 5. November 2017 ihr 55. Lebensjahr erreicht haben. Im Duett – Großeltern mit Enkel, Eltern mit Kind, Onkel/Tante mit Neffen/Nichte – muss eine Person das Alter von mindestens 55 Jahren erreicht haben. Die Teilnehmer wurden durch eine kompetente Fachjury bewertet, dabei gab es auch den einen oder anderen Ratschlag für die Zukunft. Preise: Die ersten drei je Kategorie erhielten eine wunderschöne Trophäe, weiters erhielt die erste eine spielbare kleine Harmonika sowie Gutscheine und Sachpreise für die Finalisten. Alle Teilnehmer an beiden Tagen bekamen auch eine Erinnerungsurkunde. |
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Know the People Interviews Index Page Updatedby Diatonic News |
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A list of Know the People Interviews published in the last 12 months are: Marconi Bellows interview at: 2017Marconi Giemme Bellows interview at: 2017Giemme Baffetti Accordions interview at: 2017Baffetti Fismen Accordions interview at: 2017Fismen Italcinte musical instrument straps interview at: 2017Italcinte MusicTech Factory interview at: 2017MusicTech Mengascini Nello Accordion Factory interview at: 2017MN-Interview Giustozzi Accordions & Diatonics Factory interview at: 2017GiustozziAcc Alessandrini Accordion Factory interview at: 2017Alessandrini Fisitalia Accordion Factory interview at: 2016Fisitalia Serenellini Accordion Factory interview at: 2016Serenellini See over 100 other interviews at: Celebrity Interviews |
Diatonic Accordions Display - Accordion Museum Castelfidardo - ITALYby Diatonic News |
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If travelling to the home of the accordion during the month of December - do not miss to visit the accordion museum with many important identities of diatonic accordions made in Italy. |
Bandoneon Lovers are Looking for a x-mas present? - WORLDWIDEby Diatonic News |
![]() x-mas Spardose/money saver box Verkauf und Versand durch Amazon. Geschenkverpackung verfügbar. YOUR moneybox - now - you can have it on Amazon... • detailgetreue Nachahmung einer Harmonika/identical to an orginal Harmonika • im antiken Stil/antique style • viel Platz zum Sparen von Kleingeld und Scheinen/much space for money • ideal als musikalisches Geschenk/ideal as gift • Höhe: 12 cm/hight 12 cm gesehen bei/seen on: http://www.amazon.de/Pajoma-44408-Spardose-Harmonika-Polyesin/dp/B00EKJTPGW |
Accordion Babes 2018 Pin-up Calendar - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() The Accordion Babes Pin-Up Calendar is the world's first sexy calendar that also comes with a CD. We are redefining sexiness by putting out both a fun collection of sexy accordion photos, and a compilation CD which gives people the chance to hear the artists' music. The 2018 Edition is number nine in the series. All the music and photos are collected and we are almost ready to go to print. What we need now are pre-orders and shares on social media to get the printing press rolling for the Accordion Babes. Art from the calendar is both viewable and audible on the project video. It's important for us to remember to have fun, now more than ever....says Renee de la Prade. The 2018 Accordion Babes Pin-Up Calendar is a musical calendar with sexy, empowered women who play accordion from the U.S., Canada and Europe, which comes with a CD. Accordion players around the world can rejoice as the Accordion Babes return for the 9th round of gorgeous, sexy, cheeky photos and inspiring music. The artists in the 2018 Edition are: Meredith Pangrace (USA), Kitten on the Keys (USA) Renee de la Prade (USA and Germany) Shelder the Electric Clamfish (Canada) Jet Black Pearl (Netherlands, USA), Big Lou the Accordion Princess (USA), Scout Tran (USA), Susanne Koska (Germany) Joana Reis (Portugal), Doodles LaRue (USA), Sarah Savoy (USA, France), Miss Natasha Enquist, (Canada, Germany), and Aurelia Cohen (USA). To order the Calendar: www.accordionpinupcalendar.com |
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Motive der Men-Edition des Jungbauernkalenders 2018 - Austriaby Diatonic News |
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YOUR X-Mas Accordion CAKE - Worldwideby Diatonic News |
![]() You can order it (or any similar version) check out at the website on the image below...and "buon appetit" from diatonic news! |
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Geno Delafose & French Rockin' Boogie on December Tour - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() 2636 Hwy 3059 Old Town Rd Lake Charles, LA 70615 8:-11pm (Smoke Free) December 02 Saturday Buck N Johnny's Breaux Bridge, LA. 8:30am December 02 Saturday Hope Miller (Benefit) Church Point Park Church Point, LA. 3:30-5:PM December 02 Saturday La Poussiere - Authentic Cajun Dancehall Breaux Bridge LA. 8:pm December 03 Sunday Annual Toys For Tots Drive 5 Dollars & A Toy Route 92 Bar Youngsville, LA. 4:pm December 08 Friday Pat's Atchafalaya Club Henderson, LA. 8:PM December 09 Saturday Toby's Little Lodge Opelousas, LA. 8:30-11:30pm December 10 Sunday Whiskey River Landing Henderson, LA. 4:pm December 14 Thursday Southwind Nursing & Rehab Center Crowley LA. 6:PM December 15 Friday La Poussiere - Authentic Cajun Dancehall Breaux Bridge LA. 8:pm December 16 Saturday Sue's Saddle UP Kaplan, LA 9:PM December 17 Sunday Route 92 Bar Youngsville, LA. 4:pm December 20 Wednesday District 40 Elderly Seminar State Representative Dustin Miller Xmas Party Yambilee Building Opelousas, LA. 9:AM December 22 Friday Delta Downs Gator Lounge Vinton, LA. 9:pm Free December 23 Saturday Le Barn Rouge Lafayette, LA. 7:00:PM December 24 Sunday Whiskey River Landing Henderson, LA. 4:pm December 28 Thursday Mid City Lanes Rock n Bowl New Orleans LA. 8:30pm December 29 Friday Route 92 Bar Youngsville, LA. 9:30pm December 30 Saturday Grant Street Dance Hall Lafayette, LA. 8:30pm December 31 Sunday New Years Eve Dance Vermilionville Lafayette, LA 9:30pm Geno Delafose (born February 6, 1971 in Eunice, Louisiana) is a zydeco accordionist and singer. He is one of the younger generations of the genre who has created the sound known as the nouveau zydeco. His sound is deeply rooted in traditional Creole music with strong influences from Cajun music and also country and western. His father is the famous zydeco accordion player John Delafose. Delafose was born and raised in Eunice, Louisiana. At the age of eight, he joined his father’s band, the Eunice Playboys as a rubboard player and continued to play with the band until his father’s death in 1994. He also appeared on the several of the bands recordings. He switched to the accordion in the early 1990s and started to play as an opening act for his father. In 1994, he debuted with album French Rockin’ Boogie on Rounder Records. The name of this album also became the name of his band with whom he still plays with today. He released two more albums from the label, before signing with Time Square label to release Everybody’s Dancin’ in 2003. He has also appeared on the compilation album Creole Bred: A Tribute to Creole & Zydeco released in 2004 on Vanguard Records. He has been nominated for a Grammy Award in the “Best Zydeco Or Cajun Music Album” category for his Le Cowboy Creole album (2007).He lives in Duralde, Louisiana near Eunice where he operates his Double D Ranch raising cattle and horses. He also holds fan appreciation parties annually. https://www.genodelafosemusic.com/tour-dates.html |
This Bunch Of Stranded Canadians Having A Singalong Is Just The Cutestby Diatonic News |
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Excerpts from www.pedestrian.tv report: written by Sam George-Allen This bunch of cheery Canucks who found themselves stranded at an airport thanks to a delayed flight. Did they moan and passive-aggressively include the airline’s Twitter handle in their disgruntled tweets? Of course not; they’re Canadian. Instead, when the charmingly-named Sheldon Thornhill found himself stuck in Toronto after his WestJet flight to St John’s was delayed for ages, he brought out his accordion. His mate Sean Sullivan whipped out a guitar. And just like that, the two middle-aged musos had the whole gate singing and dancing. And not to your standard ‘Wonderwall‘ either – the two blokes are well-versed in Canadian traditional folk songs, and that’s what they played. Sullivan revealed to CBC News that this wasn’t the first time the pair had entertained people stymied in transit. He also said that even the captain of the delayed flight joined in the singalong. What’s purer than a gaggle of good-natured folk from the land of the maple leaf singing ‘Sweet Forget Me Not‘ to the sound of an accordion and a guitar in an airport terminal? Turns out: nothing. Happy holidays, you bunch of angels. |
Alessandro Gaudio - Diatonic Accordion Tour - Russiaby Diatonic News |
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![]() Due appuntamenti importanti per Alessandro - il 22 e 26 Novembre durante il festival della fisarmonica all'università di Misis a Mosca per poi proseguire verso Rostov on Don il 27 e 28 Novembre ! Il Tour è stato organizzato dal Museo di Mosca e Alexander Poeluev. The diatonic accordion on tour in Russia with well-known italian accordionist Alessandro Gaudio, Teacher at the Tchaikovsky Music Conservatory/Italy. Two important appointments for Alessandro on 22 to 26 November during the Accordion Festival at Misis University in Moscow and Rostov on Don on 27 and 28 November! The Tour was organized by the Moscow Museum and Alexander Poeluev. |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
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December 6-8th 2017 Rochefort-en-Yvelines SOUND CONTROL BANDONEON TECHNIQUES, TANGO TECHNIQUES BANDONEON GROUP LESSONS ANALYSE OF HISTORICAL RECORDINGS Bandoneon HISTORY Information about fees and application : Martina Van Den Esch : arts.nature@wanadoo.fr or victango@hotmail.com |
Woodford Folk Festival - Australiaby Diatonic News |
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The Woodford Folk Festival, an event of international standing, is held annually over six days and six nights from Dec 27th through to January 1st. More than 2000 performers and 438 events are programmed featuring local, national and international guests.This year will be the 31st Woodford Folk Festival and the 23rd held at Woodfordia. The festival programme features concerts, dances, street theatre, writers’ panels, film festival, comedy sessions, acoustic jams, social dialogue and debate, folk medicine, an entire children’s festival, an environmental programme featuring talks, debates and films, art and craft workshops, circus performances and workshops, late night cabarets, parades and special events including a spectacular fire event. Within the festival village you can find 35 performance venues, of which 18 are all weather. The festival streets are lined with restaurants, cafes, stalls, bars, street theatre and parades. Tree-filled campgrounds, butterfly walks, ponds and wildlife complete the picturesque site. Info: https://woodfordfolkfestival.com/ |
Christmas Milonga with workshop+concert Beltango -by Diatonic News |
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26 December 2017 Paasheuvelgroep Woudenbergseweg 47, 3711 AA Austerlitz, Utrecht, Netherlands XMAS milonga with BELTANGO 26 December 2017 19:00 - 01:00 Dress code: FESTIVE & SHINY! Welcome for this Xtra Xmas edition with Xiting Xchange games with Paras and live music with Beltango Orquesta! We are super happy that they stay with us for 4 days and will play & teach more during the Taboe Tango Camp. More info on the Taboe Camp 27 Dec - 1 Jan: https://www.facebook.com/events/1953314024994464/ PROGRAM 26 December 19:00-20:30 Beltango workshop: 'More Than Fun Musicality' 20:30 - 01:30 milonga with Beltango with special Xmas surprise cambio by Paras ABOUT THE WORKSHOP: 19:00 - 20:30 'More Than Fun Musicality' by Alex & Ivana Nicolic from Beltango Besides being professional musicians, Alex and Ivana are also dancing tango for 15 years and know exactly what is interesting and useful for us, dancers. They will focus on exercises around the structure of tango songs, so that you get new ideas and possibilities how to make dance even more connected to the music. They will also use their instruments to make the music more alive on the bandoneon and piano. They say that that the workshop is more than funny! ABOUT BELTANGO Beltango Quinteto is one of the highly appreciated tango orchestras of Europe with joyful 'Balkan' roots with unique style. They are coming from Serbia. They play not only new arrangements of the greatest traditional tangos but also spicy own compositions with recognizable Balkan and gipsy influences. Their repertoire has a wide range from gentle to happy and energizing. They will stay 4 days with us during the Taboe Camp and play a second time during the Taboe Camp on 28 December with an different repertoire. Beltango has played all around the world, visited more than 30+ countries. They are the only European tango orchestra invited by the Ministry of Culture of Buenos Aires to perform at the Buenos Aires World Tango Festival. They played in many tango-shows as co-authors and musical directors in collaboration with some of the greatest tango artists in the world like Miguel Angel Zotto, Sebastian Arce y Mariana Montes, Gustavo Rosas y Gisela Natoli, Adrian Veredice y Alejandra Hobert, Santiago y Erna Giachello, Pablo Villarazza y Dana Frigoli. Their website: www.beltango.com |
Gewinner d.Grand Prix Schlagerdiamant 2017 - Austriaby Diatonic News |
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Am 18. November 2018 wurde von der Alpin-Media Agentur, der Schlagerdiamant 2017 für volkstümliche Musik im Kurt-Schedler-Zentrum in Eggendorf/Niederösterreich durchgeführt. Viele Gruppen und Musiker versuchten das zahlreich erschiene Publikum für sich zu begeistern Am erfolgreichsten waren dabei die "Blechquetscher" die als Sieger des Abends für volkstümliche Musik erkoren wurden. 2. Platz - Die Kurven Schneider 3. Platz - Der Grenzgänger Sound Für umfangreichere Info: Events Alpin Media <events@alpin-media.at> |
18. Fürstenecker Bordunale/Diatonisches Akkordeon mit Riccardo Tesi - DE/ITby Diatonic News |
![]() Diatonisches Akkordeon - Diatonic Accordionab mittlerem Spielniveau – from medium level Der Kurs bietet einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Aspekte, die die heutige Praxis des diatonischen Akkordeons charakterisieren. Bei dem Erlernen von traditionellen italienischen als auch von speziell für das Akkordeon komponierten Musikstücken befassen wir uns sowohl mit Fragen technischer Natur (Verwendung des Balges, lineare Cross-Technik, Fingersatz, Koordination etc.) als auch der Interpretation (Ornamentik, Ausdruck, Staccato und Legato etc.). Viel Raum wird dem harmonischen Aspekt und dem kompositorischen Prozess mit dem Instrument und seiner Verwendung in nicht-traditionellen Kontexten gewidmet sein. Der Workshop richtet sich an Musiker, die bereits im Besitz der Grundtechnik sind. Kenntnisse der Musiktheorie sind nicht erforderlich. Erforderliches Modell: G / C ohne Gleichtöner mit mindestens acht Bässen oder erweiterte Modelle. Es ist ratsam, ein Aufnahmeinstrument mitzubringen. Die Unterrichtssprache ist Englisch. Riccardo Tesi: Italien, international anerkannter Akkordeonspieler und Komponist, gilt als einer der kühnsten und maßgeblichsten Musiker der europäischen Weltmusikszene und als der Großmeister des diatonische Akkordeons in Italien. Leiter von Banditaliana, einer der renommiertesten italienischen Weltmusik-Gruppen, und er ist Mitglied von Samurai, dem All-Stars-Quintett der europäischen Akkordeonspieler. Anmeldung: http://www.burg-fuersteneck.de/kursprogramm/folk_bordunmusik/fuerstenecker_bordunale/18-33301/ |
All-Russia festival-competition «garmonistov Accordion without borders! " - RUSSIAby Harley Jones |
November 25, 2017. The open all-Russian harmony festival Harmon without Borders named after E. Derbenko was held last weekend in Orel. More than 90 accordionists from the Altai Territory, Bashkiria, Kursk, Yelets, Saratov, Tula, Moscow and many other regions of Russia came to participate in the competition and share their skills with the audience on the stage of the Orel City Cultural Center. The concert was conducted by Honored Artist of Russia Gennady Kalmykov. The jury consisted of the teachers of the Oryol State Institute of Culture, the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music. The chairman of the jury is the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Yevgeny Derbenko. The Grand Prix of the Contest "Harmon without Borders!" Was won by two participants: Anton Lukyanovsky from the Orel region and Pavel Fomin from Bryansk. |
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Fürstenecker Akkordeonale-Workshops - DEby Diatonic News |
![]() Gesamtleitung: Servais Haanen Kursbeschreibung: Bereits zum neunten Mal geht Servais Haanen 2017 mit seinem internationalen Festival „Akkordeonale“ auf Tournee (www.akkordeonale.de). Servais Haanen Zum siebten Mal bietet BURG FÜRSTENECK in Kooperation mit ihm Workshops aus dieser wunderbaren Welt an. Geleitet werden die Workshops auch in diesem Jahr von einem großartigen Team. Jede/r Musiker/in hat einen ganz eigenen Zugang zum Akkordeon. So kommen diverse Instrumententypen der Akkordeon-Familie und unterschiedlichste musikalische Einflüsse zum Einsatz. Wer die Vielfalt der Akkordeonmusik nicht nur hören, sondern selbst spielen möchte, sollte sich diese Gelegenheit nicht entgehen lassen! Bitte geben Sie bei der Anmeldung Ihren Workshopwunsch sowie Ihre Zweitwahl an, falls Ihre erste Wahl belegt ist. Die gleichzeitige Belegung von zwei Workshops ist nicht möglich. •Erfinder, Organisator und musikalischer Leiter der Konzertreihe "Akkordeonale". •Ausnahmeakkordeonist, musikalischer Querdenker, Meister feiner Klänge - mit dem diatonischen Akkordeon hat Servais sich als einfühlsamer Musiker und Komponist profiliert, der es versteht, die musikalische Idee auf den Kern der Aussage zuzuspitzen. •Kennzeichnend für seine sensiblen und poetischen Kompositionen sind minimalistisch-respektive Strukturen und magnetisch-mitziehende Melodien ohne jede Kitsch-Attitüde. •Er lässt sein Akkordeon in Sphären vordringen, in denen es bisher nichts zu suchen hatte... •Eine von Servais liebsten Beschäftigungen ist seine vielfältige Ensemblearbeit mit außergewöhnlicher bis unmöglicher Besetzung. •Seit 1988 leitet er international Ensembleworkshops für alle Altersstufen, Stile, Niveaus und Instrumente. http://www.musiccontact.com/on_tour_all.php http://www.burg-fuersteneck.de/kursprogramm |
Le Réveillon de Châtillon 2017 - Franceby Diatonic News |
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http://folkendiois.fr/index.php/reveillon-de-chatillon-2017/ |
Future events / Concerts |
Concerto di Natale con Antonio Grosso - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Didier Laloy in December - BELGIUMby Diatonic News |
![]() 01/12/17 AD LUCEM à LE PUY EN VELAY - LE PUY EN VELAY 16/12/17 Ialma à BIEVRE - CC BIEVRE http://didierlaloy.be/concerts/ |
Mit Musik und Marc Pircher in die Karibik - Weltweitby Diatonic News |
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Auch im Jahr 2018 gibt es wieder eine ganz spezielle Fanreise „Marc Pircher mit Freunden“ in die Karibik … das wird was ganz Besonderes!!! Melden Sie sich so Frùh wie mòglich an: management@marcpircher.at |
A Cajun Christmas w/ Steve Riley & The Mamou Playboys - USAby Diatonic News |
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When: 15-Dec-2017 - 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. Where: Performance Center Cajun Christmas Shows are happening again this year featuring Steve Riley & The Mamou Playboys with the Huval School of Music & talented artists such as Chris Stafford, Melete Woods Terry& Alena Fields Savoy! Santa will be at every show (two hours prior to showtime) and available for photos with your family! Yes, free photos with Santa! Advance Tickets - 1st Row, 2nd Row, VIP Tables and other seats available NOW at 337-789-1538. Tickets at Vermillionville in Lafayette, LA range from $10-$35. The shows will benefit The Marine Toys for Tots. ABOUT THE BAND Steve Riley and the Mamou Playboys began over twenty years ago with a reputation for excellence. Their stunningly clean and cohesive performance of Cajun French music from the backwaters of Southwest Louisiana propelled them into the world music limelight early on. And, by their third release, they'd garnered them a Grammy nomination in the worldwide field of traditional folk music, another in 2004, and then another in 2009. From the day they started, they have gone from strength to strength. Never before in Cajun music has a comparable wealth of skills been brought to the same table. When all that heart and all that skill focus on the revelry of a hot two-step, then turn on a dime and deliver an a cappella ballad, then play something that sounds like Howlin' Wolf fell in lust with a Creole girl, you've found the most Cajun music you can find in any one spot. You've found Steve Riley and the Mamou Playboys! http://www.vermilionville.org/events/a-cajun-christmas-w-steve-riley-the-mamou-playboys |
Renato Borghetti - last Tourdates for December 2017 - Brasilby Diatonic News |
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03/12/2017 RB em Buenos Aires - Teatro San Martin - Festival Musica de la Tierra 08/12/2017 RB e Orquestra Sinfonica de Carazinho na Seara da Cancao de Carazinho/RS 23/12/2017 RB em Machadinho/RS http://www.renatoborghetti.com.br/#agenda |
Milonga dei Laghi Margonara con Antonio Gross a Bologna - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Video: Antonio Grosso performs Czardas, Live at Suoneria Mediterranea Studios. Sabato 2 dicembre dalle ore 19:00 Domenica 3 dicembre dalle ore 20:30 Via del Colle, 1, 40068 San Lazzaro di Savena BO, Italia ECCEZIONALMENTE DI DOMENICA 3 Dicembre Nel suggestivo contesto del circolo ARCI Margonara a Gonzaga Un Evento Speciale L'appuntamento mensile della stagione invernale alla milonga di margonara... Il grande salone del circolo Arci vestito a Tango ospita ogni secondo sabato del mese grandi djs e stages di Tango di altissima qualità Sabati unici caratterizzati anche da un accurato allestimento , l'ospitalità e l'accoglienza curata dallo staff. Quando il tempo lo consente si apre buona parte della veranda con una splendida vista sui laghetti che sono il simbolo di questa bella milonga. a dicembre serata extraordinaria e di DOMENICA per accogliere il ritorno della grande musica dal vivo di ANTONIO GROSSO che già questa estate ci ha trascinato in un vortice di emozioni... Col Quintetto: Antonio Grosso Kilombo Quintet Flavio Scanca chitarra Nives Raso voce Spiro Pano basso Gianluca Arabia batteria Antonio Grosso organetto fisarmonica bandoneon |
Jamie Berzas & Cajun Tradition at Vermillionville - USAby Diatonic News |
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When: 17-Dec-2017 - 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Where: Performance Center Come dance the afternoon away at Vermilionville's Performance Center with Jamie Berzas & Cajun Tradition. For more information call (337) 233-4077. JAMIE BERZAS & CAJUN TRADITION It seems that in these times when Cajun is the ‘in’ thing, it is difficult to sort through all the imitations, fakes and the exploitations of Cajun culture. There is, however, one band–The Cajun Tradition– that was around long before Cajun was popular outside of Acadiana. This band, comprised of five individuals playing down-home Cajun music, has upheld the tradition and excitement of Cajun music throughout its career. The Cajun Tradition has established a tradition of excellence in the performance of Cajun music as demonstrated through the electric reception given to them wherever they play. The group is exciting and dynamic, fun to watch and easy to dance to. Their roots are in the Cajun culture, and it is this heritage that allows them to create the best of what is both traditional and unique in Cajun music. http://www.vermilionville.org/events/jamie-berzas-cajun-tradition |
Tim Le Net & musiciens // S. Cavez & B. Montanaro - Franceby Diatonic News |
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Double plateau musical : Trad-Jazz - Musique du monde 20:30 Des rives de Vilaine à Gand… histoires d’accordéon Cette rencontre musicale est l’occasion d’écrire la partition d’une nouvelle histoire instrumentale. Tout d’abord, Tim Le Net se prend pour un « mécascriptophile » (à vos dictionnaires !) qui s’entoure de deux jazzmen talentueux pour teinter ses compositions musicales d’une nouvelle palette de couleurs. Ses deux dactylographes sont aussi performants sur une Olivetti qu’une Remington ! Quant au duo Cavez/Montanaro, c’est à un voyage entre des vents du Nord et des sons de l’Est qu’il nous convie. Elle est belge, il est franco-hongrois, ils sont compositeurs et vivent dans un univers musical aux multiples influences. Avec leur parfaite complicité et leur naturel presque déconcertant, ils produisent un jeu de velours où les sonorités sont tour à tour mélodieuses ou mélancoliques. Une soirée où la musique sera sans frontières et libre. Avec : Tim Le Net // Accordéon diatonique Jeff Alluin // Piano Maël Morel // Saxophone Photo // Myriam Jégat & Sophie Cavez // Accordéon diatonique Baltazar Montanaro // Violon Photo // Harold Noben www.timotheelenet.sitew.fr www.duomontanarocavez.sitew.com http://www.forumnivillac.fr/programmation/tim-le-net-musiciens-s-cavez-b-montanaro/ |
Weihnachtskonzert im Hubertusstadl/Wien - Austriaby Diatonic News |
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Leroy Thomas & the Zydeco RoadRunners - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() Where: Performance Center Enjoy live music by Leroy Thomas & the Zydeco RoadRunners. Admission is $10 LEROY THOMAS & THE ZYDECO ROAD RUNNERS Leroy Thomas was born in Lake Charles, Louisiana, and raised in Elton, Louisiana by a family of Zydeco musicians, including his father, Leo 'The Bull' Thomas, the only Zydeco musician to lead his band from the drums. At the age of eight, Leroy decided to become a drummer like his father, building his set out of five gallon paint buckets and playing it with tree branches for drumsticks and cardboard tubing from Christmas wrapping paper as a microphone. In his early teens, Leroy used his determination, imagination and resourcefulness to purchase and learn to play his first accordion. At the age of 18, he joined his father's band, and for 15 years they toured the world playing music together. In 1998, Leroy decided it was time to form his own band, and Leroy Thomas & the Zydeco Road Runners was born. Today, they favor what Leroy refers to as 'Old School Zydeco,' having performed in over 33 states as well as overseas, and recorded 8 albums. For more information call (337) 233-4077. http://www.vermilionville.org/events/summer-zydeco-dance-series-leroy-thomas-the-zydeco-roadrunners |
Concerto Fisarmonica#Diatonica - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Saturday 2 december 2017 concert of Salvatore Pace (Diatonic Accordion) and Daniele Carabetta (Accordion) 🎼 |
David Munelly - Antwerpen/Begiumby Diatonic News |
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http://www.davidmunnelly.com/ |
Kristina Olsen - USA/AUSby Diatonic News |
![]() Appearances at the Woodford Folk Festival: Wed 27th Dec 3:00pm Bluestown Fri 29th Dec 12:00pm Bluestown Sun 31st Dec 10:30pm Bill's Bar http://kristinaolsen.com and https://woodfordfolkfestival.com/programme/explore.html |
Andy Cutting @ Haddenham Ceilidhs - GBby Diatonic News |
![]() Village Hall, Banks Parade HP17 8EE Haddenham, Buckinghamshire www.haddenhamceilidhs.co.uk http://www.andy-cutting.co.uk/ |
Celebrate x-mas with the Copperbox Band - USAby Diatonic News |
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![]() yup...that's right... Copper Box...full band...right here...playing all of your favorite Holiday Hits... for Free! (though if you'd like to be sure you have a seat...by all means call to make a reso!) So - do as they advise and get your reservation booked with lot's of fun for an enjoyable evening. Where: Saturday 23 december 2017 8-11 pm at Becket's 2 Jackson St, Oshkosh 54901 becketsrestaurant.com |
Orchestre Familial Seignez-Bacquet sur TF1 - Franceby Diatonic News |
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TV Samedi 9 Décembre à 13h30 sur TF1 Grands Reportages. https://www.tf1pro.com/…/grands-reportages-aventures-en-famille Ne manquez pas! |
M° Norbert Vogel @ Milonga Nazionale 2017 - Argerntinaby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() A lo largo de la Avenida de Mayo, entre el Cabildo yl la Venida 9 de Julio. En la Milonga màs grande, las mejores orgquetas y bailarines de tango del mundo. Info: http://www.vogel.com.ar |
Terry & the Zydeco Bad Boys in concert - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() Where: Performance Center Come dance the afternoon away at Vermilionville's Performance Center with Terry & the Zydeco Bad Boys. TERRY & THE ZYDECO BAD BOYS Terry Domingue Accordion and vocals- Since the age of four Terry would stand at the foot of any stage mesmerized by the band playing at the local trail rides he would attend with his father. At age eight, this self-taught accordion player got his first accordion and has been playing since. Growing up around his grandparents Terry had no choice but to learn Creole French. To keep tradition alive he continues to sing many traditional zydeco songs in French as well as writing many new ones of his own. Chris P. Ardoin Bass and background vocals- Born into a family of zydeco legends such as Amedee and Bois-Sec Ardoin this gifted musician has never picked up an instrument that he cannot play. If you're brave enough to challenge him to Name that Tune, you will quickly learn that he is a walking encyclopedia of Zydeco music and musicians. When he is not entertaining you on stage he is sure to have you in stitches laughing at his impersonations of zydeco legends. Chuck Bush Bass/Guitar and Background vocals- Chuck has been playing bass and guitar for quite some time. He's better known as playing his unique style with the 'Cornbread' man himself, the late great Beau Jocque. He's also played bass with traditional-playing accordionist Andre' Thierry. With his funky bass lines and singing during Terry's short intermissions you are sure to find yourself having a great time. Kendrick Domingue Scrubboard and background vocals- Don't let one of the newest bad boy fool you. While he may be new to the band, he is a true cowboy with strong Zydeco roots. After riding and roping all day it is not unusual to find his horse and best friend, Cotton-Tail, in her trailer outside wherever the Bad Boys happen to be playing. Whether he is in cowboy boots or his Sunday best, his quick arms that provide that choppy old zydeco rhythm & his big smile are sure to charm you. Lil Terry Arceneaux, Drummer- As the newest member of the band, he has brought energy and rhythm of an experienced drummer and true entertainer. Never at a loss for rhythms or words, he will have you stomping your feet and begging for more. http://www.vermilionville.org/events/terry-the-zydeco-bad-boys-1 For more information call (337) 233-4077. |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
Harmonika Strasser .... alles was Sie schon immer wissen wollten.....AUSTRIAby Diatonic News |
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Folx Tv-"Folx on Tour" war mit Jess Robin war im Sommer 2o17 zu Gast bei Harmonika Strasser. Erfahren Sie alles - was Sie schon immer über die Harmonika Strasser Erzeugung wissen wollten! During the summer 2017 the Folx Tv-"Folx on Tour" has visited the Harmonika production Strasser in Austria. Zu Gast: Jess Robin In the 1 hour Report you can see and hear all what you always wanted to know about the Strasser Harmonikas. Guest: Jess Robin Strasser_Folx Tv-"Folx on Tour" |
Music by Sophie Cavez - Franceby Diatonic News |
![]() Et un design de Leen Devyver 😉 — con Julien Padovani https://www.facebook.com/sophie.cavez |
CD "À LA MAISON" von ZYDECO ANNIE + SWAMP CATS - Germanyby Diatonic News |
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Am 07.11.2017 wurde die NEUE CD "À LA MAISON" von ZYDECO ANNIE + SWAMP CATS fertig gestellt und wird am 12. Januar 2018 im Pfleghofsaal Langenau vorgestellt. Vorbestellungen werden unter shop@zydecoannie.de schon jetzt entgegen. Im Dezember 2017 sind sie: 23.12.2017 Schwabinger Weihnachtsmarkt 80802 München, Münchner Freiheit 18:00 Uhr http://www.schwabingerweihnachtsmarkt.de/ 29/30. 12.2017 Triberger Weihnachtszauber 78098 Triberg, Wallfahrtstr. 5 A 15:00 Uhr http://www.triberger-weihnachtszauber.com/ Weitere Info: http://zydecoannie.de/ |
Accordion TV/Film/Radio |
TV "Liabste Weihanchtsweis" - Tirol/Austriaby Diatonic News |
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Am 24. Dezember 2017 Für weihnachtliche Klänge bei der Liabsten Weihnachtsweis am 24. Dezember im ORF Landesstudio Tirol sorgen heuer „RET Chamber Brass“, „Die Saitenhupfer“, „Oberländer 3Xang“ sowie „Jung und frisch“. Jung und frisch Trotz ihres jugendlichen Alters sind diese drei hübschen Musikantinnen aus dem Ötztal bereits „Mei liabste Weis“- erprobt! Sie erfüllten schon zweimal - 2009 und 2011- Musikwünsche bei dieser Live-Fernsehsendung. Auch der Auftritt mit adventlichen Stücken bei der „Weihnachtsweis“ ist für Katharina Kuen (Harmonika), Anna Rausch (Violine), sowie Maria Schnegg (Harfe) keine Premiere. http://tirol.orf.at/tv/stories/2669344/ |
TV im Dezember mit Marc Pircher - A/DEby Diatonic News |
![]() MDR "Meine Schlagerwelt - die Party mit Ross Antony", 20.15 uhr ... aus Leipzig (D); So, 17.12.2017 ATV "Weihnachten auf Gut Aiderbichl", 21.15 Uhr Weihnachts-Show aus Henndorf (Sbg.); http://www.marcpircher.at/tv-auftritte/ Sa, 23.12.2017 SWR-Fernsehen "Weihnachten bei uns daheim", 20.15 Uhr Weihnachts-Sendung aus dem Schwarzwald; Wiederholung am 25.12.2017 um 10.30 Uhr im SWR-Fernsehen; Sa, 23.12.2017 ORF 2 Tirol "Tirol Heute", 18.30 Uhr Scheckübergabe an ORF "Licht ins Dunkel" in Innsbruck; So, 31.12.2017 ORF 2, ARD "Silvestershow", 20.15 Uhr Eurovisions-Sendung LIVE aus Graz; |
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